Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, February 24, 1899, Image 8

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Furnished By Numerous Corres
pondents in the County.
A number of communications and
articles wcro crowded out of this issue
on account of space.
A minister of the Christian denomi
nation, is holding meetings this week, in
the Congregational church.
The people of our little town are
getting the poles ready for a telephone,
so we will know more about trains, as
many an ,liour has been lost waiting for
the morning truin.
Mis. Robinson was at home with her
daughter Grace, on account of the latter
hnving the measles, and vhile here
Mrs. R. fell and dislocated her arm at
the shoulder.
OurW.O.T. IT. was ahapoy union the
last meeting, twelve answered to roll
call and one visitor. During the meet
ing our president. Mrs. C. F. Clarke
was called away and our vice-president,
Mrs. Prettyman rilled the chair, she
could scarcely keep order, such a dis
cussion arose pretaining to alcohol
The children at Rose Hill Sunday
school, gave those who were present
many good facts on temperance, that
none may ever travel the downward
road, if they would only heed the
warnings. .
H. Longcoy made a trip to Ballston
the latter part of the week.
Onr school and teachers too enjoyed
St. Valentines day.
The M. E. church is thinking quite
treiously of building a parsonage.
P.O. Humphrey reports most of their
rose bushes frozen to the ground, and
most of the people say, yes and mine
'too, but the roots are alive. . .
John Mohr is at present on a business
trip at Woodburn.
Feb. 51. Robe Hill,
The plank road -Is dusty in some
places, and the "turtle dove and the
fantailed grouse" spoken ot by a former
correspondent are almost here.
The sick of the community are rapidly
gaining their normal health.
Much interest is manifested in the
revival meetings at the Evangelical
The following named pupils finished
the common school course, end will re
ceive their county diplomas next Fri
day. Mary Jones, Katie Jones, Edna
Irish, Fred Hornschuch, Louis Jagger,
Mary, Hornschuch.
George Graham made a visit to hi
home this week.
Miss Mary Horuschuch. one of Cams'
most estimable young ladies, having
finished the common school course in
the school here, will soon start to the
high school in Oregon City. She will
be sadly missed by her neighbors, class
mutes and friends.
Feb. 20 Cor.
Mountain View.
Our sick list is rather large here this
Frank Deloil came home sick Satur
day, and is not able to work this week.
"Walt Curran let a block of wood fall
on his foot which causes him a rest
from work. .. -;
Grandma Ringo was visiting with
Mrs. Kingo and family last week, then
went to Highland to visit among rela
tives and friends.
Mr. Moran is quite sick and has not
been able to work in his Bliop for nearly
a week.
Little Harks Ely is quite sick, Dr. I
Norris in attendance. 1
Mr. and Mrs. Will Howitt, of Russell
vllle, Multnomah Co., were visiting
relatives bore from Friday to Sunday of
last week.
Mrs. J. N. Miller, who has been to
Stafford the last two weeks caring for
her sister Miss Ida Francis, came home
Sunday, bringing her patient with her,
who is slowly improving under the care
of Dr .Strickland.
Grandpa Francis, of Tuamtin,' came
Sunday and will remain until his daugh
ter is well i gnin.
Grandma Walker, of Cams, is the
guest of Mrs. Ringo this week.
There is a cottage prayer meeting
every Wednesday afternoon in this burg.
The members of Myrtle Lodge, No. 24,
of the Degree of Honor, went to Oswego
Tuesday and conducted the funeral ser
vices ol Sister Genie B, Shipley.
Feb. 22. Sauna.
"SocratoH" still livos. When he was
dying he said "In Inture ages I will live
with the good." That was before the
days oi uiaa liuintts, but he seems to
have taken up his abode at that place,
and from thence his aiieust eniatle in
your last week's number has deigned to
cast its rauiant countunance upon us.
With rapture we have perused it. By
the bones of our ancestors, we have
never before encountered such lofty
thought, pathos and wit. We had al
ways thoiiKht old Socrates was of a mild
gentle disposition, but since he has tak
en up his abode in (J lad Tidings he has
developed an acrimonious spirit. Socra
tec, oh Socrates 1 Why beatest thou the
air, for the world does know that manv
have done well, but as a citv Glad Tiii-
Iiikb exeelleth them all. and Marouam
is second only to it. ,
One of our prominent citizens wan
iiiBuiiy lining ins cnicKena. Hoping to
catch thief he set a steel trap. His la
bors were crowned with abundant suc
cess, for on Thursday night he caught a
large SKunk, commonly called a "pole
cat." It is said if you attack one of
these varmints yon will need a very long
pole, especially if the wind is in favor
ot the cat. This cat on Thursday night
(pugh!) proceeded to fill the ethereal
lluid with subtle aroma that was down
right offensive to our olfactory nerves,
But his skunkship that so disturbed us
was laid low by discharge of shot into
Ids fragrant carcass.
