Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, February 24, 1899, Image 7

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    Don't Have to Walt. "'.
We don't have to wait, loroold, sore
ness and stiffness will come on from
excessive exeroise, but it will go imme
diately after using St. Jacobs Oil to
soften and strengthen the strained
A Mere Formality.
"Do you know that in Russia a man
doesn't become of age until he is 26
years old?"
"Yes, and as far as his citizenship is
concerned it doesn't do him muoh good
to become of age even then." Cleve
land Leader.
Salt Rheum,
Hands Would
'Crack Open
"1 cannot say too much In
praise of Hood's Sarsaparilla, as
it has worked wonders in my
case. I was afflicted with salt
rheum on my hands for many
years. I tried many remedies
but did not obtain relief. My
hands would crack open and
bleed profusely and the pain was
terrible to bear. Sinoe taking
Hood '8 Sarsaparilla the flesh has
healed and my hands are as
smooth as a farmer's hands
could be. I have recommended
Hood's Sarsaparilla to mv friends,
and as far as I can learn it has
proved satisfactory." LLOYD
B. CHASE, Pottersville, Mass.
Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best
medioine for salt rheum that
money can buy. All dealers'.
1 Shoppy.
His daughter Yes, the story ends
in the same old way; they marry and
live happy ever after. '-"
The furnituie man Ahl Antique
finish I -Indianapolis Journal.
It Cured Him.
The captain of an Atlantic steamship
was at a loss how to induce a passenger
to desist from the filthy habit of spit
ting on deck. Among the passengers
was a gentleman well known in To
ronto 40 years ago, who undertook to
stop him if a quartermaster were placed
at his disposal. The .captain closed
with the offer, and the man was direct
ed to fetch a bucket of water and a
mop and to follow the offender up and
down tlie deck. The result was com
pletely satisfactory.
With local application!, as they cannot reach
the teat of the disease. Catarrh Is a blood or
constitutional disease, and In order to cure it
yon must take internal remedies. Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure is taken internally. and actsdlrectly
on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure is not a quack medioine. it was
prescribed by one of the best physicians in this
country for years, and is a regular prescription.
It is composed of the best tonics known, com
bined with the best blood purifiers, acting di
rectly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is what pro
duces such wonderful results in curing e&tarrh.
fiend for testimonials, free. '
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Propri., Toledo, 0.
Sold by druggists, price 78c
Halls Family Fills are the best
The Nile has a fall of only six inches
in 1,000 miles.
sold only in
Botanists say that there are upward
pf 60,000 varieties of plants.
A physioian declares that people
who sleep with their mouths shut live
" 3 P
i --'Sr.
Tot Mills, Mines, Shops and Farms; Steel Log
ging and Hoisting Engines; Hoe Chisel ,
Tooth Saws, Albany Grease, etc.
27 to 85 First Street Portland, Or.
84-36 Fremont Street, San Francisco.
' A big yield of both
profit and satisfaction
will result if yon plant
They are alsrara the best.
Do not accept any substi
tutebuy none but Ferry's,
Hold by all dealers. Write tor
tbe W Seed Annual-free.
D.M.FERRY CO.,Dstroft, Mich.
Uf n Ask druggists for Dr. Kartell
IV E. I French Kemale Pills In metal box
with Frncb Flair on top In liloe.Whila
mm f- and Red. Insist on baring the tannine,
lair ReliefforWomen-inalledFREE In plain
SMKaea' letter with tertlnionlalaand particulars,
FRENCH DRUG CO., 38 1 4383 Pearl St., Nea Tors.
t CKt I lm Big Vi lor unnatural
' hi I m . ot'cnargtw, innimmations.
Ouraauwt irritatiune or olecranons
as u irWiara. of mueons mem uranes.
IPnvaaia aaaustoa. rainlese, and not aatria.
rHtEsCHE.iciCo. nt " '"
L0!H0lTt,0.r"l oM '
V. a, A. C or "Dt 10 Halo wrPPar,
vt vapraa, prvpam, tor
i.nj, or I bottles, (2.76.
