Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, March 17, 1899, Image 8

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    ' 1 -
IPurnlslied Jiy Numerous Corres
pondents in the County.
Additional county news on sixth page
Cams. ,
The sunshine o'er all (jives an air of spring,' '
At even' doth the frog a merry song sing;
The heart fllis with gladness that the winter lsojer.
A nd 1 would riot he grieved if It returned nomore.
The road problem is 8(111 agitating our citizens.
Tlio new survey that Is going to leave the old
road nn 1 out (arms up la bid sh-ipe, and leave a
number of L oubos offtlie road is raising a deal of
hullabaloo. One man, I learn, who has plenty
,of means, intends to fight It to the last dollar be
fore he will have his property cut up by the new
route. Its a funny world, ls'nt It, you can't al
ways please everybody can you. The mental
: make! up of man is a funny machine. Acqulescene
Jn this man dissatisfaction In that and I'm
one of the dissatisfied fellows.
I see In Illinois then sprung up a farmers party
whose business it will be to see the farmers
represented In our state and national legislative
bails. How pleasant that will be to see we,
horny handed sons of toil, the bone and sinew
of the country, the men who raise the wheat,
. corn and taters, beef and sowbelly, that feeds the
Other fellow, going Into our legislative balls, our
county and state offices, It has taken a strong
bold on me, It has put Die bee In my bonnet.
The contemplation of the thing, even at a far off,
that I might one day get a chance to drink the
delicious milk from the country udder Is nearly
enough joy for one th ugh the reality Is never
, attained. Since tbis new party sprung up (nd I
le the farmer's clumoe In the near by and by,
this desire for ofBce has taken such deep root It
bothers me In my sleep, It makes me everything
but the contented farmer. Why, I've got It as
.' bad as one of the boys we elected year ago, he
Mid he had It so bad he itutered In his sleep.
Another fellow had It so bad before ba was
elected he was afraid your discerning doctors
would discover his trouble and expose him.
. Mow, Mr, Editor, you an an awful nice little
fellow If you have go t on anburn balr, now won't
, you just begin to talk me up and get me before
the people. Lets commence In time and avoid
the rush, for you know as soon at our party
becomes formidable everybody In the town from
the bootblack up to tbe preacher will rush Into
the oountry after an acre of land so that they oaa
pose as farmers. You don't know what anguish
of spirit you would relieve If you would give me
a boost and boost me good and hard, but, for
goodness sake, don't get Tltch to help you, he
wasn't a good booster for anybody but bimself
and he dln't lift quite hard enough when he tried
to land himself In the state printer's ohalr, but
you just do the boosting act yourself, I can trust
yon and you've got the best paper In tbe oounty
and you are onto the boosting job all right,
We've got a nice lot of boys In the court house
ain't we, slek, bang up, well grooned fellows
but, they were not that way before election. Oh
no, I guess not; one of them told me and he's an
awful nice little fellow that wouldn't tell a story
; for a nickel. He said hj had this hankering so
bad before election it wound and twisted and
argued its way so into his deilres that it made
his hair curly . -Oh dear, how I too would like to
be there.
How great and how unconquerable
1 Ins desire will o'er me roll, '
For one good pull at the county teat, ,
I would barter away my soul. , i V i
V. ' . lours lovingly, SiiuiB.,;
' John Dolan; who has been down bedfast with
la gr ppe is able to be ou deck once more. .
Another of our f lr maidens (Miss Minnie
Comurllms been offered as a sacrltlce on Hymen's
alter having wed a gentleman of Manjuain
A. C. Illlieary lost a valuable cat a few days
sluee, Hert says Its dentil was oauscd by its
heroic churl lo digest a rabbit skin.
' H. (). Ziegler and V. W, Irvln, of Barlow,
brought up a drove of stock cattle on Inst Saturday
and put tm the formers 40-aere pnsture for the
; J. H. tV right has his new residence on his
hoiuostead about riady for occupancy, lie has
been rushing the construction. As he waauaillug
on shingles one day he sneezed and swallowed a
shingle call, as soon lis jour reporter learned of
the disinter we burned our midnight oil to write
John up an gltltnrlng obituary, and now his
health is Improving and he thinks Iron Is good lor
the blood, meanwhile we deposited said obituary
In our WHte basket and are endeavoring to re
cuperate our brain ufler the strain uf that obituary
We have hopes of partial recovery.
I At the annual election of officers 111 School dis
trict Mo. 68 Inst Monday Mrs. L. 1'. Williams was
re-elected clerk, L. P. Williams re-elected diiwelor
and J. II. Comer elected dliector, Vice J. 11.
Wright resigned.
I We think the late legislature made a very good
word i If it were hut for the numerous "i rait,'
we should Kay an "excellent" record. The re
duction of the Interest oil slate school funds to
sin per cent, means a lowr rate by all brokers
nd will do mure to reduce luterest In this state
'than any oilier legislation could have done. Then
the passage of direct legislation constitutional
amendment was a grand forward step toward
; imlilical reform. The wide tire act was another
hit of good legislation. We might enumerate
, other good laws placed upon our atatuets in lm).
'f One word In regard to Senator Drownnll. We
do think the whole clthteushlii of Clackamas
county regardless of former political aroliatloa
, should be tirotid of his record to tii uihim ui,,u
We would like to see (leo, 0, succeed 'Touguey
II om" in the congress of these l ultwi States. We
! believe the good Venule of 'lniknm ,,ni
' should use every honorable effort to bring about
i,a iii'iii.uttwuii uvxt ear. -
March 14. tiKFoimta
Mountain View.
Ml-. Thorn mum In lltl,lliw, .
lu.rl r.l Ida, Iwtttua tl.lu L
Mrs. Frank Billiard is seriously 111 with
la grippe.
