Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, March 24, 1899, Image 1

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16th YEAR, NO.-41T
Spray Pumps,
Spray Materials,
Catalog "RTT"PT T T
Regular March Meeting and Pre'
vlous Adjourned and Spe
cial Terms.
I Continued from last week. J
8. F. Marks, chairman; J.R. Morton,
R. Scott, commissioners.
In the matter of the proposer Oregon
City and New Era road, starting from
the upper end of Main street in Oregon
Citv Now comes E. E. Olearraan and
A. Miln, a committee representing Ore
eon City, showing the board that there
had been a Burvey of said proposed road
made from its beginning point to the
city limits and requesting the board to
complete said survey from the city lim
its to the top of Lawton hill ; and the
board being fully advised, it is ordered
that D. W. Kinnaird be instructed to
make said survey, profile and estimate
of cost of said proposed road from city
limits to top of Lawton hill at not to ex
ceed a six per cent grade, cost of said
Work not to exceed ($50) fifty dollars.'
Ia the matter of the application of W.
A. Geer for remission of taxes This
matter having been submitted and con
sidered and an order of the board hav
ing been made on Wednesday, the 8th
day of February, 1899, that the petition
er pay on said taxes the sum of forty
dollars and no more and that the re
mainder thereof should be remitted and
. all tax sales of said land, to-wit : all of
section 38, township i south, of range 8
east Willamette meridian, in Clackamas
county, Oregon, should be set aside and
void; and the Baid W. A. Geer -having
paid the Baid (f 40 as required hy the or
der ot the board on said 8th day of Feb
ruary, 1899, it is ordered by the board
that all claims for taxes against said
land now assessed or payable are hereby
In the matter of the application of
Mrs. Patty for aid for Mrs. Oglesby, an
" -inTx. M
Poorly cooked food is about as useful in the stomach as a keg ol nails would be in a fire under a
furnace. Charter Oaks cook properly and produce nutritious food, with little fuel and NO trouble.
Every Charter Oak stove is guaranteed. We also sell other makes from $6.50 and upwards.
Our Best Wall Paper
Was bought before prices advanced,
therefore we can pell you our good
grades at very low figures.
Portieres and Lace Curtains
We have the prettiest patterns and
o(r prices will speak for themselves.
nil il?
it it y
Front Street, Portland, Oregon
indigent person, it- is ordered that the
board give an order for $5 for such aid.
In the matter of the application of
Leo Friede for the remission of taxes
This matter haying been submitted a-'d
considered and an order of the court
having been made on Wednesday, the
8th day of February, 1899, that the pe
titioner pay on said taxes the sum of
twenty dollars and no more and the re
mainder thereof should be remitted and
all tax sales of Baid land, to-wit: the
southeast quarter of west half of north
east quarter and southwest quarter of
northeast quarter of section 36, town
ship 3 south, range 81-2 east of Wil
lamette meridian, in Clackamas county,
Oregon, should beset aside and declared
void; and the said Leo Friede having
paid the twenty dollars so required by
order of the court made February 8th,
1899, it is therefore ordered by the
board that all claims for taxes against
said land now assessed or payable are
hereby remitted.
In the matter of subscription 'list of
donation work and request for plank for
three and one-half miles of road in road
district No. 6 Now comes John Reve
nue, road supervisor of said district, and
presents a petition and subscription list
of donation work to the board, of him
self and 64 others, pledging themselves
to do all labor required on said road if
the county will furnish material for the
same. And the board not being fully
advised, it is ordered that said matter
be laid over until the April term of this
In the matter of the river road be
tween New Era and . Oregon City This
matter coming ou to be heard upon ap
plication of Willamette Pulp and Psppr
Company for leave to oppn the above
mentioned road from the first crossing
of the railroad 'track at Stringtown to
that portion of the road as surveyed
August 5ih,1895, already opened and
lying east of the Orileser property, in
alia distance of about 1500 feet; and
the board being fully advised in the
premises, it is ordered that the Willa
Best Stoves 'v.inftB,
PMe. mi
It's in giving vou highest grades and
qualities, and yet at less than you're
frequently asked for common, out-of-
date designs for carpet, that makes your
buying here interesting.
All wool medium weight Ingrain
Carpet 60c
Tapestry Brussels Carpet 55c
"In five years I used 20
brooms at 25 cents eachi
Total cost, f 5.00. I have
used my "BISSELL"
sweeper five years it
cost $3 and is good
for five years more."
