Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, March 10, 1899, Image 6

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Furnished by Numerous Corre
spondents in the County.
Miss Almina Kemmerer, of Oregon
City is visiting her parents here.
Will Husband and family, of Mosier,
Or., arrived at Mrs. Klise s last Sun
day. Mr. Husband is a son-in-law of
Mrs. Klise, and will manage her larm
this season.
Aaron Klise expects to start for Car
eon City, Nev. , about the first of April.
Mrs. Maville, who has been quite
sick, is getting along nicely, being able
to sit ap at present. ' 1
We hear that Wm. Gerhauser ex
pects to move onto hit, place near Ore
gon City in the near future. ;. - , ',
Silas Wright had the hard luck to
have another attack of the grip last
J.N. Atheson and family have re
moved to Yakima, Wash.
Died Saturday morning, Feb. ,25,
George VV. Mallatt, aged 25 years, 1
month and 5 days. He had beim suf
fering from an attack of typhoid fever
for more than two months and was
finally attacked by a complication of
diseases, wliioh, in his weak condition,
baffled the skill of the physicians,' and
he passed over to the silent majority.
The sympathy of a wide circle of friends
and acquaintances is extended to the
bereaved family. ' EX.
February 38.
February 25, at the home of James
Boots, in Portland, his daughter Myr
tle Isabell Roots was married to Tony
O. FoBtor. Ihe ceremony was per
formed by Rev. Gray, of Portland.
All wish them a happy journey thiougb
The Knox Brothers Btart for Eastern
Oregon the 29th. The following went
also: Leonard Richards, Walter Fos
ter, Frank Landes, Tom Deaoon, Fred
Rickman and Dolph Kee.
Maroh 1. ' ROSE HILL.
Vels Velson, from Dover, was down
and reports that Walter Farboin, of
'Claokamas, accidentally killed himself
while out hunting with a friend ol
his. He was going over a log and in
some way the gun was discharged, the
shot entering under Ii is jaw, almost
taking one side of hoad away. Death
was instantaneous. Justice Gibson
held an inquest over the remains,
which were inteired in the Eagle Creek
Typhoid fever is still raging on the
ridge. Mrs. Sogg is down with it.
J. Gibbons had a severe attaok of
the grip, but is able to be out again.'
Mrs. Katzmiller, postmistress at
Dover, has started for Portland with
the intention of going East on a visit.
J. S. Stryker, a dentist of Portland,
is very busy fixing the achers iit this
Emit Wendlnnd left for Eastern Ore
gon to work.
John Maioney went to Portland on
Allen Meinig started for his mines
at Salmon river. He is highly elated
over the future prospects.
Mart J nuing is once more among his
friendBafter being absent for two years.
He was in Skagway, but says things
are very dull there.
Ulrioh Fruble is busy building a
barn and making other improvements
on his farm.
II. Bruns is busy building about a
mile of new board fence.
Johnnie Roger went out on a fur
lough to spend a few days in the city
and surrounding towns.
Charles Anderson has rented the J.
E. Stone faitu and will move his fam
ily from Portland to live out here.
Ed Stansbury, of Woodlawn, was
out visiting his brother-iu-law, J. Fos
ter, who is very ill. YW.
March 1.
The climate is immense, the weather
is gieater than what the disciples of
the Free Methodist church thought
last Sunday night. Rev. Sumner and
Parson Bowermun held forth here Sun
day evening and in returning home, lit
tle, large, great and small, even the
saved and unsaved were greatly im
mersed. One fellow lost his hat and
did not And it until the next day,
J. N. Fong had a ootnbat with a cow
lately and consequently has a very
black eye from the effects of the en
counter, t
Mrs. Henry Breighthauptis very low
with In orliirm. 1
" mil
J. C. Elliott is just recovering from
the ravages of la grippe. Oren Griffin
is reported ill. j.'iiy
Something must have gone wring
Sunday. Wm. Byest was not on the
Fishing was the order of .business
among the sports Sunday. hyJ ,, t(1
Sunnyside lias schoolteachers enough
to teach the surrounding schools mow,.
