Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, March 03, 1899, Image 8

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Furnished By Numerous Carres'
pondents in the County.
A number oi communications and
articles were crowded out of this issue
on account of space. , , .
The legislature ia over and the over
whelmingly republican band of rogues
leave our capital and sneak off home,
a'ter passing some, of the most senseless
bills that have eyer been passed since
the first body of law makers ever met
lor such purpose.
How tremblingly, expectantly anx
ions I have been during the 40 days of
suspense and agony while the vidians
bad the stale throttled, and how often
in that time have all the forces of my
soul sent up the petition to-the merciful
father to be delivered from thesePhilis
tines. I was fearful lest they should
pass some laws that would commend
them to the people of the state and
thus be continued; in power and imperil
all the interests and institutions of the
state. It seems from caretully looking
over all the legislative work done the
burden of my prayer has been answered,
and the infinite one has given the over
whelmingly Oregon republican legis
lative Philistine rope enough to hang
himself, by saying (let him alone he is
ioined to his idols.) How shall we
praise him, words are inadequate, what
message shall we send speeding along
the wires that lead from earth to the
merciful giver of all good, to show the
abui dance of our thankfulness that
God has let them aloue until their sin
has found them out.
Oh blessed relief, my soul cries within
Balem ti relieved from a body of sin,
Overwhelmingly republican waa the mast as
it etlred
And this la the reason It so migktly erred.
The Orcgonian will prate about the legislature
doing wrong,
It thinks It can the fool the people, can tool
them rleht along,
But In two yean hence yon will tee it rise up
and say.
To have good honeat legislation republicans must
have their way.
February 27, 1899. , Squib.
The weather has been taking . the
form of spring for the past few days.
The Mulino school bell is proving a
success, when it can be heard from a
distance of three miles. We are also
proud of our belfry as well as the bell.
Mr. M. E. Mulvey who has been visit
ing his parents for the past few weeks,
has gone to Portland to begin work
Frank Mulvey was also up home
Sunday on a flying trip, for the purpose
frying away our merry maker, his
era will soon begin plowing
our glorious weather.
'anch, of Can by, was the
Madge Mulvey Saturday
1 wasMoing business
'la the last printing of your Courieh
Herald, I notice an item from some
place called Glad Tidings bv "Socra
tes;" who goes on to locate" the place
east of Marquam, can it be that Glad
Tidings is a new name for the "Mis
souri Ridge?" Then "Hocratos" in
vites all to flee to Marquam for
knowledge; but where is "Marquam"
any way?" "very closely connected"
with "Glad Tidings," still we grope in
the dark j whether shall we go? "Soc
rates" (phil)osophy may be sound but
his locality is uncertain. Moral-r-''ive
the direction and distance from some
well known place like Molalla next
time, and we'uns can find wise yo'uns.
Cherry vUle.
Mr. Shanks family are sick with the
Alpha Wall is also sick with the grip.
G. T. Beebe is plowing, getting ready
to sow oats.
Mrs. Shangleis very sick at present.
The boys are catching some fine sal
mon in the Sandy.
Feb. 21. Jack Frost.
Well, Mr. Editor here we are again.
Mr. Behman has found his heifer
which strayed off. Aug Funk has not
yet found his. They were 2 years old in
stead of 1 as formerly stated.
Dead horses has been the role for two
veeks past Mr. Dineinger, Mr Slioch
acke and L. Funk losing one eaob.
Home party in Bedland made the re
mark that Red I and was going to take a
"Kuke" because two of our ressperted
neighbors are going to leave. Well I
think the majority would rather see the
other parly leave, r
Four corners has been visited by a
band of Gypsies, but luckily they did
not halt long.
Mrs. Behimer made a trip to Poriland
and took Leo. Leo and his mamma
left for the East.
Our teacher. Mr.Eutherford, has been
on the sick list, Lut is able to be around
again. . ;
The late freeze killed about 10 to 20
per cent of wheat sown, while some lost
nearly all of their potatoes.
Jack Fullman is out on a visit and to
attend the masque at Grange hall.
Mr. Sevier our mail carrier, is going
to farm it on a big scale this season, as
he has rented Mrs. Amos', A. Ketch
urn's, and another place on Viola bottom
besides his own.