- m vtrcoiar nai a nquess.
A teacher in the sixth grade of one
of our city schools finds time, now and
then, in spite of the ten thousand and
one things unknown to the school
ma'am of your youth which the modern
teacher is expected to teach, to give her
pnpils a talk on current history. Be
cently she told them one day some in
teresting things about Queen Victoria
and her family. Portraits cut from
various magazines illustrated the talk.
Among them was a picture of the Duke
of York. The teacher held it up. No
body in the class could tell her who
it was.
"Well." said she at last "I will
tell you who this gentleman is. , fie is
the Dnke of York. And now oan any
one tell me what he is?"
Quick as a flash the hand of a little
girl in the second row went op.
"1 can tell what he is, Miss Blank,"
she said, proudly. "He's the bear
consumptive to the British throne."
Naval Strength.
If it oould be assumed that in all of
the great international problems we
should find ourselves standing shoulder
to shoulder with Great Britain, a
relatively small enlargement of these
points oi naval strength would be all
that would be required on onr part; but
when it is taken into account that only
two years ago we were on what many
believed to be the verge of deolaring
war against England, it may not be
safe to rest altogether on the assump
tion of an Anglo-Saxon allianoe, and
if we are to fill the role of a world
power- we must be prepared to man
fully face the best of them, and this
best, in naval strength' and efficiency, is
unquestionably Qreat Britain.
How About the "Just and the Unjust?"
An umbrella tinst with a capital of
3,000,000 is a reoent New Jersey in
corporation. The man who would buy
an umbrella and trust his friend who
borrows it to return it must now pay
the turst's tax first.
Merely a Plaster Cast.
A man named Plaster, of Collins,
Mo., advertises money to loan on real
estate. Of course he will put a plaster
on every tract to which he extends an
accommodation. Plasters of this kind
are guaranteed to sticK. St. Louis
Star. . ,
Genuine Expansion.
"The world grows larger, dear," laid
(It pleased him much to hear it)'""
"Once you were all tbe world to me,
eBut now you're nowhere near it"
L. A. W. Bulletin.
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund money if it fails Jo
cure, 25c.
In Memory of Other Days.
Tommy Mamma, why have yon got
papa's hair in a locket?
His mother To remind me that lie
once had some, Tommy. The Travel
er's Weekly.
PITS' Permanently Cured. No fits or tier routines
ill after lirst day's use of Dr. Kline's Great
Nerve Restorer. Send for FRroK 14.00 trial
bottle and treatise. DR. it. H. KLINE. Ltd., Ml)
Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa,
The Mexican dog has no hair. 1 The
hot climate makes suoh a covering su
perfluous. No household Is complete without a bot
tle of tbe famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It
is a pure and wholesome stimulant rec
ommended by all physicians. Don't ne
glect this necessity.
Experiments to reprodnoe dead men's
features from their skulls are being
made in Germany.
When coming to Ban Francisco go to
Brooklyn Hotel, 208-212 Bush street.
American or European plan. Boom and
board $1.00 to $1.60 per day ; rooms 60 cents
to $1.00 per day; single meals 25 cents.
Free coack Chas. Montgomery.
Female fish of all species are con
siderably more numerous than males,
with two exceptions tbe angler and
the catfish.
is due not only to the originality and
simplicity of the combination, but also
to the care and skill with which it is
manufactured by scientific processes
known to the California Fia Srnup
Co. only, and we wish to impress upon
all the importance of purchasing the
true and original remedy. As the
genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured
by the California Fio 6rBtJP Ce.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
assist one in avoiding the worthless
imitations manufactured by other par
ties. The high standing of the Cali
fornia Fio SrBUP Co. with the medi
cal profession, and' the satisfaction
which the genuine Syrup of Figs has
given to millions of families, makes
the name of the Company a guaranty
of the excellence of its remedy. It is
far in advance of all other laxatives,
as it acts on the kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken
ing them, and it does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get its beneficial
effects, please remember the name of
the Company
CotS VtMtrtfc Alt (LSI
oougb ttrrup. Tan lea
In tima. Hold by (lrneairtft.
two Women of the Spanlah War to '.".
