1 II Th Tr Ron'n. All the .year around ohrunic or ne glected rheumatism bangs on. It is worse In chilly, damp weather, but never bj bad that St. Jacobs Oil can't promptly and effectually oure it, Purple Babes. The lieutenant goveiriDr of South Uiolina wears a purple robe of office when presiding over the senate. Chi oago Chroniole. " Only the First Step is Difficult" The first step in Spring should be to cleanse Nature's house from Winter's accumu lations. Hood' $ Sarsaparilla does this work easily. It is America's Greatest Spring Medicine. It purifies the blood, as millons of people say. It mates the weak sfrone, a3 nervous men and women gladly testify. It cures all blood diseases, as thousands of cured voluntarily write. It is just the medicine for you, as you will gladly say after you have given it a fair trial. ' ; , Bad Blood "Although past 70 years of age I am thoroughly well. It was three bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla that made me so after spending over $60 in medical attendance. My trouble was a, raw sore on my ankle." Mrs. Louisa Masos, Court street, Lowell, Mass. Running Sores-" After worrying four months I gave my children Hood's Barsa rarilla and it cured them of running sores. Hood's Pills cured me of dyspepsia and constipation." Mrs. Katb E. Thomas, 31 Governor St., Annapolis, Md. Consumptive Cough " Five years ago I had a consumptive cough which re duced me to a skeleton.' Was advised to take Hood's Sarsaparilla which I did and recovered normal health. I have been well ever since." Matilda Bridgkwater, Cor. Fearl and Chestnut 8ts., Jett'ersonville.Ind, 3&cdiSaUat Hood's Pills cure liver Ills, the non-lrrltatlng and only cathartic to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. The Sorehead. , Pi eddy What's a reformer, pa? Cobwigfter He's a man who failed to get a nomination on the machine ticket. Judge. r Precious manhood Chronic, special and private diseases scientifically treated and CURED by Dr. E. M. Ratdi'ffe, the cham pion specialist of the Pacific coast. Urin ary and Kidney Troubles, Lost Manhood, Varicocele. Rupture, treated according to latest and best methods known to medical science. Dr. E. M. Rutclitle, 265 Morrison St., Portland, Or. A photographer is never positive re- ffarriinff his nndevelnnnd negative. a' MACHINERY for Mills, Mines, Shops and Farms; Steel Log. , glng snd Hoisting Engines; Hoe Chlr-el Tooth Paws, Albany Grease, etc. TATUM&BOWEN " 27 to SA First Street Portland, Or. ; U-36 Fremont Street, San Francis). UNCLE SAM , enough ma And good enough for you. There is mom of Carter's Ink used by the U. 8. Government thaa f all other make put together. It costs you no mora than the poorest ask for It. ... . . . . T l TV'-. . 1l i . Funny noosier, now w iv.u. CARTER'S INK CO.. Boston, Maw. BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS ... atAKTJTACTUKXD BY ... CALIFORNIA Fid SYRUP CO. IW MOTE THE XAMK. THo Hational -Initntors' Association. (iMCOIrOaaTID.) We do a general PATENT BUSINESS. Ws secure, Introduce and sell patents. Onr regis tered attorney can get you patents direct from .K.nAnmAn wlthmit H 0 V A rent. Wanted NIDRUIV.uui.iii ................ . n In every town to sell patented articles. Further Information furnished on reutiest. Room 618 Thimbu or Coxaiacs Bvildino, Fobthkd, VaKON. - Relief at Last IfPCB Ask druggists for Dr. Hartal's . Ik M fc French Female Pill. In metal box . lmlVn wlthFiwhFlaiTontoplnBlu..Wlilt. TlPtU Red. laslst on baring the f.nulne. 1 "Belief forWomen"mallrrFREB In plala StB Mmied letter with MrttmonlaU and particular, FRENCH DRUfl CO., 381 4383 Pssrl St., Now Ksrk. DON'T GIVE UP Because you have pains In your back, yonr stomach refuses to digest food, or becaus rery step seems a burden. It's your blood; try . MOORE'S REVEALED REMEDY Hundreds hare been permanently cured by It II per bottle at your druggist's. DUGunrrs IMPROVED D I 0 LIVER rlLUU ONE FOR A.D08E. Cur. 8lek He.daeh. aad Dyspepsia, Remove Pimples end Purify the Blood, Aid Digestion andfretent Biliousness. Do not Gripe ordicken. Toconvloc youjrewlll mill ..mple free, or full hni tor 13c. DR. BMSANKV CO., fhllada., Faaaa, Sold by Druggists. l.i.,t.