Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, March 24, 1899, Image 8

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Furnished By Numerous Corres
pondents in the County.
Wo are having fine weather nnoainnre. and
tt makes the farmers stick up their ears and look
ttlittsnnt tor ihev think niavbe they can get a few
hands full of grain put in all right, before it rains
King Rpurgeon, of Clockn!naii, has taken charge
of the upper ustchery again this year. lie has
come out with men to wo-k on the trail and get It
ready for packing In the provisions, etc. J.
Davis will do the packing..
Both Au'tt-n Is on his way back to bt place, up
In the nruntuiiis. 6 mill's above the halolierv.
Look out, Mr. Austin, the panthers will taokle
you again. - ,
Edward Kollnian has returned from Eastern
nrmrnn and has irone no to look after his ranch
which is near CI. C. Miller's sawmill, then he
intend! to return to Mrlwnukle.
Mrs. J. P. Irvln and Miss Iva Williams was
visiting Mis. Annie Covey last week.
Clark Posson has gone back to Michigan. He
mavr he is diseusted with this rainy, muddy
count ry. He likes it where the mercury drops
down to 40 below zero.
Mrs. Annie Reed has been teaching In Portland
and is out home visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Austen, for a Bhort vacation.
Sam Huffman is carrying the mail at Garfield
Frank Gill will teach the spring term rf school
at Garfield M. u. Warner win teacn o momus
school at the Tracy school house.
Mr. Emerson Is very busy trlmtng his prune
Mrs Nena Tracy has got the la grippe.
T. Vocum is not running his sawmill at present
He Is putting in bis grain.
Lewis Palmatenr and Miss Ida Surf in went up
to Portervilie to the meeting Sunday
Miss Creta Lomon was visiting at Mrs, Davis'
John Ingllsh and Milton Marshal took some
Deef cattle I" uregoucity oaiuruay. :
Mondnv. 2t)tfa. it is snowina- little. Perhaps
we will get another sleigh ride jet this spring.
Oh, for bettor roads out this way, If we lived
near Randy the county court would give us 110(10
to help fix our roads, but as it is they wont hardly
allow our road boss enough to fix a bad place.
No part has done more volunteer work than (he
rtarfleld folks, yet they are left out In the cold
when it comes to roads.
The people are improving this nice weather by
putting in their spring crop. .
W. T. Henderson is plowing for Mr. Holland.
School began Monday morning with A. B.
Herman as teacher.
Mrs. Shubert is quite sick and Mr. Shabert is
going to Oregon Ulty to onng nis aaugiiter uomo.
Mr. Cadonan made a trip to Oregon City and
reports the road in bad condition.
Mrs. Duff, of Oregon City, Ib out on ber claim.
Grandpa Hovlan and grandson, of Clarkes, are
over on N.Boylan's place taking care of stock.
Eiwoad was treated lo a grand temperance
lecture by the 17-year-old son of Rev. Rhys
Oivynn, of Wilhoit, March 11th. He preached
Sunday nlirht.
Ray and Curtis Wilcox, of Garfield, were visit
ing their grandfather, mr. Scott, this week.
Mrs. Nisley, of Portland, came up to see her
parents, who are sick. .
March 17. Sawi Vate.
March 20,
The few good days that prevailed last week were
well used by the farmers. Home got a little grain
sown, while today it is raining and snowing;
nevertheless the fall sown grain is looking
School commenced today In the Bock Creek
district with Miss Annie Young at the he.m.
Potatoes are out of sight, that la , the price, when
the tanners naven i any to sen.
George Sharp and Frank Morton will start for
Eastern Oregon to-morrow.
Benjlman Klmbley is able to be around again
and is prepared to do and all kinds of work at
prevailing prices.
A. W. Cook Is suffering Immensely with felon
on his thumb.
J. W. Hilleary will move Into his new residence
soon, ,
The masquerade ball given at the hall last Satnr.
day night was a decided success in every detail
The behavior was good, the conduct was better
and the suits out of sight, that is, in appearanoe.
The Borlbe. of Sunnyside, to the Press, Is a
genus of considerable oote: we are pleased to hear
neb hreezv ticwh from sn nnnular a neraonaure.
Never! heloss, we must take a Dutchman for what
they mean and that means that the pupils of
Hunnysido did not get the Rock Creek school; the
Scribe should make some luuulrv and learn the
text before wrillug so bre y. The Siiiinyalde
would-be school teachers aro all right. We knew
that lonx uk; nine niriiin, Sunnyside, and help
tlie Press along and don't forgot to give your
March 20. XX.
Hail spring, gentle spring, with its hail, snow,
rain and a very little sunshine to keep us from
getting the blues
Farmers have commenced their spring work of
plowing, planting and sowing. Orchards are
being trimmed and everything looks as U spring
and Industry bad awakened together,
J D. Eller, of Portland, has rented and moved
onto the old Clift farm.
Rev. Wllley, of Oregon City, preached at the
Free Methodist church on Sunday last.
County Surveyor Rands spent three days here
last week surveying land for F. Ott, 8. D. Taylor
aid 8. K. Johnson.
J. B. Welch finished fencing bis hillside ranch
att week.
Miss Mary Wllley, of Oregon City, is here this
we, k visiting at the home of Rev. W. J. Bower
man. Alec Baker, who has been on a visit to his unole,
A. Hunter, of this place, returned to his home
at Eagle Creek last Friday.
Professor Stalnaker and F. H. Sumner returned
horn Sunday from business trip to Sandy
Ths Dewey literary society met Friday evaniag
last at the school house, and a very enjoyable
evening waa reported by all wboattended.
March 21. ' . .
Harmony. .
A naw comer arrived at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. John A. Davis Saturday. It's a girl.
