EE Repulsed a Rebel Near Hollo. Attack INSURGENTS LOST HEAVILY On American Waa Killed and Fifteen TVounded-Over 60,000 Rounda Fired Advance Upon Jaro Aeoompllahed. New Yorki Maioh 28. A dispatch to the Herald from Ilo Ilo, Island of Panay, says: A battalion of the Eighteenth infantry, a platoon of the Sixth artillery and the machine gun battery made a reoonnoisanoe in the di rection of Mandutiao. and Santa Bar bara Thursday. While they were re turning the insurgents attacked the outposts on the rights Although fatigued from marching in the broiling sun for two hours, the en tire command proceeded to the assist ance of their comrades, the artillery pouring shell and sharpnel upon the insurgents, who wero strongly, en trenohed in large numbers. . Com panies C, K and H, of the Eighteenth, deployed to the right, driving the in surgents back, and then, wheeling to the left, made a junction with com panies B and I. A heavy engagement nsued, , ,, , General Miller was on the scene early and directed the operations from imme diately behind the firing line. He had several narrow escapes. The line advanced by rushes 8,000 yards under a hot fire, pouring in de liberate volleys upon the insurgents' position, the artillery making good praotioe. By the time the forces were within -800 yards of the enemy's final position darkness prevented the charge for which the Tennessee men and the corn panies ot the Eighteenth on the right had already prepared by fixing bay oneta. The advance upon Jaro was ac complished in good order. , The severity of the engagement may be judged by the faot that the Eight eenth regiment alone fired 62,800 rounds. It is estimated that the in urgei)ts, with their more than 2,000 rifles, fired double our total of am am tiition. , It is impossible to tell accurately the insurgent losses, as the American t loops converged at a given point with out traversing the ground shot over, but on the day after the battle one could -see from Jaro belfry the enemy cart ing away the dead. The minimum es timate of their losses is 30 killed and 800 wounded. INTERVIEW WITH SAMPSON. 1 Talked of the Friendship of America and England. London, March 23. The Times pub Dishes this morning a letter from a cor respondent in Bermuda, who describes Kear-Admiral Sampson's visit there last month, and gives ''an authorized interview" with the admiral. Accord ing to the correspondent, Admiral Sampson, remarking upon "the marvel' ous change in American opinion," said: "Formerly, England was regarded as the only European power with which the United 'States was likely to have eerious differences. Now we regard Enlgand as our best, perhaps our only friend. I cannot say whether this feel ing will provd permanent, but I hope it may. Possibly we could not hope for more than England's moral sup port, in the first instance, in any con flict with a Continental power; but in times of real difficulty it would ripen, sooner or later, into a defensive alli ance." THE CUBAN ARMY. Thirteen Thonaand Bnllited Men En. titled to American Money Havana, March 23. The Cuban army has 13,219 men all told. This number includes corporals and ser geants, but excludes oommanding offi cers. The figures are the result of the offloial inquiry instituted under the direction of the department command firs for the use of the military adminis tration. Ueneral Gomez originally reported that theie were 42,000 ptivatea ami noncommissioned officers. General Roloff, inspector-general of the Cuban rmy, was to have presented an accu rate muster roll to Governor-General Brooke, but he has not done so. As a creature of the Cuban assembly, he lias joined with it against General tiomez. His muster rolls, In which ever form they may be, have been given to Senor Rafael Portuendo, president of the executive committee of the assem bly, but the governor-general has as surances they will soon be turned over to him. Spain Will Protest. Madrid, March 22. Senor Eilvela, premier and