Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, February 17, 1899, Image 8

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A Notable Early Pioneer Laid
Best Sunday.
Tlie death of one of the notable pio
neer women of Oregon City and Clacka
mas county occurred in this city at 8
o'clock, Saturday morning, February
11th Mia. Jane Caufield. She was a
pioneer of 1847, and was nearly 82 years
old at the time , of her demise. Mrs.
Caufleld's maiden name was Jane Burn
pi le. She was born at Ballymena, An
trim county, Ireland, and emigrated
with her parents to St Johns, New
Brunswick, in 1825. After remaining in
St, Johns one winter, thpy removed to
Cincinnatti, Ohio, where Miss Burnside
was matried to Robert Caufield in 1837.
They changed their residence to
St. jWph, Mo., in 1846, and crossed
plains by team in Captain Joel Palmer's
train in 1817. They had the usual
lonp, tiresome and dangerous journey
overland, Mrs. Caufleld's mother ac
companying them here. .
In November, 1847, Mr. Caufield
opened a general merchandise store,
where H. Straight now carries on
the grocery business, having brought
the goods overland by team. A portion
of the time the business was carried on
in a building occupying the ground
where Prior's confectionery store now
tands. This store did a large
business here for many years, and was
managed by Mrs. Caufield, who pos
sessed superior bnciness qualifications,
Mr. Caufield being away on other busi
ness matters much of the time. He
went to the California mining excite
ment, and considerable of his time was
taken up with matters on the farm near
town. Mr. Caufield was the first treas
urer of Clackamas county, and also filled
the office of county judge. For some
years Mr. and Mrs. Caufield lived at the
store, but in 1852 took up a donation
land claim where William Dixon now
lives, and resided there until 1859, when
they removed their residence back to
the store building. In 1872, they re
moved to the house on Seventh and Ad
ams streets, where Mrs. Caufield re
Bided until her death. Mr. Caufield
died in 1801, aged 80. Eight children
were born to Mr. and Mrs. Caufield,
two havine died in the East and one in
Oregon. The five living are Robert F
David, and Charles H, manager of the
Bank of Oregon City and secretary of
the Portland General Electric Com
pany; Mrs. P. F. Morey, of Portland,
and E. G. Caufield, ex-mayor of Ore
gon City.
The deceased was in fairly good
health, until about three weeks ago,
when she succumbed to an attack of the
grip. She was one of the notable early
pioneers of Clackamas county, and her
sterling traits of integrity and business
judgment are noticeable in the charac
ter of the present generation.
A large number of people attended
the impressive funeral services at the
Presbyterian church Sunday afternoon,
which were conducted by Rev. A. .1 .
Montgomery. Rev. Oberg assisted in
jthe Borvices.
The pall-bearers were W. Cary John
son, James Wilkinson, 0 N. Green
man. 11. C. Stevens, Goorge H, WiBhart
and 11, L. Kelly. ,
srix'iiL vnunciiSEit vices.
Interesting rrourams of Sony,
Music and Oratory.
The entertainment and sociable given
by the Presbyterian Y. P. S. C. E. at
Shively's opera house Friday night, was
a very successful affair. In addition to
the excellent musical and literary en
tertainment, refreshments were served
and social gawes were the order The
program begun with an instrumental
duet by Mrs. A. J. Montgomery and
Miss Nina Oaples. Then came a selec
tion by the choir Consisting Misses Lulu
Albeo, Allie and May Andrews, Alice
Hughefc, Nina Cuples, Nora Callff,
Mrs. A. J. Montgoinervi Airs. W. C.
Green ; Messrs Chester Mulr, Thomas,
lloriiBchuch, Callll, Alldredge, Adams
and Frost. Miss lluMuli Holdon gave
a recitation; trio, "Beautiful Flag," by
Mrs. Green, Miss Hughes and Mids Car
rie; (irou;t'r.-iin ; a speech, bv Olga Mc
Clnro; quartet, "My Old Kentucky
Home," Allen Frost, Frank Allredge,
L. HornMilmch and Claude Adams;
song, Hurt lloylan; recitation, Mixs
Pfcftbndy; song, (Negro impersonation)
Frank Confer; an them, Aldrich family ;
recitation, MissAlliee; quartxt. Horns
chuch, Milton Price and Confer broth
ers. An excellent sacred mtnio program
was presented at the Congregational
church Sunday evening in place of tlie
regular services. In addition to the
selections by the choir, a trio consist
ing of Mrs. E. K Clmrman. Mrs. W .