Miss Bose Schlagel.of Washington county, Is
visiting relatives here. ,
Miss Lizzie Blakney has been engaged to teaoh
the Happy Hollow school.
Con Battln la clearing a tract of land for W. T.
The roads havedryed oensllerably since belter
weath r set in.
Prof. F. 0. Btreyffeler filled the Evangelical pul
nit Sunday.
' We are glad to learn that the count oourt has
prohibited the piling of cordwood in the road,
as it is the means of frightening teams, besides
being in the way oi travel.
F. M. Holmes and family have gone to their
home in Eastern Oregon.
Th Clackamas conntv Sunday school conven
tton will be held in the Harmony church April
18 and 14.
Jenas Frledenlhal, an employs of Flelschner,
Mayer Co., of Portland, was in Harmony Bun-
Hurrah, for the Teaehers' association at Mil
waukie next oaiuruay.
March 20, C.
Farmers are busy sowing their spring grain.
Mr. Blubm is setting out a young orchard. .
Miss Matilda Weiss, of Portland, was visiting
her cousin, G. A, Schubel and family a few days.
Oscar Guntherhas left for Eastern Oregon.
W. D. Robertson is home again. He expect to
stay for the summer . ,
Miss Flora Bluhm was sick with the grip, but
is getting Detter.
Martin Mnsslnger is going to teach the Paine
school this spring.
E. Wv Homshuh is limping around with a car
buncle on his leg. .
Mr. Cummins is thinking of gcttlne a sawmill.
He would furnish plank lor several miles ot roaa
at a seasonable figure. -..
Mr. Editor, while talking of roads, would it not
be a good idea for the county court to spend say
two or three thousand dollars on eacn main roaa
leadine to Oreeoii Citv For instance, the county
went in debt for a new court house. We do not
oniDlaln.but how much better would it be if we
would o in debt the same amount for srood roads
so we could gel to the court house all times of
the year, and not only about lax paying time. 1 ne
neonle out in this direction are ever willing to do
their share. An effort will be made to induce the
court to nlve us three miles of clank road. The
people to grade and lay down the plank, the court
to furnish planks, spikes, etc, flense use your
influence In that direction.
If the paners will take no the farmers' burden
and the farmers come in three thousand strong,
the court itself belli? farmers. I have no doubt
but they would be willing to go in debt even a
hundred thousand more and tt wouldn't be to
much, as the farmers would then get some heneflt
of their taxes. At the present time ifyouaska
farmer- whv he navs taxes he after answers, so
those fellows in the court house can have a soft
snap, yes, softer than they ever struck in private
life. 1 mink it snout oe tne larmers ueai now.
March 20. - - : 9
New Era.
Wo are glad to see good weather and good roads
Mrs. Newbury and son, Wilbur, 'were In Oregon
City Saturday last, ,
li, Frederick was in Oregon City last week.:
An tuna Bhefchlck made a flying trip to Oregon
City Saturday lust. .;
Farmers ar busy putting in their crops. i,
Mrs. Burgoyne is improving rapidly from her
Illness, ;
Frank MuArthur, Walter Mend and Elmer
Veteto are bound for the Columbia river.
Singing us usual on Wednesday evening at the
school house.
St. Pat's day ooiuo ami went silently.
Mr. Newbury's barn was burned Sunday night.
Maroh 21. Snow Ball,
Hew Era.
Fine weather Is vlt,i ub again. '
Joseph Hhefchlok. who has been under the
doctor's care at Portland fur some time, was soon
visiting his parents a few weeks ago.
Joe Ue'lf, who has been slok for some time, Is
able to do his work again.
Herman Anthony Is recovering very fast.
John and Sam Cruder have finished their wood
cutting, n.
Miss llertli Likes quit school Friday,
Hen ember Unit there la singing every Wednes
day night.
Samuel Crader left for Eastern Oregon Sunday.
Mrs. Burgoyne has been quite sick with the
i lieu ma' Ism for about two weeks. We hope she
will recover soon.
Bert McArllmr was vorv much surprised hi the
y mug folks .Saturday lilglil. Quite a large crowd
attended, and had a very pleasant time.
March 111. Bwti't Ht'NCH w Daisies.
Pleasant Hill.
We had a few warm sunshiny days last week,
but the weather is quite cnuiy again.
The farmers of this neighborhood are busy plow.
Ing and preparing lor seeding.
A series of revival meetings are being held at
the Ravenswood Baptist Clmrcn. yimean inter
est is manifested in the meeting". '
Easter Sunday will be duly observed at the Ger
man church by the rend ition of a well selected and
carefully prepared program. .
The directors of the Logau schools have elected
the following teachers fur the spring terms
Lower Logan, Willard W. Austen, re-elected; 11
Doner Loirnn. Mrs. J. W. Karten has been aleote
to succeed Miss K M. Wrlgley, who has returned to
her home in Illinois; In Norm Logau, Mrs.
Matilda Frakes has been re-elected. All the
Lugan schools aro now in session, except the Up
per Logau school, winch will commence on the
first Monday in next month.
Frank Wilson is building a line new barn. A.
J. Johnston framed it Mr. Wilsou is one of our
enterprising young men .
Rev, W. D. Morehouse and family, of Viola,
were the guest of Mr. and Mrs A. J. Johnston
last Sunday. 1 -
George B. Frottnr, Charlos Thun. L. W. Hamp
ton and wife have gone to Eastern Oregon to spend
the summer; .
Henry B ibler and A. J. Johnston will leave for
Wriingel, Alaska In a few days, where they have
good punitioiis awaiting them.
Mrs, Hutchlns' folks have been on the sick list
for several days. At thla willing they are but
slightly lcprovod in health.
Henry Goebel has the contract to clear several
acres of'latid for Mr. Strowbrldgo.