minister of foreign affairs, held a conference today with the French ambassador regarding the lib eration ot Spanish prisoners in the bands of the Filipinos. Spain, it is rumored, has determined to protest to the civilized world against the attitude of the Americans in hin dering the effort of General Rios, Spanish commander in the Philip pines, to liberate the prisoners. Belgium' Demand on China. Brussels, March 23. In the cham ber of deputies today the minister of foreign affairs, M. de Favereau con firmed the reports that Belgium had asked for a concession at Hankow, China. Storma In Europe. London, March 23. Severe weather continues throughout Great tsritajfl, Great loss has occurred among live etock, and London has experienced ths heaviest snowfall of this winter. FOERZA PRISON CABLE. No Evidence That It Wu Vied 1 Blowing Up the Maine. Havana, March 22. Captain T. L. Huston, of the volunteer engineers, was questioned today by a press corre spondent on the subject of the story printed by a local newspaper at Cincin nati, saying that the location of the keyboard by which the United States battle-ship Maine was blown up in Havana harbor on February 15, ' 1898, had been found by him in a gunroom of the Foerza prison, while engaged in cleaning out the fortifications. The captain said the use of his name in this oonneotion was not authorized. He showed the correspondent a oable with several wires; running into the harbot from Foerza prison, opposite Cabanas fortress. One wire was connected with a disused telegraph instrument in a neighboring government building. Thongh the oable has not been investi gated by the United States engineeis, the supposition is that it runs to Ca banas, across the harbor, and has been used for telegraphing. There is a re mote chance that the wires in the cable were connected' with mines or torpedos, but there is no indication that it had anything to do with the blowing up of the Maine. The end ' of the cable sticking out of Foerza prison has been Been by tourists for weeks past. Many soldiers have also seen the cable, and many have expressed the belief that it was used to blow up the Maine. , PAPER MONEY SCARCE. Due to Greater Volume of Business, Not to Decrease In the Supply Washington, March 22. Controller of the Currency Dawes, in answer to inquiries today in regard to the sp parent scarcity of paper money, said. "The ohief reason for the growing demand for paper money is unquestion ably the increase in the general volume of business. There has been no re duction in the amount of paper money which of itself would cause scarcity. The situation in reference to bills is brought about by the increased demand and not by a decrease in the supply. "The amount of paper money in cir culation Marcli'l, 1899, is much gieat er than it was one year ago. While the decrease in circulation in the amount of gold certificates is $3,475,- 950, in treasury notes, (4,269,971, and currency certificates 125,825,000, the circulation of silver certificates has in oreased in the sum of (16,113,278, and United States notes (44,141,212, mak ing the total net increase ot govern ment paper in circulation (27,195,669, which, added to the inorease ot (18, 165,825 in national bank circulation makes the total increase of paper money in circulation over one year ago, (45,360,904." Heraohell'a Remains at Portsmouth Portsmouth, Eng., March 22. The British cruiser Talbot, from New York March, 8 which arrived off Spithead yesterday with the remains of the late Baron Herschell on board, was berthed at tiie dockyards here today. The casket containing the body was disem barked at 2:30 P. M. The guards-of honor presented arms, and the massed bands played a funeral march as the oasket was brought ashoie. As the train left the depot at 2:25 P. M. the combined bugle bands sounded the last post and the port-guardship fired 20 minute guns. During the ceremony all the ships in commission flew their flags at half-mast. Peace