i Bt. Jaoobi Oil cure. Rheumatism. Bt. Jaoob8 Oil cures Neuralgia. St. Janobs Oil cures Lumbago. Bt. Jacobs Oil cures Sciatica, fit. Jacobs Oil cures Sprains. Bt. Jacobs Oil cures Bruises. Bt. Jacobs Oil cures Soreness. St. Jacobs Oil oures Stiffness. Bt. Jacobs Oil cures Backache. St. Jacobs Oil cures Muscular aches. Fowl Reception. The Author The people in the au dienc'e couldn't appreciate my play. They acted like perfect eeese. The Managei I noticed that they4 oia considerable hissing. Indianapo lis Journal. I Was Completely Helpless With Rheumatism Could not move, the least bit of a jar would make me shout with pain. I was afraid I should be a cripple for life, as prescriptions J did me no good. Finally 1 sent for a bottle of Hood's Sarsapniilla s whioh helped me much and two bottles more put me on my feet so that I oould walk without crutches. 1 was soon well enough to work on my farm." W. H. EHOADS, Windham, Vt. Hood's Sarsaparilla is prepared only by 0. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all dealers. Price $1. Get only Hoods'. On Way to Tell. ''.'They are engaged," she laid, after having watohed the oouple across the aisle for a time. "Why do you say engaged instead of married?" he asked. "Well, after a woman Is married she still exhibits the same propietniy in terest in a man, but she doesn't seem to be so proud of it." Chicago Post. Aged Woman Ridel a Bicycle. Probably the oldest living bicyclist 1 a woman in County Essex, England, aged 93, who la an adept rider and whose sprlghtliness is astonishing. Most people could enjoy health until very old age if they took proper precau tions to prevent diseases of the digestive organs by taking an occasional dose of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. Even after dyspepsia, indi gestion, biliousness and constipation have se cured a foothold and become chronic, the Bit ters will afford speedy relief. Cow on the Track. A .tourist, who has just returned from South Africa, tells the following anecdote: "On one of the railways slower than those of Spain the train crawling along at the rate of iix miles an hour, was suddenly brought to a standstill. 'What's the matter, guard?' was the anxious query of a passenger. 'Oh, sir, only a cow on the traok.' The obstruction having been removed, the train steamed on, and at the end of an hour the train once more stopped. 'What's up now, guard?' the passenger again asked. 'Is it another cow?' '.No, sir, no,' was the prompt reply; same cow, sir.' " Chicago Journal. A Failure. Mr. Snigglins Here, Maria, I want you to either smash this alarm clook or give it away. Maria What's the matter with it? Doesn't it work right? Mr. Snigglins I should say not. The' blamed r thing has woke me up right in the middle of my best sleep every morning since I've had it." Cleveland Leader. ART OF APT REPLY. Feme Example of Felicitous Fxprea aiona in Ticklish Place. The art of avoiding a conversational unpleasantness by a graceful way of putting things belongs, in its highest perfection, to the East When Lord Dufferln was viceroy of India he had a "shikarry," or sporting servant, whose Bpecial duty was to attend the visitors at the vice regal court on their shoot ing excursions. Returning one day from one of these expeditions the 8hl ADVERTISING DOCTORS. There are 673 known volcanoes in the world, of whioh 870 are active. Btati of Ohio, City of Toledo, I Lucas County. j Fkank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the enlor parter of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., .doing business in the City of Toledo, Countv and State aforesaid, and that rwid firm will pav the sum oi ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in mv presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 188(1. I "Seal I A. W. GLEABON, Koiary Public. Ball's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acta directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Bold