Rewarded by Cong;rea.
Two heroines of our late unpleasant
nesa with Spain are to be rewarded for
their memorable work by Congress
Miss Margaret Livingston Chanter ami
Miss Anna Bouliguy will be presented
with gold medals by special act of Con
gress In recognition of their work foi
111 and wounded soldiers in Porto Rico,
if the recommendations of the war
partrrto)t are carried out. ,
The propriety of suitable recognition
by Congress of tbe valuable work of
these young women was first suggest
ed by a letter from Col. Sharpe, of tut
commissary department of Torto Kico,
to Col. Black of the engineer's corps.
Col. Black sent Col. Sharpe's letter to
the headquarters of the army with an
Indorsement In which he recited tb
services of Miss Chanter and Miss Bon
llgny. , ,
Col. Black said that the young women
landed from a transport on July 31 and
at once began caring for the 111 in
Ponce. In connection with the Spanish
Red Cross, Entire charge of the nurs
ing was soon In . their hands. Miss
Chanter hired a house for use as a hos
pital, It was too small and she hired a
larger one, to which she afterward add
ed another. Misses Chanter and Bou
Hgny remained until September 7, car
ing for officers and men with no assist
ance except that of untrained soldiers
and Porto Rico servants. Trained
nurses arrived on September 7, and the
hospitals were turned over to them,
Miss Chanter providing means for con
tinuing the rental and running ex
penses. Gen. Miles forwarded the letter to the
Secretary of War with a very apprecia
tive indorsement, and Secretary Alger
added his approval and sent it to Con
gress. Detroit used to have a lawyer who
was shrewd enough to show contempt
of court without Incurring danger of
the penalty that would have been
visited upon an. offender less diplo
matic. He was at one time being heard
in an important matter before the Su
preme Court, and made an assertion
which elicited from one of the judges:
"That Is not the law, sir." .
"Pardon me, your honor," with a
deferential bow, "It was the law until
a minute ago. Now we accept a new
principle established by a supreme au
thority." On another occasion he was reading
from an Imposing looking book In sup
port of a position that he had taken
upon a legal question.
"Just a moment," Interrupted the
supreme justice himself, "do you mean
to say that you are reading good law?"
"Not at all, your honor; only Supreme
Court decisions."
The most cutting thing he ever said
to this same court was during the con
sideration of a desperate case In which
he had not a leg to stand on. He made
a bold contention which was fallacious
but plausible from beginning to end.
"Blank," said the court, severely, "I
would not try to convert the average
justice of the peace with such an ar
gument as that."
"Nor I," was the quick response, "but
I had what I considered reliable In
formation, that none of the honorable
members of this honorable court had
ever served In that capacity."
"You have practiced before me for
years, Blank,' said a circuit Judge at
one time, "and this Is the first time
you have shown contempt."
"Yes, your honor," answered Blank,
"I have wonderful self-control" De
troit Free Press.
No Hope for Him,
"No, Biggins will never accomplish
much In this world. He Is too anxious
to avoid taking any chances. Only last
week I put blm onto a good thing, but
he wouldn't go Into it."
"What was it?"
"It was a scheme for a trolley line
across the continent and be might have
bought all the stock be wanted at 3
cents on the dollar, but be said no. He
was afraid somebody would parallel It
with an airship line about the time t
was completed and thus make bis stock
worthless. What's the use trying to do
anything for a man who is as timid as
that?" Chicago News.
Oldest Ugh thonse.
The lighthouse at Corunna, Spain, is
believed to be the oldest one now In
use. It was erected during the reign of
Trajan, and rebuilt in 1034.
If a Methodist's initials are J. W., it
would be like finding money to bet that
bis name Is John Wesley.
When you visit a school, always re
nember that the children will laugh
at you and make fun of you.
And Row He Developed the Power to
Handle Thirty Tons Weight of Lum
ber Aeroa' a Saw Mill Floor Dally.