B. Wiggins' and Chester Roake sang
"Nearer My God to Thoe" ; A quartet,
Mrs. F. F. White, Mrs. Shepanf. Mrs.
Gray, Miss Echo Samson ; duet, Chester
Roake ami Miss Ivy Roake; quartet,
Mrs, Charman, Mrs. Wiepins. Mr.
Roake and G. 11. Bestow; solo, Mrs. J.
W, Gray, 0. U, Dye rend an interest
t g dissertation of the life of Lincoln,
which was followed by a quartet Mrs.
Ira Wishart, Miss Edith Wishurt, Mrs.
Wiggins and Mrs. Charmaii,
Lincoln memorial services wore hold
at the Methodist Episcopal church Sun
day evening. Everest's orchestra and
nnd the choir furnished the music.
There was also a tenor solo by Profes
sor K E. Cumpsten. Prof. T. J. Gary,
principal of the West Ortgon City
school, road an interesting biography of
Lincoln. Chancellor Thorburn, of
Portland univesity, delivered the ad
dress of the evening. Ho dwelt strongly
on the fact that Lincoln became what
he waH, not by chance, but by indomni
table will, persevorance and hard work.
Rev. Turner, of Portland, supplied
tin pll'it of the Baptist church Suh
day morning.
day morning
Oscar L Oox, membership secretary
of the Portland Y. M.O. A., addressed
a mass meeting at the Methodist Epis
copal church last Sunday afternoon.
For Over Fifty Year
An Old and Wei l-Tiued Remedy.
Mrs. Winslow'e Soothing Byrup has
been used for over fifty years by mil
lions of mothers for their children while
teething, with perfect success. It
soothes the child, softens the gums
allays all pain, cures wind colic, and Is
he best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is
pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists
mi every part of the World. Twenty
tve cents bottle. Its value in in
xlculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs.
H'insow's Soothing Syrup, and take to
01 her kind. :
Social Gattierlnys and Entertain
- ntents . Cliautauqua Social.
. The most entertaining and successful
social affair of the season was the social
given Tuesday evening by Abernethy
Chautauqua Circle at the home of Rev.
and Mrs. Gilman Parker at Gladstone
Tuesday evening. The parlors were
filled with a merry crowd, consisting of
members of the circle and a few invited
guests. Thesoiialwas the ultimatum
of the result of a contest between two
rival teams of the circle, captained re
spectively by Mrs. J. T. Apperson and
Mrs. Washburn. The latter team hav
ing scored the less number of literary
points, provided the supper and had
charge of the entertainment for the
evening. The roomy parlors were tas
tily decorated with evergreens, and
each guest was presented with an unique
souvenir program.
First on the program was a piano
duet by Mrs. 0. S. Ohlson and Mrs. T.
M. Gault ; a duet by J. W. Loder and
George T. Howard ; an interesting ad
dress by Col. Robert A.. Miller on the
objects of the Cnautauqua; a solo, by
Miss Nora Elliott; a solo by Mrs. J. W.
Gray ; a solo, by Miss Frey ; solo, by
George T. Howard ; Miss Clara Dem
mer presented an interesting etching of
our Chautauqua circle something
original, which gave some pointed hits;
a piano solo, by Mrs. T. M. Gault; Mrs.
R. A. Miller, who is a profound student
of Shakespeare, gave some .excellent
readings; Mrs. 0. S. Ohlson played the
Chariot Race on the piano. The ex
cellent numbers were all enthusias
tically encored, and several responses
were made. In addition to the above
Mrs. Ohlson read an original poem writ
ten in a Klondike camp of Oregon City
people on Christmas day. Literary
puzzles, etc., were features, and an ex
cellent supper was served. Professor
J. W. Grav was master of ceremonies.
The president of the circle is Mrs. Wil
liam Ualloway.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Kellogg were
given a pleasant surprise party at their
home at Mount Pleasant Tuesday even,
ini.'. There was music, games, etc , and
refreshments were served. The follow
ing were present: Mr. and Mrs. E. A.