Miss Llzzlo Wilson has returned home after a
two months' visit with her sister, Mrs. Folson, at
Sprague, wash.
Wtllard W. Austen line declined the call of a
large school in Grant oounty and will retain his
position as tearher of the Lower Logan school.
Miss Mahals Gill will teach theStrlcklr.rd school
this spring. This is ber first school. Miss Gill Is
a bright youug lady and we wish her the best of
Rev. Preston will nr.nch at the Bnnllst church
next Sunday. Everybody is cordially invited to
attend tne services.
M iss Clara Severe, of Viola, was the guest of
Hiss Kelta (ierbor lust Saturday evening.
Mr and Mrs. Fred Gerber made a business trip
to Portland yesterday.
Mr. Kerr, lately of Wllsonvllle. has rented Mr.
Frederick's farm for a term of two years and If
everything Is satisfactory will remain longer
Father Robertson Is eonvaleslng and Is able to
be out of doors in pleasant weather.
March 21. Twilight.
The ground is covored with snow.
Setting hop poles iB in order once more :
OleWestfall, of Middleton, is sharpening hop
poles for Jay Baker.
L. T. Vinson's team ran away one day last
week and broke his wagon. Mo one nun.
Bud Boean. of Butteville, has been with us for
a few days nuying potatoes auu uumus.
At the annual school meeting of district No. 84,
M nf Yamhill and Clackamas county. J. V.
lOUng anu J. . nonuiail was rw-eieuieu uireuwji
and olerk. Tne otner airecwra are nioiiaiu rur-
rott and Jay Baker.
Mrs. Monroe, who has been visiting in Port
land for three weeks, returned home Saturday,
The Woodman of the World organized a lodge
at Sherwood on tne u inst.
wniit, Bros . hutehers. of Sherwood, are going
to move to Oregon City, where they are going to
start a snop. xney are nrsi-oiaae uuiuiioib
Success to them.
J. P. Younir lg nutting wire on five aores of
his 15-aere hop yard. Hs said the cost would be
po per acre. Jay Halter nas oougni iwmeanu
is going to twine his yard.
Will Edwards has rented his farm and moved
to Portland . .
Ifanv niit wants to hear what the Pleasant
Hill boys nave to Bay aoout me vreguu urgwaiuia
3ust oomo up ana near tueiu cubs i-uo uijww tax.
Homt ft Lachman. Portlaud hop dealers, are
contracting hops at eleven cents for '99 crop.
March 15. BEN.
Theo Kraeft received notice Tuesday evening
of the death of his father, in Poitland, who has
been ill for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. Kraeft
will remain in Portland until after the funeral.
At the confirmation exercises to be held at the
German Lutheran church of Oregon City, Miss
Ardella Kraeft will be one of the participants.
H. French has removed his family to the
dwelling formerly occupied by Z. S. Gard, now of
Frank Yaeh has purchased a new wafcon and
will begin hauling wood soon.
Eev. and Mrs. A J. Montgomery, of Oreeon City,
made a trip to Crescent on their wheels Wednes
day to oall on friends and visit the sohoil.
Mrs. F. Strowbridge and daughter mid son,
George, will leave within a month for Eastern
Oregon to Join Mr. Strowbridge, who went Ihere
about two months ago. . ' .
March 22. . " ' Cob.
Copy of Letter to Independent.
Obeoon City, March 18th.
Editor Canbv Independent Dear Sir: As to
your honesty and fairness in making misquotions
Mid unwarrauiauie ueuuciwu num. mowau
publishing the letter in defence of one whom you
bad altacaea, we mini iv hib imipw hi juukv.
It is certaiuly unique conduct in modern Journal
ism. . ..,.,.,
On March 3rd vou admitted tne lairs properties,
fl ur mills, woolen mills, pulp and paper mills,
lobe assessed at something like a fair estimate.
In the issue of March 17th you say that all the
fall's properties do not pay one-teuth of their juat
share of taxation, and falsely charge me with
coi fcssedlv fldim'.t ng tne samo.
While admitting the increase in assessment on
the woolen mills to be fair, you denounce Mr.
Stout for the Increase on the P. G. E. Co 's
properties, which was nearly eight times as much.
You quote from my let er "some of u- know the
opposite of this," nnd deliberately misconstrue
tne sentence, apjmreuuy to vnm a dim, ... , u
you keep up the misrepresentation in difterent
ninles. Yuii sav alleeed lea lers of the party, In
sisted that the assessment oi the P.G. E Co .should
be one million, but Mr. Myers after careful con
sideration fairly and honestly flxsd it at about
half, ;i20,00J.
In your 3rd editorial or mis issue you tay;
l ot i,a men he made to show their books to
th end that the assessor may deal fairly with all
without fear or favor."
This Is exactly now tne assessment ui tne r. u.
Cc was fixed. Iheir books were demanded
anA vuitine determined accordinGr to the sworn
totemnnt of the officials, and Information of
tuiAh ,hn itonnlv wri not coirnizant ima en
abled the court to decide according to t. eir best
Judgement what was a fair amount. And for
doing this, Just what you say should be done, (
indiscreet popuusis nave iiuwieu ii,wiuiiiiuD-i ,
Mr. Stout from office. Such conduct Is certainly :
queer, as you Bay, and makes the party look
foolish. i
Your articles are subject to mucn severer erino
Ism, but myobject, next to defending the eharao-1
ter of one whom to know is to esteem, is to show
that with th i best Intentions, as you quote, hell is .
paved wilh them, we are an more or ies wcuu
On Top.
The top of the Shoe
isn't where the most wear comes, but
it's important, nevertheless. . Tops
are made in a great variety of styles
now-a-days! All of them are good,
but some more beautiful than others.
