Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, March 03, 1899, Image 4

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    .,......W,.,.l--"-"" --" -
A. W. CHENEY Publisher
I Entered In Oregon Oitypostoffloeaa 2nd-olaM matter
Tf milriln Advance. Tiervear... 1 50
8iX months . n
Inree mouthi trial.... at
MT-The dale opposite your address on the
paper douoles I he time to which you nave pata
. Thb annual meeting of the Oregon
Dairymen's Association will be held in
Portland on FViday and Saturday,
March 10 and 11. 1899.
The governor will have about a hun
dred new officers to appoint under the
acts of the recent legislature, the graf
ters of the last year of the nineteenth
Thb Ooueieb-Herald would be
pleased to receive more letters for pub
lication from reformers . We are always
glad to do anything to help the cause of
the down. trodden.
Miles tells the truth and will suffer
discharge from the army.
- Egan lied about the embalmed beef
and got a six years' vacation under full
'pay. ,
Funny how much Americans will
The only legislature Oregon has had
within recent years that has not done
injury to the state was the one of 1897,
that did'nt organize. No bill passes the
legislative assembly on its own merits.
Every bi.l tht passes is traded and
jobbed, on the all round graft. Ore
gonian. The headlines over a Washington
telegram in the daily papers recently
read: "President McKinley Tired."
He may be tired, but not any more so
than the people are tired of him ; and
when his present term of office expires
they give him all the balance of his life
to rest up and will elect a man to suc
ceed him as president. Tacoma Sun.
The people who voted the demo-pop
ticket lust fall has the indisputable right
to carry his head about this time. And
he 'will have the company of lots of de
cent republicans next time, Search
light, Redding, Oal.
The people of Oregon are 'in the same
fix. We've been blessed with a legisla
tive Bession too, and you need'nt feel so
.... It is only necessary to go back a few
ahoit yesrt and dig up the records in
order to prove that bimetallism is not a
now issue, but that it was very popular
with the people of all parties and that
most of the big papers were for free
coinage of silver until the bosses of the
g . o. p. and the stuffed prophet and
bacchlian brute of Buzzard's Bay sold
out the .people to the bond-hawks of
"Wall street. Why, even thut, at pres
ent, frog-eating sheet, the Chicago Trio-'
une, in 1878, speaking on the silver
question, ' said : "A laboring man
would inilnitely prefer to be set at work
earning a Bilver dollar than starve while
waiting for employment on a gold
basis." And this is the same condition
tlVat exists to-day, but the Tribune is
singing another sone. ' -
Shkkikf' Cooke is wondering why tlie
i t . ...!.. i nr.
juiiiii euiiiuur iroiu J'ltuiuu huu vmi'Ka-
mas did not take printing, board of
prisoners and other perqusites from the
Marion county sheriff as well as from
liim. lli-fore the recent session the
Marion cuiinty Bheriff received a salary
of $1400 and for boarding prisoners the
sum of f!) for first and 3 for others.
He now receives $4,000 salary and same
for prisoners besides other fees. The
. salary of the Clackamas county Bheriff
k was cut from $2000 to $1700 and board
)f prisoners, printing and other per
quisites taken from him entirely. The
Marion jail contained seven prisoners
when the law was passed and Clacka
mas none. Sheriff Cooke before re
ceived only $11 for all prisoners if he had
more tnan four.
City Cumuli.
Tin cltv ennucll held a very busy regular m
nil. II Wi'.uiioaUjr evening. All the coiuioilmi'ii and
mmy t'hlii'iu tutcreated in aewerugn
W'IMI' lirOM'lll,
'Jim ncnrdi'iV monthly report showed that 10
Imrtal jwrmltdweio Humeri during Kebruarv.
l,liiior llouiiHM were (ranted to Cole, -11 i 1 1 nd
'J he committee on rtrwta and imMii! properly
anil l ily KnKlneer II. 11. Joluucm pnwiitod plant
mt njnfllUwtlona for a aewe'Ke ystem on the
hill. It was shown lhat a system of aewerair
draining '.K.Hi lots could be pot in for 110,613, while
a siMiarnle pipe to lite Weinlianl wwer would
r.st SUM. A recess whs held and the matter gen
erally (tlseiissiHl. When the council reconvened
llic sewer mailer was referred hack to the com
mittoe nd engineer fur further consideration at
the adjourned meeting it the oouncil to be htid
two wei ks from Wedm s lay night
The usual grlt ot bills were allowed- Wreet
Oomtntssslouur Bradley was allowed tiS0 out
of the road Hind lor work on ainger hill.