We are glad to note that Miss Hat
tieWilcox passed examination for second
grade, also George Murdock who passed
third. Both are graduates from Redland
school. 'r--
Miss Wilcox has been visiting friends
in Macksburg.
Mr. Rutherford's sohorrt, clsses in
three weeks, he expects to uraduate a
class of four. . , . 8. 1
February 27. ' ,
New Era. I
New Era can boast of an abundance
of mud and sunshine.
A surprise party was given to Her
man Burgoyne last Saturday evening,
to celebrate his seventeenth birthday.
The party proved a grand success, and
every one was sorry when it was time
to don their wraps and depart. We all
wished him a long and prosperous life.
Mrs. Newbury has - returned from
Portlsnd and reports her aunt, Mrs.
Geo. Mosher.imoroving very rapidly.
The 22d was celebrated at the school
house, and the name of George Wash
ington was on eyery tongue in either
recitation or song. Quite a crowd of
the scholar's parents were present and
all had a good time.
The literary society will meet Wednes
day evening to piactice singing.
Mr. Herman Anthony, who has been
quite sick the past few weeks, is again
on the road to health, and his many
friends will be glad to see him in their
midst again.
The winter term of school closes next
month. , ,
Mrs. Reynolds who has been visiting
in Portland the past two weeks, re
turned home last week.
Mr W. A. Nosker and Col. Thomp
son, of Woodburn, has been visiting
friends and relatives of this place, ad
returned home Wednesday. ,
We hear rumors of another surprise
party this week. .. Look out somebody,
you'r going to get a surprise.
Master Wilbur Newbury and Oscar
Burgoyne are taking lessons on the
Violin from Father La Miller.
What's the matter with Tempest and
Sunshine. We have noticed the sun
shine lately, but have'nt seen any
tempest. The Triplei.s.
February 27th.
, New Era.
Fine weather is with ns again.
The New Era barber, Charley Sim.
mans, was doing a flourishing business
Sunday last.
For good fresh fish go to H. Boggos. '
Don't disturb any more dances boys,
without you have the faint bottle.
Go to the- New Era dentist be can fix
your teeth at one setting.
W. Mulvey was seen on South street
Sunday last.
The swell affair of the season was a
party at Mr. Burgoyne'a last Saturday.
All the finest society of New Era were
Home ef New Era's promising young
men were seon trotting the way along
High street Sunday about half past ten.
What's now.
Walter Mead is quite an acrobat on
stilts, he makes three ties at a -time
down the railroad track.
Mr. "Bdgess the leading merchant of
New Km, hai been seen conveying his
goods with a Silembrick engine with a
one drive wheel aud five push bars.
fer.ruaty Yi. Pedrj. v
U m. Weismandel has left for Sell-
od where ho is assisting a frieud in
usiness, who is on the sick list. -
Miss Alma Rlebe, is up from Portland
,visiting with her parents and friends.
1 f m,: !. .i
I mis, luuirit) IS UU UIB HICK Hal..
E. Miller, of Needy, was doing insur
ance in our burg last week, for the
mutual fire reliet association. The insti
tution seems to make rjp'd growth, and
is cheap and reliable.
We have been told that Wm. Gortler
in the upper neck of the woods, is
building a new horse power of the latest
device. After its completion he will
run a saw mill and chopper with it; he
. will have it patented. Inventors would
Vdo well to pay Mr. Gortler a visit on
I-the nmaNinn.
C. W. Damm is going to work for Mr.
Beck, near Aurora, in the near future,
where he will remain for some time.
Mr. Otis Bigger is doing some grub
bing for F. 0. Klinger. the latter has
4 now a force of men engaged in cleaning
A up the same, and bow the ground to
I spriug wheat.
G. W. bcramlin is also having nm
blasting and grubbing done on his
place this winter.
Constable Mathews had the pleasure
of hauling a prisoner to Barlow for
Oregon City one night last week charged
with and found guilty of larcemyofa
pair of gold inlaid spectacles. 1 hat's
what the gold, standard men do, put to
much value in a small article.
Feb. 20. Susan.