I have already saved $2.00 in cash still
have my sweeper and have also had the
benefit of ease, pleasure and convenience;
have saved my time, labor, carpets, health,
and curtains all by use of a "BISSELL."
mette Pulp and Paper Company be and
it is hereby authorized to proceed forth
with to open that portion of said road
surveyed August 5th, 1895, commencing
from the point where said road now
crosses the railroad track atStriugtown,
thence along said surveyed line about
1500 feet to connection with that portion
of said surveyed road of August 6th,
1895, now open, and to he opened at
least 20 feet wide, cleared of brush and
made passable for teams within 60 days
from date thereof ; that the Willamette
Pulp and Paper Company, shall keep
strict account of the cost of said open
ing and shall upon completion of said
work render its account to the board J
that the cost of said opening shall be
borne equally by the Willamette Pulp
and Paper Company and the county of
Clacaamas; provided, however, that
the county of Clackamas shall not be
liable for a greater amount thereof than
$250; that upon the completion of said
opening all that portion of the present
traveled road lying west of the portion
of surveyed road of August 6th, 1895,
opened in accordance herewith be and
the same is hereby vacated. And it is
further ordered by the board that Su
pervisor Tabor, in whose district said
road lies, be appointed to oversee said
work for the county of Clackamas.
In the matter of the offer to compro
mise the case of Boechman vs. Clacka
mas county This matter coming on
now regularly to be heard on the written
offer of Fenton. Bronough & Muir, at
torneys for plaintiff, to compromise said
suit for the sum of $500 and costs,
amounting to $21.40, with the under
standing that if it is not accepted by the
board, it shall not be used against the
plaintiff, Boechman, or prejudice him
in the least, and the board being fully
advised, it is ordered that the clerk is
authorized to offer said Boechman,
through hi attorneys, Fenton. Bron
ough St, Muir, $300 to settle said case,
and they are requested to let the board
know, if possible, tomorrow, the 11th
inRtant, if they wish to accept said
In the matter of the indigent soldiers'
fund--Now comes Jacob Shade, treas
urer, before the board and represents to
the board that the indigent soldiers'
fund is exhausted ; and the board being
fully advised, it is ordered that the
treasurer transfer from the general to
the indigent soldiers' fund the sum of
($100) one hundred dollars.
In the matter of the application of
Tom P. Randall, county recorder, for an
allowance of $52 per month for deputy
hire or salary of E. P. Dedman a9 dep
uty recorder Now comes Tom P. Ran
dall, county recorder, before the board
and presents the following application
to the board :
Gentlemen: At the last session of
the legislature Oregon the duties of
Rapidly Growing More Popular
Iron Beds are strong and neat for the
boys' room, pretty and durable for hotel
or boarding house, and desirable for
any bedroom, when you can get a White
Enameled Iron Bed, brass knobs, full
size, for $3.75.
Summer Floor Dressing.
Matting, clean and comfortable, easily
kept c'ean, price tu cents per yard ana
Bellomn & Buscli,
the office of recorder were increased, and
I find that under said changes it is im
possible for" me to conduct the office
without an increase in my clerical force.
In accordance with my promise to the
people' in the last canvass. I have paid
for all the clerical help rrquired to per
form the work of the office, and would
have felt obligated to continue to do so
under the same laws and conditions as
then prevailed. But with the changes
made as Btated above, I do not feel that
I could continue to do so either in jus
tice to myself or to the service that
should be rendered the county: and so
I trust your honorable body will grant
me the following application : That you
confirm my appointment of Edward P.
Dedman as deputy recorder and that he
be allowed the sum of $52 per month as
salary from and after February 1st,
And the board not being full v advised,
it is ordered that said application be
laid over until the next regular term of
this board.
In the matter of the double assess
ment of W. F. and J. V. Lehi Now
comet W. B. Wiggins and represents to
the board that he purchased the above
named persons' property at the tax pale
held on October 22nd, 1898, as follows :
I respectfully ask that you refund
taxes to the amount of $4.75, same be
ing doable assessment on lots 1, 2, 8
and 4. block 9 1-2, Oregon City, and
that you strike from the tax sales book
for the year 1897 the same. And the
board being fully advisi-d, it is ordered
that said request be granted, and the
clerk is hereby ordered to cancel same
on said tax sales book and to issue a
warrant for said amount in favor of W.
B. Wiggins.
W. B. Wiggins...... $4.75
In the matter of the application for
an increase in the allowance for Mrs.
Wilhoit, a county charge Complaint
having been made to the board by Mrs.
8. 0. Harrington that Mrs. Wilhoit's al
lowance of $5 per month was insufficient
to maintain her, as she had become
more helpless, anil the board being fully
satisfied, it is ordered that said allow
ance he increased to to per month, to
date from March lot, 1899.
In the matter of the subscription list
of donation work in road district No. 6
Now comes J. A. Richev before the
board and presents a subscription list
with his name and 15 others offering to
donate $307.50 worth of work on the
Richey and Bradley road if the county
will give an equal amount; and the
board not being fully satisfied , it is or
dered that said matter be laid over un
til the April term of this board.