Titus, Mrs. W. B. Stafford, Mrs. E.
Warner, Mr, and Mrs II. A. Andrews ;
Misses MRude Kidder, Lorena Lazelle,
Ella Williams, Helen Riggs, Helen
Warner, Kate Casto, May and Alice
Andrews; Messrs. J. W. Partlow, Ward
B- Lawton, C. P. Andrews, L. B. An
drews, 0. A. Muir and Lawrence Horns
chuch. The young ladies of the Episcopal
church gave a very successful valentine
social at Weinhard's hall. The princi
pal entertainment was the interchange
of valentines. Misses Harding and
Kelly ptesided at the valentine counter.
Dancing was on the program and mu
sic was furnished by Mits Spangler
Refreshments were served. Mrs. Nel
son Lawrence, Miss Hattie Cochrane
and Miss Mary Conyers were the' recep
tion committee and general managers
of 'the successful social gathering. Over
f 20 was netted for the organ fund.
The Woodmen of America gave an in
teresting open meeting Tuesday even
ing. The principal feature was an ad-1
dress by J. R. Hughes, of Portland, and
Bevml musical numbers. j
Harry Corson Clarke, the etellar at-
traction of the "What Hannened to
Jones" engagement, recently lost, io the
teartui tire in the Baldwin Hotel at ban i
Francisco, his entire stock wardrobe, in-
valuable mementos and keepsakes
which had been gathered br him from
all parts of the world, and in fact the
i tt i w
entire personal effects of himself and I
wife. At Shively's, Tuesday, Feb. 21.
Cood health is worth more than any
thing else to yon, and every bottle of
Hood's Sarsaparilla contains good health
A Clever Trick.
It certainly looks like It, bnt there is
really no trick about it. Anybody can
try it wh has Lame Back and Weak
Kidneys, Malaria or nervous troubles.
We mean he can cure himself right
away by taking Electric Bitters. Tins
medicine tones up the whole system,
acts as a stimulant to the Liver and Kid
neys, is a blood purifier and nerve tonic.
Jt cures Constipation, Headache, faint
ing Spells, Sleeplessness and Melan
choly. It is purely vegetable, a mild
laxative, and restores the system to its
imtuial vigor. Try Electric Hi ttern and
be convinced that they are a miracle
wnrker. Every bottle guaranteed. Only
50c a bottle at G, A. Harding's drugstore
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Tub Bust Salvk in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Soros, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Soros, Totter, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin
Eruptions, and positively cures Piles,
or no pay required. It is guaranteed to
give perfect satisfaction or money re
11 tided. Price 25 cents pur bo. For
sale by G. A. Harding.
Two Million a Year,
When people buy, try, nnd buy again,
it means they're satisfied. The people
of the United States are now buying
Cascarets Candy Cathartic at the rate of
two million boxes a year and it will be
three million before New Years. It
means merit proved, that Cascarets are
the most delightful bowel regulator for
everyhoily the year round. All drug'
gists 10, 23, 50c a box, cure guaranteed
Beauty la lllnorl.
Clean blood means a clean skin. No
beautv without it. Cascarets Candy
Cathartio clean your blood and keep it
clean, by stirring "p the lazy liver and
driving all impurities from the body,
V'lv.,Kttl I'mmrities from the, hod
, 'tf'" to-day to banish pimp es, boi
blotches, blackheads, and that sick
bilious complexion by tak ing Cascarets
bea uty for ten cents. All druggists
atisfaction guaranteed, 10c, -20c, 50c
Millions Given Away.
It Is certainly cratifvinir to the public to
know of one concern in the land who are
hot afraid to he generous to the needy and
BtitreriiiB. The oronrietors of Dr.Kina'a
Kew licovtry for Consumption, Coughs
and ColdB. have iriven awav ovor ten
million trial Jhottles of this great medi
cine ; and have the satisfaction of knowing
it has abaolutely cured thousands of hope
less cases. Asthma. Bronchitis, Hoarse
ness and all diseases ot the Throat.Chest
and Lungs are surely cured by it. Call on
J. A . Harding, druggist, and get a trial
bottle free. Regular site 50c and $1.