; Notice of Sale of Delinquent Stock.
i a. tun of nartatn laewimanta nn ,K .1
I capital stock of the BlueRtver Mining and Mill-
1..K. vviu,inu(v, n uim puiauuu. vi assessments duly
levied by the directors thereof at their duly called
meetings on the flih day of June 1896, Aug. 15.
1897, and Sent. 17, 1898, and by virtue of the
action of the board of directors of said corpora
tion on the 1st day of February, 189!), said assess
ments were declared to be delinquent, and pur
suant to the order thereof, now, therefore the
, following stock will on Saturday. April 1st, 189!)
at a o'clock p. m., at the front door of the court
house In the oity of Oregon City. Oregon, be aold
by me at public auction, to the highest bidder for
cash In hand, to make the amount of assessment
aud coata of advertising therein, namely:
" No. Shares. Amount
5" K' n 1,-VK) .!6.25
rrancis Bans.. 7
N. O. Walden Estate ..m....1,ik) as'tlO
W, W. Myers .....4,(mo 60.00
J. W. Potter liiio 3,(M)
ruie nuunu.. ft) j.uo
, Oregon City, Feb. 23, 1899.
. , J- M- TRACY, President.
J. J. COOKE, Seoretary,
Dkpartmknt of th Interior.)
Lamd Omor.J
Feb. SI, 1899.J
Oregon City, Ore,
Ing been tili'd In this olHce by Asa Reed, con
testant, against homestead entry No. 11.VJ6, made
October 4, Inns, forSW'-i section 5, township 3 a,
ramro 7 e. bv Julius Stetiilwra. contest, in wM..k
tilt is alleged that the said Julius Steintierg has
wholly aUmloiied said tract and ohangod his resi
'tdenea therefrom for More than twelve months
Jast past and next to the date of said contest alii.
davit: that the said Sleiuberg not only abandoned
f Malta out actually alwntlonea the state of
on about twelve mon'.ha ago and went to
dike. Alaska, and as far aa known he still re
al the present tn Alaska: that the statements
alned In his pretended "leave of absenoe."
Hied February, 1808, were not such as to justifv a
leave of ahseire, such aa the Act of March 1879,
ever contemplated; that said tract ia Dot settled
upon and cultivated by aald claimant as required
by law at any period eluce Ihe date of aald entry,
aaid parties are hereby notified to appear, respond
and offer evidence tnnohlnff aehi allwmiioni at 10
o'clock, a. H.,on Apall lit, lm, before the Regie
tor ana Receiver at me unnea stale Land Othce
in Oregon City, Oregm.
The said contestant having, la a proper affidavit
filed February 20, 180, aet forth facta which show
that after due diligence personal eervicei of this
notioe cannot be mad. It 1 hereby ordered and
directs 1 that sncu Mot Ice beagiven by due and
proper puDiuiauon. . ualuihay,
OW are the chil
dren this summer?
Are they doing
well ? Do thev
get all the benefit they
should from their food?
Are their cheeks and lips
of good color? And are
they hearty and robust in
If not, then give them
Scott's Emulsion
of cod liver oil with hypo
phosphites. It never fails to build
up delicate boys and girls.
It gives them more flesh
and better blood.
It is just so with the
baby also. A little Scott's
Emulsionr three or four
times a day, will make
the thin baby plump and
prosperous. It
furnishes the
'young body with
just the material
necessary for
growing bones
and nerves.
All Drnertsta. oc. and ft.
Scott ft Bowne, Chemists. N. Y.
For First-.CIass
Go to
Seventh St. Bakery
or (top bis wagon
as it goei by.
CHAS. CATTA, Proprlator
Oregon City, Oregon ,
Pure Milk and Full Measure
given; delivered to any ,
part of the city.
Try Stolton Dairy aai be OoB?iaat
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Clackamas.
Leolie Blair, Plaintiff,. 0
Johnathan R. Blair, Defendant. )
To Jnhnalban R. Blair, the defendant above
A Yon are hereby required to appear and answer
the complaint filed against you iu the above en
titled court In this cause within six weeks from
the date of the first publication of this suminoni,
that Is to any, on or before the 15th day of April.