Some of our young people are at
Woodburn attending a meeting of the
Kpworth League at that place.
Clyde Marquam ii down with the
This is the winter ot our discontent.
February 18. Jasper, j
Miss Ida Francis, who has been lying
very low at Mr Weddle's for over two
weeks, was removed this forenoon to
her sister's, Mrs. Miller, at Oregon City.
Her" father, brother and sister, accompa
nied by B. F. Weddle and J. W. Larson,
assisted her.
Carl, the youngest son of Zach and
Lena Elligson, sustained a fracture of
the large bone in the lower part of the
right leg Friday evening by falling off a
picket fence while plaving. His father
made haste to Oregon City and procured
the services af Drs. Seamann and Jayne
who duly arrived and set the limb.
They will put it in a plaster cast Mon
day. Tliey say he will be confined to
his bed for four weeks,
Born, to the wife of Samuel Moser, on
the 13th inst., a son.
Born, to the wife of John Johnson, a
Miss Edna Larson is seriously'ill with
the grip which the doctor says has verg
ed into typhoid fever.
Several of the A. 0. U. W. boys at
tended the Oswego lodge last Thursday
evening and repo.'t things there flour
ishing. ,
, Miss Ppooner, who is teaching in dis
trict No. 41 during Miss Francis' illness,
is getting along very nicely. We hope
'or her success as an instructor.
J. J. Howard was seen in our midst
John Aden has warned petitioners out
to work on the Folifka road next Tues
day. This is the third warning.
The entire Weissenborn family are
down sick.
Old Grandma SchaU's health is very
poor; she is confined to her bed,
Most of the fall grain on northerly
slopes was badly damaged by the last
cold snap. Acres of the same will have
to be resown.
Do not forget the 25th anniversary of
the Tualatin grange will be commemor
ated Saturday, the 25th inst. All those
who have been members at that place
are expected to be present if posBille.
The committee extends an inyitation to
the editor of the Courier-Hkrald .
February 19. Lenghthy,
There is considerable stir in the busi
ness circles in and about the suburbs of
Wiley May we understand has rented
a 20-acre field to some party who is
going to raise teasel nn - the land, as
also Mr. Hayward has rented a number
of acres to the same party, for the same
There is a religious revival effort in
progress at the Carus Evangelical
church, with one of these holiness gos
pel sharps at the bat, and the way he
hammers all the churches including the
preachers over the head is diverting.
You fellows in Oregon City waut to look
sharp after your souls, lor in yout
present moral status from the pastor
down to the much to be pitied back
slider, he has you all consigned to that
lake of brimstone and molasses where
you will not burn up but just Biz.le,
Such men as Moody, Abbot, Beecher,
Talmage, are all spiritually wrong, they
have not the fire as he says, when we
know that any one of them God has
used as his instrument to hoist the bun-
neaj of the cross on the citadel of the
hearts of more thousands tt.ua such
persons as. he ever did of individuals.
Wo are to be pitied but we will have to
stand it I guess, when a self righteous
priest stands up and says; We alone
have got the fire obtrusively to my con
sciousness comes. ' This word you are
an Ananias. Sunu.
February 20, 1809.
Washington's birthday was celebrated here by
having a conquest In Ine lower grades, and all
sang -mount veruon ueiis." ,
Miss Mabel Etters has been verv sick, and has
already been kent from school three weeks and
does not look tavurable ol her attendance lor a
lew weeks yet
A danee will be iilven at Mr. Ell lllvers' to-night
(Wednesday). A good time la expected, for we
always have, a high up lluie there.
Miss Edna Jewell has been on the sick list with
Inflammatory sore throat and was not able to at
tend school for two weeks. ,
. Miss Kosa Billiard, of llsaver Creek, Is visiting
Mis. Sum Jones, of 1'arkplace, the pint week,
They are again fixing the county bridge, It
being Impassable for wagons anil also walking.
