CItRCPPS COUNTY SEWS Furnished by Numerous Corre spondents in the County. VELHOIT. As no one seems to take any notice of tii is neck of the woods, I thought I would take my old rusty pen and write you a'few news items. Benny Wade is on the siok list. Miss Emma Vorhies has the measles, but she is netting along finely. Beaver schoolhouse, No. 65, has taken a boom at last, and looms up with new rustic all around and a porch in front. We need a new look on our smoke house, f Borne unknown man helped himself to a ham that belonged to Miss Vorhies. .Mrs. Hazeltine, who has been living near Walla Walla, is down on a visit to see about renting her place. ' ,.Miss Blvy Wyland has just returned from a visit to her sister at Scott's mill. Leas Holt and Bird Thomas killed a fine elk and fourdeei a couple of weeks ago, and now has skipped out for Bunchgrass. , 1 . Four bovs left this part of the woods for Bunchgrass Tuesday. Ben Barstow thinks he will stay with his girl this summer. , : ; . ' , , At our school meeting Mr. Quinn gave us a flowery speech on school law. Mr. Hariri, one of the board, gave the second round, and James Groshon read some school law for the benefit of some large boys who throw rocks at the school house. .-, Rice Gun will start for some un known part to hunt work for the sum tner. Millie Nickleson and Mrs. Groshon have gone to Salem to visit some friends. " There aie several families who be long to the democratic party that have been taken the Enterprise and haven't got energy enough to let it slide. March 10. News Boy. BULL RUN. We are about to lose our bridge that spans the Sandy at a point miles west of here. Will not the county do something to save it or do they want to build a new one. II. (1. Inlow, who recently purchased the old Harris pluce, is clearing up quite a little "patch." Koad Supervisor Andre loft yester day for Portland, but it 'is doubtful If he reaches his destination for two or three days on account of his "good loads." The mail carrier from Marmot came very near having a sad accident befall her, as she was entering the suburbs of Bullruri. Her horse shied at the cable oar coming down the incline on Mud avenue and Umty Ump street, and she was thrown directly in trout of the rapidly approaching car, but she was rescued by some of the pedestrians who were passing at the time. Maroh 11. "0. SAW." HOOD VIEW. , Webfoot weather once again. Born To the wife of Henry Baker, en Thursday, March 9th, a daughter. Henry is all smiles now. Miss S. M. Graham closed a very suc cessful Ave months' term of school in distriot No. 83 last Thursday. Those on the roll of honor are Lena Wilhelm, Barbara Wilhelm Hiid Henry Williulin. The annual school meeting in dis trict No. 83, passod off very quietly Monday afternoon. Alison Balier was re-eleoted uluik to serve his eleventh term in that capacity, and J. N. Woods was elected director. Mrs. H. H. Eyuian, of Sherwood, was the guest of her mother at Graeme, Sunday. It is said there is a game warden in this neighborhood. Pot-hunters and fishermen had better look out. Mrs. Ella Butson, who has been con fined to the Good Samaritan hospitul at Portland, is able to be home again. . A basket sooial will be given by the Wlsonville school next Friday even ing, at Miley's hall. All are wel come. Sam Hilman, our road supervisor, is having a big lot of stumps blasted out. The dance at Wilsonville, last Satur day night, was a decided success, and it very good time was had by all pres ent. JOEAM. March 13. MARKS PRAIRIE. Not seeing any news from these parts, will send you a few Items. , The board of directors have pur chased new desks for the schoolhouse in district 88, ami will purchase a 35 blackboard next week. The literary society of Maiks Piaiiie irave a mock trial ami basket social last Saturday, March 11, which was well attended. Twenty-uine baskets were sold, bringing nearly $10, the money is to be used to purohaso a suit able desk for the teacher. The direotora