1X09, the first pnblleatiou of this summons being
on the 3d dav of March, 18119, and tho last on the
14th day of April, 1809, and it you fall to answer
Plain!)!! will apply to the court for the relief
prayed for In the complaint, to-wit : That the
bonds of matrimony heretofore and now exist
ing between plaintiff aud defendant be dissolv
ed j that plalntlft" have tho custody and control
of their minor child ; that she have her costs and
disbursements herein, and inch other and furth
er relief as shall seem meet in the premises. -
This summons Is published pursuant to an
order of the Hon. Thos. F.Ryan, county judge
of Clackamas county, Oregon, granted on March
1st, 18119, prescribing and ordering publication of
this summons once a week for six weeks.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon, for
uiacitamas county.
Alfred R. Cough trev, "1
va. ( Suit for Divorce.
Ilia Maria Coughlrey, j
Defendant J
To the said Leila Maria Conghtrey, the above
named defendant:
You are hereby required to appear and answer
the complaint filed against vou in the above en
titled suit on or before Friday, the 3rd day of
March, 1890, that being the dav of the expiration
of six weeks' publication of this summons. This
suit is brought to obtain a decree dissolving the
bonds of matrimony now existing between you
and the plaintiff, aud such oilier and further re
lief as to the cou't shall aeem meet. Vou are
hereby notified that it vou fail to appear and
answer the said complaint as above required,
the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief
therein prayed for.
This summons ia published by order of the
Hon. Thorn a A. McBrhle, judge of the circuit
court of the state of Oregon for Clackamas coun
tv, and la published the rliat time on Friday, the
20Ui day of Januarv, 1890.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Consisting of 4 lota, good garden spot, running
water the year round, a room house, good cellar,
barn big enough for two cows and 100 chickens,
U blocks from court bouse. Price S8O0. 6 per
cent interest. (75 cash down. For particulars
Inquire at this office. Team and Block taken in
of the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon
for Clackamas county, ot date February 21st, I8i,
upon a decree of foreclosure duly rendered In
said court on November 26th, 1SU8, in the case of
Daniel Herlihy, plaintiff, vs. Daniel Herlihy and
Ellen Herlihy, his wife, defendants, in favor of
the plaintiff and against the defendants, I will,
at 1:30 o'clock In the afternoon on the
. 25TH DAY OF MRCH, 1899,
At the front door of the court house In Oregon
City, Oregon, sell at public auction, tothe high
est bidder, for cash in band, subiect to redemp
tion, the premltea described In said decree of
foreclosure, being situated in Clackamas eounty,
State ot uregon, to-wu:
All of the south half ota certain tract of land
deeded to Daniel Herlihy by the Oregon and Cal
ifornia Railroad Company, said entile tract being
described as follows: The east hal 1 of the north
east quarter of the southeast quarler of section
s, townsnipz souin, range lour (4) east, Milium
ette mend an: aaid foulh half containim tilt v.
nine acres mora or less, excepting Ihe reserva
tions made in favor ol the Oregon and Califor
nia Railroad Compaay in Its to Daniel
Herlihy made the 28th day of February, 1801, to
satisfy the sum of afo6 60, with Interest 'from No
vember 20th, I8!I8, at the rale of S per cent, per
annum, and the costs and disbursements of said
still, taxed at SoO.00, and Uie ousts of and upon
tbia wtit.
Sheriff of Claokamas countv, Oregon.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., Feb. 21, 18t.
bexm appointed executrix of the last will
and testament of the estate of Samuel Helple,
deceased, by the Hon. county court of Clackamas
eounty, Oregon. All persona having claims
gainst said estate are hereby notified to present
the same to ma for payment, at my home at
Eagle Oresk (Ctirrinaville P. O., Clackamas ooun
ty, Orvgon, with proper vouchers, withia atx
nionlha from the date of this notice. -
Executrix ot the last will and testament ef Sam
uel Heinle, deceaaed.
Lated lids 20.h day ot February, 189. .
U V a
For the Biggest
In Oregon
Ladies' and Gent's Fur
S G. N. JOE & CO.,
nishings, Clothing,
Caps, Umbrellas
intoshes, Blankets, Dry
Goods, Shoes, Japanese
Goods, Etc., Etc.
Dealer In
Fresh Meats of AH Kinds
Opposite Huntley's, Oregon City.
Go TO - G. H.
Shop Opposite Congregational Church, Main' Street, Oregon City, Or.
