CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS Furnished By Numerous Corres pondents in the County. Additional county news on sixth page Mulino. Spring has come and everjrone Is rejoicing over it. The grip and bail colds has again entered our roijjhliorliuwi anil have capture quite a number of citizens. , Our U.S. mail carrier, Frank Manning, has a relapse of the la grippe ami is quite Bick. Mr. .Ogle is Barring the mail or him. . Miss Florence 1 Patty closed a very successful term of school at, this filfiee list Friday. ;she has uci'm.ti & a portion as principal of the Molalla school for live week.. We all wish Mica I'atly success. - 1 The enterlfl'nment at the Lone Pine school house last Saturday night was a decided success. The house was crowded with both young and old. The program, which consisted of souks, recita tions and dialogues was very well rendered. Mr. and Mrs. 11. Clincher, Mr. and Mrs. A, Hein, Mr. and lira. G. Force, Mr. and Mrs. W. Woodside, Fred and Katie Force were the guests of Missra. a, ulvey and Miss Patty Sunday, i Tlie dance at the gaaugo hall Saturday night after the entertainment was a decided a onsuccess Takes smart people to gut up a dance now days. Mrs. 0 T. Howard was the guest of her mother at Molalla Sunday. Hid Perry whs visiting friends at Molalla Sunday. ' Miss Susie Pagar, of Clarkes, was the guet of Miss Maggie Mulvey last week. At the election of school directors and clerk last M unlay J. J. Mallatt was re-elected director and Bd . Trulinger clerk. Miss Florence E. Patty was hired to teach the spring term of school at th is place. Miss Maggie Mulvey was the guest of Misi Kffle Rauch, of Can by, Tuesday. , Albert Niencashner and Will Mulvey are haul Dg bay from Molalla for Mr. Foroe. March 8. "Tots" Bovlc Creek. The house of Mrs. James Crookshank, near Sunnv8ide, was robbed during her absence on Monday morning between the hours of 6 and 10 o'clock. When she returned at the latter hour she found clothing etc., scattered around the room, and five dollars missing. The hired man, Everett Hubbard, who was also away at the lime of tlie robbery, had three dollars taken from a pair of pants In tlie room. There was consider able money in the house at the time, which the robbers, as is supposed in their haste, over looked. Mo clue to the robbers. At the annual school meeting Jheld Monday, In district Mo. 31, Bock Creek, Mr. Wilson was elected director and Beth Young was re-elected clerk. It was also decided to put a new roof on the school house, besides other needed improve ments. The fellows that borrowed McKlnney and Deardorff s wedges while they were away are politely requested to return them. M. V. Sonnelly is building a wagon shed. He bas also put neckties on his goa ts to keep them witniu numms, At the Harmony school meeting W. H. Coun aell was re-elected director, and Geo. B. Wise Wan re-elected clerk, and 9 months school was voted. At the Sunnyslde school meeting Mr. Becker was elected director and F. H. Urlfllth clerk. March 8. XX. , Stafford. The annual school meeting passed off very qultely Monday afternoon. Frank Poll vita was re-elected olerk, to serve his third term In that capacity, and John Moser was elected director. A one and one-fourth mill tax was voted for the purpose of building a wood house and making a cistern complete. The wood house Is to be Covered with rustic and painted and bo large enough! to hold at least fifteen cords of wood. Miss Julia Spooner has just closed the winter term of school, which she was engaged to finish. This morning another young lady oommences the spring term. (Her name has not bdtn passed into our sanctum sanctorlum so of course it is not in our power to give it but never worry, all will be made right in due time.) Mrs. Weiesenborn and daughter, Annie, spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. Gage and Mrs. Branch. . How are your hens? Ours are laying eggs enough for an army. Mrs. M. A. Gage spent Sunday with her daugh ter, Mrs. Howard, of West Oregon City. Mrs. Mary Schiewe, widow of Ihe late John SchUwe, is very sick. Any kindness from neighbors would undoubtedly be very acceptable. .The corner groceryman has gotten up quite a supply of wood. Cbas. Polivka has been hauling spuds for Mr. Weissenborn, also some wood. Wm. Jaster's smiling! countenance once nirain beams down upon us. Win. has been working in Portland. Don Cairo is wnrshlnlnir a violin. Ttc talraa lessons of Rev. Leissmau, Frog Pond. Marcus Baker is doing some slashing on his father's farm. Another day's pleasant sunshine: weather will set the dust My lng in our roads. Sharp Bros, Tare getting alons ninnlvwlth thnlr Hue fenoe. ft takes a great amouut oi work to hammer out and put up rails all the way around a small farm. March 7. Lengthy. Graeme. fHERWOOD. March 2 This mornlnir a sad ac. cldeut happened near here by which a respected uBiguuur air. o. neatly, was