have employed a first class teacher, Thnodore Campari, to toaoh the spring term of school. He took oharge this morning with an at tendance of 3S pupils. There will be a social dance at Mr. Warren Kendall's on Friday night, March 17th. All are iuvited. The litoiarv society will give an en tertainment about April 15th, tocmsist of declamations and a live-act drama by eight characters, which will be the dosing ol the literary society until this fall. , James Koeher has secured a position with Curltou & RoHenkraus, at Canby. Chris Kocher will ruu his hopyards to their full capacity this summer. He will also have a line barn built Hop growers here aie not contracting their hops this year. Ninety per cent of the prune trees were killed in this vicinity by th freeze up. Grain was not materially injured. VIDE, March 18. ' CLACKAMAS. Mr. Sam Curry has been hurt quite seriously in her back and side. seems she was tending her oow when the accident happened. U. v. Dickerman has been in veiy poor health, but is much better. The A. O. U. W., gave a supper for the benefit of themselves, Maroh 11th Orlando Davis has been very bad with rheumatism, but Is better. The W. C. T. U. had an entertain ment tire Jinn oi March, which was well attended. The following is the programme: Instrumental music Miss Jessie Tal bert. Song "Long Live America." Crusade Psalm (146), ' Prayer by Rev. Butler.' Song "For God and Home and Native Land." Paper "Miss Willard's Life as an example," Mrs. C. F. Clarke. Recitation Ethel Mather. Recitation Nellie Imel. Solo Alice Moore. " Reading Mrs. Hartnel. i Reoitation "The Lioense Sacrifice," Jessie Paddock. ' Song "For God and Native Land." Recitation "The Bridge . Keeper's Story," Ethel Clarke. .' ' Diaologue. '' ' 1 ' ' Solo "Out of the Depths," Georgia Ruth. I don't hear of many taking much interest in our library; the present one is very good. . The book, Music and Culture, by Carl Merz, is extra. " ' "Some men fly as high as eagles, but when they come down to yon they are nothing but buzzards.' Maroh 18. ROSE HILL. MACKSBURG. Maiksburg wa done an injustice in our last report fcr which we blame the editor, l. e., heading our news with Marquam, Rev. J. J. Kern, of Portland, was among us last week. He is traveling agent for a newly incorporated associa tion, a mutual fire relief association, and seems to make quite a success of the business. Mrs. Ed. Bowman, of Mulino, and three children, were visiting friends and relatives of this place last week. Mrs. Baker, of Portland, is visiting among friends and relatives of this plaae. Miss Ida Wilson, who has been oar ing for her grandmother, Mrs. Klise, near Molalla, for some time, is at home again. We are nearing the point where an honest man can't get an honest office. The Y. M. P. P. A. of this place aie holding some very aggressive meetings. March 12. SUSANNA. REDLAND. The election of officers In district No. 75, resulted in the re-elecion of Wm. Stone, olerk, and Louis Funk, director. This makes the third continuous term for Mr. Funk. Mr. Rutherford had the pictures of his school taken with all the pupils and officers since he has taught here. It promises to be all 0. K. There will be an entertainment at the schoolhouse on the evening of the 17th Inst. The proceeds to go towards a library for the school. George Murdock is down to have his picture "took," and is visiting Bert Hart. rhosB that sold their sheep last fall would like to Btock up again, as buyers are offering from $3 to I (I per head. George Hieinbothem has received a picture of his son, Will, from Manila. Will looks as natural as "an old shoe." Farmeis generally are anxious for trte weather to dear up so they can pro ceed with farming operations. Beef buyers are out from Portland buying everything that has a hide on in the beef line. W. D. Beskey has decided not to move to Portland at present. A petition has been ohoulated to have Mr. Behimer appointed post master. Coyotes are still ranging