by druggists, 76c. Ball's Family fills are the best The present lumber season in Maine will be one of the best in several years. When coming to Ban Francisco go to Brooklyn Hotel, 208-212 Bush street. - American or European plan. Room and board $1.00 to $1.50 per day ; rooms 60 cents to $1.00 per day; single meals 25 cents. Free coacn. Chas. Montgomery. Hindsight. Don't lock your stable door after the borse is stolen. Possibily the thief may repent and bring it back. Chi cago Daily News. Havana is to have an electrio railroad built and operated by an American syndicate. TRY ALLEN'S FOOT-BASE, A powder to be shaken into the shoes. At this season your feet feel swollen, ner vous and uncomfortable. If you have smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot-Ease. It rests and comforts; makes walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating feet, blisters and callous spots. Relieves corns and bunions of all pain and is a cer tain cure for Chilblains, Sweating, damp or frosted feet. We have over thirty thou sand testimonials. Try it today. Sold by all druggists and shoo store." for 25c. Trial patfiRge FREE. Address, Allen S. Olm sted, Lo Roy, N. Y. A fibre industry is demanding the consideration ot planters on the Island of Antigu. If you want the best wind mill, pumps, tanks, nlows. waeons. bells of all sizes boilers, engines, or general machinery, see or write JOHN POOLE, foot of MorrUon Btreet, rortlana, urcgon. Northern capitalists are said to have purchased the pig iron works at West Radford, Va. No household is complete without a bot tie of the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It is a Dure and wholesome stimulant ree ommended by all physicians. Don't ne glect this necessity. ' Large orders for oil well machinery for use in Japan have been placed with a PenBylvania concern. karry encountered the viceroy, who,, full of courteous solicitude for hUi guests' enjoyment, asked: "Well, what sort of sport has Lord had?" , "Oh," replied the scrupulously polite Indian, "the young sahib shot divinely, but God was very merciful to the birds." V Compare this honeyed form of speech with the terms in which an English gamekeeper would convey his opinion of a bad shot, and we are forced to ad mit the social superiority of Lord Sal isbury's "black man." But If we turn from the Orient to the Occident, and from our dependencies to the United Kingdom, the art of putting things is found to flourish better on Irish than on Scotch or English soil. We all re member that Archbishop Whately Is said to have thanked God on his death bed that he had never given a penny in Indiscriminate charity. A successsor of the apostles might have found more suitable subjects of moribund self -con gratulation, and I have always rejoiced t it. , ....... 1 -. 1 . A V. ,. n.Al,V.talnn In all the frigid pomp of political econ omy, waving off the Dublin beggar with: "Go away; go away. I never give to anyone In the street," and receiving the instantaneous rejoinder: Then where would your reverence have me wait on you?" A lady of my acquaintance who Is a. proprietress in County Galway is in the habit of receiving her own rents. One day, when a tenant farmer had pleaded long and unsuccessfully for an abate- A Palpable Reason Why They Should Not Be Adjudged Impostors. Their testimonials alone are sufficient to bear witness to the assertion that they perform the cures and relief they adver tise to, because they are from people within reach, who can be referred to, and represent cures made years ago, that are shown to be permanent, as well as those of recent date. Dr. Darrin has been practic ing in Oregon the past 11 years, and is now located at 265 Morrison ptreet, Portland. The following cards are selected from thousands'. To the Editor: Before Koine under Dr. For La Grippe Use "5 Drops" r IT FOR 25 CENTS. SCIATICA MD GITARRH FOR 80 DAY8 YOU CAN TRY IT FOR 25 CENTS. iTRADC