The peoplo are now finding outthe great dhin
age the late oold weather did to their rose bushes
and shrubs. There will be a demand lor cut
roses next summer.
Mr. Wilson had a runaway out In the country
while peddling tlsh and got his wagon badly
broken up,
Gladstone's blacksmith is going to move the
first of the month to 1'arkplace shop. Gladstone's
loss and Parkplaoe's gain.
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan will move the first of the
mouth to eastern Oregon.
Feb. 22. Manila.
Hood View.
-To Mr. and Mrs. Ira Seely, Feb.
16, a
Mr. and Mrs. Truman Bonney were visiting
Mrs. Ronney'i aged mother, Mrs. Jane Baker,
who baa been ill for to long, a few days this
The protracted meeting nt this place is still
running with very good results and a quit6 large
Miss Uouldla Soely, who has been 111 so long
with walklug typhoid, Is still uuable to attend
Mr. Frank Tooze, who has been so seriously 111
of la grippe, is able to be around.
Mr. Charles Baker has his new house nearly
Mr. O. F. Tooze is having seven acres of land
grubbed at f j0 an aore. Mr. James Ueininius
has the work.
Mr. George Schntdler Is enclosing his rest lenoe
with new picket fence, as also is Mr, William
n won.
Mr. Henry Baker has moved the Ballard house
near that of his father, aud the young oouple will
soon move to meinseives
The Cornell Creek school will close March 10,
i,., ..,i,.,.
wiut an entertainment at utgiiU Miss . M. uia
Feb. 21.
Jos. Miller, who Is employ ed at a saw mill near
uregon uity, vuiteti at ins home Sunday.
Minnie dray, Fannie Schulse, Barton and Bud
Jack attended the Epwortb League convention at
vi oouourn tins week.
Fruit growers of this vicinity claim that at
least ttfty per cent of the fruit trees were killed
by the recent com weatuer.
Clyde Maiojuain was confined to his home last
week with mumps, but was able to resume his
dunes at school ou Nouaay.
A protracted meeting was commenced at the
The M Isse s Moor and Oswalt of Molalla speut
aaiuraay ana Buuoay wun air. ana Mrs toy.
Warren Gray will start for Eastern Oregon
auout iua aw w ssarua tu speuu uie summer.
And now comes "Socrates" sing lag "Glad Tid
ings" to the people of Marquam . As the power
sini innuence ot me wise men or old Athena was
felt throughout Uie olvlllied world, as is the wis
dom of new Athens extending, even unto glad
tldinga. Socrates' beware that thou worship not
false gods nor corrupt -the youth, test a eup of
poison D thy portion, as It was ol thy vouerabl
anotwtor. 1'ar.
Feb. gu,
Maple Lane.
The most chronic Erumbleroould notcnmnlaln
ab"ul the weather.
Mr. Gibbs Is Quite aick with the measles. T)r.
Parker came out to see him Tuesday.
Mias Ella Gibbs is not improving very rapidly.
Mr. Nlraan came home to lake a rest and tret
some plowing done.
Miss Adams, of Vanoonver. Wash.. In snendin?
the week with Mrs. Nimau.
Mr. Niman's baby Is inst recovering from the
measles, also Mrs. F W. Cramer's baby.
Mrs. Flora Jennines. of Portland, com a nn
Sunday to visit her mother, lira. VV.N. Richards.
Mr. A.V. MantZ and family here mnvorl nn
from Portland and are stopping with hie unole,
main., mini ne can get tus House roauy to oc
cupy. -
Mrs. Enworth. of Portland, was the irunst of
Mrs. Bishop trom Friday till Monday.
Hull Run.
Mrs .P.. McAdams has returned f-om Portland.
where she has been under a doctor's care for the
past three weeks. Ghe is slightly improved.
Buildinis are Kriduallv sorln'in; no in Roll
Run. Edwin Audre has Dut on a line two-story
chiekeu house.
Wesley Bacon hae arone to Pleasant Home to
work in the Bawmill at that place.
An oyster sunner was irlven ai. thn hnmn nf
Edwin Audie last Wednesday eveiitnx. Avery
enjoyable time was had.
MiSS Lida Rramhall has retnrnpri Imm P.ir t.
land, after a mouth's visit with friends.
huo.lis. , C. Saw.