the bills around Redland. V. S. Maroh 13. WAS MR. STOUT WRONG. Highland, Or., Maroh 13. (Editor Courier-Herald) I notice a letter from Mr. Hurgreves in your last week's issue, in whioh he expresses regret for an edi torial in the Canby Independent. We wish to be enlightened for we had considered that editorial all right. We do not know if W. W. Myers assessed all those mills equally or not, but we have never heard any one try to justify the reduction on the grounds that Myers' assessment was higher in pro portion than the rest of the property of the county the only grounds on whioh it could be justilled. It Mr. Har greves or any one oan show that Mr. Stout assessed the Lroperty of the cor porations as high in proportion as the rest of the property of the county, it will exonerate Mr. Stout. If that oan not be shown it will remain apparent that Mr. Stout went baok on the prin ciple on whioh he was elected: "Equal rights to all, special privileges to none." We think Mr. Stout is more to blame than the rest of the equaliza tion board, as it belonged particularly to the office of the assessor. STEPHEN HUTCHINSON. FROM W. A. STARKWEATHER. The following letter hken from the Independent is republished for the benefit of the Courier-Herald's 3,600 rulers: : Milwaukie, Or., Feb. 86. (Editor ndependent) The free and equal coin- iigeof gold and silver at present ratio 0 to 1, I view as a question of increas ing importance as years go by, it now being certainly settled that so long as the great commeroial nations of Europe nan buy our bullion at 50 per cent of its ooinage value they will have neither motive nor inclination to en bance its market prioe. The duty of congress to enact a coinage law that shall open our mints and, if need be, create more, so that every ounce of si I ver bullion shall be coined at eailiest date and at once restoie bullion to, its coinage value, and thereby prevent the furthei robbery of our mining popnla tion, now numbering hundreds of thousands, is very urgent. I am rather pleased than otherwise that international agreement of this question is an admitted lailure. It gives us the opportunity to do the woik for ourselves and forever banish this lie and fraud thrust upon the American people by a wloked horde of speculators who have made and will make hun dreds of millions of dollars out of the toiling miners by the , vile pretense that there is a fearful struggle going on to maintain the parity of silver bul lion. Let the American congress enaot unlimited coinage and these other na tions will come whinning into Camp and say: we too are .for free coinage. when they cannot longer buy the bul lion for less than its coinage value. WM. A. STAK WEATHER,' ' , REALTY TRANSFERS. Furnished Every Week by Clackamas Go." Abstract and 'Trust S. Swanson to A. E. Hurst, lots 11 and 13, block 5, Pleasant L. IL, $1. T. Owens to J. N. Bramball, 13 acres, section 28, I S. 5 IS., f 1,200. H. and J. Meldrum, to I. S. Hurst, 5 acres J. S. Howland claim, 8 & 2 E,, 30O. O. & C. R. R. Co. to W. M." Stone, lot 3, section 9, 3 S. 3 E., $34.37. J. A. Aohorn to F. H. Harford, tract in Noble claim, 1 S. 8 E., $1. M. F. Langdon et al to W. M. Dick enson, N. ta. 4 section 33, 6 S. 3 E., $1,000. N. J. Beattie to M. R. Caufield, lots 8. 4, block 3, Beattie add., $450. E. R. Capps to G. Haberlaoh. 5 acres section 10 and 11, 3 S. 3 E $3001 W. Abbott to E. Henry. 80' acres section 4 S. 5 E., $1. J. W, Grasle to L. Grasle, 20 acres Whitoonab claim, 1 S 1 E., $1. M. Peters to E. Boechraaii, 110 rods section II, 8 S. 1 W., $8.35. T. Bwikman to M. A. Baker,. 58 acres sections 16 and 31. S 3.1 E... l.OOOi J. Ranch to C. Roth, 150 acres- sec tion 85 4 8. 1 E. , $1,800. F. Fond to F. R. Ford, 14.83 aores . F. W bitten claim, 53 S. 1 E., $-1. J. Peace to O. Erickson, 1 acrs W Holmes claim, $1. United States to G. D. Reed, Nv W. section 14, 3 S. 5 E patent. R. E. Roberts to S. A. Roberts,. lots- 5, 6; block 143, O. C, $1,000. ' J. D. Rttnner to A. Mantz, tract in Francis- claim, $000. IL Belli to G. Oldenburg, 5- acres section, 31, 8 8 3 E., $700. Sv A. Putter to United States,. S. E. and N. E. section 16, 7 Sv B E.; also N. W. VA of S. E. and N.. E. )i section 3&, 5 8. 