We have all the new" styles of tops
for you to select from. ,
220 First Street - - - Portland, Oregon J
Has just returned from San Francisco with ... $
a complete assortment of T
Imported Pattern Hat$ & Milliueru Noveltie$
. Hats trimmed to order. Feathers dyed and curled. T
paVOU WHU VIICIU, oio a., .uw.w , I
sistenr, even so critical a person as ad editor,may i
unintentionally place himself and others in a false
position. , , . .
With the tremendous issues at stake, involving
the well-being if not the very life of the nation,
we have r-o time to bicker and quarrel ou per
sonal or minor matters, ana tne reiorm party ,u-
not afford to be hypocritical witn us eieeteu
standard bearers. Beforra, li n ever comes, wi
be by the united force of these, as we all ara im
perfect specimens of humanity. The gold stand
ard is compelling the farmers to sell his wheat
and other produoe at 48 cents on the dollar, Out
e thniiaallri rin Rrfi WOftn nR OH1V KCIB e3U.
The worker is compelled to Bell his labor at the
same rates. . , ...
I wrote an argument a few weeas ago wumu
might have set some of your readers to thinking
and requiring. Let us rise to issues that are of
overwhelming Importance to ns. This penny
wise and pound foolish methodt of throwing
away 670 out of every thousand dollars we earn,
then quarellng over the pennies is like trying to
plug the bun,g-hole with the bottom of the
Earrelout. 'I.&eavks.
Mountain View.
Died, at her home In Klv, on Frldav morning,
March 17th, IH'.HI, Miss Ma Alice Francis, age 211
ears, S immilisaiid itdnys. She leaves her father,
Ive brothers end three sisters, and a host of
rlnnds to mourn her loss. Her remain were
aid to rest In Lima Kir oemelerv In Washington
utility bv the side of her mother, who died filteen
cum aicu next June. The family were all present
. I the funeral, which was conducted by Vtinon
range of i ualat In, of which she was a charter
Mrs. 8, J. and M A. JIowltt were here Sunday
to attend the funeral oi their nelce, Ida Francis,
Mr. Maple and family have moved from this
'urg to a house near the uarciay school
J. N. Miller and wife will move to their Bew
home lu asUlnglon county next Monday.
Mr. Hloud and family are moving to their
r irnur home lu amhlli county.
Otto Wohler and family are moving Into the
nine lately vacated by Mr. Mnpis.
M. K. and F. 0 Francis returned to their work
-.u the Sound at P. T. Gamble ou Tuesday.
March 22. Siuv,
Sew Eva.
lialland ,
School in district No. 75 closed on the evoiiineof
mil Willi an entertainment. Dome nr the loading
feature were a oiun swinging and (mil entitled
How Hewer look Manila," which showed good
training. Atier literary program graduation ex
ercises took place. Ihe graduates of itodlaiid
school wera 1). 11. Mosher, Maude Stone, Fred
Heikey, uilmore Belilmer and Oswald Beblmer,
There were 4 graduates of Viola Bchooi which
took part In the exeroltes, Loren Tenny, Olive
reuny, unrisuna munition anu uora ward. All
showed tlulr scholarship In their essays, as thev
were all very good. The diplomas were presented
riy ij. suns oi tne ltcdtatm, ana y J. A. uandoit,
of Yiola, to the Viola class. At the close ot ex
ercises (. ssslo w Hoox presented Mr. Kutherford
communion goiu pen ana pencil Holder from
patrons and pupils. Much credit is due our
teacher for the untireiitg interest be lias shown in
performing his duties, and hope he will see his
way eiear to teacn nere again tins coming winter
M t a Maw U.. ... .nr1 l.an .t .1 -.. 1 f II ... I
Mont. Bhe says Oregon is good enough as it was
vi ueiuw sero mere.
We are sorry to say that Oswald Itehlmer la on
the sick list, eonlined to his bed, but hope he
wiit niiiU uv wuu agaiu.
March 10. .
W S,
We often see rain and also sunshine.
We don't hear much news from oar little village
m here are a few Items.
Bcrl Mo Arthur was gladly surprised by the New
.1 youngsters They enjoyed themselves very
ell. They had a new sidewalk made for them to
, ive a tine walk on, no mud wasseeu on the way,
Sunday school at 8 p. m. Kioelletit music fur-
i died by li, M. lloggas, and sluglng by Mr Siilllu.
t, C. Newbury's bam burned down Sunday
ii flit about V o'clock: even a three-legged cat
. miied from its neat to save its life.
Frank MoArlhur, Walter Mead and Elruer Yuloto
ft for Columbia river.
Mtaa ilurganye waa visiting her parents a week
Kate Newbury was missing at the Sunday
e 'tool. V hat does that mean .
We hear rumors of another surprise party,
Mrs. Newbury and son, Wtlher, made a flying
ip to Oregou City the other day.
vValter Mead left this town because his gal
v.-eiil back on him.
Wilber Newbury and Rob McArllmr were teen
i ding on their bicyclea Sunday.
Sam Crader left fur Eastern Oregon Sunday.
.Ve would b glad to sear from the Triplet
M ,roB 20. Jc KoA
Mr. Hacker's condition is Improving, but hs has
not nuiy rcuuvereu.
Harry Freeman expects to leave for Montana lu
tne near luture.
Resolution of Tlianks.
At the meeting of the school board held last
Friday evening, Charles H. Caufleld preseuted
the following resolution, which on motion of
tx u ,t.nHman wail ,, I, UTllmOUBl V adOOted 1
That, in the retirement oi nr. v r,. ,"
the office of director of School district No. -62, of
Clackamas county; that the public loses a con
scientious ana taitniui representative, "
has ever had the best interests of the Bchools of
the district at heart, and who has labored faith
fully and well for the upbuilding of the educa
tional interests of the children of the district, and
the members of this boaro reoogiuziiig mo "' "
wish hereby to express our appreciation of his
uniform courtesy and kindness while we have
been associated with him as direotors.