We are very clad to reDort that everybody in
this berg is well agaiu, excepting Mrs. Hurfmau,
who Is still on the sick list.
Mr. Hettman has moved into Mr. Stover's house
and Mr. Burner, of Oregon City, will occupy the
cottage vacated by them.
The Literary Society, of this nlace. rendered its
last week's program in the West Side schoolhouse.
wuere it was greeted by a packed house.
Quite a number of the peonle here attended the
school entertainment at the schoolhouse last
night, whioh was a grand sucoess.
The frame work of the new mill is now up
mucn local sicaness nas delayed the work.
Mrs. Ruth has been very 111, but Is now belter.
Mrs. French is troubled with an abcess on her
The road on the grade by Mr. Melndl's has
been almost Impassable dualne the wet weather.
owing to the landslides occasioned by the numer
ous springs on the hillside. Purine these brinht
days the upper edge of the road has been ditched
to carry on me water ana It will soon improve.
A new fridge has been put in obove the old Stock
Though Wednesday was a holiday, school was
held and exercises celibrating the birthday of
Washington were rendered. Several visitors
were present.
The present school term closes Friday. Feb
ft is expected to have two weeks of vacation and
wen three weeks more or sonool.
Beauty Is Blood.
Clean blood means a clean skin. No
beauty without it. Cascarets Candy
Cathartio clean your blood and keep it
clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and
driving all impurities from the body
begin to-day to banish pimples, boils
blotches, blackheads, and that sickly
bilious complexion by tak ine Cascarets
beauty for ten cents. All druggists
atisfaction guaranteed, lOc, 20c, 50c
For Over Fifty Years
An Old and Well-Tuied Remedy.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has
been used for over fiftv years by m
lions of mothers for their children while
teething, with perfect success. It
sonnies the child, aoltena the gums
allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is
the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is
pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists
in every part of the World. Twenty
live cents a bottle. Its value is in
calculable. Be sure ar.d ask for Mrs.
Winsow's Soothing Syrup, and take no
other kind.
Success comes to those who persevere.
If you take Hood's Saraapirilla faith
fully and persistently, you surely will be
I it Kit TouiTlovils With Cascareta.
andy Cathartic, cure constipation
forever. 10c, 25c. If C.O.C. fail, drug
gists refund money.
Count j) Commsssloners.
' FRIDAY, FEB. 17.
ICourt convened pursuant to adjourn
ment and no business appearing, court
adjourned to meet tomorrow, Feb. 18, at
0:3Ua. m.
In the matter of the new commissioner
bill: Ordered that Judge Kyan procure
a certified copy of ssiU law from the
secretary of state,
In the matter of the county and legal
printing: Was ordered by the court
that the clerk advertise for bids for all
county and legal printing, bids to be
opened at first day of March term at 11
In the matter of printing required in
recess: It is ordered by the court that
the county officers be authorized to pro
cure any printing or supplies they may
require at present.
Mileage and per diem of commissioners
adjourned term : S F Marks allowed 2
days 26 miles, 18 CO; J R Morton, 2 days
and 20 miles, $8 60.
Hood'G Pillo
Are prepared from Na
ture's mild laxatives, and
while ffentle are reliable
- and efficient. They
Rouse the Liver
Cure Sick Headache, Bil
iousness, Sour Stomach,
and Constipation. Sold
everywhere, 25c. per box.
Prepared by C. I. Hood Si Co.,Lowell, Mass.
Notice ot Sale of Delinquent Stock,
i.' tile of oerlain assessments on the shares of
capital stock of the HlueKiver Mining and Mill
ing Company, a corporation of assessments duly
levied by the directors thereof at their duly called
meetings on me tun oayot June, inss, Aug. 1;,
1M)7. and Sept. 17. IK118, and by virtue ot the
action ol the board of directors of said corpora
tion nn the 1st dav of KVhrnarv. IMS), said auMa.
inenls were declared to be delinquent, and pur
suant 10 uie o-oer mereoi, now, wereiore, ine
following stock will on Saturday. April 1st, 199,
at t o'clock p. m., at the front door of the court
house In Uie eity of Oregon City. Oregon, be sold
by me at public auction, to the highest bidder far
cash In hand, to make the amount of assessment
aud costs of advertising therein, namely :
Name. No. Shares. Amount
U V f I
Francis Rans..
N. O. Waldea Kstaie-....
W. W. Myer . . .
... '7
..... xou
J. w. potter..
Pete riehrlu.