(nl h wdia twirDS minors ItfniiuoinDili ' "rnfr sae .boot four .M. KO.fat RURT' We guars, j H. 1 ' fAi: cades f-SOSE CURE FOR PILES POHl NUPile. proiuc. molature snd ih I ten ia, his Tfi, V. 1l Blind, Bld ju or Protrudrng il- .re tnrtl or Dr. Sosanko'f Pile Rem- I CHARGES REDUCED.' Dr. Darrln Reduce HI. ppnruiini Fees The Poor Treated Free. Dr. Darrln has reduced his professional fees to halt his tormer charge for one month only, so as to accommodate many of the afflicted .who were unable to meet his terms in the past, and also for the benefit of those wha have hesitated to apply to him. The worthy poor will be treated free, except medicines, from 10 to 11 dally. Those able to pay, from 10 to 6; evenings, 7 to 8; Sundays. 10 to 12. That Dr. Darrln Is effecting some won derful cures by electricity and medicines Is a fact supported by the strongest evl. dence, as the following names will show: Mrs. A. C. Landls, 805 West street, Seattle, cured Of a scrofulous sore on leg 20 years ago by Dr. Darrln. Mrs. P. Hayes' daughter, southwest cor ner 20th and Marshall streetB, Portland. Goitre (large neck) for years, cured with electricity alone. J. W. Keeney. Lonar Creek. Grant Co.. Or. Kidney complaint, pains In the back and down the sclatio nerves, re stored. R. C. Cook, Portland, stricture of the urethra, cured after Ave doctors had failed. J. A. Llndsley, news agent on the N. P. R. R., residence Mount Tabor, Or.; con sumption, bronchltjs and catarrh, cured and gained 15 pounds. W. Hays, 490 Commercial street. East Portland, Or., Inflammation neck of blad der and sclatio rheumatism; came on cjutcb.es to t.lis dostor, Cjjred, and left crutches at the doctor's office. Mrs. F, E. Dewey, 386 Davis street, Portland, nervous and general debility, deafness, heart disease, dyspepsia, liver complaint and female troubles In all Its various complications, permanently cured. Dr. Darrln gives free consultation at 265 Morrison street, Portland, Or., from 10 to 5 and 7 to 8 dally. All curable chronic. acute and private diseases confidentially and successfully treated. Circulars and question blanks sent free to any address and correspondence solicited. Most cases can receive home treatment after one visit to the dootor's office. Batteries and belts furnished, with full directions for their use. Difficult surgical operations scientifically performed. Cross eyes, rup ture, varicocele, hydrocele and stricture cured and guaranteed In every case. A Colony of Outlaws. Writers of notion have frequently pictured the idea of an unknown tropical paradise turned into a general asylum for outlaws and criminals. In the Bonin isles, not far from Japan, such a refuge has actually been dig' covered. Men of every nationality who have made civilization too warm for themselves having decamped to this ideal rendezvous, leaving the place to reoord the unsatisfactory result of their investigations as gone abroad." No rates or taxes have to be paid, and gov eminent seems to be entirely dispensed with. The discovery was made by a panese vessel which called at the isle. In future the aliens will have is' freedom, and consequently less happiness, for the Japanese dominion will have to be recognized. Their dream is over. Western Morning Mews. SINGULAR STATEMENT. From Mrs. Bank to Mrs. Pin Ithaca. The following" letter to Mrs, Pink ham from Mrs.. M. .JUni, No. 2,354 East Susquehanna Ave., Philadelphia, Pa., Is a remarkable statement of re lief from utter discouras-ement She ays: " Inerer can flnrl words with which to thank you for what Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound ha dona lor me. ' " Some years ago I had womb trouble) and doctored for a long time, not see' lng any improvement. At times 1 would feel well enough, and other timet was miserable. So It went on until last October, I felt something terrible creeping over me, I knew not what, but kept getting worse.. I can hardly explain my feelings at that time. . I was so depressed in spirit that I did not wish to live, although I had everything to live for. Had hys teria, was rery nervous; could not sleep and was not safe to be left alone. " Indeed, I thought I would lose' my Buna, ao one knows what I endured. " 1 continued this way until the last of