MILLINERY OPENINO. March 24th and 35th
al the Red Front Store. Oregon Citv, tine display
of beautiful hats, and a cordial invitation to
come and inspect them. Our usual reasonable
prices. Mbs. M. E. Hamilton.
Department op thb Interior, j
United States Land OmcxA
Oregon City, Ore., Feb. 21, 1899.)
ing been filed in this office by Asa Beed. con
testant, against homestead entry No. 11576, made
untoher 4. 1890. lorBWM section o. towusiuu o a,
range i e, ey junus eteinoerg, conteetee, m wmcn
it Ib allncnd that the said Julius SteinlierK has
wholly abandoned said tract and ohanged his resi
dence tnereirom lor more man twelve mwiiow
lasrpast and next to the date of said contest affi
davit; that the Bald Steinberg not only abandoned
his claim but actually abandoned the state of
Oregon about twelve months ago and went to
Klondike. Alaska, and as far as known he still re
sides at the present in Alaska; that the statements
oontalned in his pretended "leave of absenoe,'
filed February, 1898, were not such as to justify a
leave of absen -, such as the Act of March 2, 1879.
ever.contemplated; that said tract is not settled
upon and cultivated by said claimant as required
hv law at anv nerlod since the date of said entry.
aniit rtfu-Mes urn herbv notified to aonear. respond
and offer evidence touohlng said allegations at 10,
0 clock, A. M , on Apau is, imw, neiore tne egis
ter and Receiver at the United States Land Office
In firaann flttv. Ornffotl.
'the said contestant naving, in a proper immmi
filed February 20, 1899, set forth facts which show
that after due diligence personal service of this
nntlna annnt hn marin. it IS herebv Ordered Snd
directed that snch notice be given by due and
proper publication. wm. ualiLajwai,
V. B.Tapp made a trip to Portland uwt week.
n a Ctiderahvwent to Oregon City last week:
o iai-i the mads nre te.irlble. Our loads hero, in
m fool hills do not get so iiiuuoy uiinug uie
Inter as they do down lower in the valley.
Miss Clara Frasler was vlsiling her sister, Mrs.
Shidlies, of Salmon, last week.
Claud Batty was visiting in Portland last week.
We are having winter weather again It is
snowing and the wind blows cold.
Farmers are gulling plenty of time to rest this
spring. . '
March 21. J aok Fhost.
School Notes.
Thov ore havlnir busv times in the office of the
oounty superintendent, as the work had accum
ulated Oliring me vacancy m me min.
Bnwliuid, the new superintendent begun active
wor lat Saturday and Is being ably assisted by
the ollloient doputy snperiniouucni, mrs . m.
Strange. Quite a li timber of the official bonds of
the newly eieeiCU suikhh eieran um nut im'a mo
required 60 cent revenue stamo. To properly ad
just this matter County, Superintendent N. W.
Bowland has sent nut the following circular let
ter to the delinquent school clerks: "Your bond
requires a 50 oent revenue stamp placed upon it
before it can be Hied In this office. You may
send the stamp or tne i cents to tins omoe auu
thi matter will b-attended to at once. Said SO
cents may be deducted from the school fund of
your district." ,
Great preparations are being made tor tne reg
ular monthly meeting of the Clackamas county
Educational Association to be held at Milwaukie
8 turday. The program was printed In full last
The following class will graduate tonight from
Mm . eon lu Kowen'S scnooi, uisti let ru. t.i, oen
David 11. Thomas, Mary Hermann and Joseph
Fisher. Their diplomas hive been signed by the
countv superintendent, una win ne counter
signed by the teaeher and school board
f lu Maud Salisbury has been elected to tench
the Mullno school, to begin April 3rd.
Tula. Mrv Younir. of Milwaukie, will begin a
term of school at Clarkes on April 3rd.
mi Tinlsv Sandstone will begin a term of
school at Sherwood about April 3rd.
mi.. Jnonnhlnn Fnllerton is the new teacher In
the prim try department of the Canby sehool.
An Old Soldier
His Storv of What Hood's Sar-
saparilla Has Done
Whole Family .Greatly Helped by
Thi3 Medicine.
"I am an old run down soldier, my
whole system being out of order and my
right side partially paralyzed. I have
tried various remedies and realized only
temporary relief. I have been taking
Hood's Sarsaparilla and Hood's Pills, and
have derived more real benefit from them
than anything I have tried. My wife has
been greatly helped by Hood's Sarsapa
rilla. She waa all run down and her
system much oat oi order. My two little
boys recovered quickly from the effects
of diphtheria by taking Hood's rSarsapa-
rilla, which rid them of troublesome sores
and symptoms of the croup. They era
now well and hearty." W. P. Bchnett,
Starkey, Oregon. Remember
Is the best-In fact the One True Blood Purifier,
" been appointed exeoutrix of the last will
and testament, of the estate of Samuel Heiple,
deoeased, by the Hon. county court of L'lackamaa
county, Oregon. All persons having claims
against said estate are hereby notified to present
the same to me for payment, at my home at
F.airlR Oeelr (Ourrinsville P. O.i Clackamas ooun
ty, Oregon, with proper vouchers, within six
months from the date of this nottce.
Executrix of Ihe last will and testament ef Sam
uel Heiple, deceased.
t'aled this 20th day of February, 1899.