I (Irandina Waldroit U slaying alth Mrs. Walton
llllu 11,,,-ltltV
j The Misses Jliiyllelcl were the guests .uf Mrs.
inwgu msi ounuay aim are attending business
oolK'ge in remand, ...... , r
. J. Ogleaby, of Heaver Creek, who Is buanllng
p iiiw uiiik wuuo i-iiiuiig noon Hiles, Villa
ieaiieu iioiiiu incBUtky i
ills sick daughter,
K, A. Kly Is able to lie
miieii uiiiiiv iiicnu.iy aiteuuon lo Ui bouside uf
1,1k al,.1t ,U,,ill,tv
out again, but his tvUeis
Latin ou the su a itsi.
1 Hnice Darnall, of Mullno, was in lown Vt'odiie.
vlav niakliia uretiaratlona to start tu KhmImm, i iru.
r;on in xi wees on a surveying eipeuliioii wilii T,
111. Johnson.
rhusUj Vlu ! hnll.llnn .l.l....Ali- .
, . , ' , , """"'a iviwnai 111 irnut
iu nis nouse tins weea.
I Mrs. Kurd Oman's slsier was visiting her this
liwvek Tuesilav.
Jus Harrington It on the sick list. '
Mr. Sobers, of Ml, Pleasant, was lh guest of Mr.
Kiillet'Iuesilay. lie has another girl at his house,
Kvhli-h makes him feel quite proud, only he wished
il lu.l lul.ll Ik 1..1V
Mist Ida Kraurit la not much better,
M.rchlh. gAUNA.
Inclement weathur In Highland andavnrv luxiv
I ;k, and out hasNivin died.
ti The school electlan resultetl in the re-election
I l A. Nicholas si director and the re-eleciion of
i His. Nova Millar as district clerk and oulminated
; in a quarrel, tight and kuock-duwu, ,
There is a protracted meeting being held at the
II .pint church by Die ltev. Short. Meaiinir
aight tills week.
Otir esteemed neighbor and friend, Fraueli
WeUn, and fsmlly have left us and moved lo Ore
Hitiillty, MlloUard and family are occupying
j the house and will run the farm. . .
Dr. Strlcklsnil was suddenly summoned to the
i residence of 0. K Miller lo examine little Clay,
i who has beeu and Isstiil very ill with bowl disease.
W j art glad lbs ptople of this county arc taking
Hi and considering this great problem, to-wit;
' I" m road question, liod eed tiie day when we
I w il have roads like Clvililrd people should have,
fc. Marokl'. f oaRMroupMt,
Mr. Bralsh. who has been vliitlnor hf sister.
Mrs. Young, returned to British Columbia last
ween. Mrs. Young accompanied him as far as
Portland, where she visited her daughter, Miss
cuun, ana returnea nonaay.
Georire Case left last week for Hennner. where
he expects to spend the summer.
Mrs. Lydia Wright spent several days of last
week at Marqnam, where phe was called by the
unless oi uer oroiner, uy Jones. ,
Mrs. Carl Kinzey. of Oregon City, hs been
visiting ner parents; Mr. ana Mrs. A. J. Waville,
the past weik.
Quite a delegation from Uboral attended the
grange meeting at Mullno last Saturdny.
At the school meeting last week Will Husband
was eiectea director and Levi Btehman clerk.
It was decided to hold a snecial meetinr; to con
sider the question of selling part of the school
grouna. . ,
D. W. Graves is filting up the inside of the house
at tne linage, wmcn he purchased or Mr. Duff.
Mr. Baker expects to start for Pasadena, Cai.,
some tims next month. We hear that Frank
Case bus bought his crop on Mr. Trnlliugor's place,
ana win iarm tne place tins season.
March 14.' Ex.
Miss Benlah Walker, of Houlton, Oregon, Is
graying wun ner uncle ana aunt, ur. ana Mrs.
j . A. uavi8.
A family by the name of Roy has moved on lh
iv u ton piace.
B. E. Karr went on a visit to his sister at Bock
Ureek '1 nnrsday, returning Friday .
Prof, and Mrs. N. W. Rowland attended the
funeral of Superintendent btrange at Oregon City
In addition to the grammar grade -our school
has a high school oourse for resident pupils. A
number of our pupils, who have finished the
common Drancnes, are taking it.
We are glad to see the weather -keep near the
snowing point as It tends to keep Hie fruit back
until warmer weatner is assurea.
March 14. , ' "' X
, i - MoUitla.
There Is, and has been, more sickness in this
community this winter than has 'been known for
years; mostly la grippe, some cues of pneumonia,
The little son of J. V. Harlessand wife Is slowly
Improving and there is now some hope of his ul
timate recovery. . , . ,
Mrs. Mattle Wells Is still very siek, They have
Tnovea ner w me oia nomesieaaru Molaiia.
John Johnson returned from Portland recently,
wnere ne naa gone to consult aociors. They aid
nui give ri i m uiucu encourag-menr. .it is reported
tnai nis anmeni is orignis disease.
William Hammond, from Idaho, a brother to
our ieiiow townsman, Teddy Hammond, arrived
here recently to visit hlsbrotliir, Teddy. He ex
pects to make this county his home ana live with
School commenced last week again with Miss
Fatty as principal. Both Dunih and directors
seem to be very well satisfied with her as a teacher
ana tnst site nas Deen engaged to teach a two
Months' tens after the expiration of the present
vei, wiaicu win eafiire iu two vreess, i 1
Prof. Ebr. tie wieWer of the birch from Mar.
qM,alo Mrs. Eby, are visiting home folks this
wet, mere is a ween vacation 41 the Marauam
BvnuiA " . (
Pern Kayler ts till uslna a oalr of nrunhes
.. . ,i i
caused by his footosoing lnontract with the
easiness eua oi a saaip ax,
Oiarley Holt and Frank Wheeler are vlsltlnir
fcere for a few daya. They have pent the winter
woraaniior inemseives ana aiifneuiiic comnanv
oa the head waters at Gold creak, a tributary of
tbeJSanUsai river. They report 'that the ledges
that are being rwosiiected in that coiintrv are
showing up In good shape with a nrosnect of
HHMsiiuuiT ueiiiK putiu mereim ine near iuturo.
iney repeat nsrving tail of auow this season
wHh over three fuut est ipacked -snow when they
lets -camp a few days ago. They are golug back
In a few days. iv .. .