as Profussor Stalnacher had 1 launched
four of the smart ones on the, field of
aotion, and they are all, ,Wiutf fW
the Rock Creek school. Vd can, guess
their fate them. .n'S.l.Vy J,
The bad weather is liiodyrjiiR ,J,,,iVm
Hilleary from completing joi (resi
dence. When oomploted - it will bo
among the best in toww. ,h;kIIhW a
Two of the lads ')t-M -Dhuib&hb
scnooi wore expeneu lor one '.wee 'tor 1
or ftnn'
nQ 1 .IIOnI'lllllO
itiui un v 43 n. . i in
HAWWfrtWV -A .XnuH
,rr .fffftiY'aiBHiiO
4118 UXIllUlllO
last Thursday
Bride, elocutionJhiv
The SunJi's'W'liwilTWis.raMntud a
committee consisting of Misses Martha
Sturobler, Elizabeth Blakney and Re-
beoca Wise, to prepare a suitable pro -
L'ramme for Easter
Fall-sown grain was considerably
injured by the late freeze, and in
places will have to be re-sown. Fruit
trees and shrubbery in some looalities
were injured.
Our school, which ' has been so ably
tflught by Prof. N. W. Bowland and
wife, closed its six-months' term last
Friday, and without vacation began
its spring term today. There will,
however, be vacation next week on
account of the interruption occasioned
by the annual school meeting. Proles
sor Bowland and wife will be con
Walton Hagenburger and Levi Rusk
have gone to Eastern Oregon. ,
There has been a great deal of sick
ness in the community, but most all
are better at present.
Mrs. Sampson has returned from
California, and expects to make Har
mony her future home.
Messrs Edwin Spooner and William
Karr. who attended the Teachers' As
sociation at Willamette Falls, last Sat
urday, report a pleasant time, even if
they did miss the train, and have to
walk a great deal to get home.
There is considerable wood-chopping
going on here this winter, thereby ad
ding quite a number to our population.
E. T. Ilall, and Krebbs Bros, who
own the timber on the railroad land,
have each a force of men at work. S.
B. Millard has also purohased a tract
of timber, and is having it out into
cord wood. B
February 27.
Mrs. Ella Burton who has been quite
sick with lung trouble, was moved to
the Good Samaritan hospital at Port
land last week.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ira
Seehy, boin February 16, died Febru
ary 23, at 2 P. M., and was buried the
following day.
The protracted meetings at the Con
gregational oh u rob closed Sunday
Alfred Baker, a son of A. Baker,
has been seriously ill for the past few
Mrs. A. Baker and Mrs. E. L.
Baker were visiting their aged father,
Wm. Harris, near Aurora, who has
been seriously ill with la grippe.
The school in district No. 82 will
olose March 6.' JOEANN.
March 1.
Gladtidings came to the fiont this
week in the way of a basket social,
gotten up by the oyung ladies of our
vicinity for the purpose of buying a
teachers' chair for the sohoolhouBe.
The exercises were conducted by A. B.
Hiblmrd, and consisted of dialogues,
recitations, eto. The Gladtidings
string band furnished the music for
the occasion. Then came the selling
and distribution of the baskets, which
caused no little excitement among the
ambitious young men, who were each
nd every one anxious to seoure the
largest and nicest basket and at the
same time get a pretty partner to help
him eat its contents. Our genial and
amiable auctioneer, W. R. Uarrett.
soon disposed of the 13 baskets, realiz
ing 18.65, or an average of Gocper
basket. All appeared to enjoy them
selves and went away well satisfied
with the evening's entertainment.
That is right, girls, give us another
Several spuda got done up something
like Squib's nose during the recent
oold snap.
John W. Black, who has been visit
ing with bis father and family the past
two weeks, returned to Cowlitz last
Monday. ,
P. J. Ridings, oilr enterprising mer
chant, of MarqnanYid doing some valu
able improving In the way of clearing
on his farm at this pl;(cljr
C. P. Black has stopped work on his
quarts ledge. Tdo ttltrfihiXvater to con
tend with is"thWufMB6ii;"llIis assay
certificates show $3.10 to $8.41 per
ton. lie lias art i Interest ill) the Rock
Creek milieu Whiwlly'by- the1 Vay is a
good prospect also. "V; ovjdf .lulu.