In Porto Rico. San Juan de Porto Rioo, March 21 The reports contained in newspaper just received here, alleging that dan ger exists of an uprising of the natives, are regarded with astonishment, and are absolutely without foundation in fact. The only disturbances that have occurred here have been local fights between the American volunteers and the lower classes. The press corre spondent, who has just returned from an extended trip through the island, found only occasional evidences of dis satisfaction resulting from brawls, and local politics, and the American officers now here ridicule the idea of an up rising of the natives, who, they say, are without weapons, and are entirely lacking in organization. Martial Law at Skagway. Victoria, B. C, March 21. The steamer Amur, which arrived Friday, reports a riotous outbreak of railroad strikers at Skagway. The men made an unsuccessful attempt to drive the non-striking workmen from camp No. 1, White, the ringleader, led a large body of men to the camp, where Whit ing, the railroad surgeon, and a few men stood as guards. White advanced in front of the party and parleyed for a few minutes, then sprang for Whiting, who knocked him down with a rifle, breaking1 it and stunning White. The rioters then dispersed. White will re cover. One hundred men have been sworn in to assist the marshal, and the town ia under martial law. ' Kalulanl't Funeral. Seattle, Wash., March 23. The steamer Kinshiu Maru, which arrived tonight from Japan by way of Hono lulu, brings advices that great prepara tions were being made at Honolulu for the funeral of Princess Eaiulani, who was to be buried March 12. It was expected that the piocession would be the largest ever seen in Honolulu, not exoepting those of Queen Emma and King Kalakaua. The line was to be composed of fraternal, political and re ligious societies, the schools, the na tional guard of Hawaii, United States engineers and troops from the war ships, and government and consular officials and relatives. Large numbers of people from all over the ialand were arriving. Bhodea Will Be Decorated. JLoadnn, Marnh -33, Emperor Will Tarr, it is said, will confer the order of the Crown of Prnsia nrjon Cecil iRbodtS, the South Afiican magnate. End of War Between Spain and the United States. EXCHANGE WILL BE EFFECTED fhe Treaty trill Be Forwarded to thai French Auibaaador for the On Signed by Prealdent MeKlnlej. Madrid, March 20. The queen re gent has signed the treaty of peace. The signed treaty will be forwarded to the French ambassador at Washington for exchange with the one signed by President MoKinley. No decree on the subject will be published in the Offl oial Gazette. Washington, March 20. In the ab sence of any direct diplomatic com munication between the United States and Spain, Seoretary Hay expects to receive his first formal notice of the ratification of the peace treaty by the queen regent through the medium of the French embassy here. The next step must be taken by Spain, which must name a special en voy and notify the United States gov ernment of the probable date upon which he will present himself at Washington with the exohange copy of the treaty of peace. Although in most instances little more than a perfunctory ceremony, in the case of the exchange of the rati flea. tion of this treaty the details will be of more than ordinary interest, for the oooasion will be historical. Spanish-American War. February 15, 1898 Battle-snip Maine blown up in Havana harbor. April 20 President authorized by congress to intervene in Cuba with army and navy. April 22 Blockading proclamation issued. First gun ot the war fired by gunboat Nashville, in capturing the prize Buena Ventura. April 23 President calls for 125,- 000 two-year volunteers. April 25 War with Spain is de clared. April 29 Cervera's fleet sails for Cuba. May 1 Rear-Admiral Dewey de stroys entire fleet of Admiral Montojo, in Manila bay. May 11 Ensign Bag'ey killed at