. , . w Waiting to Take Hold. Yon know the. misery of Sciatica is awful. Well, if you love misery bet ter than oure, let it eo on, but St. Jacobs Oil is waiting to take hold, sub doe the pain, and set you all right. Big Sewing Machine. The largest sewing machine in the world is said to be in operation in Leeds. It weighs 6,500 pounds, and sews cotton belting. 44 Durability is Better Than Show." The wealth of the multi millionaires is not equal to good health Riches without health are a curse, and yet the rich, the middle classes and the poor alike have, in Hood's Sarsaparilla, a valuable as sistant in getting and main taining perfect health. It never disappoints. Sorofu la "Three years ago out son, now eleven, had a serious case of scrofula and erysipelas with dreadful sores, dis charging and itching constantly. He couli. not walk. Several ph vsicians'dld not help for sixteen months. Three months' treat ment with Hood's Sarsaparilla made him perfectly well. We are glad to tell others of it." Mrs. David Laird, Ottawa, Kas. Nausea 'Vomiting spells, dizziness and prostration troubled me for years. Had neuralgia, grew weak and oonld not sleep. My age was against me, but Hood's Barsaparilla cured me thoroughly. Mv weight increased from 125 to 148 pounds. 1 am the mother of nine children. Never lelt so well and strong since I was married as I do now.'' Mrs. M. 'A Waters, 1529 33d Street, Washington, D. C. Eczema "We had to tie the the hands of our two-year-old son on account of - eczema on face and limbs. No medicine even helped until wo used Hood's Sarsapa rilla. which soon cured." Mrs. A. Van Wyck, 123 Montgomery St., f aterson, N. J. rf&iM Sam, pood's Pills cure liver III, the non-lrrl tatlng and only calhBrllc to lake with Hood. Sarsaparilla. Invented the Mualeul Scale. The musical scale is said to have been invented by Quy Aretino, a monk of Arezzo, about 1025. His Boale, with material differences in naming some of the notes, was substantially the lame as now in use. Two bottles of Piso's (lure for Oonsump tion cured me of a bad lung tronble.-Mrs. j. Nichols, Princeton. Ind., Mar. 20, 1895, Nine-tenths of nil the sewing ma chines used throughout the world are made in the United States. -- i a i For Working: Butter. The correct method of working but ter is by pressure precisely the same as pie crust Is roiled with a rolling pin. Fold It over and roll agaiu, and repeat until done. The reason this Is not practicable In hand working of butter is that more pressure is required with butter than can be done by the unaided hand. But one of the very best styles of butter-workers, known as the roller butter maker, is exactly on this prin ciple, the roller being on a sliding frame which is pushed back and forth pear orchards at the present time are those which are cultivated by sowing clover under the trees. 1 The clover is not removed from the ground at any time of the year. It Is cut and allowed to lie and decay upon the ground, and in this way to net as a fertilizer. When an orchard is being cultivated the practice Is to sow the clover in July. By early autumn It has grown ten or twelve Inches, and affords a covering for the ground during the winter. It is cut at blossoming time the following year. It returns to the soil a sufficient amount of nitrogen, which Is so material to the healthy growth of the tree. Totash must also be applied in some form of commer cial fertilizer, or In wood ashes. The orchard is kept in a clover sod so long as the trees are growing satisfactorily. ROLLER BUTTER WOBKKB. over the butter, the handles being ar ranged to give a leverage, as shown In the first picture. This style, says the Orange Judd Farmer, is not easy for the average farmer to make, and for a small dairy a simpler style gives satis faction. It consists in making a long and large rolling pin, putting an iron pin In one end, Inserting this in a hole at one end of the frame considerably larger than the pin, taking hold of the handle at the other end and using It as both lever and rolling pin, as In the second picture. The roller can be round or six or eight-sided, and it Is preferred to have It diminish in size toward the end which is furthest from the handle. The butter worker of this kind is made triangular in shape, say about OPEN LETTERS FROM Jennie E. Oreon and Mrs. Hardy, j Harry Jekvtb B Greek, Denmark, Iowa, writes to Mrs. Pinkham: "I had been sick' at my monthly periods for seven years, and tried almost everything I ever heard of, but without any benefit. Was troubled with backache, headache, pains in the shoulders and dizziness. Through my mother I was induced to try Lydia B. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound, and It has done me so much good. I am now sound and well." Mrs. Habrt Hardt, Riverside, Iowa, writes to Mrs, Pinkham the story of her struggle with serious ovarian trou ble, and the benefit she received from . the use of Lydia E. Plnkham's Vege table Compound. This is her letter: "How thankful I am that I took your medicine. I was troubled for two years with Inflammation of the womb and ovaries, womb was also very low. I was in constant misery. I had heart trouble, was short of breath and could not walk five blocks to save my life. Suffered very much with my back, had headache all the time, was nervous, menstruations were Irregular and painful, had a bad discharge and was troubled with bloating. I was a perfect wreck. Bad doctored and taken local treatments, but still was no better. I was advised by one of my neighbors to write to you. I have now finished the second bottle of Mrs. Plnk ham's Vegetable Compound, and am better in every way. I am able to do all my own work and can walk nearly mile wltiiout xatigue; sometning j. had not been able to do for over two years. Your medicine has done me more good than all the doctors." The Modern Method. "It's an awful thing not to know where one's next meu) is coming from." "Yes, but a good many of us married men are experiencing it since the gro cery stores got advertising bargain sales." Indianapolis Journal. ' Increase of Fertility, The value of many feeding stuffs Is based on their digestibility, but even when food is digested it is not all as similated, the larger portion being voided. Of the protein in clover hay nearly one-half falls to digest, and of the digested portion the manure heap receives a large share. If a ton of clover hay is worth $10, enough of it goes into the manure heap to equal $9 worth of fertilizers. A ton of cotton seed meal, which mny cost the farmer $20, will return to him, in the manure, about $18, and that, too, after the farmer has used these foods for pro ducing meat, milk and butter, though the estimates depend, of course, upon the market prices for plant foods. The reason is that much of the food is com posed of fat and starch, which create heat and fat for the animals, but fat and starch come from the air and not from the soil, hence the real plant foods of the materials purchased for use on the farm are those portions which are added to the manure. In fact, at $20 per ton for cotton-seed meal, it can (and is) profitably used on the land as fertilizer, but in so doing the farmer loses gome portions Which can be utilized by stock and which are of no Value as manure. By feeding all foods to stock they are Simply passed through the body of the animal and rendered more acceptable to plants, the animals being a machine for redu& Ing foods to a condition fit for vegeta tlon. It may be several seasons before the whole of the materials are exhaust- ed from the soil, while every year the land increases in fertility and produces more than before. Oar Naval Station at San Jnan. The new United .States naval station to be located at San Juan", Porto Rico, will be of the utmost importance to this country as the key to the situntlon when the Nicaragua canal is constructed. The key to good health 1 Hos tetter's Stomach Bitters. It guards the diges five organs from attacks of indigestion, bilious ness and constipation, Just the came as the n"W naval station at .-an Juan will ward off attacks upon this count. . by foreign foes. In the Philippines they have butter flies as large as bats, v ; TRY ALLEN'S FOOT-BASE, A powder to be shaken Into the shoes. At this season your feet feel swollen, ner vous and uncomfortable.