Wonder'KWHht'''h,as'l,be'erJrrVel 6f "Gee
Whiz? ReokorTBe has sot the niumps.
Come. Gee' WhiaV wake ri D'aW Iv iis
another crlst. .i.i J IJ-Jk,!,; ;. J
Whewf lilt' dohl I'Saaib 'swfcnt bur
Or egotv ,:'Oi tyX 'lords! " 1 Come' "do wm l y e
godB'fc6rlleMflWh:"l1(ThWt'i'lS, right;
SqAib, bang them on the back, and if
that dou't haVe ttieidesiredj nffectAick
thein in the etfiorfr 'ribs;' Tiwjt need its
mistaken Um i .broke,, .three., teeth?
and . fracture! lour ;jw4bon, ,ryjng tq
masUoata y 6ir voMifti '.grt. , v-Mil lyv
Jaspfrr; yu ae"a!wourUHul' unai We
(sanribt ocfmttverlerld,; Oi'-'Ohflef tand' you;;
JuBtJ ri'dt fee1 !fhet Words; '"By the 'bones
of our ai tpra'.", but I'll' stop1;' for
'I'stpj1 for fear
I break ibis rusty old steel ppuv ( T pay.
Jap, you must-have-a. gold, pen, or you
never could bv written Miditoonsters.
Sometimes you are here will) qi on this
terrestrial, ! at I other i times i yon rare
away Irt) the' ethereal; yes, fariawaj,
among" tjie ' superlatives, "espeeWly if
his skiiriKahirj " is around; 1 But sou
'blander yes JrOu do. Jap. " . Yqw asgurtie'
ibecilU8(Bl'lgj j .myseJ f ,' )?odt?Wjs
nm tue wupe oui wijow. wiiq wag vorn
at;Athi);48 Ii. 0. ,;,! ithii you make
a prepftffttionsTbluuderj,! havft aever
intimated tint1 H was . even rulsted in
phlMsopher.J,"Pa.e did 'better, thfiughii
heliaJ't'o'lissu'iiie' iUVt 'wot rMeiuP
Hi of this wi8e.old gage. . But, Pat; 'If
yenJiUiiiikj'iflocMtw 1 wiilttift)"5i
USun!(,"wrill tityfltodtibk.iiBM4 Bat;
1W 10 ffK il
'mtKV Listen; ' To, ; Wo" '(jpeAke't h . We
KeBittsper.H,'lMoTre of'ihbM big tt'drtjii
WP areiigflWig.Jta: tackle1 then ioti are
sincerely .and emphatically, do you
j think it right for two great Athenian
philosophers to pounoe on one little
Socrates, who is not even a relation
to him who was the greatest of all
moral philosophers (Christ excepted).
We hope the readers will excuse us for
taking up so much space in our defense.
We thought as there was scarcely any
news worth reporting, we would attend
to this matter and be done with it.
February 27. SOCRATES.
The school boys of Caius made a bon
fire yesterday to burn up the old rub
biab that was soattered around the
school grounds. It burned well in
spite of the tain,
There has been a protraoted religious
meeting at Cams for the last three
weeks, under the leadership of J. C.
Bums, a traveling evangelist.
Ralph Howard left school yesterday
for the puprose of doing spring work.
A. 0. Hayward is able to be about,
after a spell of sickness.
Messrs. Jones and Lewis, who left
last fall fcr California for the purpose
of working a gold mine are expected
home soon.
Miss Katie Jones has returned to
school after a. visit with her sister,
Mrs. Evans, at St. John.,
The pupils that passed the examina
tion here received their diplomas last
Friday afternoon. Many patrons and
friends of the school were .present.
Speeohes were made by Messrs. Jaggar
and Spenoe.
March 1. . ;
This has been a week in Marquam in
which one event of great moment has
followed another in rapid succession.
The assembly of philosophers in both
stores has.' been unusually large and
the themes under discussion have been
exciting in the extreme. On Thursday
that whioh always excites happened
a wedding.. Not being able to give the
names of the high contracting patties,
we can only say that at high coon
Professor Oscar Ebv, who aside from
being our worthy sohoolteacher, is our
justice of the peace, and as such he put
the silken hames on this happy couple,
making them promise to pull together
at all seasons, up hill and down hill.