The street committee reported that are IIrIiU
h been placed at Falls View, Kly and Kansas
liy. Mchuebel and Koernot sioke iu favor of
4-heaper elwtrio lights, and with Huntley as a
tlili.l ntenilier of the oommittw, were Instructed
to confer Willi the i'onlaud tieueral Kleelrio Com
pany In reference to making a reduction In the
mailer ol fnrnlshitiK llglt to tlie city If a re
duction could uot be secured they were Instructed
to formulate a plan fur cheaper lights and te
!rt. KniMneor Johnson reported 111 at a mail
way could ! made from lower Main street to the
top of the bluff for ",0i). Charinan, Mill) and
Koerner were appointed a spevial oomrolltee on
this road,
An ordinance was read the first tints compel
ling proprietors oi oiMtra house aud public hsill
to keep an oil light burning, while eeoupled.
What more annoying than a cheap
chain on your bicycle, a chain thatjwears
and stretches continually I Uiescent
chains have tempered still pins and
blocks with a beautiful "gun barrel
finish on the side plates.
All owners of property on the bluff
from Seventh stfeet south to Third
street and from the bluff east to Jack
son street, are requested to meet at the
council chamber Saturday evening,
March 4th, at 7 .30 o'clock to discuss the
proposed sewer in the district above de
scribed, and to appoint a committee to
confer with the committee on streets
and public property.
Sixty-nine deeds, 29 mortgages and
29 releases of mortgages were tiled in
the county recorder's office during the
month of February. The recorder col
lected $133 as fees during the same pe
riod, and the clerk $180 40. The total
amount of warrants drawn by the clerk
during February was $3134 90. Eight
marriage licenses were issued and one
quartz mining claim was filed. ,
The last game of basket ball for the
season was played at Poue's hall last
Friday evening between the biggest team
that could be scared up by the Portland
Y. M. O. A. and the first home team.
The game was a fierce one. and almost
. . , .J .. .U- I
Drone up in a row uuriug me wsumiu
half. At the close the score stood 13 to
10 in favor of the Portlands Accord
ing to reports the game was a disgrace
to civilized Christian young men. The
bovs here arc red-hot at isoss Kingler,-
who forced himself .'in as an umpire,
while at the same time he is physical di
rector of the Portland if . M. O. A.
Louis Toedtemeir, of Wilsonville, has
received warrants from Clackamas
county amounting to $637 61. in full for
damages and costs resulting from his
engine falling through a county bridge
a couple ol years ago. The case was
transferred to Washington county and
was remanded back with the decision
that engines not of the traction variety,
did not come under the provisions of
the law. The reason that this item did
not appear in the court records, the war
rants were drawn on a bill of costs and
order from the circuit court at Hills-
boro. The suit of the driver of the en'
gine for $3000 damages Will come up at
the regular term of circuit court in
Washington County.
In Falls View addition. Sundav, Feb
ruary 2(iih, to Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Law
rence, a son.
In Falls View addition, Friday, Feb
ruary 24th, to M. Luther Miller and
wife, a daughter.
In Oregon f'itv, Friday, February
24th, to H. B. Moore and wife, a daugh
ter. . At Molalla, Saturday, Febmaiy 25th,
to (J! in Cutting and wite, a daughter.
Tu Oregon City, Tuesday, February
28th, to Dan Lyons and wite, a son.
White Man's Burden.
It, is hard to belleru that the management of
the Oregoniiin has been Ignorant all these years
of what all ariwlblu people knew would be the
inevitable effect of the naleralistlc policy, which
republicans have exeroised toward monopolies
and trusts. Everybody who has read the Ore
goiilan during the last twenty years knows that
it has been the loyal champion of the party,
which has fostered monopolies by legislature
euaotmeula, thus laying the foundation for the
modern trust. It comes of very bad grace for
the dully to howl about the unjust exactions of
i ho paper trust 111- first to reach the Oregonlan
ovttraairect.;itue. Th ro is agruat deal of inquiry
as to H hat shall we do with the trust. There is a
gigantic trust now In process ot fi.riation
known as the bankers trusts, and if the proper
legislation can be secured it witl not be a ques
tion ol what the people will do with the trust,
but rather what will tie irusta do with the people.
'I he following parody to Kiplings "The White
Man's Burden," we dedicate to the ' only" papei :
Take up the white man's burden
And paralyze the trust
That sets the price on paper
Tu use the stuff we musk
Take up the white man's burden.
Just dip your pen In tire
And swear by all that's holy
That lite tariff shall go no higher. ' '
Take up the white man's burden
Swing high the battle tix
And let a wailing public know ,.
The loiulguer pays the tax, '
Take up the white man's burden
Alas 'lis bitter cup
The only legislature In recent years
Was the one the pops held up.