The mesitiers of the Molalla dramatic clnh are
preparing to give n -entertainment about the
oiose or Mie present term or school. The drama
to -be rendered will be "Under tbe Laurel," with
a faeoe which has not as yet been selected.
There Is to be an -entertainment at the Behool
house hall to-night, Wednesday evening It is
auoia-lusiiioneamaelc lantern with uhoiincranh
attachment with a full description and scenes
inckleiit to the blowing tip of the Maine and the
Hpnaish ww. The attendance will probably be
liirrit-ed.as such entertainments are getting to be
aucsuut nun iieopie, uo n ot careio see llieiu.
There are several young men from this vlclnltv
itliat expect to start to iiastern Oregon In a short
lime to wor aunng me -spring ana summer.
Among them ore Fay Moodv and John Klnhln
They think of reinaiuiiu: out tbero if Uu v can find
a Bliuuuiu luwuuu. t
Mlln Trulli'iiger and brother: Homer, atartnrl
from nere recently to.vleititlieir mines In Eastern
tjregmi, snmewnere in ue Blue mountains. Tiiey
linens to wof a there all summer, provided thev
get any encouragmont from a tirosnoct that thev
viwurviDU intDunst lull.
Marotu ,15.
Then Wn. lvxlllva at .IIia al...nl V-t..
vvciiuiK nie loin on tne ot'vu nun npasit8n war,
which all got a-gsoatdeal of knowledge.
Some Uoysof Orugon City cameidown last Sun
riy,and pluyed sa game of ball wlih on 1 boys.
1 ney illdii't looa sc. pleased when they started
lsome as tiie sonm slond -4 taiOin fuvnr t, nurb..iu..A
TilH dutlrrt Dlvon nl llr, .Tlin fit.uI..l.' .
.. .,,,, uv,(.,,,Hv t, n no a
su hmsii, as all rqport of having a nice tiiuu.
Mr. King is uilaing of going to EaBtern Oregon
tliM week. i,
Ulns fnm Mnlnlvra nt Otae la.H,n.t
Mat. 'lihomsti' 111 West Uladstoua. '
Mrs. Men 11 was vlslilngher.motlier akdacka
iliias Salinilaj' and Kunduy.
Mt and Mil). Hngglinsare sunning hrevta!tlng
relatives, but Intend logo to Eastern Oregon.
Jlaqw Alien has gone to or near Salem to work.
Mr .TmWiiII nnil a,ra r.,pl. - .,,
. ......,,wuMCWau,Hi liiei'tJlHB
to meet his wtte. Ihej- intend ito travel around
MasolilS. - Mamiu.
Tlvel gchoot -fiunnrlntcn
I . 1 r "T""
jBtueu. j titiw u&r aiiOiUeuntv .IiuIa
Kvnn gtmoinU'il Pmfnaanr.I n ';.,.-
. . . " - . I , I CTV'I
il) fi 1 tllH -VAftflriiW ca.lluiH htf Ka
. -- J ... v. v-, viiu uram
4)1 buperint!iulHnt H.. 8. Mratage. Dur-
iii K uie sanxs aitetJioon .tiie county
lioard of examiners aijK)inted N.' W. to
mo jimtw. J tiiatiy hj two .rival p.
pointes ai;reed to abide by an opinion
liaiided olown by atuue .competent au
tlwrity. Weclues(iay evening an opin.
ion was rex'eWed Jrora Attorney-General
BlackWrn iu lavor of the aaipoint
ment made by the board of .coiuniis
sioners Tbursday, Mr. Zinser ten
dered Ilia roftio'.niir.inn n-Vii,.l, .n n.
c. , . .,..,vii -nia iiu-
L'PDtcVl. and Jnilun kvun alcn
Mr. Bowland to the superintencency.
aujn-i iiiioiRiuiii Duwiana a(iKxnuetl sirs.
H. 8. Btranae as his deputy. Jdise
Kran SIVS that hn will mnkni I.U u..-
pointive power on some otier techoi-
Divorce cases from Multnomah county
continue to be tiled here for trial.
in uie roruanii courts divorce litianU
are required to put up about 15 few-
court reporter fees, a complete record of
tbe testimony being required. In the
circuit court here only a lit) court re
porter fee is required, and the divorce
i-iiiio io unnigiu nere to save expense.
The latest divorce suit from Multno
mah county is that of Kate E. Rnnmr v.
C. W. larger. The complaint allege
unit mry vtuiu luHrrteii at Moulder, la ,
in 18117, and recites that her husband
has treated her cruelly, and threatened
vj am nor in roruanu, ana that she ha;
to flee from him to escape further chas
tisenient. She also alleues adultery oi
tlie mirt (if th ilfii,lnt ..i..
the custody of her 8-year old daughter,
iui; iv.
Situated four miles from Oregon City
On the Hiirlilntnl nlnnk nirnl -,-,ni;:..
80 acres, L'5 acren under cultivation, rest
ill nasture. new flv rnnm lumu
. - . u , VI , ll l
neoessarv nut hnilili
Ismail portion cash, the rest on eisy
terms. For futher information inquire
at this office.
County Commissioners.
