6o to Work! Go to work on Lumbago as if yon In tended to oure it, and with tbe use of Bt. Jacobi Oil it can be cared very promptly and lurely. Bub hard for penetration, In Japan fashion compels married women to blacken their teeth, not as an ornament, but to make them ugly and save them from temptation. "Outof&ght Out of Mind. In other months we forget the harsk winds of Spring. TBut they have their use, as some say, to blow oat the bad air accumulated after Winter storms and Spring thaws. There is far more important accumulation - of badness in the veins and ar teries of humanity, .which needs Hood's Sarsaparilla. This great Sdhiik Medicine clarities tht blood as nothing else can. It cures scro fula, kidney disease, liver troubles, rheu matism and kindred ailments. Thus it gives perfect health, strength and appetite for months to come. Kidneys "My kidneys troubled me, and on advice took Hood's Sarsaparilla which gave prompt relief, better appetite. My sleep is refreshing,, it cured my wife len ' ' f If u l hi Hnvtf Qi74 lannn atrniit Pittsburg, Pa. Dyspepsia "Complicated with liver and kidney trouble, I suffered for years with dyspepsia, with severe pains. Hood's Barsapanlla made me strong and heart v." J. B. Emerton, Main street, Auburn, Me, Hip Disease "Five running sores on my hip caused me to ;ise crutches. Was ' confined to bed everv winter. . Hood's Kar saparilla saved my life, as it cured me per fectly. Am strong and well." Annii Robert, 49 Fourth street, Fall River, Mass. 3fccd& SaUabatilCn X. h'fiVJJIUl.l.l.lWF V IBS I I I 1 1 1 1 1 I good's Pills cure liver lilj, tht non-lrrltatlng aW only cathartic to take with Hood's Sarsaparill If there is one time in a man's life when ha is devoutly thankful it is when he feels the old boarding house oat i tub up against his trouers on the day when rabbit stew is announoed. Yonker Statesman. A Yankee Pis;. ' First Spanish citizen Carrambal These Yankee pigs are insufferable. Second Spanish citizen Of course. But what 1b your complaint? "I offered to let one kiok me for a peso, and he kicked me and refused to pay." Omaha World-Herald, When coming1 to Ban Francisco go to Rrnnklvn Hotel. 208-212 Bush street. American or European plan. Boom and board $1.00 to $1.50 per day ; rooms 60 cents to $1.00 per day ; single meals 29 cents. Dree coach. C'lias. Montgomery. "I hope your hired girl knows her plaoe." "Yes, and inns it." Phila delphia Bulletin. No household Is com Die te without a bot- tie of the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It Is a pure and wholesome stimulant rec ommended by all physicians. Don't ne- (lect tnis necessity. "As soon as a woman gets fat," says the Savage Bachelor, "her next move Is to get a photograph taken that looks like the front of a butoher shop." In dianapolis Journal. riT Permanently Cured. No fltsor nervouanea ill after first day's uae of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. Bend for tKKK B.00 trial bottle and treatise. DR. B. H, KLXN IS, Ltd., 830 Arch street, rhuaaeipnie, rs It seems queer that a playwright ihould frequently get a play wrong. Chicago Daily Sews. THE ILLS OF WOMEN And How Mrs. Flnkbam Helps Overcome Them. Mrs. Mart Bollixger, 1101 Marianne, St.. Chicago, III., to Mrs. Pinkham: " I have been troubled for the past two vears with falling of the womb, leucorrhoea, pains over my body, sick headaches, backache, nervousness and weakness. I tried doctors and various remedies without relief. After taking two bottles of your Vegetable Com nound. the relief I obtained was truly wonderful. I have now taken severaV more bottles of your famous medicine, and can say that I am entirely cured." Mrs. Hbsby Dorr. Jo 808 r inoiey at, Cincinnati. Ohio, to Mrs. Pinkham: For a. lonr time I suffered with chronic Inflammation of the womb, oain In abdomen and bearing-down feeling. Was very nervous at times, and ao weak I was hardly able to do any thing. Was subjeo to headaches, also troubled with leucorrboea. After doo torlng for many month with different physicians, and getting no relief, I had riven up all hope of being well again when I read of the great good Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com' eound was doing I decided immedi' ately to give It a trial. The result was imply past belief. After taking four bottles of Vegetable Compound and using three packages of Sanative Wash I can sar I feel like a new woman. 