Every bottle guaranteed, r price re
funded. t . f
Proceeding's of the Regular February
Thos. F Ryan, Jndgel 8. F,
Morton Commissioners
Marks, Biohard
Be it resolved that at a regular term of
the county court for the county of Clack
amas for the state of Oregon, begun in
Oregon City, in said county and state
Wednesday the 8th day of February, 1899,
the same being the first Monday in said
month and the time fixed by law for
holding a regular term of said court.
Present. Hon Thomas F. Rvan, judge;
Elmer Dixon, clerk ; J. J. Cooke, sheriff.
Whereupon a term of said court is be
gan and held on Wednesday, the 8th day
of February, 189!, the same being the first
Wednesday in said month and the time
fixed by law for the first day of said term
of court fof the transaction of county
business: Present, Thomas F. Rvan,
judge; S. F. Marks and J. R. Morton,
commissioners ; Elmer Dixon, clerk ; anc
J. J. Cooker sheriff. '
Petition of John Fergeson, et al, for a
county road : Ordered "that W H Conn
sell, J S Risley and Plev Sumner be and
are hereby appointed viewers to meet at
place of beginning of said road on the
20th day of February, to View and locate
Baid road ; E P Rands to survey.
Petition of J L Vosberg, et al, for a
change in the Abernethy road : Ordered
that J S Risley, W H Counsell and Plev
Sumner view, to meet at place of begin
ning on Feb 20th ; K P Rands to survey.
Application of W A Geer for remission
of taxes: The coujt being fully advised
all claims' for, taxes, except $40 for state
and school taxes, be remitted on sec 36,
t 2 s, r 8 e.
Application of Leo Friede for remis
sion of taxes: Taxes remitted on pay
ment of $20 to cover state and school
taxes on land in sec 36, t 3 s, r 8 e, the
county relinguishing all right required
by purchasing tax sale.
Matter of Judges settlement of taxes
on school land in sec 36, t 3 b, I 9 e for
$60 which was approved.
Bill ot Ridings & Son against Gustave
Pirke, a county charge: Ordered that
warrants be held by clerk for Ridings &
Son until bill is adjusted and that no
more warrants be drawn in favor of Mr.
Pirke until he appears and show cauBe
why he should be kept on pauper bill.
Petition for P J Sharkey, et al, for a
county road : Ordered that John Lew
ellen, Green Mayfield and George Lee
be appointed viewers to meet at place of
beginning Feb 23d and that E P Rands
Matter of bridges in district No 31 re
ferred to Judge.
Matter of subscription list of donation
work in R D No 3 of N W Common, et
al ; Work to be on Deep Creek and
Wetherby road . Laid over.
Matter of boundary lines of road dis
trict Nos 30, 31, and 36: Petition of
Frank Ford and 67 others for'a division
of said district and the court being fullv
advised it is hereby ordered that all that
part of R D No 30 lying south of the
center line of the Tualatin river be at
tached to and made part of R D No 31.
That that part of R D No 30 lying within
the boundary lines of West Oregon City
voting precinct be detached from said
R D No 30 and be made into a road dis
trict to be known as R D No 36 and that
v a p.u. Via a nnni n t cA an no r v i onr rf
gai nefr district No 36.
Matter of the petition of John Shan-
non, et al, for the division of R D No 18 :
Now comes John Shannon and 62 others
pravioz for tiie division of R D No 18 as
follow, to wit : Commencing on the
north IxyjmJary line ot said (list net at
the half section corner between sees 15
and 22, thenee south on one half section
line through the center of sections 22.27,
34, 1 3 s, r 2 e, and sec 3, 1 4 s, r 2 e, to
the half section line between sees 3 and
10, t 4 s, r 2 e, which is the south line of
said district o 18 and the court being
fully advised it is ordered that said pe
tition be granted and that Chris Fisher
be and hereby is appointed as supervisor
of said new district formed out of and by
division of said Diet No 18 and to be
known as Dist No 39.
Petition of M Sumner et al, for di
vision ol said Dist No 18 and to be known
as Dist No 30.
Petition of U 8 Fegels, et al, for a
division of II D No 34, denied.
Bill of R Scott for gravel, referred to
supervisor Counsell.