Continued from 1st page,
February, 1899, a day r-amed in the no
tice served upon them, and were dulv
sworn by subscribing to a written oath
of office administered by E. P. Rands,
the county surveyor, alter wlunh they
proceeded to the designated place and
did view and cause to be surveyed by
said county surveyor the above de
scribed road. They' also' filed the field
notes and plat of the survey. Said view
ers report favorably to the establish
ment of said road as viewed and sur
veyed, for the teasons that it is a good,
practical route and of ' public utility.
Said report was read on this day on its
hrst reading and laid over for a second
reading tomorrow.
VVhen said petition was read the sec
ond time it appeared to the board th at
there is a claim or petition for damages
filed (in case said report is accepted) by
John Benson for $1000. Therefore, it
is ordered by the board that J. F. Ap-
person, Michael Uatheld and John Tab
bart be appointed viewers of damages,
to meet at the premises of John Benson
on Thursday, March 20th, 1899, at 10
o ciock a. m., and alter being duly
sworn that they view said road the
whole distance through the lands of
John Benson and determine, if any, how
much less valuable his lands would be
rendered by reason of the location and
opening of said road, and report the
same in writing at tbe next regular term
of this board; and it is further ordered
that the expenses of said view and sur
vey be paid as follows : V . " .,
W. H Counsell, viewer..... .... $2.20
J. 8. Risley, viewer., ,; 1.80
F. M.Sumner, viewer.... 2.00
W.W.Myers 1.00
W. J.Whiteman 1.00
John Ferguson....;, , 1.00
E. R. Randa, surveyor..... 4.50
Total.... ....$13 50
In the matter of the petition of J. L.
Vosburg et al. for a change in the Aber
nethy road In the matter of the report
of W. H. Counsell, J. 8. Risley and F.
M. Sumner, viewers appointed at the
last term of the county court to view
and locate a county road situated in
Clackamas county, Oregon, described in
full on page 5 of this journal, said view
ers filed their report, showing that they
had met on the 20th day of February,
1899, a day named in the notice served
upon them, and were .duly sworn by
subscribing to a written oath of office
administered by E. P. Rands, the county
eutveyor, after which they proceeded to
the designated place and did view and
cause to be surveved by said county sur
veyor the above described road. They
also filed ihe field notes and plat of the
survey. Said viewers reported favora
bly to the establishment of said road as
surveyed, for the reason that it is a good,
practical route and of public utility.
Laid over until tbe April term.
In the matter of the petition of R.
Schockley et al. for a county road, John
Lewellen, fi. W. Mayfield and G. W,
Lee, viewers appointed at the last term
of the county court to view and locate a
county road situated in Clackamas
county, Oregon, described, in full on
page 8 of this journal, said viewers filed
their report, showing that thev had met
on the 23d day of February, 1899, a day
named in the notice served upon them,
and were duly sworn by subscribiiiL to
a written oath of office adininisiered by
E. 1'. Rands, the county surveyor, after
which they proceeded to the designated
place and did view and cause to be sur
veyed by said county surveyor the above
described road. They alo tiled the
field notes and plat of the survey. Said
Viewers report favorably to' the estab
lishment of said niad as viewed and sur
veyed, for the reason that it -is a good,
practical route and of public utility.
, And it appearing .to tbe board that
there is no, remmoustraiice or-petition
for damages tiled, and being Buti(ied
that said road will be a public utility, it
is ordeied and adjudged thut the field
notes and plat of said survey be record
ed and in all respects approved and that
said view and survey be establislied as
a county road, and that the expenses of
said view and survey be established by
Clackamas county, and tiie clerk is
hereby ordered to' isue the necessary
notice to the supervisors .f the district
or districts in w hich said road is located
to open and work the same as the work
of eaid petitioners will g. . -
Job n Lewel len .......... . . . . .' . ' ' ,7 .60
Green MavfieM.. .'. i ... VV. 7.i0
George Lee. . ..j... . , 7.li0
T. Shockley ...a.. . i (5,00
W. V. Hendereott....... ... . .tj.OO
Robert liuttierford. ............... ,, 6,90
E P. Rands, aurvevor 27M
In the iuattex of 'the peti'tion of Fred
Moshberger et aJ. for a county road In
the matur of Uie petition filed by Fred
Biosnoerger ana more iiian 12 bouse
holders of Uie -county living in the vi
cinity of the road described in the peti
tion and praying viewers to be appoint
ed I) view and locate a -county road in
-Cirtckauiascounty, Oregon ,describddas
follows: Beginuing at a point in the
center of the Keedy and Molalla road at
the corner of soctiona 35 and 86, town-
snip 0 south, range 1 east of the Wil-la
inette meridian aud section 1 .and 2,
township south, range 1 east of Willa
mette meridian and on the township
line between said townships 4 and 6, tn
(Jlackanias county, state of Oregon, run
ning thence due south ou section liae
between aaid sectious 1 and 2 a distance
of about three-fourths mile to intersect
what is known as the Gordon road as
the point of termination. Sail road
should tie a (40) forty foot road, and
said petitioner not having filed his atli
davit of notices posted, it is ordered by
the court that said petition be laid orer
to the April term ot this court. .
In the matter of bids for comity print
ingThis matter coming on regularly
to be heard, and bids being received as
follows :
Courier Herald, by A. V. Chenev,
publisher, ait follows: In consideration
of being made and designated as the le
gal and olliciiil newspaper of Clackamas
county and given the contract for fur
nishing all the stationery, printing,
blanks, books and' supplies of that na
ture for a term ending the first Monday
in July, 1900, I will print the delin
quent tax list for 10 cents per line and
Inrnisli the said stationery, printing,
blank book and supplies for 75 percent
of the cost of Bitch as no paid -by said
Clackamas county, Oregon. I also
guarantee that all work shall be first
class in every respect and that I have a
larger chculatlon than any other two
papers in the county combiued.
AL-to a bid by M. E. Bain, of the Press,
for printing t-n list for 15 cents per line
and a discount of 15 percent on supplies
ami stati- neiy.