1 is hereby given that I have filed my final
ronort as executor of the will of Jollll Mlllam, de-
Ceased, and that tho probate court of Clackamas
conntv. Mute nf Oregon, has set Monday, the. 3d
day-of April, 18U9, at the hour of 10 o'clock a.m.
for the hearing of the said report and objections
thereto, if any there be, et which time all persons
that are interested are hereby notified to be present.
Executor of the will of John Fullman, deceased.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, foe
the County of Clackamas.
G. A. Bockwood,
Wm. M. Burket and Sarah Burket,
his wife, and Josepn Bug ine Hed
ges, as Kxeoutor of the will of I
Josenh Hedges, deceased.
State of Oregon, Countwof Clackamas.
1 eree and an execution, duly Issued out of and
under the seal of the above entitled court, in the
above entitled cause, and to me duly directed and
dated the stn a ay oi renruary, isw, upon a juag.
ment rendered and entered in said court ou the
31st day of January, 1899, in favor of G. A. Rock.
wooa, piainun, ana against vvm. vi. ouraet aim
Karah tiurkel, mi wile, ana josepn uugene neo.
ges as executor of the will of Joseph Hedges,
deceased, defendants, for the sum of 1189.40,
with Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per
annum from the 81st day of January, 1899, and
fuither sum of 140.00, as attorney's fee, and
the further sum of 22.24, with Interest thereon
from the Hist day of January, isw, ana me
the further sum of S12 50 costs and disbursements
and the costs of and upon this writ, Commanding
me to make sale of the following described real
property, situate in the county of Clackamas -state
of Oregon, to-wit: ' ,
hi or lot one (1) oi coca nineteen ul in noiinea
tdditioB to Oregon City. Oregon, which W is de
scribed as follows: Beginning at the northwest
corner of said lot one (1) and thence east along
the north line of said lot ixi leet: mence soutn
parallel with the west line of said lot one (1) 200
feet to the south side of said lot one (1); thenca
west 50 feet to the southwest corner ot said lot
one (1); thence north along west line 200 feet to
plaoe of beginning, said lot being In the north
part oi saw Holmes' v. Li. u. no. w, noiincation
673, on the part of said claim adjoining Oregon
City ,
Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution,
judgment order and decree, and in compliance
with the commauds of said writ, 1 will, on
1899, at the hour of one o'clock P. M., at the front
door of the Oounty Court House in the city of
Oregon Olty. In said county and state, sell at pub,
lie a ictlon, subject to redemption, to the highest
bidder, for U. B. gold coin, cash in baud, all the
right, title and Interest w hich the within named
defendants, or either of them, had on the date of
the mortgage herein, or since had In or to tho
above described real property or any part thereof,
to satisfy said execution, judgment older, decree,
interest, costs aim ail accruing costs.
' Pheiiff of Clackamas County, Orcgop,
Dated Oregon City, Oregon, Feb. 8, 1899,
Notice of Sale of Delinquent Stock.
tJ j-j.n cure nausea, indigestion,
nOOa S FlllS biliousness, constipation.
Milling Company Notice.
Notice is hereby t-'iven that a meeting
of the Blue River Minim and Milhnur
will be held at the city p.onnoil
Atiss oeiinio ivii.tv.i b bi iivut, i.tv. - - - v r- -J ,r , . o O m
ver creek: Charles Forbes. Hteve i,onaergan, chamber On Monday, prn o, i i y. ui
i tue of curtain assessments- on the shares of
capital stock of the BlueKiver Mining and Mill
ing UOmpilllV, R COrpor.moj, Ui usokssiucuhj uitij
levb d bv the directors thereof at their duly called
meetings on the Sth day of June 1896, Aug. 15,
1897, and Set. 17, 1898, and by virtue of the
action of the board of directors of Bald corpora
tion ou Ihe 1st day of February, 1899, said assess
m.nii worn declared to be delinouent. and pur
suant to the order thereof, now, therefore, the
f,,iiiiwiinr slock will on Saturday. April 1st, 1899,
at il o'clock p. m., at the front door of the court
house in the citv of Oregon City. Oregon, be sold
by me at public auction, to Ihe highest bidder for
cash in hand, to make the amount of assessment
and costs of advertising therein, namely!
Name. No. Shares. Amount
B. F. Linn '. 1,S00 .6.25
Francis Rans 297 6.67
N. O Wnlden Estate 1,W 38 0"
W. W. Mver 4,000 00.00
J. W Potter 200 , 8.011
Pete Nehrin 200 3.00
Oregon City, Feb. 23, 1899.
J. M. TRACY, President.
J. J. COOKE, Secretary,
J. M.Thacy, President.
J. Cooke, Secretary.
Mr. Baker, of the West Side, has the contract
for constructing 2S90 feet of road Inst above
Strlngtown. The work is done under the super
vision oi the ruip tx. rne new road will be
situated on the left side of the rallr ad track,
lusteauoi tne rigni sine wuere u is now. upera
Hons were commenced last Thursday, and the
work will be completed lu about 30'davs . The
Uotithere) Paolllc will construct 700 feet cif switch
on the old right of way for the purpose delivering
logs lor tue muis.
A meeting of the Canemah literary society was
held at the old school house Thursday night. The
following oiUcera were elected: tillbort Hedges,
president: Thomas Ui.duy, vice-president; Wil
liam Marshall, secretary; Uenrge Rakel, assistant
seoretary; J. K, Hedges, treasurer. The subject
for discussion nest Friday night: "Resoted,
That the Present Administration Ought to be
Indorsed;" t)llturt Hedges leader on the anlrma
live, and J. K. Iledaes leader on the negative.
The debate will, no doubt, be Interesting from a
political as well as an oratoiical standpoint.
Rer. Latouteu. la holding services tt the
napei every eveumg tins week,
March 2. 1'iski.u.