seriously, u not fatally, injured. It seems that he had nrnnarnrl a stump for blasting and was thawing a few sticks of giant powder in the oven of his cook stove, where it exploded, tearing his hand off at the wrist, and tilling his abdomen and legs with fragments of cast iron from the stove. Dr. Saylor was called immediately and the injured man was brought here ot once. Drs. Saylor, Bickard and Llttlefleld dressed his wounds and this afternoon he was taken to the Good Samaritan hospital. The house is badly wrecked, the stove was blown to fragments, the windows knocked out and the roof is spread apart at the top. There was a quantity of giant powder in the room which did not explode, perhaps owing to its being cold. Mr. Beatty died March 8. Be leavosawlfe, one son and a host of friends to mourn this lost. March S. Gbaekx, Garfield. The farmers are glad to seethe One weather once more Some are sowing grain and others liuishlug their plowing. Mrs. O. Krigbaura is able to be out again after a few days illness, Mrs, T, Huxley is able to be around again. . Miss Maud Traoy, Mr. Alex Irvin and 0. Duncan were the guest of Miss lieua Palmateer last Sunday. Misses Barne'tt and Ethel Jones and John Irvin and Lewis Palmateer were guests at Mrs. Surface lust Hun lay. There was a blrlhday supper and dance at J. J. Davis the llrst day uf this month In honor of their tun, Marion. The school meeting was hold at the regular time. James Duncan was elected clerk, f. Jocuin director. All well pleased with tlie meeting. TI.e entertainment at tho Garfield school house was a grand success. The house was beautiful)' dccoruml and crowded to Its full oapacity. Some laughed till tears ran down their cheeks. The negro part was hard to beat, especially the little ' Alabama coou. Fred and Elmer -Davis left today for Eastern Oregon, where they will work again tills summer for some sheep men. W, K. Irvin left also with Ihe intention to go Cither to Eastern Oregon or Washington Mrs J, P. Irvin and Mrs. Annie Covey were visiting Mrs, J, W. Palmateer Monday. The singing school Is progressing fine. Some are trying to learn and tome go to sea who else goes, The Epworth League ami Sunday school are well attended and Mr. QUI has oome back and will take charge of both. They will get along well. March G. - A Rifohtih. Sprlngwater. Kalle Olosner, eldest daughter of E. and M Closuer, died March Oth of illptheria. She was taken sink In school the week before. Dr. C. B. Smith, of K.aele Creek, did all heoould to save her, but was called too late. Several other cases are reported. Mrs. Mary Thomas id very 111, , The caucor in J. 1), Albright's foot is again giving mm trouble. Al school meeting yesterday W. II Kanille was eluded director and J. Stunner clerk . School Is closed iudltltvituly on account of diphtheria. A Tar as we are able to lull there has been no damage at all done to fruit In this vicinity by the lucent cold spell, March 7, i A. Clackamas. Mrs, Rounds was at Mir union the 2nd an gave us many helpful thoughts along the Hue that tends to make folks better. She also gave us a lecture on "Good Olll.enBhlp' ' at the Con gregational church in the evening, which was very goou . r , At our last W. C. T. C. there was 14 present and 8 visitors, and we were all glad once more to meet at Mrs, Humphrey pleasant home. There was no preaching at the Congregational church Sunday as Kev, Butler was called away. Daniel Talliert was again elected school director. Mrs. Merril and children spent Sunday with ner mother, ur. aiarion jonnson. The school w ill dismiss on W ednesday, 8th, on account of the funeral of our oouuty school superintendent, U.S. Strange, Our old fashioned sewing bees will begin again March sib at Mm, Loiigooy't home. Anyone is Invited, but you must learn to bridle your tongue or pay Ave eeuui for everyone you talk about. Horn, t Walter Wilson's, a daughter, February '.Hth, All are well pleased. The Knox brothers started to Eastern Oregon the 1st of March and Lsuord Rlckard, Frank Landers, Dolph Kee, Tom Deacons, Walter Foster, Fred Klckmau accompanied them, Maroh7. RosxHiix. Canemah ; ,TJie annual school meeting of this dis trict was held at the school house oh Monday evening. 1 C. O. Rose and R. C. Ganong were placed in nomination for director. The hallot stood, Rose 14, Ganong . 