1 deem It my duty to announce the fact to my fellow sufferers that Lydia K. Pinkham' Vegetable remedies have entirely cured me of all my pains and suffering I have her alone to thank for mv recovery, for which I am grate ftiL May heaven bless her for tht food work she is doing for our sex. CUHi8 Htttfc ALL tLSt WIS. t Beat tough byrop. Tames Good. Us I I In time. Sold by druretsu. 1 1 7- X - v . J An Improred Brooder. The Orange Judd Farmer gives com prehensive illustrations of an Improved brooder. Fig. 1 shows tbe brooder complete with cover raised. The hover Is shown within the top. The upper dotted line shows . tbe position of the matched board floor and the lower dotted line shows the position of the sheet Iron beneath which the lamp stove la placed. Fig. 2 shows the drum of sheet Iron, or galvanized Iron, which is attached to the edge of a circular opening In the floor, as shown In Fig. 3. This cut shows the floor, the sheet Iron and tbe two Inch space between them with the lamp underneath the sheet Iron. Tbe FIO. 1. BROODER COMPLETE. air above the sheet Iron Is warmer and rises through the drum, escaping through the small openings under the top, out into tbe brooder. A cloth cur tain is hung around the edge of the broad top of the drum, forming a hover, Into which tbe chicks go for warmth. This curtain is "slashed" up every few Inches. Openings In the sides of the brooder admit air to the lamp to be space between the sheet Iron and ti floor '.above, and also ventilate the brooifr chamber. These openings from the brooder chamber can be con trolled by corks In very cold weather. Tbe brooder can be made any size up no. 2. SHSIT IHON DRUM. no. 8. LIMP, FLOOR AND DRCM. to 3x4 feet, which is large enough for seventy -five chicks. It can be heated with an Incubator lamp or any good lamp with No. 2 burner and large oil chamber. Currant for Profit.. There Is no kind of small fruit that la so sure a crop If kept from the worm as tho currant. It also generally sells at a good p'rlce, with the advantage to the grower that the currants will remain on the bushes two or three weeks, not only without Injury, but each day growing better after they are colored. This may not altogether prevent a glut In the market, but It at least gives the currant grower more time iu which to market his fruit. The only drawback to currant growing Is the currant worm, but this Is so easily killed by timely applications of hellebore pow der that it Is really an advantage to the grower who uses It In time, as it de stroys the currants of so ninny others who would otherwise be his competi tors. There Is nothing usually to be made In what everybody can produce very easily. American Cultivator. Stretching; Barbed Wire. - . Barbed wire is uncomfortable stuff at the best. One of the easiest ways, perhaps, to handle It when placing It upon posts Is with the device shown In the accompanying Illustration, which is from the American Agriculturist BARBED WIRE DEVICE. This frame can be quickly made and from It the wire can be unreeled as rapidly as a man can walk, pulling tbe framework after him. When his com panlon Is ready to staple the wire to a stake, the pin Is put through tbe side of tbe frame, locking tbe reel, when tbe wire can be pulled up as taut as desired. Trees by the Roadside. Many farmers when setting out trees by the roadside make the mistake of planting only one variety, which hap pens to be the one that tbey particu larly admire. But variety of scenery adds much to Its attractiveness, and row of trees of different kinds shows In the varying foliage far more beauty than a single variety could do. Besides, where there Is a long row of trees, some will be on low and wet soli, and others on that which Is high and dry. Besides, each kind of tree should have the particular soil that It Is best adapt- ed to.