MARK. Cured by "5 DROPS" Three Years Ago. DOCTORS PRONOUNCED HIM INCURABLE Ht It still well and writes, on Oct. 1 0, 1 898: "I teal It duty that I owe to God rnd suffering humanity to announce to you and all the world what "5 DROPS" has done tor me " SIBERIA. PERRY CO., IND., JAN. 29, 1896. SWANSON RHEUMATIC CURE COMPANY: I would like to thank you for youl srreat remedy. "6 jjkupb, ana ten you wnat it naa done lor me. l nad Kheuma .taw. I. ....A-. r.A In tna hoat-f o.iri 1 UnA fia.:h tk. 11 ..r. 4 1A .......... I lion. ... eve; jum. anu ... .no utm t,u a unu Vi.L.i i u v. hid ..au v uv jiai.i a was ao poorly that I lost the use of my legs and arms, and could not move without pain. I was so crippled that I had done but little work for even long years, and our family physician, a good doctor, told me that my Rheumatism and Catarrh were incurable, and I believed him. But now. AFTER USING "5 DROPS" ONLY TWO MONTHS. I can truly say I HAVE NOT FELT SO WELL FOR SEVEN YEARS. This medicine does more than Is claimed for it. At this time my Catarrh Is much better and I have scarcely any Rheumatism at all, and the heart weakness and pain are gone. My neanng is now good ana my eyesignt is mucn Detter. i have gamed more than 10 oounds of flesh and can do a full dav'a work. It is the best medicine I ever saw to give a mother who has a young child, for It has the same effect on the child as on the mother. It wards oft Croup and cures the Hivea ot the child, and causes sweet and refreshing sleep to both young and old. WM. M. KELLLMS. SIX TESTIFY TO ITS TRUTH. In a letter of October 10. 1898. from Mr. Kellems. he says: "I feel It a duty that ewe to God and suffering humanity to announce to you and all the world that I am yet In the ring with untold thousands of others, to testify to the great merits of your valuable remedy called "5 DROPS." I believe I was the first sufferer In this part of the earth to learn of the existence of "5 DROPS," some three years ago. I was then badly afflicted with Rheumatism, Catarrh, etc., which my letter of Jan. 29, 18116, fully sneaks of. All I can sav Is "5 DROPS" cured me. To make a long story short. "5 DROPS" needs no recommendation in this part of the country, as everybody knows the "6 DROPS" remedies around here. IT HAS CURED more cases of Rheuma tism, Sciatica, Neuralgia and many other pains than any other medicine that has ever been sold or heard of. For the last tnree years 1 nave noticed tne errect b UKuea , has on the eick, through my own observations as well as my brother, who is a prac ticing physician, and USES THE "5 DROPS" IN HIS PRACTICE. All ye that wish for further Information, write and you are sure to get a reply without any delay. I will (as I have done In this letter) cheerfully recommend It to any one that I may come In contact with. I myself can never forget what this remedy has done for me and many others. Yours very truly, WM. M. KETXEMS, Siberia, Ind. Witnesses to the above: Jas. Brady. J. R. Cox, E. R. Huff, 8. Taylor, Dr. S. W. Kellems, Jno. Hays, all ot Siberia, Ind. The wonderful success that has attended the Introduction of 5 DROPS" Is un precedented in the history of the world. Think of It! It has CURED more than ONE MILLION AND A QUARTER sufferers within the last three years. This must appeal to you. One million and a quarter people cannot all be mistaken. If suffering we trust you may have sufficient confidence to send for three large bottles of "5 DROPS" to; 12 60 which will surely cure you. If not, then send for a (1 bottle, which contains enough medicine to more than prove Its wonderful curative properties. Prepaid by mall or express. This wonderful curative gives almost instant relief and is a PERMA NENT CURE for RhenmiUliiin, Solatloa, Nrnraltrla, Dyapepsia. Hocksche, Asthma, Hay Fever. Catarrh, Slreplmanesa, rVervnnane, ervou anil Ses. raltclo Headaches, Heart WesknMi, Toothache, Ka raphe, ( roup, I.a Grippe, Materia, Creeping