February, when I taw In a paper a testimonial of a lady whoso case was similar to mine, and who had been cured byLydla K. Pinkham'a Vegeta Die umpouna. I determined to try it. ana xeit Detier alter the first dose. continued taking it, and to-day am a well woman, and can aay from my heart, 'Thank God for such a medi cine.'" Mrs. Pinkham Invites all suffering women to write to ner at bynn, Mas, for advice. All such letters arc seen and answered by women only, Ob.taoles. ' "Ha, ha!" laughed Desdemona, de risively. Do your worst!" For, it being a one-night stand, the pillow borrowed from the hotel oer tainly wasn.'t large enough to smother snybody. "Think not to escape me, wretched woman!" cried Othello, deftly felling her with a Chunk of cord wood. Thus arl rises superior to obstacles, Detroit Journal. 1 Tripe la Batter. Wipe tripe and cnt in pieces (oi serving. BprinkU with salt and pep per, 3ip im batter, fry in a small quan tity of hot-, fat and drain. Tripe bat ter is mttde by mixing one cupful of flour wit h one-quartet of a teaspoon ful of salt, ftdd gradually one-balf cupful of cold, water, and when perfectly smooth' add one egg, well-beaten, one- half teSaspoonful vinegar and one tea- spooniui oi ire oil or melted butter. Farm and Home. K . 'right Porto Rlcaa Women. ican women are reported to and more enterprising than ey attend not only to do ii take an active share ansportation. Man keep store, Ameri , their energy and women of the ttwein its fa I'onicle. "For six years! was a victim of dys pepsia in lis worst form. I could eat nothing out milk toast, and at times my atomueh would not retain and digest even that Last March I began taking CASCAKETS and since then I have steadily Improved, until 1 am as well as 1 ever was In my life." UAViD it. murpht, rtewara. u. Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do flood, Meter Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c, lie, Wo. CURE CONSTIPATION. ... SMrltet Sraw7 CMMiJ. CblMfa, MMtraal, Iw. Ml lift TH DIP Sold and enaranteed by all drnf rSll I U'DAb iliu to Cl lte Tobacco Habit. Why Bom Glrla Use Paint. Miss Sillygirl (sobbing) I think it's awfully mean. That horrid Jones girl ha.8 been paying that I paint. Mies Meanness Never mind, dear, expect if she had your complexion she'd paint, too. Stray Stories. Wipe Ont. It is the specific virtue of penetration n St. Jacobs Oil which carries it right down to the Sciatic nerve in the care of Sciatica, and the effect is to soothe the nerve and wipe out the pain. Strangely enough the "better half" ii not the one who does the betting. To Care a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure.' 25c. ' The fool's advice may be poor, but it il at least sincere. TRY ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE, A vowder to he shaken into the shoes. At this season your feet feel swollen, ner vous and uncomfortable. If you have smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's uoot-ftase. it rests ana comiorts; manes walking easy. . Cures swollen and sweating feet, blisters and callous soots. Relieves corns and bunions of all pain and is a cer tain cure lor unuoiains, sweating, oatnp or frosted feet. We have over thirty thou sand testimonials. Try it Uday. Sold by all druggists and shoo store" for 25c. Trial package KHJis. Address, Alien a. uim sted, to Boy, N. y. A bad player and a bad piano make s bad combination. Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslow's Sooth ing Syrup the best remedy to use for their children during the teething period. When we hear of a Bre where the organ , was saved, we don't Know whether it is an advantage or detri ment. Washington (la.) Democrat. CATARRH CAWNOT BB CURED With local applications, as they esnnot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh Is a blood or constitutional diseaae, and in order to core it you mnst take internal remedies. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure is taken internally, and actadlrectly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Ca tarrh lure Knot a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country lor years, and is a regular prescription. x. ib cuuipuoeu 01 mo uesi ionics Known, com bined with the heat hlnnri nnrlflera. ai'tincr M. rectly on the raucous surfaces. The perfect combination oi the two ingredients is what pro duces such wonderful results in curing catarrh. Bend for testimonials, free. r. i. uninei a uu., rroprs., xoieao, w. Sold by druggists, price 76c. Halls Family rills are the best. Ha Knew Their Use. "Do yon know what conservatories are for, Willie?" asked his uncle. "Yon bet I do," replied the boy promptly, and then, turning to his sister, he asked: 'Shall 1 tell them, Mamie?' " That being the first intimation she had had he had been in or near the conservatory the evening before, natur ally she blushed. Chicago Post. The Tolce of Wisdom. Says Epictetus Only the , things which are within your will concern you. Those outside the power of your will are not yonrs. Therefore let them slone and be untroubled. Her Maiden Aim. Hoax 60 young Goldroi has take a wife. What was her maiden name? , Joax Her. maiden aim seems to have been to marry Goldrox, and she proved sn unusually good shot foi a woman. Philadelphia Record. . A Hasy Terra DeBned. Miss Fondart Jack, what do thev mean when they speak of a first-water diamond? 1 Jaok One that nm er one fresh from the mine never been soaked, yon know. Jeweler"! Weekly. ITEMS OF INTEREST. Greek and Roman doors invariablv open outward; a person passing out of the house was therefore obliged to knock on the door before opening it, to avoid collision with a passerby. It would be difficult to imagine more extraordinary digestive powers than those of the hyena. One of those beasts has been known to swallow six large bones, whole, without trashing tbem. A German investigator states that the fig was known to eastern people be fore the cereals, and that it was as Ira portant a fruit with these primitive tribes as the banana with those of South America. The owners of the famous cog rail road running up Pike's Peak, have de cided to change the motive power from steam to electricity. . It ia esti mated that the cost of making the change will be about 150,000. Alatastlne, th only dnrable wall coatlnr. take the place of scaling kalaominea, wail paper and paint for walls, it can b used on Biaatcr, brick, wood or caOTaa. 7fry CANDY SAog Ma Mamno I.OUO.OOO Sulloin Vrom One Ship. The U. 8. Receiving Ship Vermont, now over 80 years old, has been she schoolhouse for over 1,000,000 sailors in onr navy. The age and the accomplishments of the Vermont are much the fame as Hostetter's Stomach Kilters, which has been before the public for 50 years and has cured innumerable canes of malaria, fever and aprne, besides dyspepsia, constipation, indiges tion, blood dil trders aud.kidncy affections. In order io keep the' stove hot you should keep it coaled. Health for Ten Cents. A lively liver, pure blood, clean skin, bright eves, perfect health Catcarets Candy Cathar tic will obtain and secure them tor you. All druggiste, 10c, 2oc, 60c. Drink is a noun unable to decline. that many men are No household is complete without a bot tle of the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It is a pore and wholesome stimulant rec ommended by all physicians. Don't ne glect this necessity. "Do you know of a good fortune teller?" "Yes; Bradstreet or Dun." St. Jacobs Oil cures Rheumatism. St. Jacobs Oil cures Neuralgia. St. Jacobs Oil cures Lumbago. St. Jacobs Oil cures Soiatica. St. Jacobs Oil cures Sprains. St. Jacobs Oil cures Braises. St. Jacobs Oil cures Soreness. 1 St. Jacobs Oil oures Stiffness. St. Jacobs Oil cures Backache. St. Jacobs Oil cures Muscular aohes. "I feel all run down," said the jocular citizen as the cyclist rode over him. Jj. A. W. Bulletin. Piso's Cure for Consumption has been a God-Rend to me. Wm. B. McClellan, Chester. Florida. Sept. 17, 1895. JOHN POOLE. Portland, Orkqoit. can give you the best bargains in general machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps, clows, belts and windmills. The new steel I X L windmill, sold by him, is un equalled. When coming to San Francisco go to Brooklyn Hotel. 