- An exception to this rule of In tersperslng varieties Is found where rows of atgar maples are planted along roadsides), to be tapped for tap when old enough. It Is then economy to have the trees In unbroken rows, so that the sap may be gathered more easily. A row or grove of maples near the house will usually be tapped every spring, while the more distant sugar bush may be neglected, when the woods are full ' of deep snow and It Is hard work to get Into them. How to Secure I arsre Potatoes It will pay to thin potatoes to one stalk in a nlace qnd so eive all tbe strength and moisture oj the land to those that remain. It might be well to cut all eyes of the potatoes when planted, exoept such as are desired to grow, and so save the trouble of thin ning out the field to some extent. There is no profit In growing a large crop of potatoes unless they are of merchant able size. The largest potatoes are al ways found where the largest and strongest 6talks grow, and the smn.ii ones where they are small and weak. It Is a mistake to plant small seed, or to cut the large ones to one or two eyes to save seed and to reduce the number of plants, as the common practice is. It Is much better to plant whole pota toes of good size, or. If large, to cut them at most only In halves. Of course, It will cost more to seed a field, but with good, seed properly tnlnned, much better results can be obtained. If one desires to raise the largest quantity possible from a few seed, great results can be obtained by taking off the shoots and transplanting, but tbe potatoes will not grow large. It may not be known to some people that each eye In a potato Is capable of pro ducing a lanre number of shoots; as fast as taken off others will grow. Usu aly not more than two or three to each eye will start when planted, but that number is far too many to be left to grow. Orange Judd Farmer. Corn. But for the great corn crop made In the South last season the price would be mountain high, and the cotton States would be badly stranded. The escape from the peril Incident to being caught between the rocks of 4-cent cotton and $1 corn, should afford a warning never to be forgotten. It Is among the probabilities of the near future that the Gulf States will be called upon to reverse the old order of things and ship to the West for the unfertilized lands of that section are not responding with their old-time bar est of that cereal. For the next few years, and perhaps always, there will be a splendid mar ket for corn and hay in Cuba and Porto Rico, that we ought to capture and con trol; and when the work begins on the Nicaragua Canal the Gulf States should supply the corn and forage consumed In course of construction, as well as tho cattle, mules and lumber; and later on we should make enormous shipments of these products through the great canal. Aberdeen Kx. Preparation for Clover. Usually there is not much difficulty In securing a stand of clover, but ow ing to a diversity of soils there are oc casions lir small areas upon which the young clover plants fail to grow. - To guard n gainst this failure haul manure direct from the horse stable and scat ter It thinly over those places. Straw should be used liberally for bedding, and during the winter enough manure will be made to cover several acres. The soluble parts of the manure are washed Into the surface soli, where they are easily available for the young clover plant Tbe straw serves as mulch, affording considerable protec tion should an early drouth follow, Clover haulm can be used the same way, thereby getting the benefit of any seed remaining In It Whatever the method employed, we cannot be thorough In the preparation for clover crop. Orange Judd Farmer. too tbe Variation of Cultivated Plants. Most of the forest, trees have very lit tle variation from their original stock when grown from seed. With trees that have been long In cultivation, the variation Is so much greater that the only way to secure the Identical va riety desired Is by budding and graft ing. It Is probable that cultivation and better care given to trees and plants has much to do with making new and better varieties It Is after seasons that are unusually favorable to fruit of all kinds that tbe best varieties have been originated. It Is always worth while to plant the seed of extra choice fruit and see what variety will come from It Exchange. , Home-Made Ch-eee for farmer., A great deal of the complaint of over production of dairy products would be obviated if more farmers