6 E., act of congress. -. State- of Oregon to S. A. Putter, E. . ot N. W. , section 86, 5 8. 6 E.;. E. )i section 16, 5 S. 6 E., $1,000. H. ft Stevens to L. L. Porter, 8 ate section 80 and 81. 3 S. 6 E., $3,5001 W. R. Wilcox to M. N. Wilcox, lots 5, 6, 7, blook 87, O. C, $5. James Willis to W. ReiKly,.N. Z of the S. E H, seotion 34, 4 S. 4 E., $500 E. J. Cason to L. Tambtynn, 3.11 aores adjoining O. C, $l,S0Ot L. M. Eagon to J. Eagon, 3 acres J. D. Garrett claim, $1,600. S. W. King to City of Portland, K. ol the N. W. and N. of the N. E. seotion 83. 1 8. 6 ., $800. M. B. Williams to C. Bnssett, lot 1. section 19, 5 S. 8 E., $175. F. S. Rogers to M. B. Williams, lot 1, section 19, 6 S. 8 E., $178.35. H. B. Rinearson to H. C. Saulsburv, lot 8 blook 18, Gladstone, $140. J. Parrot to G. H. Brown, lots 4, 6, block 7, lots 1, 3. 3, block 1, New Era, $375. F. J. Meyer to 8. F. Hillman. N.W. and E. of S. E. of section 17, 3 8. 1 W., $1,000. Sunset Limited Co, to M. E. Dunn, lots 1, 3, 7, 8, block 19, Sunset City, $635. S. E. Hillman to F. J. Meyer. N. W. H of S. E. and E. & of S. E. H, section 17, 8 S. 1 W., $1,000. B. II. Aldredge to M. Ringo, lot 6, block 43, Co. add., $735. C. W. Ford to O. C. Whitten, 14.83 aores Whitten olaim, 3 S. 1 E., $300. M. Booton to A. D. Boo ton, lot 9, block C, Clk. Heights; also lots 85, 36, blook 44, Minthorn, $336. L. B. MoFaden to 11. A. Kayler, 40 acres Engle claim, 6 8. 3 E., $900. O. A. Elliott to L. M. Simmons, 80 acres sections 8, 9, 16, 17, 7 S. 3 E., $1.00. A. Eokstroui to F. O. Eekstrom, 10 acres Whitten claim, 3 S. 1 E., decree of part. The Light of Day.-Lct the nation, let the Individual, Indulge no secret and selfish purpose that will not bear the light of day. Let It bo our supreme prayer to be like hlin who Is love Itself, lu whom Is no darkness at all, and who has put all uiiiuiht of self-life under his feet. Let his Image and likeness ivlgn supreme In our heart of hearts. Rev. John lioddnrd, Swedeuborglan, Clnduuuti, Ohio. "That dog certainly seems almost hu man at times," said old Mr. Fussy. "Yes," replied Mrs. Fussy. "He growls over his food quite as much as you do." -Harper's Bazar. , The worst whipping a bully ever gets s from some man who doesn't want to 'iSM Land Titles and Land (lice Business a Specialty. .ROBERT A. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice In all the Courts of the State and me Bureaus oi tne interior Dspartment at naan lugtun. Koom 8, Chabmik Building, OREGON CITY. OREGON. COMMERCIAL BANK OF OREGON CITY CAPITAL f 100,000 ' Transacts a General Banking Business Loana made. Bills discounted. Makes col lections. Buys and sells exchange on all points In the United States and Europe and on Hong long. Deposit! reoeived aur-ject to check. Bank open from f A M. to 4 P. M. O.CLAIOTJRKTIB, FEED J. MEYER, ' , President., , Caihlen C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE ATTORNEYS AT UT Commercial, Real Estate and Probate law Specialties Office in Commercial Bank Building . OREGON CITY . T i . ; OREGOM Geo. C. BaowNiu J. V. CaMFBiu BROWNELL & CAMPBELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1 Ctnfleld Building Oregon City, Or W. S. U'REN ." . ATTORNEY AT LAW, ; Jaggar Building, opposite Huntley's, OREGON CITY - OREGON (J. SCHUEBEL ATTORNEY AT LAW 2tutfd)et 2tbo!oi . OREGON CITY - OREGON THOS. F. RYAN Notary Public and Real Estate Broker LlADUS IN8UKANCI AliMCT Of GlACKlltAl COtWTT Money to Loan. Abstracts of Title Made Drawing of Legal Documeuts a Specialty Office on east side of Main street Between (th and 7th OREGON CITY, OREGON M. C STRICKLAND, M. D. (Hospital aiHl Private Eiperieuce.) Offer his professional services to the people of Oifgon City and vicinity. Special attention Bold to