208-212 Bush street. American or European plan. , Boom and board $1.00 to $1.50 per day ; rooms 50 cents to it.uu per aay; single meats ra cents. Free coach. Chas. Montgomery. PITS) Permanently Cured. No fltsor nervousnes N I S after tlm day's use or Dr. Kline's Or cat Nerve Restorer. Send for VHKSS S).QO trial bottle and treatise. DR. B. H. KIiTNF-. Ltd., K Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa, ' FOR MEN DR. FOOTE 161 ADAMS ST. ONLY. & STAFF , VHICAOO. Men requlrlni ni nnsurnasaea treatment should eomult personally or by letter "Free" with the nitiBHer und oniv exclusive men's sneclallsta in the United States. Diseases of men made Mie study or a life-time. Unfortunates everywhere should Immediately com munlcate with Dr. Foote, of Chicago. Everything confidential. Remedies sent everywhere in sealed packages and letters In gain envelopes. Correspondence solicited. Latest urgical. Medical and Electrical methods adopted.. Deluging the stomach with drugs aban- oonea. avoiu arugs recouimenuea or toe ung thorized and .elt-styled specialists in Western towi!i. rt" SSmilSfi ESle!!ts locate outside of New York oVTOio.Iutneie cHIes your pri vate affairs are safe. Unequaled treatment fur all flUeanesnnd weaknesses or the Ueulto-Urlnary, Sexual, Reproductive and Nervous Byntems. Im pediments to marriage removed. "Syphala" turtnes me diooq, cure, eypnuia uu removes all white ulcers in throat or moutu. cop per colored spots on body and eruptions on skin, also oatarrh and rheumatism, "Vlitorala," th. only permanent restorer and lnvlgorator, gives vigor to vital organs and nerves, prevents and cures grip. SI per bottle, I for SS. Trial bottles, cither remedy, half prUi, , A Novel Advertisement. An original and novel form of adver tisement oomes .from Russia, where a shopkeeper posted up the following announcement: "The reason why I have been able hitherto to sell my goods so much oheaper than anybody else is that I am a baohelor and do not need to make a profit for the mainten ance of wife and ohildren. . It is now my duty to inform the public that this advantage will shortly be withdrawn from them, as I am about to be married, They will, therefore, do well to make their purchases at once at the old rate." The result was that there was suoh a rush on the shop bv anxious customers that enough extra money was made br the enterprising proprietor to pay the expense of his wedding on an unusual ly lavish scale. . " - Aluminum In Books. It is now possible to roll aluminum into sheets one four-thousandth of an inch thick, In which form it weighs less than . ordinary paper, and experi ments are tinder way looking to its use in the manufacture of books. The metal will not oxidise, is practically fire and . waterproof, and is immune against the attacks of the various parasites. Steal Traees for Harness. A new use for steel has been discov ered consisting ot traces for harness. A narrow ribbon ot steel front one inch to one snd a h'alf inches wide and rolled very tbln is used. The steel trace is Incased in leather. While showing a tensile breaking strain of double that of the best leather the steel trace can be afforded 20 per cent cheaper. The steel is necessarily of the finest quality. An Important Discovery. An important discovery which may revolutionize lighting by electricity has just been made. This is incandes cence in air. An aluminum tube three- twelfths of a millimeter receives the current through two small platinum wires, the tube becoming effulgent on the passage of the current. Ko glass bulbs are needed, and the light, ft is claimed is much mors effulgent, while the cost of manufacture is appreciably less. ,t She Wanted Fall-Length. "I want a "sculp of Parvenu," salt) his good wife, as she entered the sculp tor's studio. "How would one 'of these busts strike you?" said he, as he pointed out some samples of his work in this line. "Them's all right; but I want a full length bust of him. When kin he come to be measured?" Detroit Free Pi ess. Alabastlna can b used oyer paint or paper! paint or paper can be ased over Alabastine. Buy only In n pound package, properly labeled; taka no substltuta. Modem Science Recognizes' RHEUMATISM ' l"V a a aaa . . St utsctNse There is & pdpuUr idea. th&t . thi dim caused by exposure to cold, and tha,t some localities a.re infected with it more thn others Such conditions frequently promote the development or the