Kumbnee, itronchltia, and kindred dlaeases. Damn's treatment I had been suffering great pain in my head. Nothing seemed to help me until taking the doctor's elec trio and medical treatment. It's all gone now. Address, Wilhoit. Or. C. N. DAILY. Dr. Darrin : The one minute operation for cross-eye on my boy was successful. He had been cross-eyed since birth. Re fer any one to me at 207 Hall Btreet, Port land. MRS. T. MAYHEW. Mrs. G. Kars, of Leland, Or., writes Dr. Darrin as follows : After walking with a cane for months from the etlects of sciatic rheumatism, "I am improving every day; I am going to Grant's Pass next week. I think the people there will stars an me more than they did the 28th of r'epfn-ber, the day I took the brst treatment by elec tricity of you. They will think I walk mora like a girl of 20 than an old cripple of 45. I hope yon will live many years to do for others as much as you have done fur me." Dr. Darrin gives free consultation to all, and, when necessary, gives medicines in connection with electricity. The poor treated free from 10 to 11 daily. Those willing to pay, 10 to 6; evenings, 7 to 8; Sundays, 10 to 12. Errors of youth, tm- potency, varicocele, hydrocele and strict ure a specialty. All chronic and private diseases treated. No cases published only by permission of the patient. All busi ness relations strictly confidential Letters of inquiry answered. Circulars and ques tion blanks sent free. Batteries and belts furnished bv the doctor. , Offices, 265 Morrison street, Portland. A single elephant's tusk can now he oat into a sheet of ivory 160 inches long and 20 inches wide. The Year Round. All the year around ohronio or ne glected rheumatism hangs on. It is worse in chilly, damp weather, but i There Are Such People. Some people are never happy except when doing something mean. Wash ington (la.) Temocrat. , Piso's Cure for Consumption is the onlv cough medicine used in mv house. II. (3. Albright, Miilliuburg, Dec. U, 1895. TO MRS. PINKHAM There are 47 Chinese United States. temples in the To Care a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. . Three thousand marriages are per formed every day all over the world. Wipe Out. It is the specific virtue of penetration in St. Jacobs Oil whioh carries it right down to the Soiatio nerve in the cure of Sciatica, and the effect is to soothe the nerve and wipe out tie pain. ' Emperor Charles V carried a watch in 1530 that weighed 27 pounds. In such a oase it is proper to say only "oarried;" such a watch is never From Mrs. Walter E. Budd, of Pat chogue, New York. A new and scientific treatment of all diseases of the genito urinary organs at once thorough, quiok and sure is that of Dr. Foote and Staff, oi 161 Adams St., Chicago. The dootors believe in pre scribing as little medicine as is con sistent with certain cure. They are old practitioners and years of experi ence in their specialty has taught them the needs of every individual oase, and how best to treat it to effect a complete eradication of the disease germ. Dr. Fodte's Syohala is a well known and efficacious cure for all blood iseases.while his Vigorala stands fore most among restoratives and invigora tors of the nervous system. A bridge of 900 foot span at Buda Pest is being erected entirely by means of electrical machinery. never bo bad that St. Jacobs Oil can't inent, he exclaimed as he handed over , promptly and effectually oure it. his money: Well, my lady, all I can say is that if I had my time over again, It's not a tenant farmer I'd be. I'd follow one of the learned professions.". The proprietress gently replied that even In the learned professions there were losses as well as gains, and, per haps, he would have found professional life as precarious as farming. "Ah, my lady, but how can that be?" replied the son of St. Patrick. "If you're a lawyer win or lose, you're paid. If you're a doctor kill or cure, you're paid. Space has a temperature of 800 de grees below zero. FOR MEN ONLY. DR. FOOTE & STAFF 161 ADAMS BT., CHICAGO. Men requiring unsurpassed treatment should consult personally or by letter "Free" with the tm neer and only exclusive men's specialists In the unl ed States. Diseases of men made the study of a life-time. Unfortunates everywhere should immediately communicate with Dr. Foote, of Chicago. Everything confidential. 