The next event was the arrival of the
posteis announcing the coming of Sen
ator George 0. Brownell cn Saturday,
February 25; that this honorable gentle
man would speak to the citizens of
Marquam. Quickly the word went
among the philosophers that "Another
Daniel was coming to convert;" all
was expectancy; the philosophers dis
coursed on his great eloquence. One
told how the Hon. Mr. Brownell had
made a judge (not Ryan) believe that
Mr. Drenlanly's cow was in the habit
of climbing up into the steeple of the
1VtnM..nM TV TP l K -..J -.:-.!-.
luanjuniii au. u. unuruil HIIU ringing
T.nn nmi rnna nn inn ma .vnrwi 1
of Marquam together. Other philoso
phers added variations to the above
story, acoording to their own fancy to
meet the exigencies of the lore suoh as
in their wisdom thought necessary.
There can be no question but Mr. D.
has got a very roguish cow, but the
Hon. Mr. B. exceeded all bounds, for
the Maiquam M. E. churoh has neither
bell nor steeple. However, in the ex
citement of debate great license must
be allowed. At the appointed time on
Saturday the honorable senator arrived.
Earnest Hartman met him at Mt.
Angel with his fine mule team, und to
escort him home Mr. Noblet of Oregon I
City, had his best two-in-hand team
out. The pavilion was heated and
lighted. I have not space to give his ,
speech. The point of it was that at
the late session at Salem he (the sena
tor of Clackamas) had done great tilings
for us for whioh we should be glad.
It was so good in the senator to thus
come to us. ' Nothing has so moved us
in this long time.
One of the philosophers says that
there is a man living hard-by Marquam
(anout two miles away ) who can outdo
even Sinbad the Sailor. That he does
not give common Sinbads a chance.
According to this philosopher he has
a fine smeller and can on short notice
sniff a rot, or in other words oan find
"Something rotten in Denmark." He
has been spinning a yarn as to how
some of the Marquam girls danoed at
a funeral. He has sniffed out where a
tan of baking powdor had been stolen.
According to the reports of the philoso
phers, this man is a whole smelling
Conjimunity of himself, and as suoh is
h great help to us, for not a lamb can
gt hi Coot out of the fold but he sets
11 Me,)). A, barking that the poor thing
ts. hack as quick as possible.
J:;;j?ehr,uaryj88. JASPER.
10 fUll II"
.JBiii) Oil
legon .City, . Feb.
24. -(Editor
CouHer.-lferald)-pear Sir:
see Mme-of our no lllnal t.1 tl
uf.1 ni was mo Ml r,lfl8.1 .ith aZ
lead ing letters ou the fits t page of vour
paper hist issue, v Mr. Ogle's trenchant
argnmetits vetlmel '-and exhibit a
Bolioitude tor trub' reform with a per
feot'.''gatlon" dl ; "Interest. Mr.
ThesBian'a I.eitt1er;equnlt'.li8truotive.
He thiajKs.the.r'pney'.que'sition,1 the, par
amount . issue,, , it,iiiaa .a.reafly j,een
rorceu.to tua rroot; auu much, work of
an duotinfe nature) his 'beehi aceom.j
llshed. We agree with hirul but there'
ia much ,ductiunal , work , yet t,q be.
doitfeimLet me throw out a few ideas.
e are said' to ba on the gbld standard.
The ydld standard has hid tb BiWee
stao(iftrd:':J"There' '.cW b9ri6yirllet
standard "hrit Wtfhd A.riiillM 'inu
PWH Wu'1,flVjveiTpricVi,,Tu iMexied;
UiebonmUrj ilta?ij-iQfc pvewnitiyudots
weve,iia earner lowinweriiprtdeaifciiid
wprUbri HertttiaUWS foriAd-lifi tiH
tfJf bWlrJW "Jri WrlgiW'Hvfj' VtfcPoulHlNf ThertH aia rpictwres, silk
U still remaiua at Bilveia1ufeaVlIlFor,rfridV.'
a thousand dollars worth of wheat,as
j measured in silver, our farmers only
get f 430 in gold, yuite right, says the
gold man, it is woith that much more
and the farmer should be content with
less of it. "Well, sauce for the goose
is sauce for the gander. If it ie too
good for the farmer and worker that
he only gets 43 cents on the dollr let
the farmer turn aiound and pay his
one thousand dollar mortgage or other
indebtedness with $430 of it. Would
it be accepted? No, it is no longer ex
tra good money. And Wall street
financiering has made a 43-cent dollar
for the worker and a lOU-cent dollar
for themselves."