- If you have smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot-Kase. It rests and comforts; makes walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating feet, blisters and callous spots. Kelieves corns and bunions of all pain and is a cer tain cure for Chilblains, Sweating, damp or frosted feet. We have over thirty thou sand testimonials. Try it today. Sold bv all druggists and shoo stores for 25c. Trial pao:tage FREE. Address, Allen S. Olm sted, to Boy, N. Y. The yellow silk spider of Ceylon is perhaps the largest of his species. His average weight is nine ounces'. , Precious manhood Chronic, special and private diseases scientifically treated and CURED by Dr. E. M. Ratcli'tte, the cham pion specialist of the Pacific coast. Urin ary and Kidney Troubles, Lost Manhood, Varicocele. Rupture, treated according to latest and best methods known to medical science. Dr. E. M. Katclifle. 265 Morrison St., Portland, Or. Bamboo writing pens are still fa vored in, India, where they have been in use for over 1,000 years. Pure lea in packages at grocers' Schillings Best Remarkable suocess in treating an em isms by subcutaneous injections of gelatine has been leported to the Paris Academy of Medicine. FOR MEN DR. FOOTE 161 ADAMS ST., ONLY. & STAFF CHICAGO. LKVKB BUTT ICR WORKKH. 20 to 24 inches wide and SO inches long, as shown by the cut It can be placed on the kitchen table when In use, the point being over one side, and the other end raised a little so the drip will run off at the point. But It Is much better to make strong legs for it and brace them, as shown in the cut Frozen Meat. Fresh meat may be kept a long time If thoroughly frozen. It should, how ever, be hung in pure, cold air until a thaw comes, when it should be at once cooked or salted. Freezing the meat has opened its pores to air, and so soon as this begins to be tainted putrefac tion soon sets in. Hence the pork that has once frozen through is harder to keep than that which was packed when only the animal heat was out of It TJn'que Picket Fence. The cut shows a way of making a picket fence that Is at once strong and cheap. No heavy rails are needed. Two narrow strips of board at top and bottom hold the pickets securely nailed between them. The strips are "let in" to the posts. For a sheep fence this mode of construction has great advan tages. The pickets can be a foot wide ordinary boards sawed into picket nnnHn tic I uuupu GOOD PICKET FKNCK. lengths, and the strips three Inches wide. Such a fence can rapidly be put up and will prove very inexpensive and strictly sheep and dog proof. American Agriculturist THEY ALL WANT Fod Land. Reducing sod land is difficult unless the proper crop is grown thereon. When n hMW sod Is turned under by the nlow it may not rot for a long time, because the grass will grow again and take possession. It will not do to broad cast seed upon such land, as the grass will crowd out all other plants. The best plan is to cut up the land with a disc harrow in the spring If the land li plowed In the fall, and plant early po tatoes on the location, it may require both the cultivator and the hoe to keep down the grass. After the early pota toes sow Hungarian grass and plow It under before It seeds (or after the first mowine). followed by rye In the fall and corn the next spring. THE "99 AGENCY FOB ag1dCY,cDLfsAL 40, $30. $23, S22.80, 20. O you want a paying agency write at ones be fore ail territory is taken. FBKD T. MERRILL CYCLE CO., PORTLAND, OR. IPOKANE. TACOMA. SEATTLE. mm "' Crl "' 'in lima" wwnnni" . r i irrsaiaEEE Cultivation for Pear Orchard The system commonly practiced some years ago was that which was applied to the apple, but on account of the destruction caused by the pear blight and owing to the fact that the pear blight flourished most In varieties which made a vigorous, rank jfrowta and produced a large quantity of sappy i wood,,. U has, beclt;';f.i)'un(I,l;ty ,te not well suited. PearsiWitlna firm, do