And tb bid of the Courier-Herald
hying thi) 'lowest and b st bid, it is or-
' I
dered by the board fhat the contract for
said printing be let to A. W. Cheney, of
the Courier-Herald, for his bid and that
tbe board contract with him according
to said bid for said pruning until the
first Monday in July, 19U0.
Said contract was then signed by A.
W. Cheney and by the board of com
missioners for Clackamas county and
placed on file in the clerk's office.
In the matter of the subscqiption list
of donations in district No. 16, ou C. H.
Foster, road. Now comes 0. H.Foster
before tbe lioard and presented a sub
fenption list of donation work ot bim
self and 46 others promising to perforin
the number of days' labor set opposite
their nnmes on said petition and re
questinu the board to assist them by
doing the.same amount of work. And
the board , being fully satisfied, it is or
dered that the list be accepted and pe
titioners to do said work under super
vision of C. II. Foster, also to work out
the original petitioners on said road out
of county road fund.. . .
In the matter of the subscription list
of donation work in road district No. 39
This matter coming on regularly to be
heard and the bo ird being satisfied, it
is ordered that said petition be accept
ed, the county agreeing to build culvert
and corduroy said hill.
In the matter of subscription list of
donation work in district No. 13, on Vi
ola hill Now comes W. N. Mattoon be
fore the board and presents the petition
of himself and 35 others offering 85
days' work without team and 23 days'
work in opening and repairing said hill
above Viola if the county will furnish
funds to complete the same; and the
court being fully satisfied, it is ordered
that if Supervisor Mattoon finds said
road survey to be correct and legal, he
be authorized to open and repair said
road. ' ' .i
In the matter of purchasing handcuffs
for sheriff Now comes Sheriff J. J.
Cooke before the board and represents
to the beard that he needs a pair of
handcuffs and that t). H. Isom had a $6
pair he would sell for $5 ; and the board
being fully advised, it is ordered that
said J. J. Cooke purchase said handcuffs
and the ;clerk is hereby authorized to
issue a warrant in lavor ot U, a. isom
(or said amount. '
C. H. Isom .$5.00
In the matter of the resolution of
sympathy upon the death of Superin
tendent Strange
Whereas. Almighty God in his infi
nite wisdom has seen fit to permit the
cold hand of death to take from us an
esteemed and beloved fellow officer,
Oounty Superintendent H, 3. Strange;
Whereas, He was a faithful, attend
ant and competent official as long as his
strength permitted; while stricken with
a fatal disease, he was persistent in his
efforts for the benefit and education of
mankind; therefore, be it
- Resolved, That we, the county offi
cers of the county of Clackamas, state of
Oregon, herewith express our love ana
appreciation ot his noble example or un
selfish devotiou and service lo educa-;
tion. .',"'.' . '
Resolved, That we extend our heart
felt sympathy to his beloved helpmeet
and companion.
Resolved, That a copy of these reso
lutions be spread upon the records of
Clackamas county, a copy be sent to the
bereaved lamily and a eopy furnished
the local papeis for publication.
' . , El.mkr Dixon,"! '
- ! " . . John J. Cookk,
, ' Tnos. F. Ryan,
Committee. '
In the matlef of the appointment of a
bounty school superintendent to fill the
vacancy caused by the death of H. 8
Strange This matter coming on now to
be heard and the board being fully ad
vised, it is ordered that N, W. Bowlarwl
be appointed to till said vacancy . ,
In tbe matter of piling cord wood oil.
the public ro'ads,' it is ordered by the
board that the clerk ' be instructed to
notify the supervisors in whosi distrijts
cord wood is being piled on the public
highways to order the same removed
And to see that no more cord wood is
piled on said highways in the future; -'
" An order was made granting the pe
1 it ion of tiie following communication :..-
Office of tub Sheriff of
Clackamas County. '
.,. ,. ....., March 9, 1899.
Ttj tiie, Honorable, tbe Board of Com
missioners for t,he County of Clacka-
: mas, State of Oregon : ,
Gentlemen In accordance with a
promise I made to the people of Clacka
mas county preceding the last county
election to the effect that if elected I
would pay my chief deputy out of my
own salary, I would ' respectfully state
that 1 have complied with said promise
np to the first day of Februarv, A. D.
1899. -i :.
' That at the regular session of the last
legislative assembly of the stale of Ore
gon sundiy laws were passed that nia
leiially added to the duties and respon
sibilities of the sheriff's o.Tice without
making additional compensation there
for m fact, lessening the powers ot the
office and taking away a part of the
compensation that attached to the office
when my promise to the people was
itnade. i : . . .,
1st. The oontrol of the county print
ing, which has always been under th
:-haige of the sheriff, was taken avay
by a .epeciat legislative act referring
alone to this oounty. ' ' .
2nd. The boarding of county prison
ers, which has also been in charge of
Uie sheriff, was taaen away by legisla
tive enactment.
. 3rd. The bill providing for mileage in
civil cases has added additional compli
cations and burdens to the sheriff's of
fice. '.-.. !
- These additional burdens have been
added to tay office since making the
promise above stated without my pro
curement or con-ent, and I feel that I
am not warrant d in justice to myself
and the efficiency of the office in paying
the salary of mi chief dupu'y as agreed.
I would therefore ask your honorable
board to confirm the appointment of Mr.
J. K. Jack as my chief deputv and
that he be allowed the sum of $60 per
month as salary from and sfter the first
day of March, A D. 1899.
J. J. Cookk,
Sheriff of Ciackitnas County.
In the matter of the application of
Mrs. Walker and family for aid Now
comes Mrs. Walker before the b'ard
and represents that her husband is ab
sent aud sick and she is unable to pro
vide for the wants of herself and t-mall
children ; and the board being satisti d.
it is ordered that Mm. Walker be grant
ed aid in the sum of o.