Complaint of C M Phillips in regard to
Beaver Crook slough road : Referred to
SuerviRor Taylor with instructions to
report at once.
Supervisor Wilson s report on orioges
n Pint No L'u: supervisor oraereu 10
build said road.
Report of Supervisor Andre on the
Sandy bridge, laid over.
Report of U W Uwings on volunteer
work in Dist No 35: Report accepted
and ordered referred to supervisor Tay
Matter of increasing the allowance of
Mr and Mrs Able, county charges: in-
eased from $12 to $15 per month from
March 1st.
Petition for increase of allowance for
Mrs It A Woods, county charge, denied.
Matter of tools in K L No 'IT. super
visor Young ordered to turn over such
tools to Supervisor elect Stanton.
Matter ol clerks and recorders lees lor
January: Clerks, $19-4 55; recorder's,
1!)7 25.
Mileage and per diom of commission
ers for Feb terra ; Allowed 8 F Marks, 3
days and 20 miles, $11.(10; J R Morton,
4 days and 20 miles, $14.00
Adjourned to meet friday, reo mn.
(Continued next week )
Sneclnl scenery and furniture will be
utilized in Harry Corson Clarke's pro
duction of "What Happened to Jones."
Mr. Clarke is a stricklor on artistic tie-
tail and gives a metroplitan production
ol the great comedy success. At Shive
ly's February 21st,
Wanted. Three heifers, half or three
fourths Jersey ; must be cheap for cash.
Address J F. Sanders, Willamette, Or.
Is often a warning that the liver Is
torpid or Inactive. More serious
troubles may follow. For a prompt,
efficient cure of Headache and all
liver troubles, take
Hood'o Pillo
While they rouse the ltver, restore
full, regular action ot the bowels,
they do not gripe or pain, do not
Irritate or luflamb tl.c Internal organs,
but hare a positive tome efect. So.
at all druggists or by mall ot I
C i. Uood A Co., Lowell, Muss.
Did You Taho
through the winter?, If so, we
are sure it quieted your cough,
healed the rawness in your
throat, increased your weight,
gave you more color, and made
you fee! better in every way.
But perhaps your cough has
come back again, or you are get
ting a little thin- and pale.
Then, why not continue the
same helpful remedy right
through the summer? It will do
you as much good as when the
weather is cold.
Its persistent use will certainly
give you a better appetite ana a
stronger digestion.
It will cure your
weak throat and heal
your inflamed lungs.
It will cure every case
of consumption, when
a cure is possible.
Don't be persuaded
to take something they say is just
as good.
All Druggists, we. and $1.
SCOTT & 13owne, Chemists, N. V.
lew Furniture
I have just received a fine lot of new
furniture, which I am offering at surpris
ingly low figures. 1 got it at a bargain
that's how I can sell it at these prices.
In Second-Hand Goods
I have stoves, cooking utensils, carpets,
bedding, furniture in fact any and ev
erything you want for housekeeping.
I will Buy Anything
oa have to sell and pay you the high
est price. Call and see me.
Main Street - - Oregon City
For First-Class
Go to
Seventh St. Bakery
or stop his wagon
as it goes by.
CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor -
Oregon City, Oregon
Pure Milk and Full Measure
given; delivered to any
part of the city.
Try Molton Dairy and be Conrnee
Tn the Circuit Court of the BUte of Orejon, for
Claokamna county.
Alfred R. Coughtroy,
vs. Suit for Divorce.
Defendant J
To the said Leila Maria Conghtrry, the Rbovo
named defendant:
1 You are hcrehy required to vpear and answer
the oomiilniut Hied aitninst you in the above en
titled suit nn or before Friday, tlio aid day of
uri,i,. 1'M Unit lu'lnir the dav of the exiiuaUfiri
of six weeks' publication of this summons. This
suit is 'jruuRlH to obtain a decree dissolving the
bonds of matrimony now existing nenvwu you
and the plaintiff, nnd such other and further re
lief as to me eoui sunn ueeni imn-i. uu mr
hereby notified that it vou fuil to appear and
answer the snid eompbdnl as above required,
the phiintill'vvill apply to the eoutt for ilie relitf
therein prayed or. ... , , .,
This summons is puDlisiien oy oruer oi un;
ITon. Thorn A. Mcltrioe, into of the eireuit
court (if the state of Oregon for Clackamas coun
ty, and is published the fust time on Friday, the
Utn rtnv 01 .mnuarv, i.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Consisting of 4 lots, good garden spot, running
water the year round, room house, good cellar,
barn big enough for two cows and 100 chickens,
IV blocks from court house. Price SeO. 8 per
cent interest. 75 cash down. For particulars
inquire at this office. Team and stock taken in
K. T-" World" and Courier-Herald $1.85
Reliable wan for Manager of Branch Office I
wish to opeu Inlthis vicinity. If ryour record is
O K. here is a good opening, Kindly mention
this paper when writing.