17,and Nuttall one. VV. A. Hedges being the only candidate nom inated for clerk, he was declared elected by acclamation, ; -Mr. Hacker and family will leave next iiiuukii tor vanaaa,. There was a social dance given at Stokes' hall on Saturday uight. It proved to be a successful affair. Canemah is still about the same as usual Steps chotild be taken to furnish the village with sidewalks. At present mopt of the steps must be taken in tho mud. , Mar. 8. Progress' Farlplaee-Gladstone. One of our industrious young men, George Himler, is wonting over in the Willamette paper mills. Geo. is a rustler. Mountain View. J. T. Francis is in this burg again, having sold his interest in the feed sta ble in Portland. , George Stephens and wife have moved from Harrington's cottage out to Mount fleasant. Miss Ida Francis took a relapse last week and has bad a serious illness. Mrs, Clyde Pierce is slowly imnrovi ng after a severe il 1 ess. Noah and Ray Cooper went out to Carus and spent Sunday among rela tives. Otto Wohler received a telegram Tues-' ay of the death of his father, who has been seriously ill for the last three months. Mrs. Frank Kellogg ahd children were all sick last week. Mrs. Cornwall, of Woodburn, is here taking care ot her niece, Mrs. Clyde Pierce. N, H. Darnall, ot Mulino, was in this burg Monday and Tuesday evenings, and attended the grange con vention at tho court house on Tuesday. Frank Curran is doing a lot of fencing on his lots on Duane street this week. Little Richard Frederick is ouite sick this week, having an ulcer in his ear. The young folks of this burg went out to M. W. RauoaJl's last Monday even ing and had a farewell party, as they go to the coast at Newport this week. F. A. Ely and wife are sick with La- grippe. Mr. Hall has rented his new house and the family will move into it soon. Mar. 8. Salina. Elwood. Elwood is still alive and the rain is still with us which makes it very dis agreeable, . There is a great deal of sickness in the neighborhood. Mrs. E. W, Hammett is still on the sick list. Mrs. W. Wilson and four of herchild reu are sick wiih the grip. Rev. John Park, who has been sick, is up and around again. , Mrs R. 0. Woodward is on the sick list. ' :.. - On account ol the high water, Messrs. John Park, Grinds taff and aker lost most of their shingle timber by the giv ing way of the boom. - Mr. Cox has the burrs for his feed chopper but on account of his illness has not set them up. A. P. Herman of Beaver Creek, has just closed a successful term of school at Elwood and has been engaged to teach the summer term, which shows he is well liked. They should be in haste to pass a law protecting the angle worm as Mr. Geo. Kerns, M. Cadonan and W. F. Hender son are clearing land and kill one occas ionally. Mar. 3. SalliVatb. Highland. Died at her home March 2, 1899, in Highland, Mrs. Etna, tho wife of John PoBt and the mother of Mrs. G. Wal lace, aged 73 years, 11 months and 2 days, uf la grippe, after an illness of two weeks. The interment took place in Highland cemetery Saturday, March 4th. Deceased was a native of Sweden. She has been a resident of Highland for !4 yeirs and celebrati d her 53 1 wedding anniversary Jan. 1, 18yU. She leaves a husband in a critical condition with the same disease and two grand daughters and ten great grand-children and many friends to mourn her Iojs- A p 'clous one from us is gone. A voice we loved is stillod; A place is vacaut in our home, Which nevr can be filled. God In His wisdom has recalled The boon His love had given; And though the body moulders here, ' The soul ii sufe In heaven. Eagle Creek. Died, at Eagle. Creek, February 24, Reae T., youngest son of Eli Noe, aged 23 years, 2 months and 24 days, of con sumption The deceased was hurried at the Forester cemetery .... . There has been fine weather for the past few days, but looks like rain auain. John Forester, our blacksmith, bas been overrun wilh work. -u H. Gerhardtis, our young artist, has been doing some fine work lately. ' Mrs. J. A. Reid.of Sherman county, has returned home from visiting her parenls, H. this place. J. Dun Curen is very sumption. ' W.. and A- Bell started to Eastern Oregon the 20th oi February. A successful term of school February 24th, Mrs. Allurd teacher. The gypsies camped near the school house about two weeks ago, but did not stay loner. There is Sunday school at the school house evety Sunday evening, which is largely attended by the young folks of this settlement. J. Cahill is teacher. P, Judd, of this place, has been hanl ing quite a quantity of- apples to Ore gon City lately. ' , March 7. A Readkr. For the Biggest Bargains In Oregon City -CALL ON H. and Mary Braekett, of lovy . with con- closed being Ladies' and Gent's Fur nishings, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Umbrellas, Mack intoshes, Blankets, Dry Goods, Shoes, Japanese Goods, Etc., Etc. ; G.:N: JOE & CO., Next door to Postoifice. Dealer In First-Class Fresh Meats of All Kinds Opposite Huntley's, Oregon City. I I'vtvlt TeuiKtwls With Cascurets. Candy .Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c, 25c. If C.C.C. fail, drug gists refund monsy. For First-Class BREAD and PASTRY Go to C. F. HENNINQS Seventh St. Bakery or stop his wagon as it goes by. BOLTON DAIRY CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor Oregon City, Oregon Pure Milk and Full Measure given; delivered to any part of the city. Try Molton Dairy and b OoaTnae1 In the Circuit Court ot the State ol Oregon for the County of Clackamas. Leolie Blair, Plaintiff, :G0 TO - G. H. BESTOW FOB DOORS, WINDOWS. MOULDING and BUILDING MATERIAL. LOWEST CASH PBI0E8 EVES OFFERED FOR FIRST-CLASS GOODS. Shop Congregational Chnroh, Alain Street, Oregon City, Ore. Undertaker and Erabalmei Carries a complete line of caskets, coffinr robes, etc. Superior goods, Superio services at most moderate prices. A ex door to Commercial bank. Oregon City - Obbqo i the Ifetv Era. Joseph Riel is quite sick with dropsy. Frank McArcher was seen hunting Monday, and came to town with a duck. Vretty good for a beginner. Tho New Era Literary Societv will hold a meeting and elect new olBceiB Tuesday, Singine every Wednesday evenine at 7:30, at the school house: all members of the Literary society are cordiallv mviled to come and mingle their voices to gether. E. Veteto and Fred Burgoyne will leave for Washington this week. Perhaps some of the New Era fern diggers are beginning to get an idea in their head that because they can root out ferns that they are dentists, but we think that they are mistaken. Willie Newberg and Frank McArthur made a flying trip to Oregon City Mon day. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Joi n Burgoyne is on the sick list, and trust sua win soon regain her bealth. Bnyeral of tho men from the wood camps are going to their respective homes at Portland this week. Mar. 7. Dew Drops. Bolton. H. C. Sniff, of Walla Walla wa spending week Willi Mr. Clias. uailOKley s family. Mrs. Hoffman and dauirhtor.Floreiict. are con fined to the house by sicklies. Mrs. May Ilokomb and on, of East Portland . wure visiting her mother, Mrs. K. L. Oreaves, (luring me weeit. Mr. J. 8. Thompson, the well known horse man of Fossil, and Mr. Quarrels, of the same plaoe, were visum their old friends, the Huiihes heirs. at Mr. Mnjjunu's, this week. Mr. Meade, Spo. of the T. M. 0. A. of Oregon City, was a visitor at the Literary Society, hwt Sat. night, and favored the Society with an address. Jo8ephusTomklnt,8on and daughter, are spend ing the week dowo on their homestead, 111 Col umbia county. Mar. 9. JulU Johnathan R. Blair, Defendant To Johnathan It. Blair, the drfendant above named: , N THS NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, Yon are herehv reciuiied to mwear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above en titled court In this cause within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summon, that is to say, on or ueiore tlie lain (lay ot April. 1K'J9, the first publication of this summons being on the 3d day of March, 18IM), and the Inst on the 11th day of April, 18U9, and it yon full to answer Plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in tlie complaint, to-wit : That the tionos ot matrimony uereiornre nno now enisl ing between plHlntin" and defendant be dissolv ed ; that plaintiff have the custody and control of their minor child : that she have her costs and disbursements herein, and such other and furth er relief as shall seem meet lu the premises. This summons is published pursuant to an order of the Hon. Thos. F. Ryan, county indue of Clackamas county, Oregon, granted on March 1st, am, prescriDing ana ordering pniillciitlou ol this summons once a week for six weeks. HKDOK8 & GKIKFim. Attorneys for I'laiutiff. Maple Lane, At tho nnuual school meeting Monday night we had the very unusual business of elecUng 8,e cr0V( wa8 pri,stmt Hni the baskets three directors, caused liy the removal from the, .. , , ,, , , .v i, I " Crescent. The annual school meeting of Dist , 16 was held Monday afternoon at the school house. Chas. E. Reynolds was elected director and G. W. Waldron was elected clerk both by acclamation. Miss Holden who successfully c losed a nve months' winter term, was re-elected to teach the remaining three months of school. - The basket social given at the close of the terra was very successful, and not withstanding the bad weather a comfort- district of two directors. V. 0. Wlllimns and M W, Hamuli. I he election resulted In the choice f A. Maun for one year, J. V, Plxou for two .mil flay Unen for three years, K. M, Ward was . lid school clerk. The uuesUon was raised as t.i the legality of the board constituted as It then was employing a teacher for the term succeeding theeliolion. The board oouslsted of the chairman and one just on tlie eve of ukwvIiik, the third having already moved. The point was refered by vote, of the Imeellng, to the oouuty superinten dent of Multnomah county. John Darling's youngest daughter ts lying very I. Of course, we all. hope for a favorable change, ills son, John, has been quite sick, but Is cou vuleseut, Mrs. N. Y. Richard It visiting her daughter, Mrs, Jennings, at Sellwood, Mrs. A. M. Bray ton is quite sick with bronchitis 1 1 a touch of gilp. sir. Minan aud family started for Salem Sattir lay. and have uot yet returned. They went with a