In the Circuit Conrt of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas .
Jacob Spangler,
Jeremiah Johnson and Ella A. Johnson,
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, as
cree and'an execution, duly Issued out of and
under the seal of the above entitled court, In the
above entitled cause, to me duly directed and
dated the loth day of February, 1899, upon
a Judgment rendered and entered In said oouit on
the 26th day of November, 1898, in favor of
Jacob .Spangler, plaintiff, and against Jeremiah
Johnson ana Ella A. Johnson, defendants, for
the sum of ai,064.00, with Interest thereon at the
rate of 10 per cent, per annum from the 26th day
of November, 1898, and the further rum of
8100.00 as attorney's fee, and the further sum of
SI 5.00 costs and disbursements, and the costs
of and upon this writ, commanding me to make
sale of the following described real property,
situate In the county of Clackamas, slate, of Ore
gon, to-wlt:
Lot 8, In block 31, In the Oregon Iron and Steel
Company's First Addition to the Town of Oswe
go, in Claokamas county, state of Oregon.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution,
judgment, order and decree, and In compliance
with ihe commands of said writ, I will, on
1899, at the hour of one o'clock p. m., at the front
door of the County Court House In the city of Or
egon City, in said County aud fctale, sell at publio
auction, subjeot to redemption, to the highest
bidder, for U. S. gold coin, cash in hand, all the
right, title and interest whloh the within named
defendants or either of tiiem, had on
the date of the mortgage herein or since
had in or to the above described real proper
ty or any part thereof to satisfy said execution,
judgment order, decree, Interest, costs and all
accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, Feb. 16, 18911.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Cluckamss. Tillie Lam Foo,
plaintiff, vs. Lam Foo, defendant. To Lam Foo,
the above named defendant: In the name of the
state of Oregon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the oomplaint filed against you
In the above entitled court in this cause wllliln
six weeks from the diite of the first publication
of this summons, to-wit: On or before the 26th
day of Match, 1809; the first publioallon hereof
Delngon tne 10111 uayot rebrua"y, inns, ana the
last publication being on the 24th day of March,
18'jt, and If you fail to answer, plaintiff will ap
ply to the court for the relief prayed for In the
complalbt, lo wit: 1st For a decree of nullity
ot marriage between you and the plaintiff, on the
ground that on have a living wife by a prior
marriage. 2nd And for a decree dissolving the
bonds of matrimony now existing between you
and the plaintiff, on the groundsof oruel and
inhuman treatment of plaintiff, rendering life
nunlensome. For costs 01 suit ana general roller.
This summons Is published pursuant to an order
of Hon. Thomas F. Ryan, comity Judge of sa'd
county, in the absence of the judge of said circuit
oourt, granted on February 0. 1809, and prescrib
ing publication of tho summons herein once a
t-. 1 ..t... v 11 n.nn..n.n
WOCK 1UT Bl. WCCAS. uMluwrlJI,
Plaint! ft'a Attorney.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County 01 ciat aamaa.
C. R. Rooik, Plaintiff,
Nancv L.. Hunter, J. 0. Roork, Eliaa
W. Roork, Salina A. Green, Ida A.
lirill, Mrs. Roberts, widow of J. W.
Boork, deceased; P. H. Roork,
James L Roork, Annie B. Hale,
Mis. Carrie Powell, Satan C. Kelly,
Ada E. Tlcdermau, Pearl Roork,
Sum A. Kelly, Mrs.McKenile, John
B. Kelly, Benj. J. Kelly. Mrs. Ml
He Dundee. Mrs. Morlah Buoy,
nnknown children of Mrs Corina
Culbertson, deceased; unknown
children of Mrs. Rosa M. Calvin,
deceased; unknown children of
Harvey Rook, deceased: W, M.
Heckler, G. VV. Heckler. Mahala
Hacker, Kllza Pettljohn, J. S.
Hackler, T J. Hackler, Jamina
Klttrell, F. A. Hackler and all
other heirs unknown of Thos.
Roork, deceased,
To Nancy L. Hunler, J. C. Boork, Eliza W.
Roork, Salina A. Green, Ida A. Grill, Mrs. Rob
erts, widow of J. W. Roork, deceased: P. H.