Catarrh and Chronla disease. Best ol references itlven. omce In Willamette Building. Office hours: 10 tola a, m.,4 to I . m. DSEGON CITY OREGON OR- GEOv IIOEYE, DENTIST. Ifftre- ln Caaffield. Building, Main Street. Oregon City. Bursal and- Cbowk Wobk a Spkcialtt. All work warranted and satisfaction guaranteed. DR. J. II. MILLER, DENTIST, Seventh Street, near S. P. Depot, DrtEGoN City, Oregon DR. FRANCIS FREEMAN DENTIST. Graduate of the Northwestern Univer sity Dental School, also of American Col lege oi Dental Surgery, of Chicago. WITH PR. WELCH. Willamette Block - Oppotite Pottoffice Ougoh City, Oregon. N. GREENMAN (Established 1885 ) THK PIONEER EXPRESSMAN AND DRAYMAN Parcel! Delivered to All Parti of the City OREGON CITY . T . . OREGON BANK OF OREGON CITY ILSEST BAHEIHQ H0UBK 15 THE CITY PAID CP CAPITAL, 190,000.00 SVBPLVS ftOfiSOM President, . Hoe president lashler, Cbai. H. ci.oru Gio. A. Habdim I. O. Caufuu 4 General Banking Buslnesi Transact! Deposits Reoeived Subject to Check. Approved Bills and Notes Discounted. County and City Warrants Bought. Loam Made on Available Securltv Exchange Bought and .4nld. Collections Mad Promptly. Draft Bold Available in Any Part of th ITorld. TlegrphioEiohangsSoldon Portland, Baa fraoolsco. Chloago anl New York... Interest Paid on Tim Deposit. Nobiitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY, OREGON, Oath Street kitwsiRtht Bridge aid the Depot. Double and single rigs and saddle horse A ways oa hand at the lowest rates, and aeorr also eonneoted with th barn for loos iteek Anytnforaatioa regarding any kind oi (took iromptlr attended to by letter or person. HORSES BOUGHT OR SOLD. W. H. YOUNG'S Livery & Feed Stable Has the beat-looking rigs ' and cheapest rates in the , city. Cor. Main and 4th St. )REGON CITY. OREGON C. G. APPLCGATH, Nina UTTIH with a. ait-wiHrisk. APPLEGATH & PRASIL FASHIONABLE FURRIER5 Sealskin Garments a Specialty AT MODERATE PRICE ALL WORK OUARANTEEO OTTO SCHUMANN MANUFACTURER OF Monuments a Estimates furnished on all kinds of Marble, Granite and Building i Work. 1 1 : j - Drawihga made description, " I No. 204 THIRD STREET, NEAR TAYLOR, Silver Medal Awarded at Portland Mechanics' Fair r I have a plant of pneumatic tools, the first in the Northwest, and am now in a position to tto work better and more reasonable. - -? times in ten that is the trouble. you will A. N. WRIGHT - - 1 39$ norrlson St., Portland, Oregon . Wbohas Dr. A. A. Sarr, kteoi Minneapolis, a Scientific Optician, in charge of the optical department, and you can consult him and have yonr eyes examined free of charge. TRY it y be your trouble. J.HENRfl KESSLER, M. D, A Your cine TAPEWORM I any atagt without V nnnrrif 1 mrou Cured bv V friend in Berlin. It ha Dl tl vnUPQ ulcer, cancer, etc. curea, bo otnerenc now DLlJ UUlUl.) long affected. PRIVATE ease of SvDhllia. IflK.K.. 1UI. f Loss of Manhood, or Nightly Emanations, cured permaat-4 1 it. inc aamoi twii llDuse eneciuaiiy cares in a. anon f time. Vs TfirrVft lirv Your error ( 1 UU fl U ffillfl remedied, and this old doctor will give yon a wholesome advice and cure yon make you perfectly strong, f and kealthv. You will be amaied at his success In curing jk Spermatorrhea, Seminal losses, Nightly Kmmissions, and, otner enects. f KIDNEY AND URINARY COMPLAINTS, painful, difficult, too frequent, milky or bloody urine, nn.v natural discharges, carefully treated and permantly cured. I Files, Rheumatism and neuralgia treated by our new remedies 1 na cures guaranteed. J Fatients treated in any part of the country by his hotnel syHtem. Writi full Particulars enclose ten c stamps and J we will answer you promptly, hundreds treated at home' wno arc nuaoie to come to tne, READ THIS Take a clear bottle at set aftide and look at it in has a cloudy settling In it, you have same kidney or bladder a diwase, and should be attended to before vou get an iucur able Disease aa buadreda Die every year from Brighta Dia- case oi Kidneys, Address or Call DR. KESSLER, 2d and Yamhill n Dimbt TIME SCHEDULES Fran Pert and. Arkivi FROM Fast Mail 1:00 p. m. Salt Lake, Denver, Fast Mall. 6:46 p. n rt. nor tn, umana, Kansas City. St Louis, Chicago, ana nasi. Spokan Flyr 1:10 p.m. Walla Walla, Spo kane, Minneapo lis, St. Paul, Du lu th, Milwaukee, Chicago and fast Spokan Flyer 1:30 a. a IMp.m. Oeaaa ttsaaishlD 4:00 p. Fran Portland. Sail svsry By days- :00p.m. Ex. Sunday Saturday W:W p. m. Cslumsla Rivtr lleamra. 