mado a prac tice each year of using enough milk for cheese to have a supply always on the family table. There is no better, cheap er or more healthful nutrition than can DO rouna in cueeae. n columns an me strength-giving nutrition for which meat Is often eaten, and even when bought at retail, the cheese gives this much more cheaply than meat could do. Almost everybody likes cheese, and If more farmers made and used It they would avoid the necessity of eating an excess of meat, as many now do, In hot weather. Feedlnar Cotton-feed Heal. Cotton-seed meal Is extremely dif ficult of digestion, and should never be given to young animals or those wblcb from advanced age have a weak diges tion. Tbe bull which Is shown by dark spots In tbe meal is almost entirely In digestible. Calves and pigs bave been killed by eating small amounts of dark cotton-seed meal. Ruminant animals can digest It better, but it Is so concen trated a food that It ought always to be fed with some bulky but less nutri tious ration. A small amount of cotton-seed meal In a pailful of bran mash can be eaten safely by a cow. That man who can afford to make enemies is certainly rich In expedient An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial effects of the well known remedy, Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fiq Syrup Co., illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be them in the form most refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system. It Is the one perfect strengthening laxa- .1 -1 - l i - IX . 11 live, uieauaiuK me bystcm eucvbunuj', dispelling colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently, - Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, and its acting on the kidneys, i; j 1 - l L 1 J liver anu uuweis, witiiuui wiKeuiu(r or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing figs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatio plants, by a method known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and .to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package, CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE. KY. NEW YORK, N. T. For sale by all Druggists. Price 50c. per bottle. Archery In the Heart of the City. The military students atTung-Chou. China, are a conspicuous nuisance. They have a way of using one of the main streets in the.city as a oonvenienl spot for practicing archery, and we have been repeatedly obliged to edge up to the extreme edge of the footpath to avoid possible eocentrio flights of arrows. Characteristically, it never occurs to them to suspend operations for others' safety or convenience, and minor accidents must be not uncom mon. A lad was brought to the lioe pit at the other day who had been struck by an arrow just below the eye,, aa he was editing alone the highway. He was not badly hurt, and probably re garded his injury as incidental to th ordinary tisks of travel on oity streets, North China Herald. CATARRH CANNOT BE CORED With local application!, ai tber cannot reach the Beat of the disease. Catarrh ia a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to oure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure la taken internally, and actsdirectly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure ia not a quack medloine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in thia country lor years, ana is a regular prescription It la oomrjosed of the best tonics known. Oom bined with the best blood purifiers, acting di rectly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what pro. auces sucn wonaenui results in curing oaiarrn, eena lor testimonials, iree. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Proprs., Toledo, O, Sold br drufrgiata, price 7&o. Halls family Pills are the best The phrenologist always has bis bus iness on the brain. Chicago Daily News. JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oriqon can sive vou the best bargains In eenera machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps, plows, belts and windmills. Tbe new steel I XL windmill, sold by him, is un equalled. - Tbe Digger Indians must have to scratch for a living. L. A. W. Bulle tin. His Peculiar View. "Doesn't it sometimes make you gloomy to hear the wind howling about on a wild night?" "No," answered the man with a care worn look. "I rather like to hear it The wind doesn't come up and rin your doorbell and ask how about tha bill, or tell you you'll get arrested if von don't tag your dog. It doesn sing 'I won't go home till morning away off tbe key and disgrace the neighborhood. It howls because it en ioys it. But it never says anything to hurt anvbody's feelings. I sometimes honestly wish that there was more wind in this life and less people." Washington Star. Sensitive on That Read. The illustrious senator, who still lacked a dozen or more votes of re-eleo- tion, was in the barber's chair. Th razorial artist ran bis fingers tbrongl his oiiHtomer's hair. "Bee in 8 tather dry and dead," he said, in a deferential and suggestive manner. "Great Soottl" exclaimed the illus trious statesman, fiercely. "Can't I go anywhere without having my deadlock) throw up to me?" Chicago Tribjne "Beloved, " he cried, throwing him self at his wife's feet, "we have lost all save honor!" Tbe woman pressed her hand to her streaming eyes and wept as if her heart were breaking. , "How awkward I" die sobbed. "Just the thing we don't need if we've got to , dead-beat 1" Verily, it seemed that relentless fate pursued them. Detroit Journal. Explaining It. "Kow,"said the physioian who was examining an applicant for life insnr snoe, "1 shall have to ascertain your chest expasnion." "My what?" asked the applicant "Your chest expan sion." "He means," Intrrupted I friend who had come in with him, "the difference between what you measure when your chest isn't inflated and what yoo measure when it is inflated." "Oh," said the applicant, beginning dimly to understand. len years ago I measured around here" indicating his rotund stomach "only 83 ichos. I measure 48 now. I guess what yon call my chest expansion is 16 inches." I yonth's Companion To Mend Shell Combs. As tortoise shell combs are always Arone to break easil.v, many may find this hint a useful one. First slope the ! margins of the broken pieces for the distances oi nuoui a quarter ui mi iiiui from the edge; then overlap these margins, and when thus arranged clamp them together with a etrong letter clip, and immerse the comb in boiling wa tei for some time. As the horn softens it unites. After it is thoroughly diy, the place where the break had been will be almost invisible. Boston Globe. . Kleptomania. Molly Jack stole something from nder my very nose while we were down at the shore looking at those fish ing boats. Dolly What was it, a little smack? Somerville Journal. And Vmo Dnst Retnrn. Mrs. Flyei Ha'ry, do you know the dirt from which diamonds are taken is blue? Mr. Flyer No; but I know that the fellow who has to put up the dust for them generally is. Jewelers' Weekly. Precious manhood Chronic, special am1 private diseases scientifically treated ami JUltKU bv Dr. Hi. M. Katciine, me cnaui- pion specialist of the Pacific coaft. Urin- arv and Kidney Troubles, Lost Manhood, Varicocele. Kupture, treated accordme to latest and best methods known to medical science. Dr. E. M. Katcliile, 265 Morrison St., Portland, Or. Experiments to produce dead men's features from their skulls are being made in Germany. TRT ALLBN'S) FOOT-EASB, Anowder to be shaken into the shoes. At this season your feet feel swollen, ner vous and uncomfortable. If you have smarting feet or tight snoes, try Allen's Foot-Ease. It rests and comforts; makes walking; easy. Cures swollen ana sweating feet, blisters and callous spots. Kelieves corns and bunions of all pain and is a cer tain cure for Chilblains, sweating, aamp or frosted feet. We have over thirty thou sand testimonials. Try it today. Sold by all druggists and shoo tore," for 25c. Trial paa.tage FxtHiJU. Address, Alien o. unli sted, Lo Boy, N. Y. The Mecican dog has no hair. The hot climate makes such a covering su perfluous. They Work While You Sleep.' While your mind and body reat, Caacarota Candy Cathartlo repair your digestion, your liver, your bowela, put them in perfect order. All druggists, iuc, zoo, duo. Professor Koch, of Berlin, Germany, has discovered that butter, even the best, contains bacilli of tnbeiculosis. I know that my life was saved by Piso's Cure for Consumption. John A. Miller, Au