Take up the white man's burden
And let the people know
That trust are very odious things
To Senator Pinion Joe.
Take up the while man's burden
(Irasp llnnly that trenchant pen
And warlilo the evil deeds performed
k Dy many dishonest men.
Take up the white man's burden
Aud 1 t the people hear
That the Wchfnol anions completely Ignored
The advice ot Uovjrnor tieor.
Take up the white man's burdens
And play lite protective role,
Till (he Oregou Improvement Company
8ecir)es a trust on coal.
Take up the white man's burden
And state how bad you are shocked
When after the horse Is sioleu
You know the barn door's locked.
Take up the white man's burden
And score litem fore and aft
Those chosen ones of t he people
Who were tangled up In the graft
Take up the while man's burdens
And show ihe many Haws
V hich some believe w ll be the rule.
When the people make the laws.
l Y. M. V. A. Xotes.
Rev. P. K. Hammond will talk next
Sunday afternoon.
The various Christian Endeavor so
cieties will give socials for the benefit of
tho building fund.
At the regular meeting of the Wom
en's Auxiliary held at Mrs. Stafford's
Tuo8diiy,evenin, Mrs. 11. P. Bestow
was elected treasurer.
The contractv.il! lie let soon for the
erection of the new building.
Ono Bosq
Tells the story. When your head
aches, and you feel bilious, consti
pated, and out of tune, with jour
stomach sour and no appetite, Just
ouy a pacKage 01
Hood's PHIo
And take dose, from 1 to 4 pills.
You will be surprised at how easily
they will do their work, cure your
headache and biliousness, rouse the
liver and make you feel nappy again.
' cents. Sold by all medicine dealers.
Strong, steady nerves
Are needed for success
Everywhere. Nerves
Depend simply, solely,
Upon the blood.
Pure, rich, nourishing
Blood feeds the nerves
And makes them strong.
The great nerve tonic is
Hood's Sarsaparilla,
Because it makes
The blood rich and
Pure, giving it power
To feed the nerves.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Cures nervousness,
Dyspepsia, rheumatism,
Catarrh, scrofula,
And all forms of
Impure blood.
' Money loaned on or life insurance
policies bought for cash. C. O. T. Wil
liams, office upstairs, next M.E church.
Mason & Hamlin and Kimball parlor
organs for sale at Oregon City Auction
House, opposite postoffice.
Ready made dress skirts from $1.50
to $3.00 at the Racket Store.
A few cheap reliable, watches at
Highest cash price paid for second
hand household goods at Bellomy &
Busch. , ,
; Money to loan at 8 percent interest on
mortgages. Apply to O. D. & D. O.
Latourette. ;
And the prices are quoted bo ridicu
lously low that it will pay you to call.
Celia Goldsmith. .
The Club tonsorial parlors, P. G.
Shark, proprietor, shaves for 10 cents.
A full line of cigars and tobacco is kept.
Dan Willians has added to his stock of
groceries and provisions a full line of
feed and hay. Goods delivered to all
parts of the city free. Corner Seventh
and Center streets
Ribbons, embroideries, laces and all
kinds of notions at the Racket Store.
Money to loan at 8 per cent interest on
mortgages. Apply to C.v D. & D. 0
I have abundance of money to loan at
8 and choice loans will be made at. !
C 11. Dye.
When in Portland be sure and call at
the RoyaVrestaurant where you can (jet
the best 15c meal in the city. 253 First
street, corner of Madison. Wm.
Bohlander, proprietor.
Younger, who has had a life-lonn ex
perience, will clean your watch for a
For the next thirty days we will sell
all trimmed and un trimmed hats at a
great reduction. Miss Goldsmith.
Wanted 100 watches to repair at $1
each, at C. A. Nash's, Postoffice build
ing, tt.
For firBt-clitss handmade or machine
made harness go to F, H, Oross on
Seventh street, opposite A O U W hall,
Prices reasonable and work guaranteed,
If you have anything to sell advertise
in Cuukieh-Hbkald.
Shoe repairing of all kinds at F, H,
Cross' harness shop, opposite A O U
W building on the hill,
Weekly Oregwian and f Courier
Herald for $2 per year.
During my absence f have placed in
charge of my dental office Dr. W. T.
Lyon whom I can recommend to my
friends and the public in general as a
skillful and reliable dentist.
. L. L. Pickens.
United Modern Vigilantes have one
payment per month, no more no les.
No per capita tax. When you seethe
rate opposite your age on folder you
know that's what you pay and you are
not guessing what, your next payment
will be. Join the Oeegon City Branch.
45 cents round trip from Oregon City
to Portland and return via Southern
Pacific trains. One way rate 25 cents.
Tickets now on sale at railroad depot.