Oregon City, Feb. 23, 1899.
J. M. TRACY. President.
J. J. COOKE, Secretary,
OW are the chil
dren this summer?
Are they doing
well ? Do they
get all the benefit they
should from their food?
Are their cheeks and lips
of good color? And are
they hearty and robust in
If not, then give them
Scott's Issiialsion
of cod liver oil tuith hypo
phosphites. V
It never fails to build
up delicate boys and girls.
It gives them more flesh
and better blood.
It is just so with the
baby also. A little Scott's
Emulsion, three or four
times a day, will make
the thin baby clump and
prosperous. It
furnishes the
young body with
just the material
necessary for
growing bones
and nerves.
All Druggists, joc. and $i.
Scott & Bowne, Chemists, N.Y.
New Furniture
I have just received a fine lot of new
furniture, which I am offering at surpris
ingly low figures. 1 got it at a bargain
that's how I can sell it at these prices.
In Second-Hand Goods
I have stoves, cooking utensils, carpets,
bedding, furniture in fact any and e?
erything you waut for housekeeping.
I will Buy Anything
Yon have to sell and pay you the high
est price. Call and see ine.
Main Street - - Oregon City
For First-Class
Go to
Seventh St. Bakery
or stop his wagon
as it goes by.
CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor
Oregon City, Oregon
Pure Milk and Full Measure
given; delivered to any
part of the city.
Try Molton lalr and be ConTee
In the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon, for
Clsckamas county.
Alfred R. Coughtrey,
' Plaintiff,
Ilia Maria Coughtrey,
Suit for Divorce.
To the said Leila Maria Coughtrey, the above
named defendant:
You are hereby required to appear and answer
the complaint tllea against you in ine aoove en
titled suit on or before Friday, the 3rd day of
March, 18"'.), that being the day of the expirnlion
of six weeks' publication of this summons. This
suit is Drongnt to outain a oeoree uiesnmng uie
bonds of matrimony now existing between you
and the plaintiff, and such other and further re
lief as to the cou't shall seem meet. You are
hereby notified that it you fall to appear and
answer the said complaint as abovo required,
the planum will apply to ine couri ior uie reuei
therein prayed for.
This summons is pumpmen oy oraer oi me
Hon. Thorn s A. McHride, judge of the circuit
court of the sTate of Oregon for Clackamas coun
ty, and is published ine nisi lime on frtaay, ine
20th day of January, ls'.Kl.
. JUUW IHTUUlil'ttn A. a, rnnntnA,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Consisting of 4 lots, good garden spot, running
water the vear round. 3 room house, good cellar,
harn bin enough for two cows and 100 chickens,
U blocks from court house. Price 800. 6 per
cent interest. 175 cash down. For particulars
inquire at this Olllce, Team ana siock laxen in
exchange. ,
of the Circuit Court of the atate of Oregon
for Clackamas eounty, ot date February 21st, 18W,
upon a decree of foreclosure duly rendered in
said court on November 'Jtlth, 1898, in the case of
Daniel Herllhy, plaintiff, vs. Daniel llerllhy and
Ellen Herlihy, his wife, defendants. In favor of
the plaintiff aud against the defendants, I will,
at 1:10 o'clock In the afternoon on the
25TH DAY" OF MARCH, 1309,
At the front door of the court house In Oregon
City. Oregon, sell at public auction, to the high
ui hinder, for cash In hand, subject to redeiui)-
tlon, the premises described In said decree of
foreclosure, being situated iu Clackamas eouuty,
State of Oregon, to wn:
All of the south half of a certain tract of land
defied to Daniel Herlihy by the Oregon and Cal
ifornia Railroad Company, said entire tract being
described as follows: ine eaai nan oi ine norm
east quarter of the southeast quarter of section
s iiwmhih 2 aniith. ranire four (4) east. Willam
ette meridian; said south half containing fifty
nlpe acres more or less, excepting the reserva
tions made in favor ol the Oregon aud Califor
nia Railroad Company In its ded to Daniel
Herlihy made the th day ot February, 1S91, to
satisfy the sam of ii56 60, with Interest from No
vember 20th, KWS, at the rale of 8 per cent, per
annum, and the costs and disbursements of said
suit, taxed at 810.00, and the costs ef and upon
mt"m- J.J COOKE,
Sheriff of Clackamas county, Oregon.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., Feb. 21, 1899.
been appointed, executrix ol the last will
and testament of the estate of Samuel Helple,
deceased, by the Hon. county court ol Clackamas
county, Oregon. All persons haying alaima
against said estate are nereuy noiinea 10 present
the same to me for payment, at my home at
Eagle Creek (Currlnsvllle P. O.) Clackamas eoan
5 Oregon, with proper touahers, wilhla six
month, from th.