MoKinley, at the manufacturers'
banquet nearly a year ago told us that
it was the duty ot the government to
coin out money and regulate the value
of it, and they were going to regulate
the value according to the highest
standard of commercial honesty, by
paying everything in the dearest money.
You might as well tell the clock man
to regulate his1 clock by running the
pendulum disc to its highest notch, and
"letting her go Gallagehr;" or the en
gineer to regulate his speed by tying
down the governor balls, as to regulate
money by paying in the highest or
best. There is no highest and no low
est when money is regulated it is all
alike, and as the pendulum must swing
equally both ways on its balance for
the clock work, so our money must
be equally balanced on the two metallic
currencies, silver and gold, before
money can be regulated.
This is McKinley's own doctrine.
Single gold standard instead of being
commercially honest is the most colos
sal swindle ever oonceived in Machie
vellian brain. It is the old usurer's
swindle condemned in the old book.
"Divers weights and divers measures are
an abomination to the Lord," but on
a gigantic scale commensurate with
these latter day times, and embracing
all the field of laobr in its thrall. How
long will the people sell a thousand
dollars' worth of wheat for $430, and
tumble over eaoh other in scrambling
for a road boss job, or a job on the
roads under the boss, to eke out a
struggle for existence, while their wives
are slaving themselves to death trying
to keep up respectability by sewing
MoKinley badges ot prosperity on theit
children's pants.
"Down with the price oi gold and up
with-the price of labor" should be our
motto, and we shall have to strike for
it at the poles. ARGUS.
New Telephone Line.
The telephone line from Langlois,
Cuny county, to Bandon, which was
completed last week, is now in good
woiking order, and Langlois has for
the first time telephone communication
with all the important points in the
county. Poles are on the ground for
the extension of the line to Port Ot ford,
and poles are being cut and distributed
(qj. jJjq
farther extentsions to Wedder-
bum and Gold Beach. It is supposed
that the line will be extended to Eu
reka, Cal., and when the gap between
Roseburg and Myrtle Point is closed
up next summer, the coast country will
no longer be out off from oommunioa
tion with the outside world.
Rich Gold Ors. -
Al, Ed and Frank Geiser have
brought from their Bonanza mine to
Baker City, Or., 1,860 ounces of gold,
valued at $21,760, the result of a 25
day run this month of a 20-stamp mill.
The owners of the Bonanza have given
it out that it is their intention to in
crease the number of stamps in the
quartz mill to 60 or more. It is un
derstood this improvement will be
made in the near future, or as Boon as
the spring opens. The Bonanza has
an unlimited amount of splendid mill
ing ore, and, with the mill enlarge
ment, this Baker mine will probably
become one of the largest steady gold
producers in the Northwest.
Damage Wat Slight.
A dispatch from Monroe, Or., says:
The recent frosts did not do as inuoh
damage to fruit in that section as was
generally supposed. Prunes do Dot
seem to be hurt to any extent, and in
the wotst cases the operators of the
orchards claim that not more than 10
per cent of the trees are injured, and
these only to a slight degree. Peach
trees fared worse than others, while
Petite prunes came seoond on the list.
Apples are not injured at all in this
immediate locality.
Brutalitr at Sea.
The sailors of the American ship
Erskine M. Phelps, which arrived at
San Francisoo a few days ago from Bal
timore, have brought charges of in
human conduct against Captain Gra
ham and First and Seoond Officers
Bailey and Moye. The men told a
t.ilfnl nAti s t oinmrn titrt and AnaU
r tl rr.r. : .rrr' ti
... ... ,
1 01 "eatings, uie maies oemg urn pun-
icl,al Wesson in the the beatings,
Want a factory Moved.