'Kemedies sent everywhere In sealed packages and letters In plain envelopes. Correspondence solicited. Latest Surgical. Medical and Electrical methods adopted. Deluglns the stomach with drugs aban doned. Avoid drugs recommended by the unau- iti western thorised and sell-stvled siieciallsts If you're a priest heaven towns. Few genuine specialists locate outside of un . . , flew xuritor 1incugo. in viieae cmea yuur pri or nell, you re paid, vate aflulrs art safe. Unequaled treatment for all Who can lmaeine an Enelish farmer diseases and weaknesses of the Ueiilto-VJrlnary, , r - - - cexuai, Heproauctive ana nervous systems. pieuuinjg tne cuse lor an aoatement peaimenis to marriage removea, with this happy mixture of fun satire? Manchester Guardian. and Jim Webster was being tried for jbrlblng a colored witness, Sam Joun cing, to testify falsely, relates the De troit Free Press. "Yo'i say the defendant offered you $50 to testify In his behalf?" asked the lawyer of Sam. "Yes, Bah." "Now, repeat what he said, using hit exact words." "He said he would gib me $50 If I " "He didn't speak In the third person, did he?" "No, son; he tuck good care dat dar were no third pusson 'round; dar wag only two us two." "I know that, but he spoke to you In the first person, didn't he?" "I was de fus' pusson myself, sah." "You don't understand me. When be was talking to you did he say, 'I will pay you $50? " "No, sah; he didn't say nothln' 'bout you payln me $50. Your name wasn't mentioned, 'ceptin' he told me ef eber I got Into a scrape you was de best law yer in San Antone to fool de jedge and de Jury In fac you was de best In town to cover up reskelity." For a brief, breathless moment the trial was suspended. lm- Srnhala" positively purities the blood, cures syphilis and removes all white uloers In throat or mouth, oop per colored spots on body and eruptions on skin. also catarrh and rheumatism, "Vlfforala," the only permanent restorer and Invigorator, gives vigor to vital organs and nerves, prevents and cures grip. II per bottle, for 3. Trial bottles, timer remedy, nair price, A negro woman is the Edisto Island, S. O. postmaster at riT Permanently Oured. Mo fits or nervousnes ill after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Ureat Nerve Restorer. Bend for FHKM S.OO trial bottle and treatise. DR. B. U. KUNJS, Ltd., W0 Area street, rhlladelpnla, Fa. During the siege of sold at $10 a pound. Paris buttei was MACHINERY For Mills, Mines, Phops and Farms Steel Log ging snd Hoisting; Engines! Hoe Chisel Tooth 6aws, Albany Grease, etc. TATUM&BOWEM 27 to 8 First Street Portland, Or. 84-86 Fremont Btreet, ban Francisco. WOMEN DR. M ARTEL'S FRENCH FEMALE ' PILLS Particulars and testl moulals Id plain sealed letter Mailed Kkkm. FRENCH DRUB CO., 381 a 383 Pearl St., New York e 5b nnnoil is tne name ana aoae. lakuk iiuiilp. t.i'u ni-es si, DKUrO prepaid by mall or express; THRER MOTTLES, $2 50. Bold only by ua and our agent. Write today. SWANSON RHEUMATIC CURE CO., 10T Dearborn St., Chicago, III CUTLER'SCARBOLiTEOFIGDIHE Guaranteed cure for Grip, Catarrh and Con umption. All DruKKlsts, 1.U0. W. U. 8mith, Buffalo, N. Y., sole proprietor. BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS ... MAITUTACTUBISD BT ... CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. r-!OTE TBI JfAMK. ORsGUNH'STrPILLS ONE FOR A DOSE. B,, H'V1? and Dyspepsia, Keuiore Pimples and Purify the Blood, Aid l'iirstion andPreTent Biliousness. Io aotUrlpaorSicken. Toconvincs roujrs will mU ample fr.e, or full