Cardenas. May 19 Cervera's fleet seeks refuge in Santiago de Cuba bay. May 25 President calls for 75,000 additional volunteers. June 8 Hobson sinks the Merrimae In Santiago harbor, and is taken pris oner with seven volunteers who accom panied him. , . June 10 Six hundred United States marines landed at Caimanera. June 13 Camara's fleet sails from Spain. June 22 Shaffer's army lands at Daiquiri and Siboney. July 1 Lawton and Kent and rough riders take San Juan hill, losing 231 men, with 1,864 wounded. July 8 Cervera's fleet destroyed bj Spampson's squadron. July 17 Toral surrenders Santiago and eastern portion of Cuba. July 25 General Miles lands in Porto Rioo, near Ponce. July 26 Spain proposes peace through French Ambassador Cambon. July 81 Battle of Malate, neai Manila. '' . August 12 Spain and United States sign peace protocol defining terms. August 25 United States peace commission named. November 28 Final terms of United States aooepted by Spain at Paris. December 10 Treaty of peace signed at fans. January 6, 1899 Treaty ratified by United States senate. March 17 Treaty signed by queen regent ot Spain. Kauts Arranges a Conference. Washington, March 20. Admiral Eauts has oabled the secretary of tha navy from Apia, Samoa, via Auckland, N. Z., that he has airanged for a meet ing of the three consuls, those of the United States, Great Britain and Ger many, at an early date, to have a free discussion of Samoan affairs. Th oable dispatch is dated a week ago. Stranded at Copper River. Seattle, March 20. Miners who ar rived here last night from Copper river, Alaska, say that Governor Brady has been requested to ask the govern ment to send a vessel to Copper river for the purpose of bringing boms stranded prospectors. There are be tween 200 and 800 there who are with out means to secure transportation. Many ot them are suffering from scurvy. Exploration of Alaaka. Seattle. March 20 III fiirtharenna of the government's plans to oontinus'.for lighter foot gear ;ne exploration oi Alaska this season, Assistant Quartermaster Robinson has received orders to purcbse 41 pack ani mals for the use of the Abercrombis and Glenn parties, who will visit tha Susbitna and Koyukuk districts. A 75 ton light-draught steamer will also be purohased by the government Princesa Kalulanl Dead. Honolulu, via San Francisco, March 20. Princess Kaiulani died March ( of inflammatory rheumatism. In 1891 Eaiulani was proclaimed heir apparent to the Hawaiian throne. Ordered Rom for Muster Out. Washington, Marob 20. Four com panies of the Second volunteer engi neers, now at Honolulu, have been or dered to San Francisco to be mastered out. ALONG THE COAST. Items of General Interest Gleaned From the Thriving- Paolfln Statea. - Another Sensational Gold Strike. A Republic special to the Spokesman-Review says another sensational strike has Been made in that camp. The shaft of the Good Luck Consolidat ed, at a depth of 50 feet, struck a body of high grade ore. At the time the dispatch was sent, the miners were into the ore with a cross-cut three feet, and it is thought the ledge is not less than five feet wide. The correspondent carefully sampled the dump, and three assays ran (285, (99 and (63. The stock had been selling at Republic at 2 cents, and now brokers are skurrying around for it in all directions. Accident Delayed Mall. A paokhorse, carrying the mail be tween Roseburg and Myrtle Point, Ore gon, fell off a grade when going down the Middle Coquille, the night of March 8, and was badly crippled. That route is sparsly settled, and it was impossi ble to procure an animal to bring the mail in on time, hence the Coquille valley people mi seed their mail. Similar occurrences have taken place all winter, and all are becoming re signed to the inconvenience. Tacoma Girls at Manila. Captain Panton, of the liner Vic toria, which arrived at Tacoma recent ly from China and Japan, brought word that during the late battle near Ma nila, Miss Sadie Bennett