M'MINNVILLE, Or.-DearDr. Darrin:
Your electric and home treatment for the
past few months has wrought almost a
miracle on me. When I rirst came to
you I was about crazy from kidney
troubles. I was wholly unable to work.
Now 1 am stroiiR and tieanv, and able to
handle 30 toira weight of lumber across
the sawmill floor every day. It is a won
derful and radical cure. 1" thank vou with
all my heart. I will stand by you and
recommend you first, last and all the time.
My mother (Mrs. M. A. Johnson), who
formerly lived in Salem, Or., now here,
has never had a return of her deafness of
12 years' standing, cured by you two years
ago. Gratefully vours,
Dr. Darrln's System of Treatment.
Electricity, the invention of the 19th cen
tury, is well worthy the patient years of
investigation and experiment that have
been given to it by some of the ablest
and most devoted votaries of science. Gal
van a, Volta, Humboldt, and others equally
distinguished, spent years In studying the
phenomena of this wonderful agent, and
then Morse gave it a physical value in
the invention of the telegraph. And now,
as we have become lanuliar with the
constant miracle of lightning, bending
obedient to the slightest touch of man,
we see a new wonder in its application by
Dr. Darrin, who, by skillful mechanism,
directs this subtle force to the destruction
of diHease and the building up of waning
vitality. Dr. Darrin treats with electricity
and medicines all curable chronic, acute
and private diseases, blood taints, lost or
failing manhood, nervous debility, effects
of errors, or excesses, in old or young;
loss of memory, diseases caused by mer
cury in the improper treatment of private
uiseftses. urace, zud Morrison street, fan
land. Hours, 10 to 5 daily; evenings, 7 to
B; Sundays, 10 to 12. Consultation free
and confidential ; question blanks and cir
culars sent gratis to any address; patients
cured at home. Batteries and belts fur
nished. , .
There are 40,000 native pupils in
the Sunday schools of the Fiji islands.
JOHN POOLE, Portiand, Oregon.
can give you the best bargains in general
machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps,
plows, belts and windmills. The new
steel I X L windmill, sold by him, is un
equalled. Tbe two little islands of Zanzibar
and Pempa furnish foer-fifthg of the
cloves consumed by the world.
Every One Knows.
Why trifle with a sprain when every
one knows that St. Jacobs Oil used in
the worst case will so strengthen the
injured muscle as to make it the best
remedy for this dreaded pain.
Malleable glass, a patented artiole, is
now used to fill deoayed teeth.
Men requiring unsurpassed treatment should
consult personally or by letter "Free" with the
pioneer anl only exclusive men's specialists In the
United States. Diseases of men made the
study of a life-tune. Unfortunates everywhere
should Immediately communicate with Dr. Foots,
of Chicago. Everything confldential. Hemedles
sent everywhere In sealed packages and letters In
plain envelopes. Correspondence solicited. Latest
Burgrical, Medical and Electrical methods
auopisu. ueiuging tue stomacn witn drugs aban
doned. Avoid drugs recommended by the unau
thorised and sell-styled specialists In Western
towns. Few genuine specialists locate ontside of
New York or Chicago. In these oltles your pri
vate affairs are safe. Uneqnaled treatment for all
diseases and weaknesses or the Uenlto-Urlnary,
Sexual, Reproductive and Nervous Systems. Im
pediments to marriage removed. "Hyphala"
positively purifies the blood, cures syphilis and
removes all white ulcers In throat or mouth, cop
per colored spots on body and eruptions on skin,
also catarrh and rheumatism, "Via-orala," the
only permanent restorer and Invignrator, gives
vigor to vital organs and nerves, prevents and
cures grip. II per bottle, ( for IS. Trial bottles,
c Itber remedy, half price.
A Norwegian engineer has invented
a process for producing paper glue,
dressing gum and soap from seaweed.
Enlarged Prostate Cured.
The Bane of Old Age Ho Longer
To Be Dreaded,
i Man Eighty-two Years of Age Cured
in Dixie, Ark.
One of the oldest and best known men In
Perry County has the satisfaction of enjoying
rirfect health after suflerlng for more thin
Pteen years with chroulo prostnllo enlarge,
nent and Inflammation, and will cheerfully
tell anyone how tie was cured.