twin. Mr. Uatlie Hyatt, of Oregon City, was out t islt her people Suuday, returning Monday. W. W. Cramer is having big lot of slumps 'lied. Mirch7, . X netted sutlicient to clear all debt on the school belt and tower. At the school meeting the district ac cepted as a donation the bell and bdlfry from the young people and voted thank to them (or the donation. Mar. 8th. . II. II. Harmony. Win. Biddle, who is on the W . T, Ellis place, has put up some new board- ami-wire fence, and is having some land cleared. In the list of teachers who attended the Association at Willamette Falls.Feb. 25, published in last wtwk's Courier- Hkrald, the name YV. H. Payo", should read. "W. H. Karr. Payo". F. M. Holmes and family are talking of moving back to Eastern Oregon. Mar. 6. X.X. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. Jacob Spangler, Plaiutiff, vs. Jeremiah Johnson and Ella A. Johnson, Defendants. State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss HV VIRTIIB OF A JUDGMENT ORDKR. DE- 1 cree and'an execution, duly Issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the lth day of February, 1899, upon a Judgment rendered and entered in faidoouit on the iffitli day of November, 1898, In favor of Jacob Spangler. plaintiff, and against Jeremiah Johnson and KUa A. Johnson, defendants, for the sum of Sl,064.00, with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum from the 20th day of November, 1808, aud the further sum of 8100.00 as attorney's fee, and the further sum of 816.llJ costs end disbursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of the following described real property, situate in the county of Clackamas, slate, of Ore gon, to-wit : ' Lots, In block 81, In the Oregon Iron and Steel Company's First Addition to the Town of Obwo go. in Clncksmns comity, state of Oregon. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment, order and decree, and in compliance with ihe commands of said writ, I wlll.ou SATURDAY. THE 18th UAY OF MARCH, 181)9, at the hour of one o'clock p. m at the front door of the County Court House in the city of Or egon City, in smd Conntvand fetale, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. S. gold coin, cash in hand, all the rli-'ht, title and interest which the wilhin named defendants or either of them, had on the date of the mo'tgaRe herein or since had in or to the above described real proper ty or anv part thereol to satisfy said exeoution, Judgment order, decree, interest, costs and all accruing costs. J, J. COOKE, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, Feb. 16, 18D0. Clterryville. We areh vlng fine weather now for putting in crops, and flowers are beginning to bloom, mak ing It look very much as If cold winter had gone, and spring was here. We hope this will prove true. Mrs. George Beebe, of Sandy Ridge, was visit. Ing Mr. G. T. Beebe's family last week. . . The annual school election was held at the school house yesterday afternoon, aud C. W. Har ris was eiecieu uirectur lor three years, and J. w. Baly clerk for the ensuing year. Those who have been on the sick list are Im proving aud nearly all well at present. Mar, 7. , Jack Frost. To Cur Constipation Forevei. Take Cascareis Candy Cathartic 10c or 25c. If C. C. C. failtocure, druetrists refund money, -. Notice of Sale of Delinquent Stock. VOTICE IS HKRKBY GIVEN THAT BY VIR -v tue of certain assessments on the shares of capital stock of the BlueKiver Mining and Mill ing Company, a corporation, of assessments duly levied by the directors thereof at their duly called meetings on the 6th day of June 1896, Aug. 16, 197. and Sent. 17. 1898, and by virtue of the action of the board of directors of said corpora tion on the 1st day of February, 1899, said assess ments were declared to be delinquent, and pur suant to Ihe order thereof, now, therefore, the following stock will on Saturday. Auril 1st. 1899. at t o'clock p. m., at the front door of the court house in the city ot Oregon Cily. Oregon, be sold by me at public auction, to Ihe highest bidder for cash in hand, to make the amount of assessment and costs of advertising therein, namely Name, No. Shares. Amount B. r. Linn , .1,500 Francis Rails 267 N. O. Walden Estate 1,(KI W. W. Myers , ....w.....4,o00 J. W. Potter 200 Pete Nehrln 200 Oregon City, Feb. 28, 1899. J. M. TRACI, President, J. J. COOKE, Secretary, NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. PURSUANT TO AN EXECUTION ISSl'ED OUT of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas county, ot date February 21st, 1899, upon a decree of foreclosure duly rendered ill ssld court on November 2tlth, 1898, In the case of linmtl Herlihy. plain till', vs. liimiul Herlihy and Ellen Herlihy, his wife, defendants, In favon f Ihe plaintiff and against the defendants, I will, at 1:110 o'clock in tlie afternoon on the 25TH DAY OF MARCH, 1899. Al the front door of the court house in Oregon