Executrix of the last will and testament ef Sam
uel Heiple. deceased.
Dated this 20ih day oi February, I8.
For the Biggest
In Oregon
Ladies' and Gent's Fur
a. n.
kets, Dry v
nishings, Cloth
Caps, Umbrell
in toshes, Blan
Goods, Shoes, Japanese
Goods, Etc., Etc. .
Dealer In
Fresh Meats of All Kinds
Opposite Huntley's, Oregon City. ;
..GO TO...
Shop Opposite Congregational Church,
In the Circuit Court of the State ol Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas . '
Jacob Spangler,
. Plaintiff,
Jeremiah Johnson and Ella A. Johnson,
State oi Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss
cree aud'an execution, duly Issued out of and
under the seal of the above entitled court, In the
above entitled cause, to me duly directed and
dated the 16th day of February, 1S9, upon
a Judgment rendered and entered In saldeouit on
the 26th day of November, 1SD8, in favor of
Jacob Hpangler. plaintiff, and against Jeremiah
Johnson and Klla A. Johnson, defendants,Jt'or
the sum of 81,004.00, with interest thereon at the
rate of 10 per cent, per annum from the 20th day
of November, ltrns, and the further turn of
100.00 as attorney's fee, and the further sura of
$15.00 cosis end disbursements, aud the costs
oi and upon Hub writ, commanding me to make
sale of the following desortbed real property,
situate In the county of Clackamas, state, of Ore
gon, to-wit:
Lot 8. In block 31. in the Oreeon Iron and Steel
Company's First Addition to the Town of Oswe
go. In Clackamas county, slate of Oregon.
Now. therefore.-by virtue of said execution,
judgment, order and decree, and In compliance
with I he commands of said writ, 1 will, on
1RM. at. thn hour of one o'olock p. ra., at the front
door of the County Court House In the city of Or
Fiiiii Citv. in said County and fetate, sell at public
auction, subject to redemullon, to the highest
hiilder. for II. S. cold coin, cash In hand, all the
riRht, title and iiilorost which the within named
defendants or either of them, had on
the date of the mortgage Herein or since
had in or to the above described real proper
ty or any part thereof to satisfy said exeoutlon,
judgment order, decree, Interest, costs and all
accruing costs.
. J. J. COOKE,
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. ,
Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, Feb. 10, 181)0.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Clackamas. Tillie Lam Foo,
plaintiff, m Lam Foo, defendant. To Lam Foo,
the above named defendant: In the name of the
state of Oregon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the oomplalnt filed against, you
in the above entitled court in this cause wiliilu
six weeks from the dole of the first publication
of this summons, to-wit: On or before the 26th
day of Match, ls!9j the first publication hereof
1.1 .1.. link L1-K..,.,.u 1SUI1 anA Ik.
Oeillg Oil lilt! MJ Ol Ifi'lllfl J, uf.', , .."V
last publication being on the :Mlh day of March,
IK!, and If yon fall to answer, plaintiff will ap
ply to the court for the relief pvayad for in the
complaibt, to-wit: 1st For a decree of nullity
ol marriage between you and the plaintiff, on the
ground that Mm have a living wife by a prior
marriage. 2nd And for a decree dissolving the
bonds of matrimony now existing between you
ana the planum, on mo grouunsoi oruei ami
inhuman treatment of plaintiff, rendering life
burdensome. For costs ol suit anil general reliet.
'Iliis summons is published Diimuant to an order
of Hon. Thomas F. Kyan, county judge of sa'd
county, In the absence ol ihe judge oi said circuit
court, granted on February 9. iroiu, aim prescrib
ing publication oi mo summons nereni once a
K lor six weeas. . . ui.oomfikui,
Haintnt's Attorney.
In the Clreult Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
C. R. Rooik, Plaintiff,
Nancv L. Hunter, J. 0. Roork: Eliza
V. Roork, Sallna A. Green, Ida A.
(-rill, Mrs. Roberts, widow of J. W.