The Coquille city oounoil has for
warded a proposition to G. W. Peek,
proprietor of the broom handle factory,
that if he will move the mill north 30
feet from its present location, they
would give him a five years' lease on
the land. The main reason for the
council asking him to do so is to give
more room for getting to and from the
hew wharf, which will be badly ham
pered if the mill is not moved.
e .1 Building Into Oregon.
1 Th: construction crews on the Ne
fradnV'California & Oregon railroad have
'X.yn.i,1 H,-ia MA.k
Am'adt)eT'Ijkssen county, and are rapid'
lyi Wteridfti Jt, roadbed acioss the
jiaiiUriV;y',it itflwaid Alturas and
SduflaeagtBr .Oregon .
I .moJI ' .ns-rrmrrtv
rav4tt.swqaitoiapMau)laV'j,of Manila
I1 ..i...v rfi.::j. . .
fWl9At?in,Q'keTii9iO'irT'tWinoa1r Car
WITH . ILVCnrilLft.
fldnuments Headstones
Estimates furnished on all kinds of Marble, Granite and Building
( ' Work. : j .. Drawings made by description.
Silver Medal Awarded at
Portland Mechanics' Fair
I have a plant of pneumatic tools, the first in the Northwest, and
am now in a position to do work better and more reasonable.
times in ten that is the trouble.
you will
A. N. WRIGHT - -
in 9 rinrrlann .f
-yj a ava a awva wan a va ataaaaaaaa, w a
Who has Dr. A. A. Barr, late of Minneapolis, a Scientific Optician, in charge ol
the optical department, and you can consnlt him and have your eyes
examined free of charge. TEY it may be your trouble.
In any ttage without
DUPITVlTTQIf Cured by an old German remedy. Thlii
IinijUDiAllUlll remedy wal aent to Or. Keler by al
j, ftitnd ia Berlin. It haa never failed, and we guarantee it J
i 01 H OflDrO Ulcers, Cancer, etc. cured, no difference how J
r uLU UUflllO long affected. 4
Dleeasea. Thli
case oi BVDnuis.
k wholesome advice and cure
iuuiiu mull remeaiea.
uu umiiar. idu win
i Spermatorrhea. Seminal
' other effects.
i cured, no difference how long standing. Spermatorrhea,
' Less of Manhood, or Nightly Emmisslons, cured pennant-1
Jy. The habit of Self Abuse effectually cured in a. short
'YflITI(l MP1I Your errors and tollies of youth can be
painful, difficult, too frequent, milky or bloody urine, vm.
' Files, Rheumatism and neuralgia treated by our new remedies'
natural aiscnaracs. rareruiiv
aaa cures guaranieea.
ratients ireatea tn any part or the country by his home
. system. Write full Particulars enclose ten sc stamoa and
'we will answer you promptly, hundreds treated at home
. wno art unanie to come to
Take a clear bottle at
set aside end look at it in
nai a eiouay settling in it, you nave some Kidney or Madder a
disease, and should be attended to before you get an lucur-J
Disease as hundreds
vi AMiucya.
Address Of Call DR. KESSLER, 2d and Yamhill
fob Froaj Pert and. raon
Fast Salt I.aks, Denver, Fast
Mall Ft.Worih.Omaha, Mail.
:00 p.m. Kansas City, 8t (:iSp. m.
Louis, Chloago,
and Eut,
ipokane Walla Walla, Spo- Spokane
Flyer kane, Mlnneapo- Flyer
1:10 p. m. 1U, St. Paul, Du- 1:30 a. at
luth, Milwankee,
Chicago and Kait
M p. a. Oeean Itoaashlat 4 :00 p. m. '
fnm Portland.
Ball every five days.
l:Wp.B. Ctlaaaila llr. 4:00 p.m.
Kx. Sunday ' ItaasMrs. Ik. Sunday
lt;00 p. m. Tu Astoria and Way
6:00 a.m. WniasMM Rlvar. 4:80 p.m.
x. Sunday tz. Buaday
Oregon City, New.
bar I.Oafsm Way
T:0a.m. WWaaitltl and Ta- l:p.m.