Ma. n. &. TamrDLR.
We want this to reach the eyes of ereryreader
i this paper. Mr. 11. L. Trundle, Dixie, Ark.,
is eighty two years of age, as hnle and hearty
man of his age usesn lie found in the Suite of
Arkansas; In fact, he looks as young as a man
)f sixty years. For more than fifteen yesrs
Mr. Trundle was a slave to prostatic disease.
Vou men who are afflicted know what It means
ihe days of unrest, the nights of torture and
uneasiness, the pain, the frequent calls to pass
water and the Inshlllty to do so. He could
scarcely get about the house, feeble, trembling
ind racked with pain from head to foot.
In this condition he reed the startling an
Douncement In his paper that a marvelous new
method for curing prostatic disease had been
Uncovered. He wrote to the address given for
full nartlculsrs, and at once outnlned the
remedy; In less thsn ten days more lie hsd the
satisfaction of experiencing relief, ills case
was chronic, deep-seated, anl the chances of
recovery on account of his age were agnlnut
blm. Yet sixty days of continuous use of the
famous Solvent-Alterane method cured him.
Vou men whoare sllllrted can have the same
xperlence If vou do what Mr. Trundle did ; be
used Solvent-Ailerons, a new-method treatment.
It Is described In two nicely written books which
you can get free of charge, by mall, by sending
your name and address to the Emjdre Medical
Company, 416 M, Smith Knlldlng, Boston, Mass.
It won't cost you a cent to get tbe Information,
and It may be worth hundreds to you. Write)
lo-day, and refer to Ibis article.
Oaf Ifa Calendar Watch
FOR 1899.
Gives the time, day, date, month and changes
of tbe moon. Handsome, accurate, durable.
If you are a good agent write us lmmedlstelr
for particulars and our special bicycle premium
oner. rACiric coast homk HUfTLX CO.,
temple Court, Spokane, Wash.
Creating an Impression.
Billson Whose pooketbook is that
you are advertising for?
Jimson Mine, of course.
"Get out! 'Pocketbook containing
a roll of notes and a huge number of
checks and securities. : Finder can keep
the money if he will return papers.'
Get out) Yon don't see a roll of notes
or o check once a year."
"No-o, but Bertlia Bullion's father
takes the paper I advertised the loss
in, and he'll see. that advertisement.
"Humph! Where did( you got tho
money to pay for that big ad?" '
"Bertha lent it to me, bless her."
. Porous glass is a reoent iavention
and is said to promise much in tho
way'of superior ventilation. 11
Our Eollcy of Territorial Expansion.
Extreme annexationists are advocating the
addition of Canada to this country, and think
it can be accomplished In a peaceful manner
without exciting a quanel with England.
Such grave questions call for the wisest states
manship, Just as dyspepsia, constipation, liver
and kidney diseases and malaria call for a
thoroushly reliable remedy like Hostetter'e
Stomach Bitters. No experimenting should be
done with untried medicines when an old es
tablished preparation is to be had.
The bones and muscles of tho human
body are capable of over 1,200 move
ments. .
Go to Work.
Go to work on Lumbago as if you in
tended to oure it, and with the use of
St. Jacobs Oil it oan be cured very
promptly and surely. Bub hard for
penetration, . '
The dentine of the teeth is permeated
by tiny canals l-12,000th of an inch in
I believe my prompt use of Piso's Cure
prevented quick consumption. Mrs. Lucy
Wallace, Marquette, Kansas, Deo. 12, 1895.
The Ceylon yellow silk spider has a
body that weighs nine ounces.
A powder to be shaken into the shoes.
At this season your feet feel swollen, ner
vous and uncomfortable. If you have
smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's
Foot-Ease. It rests and comforts; makes
walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating
feet, blisters and callous spots. Relieves
corns and bunions of all pain and is a cer
tain cure for Chilblains, Sweating, damp
or frosted feet. We have over thirty thou
sand testimonials. Try it today. Sold by
all druggists and shoo utorec for 26c. Trial
package FREE. Address. Allen S. Olm
sted, to BoyNY.