Roork, deceased; P. H. Roork,
James L Roork, Annie f. Hale,
Mrs. Carrie Powell, Saiah C. Kelly,
Ada E. Tiederman, Pearl Roork,
gam A. Kelly, Mrs. McKensie, John
B. Kelly, BenJ. J. Kelly, Mrs. Lil
lle Dundee. Mr. Morlah Buoy,
unknown children of Mrs Corlna
Culberuton, deceased; unknown
children of Mrs. Rosa M. Calvin,
deceased; unknown children of
Harvey Rook, deceased: W. M.
Heckler, G. W. Hackler, Mahals
Hacker, Kliza Peltijohn, J. 8.
Hackler, T J. Hackler, Jamina
Kittrell. F. A. Hackler and all
other heirs unknown of Thoi.
Koork, deoeased,
To Nancy L. Hunter, J. C. Roork, Eliza W.
Roork, tialina A. (liven, Ida A. Grill, Mrs. Rob
erts, widow of J. V. Roork, deceased: P. H.
Roork, Jas. L. Roork, Annie E. Hale, Mrs. Carrie
Powell, Warah C. Kelly, Ada K. Tiederman, Pearl
Rootk, Sain A. Kelly, Mrs. McKensie, John B.
Kelly, Beuj.J. Kelly, Mrs. Lillie Dundee, Mrs.
Moriah Buoy, unknown children of Mrs. Corina
Cnlbertson. deceased; unknown children of Mrs.
Kosa M. Calvin deceased; unknown children of
Harvey Roork, deceased; W. M. Hackler. G. W.
Hackler, Mahala Hackler, Eliza Pettijohn, J. 8.
Hackler, T J. Hackler, Jamina Kittrell, F. A.
Hackler, and Jail other heirs unknown of Thos.
Roork; deoeased, said defendants:
You and each of you are hereby required to
be and appear In ihe above entitled court on or
before the 17lh day of April, 1899, to answer the
complaint Hied agniust you in the above entitled
suit, and if you fail to do so the plaintiff will take
a decree against you for the relief demanded In
the complaint, to-wit: That the plaintiff be de
creed to be the owner of the southwest quarter of
section 7, township 2 south, of range 4 east of the
Willamette meridian, being the donation land
claim of Thos. Roork, Iu Clackamas county,
Oregon, and that you and each of you be forever
barred from asserting any cialm thereto, and for
such other relief a shall seem meet and proper.
This summons is published by order of Hon.
T. A. McBride, judge of said court, made the 20th
day ol February. 1890. H. E. CROSS,
Attorney lor Plaintiff.
Reliable man for Manager of Branch Office I
wish to open lnfthis vicinity. If ryour record ia
O . K. here is a good opening. Kindly mention
this paper when writing.
T. A. MORRIS, Cincinnati, O.
Ulnstrated catalogue 4 cents postage.
joe; & co.,
. , , A ,
Next fioor to Posto'Iice.
Main Street, Oregon City, Ore.
Undertaker and Embalmet
Carries a complete line of caskets, coffins,
robes, etc, Superior goods, Superioi
services at most moderate prices. Xext
door to Commercial bank.
Oregon City - - - Oregok
NOIICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that under an
by virtue of a judgment and decree of th
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clack ama
county, rendered and entered in said court on
the 9th day of Januaiy, 1899, in a certain suit
therein pending, in favcr of H, F. Allen, John
Couch Lewis and Lucius A. Lewis, partners as
1 lien A Lewis, the plaintiffs therein, and against
Margaret L. Batdon, defendant therein, and un
der and by virtue of an execution with a copy of
said judgment and decree annexed, issued on
January SI, 1899, out of said court under the seal
thereof and under Ihe hand of the clerk thereof,
and to me as 8her iff of Clackamas county, Ore
gon, duly directed, commanding me, as such
Sheriff, among other things, to sell the property -hereinafter
described, I did duly levy on the said
property described In said lodgment and decree
a lots 1, i, 3, 4, In block (12, of the city of Oregon
City, in said county ana suite, ana that under
and in pursuance of a certain other judgment
and deoree of the said Circuit Court, rendered
and entered January 9th, 18119, in a certain suit
therein pending, in favor of L. A. Lewis, plaintiff
therein, and against Mflrgnret L. Btttdorf, et ol,
defendants therein, and under and by virtue of an
execution with copy of said judgment and decree
annexed, issued thereon on January 81, 1899, un
der the seal of said court and undor the hand of
the oleri thereof, slid to nie duly directed, and
commanding me, among other things, to sell said
lots 1 and 2, 1 did duly levy on said lots 1 and 2, .
block 62, and have appointed I
at U o'clock In the forenoon of said dny as the
time and the front door of the county court house
iu Oregon City, Oregon, as the place, lor the sale
of said real property.