T. A. MORRIS, Cincinnati, O.
Illustrated catalogue 4 cents postage.
rentlemau or ladles tn travel for responsibli
Miaolishad house in Oregon. Monthly KS4 au
Volition ih-ady. Reference. n
elo self addressed stamped envelop.
Dominioi Cosapsoy, Dept. Y.Ohlcagu.
W nUemen ar tadlet to travel tor riwnlbU
MtahUibed houm 1 Oregon. Monthly 6 00 uti
uhmn, Fosliton steady. Retorsus. Buetosi
MlUddrHe4 slainped envslupa. Tha Dasslmai
'Oosapaay.DeM Y.CMeage.
VATTO DDfPP An (KVacre farm, bont
lUUK riUll2U miles southeast of tha
courthouse, at a bargains litis perfect; also two
Iota, on In South Oregon City and the other In
Oregon City proper, title perfect. All this
property must beaold. Terms easy! hard time
prices. Anyona thai wants to buy will find It to
his InUreal to Investigate this.
Job Printing at tlie
Courier Office.
For the Biggest
In Oregon
Ladies' and Gent'9 Fur
nishings, Clothing, Hats,
Caps, Umbrellas, Mack
intoshes, Blankets, Dry
Goods, Shoes, Japanese
Goods, Etc, Etc. ,
Dealer In
Fresh Meats of All Kinds
Opposite Huntley's, Oregon City.
..GO TO...
-G. H.
Shop Opposite Congregational Church, Main Street, Oregon City, Ore..
In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
Jacob Spangler,
Jeremiah Johnson and Ella A. Johnson,
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss
" cree and'an executiou, duly issued out of and
under the seal of the above entitled court, in the
above entitled cause, to me duly direeted and
dated the liilh day of February, 1KU9. upon
a indsment rendered and entered in saidoouit on
the -'tith clay of November, 1SD8, in favor of
Jacob Spangler. plaintiff, and against Jereminh
Johnson and Klla A. Johnson, defendants, for
the sum of Sl.OM.OO, with interest thereon at the
rate of 10 per cent, per annum from the th day
of November, 1IIS, and the further sum of
SIOO.IK) as attorney's fee, and the further sum of
Jlfi.uo costs end disbursements, and the costs
of aud upon this writ, commanding me to make
sale of the following described real property,
situate In the county of Clackamas, state, of Ore
gon, to-wit:
Lot 8, in block 31, in the Oregon Iron and Steel
Company's First Addition to the Town of Oswe
go, in Clackamas county, slate of Oregon.
Now, thereiore, by virtue of said execution,
judgment, order and decree, and In compliance
with Ihe commands of said writ, I will, on
1899, at the hour ol one o'clock p. m., at the front
door of the County Court House in the elty of Or
egon City, in said County and fctale.sell at public
auction, subject lo redenuitiou, to the highest
bidder, for U. S. gold coin, cash in hand, all the
right, title and interest which the within named
defendant, or illher of them, had on
tho date of tlio uiu'tgaue herein or since
had In or lo the above described real proper
ty or any part thoreol to satisfy said execution,
judgment order, decree, Interest, costs and all
accruing costs. J. J, COOKK,
Sheriff of Cln'-kamas County, Oregon,
Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, Feb. 16, 1W9.