City, Oregon, sell at public auction, to the high, est bidder, for cash in hbnd, subject to redemp tion, tne premtes nescrinea in saia uecree 01 foreclosure being situated in Clackamas oouuty, State of Oregon, to-wit: All of the south half of a certain tract of land deeded to Daniel Herlihy by the Oregon and Cal ifornia Kiiilrnfld Company, said entire tract being described as follows: The east hal1 of the north east quarter of the southeast quarter ol section 8, township 2 south, range four (4) east, Willam ette meriiliau; said foulh half containing fifty nine acres more-or less, excciiting the rt serviu tious mmle in favor ol the Oregon and Califor nia Railroad C mipany lu Its d. ed to Daniel Herlihy made the 2S'h day of February, 1801, to satisfy the sum of V)6 CO, with interest from No vember 20th, 1898, at the rate of 8 per cent. p?r annum, and the costs and disbursements of suld soil, tai'.'d at $10.00, and the costs of and upon this writ. J.J COOKE, Sheriff of Clackamas couutv, Oregon. Dated, Oregon City, Ore., Feb. 21, 1899, . 128.26 .U7 88.00 60.00 8.(10 8.00 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas. Tillie Lam Foo,' plaintiff, vs. Lam Foo, defendant. To Lam Foo, the above named detendaut: lu the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you f nnt!tla4 nnnrl it, tliia ntlHfl Witlllll six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, to-wit: On or belore the 26th davof Ma'Ch. 1899; the first publication hereof being on the 10th day of Febma-y, 1899, and the last publication being on the 24th day of March, 1NI9, ami if you fail to answer, plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief prayed for in the complaibt, lo wil: 1st For a decree of nullity ot marriage between you and the plaintiff, on the ground that ou have a living wife by a prior marriage. 2nd And for a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between you nnd the plaintiff, on the groundsof cruel and Inhuman treatment of plaintiff, rendering llfo burdensome. For costs of suit and general relief. 'Mils summons is published pursuant to an order ..I II, . Tli..niu. kv.n flnmilv Inrtorp of sa d coil uly, in the absence of the judge of said circuit ociuit, granted on February a. lrcw. ano prescnu Ing publication of the summons herein once a week for six weeks. N. H. Bt noMFiKi.D, Pluintiit'8 Attorney. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. NOilCE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that under an by virtue of a judgment and decree of thl Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamai countjf, rendered and entered in said court oj the 9th dav of Januaiv. 1899. in a certain suit therein pending, in favor of H. F; Allen, John Conch Lewis and Lucius A. Lewis, partners a K ' Hen k Lewis, the plaintiff therein, and againy Margaret L. Batdorf , defendant therein, and un i der and by virtue of an execution with a copy ol I said Judgment and decree annexed, Issued oi j January 81, 1BD9, out 01 saia court unaer me sen thereof and under the hand of the olerk thereo and to me as Sheriff of Clackamas county, Ore gon, duly directed, commanding me, as sucit. Sheriff, among other things, to sell the proper!1 hereinafter described, I did duly levy on the sat)-' property described In said Judgment and decrel aa lots i, , , in diock 02, 01 me cuy 01 uregoui Cltv, in said county and state, and that uudeli and in pursuance of a certain other judgment and aeoree ot tne saia circuit nun, renuere. and entered January 9th, 1899, in a oertain sui therein pending, in favor of L, A. Lewis, plaintil therein, and against Margaret L. Batdorf, eta! defendants thereln.and under and by virtue of ai execution with copy of said judgment and decrt annexed. Issued thereon on January 81, 1899, uni der the seal of said court and under tlie hand o, tnecteri tnereoi, anc to nie amy airecien, an UUlllIlimiuiliR. uic, fx,,,,,,, u.iici ,ui'6.-, iu ,u ,m lots land 2, 1 did duly levy ou said lots 1 and iji block 82, and have appointed SATURDAY, THE 11th DAY OF MARCH, 18th I at 11 o'clock io the forenoon of said day as tin L' time and tlie front door of the county court nous in Oregon City, Oregon, as the place for thesul of said real property. Lots 1 and 2, block r2, will be sold undor bot of said above described judgments nnd decre.. and the executions to enforce the same, and loi 8 and 4. block 02. will be sold on the first men tioned of said judgments and decrees and tli execution to enforce the same. t The procoeds of the sale ol lots 1 and 2, bloci 62, will be applied in discharge and Batlsfnotioij of the coats and expenses of this sale and of th sum of $85.95, with interest from October 19,1891 at the rate of ten per cent, per annum, nnd 817.6 the costs and disbursements of said suit, due 0 : the judgment and decree in favor of L A. Lewi: nnd of the sum of 82500, with interest from Fel ruary 3, 1896, at said rate, the sum of 8225 a. toruey's fees, and 816.00 costs and disbursement J the same being the amount of the Judgment an decree iu favor of Allen & Lewis, above mentioi ed. The proceeds of the sale of lots 8 aud - block 62, will beapplied to the payment and di: charge of the Judgment In favor of Allen & Lew r above described . : Dated February 4, 1899. ( J. J. COOKE, Sheriff. N FA'EOIITRIX'S NOTICE OTICE IS HEREBY GiVkN THAT I HAVfi ben annotated executrix of the last will and testament of the estate of Samuel Helple, deceased, by the Hon. county court of Clackamas county, Oregon. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me for payment, at my home at Eagle Creek (Curriusville P. O.j Clackamas ooun ly, Oregon, with proper vouchers, within six months from the date of this notice. MRS. M vKY HF.IPI.E, Executrix of the last will and testament ef Sam uel Helple, deceased. Dated this 20.h day of February, 1899. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN THAT I HAVK been amointed executor of the last will and testament of the estate of Jane Baker, dooeased, by the honorable county court of Clackamas conntv, Oregon. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me for (wymeut at my home at Stone, Clackamas county, Oregon, with proper vouchers, within six months from the date of this notice. JOHN J. HATTAN. Executor of the Inst will and testament of Jan Baker, deceased. Dated this 27 th day of January, 1899. EXECUTRIX . NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by th county court, of the slate of Oregon, for Clackamas county, to be the executrix of Ihe laet will and testament of James O. Wilson, deceaard, and that she has qualified as such. All persons having claims against the estate ol said decedent are hereby notified toprwent the mine to the undersigned at her residenoe at Milwaukle in said oouuty of Clackamas within six (6) mouths from Ihe first publication of Ibis notion. MARGARET A. WILSON. Executrix f the last Will and Testament ot James A. Wilson, decesuied. Feulon, Bmnangh A Mutr. Attorneys for Estate. CONTEST NOTICE. , Dmmrtment of the Interior.) United Status Laud Ofkick,? Oregon City, Ore., Feb. 21, 1899.) A SUFFICIENT CONTEST AFFIDAVIT HAV Ing been tiled in this office by Asa Reed, con testant, against homestead entry No. 11S76, made October 4, 1S96, for SVY1 section 5, township 8 s. range 7 e, by Julius Steinberg, enntestee. in which it Is alleged that the said Julius Steinberg bus wholly abandoned said tract and changed his resi dence therefrom for more than twelve months last past and next to the date of said contest affi davit; that the said Steinberg not only abandoned bis claim but actually alwudoned the state of Oregon about twelve motr.hs ago and went to Klondike. Alaska, and as far as known he st II re sides at the present In Alaska; that the statements contained 111 his pretended "leave of absence." Hied February, 1898, were not such as to jnstifv a leave of aheen e, such as the Act of March 2, 1879, ever contemplated; that said tract is not settled upon ad cultivated by said claimant as required by law at ant period siuoe the date of said entry, said parties ere hereby notified to arpear, respond aud offer evidence liHi'ohing said allegation at 10 o'clock, a. M , on Apail Its 1899, before the Regis ler and Receiver at the Uuited Stales Land On.ce In Oregon City, Oreg in. The said contestant having, in a proper affidavit filed Kebrua'y 2n, 1899, set forth facts which show thai afler due diligence personal servce uf this BiHice cannot be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that snch notice be given by due and proper publication. WM. U ALLOW AY, Receiver. Don't make muslin nnderwer.r, when vou can buy at yery low prices, at the Racket Store, SUMMONS In Ihe Clroult Court of the Slate of Oregon, for the County of Clackauius. C. R. Roork, rittiutiff, vs. Nnncya,, Hunter, J. C. Roork. Eliza W. Roork, Salina A. Green, Ida A. tirill, Mrs. Roberts, widow of J. W. Roork, deceased; P. H. Roork, James L Roork, Annie E. Hale, Mis. Carrie Powell, Saiah C.Kelly, Ada E. Tiederinan, Pearl Roork, Sam A. Kelly, Mrs. McKenile, John R. Kelly, Bonj. J. Kelly, Mrs. LU He Dundee. Mrs. Moriah Buoy, unknown children of Mrs Corina Culbertson, deceased; unknown children of Mrs. Rosa M. Calvin, deceased; unknown children of Harvey Kpok. deceased: W. M. Heckler, u. W. Hackler. Mahala Hacker, Eliza Peltijohn. J. 8. - Hackler. T J. Hackler, Jamina KIttrell, F. A. Hackler and all other heirs unknown of Thos. Roork, deoeased. Defendants. To Nancy L. Hunter, J, C. Roork, Eliza W. Roork, Salina A. lireen, Ida A. (irill, Mrs. Rob erts, widow of J. W. Roork, deceased: P. H. Roork, Jas. L. Roork, Annie E. Hale, Mrs. Carrie Powell, Sarah C. Kelly, Ada K. Tlederman, Pearl Rooik, Sain A. Kelly, Mrs. McKenzle, John B. Kelly, Ben). J. Kelly, Mrs. Lillie Dundee, Mrs. Moriah Buoy, unknown