Fraternal Matters.
n,o Wood men of the World w.ll give a free en
tertainment al Welnbard's hall, Saturday ever,
i,... ur..l, MM. A mlect musical urogram will
be followed by a lecture on Woodcr.ft by Head
Organiser Rogers, of California, one of the ablest
orators on the coast. There will be a nail drlv-
Ing eon test by the ladles, and nrsi aim seuono. pri
ses will ue awarded, au are mviieu, m cti.
tally ladies.
Meade Relief Corps No, 18 meets at Willamette
hall thu first Monday In every month at 2 o'clock
p. m and the third Monday in every mount at
7:30 p. m. The auxiliary meets at the armory
building on the first and third Saturdays In each
month at 8 o'clock p. in.
Mas. RostNA Foots, President.
MH8. MakY h. Bkadi.1V, Secretary.
C, H. Foster, R. Pandas and August Btaliley, of
New Era, paid Falls View Lodge No, 69, A. O. U.
VV a fraternal visit last Saturday night.
The Artisans initiated 20 new members at th e
meeting held last Thursday uigni .
Seven new members were Initiated at the meet
I,.,. r Vails View Kiirammueiit No. 4. I. O. O. F
held Wednesday night. Five new applications for
th i,tilaml,lcal deirree were received. Al the
olose of Ihe ceremonies a banquet waa served.
The encampment Is prospering,
1'rolHtte Court.
In the matter of tha estate of Elizabeth J
Hedges, deceased, George A.Harding and H. L
Wuliv v..eni,,r.. were irlven further time to tils
n lv..ni,,rv It waa ordered that W. A. Hedges.
U. B. Dim tek and v. u. t. w imams oe appuiuieu
B. F. Swope asked that a guardian of; estate of
Angle Raima, who la now lu tl. slate insane
asylum, be appointed.
The new bond of W. T. Bunnell, a Imlnislrator ot
the estate of Charles Bunnell, aeceaseu, was men
and approved.
The will of Charles K. Murray, deceased, was
admitted to prolte. The estate consists of notes
and mortgage amounting tofHOO, All of the es
tate la bequeathed to Charlea K. Murray, jr., ex
cept 5, which goes to Shelly Murray at St. Louis,
Mo. Charles K Murray Jr., Is also named as executor.
Notice Is hereby given that I have been appoint
ed administrator of the estate of Henry Klise,
deceased, bv the Honorable County Court of
Clitckanifts county, Oregon. All perfons having
claims against said estate are hereby notllied to
present the same lo me for payment at my home
iioar Liberal poslornte.Olaokam-is county .Oregon,
with proper vouchers theretor, within six months
from the date of this notice.
Paled at Oregon City, Oregon, this 22nd day of
March, 1899.wiuAM H jirfSBAND,
Administrator of the estate of Henry Kl Ise, deceased.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Clackamas. June nam r;.o,
plaintiff, vs. Lain Foo, defendant. To Lam too,
the above named defendant: In the name of the
slate of Oregon, you are nereuy rvu,,., ... ap
pear and answer the onmplaint filed against you
in the ahove entitled court in thla cause within
six weeks from the date of the first publication
of this summons, to-wit: On or before the 26th
day of Maroh. me j P"'
C-L,. .ih. lnih dav nf Februa-y. 1899. and the
last publication oeing on toe urn j
1899, and if yon fail to answer, plaintiff will ap
ply to the court lor tne reiiet prayeu ior
i.it.t in., i.ii. lit For a decree of nullity
ol marriage between you and the plaintiff, on the
ground thanou nave a nviug who i i"
marriage. 2nd-And for a decree dissolving the
bonds of matrimony now existing between yon
and the plaintiff, on the grounds of cruel and
inhuman trealmetit of planum, rendering life
burdensome. For costs of suit and general relier.
This summons Is published pursuant to an order
of Hon. Thomas F. Ryan, county judge of sa'd
conntv, in the absenoe of the judge of said circuit
oourt.'granted on February 9, 1899, and preserili
inc publication of tho auinmons herein once a
week for six weeks. N. H. Buinoxi.o,
Plaintiffs Attorney.
In the circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Clackamas.
Leolle Blair, Plaintiff,
Johnathan B. Blair, Defendant.
To Johnathan R. Blair, the defendant above
Yon are hereby required to appear and answer
the cnuinraiiit filed auainst vou in the above en
titled court In this cause within six weeks from
the date of Ihe first publication of this summons,
that Is to say, on or before the 15th day of April.
1X99, the first puhlicnuon or tins biiiiiuiiium uenia
on the 3d "dav of March, 1899, and the last on the
14th dnv of April, 1899, and if you fall to answor
Plaintil't will apply to the court for the relief
praved for ill the complaint, to-wit : That the
bonds of matrimnnv heretofore and now eiist
ing between plaintiff and defendant be dissolv
ed : that plainliff haye the custody and control
of their minor child ; that she have her costs and
disbursements herein, and such other and furth
er relief as shall seem meet In the premises.
Tbl nimmoiia Is Dublished pursuant to an
order of the Hon. Thos. F. Ryan, county judge
of i 'lnrkamas county, Oregon, granted on March
1st, 1899, prescribing and ordering publication of
tins summons ouee a weea tor biz w tr.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for Clackamas county, oi date February 21st, 1899,
upon a decree of foreclosure duly rendered in
said court on November 26th, 1898, in the case of
Dnniel llerllhy. plaintiff, vs. Daniel Herlihy and
Ellen Herllhy, his wife, defendants, In favor of
the plaintiff and against the defendants, I will, '
at 1:30 o'clock in the afternoon on the
26TH DAY OF MARCH, 1899,
At the front door of the court house in Oregon
City. Oregou. sell at public auction, to the high
est bidder, for cash In hand, subject to redemp
tion, Ihe premises described In said decree of
foreclosure, being situated in Clackamas oounty,
Stale of Oregon, to-wit:
All of the south half of a certain tract of land
deeded to Daniel Herllhy by the Oregon and Cal
ifornia Railroad Company, said entire tract being
described as follows: The east hall of the north,
east quarter of the southeast quarter of section
8, township 2 south, range four (4) east, Willam
ette meridiani said south half containing fifty
nine acres more or less, excepting the reserva
tions made in favor of the Oregon and Califor
nia Railroad Company in its d ed to Daniel
Herlihy made the 28th day ot February, 1891, to
satisfy the sum of 556 60, with interest from No.
vember 26th, 1898, at the rate of 8 per cent, per
annum, and the oosts and disbursements of said
suit, taxed at SiO.00, and the costs of and upon
this writ.