C- med In Supplement.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the County ol uiacaamas.
Leolie Blair, Plaintiff,
vs. ' '
.Tohnathan B. Blair, Defendant.
To Johnathan B. Blair, the defendant above
vn hurohv rpnuiied to aDDear and answer-
the comprnint tiled against you in the above ! en
titled court in tins cause wiiuui ni.
thedate of the first publication of this summons
that is to say, on or before tlve 15th day of April.
IK'JI), the first publication of this summons being
on the 3d dav of March, 18l, and the last on the
Hth ilny of April, and 11 you fall to answer
I'lainlill will apply to the court for the relief
prayed for in the complaint, to-wit. : inaiine
hoiids of-nialrimotiy heretofore and now exist
ing between plaintiff and defendant be dissolv
ed : thai nlaiiitifi'liuve the custody and control
( f their minor child -, that she have her costs and
disbursements herein, ana aucn omur ana iyrin
er relief as shall seem meet in the premises.
This summons is published pursuant to an
order of the Hon. Thos. F. ltyan, county judge
of Oliickainascouiity, Oregon, granted on March
1st, WJU, proscribing and ordering publication of
this summons once a week for six weeks.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for Clackamas county, ot date February 21st, 18119,
upon a decree of foreclosure duly rendered In
said court on November -26th, 188, In the case of
Daniel Herlihy, plaintiff, vs. Daniel Herlihy and
Ellen Herlihy, his wife, defendants. In favor of
the plaintiff and against the defendants, 1 will,
at 1:30 o'clock in the afternoon on the
25TH DA OF MARCH, 1899,
At the front door of the court house In Oregon
City, Oregon, sell at public auction, to the high
est bidder, for cash In hand, subject to redemp
tion, the premUes described in said deoree Of
foreclosure, being situated in Clackamas county,
Btate of Oregon, to-wit: i
All of the south half of a oertaln tract of land
deeded to Daniel Herlihy by the Oregon and Cal
ifornia Railroad Company, said entire tract being
described as follows : The east hal I of the north
east quarter of the southeast quarter of section
S, township 2 south, range four (4) east, Willam
ette meridian; said nouth half containing flfly
nlne acres more or less, excepting Ihe reserva
tions made in favor of the Oregon and Califor
nia Railroad Company In ita ded to Daniel
Herlihy made the 281 h day of February, lSul, to
satisfy the sum of k566 60, with interest from No
vember 26th, 1W8, at the rate of a per cent, per
annum, and the ousts and disbursement of said
utt, taxed at 130.00, and the costs of and upon
this writ.
Sheriff of Clackamas countv, Oregon,
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., Feb. 21, 1899,
' ben appointed exeeutrix oi the last will
and testament of the estate of Samuel Heinle.
deceased, by the Hon. county court of Clackamas
eounty, Oregon. All persons having olainn
against said estate are hereby notified to present
the same to me for payment, at my home at
Eagle Creek (Currinsville P. O.j Clackamns coun
ty, Oregon, with proper vouchers, within six
months from the date of this notice.
Executrix of the last will and testament ef Sam
uel Heiple, deceased.
Dated this 20ih day of February, 1899.
drpantmbnt op the interior,)
Usited Rtates Land Okkice.J
' Oregon'City, Ore., Feb. 21, 18!9.)
ing been filed in this office by Asa Reed, con
testant, against h"mestead entry No. 11576, made
October 4, 1895, for SW'4 seotlon 5, township 3 s,
range 7 e, by Julius Steinberg, conteetee, in which
it is alleged that the said Julius Steinberg has
wholly abandoned said tract and changed his resi
dence therefrom for more than twelve months
last past and next to the date of said contest affi
davit; that the said Steinberg not only abandoned
his cialna but actually abandoned the state of
Oregon about twelve mon'.hs ago and went to
Klondike. Alaxka, and as far as known he st 11 re
sides at the present in Alaska; that the statements
contained In his pretended "leave of absence,"
filed February, 1898, were not such as to Justify a
leave of absen e, such as the Act of March 2, 1879,
ever contomplatod; that said tract is not settled
upon and cultivated by said claimant as required
by law at any period since Ihe date of said entry,
said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond
and offer evidence touching said allegations at 10,
o'clock, a. M.,on Apail Is, 1899, before the Kek-ls
ter and Receiver at the United States Land Oliice
in Oregon City, Oreg in. . t
The said contestant having, in a proper affidavit
filed February 2o, 1S09, sot forth facts which show
that after due diligence personal service of this
notice cannot be made, It is hereby ordered sud
dlreetel Hint sm-h notice be- given by due and
proper publication. WM. yALLOWAY,
CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor ,
r , ...'.Oregon City, Oregon , F
Pure Milk and Full Measure
j given; delivered to any
part of the city.
Try Molton Dairy and t Oonvnee
is hereby given that I have Hied my filial
report as executor of the will of John Folium,
jUMil. and that the probate court of Clackamas
comity, State of Oregon, has set Monday, the, 3d
day of April, 1H99. at the hour of 10 o'clock . A. M.
for the hearing of the said report and objections
thereto il any there be, et wiilctl lime all persons,
that are interested are hereby tiotilied to be present.
; JA8. FUI'lAM,
I Kxecutor of the will of John Fu':luin,klwased.
Notice of Sale of DImiuerit Stock.
, -. r - - - i , .!-
capital stock of the BlueRiver Mining ad Mill.