disease, - but from the f&ct that this ailment runs in certain f&milies. it is shown to be hered it dryland consequently adisei.se or the blood. x ' Among the oldest snd best known residents of Bluffs, 111., Is Adam Tangundy. He has always been prominently identified with the interests of that place. He was the first President of the Board of Trustees, and for r. long time has been a Justice of the Peace. He says : "I had been a auf terer of rheumatism for a number of years and the pain at times was very intense. I tried all the proprietary medicines I could think or hear of, but received no relief. "I finally placed my case with several physicians and doctored with them for some time, but they failed to do me any good. Finally, with my hopes of relief nearly exhausted I read an article regarding Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, which Induced me to try them. I was anxious , to get rid of the terrible disease and bought two boxes of the pills, I began using them about March, 1897. After I had taken two boxes I was com pletely cured, and the pain has never returned. I think it is the best medi cine I have ever taken, and am willisj at any time to testify to its good mcrit."-itr (.) Timtt. ! .Tn .enuinft TirVi& (A Dainty I'arasols. Artistic beauty adequately expresses the array of sunshade and paiasols now rapidly appearing for the summer of 1899. Dainties and beauty of mateiiai, oomblned with good taste, are their leading characteristics. Their size is rather larger than that of previous sea sons, the majority being 20 and 23 inohes. The ooaohing shape is the favorite, while many for full dress oc casions are heavy with ribbon-edged flounces. The laoe parasol will be lit tle used. For those desiring something exclusive.,, regardless of expense, the handsomest ones are exquisitely em Fop La nno FOR 80 DAYS YOU OAN iTSAOX MARK.l mm " SIBERIA, PERRY CO., IND., JAN. 29, 1891. SW ANSON RHEUMATIC CURE COMPANY:-I would like to thank you for you great remedy, "i DROPS," and tell you what It has done (or me. 1 hud Rheuma tism InXvery joint and in the heart, and i had Catarrh of the Head (or 30 years. 1 was so poorly that I lost the use of my leu and arms, and could not move without pain. I was so crippled that I had done but little work (or seven long years, and our family physician, a good doctor, told me that my Rheumatism and Catarrh were Incurable, and I believed him. But now. AFTER L'BINfJ "6 DROPS" ONLY TWO MONTHS, I can truly say I HAVE NOT FELT SO WELL FOR SEVEN YEARS. This medicine doea more than la claimed (or it. At this time my Catarrh Is much better and I have scarcely any Rheumatism at all, and the heart weakness and pain are gone. My hearing; is now good and my eyesight Is much better. I have gained more than 10 pounds of flesh and can do a full day a work. It Is the best medicine I ever saw to give a mother who ha a young child, for It has the same effect on the child as on the mother. It wards off Croup and cures the Hives of the ch!ld, and causes sweet and refreshing sleep to both young and old. WM. M. KELLEMS. SIX TESTIFY TO ITS TRUTH. In a letter of October' 10, 1898, from Mr. Kellems, ha says: "1 feel It a duty that 1 owe to Ood and suffering humanity to announce to you and all the wor.d that 1 am yet In the ring with untold thouaand of others, to testify to the an at merits of your valuable remedy called "6 DROPS." I believe I was the first sufferer In this part of the earth to learn of the existence of "5 DROPS," some three years ago. I was then badly afflicted with Rheumatism, Catarrh, etc., which my letter of Jan. 29. 18H6, fully speaks of. All I can say Is "6 DROPS" cured me. To make a long story ehort, '1 DROPS" needs no recommendation In this part of the country, as everybody knows the "5 DROPS" remedies around here. IT HA 8 CURED more cuee of Rheuma tism, Sciatica, Neuralgia and many other pains than any other medicine that has ever been sold or heard of. For the laat three yeara I have noticed the effect "6 DKOPB" haa on the alck, through my own obeervatlona as well as my brother, who Is a prac ticing physician, and USES THE "6 DROPS" IN HIS PRACTICE. All ye that wish for further information, write and you are aure to get a reply without any delay. 