Roork, Jas. L. Roork, Annie E, Hale, Mrs. Carrie
Powell, Sarah C. Kelly, Ada E. Tiederman, Pearl
Kooik, Sam A. Kelly, Mrs. McKenaie, John B.
Kelly, Benj. J. Kelly, Mrs. I.tllle Dundee, Mrs.
Moriah Buoy, unKnown children of Mrs. Corina
Culbertson. deceased; unknown children of Mrs.
Rosa M.Calviti deceased; unknown children of
Harvey Roork, deceased; W. M. Hackler, G. W.
Hackler, Mahala Hackler, Eliza Pettijohn, J. 8.
Hackler, T J. Hackler, Jamina Kiltrell, F. A.
Hackler, and Jail other heirs unknown of Thoa.
Rmirk: deoeascd, said defendants:
In the name of the Stale of Oregon :
Vou and each of yon are hereby required to
be aud appear In the above entitled court on or
before the 17th day of April, 189, to answer the
complaint filed against you in the above entitled
suit, and if you fail to do so the plaiiuitr will take
a decree against you tor tne reitei nemnnaed in
Uie complaint, to-wit: That the plaintiff be de
Creed to be the owner of the southwest quarter ot
section 7, township 2 south, of range 4 east ot the
Willamette meridian, being the donation land
claim of Thos. Roork, in Clackamas county,
Oregon, and that you and each of you be forever
barred from asserting any claim thereto, and for
such other relief aa anall seem meet and proper.
This summons la published by order of Hon.
T. A. McBride, judge ot aaid court, made the '20th
day ot February, 19. H. E. CROSS,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
First publication February 24, 18o
Reliable man for Manager of Branch Ofllca I
wish to open Inlthis vicinity. If yonr record la
O K. bare la a gooa opening, sunaiy mention
this paper when writing.
T. A. MORRIS, Cincinnati, O.
Illustrated catalogue 4 cents postage.
Next door to Postolfice.
Undertaker and Embalmei
Carries a complete line of caskets, coffins,
robes, etc. Superior goods, Superioi
services at most moderate prices. Next
door to Commercial bank.
Oregon City - - - Orkgo
N Ol ICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that under and
by virtue of a judgment and decree of the
Circuit Oourt of the State of Oregon for Clackamaa
county, rendered and entered in said court on
the 9th day of Januaiy, 1809. In a certain suit
therein pending, In favor of H. F. Allen, John
Conch Lewis and Lucius A. Lewis, partners aa
1 lien A Lewis, the plaintiffs therein, and against
Margaret L. Batdorf, defendant therein, and un
der and by virtue of an execution with a copy of
said judgment and decree annexed, issued on
January 31, 1809, out of said court under the seal
thereof and under the hand of the elerk thereof,
and to me as Sheriff of Clackamas county, Ore
gon, duly directed, commanding me, as such
Sheriff, among other things, to sell the property
hereinafter described, I did duly levy on the said
property described In said judgment and decree
aa lots 1, 2, 3, 4, in block 62, of the city of Oregon
City, in said county and state, and that nnd.r
and in pursuance of a certain other Judgment
and decree of the said Circuit Court, rendered
and entered January 0th, 1809, In a certain suit
therein pending, In favor of L. A. Lewis, plaintiff
therein, and against Margaret L. Batdorf, el al,
defendants therein, and under and by virtue of an
execution with copy of said judgment and decree
annexed, lsiued thereon on January 81, 1890, un
der the seal of said oourt and under the hand of
thecleri thereof, and to me duly directed, and
commanding me, among other things, to sell said
lota 1 and 2, 1 did duly levy on said lots 1 aud 2,
block 62, and have appointed -SATURDAY,
THE 11th DAY OF MARCH, lfcrt,
at 11 o'clock In the forenoon of said day aa tho
time. and the front door of tlieootinly court house
In Oregon City, Oregon, as the place for thesM;
of said real property.
Lota 1 and 2, block 62, will be sold undor both
of said above described judgments and decrees
and the executions to enforce the same, and lots
8 and 4, block 62. will be sold on the first men
Honed of said judgments and deorees and tha
execution to enforce the same.