Inu Conioanv. a eoroor tttou. of Hseeeui -tits dulv
leviril by the directors thereof at their duly railed
meetings on the th day ol June 1x98, Aug. 15,
WJ7. and Sent. 17, 1898, and by virtue of the
action ot tne noarn or rjtrectnra or said rtorpora.
tion on the 1st day of February, 199, said assess
ments were declared to he delinquent, and pur
suant to the order thereof, now, tberufore, the
lollowing stock will on Saturday. Anril 1st. 1899.
at i o'clock p. ni., at the front door of the conrt
nouse in tne city oi viegon city. Oregon, ae sold
by me at public auction, to the hlirheet bidder for
cash In hand, to make Uie amount of assessment
aud coeteof advertising therein, namely;
Name. No. 8haroa. Amount
B. F. Linn .. l,tm ' 2.2S
rrancia Bans.. .- -. I7 ,67
N. O Walden Estate I .4im 88.00
W. W. Myers-.. ... .......i,ilti0 ' 60.00
J. W. Potter...- no ; 8.10
Pete Nflirln..- 2uu , a.uo
Oregon City, Feb. 23, 199. '- 7
. . " ."' i M- TACT, President.'
; 1
Notice is hereby given that tU undersigned has
been duly appointed by the cvnnty court, nl the
tale of Oregoa, for t hcknnM county, lo be Ihe
exe, attix of the teat will and teeimueut ot Jaiiea
O. Wilson, deceased, nd tha she. has aualiaiUs
ui-i. Ail persons i haiiBi emims aalnt iie
eslate of said decub-rtt are hereby aotllled io prwiit
the same to ihe umiereli-iu-d. at W residi neolit
uilwaukie 111 sahl Aouniy or ('Uckamaa wit!. I
six (ti) mouths from ihe ftrtf pit'lilUatioi of III
notree. i ,
MAR0ARET K. Wljb.)N,'
Executrix of the last Fill and. Usumtnt
James A. neon, ictw .um.w-
reni-iti, Hriasav? h Ml
...1LJLa j
la the Jutlce(r)urt for district Sfo, AcfvSaw
CouBly, Oregori Chailes Allriuht, J .
VS. A. M. Ikw ks jtadrr l ll,,c
wlfe.defendantl. To A SI. IVs-r
Dm keleadev, hlrfwife the bnri
ants: ia the name of t'w fc.
nd ea h of yon are Berebvjf
sml answer tne complaint i
the abore entitled acti '
1899. end If vnn Ml so t r
lh U.lir U-tll 1.I.U .l
lour causes oi action
for goods sold aii'l
and disbursement;
is publUlirH f,
j-viiueut-i, just ;
titled eimrt, yjj
f irst pubiir
In the Circuit Conrt of the State o Oregon, lor
the County ol Clackamas;- '
0. A. BockwoorJ,- ' B ' ' '
Plaintiff, , , ;. !
vs. '
Wm. M. Burket and Sarah Burket, t
his wife, and Joseph Eugene He 5
ges, as Kxeoutor of the will oil
Joseph Hedges, deoeased, I
Defendants. l !
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss.
oree and an exeontion, duly Issued ent of and
under the seal of the above entitled conrt, in Ihe
above entitled cause, and to me duly directed and1
dated the 8th day of rebruary, 1899, upon a judg
ment rendered and entered In Biiid court on ihe
alstdnv of January, 1899, in favor of i..A.Kock.
wood, plaintill', and against Win. M. Burket and
Sarah Bui ket, his wife, and Joseph Eugene led.
ges as executor of the will of Joseph Hedges,
deceased, defendants, for the sum of K189.J0,
with Interest thereon at tne rate oi iu per in jpcj
annum from the- 81st day of Jnnuary, 1899, and
further sum of 840.00. as attorney's fee, aud
the further sum of 122.24, with Interest thereon
from the '-81st dav of January, 1N99, and the
the further Bum of 12 60 costs and disbursements
and the costs of and upon tills writ, commanding
me lo make sale of the following described real
property, situate in the county of Clackamas
state of Oregon, to-wit: ,.. , '
ii of lot one (1) of block nineteen (19) in Holmes
addition to Oregon City. Oregon, which M Is de
scribed as follows: Beginning et the northwest
corner of said lot one (1) and thence enl along :
the north line of said lot 60 feet; thence south
parallel with the west line of said lot one (1) 200
feet to Uie south side of said lot one (1); tnence
west 50 feet to the southwest corner of said lot
one (1); thence north along west line 800 feet to
plaoe of beginning, said lot being in the north
part of said Holmes' D. L. C.No. 4ft, Notlilcation
673, on the part of said claim adjoining Oregon
CNow, therefore, by virtue of safd execution,
judgment order and decree, and in oomplianoft
with the commands of said writ, 1 will, oa
1899, at the hour of one o'clock P. M.( at to tron
door of the County Court House tn the y or
Oregon City, In said county and state self at pub
lic auotion, subject to redemptioa, lo the highest
bidder, for U, 8. gold ooin, cash ia hand, all tbe
right, title and Interest which the within namedi
defendants, or either of them, had on the date of
the mortgage herein, or since had in or to trie
above described real property or any part thereof,
to satisfy said execution. Judgment order, decree,
interest, coets aud all aecrulng costs.
ghetiff of Clackamas County, Oregon..