fc1rfa(ilale--'ifVoli A arel !'Ksin affected tban , those, rfj.luxurlajrit growli.i .iA table llslttdV'of fb" fact hoa bttuglfr about revoJuuoB,jawfltflou W7cmnrnfmr 1 ''lWinotft -tricmsiul' ahd " pfofiUBle t, . . j, , .,r, j .i,, j j ,7ij j ,,(, i.j w sail Mm Pool try Note. See that the ducks are In the house at night Hard-boiled eggs are a treat to young turkeys. In stormy weather hens should be kept in doors. Overfeeding and lack of freedom will cause Indigestion. Eternal vigilance Is the price of suc cess with poultry. Exposure to bad weather will hurt any stock, young or old. Clean off the dropping boards every other day during winter. Ducks are heavy feeders and must have all they want to eat Buy eggs In season, only from breed ers that you know are reliable. Hens should have some corn, but corn alone will not do for laying bens. No fowl should be allowed to get thoroughly wet except a duck or goose. Gather a supply of leaves and store them In dry places for your winter scratching-pen. , A little salt and pepper Just enough to season is the right amount to add to morning mash. Mn requiring; unnurpaawd treatment should consult personally or by letter "Free" with the pioneer and only exclusive men's SDeclaliflt. in the United Slates. Diseases of men made the study of life-time. Unfortunate, everywhere should Immediately communicate with Dr. Foote, of Chicago. Everything confidential. Kemedie. ent everywhere in aealed package, anil letter, in plain envelopes. Correspondence solicited. Latest Hurcical, Merilcnl and Electrionl methods adopted. Deluging the stomach with drugs aban doned. Avoid drugs recommended by the unau thorized and self-stvled sneclali.ts In Western towns. Few genuine specialists locate ouislde of Mew York or Chicago. In these cities your pri vate alTalrn are safe. Unequuled treatment for all aiscaseaana weaknesses or the upuito-urinary, sexual, Keproduotlve and nervous systems, lit) pediments to marriage removed. "Byphllla,' positively purines the blood, cures syphilis an removes all white ulcers In throat or mouth, cod' per colored spot, on budy end eruptions on skin, also catarrh and rheumatism, "YlKorala," the only permanent restorer and invlgorator, gives vigor to vital organs ana nerves, prevents ana cures erln. II ner bottle. ( for 15. Trial bottles. c liner remedy, hair price. Horses in the Philippines are a curl osity. . The few that are raised in the islands are too small to brand. Tho Pleasantett, Most Powerful nd Effective Neverfailing Kemedy for La Orlppe, Catarrh, Rheumatism. ts.oi Will cure any ache or pain known In the human bodv. Send for trial bottle. This off ei lasts 80 days only. Large bottle (300 aoses oi o DKurs each) si.uu or a tor SWANSON RHEUMATIC CURE CO 187 snd 189 Oesrbom St.. Chicago. The Dutoh fishermen kill the fish oaught as soon as they reaoh the shore while the French fishermen leave tbei booty to die of suffocation. To Cure at Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All driiKKists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. Four-fifths of the ships in the world are built in the British isles. An English paper several years ago stated that In the year 1854 there wero in London, 1132 runaway wives, 2348 runaway husbands; 4116 married people legally di vorced, 17,345 living in open warfare; 13.270 living- In private m sunderstandlngs; 65,340 living in mutual lndiflerence; while only 3175 were regarded as happy; li7 nearly happy and 13 perfectly happy. An American philosopher, after study ing the tacts and circumstances of the cases, has come to the conclusion that all th.s discord in families is the ensuring or disease In some form or another, and that in a great majority of cases aiae may be entirely removed and husbands and wives made entirely happy. It has been done in Innumerable instances! and what has been done heretofore, may be repeated. The following are a tew cases Where whole families have been made perfectly happy by removal of the diseases which produced discord. ' Names that can be referred to cured by Dr. Darrin, at 265 Morrison street. C. V. Fowler, Yakima, Wash., total deafness In one ear, cured In 10 minutes; also a pterygium, or fleshy growth, was removed from the eye, which had nearly rendered him blind. Samuel Jackson, Highland, Or., deafness 20 years; cured. . Mrs. Susie Tompkins, Milwaukie,' or., diseases peculiar to women and sleepless ness, cured in one month. Charles Hand, Taylor street, Portland, discharging ear, nine yea.s; cured. 