Lots 1 and 2, block 02, will be sold under both
of said above described judgments and decrees
and thoexecutious to enforce the same, and lots
3 and 4, block 02. will, be Hold on the first men
tioned of said Judgments and decrees and the
execution to enforce the same.
The proceeds of the sale of lots 1 and 2, block
62, will be applied In discharge and satisfaction
of the costs and exienses of this sale and of the
sum of 8ft.9a, witn interest from October 19,1K7.
at the rate of ten per cent, per annum, and 817.60
the costs and disbursements of 6ald suit, due on
the judgment and decree In favor of L A. Lewis,
and or tne sum or jvratiu, wun interest iroin reb
ruarv 3. 1896. at said rate, the sum of 8225 at
torney's foes, and 15.00 costs and disbursements,,
the same being tne amount of the judgment and
decree in favor of Allen & Lewis, above mention
ed. The proceeds of the sale of lots 8 and 4,.
block 62. will beaonlled to the navmenl and d s-
charge of the judgment iu favor of Allen & Lewis
above described.
Doted February 4, 1899.
. J. J. COOKE, Sheriff.
In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
G A. Rockwood,
Win. M. Burket and Sarah Burkot,
his wife, and Joseph Eugene lied- I
ges, as Executor of the will of I"
Joseph Hedges, deceased,
State of Oregon, County of Clackam.s, ss.
oree and an elocution, duly issued out of and
under the seal of the above entitled court, in the
above entitled cause, and to me duly directed aud
dated the 8th day of tebruary, 1899, upon a judg
ment rendered and entered in said court on the
31st day of January, 1899, In favor of G. A. Rock
wood, plaintiff, and against Wm. M. Burket and
Sarah Burket, Ids wife, and Joseph Eugene Hed
ges as executor of the will of Joseph Hedges,
deceased, defendants, for the sum of 8189 -It)
with Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per
annum from the 81st day of January, 1899, and
further sum of 840.00. as attorney's fee, and
the further sum of 822.24, with interest thereon
from the Slat day of January, 1899, and the
the further sum of 812.50 costs and disbursement
and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding
me lo make sale of the following described real
yiweiij, niiuaie in me county oi Clackamas
tale of Oregon, to-wit:
Vi of lot one (1) of block nineteen (19 in Holmes'
addition to Oregon City, Oregon, which V. is de
scribed as follows: Beginning at the northwest
corner of Bald lot one (1) and thence essi alonir
the north line of said lot 50 feet; thence south
parallel with the weBt line of said lot one (1) 20
feet to the south side of said lot one (1); thence,
west 50 feet to the southwest corner of said lot
one (1); thence north along west line 200 feet ta
place of beginning, said lot being in the north,
part of Bald Holmes' D. L. C. No. 46, Notification
oV-jon the part of said claim adjoining Oregon.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution
judgment order and decree, and in compliance
wilh the commands of said writ, 1 will, on
1899, at the hour of one o'clock P. M., at the front
door of the County Court House in the city of'
Oregon City, In said counly and state, sell at pub
lie auction, subject to redemption, to the highest:
bidder, for U. 8. gold coin, cash-in hand, all the
right, title and interest which the within named!
defendants, or either of them, had on the data of
the mortgage herein, or since had In or to the
above deecrlbed real property or any part thereof,
to satisfy said execution, judgment order, decree!'
interest, costs aud all accruing costs.
. . , . J- COOKH.
n .i X , tt Clackamas Conntv, Oregon.
Dated Oregon City, Oregon, Feb. 8, 1899.
been appointed executor of Ihe last will anf
tlament of the estate of Jan. Bake" dweMed
by th honorable eounty conrt of Vi.VkT-'-county,
Oregon. All prSn? having cl.Z?
against said estate are hereby notified to Breast
he me u, m. ,or Tm,nt ome at StoSe
Dated this 27Ui day of January, I899
H. T. f orli ani Courier-Herald $1.85