In the matter of the subscription list
of donation work of J. S. Risley and 35
others for work on river road and Oak
Grove jbill This matter ooming on now
regulariy to be heard and the hoard be
ing fully advised, it is ordered that said
petition be accepted and that the county
give JiiOO toward repairing said road out
of road tax from districts Nos. 1 and 2,
in which districts said road and hill are
located. . .
In the matter of the subscription list
of donation work on Molalla road This
matter coining on regularly to be heard
and the survey of said road not having
been completed, it is ordered by the
board that said list be laid over until
the April term of this board.
In the matter of the application of L.
Matheson, an indigent person, for aid,
it is ordered by the board that said Ma
theson be given an order on R . L. Rus
sell, of Parkplace, for $5 worih of gro
ceries. In the mutter of fins Perkle,,a Cf.unty
charge Complaint having been made
to the board bv Ridings & Son that said
Perkle refused to pay a bul of rJ.70. se
cured on account of said Perkle's dlow-
anew from the countv.it is ordered by
the board that said Perkle's February
warrant for $10 be turned over to said
Ridings & Son. and after deducting the
amount of the hill they turn the balance
over to said Perkle: and it is further
ordered that said Perkle he ordered to
come to-Oregon Citv for treatment for
his hip diseapa by the county physi
cians, Carll & Summers
In the matter of the salary of deputy
assessors This matter coming on regu
larly to be heard and the board being
fully advised, it Is ordered that che
regular deputy be paid at the rate of $00
per month and the field deputies receive
$jl per day for each day employed.
In the matter of the selection of offic
ial newsoapers lo publish the proceed
ings of the hoard of commissioners for
the ensuing year It appearing to the
board that it is the time fixed by law
for selecting the official newspapers lo
publish the proceedings of the board of
commissioners for Clackamas county, it
is ordered by the board that the Oregon
City Courier-Herald and the Oregon
City Enterprise, two newspapers pub
lished in Oregon City, Uregon, and hav
ing a general circulation, be and they
are selected as the official newspapers of
Clackamas county for one year from
this date for the publication of said pro
ceedings of the board and shall be paid
at the rate of 15 cents per square of ten
lines of brevier type, newspaper meas
ure, or it equivalent.
In the matter of the fees for marriage
licenses It is ordered by the hoard that
the clerk be instructed to collect an ad
ditional 25 rents for the affidavit when
msking out mairiage licenses.
In the matter of the reports of officers
for the month of February, 1899 The
board Laving examined the reports of
the collections of the clerk and recorder
for the month of February, 1899, and
being satisfied, it is ordered that the
Bame be approved. The reports show
collections as follows, to-wit:
Clerk. . . .$180.40 Recorder. . . .$133 00
In the matter of the mileage and per
diem of county commissioners for the
special February and regular March
terms, it is ordered by the board that
the mileage and per diem of the county
commissioners be allowed as follow :
Special term, February
6. F. Marks, 3 days and 26 miles.41160
J. R. Morton, S days and 20 mi'es. 11.00
R Scott, 1 day and 18 miles 4.80
Regular March term
S. F. Marks, 4 days and 26 miles. . $14.60
J. R. Morton, 4 days and 20 miles.. 14 00
R.8cott,3 days and 19 mile 10.80
The board now adjourned to meet at
call of chairman.
I can loan from $500 to S1500 nt 70 in
terest on No, 1 mortgage security, one J
to tnree years time, li. JS. Chobs.
Mason & Hamlin and Kimball parlor
organs for sale at Oregon City Auction
House, opposite poatoffice.
Readv made ilress skirts frnm i Kft
to $3.00 at the Racket Store. .
A few cheap reliable watches at
Younger' s
Highest cash nrioe naid for second
hand household goods, at Bell omy &
Money to loan at 8 percent interest on
mortgages. Annlv to f). T). TV f.
Latourette. .
And the Prices sre minted an ridlen.
lously low .that it will pay you to call.
Celia Goldsmith.
The Clllh tsinanrinl nnrlnra P (l
Shark, proprietor, shaves for 10 cents.
A full line of cigars and tobacco is kept.
Dan Willians has nddnd tnhia atnoV nl
groceries and provisions a full line of
teed and hay. Goods delivered to all
parts of the city free. Corner Seventh
and Center streets
Ribhnns. ftmhrnidAriaa lapaa anA all
kinds of notions at the Racket Store.
Money to loan at 8 per cent interest on
mortgages. Apply to C. 0. & D. O
I have fthnndanoA nf mnnov fn lnan of
8 and choice loans will be made at !
yj, n. vyb.