Tues.. Tkur. kHI llim, Mon., Wed.
aaa Sat, and Fri.
Oregon City, Day
ton, a Way Land
lugs. t:00a. m. WIHaasrt llf. 4:09 p.m.
Tues.. That. Tues.. Thar,
and Bat, Portland to Corral, and Bat.
lis Way Land
ing. Lv. Blaarla Inak Rlrtr. Lv.Lewlstoa
1:46 a.m. t:a,sa.
Dally Riparia to Lawlston Dally
Sz.Batarday Ex. Friday
, I. D0KALD60N, agent, Oregon City.
General PaasMigu Agent Portlana, Ot.
, --.
Sealskin Garments ,
a Specialty
Portland, Oregon
Oh, My Headaches!
Kit. " ' iv vauav-u ujr
imperfect eyesight, as about seven
It costs you nothing to find out, if
go and see '
tnrtnni fraemn
III Here, Tom Ma?
Your looks tell on jrou. Can keep it
ecret a while. Before its too late,
go and ate or write to thli old doe
tor. He has been treatlug such
caaet lor over w yean and perfectly
reliable. Furniihei hli own medi
1 cine and tellf no tale. ;
of the Old St. toulf Medical and J
I fturo-lral nianvnuirv .inU Vimhlll a
ig Street, Portland, Oregon, positively 3
guarantee! to remove n
Ion of tint from butlneia.
doctor guarantees to cure anv 1
uonorrnea. uieet. amciurev l
ana mis oia aocior win Bive vou
yonmake you perfectly strong
oc amasca ai nis success in curing
Losses. Nlirhtlv Emmliilona. and
ireatea ana rjermantiv rurrt
the city.
bedtime and utinate In the hntl M
the mornlna-. If it ia cloud. !
Die everv vear from Brlahta 111, a
The Shasta Route
Ixpren Trains Leave Portland Daily.
(:00 t.tt.
4:62 r.M.
Lt Portland:
Lv Oraaon Clt
Ar lanFranolsoo
Tht above trains stop at all stations betweep
Portland and laltm, Turner, Manon, Ulf
on, Albany, Tangent, Shedds, Halsey, Hslril.
burg, Junction City, Irving, Kugena. CrestelL
Cottage flrove. Drains, and all KaUong Irosi
Roseburg to Ashland, inoluslvo. ,
:0a.h. ,Lv Portland Arl 4:p.
17 a. . Lv Oregon City Lt I N r.M
1:10 r. at. I Ar Eoseburg Lv I T: 3
AUaohod to all Through Trains.
West lid Division,
Between rOBTLAMD ana COBTALtil
lUTailk B tttTl XCirTIDHBlT.I
At Albany and OervalUs eennaotwlth trail
Ol Oregon 5tral I aaaUra R. kT
iraMsiBau AH.T(ixcirrirjiiAT.I
4:84 P.M. I Lv PartUna Arl:A.
VS0P.1I. Ar UeMlaavine ti I S A M
I JO t. 2. At Independnco Lt 4 :O0a1B
Ratat and ticket to eastern points and
T?ri,?,tiArA,,V CBW sosolblJ
tud ACBTIALIA, tan be obialaed rom
S. . BOID, Agent, Oragoa Oltf
mill.tl .Br wioiro.u
- a sat. o. j. r. AteaA
roraaaa. or. Partland. rw
ft ,to Tourself. your family, your friends and k
an jvw smeni u carenuiy ana eonsldemUly w
veeligate the merits of VITA OBK an a remadf
for those who need a cur. There 1 no expert
meotlng. no guess work, no danger, no los ol
time. It Is perfectly harmless, and may always
b relied on. It la the queen of curse, fcr U
reaches the nidus ef all diseases, and will eure
you when ell other remedies have railed af
you have tried all catch-penny humbugs aae
frauds oaly to grow older and worse. Do 4
not neglect to give it a trial, (or Vita -Ore cornea
to Ih sick and the afflicted like the vision ol the
Eastern star to the wise men. On every packets
ot the gsnuln will be found the nd Ink slgna
lure oTheo. Noel. Price 11.00 by mall.
MBS. M. M. U0&OY, Agent, Viol. Ob