The proceeds of the sale of lots 1 nd 2, block
62, will be applied ln'discbarge and satisfaction
of the coats and expenses of this sale and of the
sum of $85.96, with interest from October 19, 1897,
at the rate of ten per cent, per annum, and $17.60
the costs and disbursements of said suit, due on
the judgment and decree In favor of L A. Lewis,
and of the sum of C2500, with interest from Feb
ruary 3, 1806, at said rate, the sum of 225 at
torney's fees, and (15.00 costs and disbursements,
the same being the amount of the judgment and
dcrce lu favor of Allen & Lewis, above mention
ed. The proceeds of the sale of lots 8 and 4.
block 62, will beapplied to the Davment and dla.
charge of the judgment in favor of Allen & Lewi
suuYn uesuriueu. t
Dated February 4, 1809.
J.J. COOKE, Sheriff.
Tn tha Pipntilt flnu-l nl ,1,. Cl-ta Af n. t-
the County of Clackamas.
G. A. Rockw'ood,
Plaintiff, .
Wm. M. Burket and Sarah Burket,
his wife, and Joseph Eugene lied-
5es, as Executor of the will of
oseph Hedges, deceased, 1
IWonil .......
State of Oregon. Countv of Clackamas, sa.
eree and an execution, duly issued out of and
under the seol of the above entitled court, in the
above entitle cause, and to me duly dlreoted and
dated the 8th day of February, 1809, upon a judg
ment rendered and entered In said court on the
31st day of January, 1899, In favor of G. A. Rock
wood, plaintiff, and against Wm. M. Burket and
Sarah Burket, bis wife, and Joseph Eugene Hed-
os as executor of the will of Joseph Hedges,
eeeased, defendants, for the sum of 1180.40,
with Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per
annum from the 81at day of January, 1809, and
further aum of $40.00, aa aitomey'a fee, and
the further sum o 22.24, with Interest thereon
TPim Ih. Qla, Anmr n i 1 a
...... uui ill tfauuary, iny, ana tne
the further sum of 112.60 costs and disbursements
and tha costs of and npon this writ, commanding
me lo make sale of the following described real
...umiv, nuuaio ,n tuv vuuuiy oi tuau&amai
state of Oregon, to-wlt:
101 one u) or niocg nineteen (19) In Holmea
addition to Oregon City, Oregon, which M Is de-
" negiuning at me normwest
corner of said lot one (1) and thence east along
tha north Una tl o-M l Kn .u . T
...... 1 w crv iiieiice souin
parallel with the west line of aald lot one (1) 200
in. wuiii uc ui ssm tot one tti: tnence
WPRt JiO tout, fn lha nnihn.dul if '..u
one(l); thence north along west line 200 feet to
plaoe of beginning, said lot being in the north
part of said Holmes' D. L. C. No. 46, Notification
6i3. nn In. nri nf i.iH 1-1 -.n..ini f
flow, therefore, by virtue of said execution,
judgment order and decree, and In eompllauoe
mi uuuiuiHuuo vi gam writ, i wtil, on
1R99, at the hour of one o'clock P. M , at the front
un.j vuuiv iiutine m wie city or
Oregon City, in said county and state, sell at pub-
kllJ l !i o ,j rcuempuon, to me nigned
, , . o. ,,,,u cuiu,casn in nana, all the
rlirllt- tltli, anrl In, upon, n k,..v. .1. - .
defendants, or either of them, had on the date of
, u"Kg uvri, or since naa in or to the
above described real property or any part thereof,
tO aatisiV Bltlft Ova,,,!.!. j
interest, costs aud all accruiug costs.
t. . . Jjheilff of Clackamas Countv, Oregon.
Dated Oregon City, Oregon, Feb. 8, 1899.
la hereby given that I have filed my final
report as executor ol the will ef John Fullam, de
Ceased, and that the probate conrt of Clackamas
" j. "regon, naa set Monday, thai 3d
.pr"i Wa9- hour ' io o'clock a. ;
hr..e,hl?rlng.'? tht ,aid reP"t nd objecilona
thereto, if any there be, at whioh time all persona
that are interested are hereby notified tp be present.
Executor of the will of Joha FuUman.oeaeed.
For Rent The large 8 room, aodern
constro, ted house, lately occupied by
Kev. M. L. Rugg, for rent.
H. E. Cross, Agent. '