Among the Kola of Central India a
sham fight always aoconipanies the
wedding ceremony.
The Pleasantest. Most Powerful and
Effective Neverfailing Remedy lot
La Grippe, Catarrh,
vaaoi aiaaa Will cure anr ache or naln Vnnwn
In the human body. Send tor trial bottle, 25c.
This offei lasts 80 days only. Large bottle (300
doses ol 6 DROPS each) 11.00 or 8 lor (2.60.
167 ind 169 Dearborn St., Chicago.
An employe! of German clerks says
that they work 30 per cent slower than
English ones.
t l '.
API everybody you know to
no IV save their tin tags for you
The'Tin Tags taken from Horseshoe, "J. T.,"
Cross Bow, Good Luck and Drummond
Natural Leaf will pay for any one or all of
this list of desirable and useful things and
you have your good chewing tobacco besides.
Every man, woman and child in America can find something
on this list that they would like to have and tan have FREE I
Write your name and address plainly and send every tag you
can get to us mentioning the number of the present you want.
Anv assortment of the different kinds of tags mentioned above
will be accepted as follows : .
1 Match Box, quaint design, Im
ported from Japan 90
1 Knife, ona blade, good steal ...... 95
t Scissors, )-inch, ood (ted 15
4 ChilJ's Stl, Knife, Fork and Spoon 95
I Salt and Pepper, one each, quad
ruple plate on white metal. ... 60
I Raior, hollow ground, fins English
T Butter Knife, triple plate, bast quaL 60
I SugarSheU,tripleplat:,bestquality 60
9 Stamp Box, sterling silver 70
10 Knife, "Keen Kuiter," two blades 70
11 Butcher Knife, Keen Kuiter,"
8-inch blade 76
13 Shears, " Keen Kutter," 6-inch,
nicltel 76
15 Nut Set, Cracker and 6 Picks, silver 60
14 Nail Kile, sterling silver, amethyst
set, 6-inch 100
16 Tooth Brush, sterling silver, ame
thyst set, 6-inch 100
16 Paper Cutter, sterling silver, ame
thyst set, 7-inch 100
17 Base Ball, "Association," best qual. 100
18 Watch, stem wind snd set, guaran
teed good time keeper 900
This offer explrit Hovimbir 30, 1899.
Address all your Tags and the correspondence about them to
Tbe national
Inventors' Association.
We do a general PATENT BUSINESS. We
secure, Introduce and sell patents. Onr regis
tered attorney can get you patents direct from
tbe government without delay. AxenU wanted
In every town to sell patented articles. Further
Information furnished on request. Room 618
Chamber of Commerce Buiujimo, Portland,
Guaranteed cure for Grip, Catarrh and Con
sumption. All Druggists, 11.00. W. li. Bmltii,
Buffalo, N, Y., sole proprietor.
?'r? F0R A DOSE. Cure Sick He.dache
end l)yspels, lteuiove Pimples snd Purify the
Blood, Aid Digestion and Prevent Biliousness. Jjo
not Gripe erHlcken. To convince you, we will mall
sample free, or full boi for 25c. UK, BONANKV
CO., Fhllarta., tftaium. Bold by Druggists.
Danger in Delay!
Every man or woman whose blood Is out of
order should be careful; should take something
to bring back strenitth and health.
Will do It. Contains no alcohol or spirits of
any kind. Three dost make you feel like a
new person. 1 per bottle at your druggist's.
Serene comfort and Happiness In 4
vaneed years are realized by compara
tively few women.
Their nard lives their liability to se
rious troubies.cn account of their pecu
liar organism and their profound igno
rance concerning-ihemse'.ves, all com
bine to shorten the period of usefulness
and 311 their iateryears with suffering.