8. I. Whitehous, Monmouth, Or., deaf ness and ringing noises In the ear 12 years; restored'. Mrs. H. 8. Toung, Huntington, Wash., kidney and liver complaint, dyspepsia and general debility; cured. Charles ChrUterman, Portland, or., scrofulous catarrh so bad that destruc tion of his nose was threatened, and had become so offensive that It was sickening both to himself and friends; cured. To the Editor: For over two years I have been sorely afflicted with a skin disease, a species of eczema. The itch ing sensation was terrible to bear. Through Dr. Darrin' s electrical medical treatment I am restored. My brother was also cured of a skin disease. - Refer any one to us at 275 Baker street, Portland. AMOS SWEINEHART. Dr. Darrin gives free consultation at 265 Morrison street, Portland, Or., from 10 to and 7 to 8 daily. All curable chronic, acute and private diseases confidentially and successfully treated. Circulars and question blanks sent free to any address, and correspondence solicited. Most oases can receive home treatment after one v.sit to the doctor's office. Batteries and belts furnished, with fulK directions ' for their use. Difficult surgical operations scientifically performed. Cross eyes, rup ture, varicocele, hydrocele and stricture cured and guaranteed in every case, .. , Is it right to call a camera acquisitive because it insists on taking everything n sight? L. A. W. Bulletin. THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fia Sveup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the Califoknia Fig Svbup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Svkup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company ( CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CaL LOUISVILLE. K,. NKW YORK. K.T. Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth ine BvrtiD the best remedy to use for their children during the teething period. Toads are Bold for five francs a dozen in Paris. Thev are used by gardeners as inseot destroyers. St. Jaoobs Oil cures Rheumatism. St. Jaoobs Oil cures Neuralgia. St. Jaoobs Oil cures Lumbago, St. Jacobs Oil cures Soiatica. St. Jacobs Oil cures Sprains. St. Jacobs Oil cures Bruises. St. Jacobs Oil cures Soreness. St. Jacobs Oil oures Stiffness. St Jacobs Oil cures Backache. St. Jacobs Oil cures Muscular aches. No bird can fly backward without turning. The dragon fly, however, can aocoinplish this feat and outstrip any swallow. 1 t ' PONIlER OVKB T. A prominent building owner, with years of experience, Kave tne louowing instruc tions to us architects: ' l have had my experience with kalsomines and other eonds claimed to be lust as good as Ala- bustine. 1 want you to specify Alubastine on all my walls: (lo not put on any other niauufucturers' dope, if they furnish it for nothing. Alahastine Is right, ana when i shall cease to uxe it I shall cease to have confidence in myself or my own judgment," There is a rosary in the British nil seum made of the vertebrae 01 a snake's bone. Another is composed of rats' teeth. No household is complete without a bot tle of the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It is a pure and wholesome stimulant rec ommended by all physicians. Don't ne glect this uecessitv. As a rule tesrs do not accompany a baby's cries until it is three months old. When coming to San Francisco go to Brooklyn Hotel, 208-21? Bush street. American or European plan. Room and board $1.00 to 11.60 per day j rooms 50 cents to $1.00 per day; single meals 23 cents. Free coach. Chas. Montgomery. The only involuntary posed of red or striped lioart. muscle cotn fibrei is the Dairy Tips. Cold weather Is obviated by a warm stable. Cows with long horns usually have short milk