1 will (aa I have done In thia letter) cheerf'jlly recommend It to any one that I may come In contact with, I myself can never forget what this remedy haa done foi ' me and many others. Yours very truly, WM. M. KELLEMS, Siberia, Ine. Witnesses to the above: Jas. Brady, J, R. Cox, E. R. Huff, 8. Taylor, Dr. 8. W. Kellems; Jno. Hays, all of Siberia, Ind. The wonderful success that has attended the Introduction of "8 DROPS" Is un- Srecedented In the history of the world. Think of Itl It haa CURED more than ONH IILLION AND A QUARTER sufferers within the last three years. This must appeal to you. One million and a quarter people cannot all be mistaken. If suffering we trust you may have aurncient confidence to send for three large bottles of "6 DROPS" for 2 50, which will surely cure you. If not, then send for a $1 bottle, which contains enough medicine to mora than prove Its wonderful curative properties. Prepaid by mail or express. This wonderful curative gives almost instant relief and Is a PERMA NENT CURE for Hheamatlsm, Sclatlra, Neuralarla, Dy.pen.la. Hackanha, Aiitrns, Hay rtver, alarm, r)ieepie..ae.a, nervnuanvea, nervoaa ana nes. ralarle Heartache., Heart Weakne... Toothache, Karachi1, Uroap, I.a (irlppe, Malaria, Crceylnsr Mnmbaeaa, Bronchitis, aad kindred dl.ea.ea. ''5 DROPO"'pre Bold only by us and our agent the name prepaid by Write today. SWAN SOK RHEUMATIC CURB ft if r A blar vield of both II profit and satuifaction. will result if yon plant; FEnnVSSsgdo Tbey an always the be.U Do not acuept ssr substU, tute bay bob but Ferrr'.. Hold by all dealer. Writ tut lb W Heed Anoual-rr., , , D.N.FERRTC0..DetreH,Mlck TEETH WITHOUT PLATES Roots Crowned. Bridges Made, l'aialess oiling aad astraetlon. Dr. T. H. White, ffi&ttr Every church and srhoolhoui should be Coated only with Alabaatln. Handreds of tons used yearly for this work. GeaulnoAlar bastlna does not rub and seal off. of tm Blood At dru dists or direct ironw OrVtilliAms , Medicine (v Sthmctidy. , broidered in bow-knots, serpentines snd polka dots on plain taffeta back grounds. These are very beautifully lined also. .Crosswise effects are very prominent, and the ones with striped borders will find greatest favor with those desiring a reasonably-prioed sun shade. The finish at the top was sn elaboration new on parasols last year, and this year the idea has been carried even to greater lengths. One beitnty has a top finished in imitation of a ruffled collarette tied with a bow ol xibbon and it was decidedly fetching. A oord and tassel 01 a bow ot ribbon invairably ornament all handles. ' n use a urons TRY IT FOR SS 06NT9. mAt''" RREUr.TATlSF.l. SCIATICA AND CATAHBH Cured by "5 DROPS" Three Years Ago. ;' DOCTORS PRONOUNCED HIM INCURABLa. He Is still well sea writes, on Oct 10, 1888: "l real II s Surf , that I o to SeS snd lutlsrlnj humsnllj to snneunea te you and all the world what "6 DROPS" has done for ma " and dose, LARGE BOTTLE (300 doees) tU mall or express; THREE KOTTLEH, 12 60. agents. AGENTS APPOINTED IN NEW TERRITORY, CO., 191 Dearborn St Cblcaco, 111. YOUNG MEN! Fr AorinrrtiTM. uirl OlMt mmt PaM Okiw RmMAa. U Ii Iti) ONLY medicin which will ur iwh and artWr UsaUssr how frloui or of now Jong uitdlng'. KmuII no uahk Known u haa en falltrd io curt, nt from tU un will ajstonlflh you. It la tbaohitelr taftv prevAotai tiVtur. and can taken without InoouT blfriM and dotenrion from businrwa. PKh'tt, 99.00. Fof ala hy all roliablo druinrlsU, or wil prepaid b tapreg 9, piaiaJr wrapped, on receipt of prtre, by FABKf CHKaUCiXOO ., Chlttf Ikl Circular mailed on reqtieet. CURE YOURSELF! tin III. 41 fnr n. dlirliarvM, lnn.nini.tions. Irrlt.tiuU. ur uliMrtlnnl el mucous aimliros. CIiiIms. and not astrlo. lTHlESlOHItliciCo. St or poisonous. X. P. K. V. MO. ll-'99. lyi wrltlna to advertisers Pl hwuhw idii paper. Alabastlna packages hare full directions, anyone can brwali It on. Ask paint dealer lot tint card. "Alaoastlne Era" free. AiabasUn Company, Grand Uaplda, allcti. j t ritirnx jalteMar-AI M M : . aa - aet m Mruter. m Prerttia etaMcfea I7T f 1 atoW Sy Dra(a-lsU, j for sent in lala wr.ppw, vl F' Mprus, pr.p.ld, tit f,1. 1' ,ur ' ". H.75. SS Ciroular sent ou rnuuL