Trains leave Oregon City at 8:40 a. m.,
and 3 :35 p. in , and arrives from Port
land at 9:23 a. r. and 6:52 p.m. Save
time by using the quicker route.
Fresh Stock of
First-Class .
)) Depot for HAT and FEED
. i)
Insure in a first-class companies
With an experenced agent
Shall we - Js
tell you A
why ? J V
F. E. Donaldson, Agent
Fire and Aooldent Insurance
General Blacksmith.
Opp.Charman's Store, OREGON CITY
Special Attention Given' to all kinds of
Tool Work.
IS THE TIME to clean
house and repaper yout
rooms and paint your
house and , . ,
IS THE MAN to do
the painting and papering
in a first-class shape at
very low prices. Leave
orders at Ely Bros, store
on upper 7th streeth.
Is unknown unless everything connected with the
bath tub in perfect order.
The Plumbing done bv us i thoroughly ntlsfac
tory because it l done right.
Sealed bids will be received at the of
fice of the county clerk for all county
and legal printing for the period of one
year. Said bids will be opened by the
county court on the first day of the
March term, 1899, at 11 o'clock a.m.
The court reserves the right to reject
any or all bids,
. By order of the County Court.
February 18th, 1899.
Elmer Dixon, Clerk.
Situated four miles from Oregon City
on the Highland plank road, containing
30 acres, 25 acres under cultivation, rest
in pasture, new five room house, barn
and necessary out building. Terms
small portion cash, the rest on easy
terms. For futher information inquire
at this ofiice.
Willamette Block, Oregon City
That you can get First
Class Fresh Grocerie of
all kinds of MARR &
MUIR at very reasonable
prices ? Why pay more ?
A Flying Top
The Latest Fad
Tea Kettles-No. 7, 59 cts ; No. 8, 69 eta.
Coffee Pots 27, 80, 33. 38, 49 cents
Tea Pots 19, 23, 29. 37 cents
Pudding Pans-9, 12. 14. 15, 17, 20, 23c
Preserve Kettle-12, 15, 18, 23, 27, 30. 35c
Handled Sauce Pans-10, 18, 17, 23, 28,
The above are regular sizes in Granite Ware and the prices are very low. The
GraniU Ware combine has already advanced prices this year with the prospect
ol a further raise. L. A. PATTERSON & CO., Sixth and Main Sts.
Bicycle Repair Shop
Bicycles, Sewing Machines, Guns, Etc.,
Repaired and Cleaned in a first-class
manner at very reasonable prices. ...... .
A full stock of extras and repairs for
' Bicycles kept. Sole agent for Clackamas
county for Chase Tough-Tread Tires... .. .
Bicycles for Rent
More machinery and a new motor have
recently been added to my stock of tools,
and I am now prepared to execute work
promptly. Satisfaction guaranteed and
Prices within the Reach
Opposite Huntley's Drug Store
Is Past
But you want good flour for your
bread and pastry. The best is
made by . the Portland Flouring
Mills Company
Warm Welcome for Slim Pocketbooks.. .
20 Days'
All 0! our F?.U
To make room
Our Men's $5.00 lines now
Big Reduction on Ladies'
See Prices in our Window.
DeaUr In -.
Also Fall line ol Mill Feed, Lime, Cement and Land Plaster.
Look at Your.Hou868;W ?
If you haven't got time, call on G. REDDAWAY.
He will do you an honest job at a reasonable price. A
full stock of Paints and Oils kept on hand. Call and see
him before buying your order. Paper Hanging and
Kalsomining done to perfection. All work guaranteed.
GEO. REDDAWAY CoDtteUo''rr ilXl.,
i"Sole Agent is Clackamas County for OUR NATIVE HERBS
With Every Dollar Purchase at
all goods are sold at reasonable
Oovored Sauce Pans 23, 29, 37c
Bread Pans 23, 29, 35o
Dippers 17c Soap Dishes 12o
Covered Buckets 17, 23o. Rice Boilers
Pie and Jelly Plates 80
Chamber Pails 5c. Water Pails 39c
Kitchen Spoons 7 cents.
of All.
- Oregon City
There's a general gathering here
of choice bargains in all lines of
Groceries which cannot fail to at
tract the attention of tasty and
economical housewives. They're
fresh and the choicest brands ob
tainable, and the prices are right,
too.. Those who wish to save
money will take the hint. .
Our Fresh IIome-Made Bread
is used by everyone who ever
tried it,
t Bakers and Grocer
Opposite Postoffice, - Oregon City
Shoe Sale
and Winter Stock
ior Spring Stock
$3 9
3 50
3 IS
2 50
2 25
2 00
Fall and Winter Shoes.