records. There Is less labor Involved In caring for cows properly than improperly. A lazy bull Is usually an ugly one. Break him to work and he will become gentle. Frozen compost heaps under the sta ble windows are a menace to dairying In the spring. If a dairyman possesses an icehouse, many vital questions of milk care In summer are very easily solved. Fancy stalls and fancy stables are not absolutely necessary, but hygienic, comfortable and humane ones are. Dairymen who are able to sell their butter for a uniform price of 25 cents per pound the year around make a tlakx Sura. There Imve been years o( misery suf fered from a little nerve because St. Jacobs Oil was not used to oure Neu ralgia, which affected it. Make sure and don't wait. The highest mountain is Mt., Ever est, in Thibet, 89,002 feet. or . 6 miles. ' riY Prrmanmtlr Cnred. No fltaor nervouanMi rll after Hru day'a una of Dr. Kllne'l Ureal Nerve Kentnrer. Bend for bottle and treating lift. H Arch street, rhlladelptiia. Pa. KKMC as.00 trial H. K-UAU, Ltd., 9M Want of air kills a man in five min utes, want of sleep in 10 days, want of water in a week. CATARRH CANNOT BB CURED With local tcDllcatloni. as ther cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh Is a blood or constitutional diM-ase, and in order to cure It ou muat take internal remedies. Hall's ( larrh Cure is taken internally, and cudlreu on the blood and mucous suriacea. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure ia not quark -medicine. It wal rtrMr-ri iA hr rot 1 1. urtt nh li-lwna In thia handsome profit On their product. L connirj for jean, and In regular prescription. ... . . I il ia uuniiKjiuu oi iu ir you nave a cow mar, cougqsanQ. bijiea with the ht blood purieers, acting di- emaciation on good feed, rectiy on tne mucous surtacet. . - I " .nn.Kn.lnn aI , Ii , tends towards recacd .berwltb susctclon; and at! Once isolate 'Ht; trom' the 'resit ct ' -'iterii till she icaa'iie (t!ste(l ffmf. The' ''man7 who Lellers; In shuitertmr' Utauie W rVlifl Vil?tlBl""(,',,',? B,''t' ,n advance of the peasaht"v,-liS li'e'ps Ms live stock la section of his dwelling ho." i'i"'-l I n'""UJ"1 l,T f1 J Villi tint no A flxfll.n.'lH ,iii.lu ,1 .tlUKi ml "y unj . It iaOoinTHjacd of the be&C tonics known, com tbe period coinpinatipn oi me two ingrewenui wrinpro- tuicea uncn wonnertui reuus in curing eatarrn. fifiiais, free. i " ' ' 'JKY si COzPrhprsVlQlede., Qui, Luis, pnytr i.-jc. Vdli ar tho belt .......... . ,7 ; ' ITt 1 T I H IH W 'ci,-.TK , Tl J'Mw- II, ft)n j, , I , ..... MOHM n PUUMW l'rTJ.M!LH WtSOMSj ca ri:TUiSli-ttert iijrntil(i Au .gquefal ftaWlirWfy, wriii'twtlrJi,.jttai9, jumps, plows, belts, and- wiffdniills-. .Tfie ; , Aew .MUfXi indmilL.sold by himfu ul Bend igr tetlrrtrn.iiUii ,mm' .1. a iu.-t Enlarged Prostate Cured. Tbe Bane of Old Age No Longer . To Be Dreaded. A Man Eighty-two Tears of Age Oared In Dixie, Ark. One of the oldest and beat known men In Perry County baa the patlnfn-tlou of enjoying perfect health after suffering for more than 8 f teen years with chruulc prontntlo enlarge nent anil Inflammation, and will cheerfully M anyone huw he waa cored. In an article on Fekin, Dr. Gold- baum declares that a pawn-shop where he oan put up bis wardrobe, seems to be an indispensable institution to the Chinese merchant. - 'c Bat? MACHINERY For Mills, Mines, Shops and Farms: Steel Log- glng snd Hooting Engines;' Hoe Chisel Tooth Saws, Albany Grease, eto. TATUM&BOWEN . 27 to Rft First Rtreet Portland, Or. 84-34 lr remontHtreot, bau Francisco. ' Your Blood Needs Cleaning every spring; you ahould tale some tning to mane il purer, neannier, ricner. MOGRE'S REVFALED REMEDY Will do It do it quickly and pleasantly. Hun- to Us healili-glvtng powers, dreda testily per bottle at your druggist'. (1 SThe National Inventors' Association. (I.NCOKPOSaTED.) We do a general PATENT I1CSINE88. We secure, Introduce and sell patents. Our regis tered attorney can get you patents direct from the government without delay. Agents wanted In every town to sell patented articles. I urlhcr Information furnished on request. Room 618 