4 00 p. m. Ix. Sunday Ta Astoria and Way Lanainga. 6:00 a.m. Ex. Sunday Wlllaaistt Rlsr. :p, m. Ix. Sunday Oregon City, New-I ber,Blm nay lAudluga. 7:00 a. m. WMIaatett lad Yam I SO p.m. Hon., Wed. and Fri. Tue.. Thur. hill linwt. and Sab Oregon City, Day ton, nay una logs. :00 a m. Tue.. Thar and Sat. Wlllanstt Rlrar. 4:Mp. m. Tuea., Thar, and Bat. Portland to Corral lis & Way Laud lags. Lv. Riparia l:4Aa.m. Dally Snali Rlvr. Lv. Lawlatoa :46 a.m. Dally Ex. Friday Riparia ta Lewlston Bx .Saturday f. I. DONALDSON, Apnt, Oregon City. W. H. HURLBURT, Qesaral Fasaenisr Agsat. Fwtiaad, Ol. A. PRABIL, POUMKflLT WaNfft AM BTTTM ejriTH MARSHA. PlBkO, CHIOA 143 THIRD STREET, PORTLAND, ORE. Headstones Portland, Oregon Oh, My r Headaches! Well, no doubt it is caused by imperfect eyesight, as about seven It costs you nothing to find out, if go and see THE IOWA JEWELER loot Here, Xmi liv looks tell on you. Can keep It ! ecrei a wane, serore us too late. Ro and see or write to this old doc-s- IT. 1... Ku ..!. cases tor over 20 years and perfectly reliable. Furnishes his owu medi-1 and tells no tales. xcxasaxjxixi. ot the Old St Louis Medical and J Surgical Dispensary, J30H Yamhill 1 Street, Portland, Oregon, positively guarantees to remove a loss of tins from business. an old German remedy. This never tailed, and we guarantee It. J IUI.V.L.. .HI. mtMW MM Gonorrhea, Oleet. Strictures t and lollies of youth can be bedtime and urinate in the bottle., the moraine. If it la doudv or l EAST AND SOUTH vu The 8hasta Route OF THI SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Express Traios Leave Portland Dally. Sooth. North. 00 P.M. Mr. M. Portland Ar Lv Lt Ar Oregon City an Francisco 0:40 A. l:00t. 3 San Francisco The above trains stop at ail stations betweer Portland and Salem, Turner, Manon, J9r on, Albany, Tangent! Shedds, Halsey, Karris, burg, Junotton City, Irving, kugen, Creswell, Colts g Grove. Drains, aud all atstleo froat Kowburg to Asniana, inclusive. R08SBDRQ MAIL DAILT. I Wi.M. .Lv Portland Art 4:S0F.I 1:97 A.M. I L? Oregon City Lv I I r.M tMr.M. Ar Roseburg Lv I T: i DININO CASS ON OODXN ROrjTE, rVLLMAN IVPFBT 8LMMPXMM AMD SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Attached to all Throngh Train. West ltd Division, Betweaa PORTLAND and COBTALLII KAILTailRDilLTIIXCimrjKDlT.) At Albany and Corvalila oonn act with trftB Of Oregon Central A Caatara &. R. . lIPXiatTBUM AILT(IXCirTIOIISAT.t 4:59P.M. I Lt Prtland 7MP.M.Ar McMlnnvlU Lv U.MAM I.M P. M. I Ar Indpndno Lv 1 4:M A. M Rata nl fdeket to altera point lurop also JAPAN. CHINA, HOKOLULO tad AUSTBAUA, can be obtained boa B. E. BOTD, Agent, Orecoa Oltf E. KOIBLIR, C. H. MAEEf AM. Manager, Aut. . f. A P. AgSrt Portland, Or. Portland, Of. YOU OWE, It to yourself, yonr family, your friend and ta all vou benent to carefully and considerately las veaOitle the merits of VIT.X ORE as a remedy for those who need a cur. There la so expert, menting. ne gun work, no danger, no los oi lime. It Is perfectly harmless, and ssay always be relied on. It i the queen ol cures, fcr it reachea the nfdu of all diseases, and will enrs you when all other remedies hare failed aftes vou have tried all catrh-penny humbug a4 frauds oaly to grow older and worse. Do not not neglect to tire it a trial, for Viiss-Or comes to th slrk and ths afflicted like the vision of th atern star to ths wise men. On every parkag ot the gsnulne will be found the red Ink sign, ture olTneo. Noel. Price 11.00 by mail. MRS. M. M. UCROY, Agent, Viola. Oa,