children of Mrs. Corina Culbertsou. deceased: unanown children of Mrs. Rosa M. Calvin deoeased; unknown children of Harvey Roork. deceased; W. M. Hackler, G. W. Hackler, Mahala Hackler, Eliza Pettijohn, J. 8. Hackler, 1 J. Hackler, Jamina Ktltrell, F. A. Hackler, and Jail other heirs uukuown of Tbos. Roork : deceased . said defendants: In the name of the State of Oregon: Vou and each of you are hereby required to be and appear in the above entitled court on or before Ihe 17th dav of April, 1899, to answer the complaint tiled against you in the above entitled suit, and If vou full to do so the plaintiff will lake a decree aga"inst yon for the relief demanded In the complaint, to-wit: That the pMntlff be de creed to be the owuer of the southwest quarter of section 7, township 2 south, of range 4 east of the Willamette meridian, being the donation land claim of Thos. Roork, In Clackamas county, Oregon, and that vou and each of ou be forever barred from asserting any claim thereto, and for such other relief as shall seem meet and proper. This summons is published by order of Hon. T. A. McBnde, judce ot said court, made the 20tb day of February. 19. H. K. fROSS, Attorney for Plaintiff. First publication February 24. 1899 , m A HOME FOR $10 PER MONTH. Consisting of I loti, good garden spot, running water th year round, S room house, good cellar, barn big enouwh for two cowl and 100 chickens, U blocks from court house. Price 80. pr cent interest. 7 cash down. For particulars Inquire at this office. Team and slock taken fn exchange. ' I SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon, fi the County of Clackamas. G. A. Rockwood, n Plaintiff, vs. Wm. M. Burket and Sarah Burket, his wife, and Joseph Eugene Hed ges, as hxecutor of the will of Joseph Hedges, deceased, , Defendants. 8tateof Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss. BY VIRTUE OF A JUDGMENT ORDER; II 3 cree and an execution, duly issued out of H ?J under the seal of the above entitled court, in t above entitled cause, and to nie duly directed aijij dated the 8th (lay of rebrnary, 1899, upon a ju(H ment rendered and entered In Bald court on t h Slst day of January, 1899, in favor of G. A. Roc wood, plaintiff, and agaiust Wm. 'M. Burket auti Sarah Burket, bis wife, and Joseph Eugene Hi' gesas executor of the will of Joseph Hedge ji deceased, deiendants, for tlie sum of 8189. feB with Interest thereon at Ihe rate of 10 per cent i ! annum from the 31st day of January, 1899, a -'; further sum of 840.00. as attorney's fee, aifil the further sum of $22.24, with interest there if from the Slst day of January, 1899, and t v; the further sum of 912 50 costs and dlsbursemei P, and the oosts of and upon this writ, cummandi me lo make sale of the following described n property, situate In the county of Clackam Ii state of Oregon, to-wit: tj ot lot one (1) of b'ock nineteen (191 in Holnij addition to Oregon Cily, Oregon, which 4 is if i scribed as follows: Beginning at the northw Sjj oornerof said lot one (1) and thence east alo; the north line of said lot 60 feet! Ihence sot ? parallel with the west Hue of said lot one (1) ' .1 , feet to the south side of said lot one (1); tlier( s west ou teet to the southwest corner oi saia one (1); thence north along west line 200 feet plaoe of beginning, said lot being in the no part of sW Holmes' D. L. C. No. 46, Notiflcati 678, on tlie Bart of said claim adjoining Orot, City. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execull. Judgment order and decree, and in eompliaiij with the commands of said writ, 1 will, on jj, SATURDAY, THE 1ST DAY OF APRIL, 1899, at Ihe hour of one o'clock P. M., at the fr( . door of the County Court House in the clt Oregon City, in said county and state, sell at p' lie auction, subject to redemption, to thehigl bidder, for U. H. gold coin, cash in hand, all tg right, title and Interest which ihe within nan' defendants, or either of them, had on tlieilati j. lue mortgage herein, or since had in or to i above described real property or any part the to satisfy said execution judgment order, dec interest, costs aud all acciuhig costs. J. J COOKS, Phetlff of Clackamas Countv, Oregoi Dated Oregon city, Oregon, reD. 8, isaa. sl' NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE MEN TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: No! Is hereby given that I have hied my h reDort as executor ot the will of John Kill lam, ceased, aud that the probate onurt of Clackai conntv. State ! uregnn, lias set nonoav, tne dav of' April, 1899, at the hour of 10 o'clock a for the hearing oi me saia report ana oi.jec'if t -thereto, if any there be, et which lime all pen.: J that are .nUrested are hereby notified to be prcsfe 'J JAS. FULi.AM, -Executor of tlie will of John Fullmau, deem ! I For Ren! The law 8 room, tr.r' cnnstrnitexi bouse, lately occupied F Rv. M.L. Rugg-, forrenl. I LI. E. Cross, Agent