and Miss Wallaoe, of Tacoma. were in the city of Manila, and as a matter of safety for the women they were placed aboard one of the American transports, which steamed out of range of the vessels of the belligerents. Irrigation Lands Sold. All the lands in the middle Kittitas irrigation district in Washington, that were delinquent on the taxes were sold at Ellensburg, and were bid in by J. W. Witherop, the bolder of the bonds. Quite a number of the large taxpayers-took advantage of Witherop's offer and paid their taxes, taking bonds from him on the basis of (11,000, in stead ot (24,050, the amount aotually due him. Will Enter a Museum. C. W. Biioker, of Dallas, Or., fs the tallest person in Polk county. He is 20 years of age, still growing, and stands 6 feet 10 W inches. He has se cured employment in a San Franoisoo museum. With him will go Jake C. Wilcox, of Ballston, who is a dwarf, 85 years of age, 62 inches high and weighing 180 pounds. Mr. Bricker ia well proportioned, and weighs 225 pounds. New Society at Seattle. The congregation to which Rev. Al fred W. Martin has lectured at Ranke hall, Seattle, for the past few weeks, has been organized on a business basis, with about 60 members. After the lecture lecentlv, a meeting was held, over whioh E. O. Graves presided. Upon the adoption of a name for the association, which will now be known as the "Society of Universal Religion." Tha Harahfleld Water Front. The survey of the "hog's back," which has just been oompleted by Mor ton L. Tower, shows that the inside channel, along the Marshfleld, Or., water front, is tliedeeper by six inohes. This channel is also muoh the straight est, and there seems to be no doubt that the dredging will be done there. The dredging is to begin on the 26th of this mouth. Comet Growing fainter. Professor Lewis Swift wires from Lowe observatory on Echo mountain, in Southern California, that the comet which he discovered on March 8 is growing fainter. It is moving in a northeasterly direction. It has a broad, short tail, point towards the sun and a star-like nucleus. Its orbit has not yet been determined. Attempt to Commit Suicide. Madame Charles Bianchini, wife of the famous scenio artist, whose trial on a charge of attempting to poison her husband resulted in conviction, has been sentenced to five years' penal servitude. As she was leaving the courtroom the prisoner made a futile attempt to commit suicide by stabbing herself with a hatpin. Helpful to Washington. The reopening of the Monte Cristo mines and the rebuilding of the washed out seotions of the railioad near Ever ett, is going to be helpful to the West ern Washington mining industry. It is saiuT the mines were shut down for the purpose of allowing some of the big stockholders to freeze out the little ones. Increase In Alaaka Trade. Taooma clothing stores report a steady increase of Alaska business. The most noteworthy changes in the buy ers' wants from last year are the de mand for furs instead of woolens, and Moccasins are popular. Heavy blankets ara unsale able. New Fraternal Hall. The Masons and Odd Fellows of Canyon City, Or., have advertised for bids for a two-story stone building to he used for fraternal and business pur poses. A Murderer Caught. William Albi, the Italian who killed James Halley, alias Laoey, in a gambl ing ball in Spokane reoeutly, was cap tured in an Italian cabin, neat Priest river, Idaho. He resisted arrest with a Winchester rifle, but was finally per. suaded by bis countrymen to yield. Immigrants Arriving. It Is estimated that fully 150 immi grants from the East have arrived in La Grande, Or., during tbs past month. Kicked Against the Price. A lioense to marry was issued to David Hull and Mrs. Ella Young, at Colfax. Mr. Hull is a farmer, and has undoubtedly passed "three score years and ten." He oreated muoh amusement among the clerks in the auditor's office when told that he would have to have a witness to testify to his age, and that