Dsted O regou City, Oregon, Feb. 8, 1899,
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon fop
the County of Clackamas. 1
Jacob Bpangler,
Jeremiah Johnson and Ella A. Johnson, j
i i Defendants. .. ,
8tate of Oregon, County of Clackamas, is .-
cree and'an execution, duly issued out of and)
under the seal of the aboie entitled court, In the
above entitled cause, to me duly directed and
dated the 16th day of February, 1899, upon
a judgment rendered and entered in (aidoouit or
the 26th day of November, 1898, In favor of
Jacob Hpangler, plaintiff, and against Jeremiah
Johnson and Klla A. Johnson, defendants, for
the sum of 81,064.00, with Interest thereon at the
rate of 10 per cent, per annum from the 26th day
of November, 1898, and the further sum or
ilOO.00 as attorney's fee, and the further sura of
815.00- eosts end disbursements, and the costs,
of and upon this writ, commanding me to make
sale of the following described real property,
situate in the county of Clackamas, state, I Ore
gon, to-wit :
Lot 8, in bloek 31, In the Oregon Iron and Sloe
Company's First Addltipn to the Town of Oswe
go. In Clackamas county, slateof Oregon.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution,,
judgment, order and decree, and in compliance
with Ihe commands of said writ, I will, on
1899, at the hour of one o'clock p. ra., at the front
door of the County Court House In the city of Or
egon City, in said County and fctate.sell at public
auction, subject lo redemption, lo Ihe highest
bidder, for U. 8. gold coin, i-ash in hand, all tho
right, title and Interest whieh the within named1
defendants or either of them, had on
the date of the mortgage herein or since
had In or to the above described real proper
ty or anv part thereol lo satisfy said exeontion.
judgment order, decree, Interest, costs and all
accruing oosts. , ,
:- J. J. COOKE, ;-
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
Dated, Oregon City, Oregon. Feb. 10, 1899.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Clackamas. ' Tillie Lnni Koo,.
plaintiff, vs. Lam Foo, defendant. To Lara Foo.
the above named defendant: In the name of tho
state of Oregon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the com plaint filed against you
In the above entitled court in this cause witMn
six weeks from the dnte of the first publication
of this summons, to-wit: On or before the 26th
davof March. 1899, the first piibllcslion hereof
being on the lOlli day of Ketiriia-y, 1899, and tho
last publication being ou the 24th day of March,
1K99, and if you fail to answer, plaintiff will ap
ply to the court for the rellof prayed for in tin
complaibt, to-wit: 1st For a decree of nullity
ot marriage between yon and the plaiirtlif,n tli
ground that ou have a living wife by a prior
marriage. 2nd And for a decree ditaoKljig the
bonds of matrimony now existing between you
aud the plaintill, on the grounds of cruel and
inhuman treatment of plaintiff, rendoring life
burdensome. For costs of suit and general relief.
'1 his summons is published pursuant to an order
of Hon. Thomas F. Hyain county Judge of said
county, In the absence of the judge of said circuit
eourt.'granterl on February 9.J 1899, and prescrib
ing publication of tho summons herein once a.
week for six weeks. - N, H. Bloomkibmi,
? ' " - 1 ! Plaintiffs Attorney.
Tn ' th Circuit Conrt of th State oJ.Orerjon, Jo
the County of ClackamaK .
3. R. Rooik, Plaintiff,,- y
Nancy L. Hunter, J. C. 'RoorU. Ellnif
W. Koork, Halloa A. Green. Ida A. f
lrill, lira. Roberts, widow of J. W.
Koora, aoeeaseri; jr. it.! Itoorg,
. James L Roork, Awile Its Hala,
i 7
-Mrs. Carrie Powell, Hal alt CVlbiMvl,
Ada E. Tiederman, Pearl; Reorill, j
Ham A. Kelly, Mrs. McKenile, John j
B. Kelly, Beiib J. Kelly. Mrs. Ltl- ,;
lie Dundee. Mrs. Morlah Buoy, , .
unknown children of Mrs. Corins. i'
Culberlson, deceased; uuknowi) J ,
children of Mrs. Ktjsa M. Calvin;
deceased; unknown children of I ... -Harvey
Rook, deceased: W. M, .
Heckler, G. W. Haokler, Mahals j " , ' ,
Hacker, Eliza Peltijolm, J. S. I .
, Hackler. T J. Hackler,. Jamiua
Kittrell, F. A. Hackler and all I ,;,
other heirs unknown of Tuoa I , , '
i Koork, deceased, .'!,
- j : DefatdanUM ! '
' To Nancy L.' Hnnbjr, J, C. Htx--, $.. ra-Z(s' u,
Roork, Salina A. Green, Ida . On 1, ,Stn iulZ
erts, widow of J. W. RMt, dec'i-ii- 9 fi .
Powell, Harah C.Ke iy, A. E. Tiederman. Pearh
Roo.k. 8am A. Kelly. m. McKenxi., John B
Kelly, Benj.J. Kelly, Mrs. Ulli. Dunde, Mra..
.... u. niiuMa, nai- . llrs.r ttriM-
moriaii uuoy, uuanown cnuaren Of Hrs. Oonna
(ulbertson deceased: uaanown chilUrea o Mr
Itosa M. Onlvln deoeased; unknown 0hlldie of
Harvey Roork, deceased; W. M. Haekle s. n
Hackler, Mahala Hackler. Eliza PetiijohB, J. 8. i
Hackler, T J Hackler, Jamiua Kittrell, F. A.I
Hackler, and .all other heirs unknown of Thus j
Koork: deoeased. said defendants
Ia the name of the Stats of Oregon f 5 I
Youand eaoh-of you are hereby requir-d to
be and appear liuhe above entitled court on erl 1
before he 17th day of April, 1899, lo anewei tbH
complain tiled against you in the shove r wllt'ed) i
suit, and If you faU to do no tiie plaintiff will In'kJ " "
a decree against you for tha rclti rrmiaueled IW '
thecr.rnpla.nt,t.wii: That the pi.i i,t be W
sec on 7, towuahlp 2 south, of rang, i eist .J thl "
Willamette mer dnun hain. ih , ?.
claim ol Thos. Botnkr 1, Clka mV'uoiT
Oregon and tha. you and each .1 wu be torevf
barred from assertion
i-ms .innMiB is ntiW.iftif a. . .711.
H'T oi l-obroary.loi.P. H g. t iJOfh, I
no. puuiivnirvn reora.u.v i, U-ii?
A f)0
I0 Pin KGNTH. , .
'Vi, rnntifi--"iispriworttdia,'
fc Ibf. Pe
t i