Tn the circuit Court of (he Slate of Oregon for
the County of Clackamas. Til.io bam Foo,
plainlift, s. Liim I'oo, defendant. To Lain Foo.
the above named d Icndiint: In the name of tlie
i,,ti, ,,r Ori'tfoti. von are herebv required to ait.
i pear and answer the complaint tiled at-ainst. you
1 in Iht! above eiilillcd court in this cause within
six weeks from thudpto of Hie llrst pnuncation,
of this summons, to-wit: On or before the 25th
davof Mu'Ch, 18'Jii; the first publication hereof
being on tlie loth dav of Fehrua'y, lsii'.i, and the
last publication being on the 24th day of March,
1KD9, and if you full to answer, plalnllff will ap
ply to Hie court for the rdief prayed for in the
compluibt, to wit: 1st For a decree of nullity
ol marriage between von and the plaintiff, on tlie
ground that lou have a living wife by a prior
marriage. 2nd And for a decree dissolving the
bonds of matrimony now existing between you
and tlie plaintiff, on the grounds of cruel and
inhuman treatment of plaintiff, rendering life
burdensome. For costs of suit and general relief.
This summons is published pursuant to an oruer
of Hon. Thomas F. Kyan, comity Judge of said
county, In the absence of the judsre of said circuit
oourt, granted on February 0. lMI9,and prescrib
ing publication of tho summons herein once a
week for six weeks. N. H. Bloom kii.d,
Plaintiffs Attorney.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Clackamas.
V V llutrLUmi. Plaintiff I
vs. I Suit for Divorce
Vt. T. Davidson, Defendant. I
ToW.T. Davidson, the above-named defend.
You are b ereby required to appear and an
swer the complaint tiled against you in tneacove
entitled suit on or beforo Friday, tha 17th
day of February. 18!9, that being tlie day of the
vnlrtlon of six weeks' nublication of this sum
mons. This suit is brought to obtain a decree
dissolving ths bonds of matrimony now existing
between you and the plaintiff; to obtain thecus
tody for the plaintiff of your minor child; the
costs of this suit, and such other and further re
lief as to the Court shall seem meet and proper.
You are hereby notified that If you fail to ap
t,ui xirt answer the s id complaint as above re
quired, the plainliffwill apply to the court for
ihe relief therein prayed.
This summons la pnnnsnea oy onier oi ui
Honorable Thomas F. Ryan, eounty Judge of said
Clackamas eouulv, and is published the first
time on Friday, the 6th day of January, 1WV
Attorney for the Plaintiff.
been appointed executor of the last will and
testament of the estat of Jan Baker, deceased,
by the honormhl eounty court of Clackamas
county, Oregon. All persons having claims
agalust said estate are hereby notified to present
the same to me for payment al my home at Stone,
Clackamas county, Oregon, with proper vouchers,
within six mouUnfroin thedattof this nodce.
Executor of the last n ill and testament of Jans
Baker, deceased.
Dated this 27th day of January, 1899.
G. N.-JOEJ & CO,
Next door to Postollice.
Funeral Conductor
And Undertaker
C askets, Coffins, Robes, Lining,
Etc, Best Material. Lowest Prices.
Next Door to Pope's hardware store.
Main Street. Oregon City, Ob.
Undertaker and Embalmei
Carries a complete line of caskets, coffins,
robes, etc. Superior goods, Superioi
services at most moderate prices. Next
door to Commercial bank.
Oregon City - Orego
NOilCE IS HEREBY GIVEN that under and
by virtue of a judgment and decree of the
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas
county, rendered and entered in said court on
the 9th day of Januaiy, 1899, in a certain suit
therein pending, in favor of II. F. Allen, John
Couch Lewis and Lucius K. Lewis, partners as
llen A Lewis, the plaintiffs therein, and aguinit
Margaret L. Hatdorf, defendant therein, and un-,
der and by "virtue of an execution with a copy of
raid judgment and decree annexed, issued on
January 31, 1819, out of said court under the seal
thereof and under the hand of the clerk thereof,
and to me as 8h3riff of Clackamas county, Ore-
ton, duly direeted, commanding me, as such
herlff, among other thiugs, to sell the property
hereinafter described, I did duly levy on the said
property described in snid judgment and decree
aa lots 1, 2, 3, 4, in block 02, of the city of Oregon
City, in stud county and state, and that under
d n pursuance of a cartum other ludement
and deoree of the said Circuit Court, rendered
and entered January 9th, 1899, in a certain suit
therein pending, in lavor ot ti. A. Lewis, piaintiir.
therein, and auainBt Maruaret L. Butdorf. et al.
defendants therein.arid under and by virtue of an
execution with copy of said judgment and decree
annexed, issued thereon on January 31, 1899, un
der the seal ot said court ana under the hand of
the clerk thereof, and to me duly direeted, and
commanding me, among other things, to sell said
lots 1 and 2, 1 did duly levy on said lots 1 and 2,
block 02, and have appointed
at 11 o'clock in the forenoon of said day as the
time and Hie front door of the county court house
in Oregon City, Oregon, as the place for the sale
of said real property.