ot the prospective bride, by declaring: "They didn't have to do that 60 years ago." When called upon to pay (3 for the lioense he kicked and declared: "They only cost (2.50 years ago." . ' To Guard National Parka. . At the request of the secretary of the interior, the secretary ot war has di rected General Shatter, commanding the department ot California, to send one troop of cavalry to tbo Yosemite park and one to the Sequoia and Gen eral Grant parks , in California, to pro tect from destruction or injury by pre venting trespassing either by cattle oi sheep herders or timber thieves. Two troops of the Fourth cavalry, now at the Presidio, San Francisco, have been selected for this duty. Old Alaskan Boundary. News has reached Seattle that five Finlanders olaim to have discovered evidenoes of the original Russian boun daiy line inscribed on a series of old mounds, which, if established, will place the Klondike country within the United States. It is stated that United States Consul McCook, at Daw son,' will communicate with the Wash ington authorities regarding the matter. Fruit and Hops All Bight. Fruit inspector A. II. Brown, oi Washington, has returned to Seattle from a tour made in various parts oi the county. He reports fp'indid pros' peots for fruit and hops. So far, noth ing has been hurt by frosts, and the lateness of the season makes it pretty sure that no damage will icrMt from this cause. PACIFIC COAST TRADE. Seattle Markets. Onions, 80o$l. 10 per 100 pounds. Potatoes, f2880. Beets, per sack, (1. Turnips, per sack, 50(3 75c. Carrots, per sack, 40 BOo. Parsnips, per sack, 7585c. Cauliflower, 80ofl.00 per dos. Celery, 8540o. Cabbage, native and Californii $2 per 100 pounds. Apples, 60cfl per box. Pears, 60cif 1.50 per box. Prunes, 60o per box. Butter Creamery, 36o per pound dairy and ranch, 15330o per pound. Eggs, 15c Cheese Native, 1218o. Poultry Old hens, 14o per pound; spring chickens, 14c; turkeys, 16c, Fresh meats Choice dressed beel steers, prime, 8jc; cows, prime, 8c; mutton, 9c; pork, 7o; veal, 68o. Wheat Feed wheat, 120. . Oats Choice, per ton, f 25. Hay Puget Sound mixed, $7,009 8; choice Eastern Washington tim othy, 1 12.00. Corn Whole, $23.50; oracked, $24) feed meal, $28.50. Barley Rolled or ground, per ton, $2526; whole, $38. Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.60; straights, $3.26; California bunds, $3.25; buckwheat flour, $3.50; graham, per barrel, $3.60; whole wheat flour, $3.75; rye flour, $4.50. Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $15; shorts, per ton, $16. Feed Chopped feed, 121 22 pei ton; middlings, per ton, $17; oil cake meal, per ton, $35. Portland Market. Wheat Walla Walla, 67c; Valley, 69c; Bluestem, 60o per bushel. Flour Best grades, $3.20; graham, $2.65; superfine, $2.15 per barrel. Oats Choice white, 43044c; choice gray, 41 43o per bushel. Barley Feed barley, $32.50; brew ing, $24.00 per ton. Millstuffs Bran, $17 per ton; mid dlings, $22; shorts, $18; chop, $16.00 per ton. Hay Timothy, fU; clover, 17 8; Oregon wild hay, $6 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery, 6055o; seconds, 4660o; dairy, 4045o store, 25 80o. Cheese Oregon full cream, 13oj Young America, 16o; new oheese, 10c per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $34 per dozen; hens, $4. 00 5. 00: springs, $1.253; geese, $8.007.00 for old, $4.606 for young; ducks, $5,003 6.50 per dozen; -turkeys, live, 15 ( 16c per pound. Potatoes $1 1,25 per SMck; sweets, Sc per pound. Vegetables Beets, 90c; turnips, 75o per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab bage, $1 1.25 per 100 pounds; cauli flower, 76o per dozen; parsnips, 750 per sack; beans, 8c per pound; celery, 70 75c per dozen; cucumbers, 60o per box; peas, 88)c per pound. Onions Oregon, 6070o per sack. Hops 814o; 1897 crop, 4o. Wool Valley, 1012o per pound; Eastern Oregon, 8 12c; mohair, SOc per pound. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and ewes, 4o; dressed mutton, 7c; spring lambs, 7)c per lb. Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $4.35; light and feeders, $3.608.00; dressed, $5.00(35.60 per 100 pounds. Beef GrosB, top steers, 8.60$3.75; cows, $3. 60 8. 00; dressed beef, 56gC per pound. Ran Frauotaoo Market. Wool Spilngj-NbvU7 lOtfJUo psi pound; Oregon, f-ai.lern, IOCS 12o; Val ley, 15 17c; Northern, 9llo. Millstuffs Middlings, ; 2123.00 bran, $20.00 31. 00 per ton. On ions Si I versk in , 60 (3 SOc per sack. Butter Fancy creamery, 21 22o; do seconds, 2031c; fancy dairy, 19o; do seconds, ie17c per pot X Eggs Store J 14c; fancy ranoh, 16o. Hops 1898 crop, lS10o. Land Titles and Land dice Business a Specialty. ftOBERT A. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice in all the Courts of tha State and the Bureaus of the Interior Dsparlment at Wash ington. Boom 8, Charms Building, OREGON CITY, OREGON. COMMERCIAL BANK OF OREGON CITY CAPITAL j 100, 000 Transacts a General Banking Business Loans made. Bills discounted. Malcas cob lections. Buys and sella exchange on all point In tha United Statea and Kurope and on Hong Kong. Deposits received surject to check. Bank open from 9 A. 4 P. M. D.C.LA10TJRET1S, FRED J. MEYER, President. Cashlan, C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE ATTORNEYS AT LAW , Commercial, Real Estate and Probata Law Specialties Office In Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY ' . ORKGOft Gio. C. BaowNau J. U. CAMFBiLa BROWNELL & CAMPBELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW Caufleld Building Oregon City, Orsv W. S. U'REN ATTORNEY AT LAW, J aggar Building, opposite Huntley's, OREGON CITY - - OREGON! 0. SCHUEBEL ' ATTORNEY AT LAW SE)tutfd) Stbbofat. OREGON CITY - OREGON THOS. F. RYAN Notary Public and Real Estate Broker LlAClMS INSUXANCI AOIKCT OF CtACCABA CODKTY Money to Loan. Abstracts of Title Made Drawing of Legal Cooumeuts a Bpeolalty ' Office on eaat aide of Main street Between 61a and 7th OREGON CITY, . . OREGON. M. C. STRICKLAND, M. D. (Hospital and Private Experience.) Offer his profeaelonal eervlcee to the people of Oregon City and vicinity. Special attention, paid to uatarra ana enronio aiaeaeee. Beat ol references :ivn. Office In Willamette Buildln line, tot p. OBoa hours: 10 to u a. m., 4 DBEQON CITY ... o miaow DR. GEO. IIOEYE, DENTI8T. Dffloe In Caufleld Building-, Main Streak, Oregon Oltv. Bbidoi and Obowm Wobk a Specialty All work warranted and satisfaction. ( guaranteed. - DR. J. H. MILLER, DENTIST, Seventh Street, near S. P. Depot. Pbiqoh Cut, OBsaoH) DR- FRANCIS FREEMAN DENTIST. Graduate of the Northwestern Unlvr sity Dental School, also of American Col lege of Dental Surgery, of Chicago. WITH SB. WBLCH. WillamttU Block - OppoiiU Pottojficf OaJtooM Cur, Objcoom. 0, N. GREENMAN (Established 18S6 ) XUm PIONEER EXPKKS8MAN ABT1I DBAYMAN Parcels Delivered to All Parts of the City ORIGOX CITY . T . OREGOtl BANK OF OREGON CITY ' K.DEIT BAKKIKO) H0USX IX TBI CrY VAID CP CAPITAL, 150,000.00 SURPLUS fKJUOM President, floe prealdent Cbas. H. Ckvw Gio. A. HAioraO I. a. CACfUi laahler, A General Banking Business TransaottA Deposits Beoelved Subjeot to Check. Approved Bills and Note Discounted. County and City Warrants Bought. Loans Mad on Available Seourltv Iiohange Bought and Aold. Collections Made Promptly. Drafta Bold Available In Anv Part al World. Telegraphlo Iiohange Sold on Portland, f ranolaeo. Chloago an1 Kaw York. Intereat Paid oa Tim Deposits. Noblitt Livery and Sale Stabla- OREGON CITY, OREGON , Oaths Street ketwsts tha Bridge Be'thei Depst. Doable and single rigs and saddle horses sv rays on hand at th arson hand at tha liwaatratea.and aeer waatratea.and alao eonneeted with the barn (or loos ate Anrlaformation reaardlnt anr kind oi sUttaV promptlv attended to bj letter or peraon. HORSES BOUGHT OH BOLD. W. H. YOUNG'S I ivorv A CooH Oikl s-swwsj vs. i ecu viauiw; Has the best-looking rigs j and cheapest rates in the city. Cor. Main and 4th St. JREGON CITY. OREGON