Sheriff of Clackamas countv. Oregon.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., Feb. 21, 1899.
Notice is hereby given that th undersigned has
hmm rinlv annonited hv the countv court, of the
stateof Oregon, for Clackamas county, to be th
executrix of the last will and teatanient of James
O. Wilson, deceased, and that she has qualified as
iirh. All nersons having: olaims against the
estate of said decedent are hereby notlflod lo present
the same to ihe undersigned at her residence at
Milwaukie in said county of Clackamas within
six (ti) months from Ihe first publication of Ibis
Executrix nf the last Will aud Testament of
James A. Wilson, deceased.
Fenton. Bronauah & Mulr.
Attorneys for Estate
Consisting ot 4 lota, good garden spot, running
water the year round, s room house, good cellar,
barn big enonf h for two cowa and 100 chickens,
li blocks from court house. Price 800. per
cent Interest. fT5 cash down. For particulars
inquire at thi Office. Team and stock taken in
For Rent The lare 8 worm modern
corwtrticted house, lately occupiei by
Rev. M. L. Rugg, for rent.
H. E. Cross, Agent.
In the Justice Court for district No. 4,Clackamas
Countv, Oregon, cr.aries Aiongni, jr., piaintin.
vs. A. M. Docksteader and llocksteader.
w,f. MimlMnti. To A. M. Docksteader and
Dockaleader, his wife, the above named defend
anw: in the name of the Slate of Oregon, yon
and each of you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filled against vou lu
the above entitled action on or before May 8th,
1899. ant! if vou fail so to answer for want thereof
the plaintiff will take judgment against you oa
four causes of action aggregating the sum of ffi.05
for goods sold and delivered, ana inr in costs
and disbursements of this action. Tbiseummons
is published for six week by order of V.
echuebel, justice of the pear In the above en
titled court, made ou the 16th dav of March, 1899,
First publication Jo. W. I odib,
March 24. Attorney for Plaintiff,
In the Circuit Court of the Btate of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas. ,
C. R. Roork, Plaintiff, I
vs. I
Nancy L. Hunter, J. 0 Roork. Eliza I
W. Roork. Sauna A. (ireen, Ida A.
l-rill, Mrs. Roberts, widow of J. W.
Roork, deceased; P. H. Roork,
James L Roork, Annie E. Hale,
Mrs. Carri Powell, Saiah C. Kelly,
Ada E. Tiederman, Pearl Roork,
&ara A. Kelly, Mrs. McKensie, John
B. Kelly, Benj. J. Kelly, Mrs. ut
ile Dundee. Mrs. Moriah Buoy,
unknown children of Mrs Corlna
Cnlberlson, deceased; unknown
children of Mrs. Rosa M. Calvin,
deceased; unknown children of I
Harvev Rook, deceased: W. M.I
Heckler, G. W. Hackier, Mahalaj
Hacker, tllxa Peltijohn. J. 8. 1
Hackier, T J. Hackier, J am Ins
Kittrell, F. A. Hackier and all
other heirs unknown of Thos.
Roork, deceased,
To Nancy L. Hunler. J. C. Roork. Eliza W.
Roork, tialina A. Green, Ida A. Grill, Mrs. Rob
erts, widow of J. W. Roork, deceased: P. H.
Roork, Jas. b. noora, Annie n. Male, Mrs. Carrie
Powell, Harah C. Kelly, Ada E. Tiederman, Pearl
Boom, am a. K.euy, airs, mchenxie, John B.
Kelly, Benj. 1. Kelly, Mrs. Lillie Dundee, Mrs,
Moriah Buoy, Unknown Children of Mrs. Corina
L'ulbertson. deceased: unknown chlldre i of Mrs,
Kosa M. Calvin deceased; unknown children of
Harvey Roork, deceased; W. M. Hackier, G. W.
Hackier, Mahala Hackier, Eliza Peltijohn, J. 8.
Hackier, T J. Hackier, Jamiha Killrell, F. A.
Hackier, and Jail other heirs unknown of Thos,
Roork: deoeased. said defendants:
In the name of the State of Oregon :
You and each of you are hereby required to,
be aud appear in ihe above entitled court on or
before the 17th day of April, 189, to answer the
complaint Hied against you in the above entitled
suit, and if you fail to do so th plaintiff will taka
a decree against yon for the relief demanded in
the complaint, to-wit: That the plaintiff be de
creed to be the owner of C,e southwest quarter of ;
section 7, township 2 south, of range 4 east of the
Willamette meridian, being the donation land '
claim of Thos. Kooik, in Clackamas county,
Oregon, and that you and each of aa be forever
barred from asserting anv claim thereto, and for
such other relief as snail seem meet and proper.
This summons is published bv order of Hon,
T. A. McBride, judge of said court, made the 20th
day of February, I99. H. E. CROSS,
Attorney for Flalnti ft
Flrat publication February 24, 1899,
K. T Vorll ani Courier-Heraia $1.85