Chamsks or Commircs Huiuuno, Portland, OasooN. RELIEF WOMEN OR. M ARTEL'S FRENCH FEMALE PILLS Particulars and tutl monlala In plain sealed letter MilLitD raas. FRENCH DRUG CO., SS I 383 Peart St., New Yertt Ma. II. L. Trckdl. We want this to reach the eyes of every rearlef )f this paper. Mr. II. L. Trundle, Dixie, Ark., is eighty two years of sire, as hale and hearty a man of bis age ua can be found In the Stato of Arkansas; In fact, he looks ss young as a man if sixty years. For more limn flrtecn years Mr. Trundle was a slave to prostatic disease. You men who nro aftllcted know what It mcan-r TEETH WITHOUT PLATES Konta Crowned. Ilrldores Made. I'alnleis filling and extraction. . ' Dr. T. H. White, M,"cjr RUPTURE CURED. We guarantee to fit every ease we undertake. Dou't put It off; write for particulars at once. O. H. WOODAKI CO., Kspert Truss fitters, 108 Second street, roruana, ur. SHEDS wtrtfamoutytarasuo-thtlr fn. 1 t sirowi jvrv vtmr as tti mmmIi ! i : - .r. t i I tllOrU 10 um rvneu uu mm etiwwsirai I ih. bat. Kor ui by lM.tl.utf J per pir ana mwi t mum on oavhii rime .i. m. rr UMram ror sate ny irauiug a, iKhtri tlv cental id always worth It. avlng tlism. Kuo buy Kerry's. I I i Annual Is fiw. y J rKIUIT At., trail, MkhTr f y Qtrretfs H Mt to iimtufi. V Hi. A f w X CURE YOURSELF! Dm His 41 for unnatural dl.uhart(f, Jnrtanimtttloni, irritutiuiii vt ulrraliot.t of Di ucvoi nitMDbrkutu, iu witiMtoa. rainlMn, and not aitria iehi Chimin. Co. flnl ur M-onoua. -or ni in plain wraapor. uj t prnsjsi, pi "HAH!, IOW I.'), or 3 liottlm, I-'. 7ft. urcuiar tui on rvquett. DR.GUflfTS PILLS IMPROVIDI LIVER ONE FOR A DOSE. Cure Sick Haadache and Dyspepsia, Khuiom I'lmplas and Purify the Blood, Aid IHgr-silonandPraveiit Biliousness. Do sot (irlp or Hiiken. Toeonrlnca you.wewlll mall sample free, or full hoi lor IV. IK. HONANKO CO., IMiila-dn., ?euaa. Hold hy Druggists. .hl flavs nf llnrFftt. tlift tilirlita nf tArtiiee ariS jneastness, tho natn, the frediirht!fallfV to. 'ati water and, the Viwhllllv tp fln'sd'."1 fle'Wrrrld" ter and, the iwlillllv; to fln'sd'."' fie'WuHd" wsrcelfgetaWfttrttho' miosi'.'fi'i.rnrv frewwinf'i in.iiak'aliM pals frmlhed offtW''""'T' , , 1 a ll.K ,ptiUWn i fl -rad tft ' stjrrtl fW1' oonnreiiient In his tiaper (liSl,!"ir(SrvtHotill new1' method for ctirliit: uroafMIe 'illsasa'IYee' Jlirovered. Ilo wrote to the kdlreatt'khnn tHVt Ttuh psrtrcTItars, and at one,dlttiilttf4;ti riJrnC'ly;,lu less than ten rinys mote he had the Wtafiri'tlnn of eKiierienrlnit railed Ufa . fas rhonlrj,rtwii nnif, an-t Uj eUuwtsM , rwovi-rr on Si'cdvlht oI.bl.aW'Wce,tHtlasl httn." Te slx1ti nf ipnilmi(.us use of the taiiiiius. 3olreul-AI(orshiethid.i:nwl Jf(Inr,. - , Vou men who are NOIhitwl riirl Ru've! rh aaWie i experience If yorfflo 1liltr Sir. Trundle did ; tie tiasif4lvMtlAlUn'flasiiiiiewtfMIMir1rMtiristt CURE FOR PILES uctuuitnioJaluriiaDdoatiiisi itJhinff, , TliiDufmj,!! fll a V'iu'V, Hlcfttlini or Prutrudiuf it'W' VtfWv ''yPff otflinko'fPlleRenf.edif ntfiiTl( hUgnflfrutt. Alinorbn lumon. IV'c a 'imt titmtwhPihntttiiii.TrUmolTnm. Writ lat aboottr4W -iDii, UOHANKO, Pbilada.,Pa I I'Jti.JJt'rl il llllf ,.l,tll. .. uu LiitiiJ uii 1' ,nn,.0'!t vti YOUNG MEN! tdwcriid tuwii(iWdi'written liooks which you can act, of, cnutkft, llif Mlftil.iSJyifendlnw, you r,ii u,;i. l,tjT in, t HUiKHi 'JIMn1,lrlF,lw',,a,' yAt.vtclrf Alii.C.-tli, :iviiri4lw J-i. an, t.ermmnv. ills M.dini Jlslldlnir. lhmton: Mass. ilii4sAaavtiriiItl'Ul4liitlartlcle. 'lmw' "'m"I-' Ir0-llrrlr.l,rll bktrirrt PaM's OkT SnMlfln. II , fa UiaONJ.Y-uiwUnins d'V 'i wlU our. ex-h and .sry ."fVASK'Vh'' t'bu r fsUd to cur., n. 1 Dialtfr'llo V-rhsM-wrlW kw loug suiullnK. KusulUs 1 transit mm aU'UuaaflSiU.y'uit. It 1. alnw,lutlr saf prevent. .Irii-tiira, .M,qu It taken without tiioour. nlrn and (l-H-riU.7i Iroit, UiulnM. I'KIl :r' 1 IX). I'uf ' aiNy -an .niiaM. ittuaatKs. or vnt prapaid bjr wprsia, ''ni!?iuM?r.:? m, .i, )'reuWiuillS nnti -I-H III ll'iuo) 1 1, lr (iluii.i inl nauii, ik NO. 10-'9. UBJII wllo, adfertlsere please IhiS HfS' ; xlaawtltleei Xlli'ail ni 1 ,iulO .W '.'- .OitiMI Z .txul dm i'