Lots 1 and 2, block 62, will be sold under both
of said above described judgments and decrees
and the executions to enforce the same, aud lots
3 and 4, block l2. will be sold on the first men
tioned of saiil judgments and decrees and the
execution to enforce tlie same.
The proceeds of Ihe sale of lots 1 and 2, block
62, will be applied In discharge and satisfaction
of tlio costs and excuses of this sale and of the
sum of 85.9.r), with interest from October 19.1897,
at the rate of ten per cent per annum, and S17.50
Ihe costs and disbursements of said suit, due on
the judgment and dt-cree In favor of h A.Lewis,
and of the sum of $2000, with interest from Feb
ruary 3, 18U6, at said rate, the sum of t225 at
torney's fees, and 15.00 costs and disbursements,
the same being the amount of the judgment and
cree lo lavor oi Allen & Lewis, above mention-.
ed. Tlie proceeds of the sale of lots 8 and 4,
block 62, will he applied to Ihe payment and dis
charge of tlie judgment in favor of Allen & Lewis
above described.
Dated February 4, 18119.
J.J.COOKE, Sheriff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oresron, for
the County of Clackamas.
G. A. Rockwood,
Wm. M. Burket and Sarah Burket, I
ms wire, nna Josepn r.tigene Hcu-
ges, ns Kxecutor of the will of i
Joseph UcdgeB, deceased, I
Slate of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss.
oree and an execution, duly Issued out of and
under the seal of the above entitled court, In the
above entitled cause, and to me duly directed and
dated the 8th day of February, lhH, upon a judg
ment rendered and entered in said court on the
31st day of January, ltl)9, in favor of G. A. Rook
wood, plaintiff.and agaiost Wm. M. Burket and
Sarah Burket, Ids wife, and Joseph Eugene Hed
ges as executor of the will of Joseph Hedges,
deceased, defendants, for the sum cf 91811.40,
with Interest thereon at Uie rate of 10 per cent per
annum from the 81st day of January, 1899, and
further sum of $40.00, as attorney's fee, and
tlie further sum o' $J2.24, with Interest thereon
from the Slst day of January, m, and tlie
the further sum of 12 50 costs and disbursements
and the costs of ard upon this writ, Commanding
me lo make sale of the following described real
property, situate in tha county of Clackamas
tale of Oregon, to-wit: t
;4'of lot one (1) of b'ock nineteen (191 in Holmes
dditioa to Oregon Cllv. Oregon, which is de-
scribed aa follows; Beginning at the northwest
corner of said lot one (1) and thenea east along
the north line of said lot 50 feet; thence south
parallel with tha west line of said lot one (1) 20
leetto ino soum side of sain lot one (1); thence
west 50 (eel to the southwest corner of said lot
one (1); thence norlh along west line 200 (est to
plsce of beginning, said lot being in the north
parto( said Holmes' D. L. C. No. JR. Notification
673, on the part of said claim adjoining Oregon
Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution,
judgment order and decree, and in compliance
with the commands of said writ, 1 will, on
1899, at the hour of one o'elork P. M., at the front
door of the County Court House In tha city of
Oregon City, in said couoty and state, sell at pub
lic auotlon, subject to redemption, to the highest
bidder, for U. 8. gold coin, cash In hand, all the
right, title and Interest which thewtthin named
defendants, or either of them, had on the data ot
the mortgage herein, or since had In or to the
above described real property or any part lhereo(,
to satisfy said execution judgment order, deene.
Interest, coats and all accruing costs.
Sheila of Clackamas Countv, Oregoa.
Dated Oregon City, Oregon, Feb. 8, im.