When in Portland be sure and call at
the RoVfll restaurant, wharn vnn nan nai
the best 15c meal in the city. 253 First
oireei, corner 01 maaison. wm.
Bohlander, proprietor. ,
Younger, who has had a life-long ex
perience, will clean your watch for a
For the next thirty days we will sell
all trimmed and untrimmed hats at a
gieat reduction, , Miss Goldsmith. .
, Wanted 100 watches to repair at $1
each, at 0. A. Nash's, Postotlice build-
Shoe repairing of all kinds at F, H,
Cross' harness shop, opposite A O U
W building on the hill,
During my absence I have placed in
charge of my dental office Dr. W. T.
Lyon whom I can recommend to my
friends and the public in general as a
1-: 11 c..l 1 .. . i! 1 1 . ...
Bluuiui anu reuaoie aentis'.
. L. L. Pickens.
Steam thresher and sermrrttoi- for
sale on reasonable terms. Inquire at
my residence one mile east of Sunnysule
Postoflice, Clackamas county,
For good work horses and fresh milch
cows citll on W. V. InviN, Burlow, Ore.
Keep a close watch for Miss Gold
smith's immense millinery opening,
45 cents round trip from Oregon City
to Portland and return via Southern
Pacific trains. One way rate 25 cents.
Tickets now on sale at railroad depot.
Trains leave Oregon City at 8:40 a.m.,
and 3:35 p. in , and arrives from Port
land at 9 :2.'S a. m. and 6 :62 p. m. Save
time by using the quicker route.
Venlilv Orefr.-1nifl.11 1 nnii nnnptwH-
- o - - - . .......
IIkhai.d for $2 per year.
Good for
J I This Coupon presented at our store with 3 0c
I will get you a full-sized 20 ounce bottle of .
Di. Baker's Celery and Kola
Nervous Debility
Stomach Complaints
Torpid Liver
Female Complaints
Scut rate druggist
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum
A-ctm baking powders are the greatest
menacen to health of the present day.
Mullno lload Committee.
Editor Courier-Herald Dear Sir
In your paper of March 17th a notice
appears stating that at a meeting held
at Mulino Grnge hall on March 13th
the old committee was discharged and a
new committee appointed. As a matter
of fact that meeting was not called by
the road committee, and the road com
mitteelwas not appointed by anyone
taking vrt in that meeting. Neither
did anyone taking part in that meeting
contribute anything toward the survey
of the Molalla road, except F. G. Neu
kirshner gave one day's work. As for
the Buckner Creek route we were not
appointed a committee on that route.
Ae shall continue to act, however, as
the Mulino committee on the Molalla
road as instructed by those that ap
pointed us until we make our report and
are discharged.
Respectfully, -
M. Muxvky,
F. M. MiNNtNQ,
, Members of Committee.
: For Bale, a Percheron stallion, weight
1650 pounds. Ia in good condition ;
color strawbsrry roan. The property of
Franklin Ford. Price $125. The horse
can be seen at A, K. Ford's, West Ore
gon City. '
Notice: Have you a farm for sale or
for rent or do you know of any person
holding farming lands that they wish to
disi'oseof? If so, please wiite to any
agent of the O. U. & N. Co. and he will
send you a circular which will interest
you. , .- "-, -
United Modern Vigilantes have one
payment per month, no more no less.
No per cspita tax. When you seethe
rate opposito your ago on folder yon
know that's what you pay and you are
not gnessing what your next payment
will be. Join the Ouegon City Branch.
It's time to quit walking when you
can buy a first-ckss, fully guaranteed
'99 bicycle with all the latest improve
ments for $30. Look at them at Hunt
ley's Book Store.
, For flrst-clHSS handmade or machine
made harness go to F, U, Cross on
Seventh street, opposite A O U VV hall.
Prices reasonable and wok guaranteed,
Look for the announcement of Miss
Goldsmith's hi millinery opening.
35 Gents
nerve tonic contains the most
successful nerve and blood reme-
dies known to the medical pro-
fession. It has been so uniformly
successful with us, it has produced 5
such prompt and decided benefit
in all cases for which it is recom-
mended, that we know it has only z
to be tried once in order to con
vince any sufTererer of its merits.
With this Coupon we help you to
try it with slight expense. ,
Baker's Celery and Kola Com
pound gives natural rest and sleep
to tired, overworked nervous men S
and women. It quickly relieves jjj
pain and is a boon to suffering p
women.' It strengthens the nerves, $
gives tone to the stomach, invigor- J
ates torpid liver, regulates the J
bowels, and produces a healthy
appetite and sound digestion.
The full-sized dollar bottle we S
sell regularly for 65c, and when J
the above Coupon is presented, for
30c. To be had only of
- - Oregon city!