Mrs. Pinkham has done much to make
women strong. She has given advieo
to many that has shown them how to
guard against disease and retain vigor
ous health l n ol d age. - From every coi s
ner of the earth there Is constantly com
ing the most convincing statements
from women, showing the efficacy of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound In overcoming female Ills. Hero
is a letter from Mrs. J. C. Orms, of 220
Borner St., Johnstown, Pa., which is
earnest and straight to the point:
Dkar Mrs. Pishbam. I feel it my
duty to tll all suffering women that I
think your remedies are wonderful. I
had trouble with my nead, dizzy spells
and hot Cashes. Feet and hands were
cold, was very nervous, could not sleep
well, tad kidney trouble, pain in
ovaries and congestion of the womb.
Since taking your remedies I am better
every way My head trouble is all
gone, have no pain in ovaries, and am
cured of womb trouble. I can eat and
sleep well and am gaining in flesh. I
.consider your medicine the best to ho
had for female troubles."
The present Mrs. Pinkham's experi
ence in treating female ils is un paral
lelled, for years she worked side by
side with Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, and
for sometime past has had sole charge)
of the correspondence department of
her great business, treating by letter
as many as a hundred thousand ailing
women during a single year.
Bent of the rtlaturbanoe.
Take up the White Man's Burden,
Be sre yon don't forget,
For Aggy'a Filipinos
Must ha"e their spanking yet.
Then get yonr breakfast, Dewey,
While Otis takes a whaok
At the seat of the disturbance
Where the native pants hang slack.
&VC aB?cvcDLi.AI-
40, $30, 25, S22.S0, S20.
It you want a paving agency write at once be
fore all territory is taken.
0 A a a
19 Alarrt. Clock, nickel, warranted . . 900
90 Carvers, buckhotn handle, good
steel 900
91 Six Rogers' Teaspoons, best qual. i'2i
99 Knivea and Forks, six each, buck
horn handles , , . , , 960
96 Clock, S-day, Calendar, '1 hermom-
eter. Barometer 600
94 Stove, Wilson Healer, liis No. 60
or No. 40 600
96 Tool Set, not playthings, hut real
tools 660
96 Toilet Set, decorated porcelain,
very handsome ftflO
97 Watch, solid silver, full jeweled . 10U0
96 Sewing Machine, first class, with
sll attachments lrWO
K Revolver, Colt's, hestqcislity 15O0
30 Rifle. Winchester. 16-shoi, 99-cal.l600
91 Shot (iun, double barrel, hammer
less, stub twist 2000
39 Cuitar (Washburn), rosewood, In
laid with mother-of-pearl 9000
S3 Bicycle, standard make, ladies' or
sents'... 9500
BOOKS 80 choice selections- same
as last year's list, 40 tags each.
Hoots Crowned, Bridget Made,
l'alnless fllling- and extruetion.
Dr. T. H. White, SSUSST
For OonorrhoM and Qmt vet Pftbat'i Ok ay ftpedAo. I
1 tlie ONLY mixllcln wlilcit will cum etrb and rtrrr
oaM, HO CAME known It bu rr faiU tl to imrt, no
Biatter how prloui or of bow long umdtiif , Humltt
from Its um will MtontMh you. It 1 absolutely
Srevcuto atrlftur. and can be takes without Inootive
ivrioe and d4tnt(on from busimm PhK'K, 300, If 09
sale by all reliable drtifrfrltt, or Brit prepaid by tp'm.
plaiolj wrapped, on iwelyt of prim, by
Umiitf iiailoiiiu ,
We guarantee to fit every case we undertake.
Don't put It off; write for particulars at once.
V. H. WOODAK1) A CO., Kxpert Trust
liters, 108 Second 8treet, tortlaud, Or.
ITCHING rHwpr(M.iioainolHturandiiN. itching.
This form, ea wall aa Blind, Biedin( or Hrotrudiiig
Pilee art cured by Or. Boionko'a PH Remedy
Btops Itching ana bl.friinf , Atnorba tumora. fnfc
JaratdruifTittaiT nitty mail. Trutti fr, Writ
& about your oaae. iU. HUMAN Jf.0, HbiUda.,
V. P. N. U.
NO. 8-9.
HEN writing to advert leer pleate)
iuhuw litis puper