Sable, Michigan, April 21, 1S95. It is said that the mortality from oancer in England is four and a half times as great as it was 50 years ago. The Pleasan tost, Most Powerful and Effective Neverfalllng Remedy for Jt J La Urlooe. Latarrn, Rheumatism. tko aaaa Will cure any aohe or pain known In the human body. Bend lor trial bottle, i.'e. This off ei lasts 80 days only. Large bottle (800 noses oi o iitturts eacnj ti.uj or tor tou. 8WANSON RHEUMATIO CURE CO. 167 anf 169 Doarburn St, Chicago. . Glasgow, Scotland, numbers among its population a man who is making a manusoript copy of the Bible. lie ex pects to finish it in two years. FORMENONLY. DR. FOOTE & STAFF 161 ADAMS ST., CHICAGO. Men requiring unsurpassed treatment ahould consult personally or by letter "Free" with the pioneer ana only exoiunivv uieu Biwviaiia m linlied males. Diseases of men mad Mi study of a life-time. Unfortunates everywhere should Immediately oomniunlcat with Dr. Font, of Chicago. Everything confidential. Remedies snt every whsrt In sealed packages and letters In plain envelopes. Correspondence solicited. Latest Surgical, Medical and Klectrloal methods adopted. Deluging Hi stomach with drugs aban doned. Avoid drugs recommended by the unau thorised and self-styled specialists In Western towns. Few genuln specialists lucat outside of New York or Chicago. In these cities yuur pri vate alt'alrs are safe. Unequaled treatment fur all diseases and weaknesses of th lleulto-Urliiary, Bexual, Reproductive and Nervous Systems. Im pediments to marriage removed, "Syphala" positively purifies the blood, cures syphilis and removes all whit ulcers In throat or mouth, cup per colored spots on body and eruptions on skin, also catarrh and rheumatism. "Vlgorala," tha only permanent restorer and Invlgorator, gives vigor to vital organs and nerves, prevents and cures grip. 11 per buttle, for (5. Trial bottlea, cither remedy, half price. The president of a gss company naturally has a light income. Chicago Daily Hews. Don't Have to Walt. We don't have to wait, for oold, sore ness and stiffness will come on (rem excessive exeroise, but it will go imme diately after using St. Jacobi Oil to soften and strengthen the strained muscles. ' The lighthouse at Corunna, Spain, is believed to be the oldest one now in use. It was erected during the reign of Trajan, and rebuilt in 1034. Jrpan Ceylon English Breakfast Oolong Ideal Bknd Tea MACHINERY For Mills, Mines, Shops and rirmsjjlteel tog glng snd Hoisting Knglnes; Hoe Chisel Tooth Raws, Albany; firease, etc, TATUM&BOWEN It to fWFIrst Street Portland, Or. st-M Fremont ttireei, ban Francisco. Schilling's Best i r I 111 IS Railroad Aerois tho Knjllsh Channel. Tha English Parliament is considering the plan of connecting that country with France bv railway. Engineers say a roadbed can be laid on the bottom of the English channel, and by mounting trestlework on wheels, so that it projects above the water, the railway can be operated. This seems beyond belief, but It is perhaps no more remarkable than some of the cures accomplished by Hostetters Stomach Bitters in bad cases nf dyspepsia, in-, digestion and constipation. This is anageol wonderful tchievemen Is. In Paraguay, a gentleman is enjoined bv the laws of good society to kiss every iady to whom he is introduced. To Cnro a Ool'd In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. Tommy "Paw, what is a joint snake?" " Mr. Figg "The kind a man gets from frequenting joints, 1 reckon." Indianapolis Journal. Mothers will rind Mrs. JVinslow's Sooth ing Syrup the best remedy to use for their children during the teething period. A subterranean city existB in Galioiai Austrian Poland, which oontains a population of over 1,000 men, women and chik'ren, many of .whom have never seen the light of day.' Kvery One Knows. Why trifle with a Bprain when every one knows that St. Jacobs Oil used id the worst case will so strengthen the injmed muscle as to make it tbe best remedy for this dreaded pain. There are 40,000 native pupils in the Sunday schools of the Fiji Islands. "lanffered Hie tortures of the Jamn4 with protruding piles brought on by constipa tion with which I was afflicted for twenty years. I ran across your CASCARETS in tbe townot Newell, Ia., and never found anything to equal thorn. To-day I am entirely tree from ntlAB nnil fnAl lllta a new man. " OH. Ksits, 1411 Jones St., Sioux City, Ia. Pleaaant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. TO Sood, Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. IOo.inc.IOe. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Urllaf Mf .-", CMwtt, B.lr..l. Trk. Ill Hr) TH RIP Sold and nnranted by all drug-KU'lU-BAlf Kills to ! II UK Tobacco Habit. RICH Government Lands. A toil of very deep dark loam! will grow all kinds of vegetables, grain, hay In great abun. dance. Climate splendid. Crop failures im possible. Adapted to the raising of cattle, aheep, hogs; dairy and poultry industries. In mining district, providing an excellent market fnrall products. Also rich oranberrv lauds, Magnificent chance if taken at once. Write lor descriptive book giving lull parttcnlars. Ad. dress todav. C. R. I lWITT, Secretary, 28 Thurlow Mock, San Krauclaco, CaU Tbe Rational Inventors Association. ' (iNCORPOIiTKD.) i We do a general PATENT BUSINESS. W secure, introduce ana sen patents, uur regis tered attorney can get you patents direct from the government without delay. Agents wanted in every town to sell patented articles. Further Information furnished on request. Room 618 Ckamher or Commkkci Building, Portland, Orkuon. , . i ' . r 1,1 Be Strong In Spring At no other time in (he year does your blood need such purllv, richness and health. Yoni dlsilness, languid feeling, palna In the back, etc., all come from the blood, 'lake MOORE'S REVELED REMEDY Kssy and plcasniit to take. It will make yoo atrong and well; it has cured thousands of others. II per bottle at your druggist's. TEETH WITHOUT PLATES ltoota drowned, llrldge Made, l'aiiileas filling and extraction. Dr. T. H. White, Relief at Last Praised by thousands of aatlsned ladles aa safe, al ways reliable and without an equal. Ask druggist for Dr. Hartal's French Female 1)111. I -l,k ' French Flaa on too In Blue. White and Red. Insist on having tha genuln. "Relief far Women," mailed KKKEln plain sealed letter with testimonials anil part loulsr. Address, FRENCH DRUG CO., 381 and 383 Pearl 81., N.V. RUPTURE CURED. We guarantee to fit every case we undertake. Doit put it off ; write for particulars at once, C. H. WOOD A It 1) CO., Expert Truss fitters, 108 Second Street, Portland, Or. DR-CUIIN'S'rPILlS ONE FOR A DOSE. Cur Sick H.s.lsoh and Drspepsla, RenioTe Pimples suit purify tbe Blood, Aid IMgi'stlonandPrerent Biliousness. Do not Gripe orHloken. Toconrlnce you. we will null sample free, nrfull hoi for Vie. IR. HOKANIfcO CO., Fhllada., sVeuiw. Bold by Druggists. YOUNG MEN! For GnnorrhaM anil 01tt get PabMCa Okay Bptclflo, II tt tht ONLY medic id which will cur jMwh Mid vry cam. HO CA8K known It hu evctr fstlfxt to cure, n D)avttr how wrioui or of how lonir tiMiiliriff. Kuiult from IU um wtll sMtonlnh joiu It tt atmohitalv wf, nntvanw trii'tura, and can b taken without 1ncoor nlfnoa and dtOfintton from biuintuv. FHKiK. S.00. Ft ale hy all nl labia dnwrlnta, or tnut prepaid bj aaprtaifc plainly wrapped on rocetnt of price, by vy I'A HHT CUKMiOAX CO,, ChloaffO, ILL Circular mailed on ntquwtk CURE YOURSELF? lie Hie J for unnatural diech argue, tnflenniiattoni, Irrltatluiii ur uknratloui of nine one membrane. IPreviau oqvhi. Palnieee, and not aitrlu ITHEtVANlCHWWtnO. eut or Piwuoui, siirtE cui iTOlTlNTTPIIeaproti. Tblt form, ai well aa CURE FO.T PILES i Blind, iieedlnaor Protruding uuti mo I at o moletureand eaaee ItJhlnf, 9 Pile are ourti by j Dr. Boaanko'ol d blttemftM-. Atnorbe Dtope 1 Win in and i Jar etriruffifeteor A tuorbe tumure. tVm a iriiw Remedy int fir .).. rreaueerree. writ bH. fiUSA N KO, Patiiada., Pa. mo aiwat four eae. N. P. N. V. NO. WHEN wrltlnr to ad vertieera pleaee mention thla paper. ) On receipt of 10 cents (in postage! we will I mall to vonr address (postage prepaid), three 1 nc w compositions of sheet music.eupyrlguted, J OCCIDERTAL PUBLISHING CO. ..tlAKLAXD CAL tPflLIS 7Sy candy If jJ CATHARTIC TRAD! MASH eMWTfaiB w D5 rirlARTaJL'S Femajle In I usssrs.l OasrssusS eittOINNATI.O ,r , J Sold hy DrewlaU, 4m j i vr wrti in pitiD wrapper. V I r aipreee, prepaid, fo Vlli fl-. or 3 bottlee, v.7. Vr H Circular eeitt ou requeet