bat for 26c. DR. BOSANKU GQ.,t hiUda.,a?tuuu Boll hi DrujuU. d?!SrBACK ACHE? Are you troubled with constipation. Do you feel languid and utterly worn out? MOORE'S REVEALED REMEDY Will give you new enersry, take the Impurity out oi Your dioou, mate you i Easy and pleoxant to take. bottle at your druggist's. ou well and healthv. Una dallar per RUPTURE CURED. We guarantee to fit every case we undertake. Don't put it off! write for particular at once. C. H. WOIIDAKD & CO.. Expert Trust t itters, 103 Second Street, Portland, Or. LH CURE YOURSELF! a t. Jt I Wmu sll n. .,nn......l (liictiarue.. intlviiiinittiona. OarDtMd B irritation! or ulceration wt M trUtar. of muooDi ntoillbrttllrjg. iPrttaata Maiagloa, Painleai, anil not Mtriu ItheEvwsChwicaiOo, enl or Ponm. tCtNOINMTI.O a ior tent In plain wrapper, Wk xprflM, prepaid, for r. U tM, or ft bottlea. t2.7&. H Circii lar tent on ruquMt VoAnrmrrhrM and GlMt ret Pahot'a Okar fimwiflc. 1ft Ij tht ONLY medinlna which will cure each and avery ease, NO CAHE known it baa ever fa 111 to cure, no matter how wrloui or of bow Jong it&nrilnjr. Rfeaulta from lta uae will astnnlah yon. It la almolutoly aafe, timvimta sAnntura. tvnd ttmn ha taken without Inconve blenee and detention from butnet. PRICE, 93.00. For ale by ail reliable dmirtriita, or aont prepaid bjr xpreee, unniviiiuNwnqum . Very Safe Indeed. There is such a thing as taking too good care of a precious article. A couple who came to a minister to be y JUiNQ IVIEiN ! UJU111CU. They were to hare the ceremony per formed with a ring, aud the groom wai terribly afraid he should lose It S was the bride, and she kept asking: "John, you sho' you got that ring?" "I'm sho', now, Mary." "Whar you got it, John?" , "I've got it in my mouth. I ain't g'an' to lose it now." When the ceremony was in progress, and the place was reached where tha Dl T. H. White, Poland" Ting was iu uiuti, me uerjuinu auiu. "Let me have the ring, please." The bridegroom gulped, choked, stut tered, and finally exclaimed despair lngly: "Lawshy, I done swallered itl" CURtS WntHl AIL USE fA'Li. n couifn By rap. i afuea uooo. UN tn tim. Hold bTdmrfit. Velocity of Sou nil. Some Interesting experiments on the velocity of sound were recently made by M. Frot, near Bourges. Two sets of experiments gave for the velocity In air at 0 degrees centigrade mean results of 330.0 and 330.9 meters per second. The times were measured automatically by electric chronographs. A woman's Idea of being cultured U to look at terrapin as Indifferently when Invited out as she looks at fried bacus at home. TEETH WITHOUT PLATES Boots Crowned. Bridge Made. Fainlass nlUna and extraction. Morrison, Or. were famous years ago their fame 1 I grows every year as ilia aeds I I moat to us renea on a alwara 1 ) tha beat, for sal Mr leadiuii I i dealers everywhere. Uv ctntsl per paper and always wortn 11. : x no risk buv lVrrv'a. law Annual is tree. .U. M. KK.I(Y10.1 Uetrall, Mick. PER Mrs. Bctjd, in the following letter, tells a familiar story of weakness and suffering, and thanks Mrs. Pinkham for complete relief: "Dkab Mrs. Pinkham: I think it is my duty to writ, to you and tell you what Lydia . Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for me. I feel like another woman. Ihadsuch dread ful headaches through my 4 temples and CitS . J 1 U T nearly weni crazy; was also troubled with chills, was very weak; my left side from my shoulders to my waist pain ed me terribly. I could not sleep for the pain. Plasters would help for a while, but as soon as taken off, the pain would be just as bad as ever. Doctors prescribed medicine, but it gave me no relief. "Now I feel so well and strong, have no more headaches, and no pain in side, and it is all owing to your Compound. ' I cannot praise It enough. It is a wonderful medicine. I reoommend It to every woman I know." r&d 1 1 Wl T The Sandwich Islanders estimate the beauty of women by their weight.' Society Women &nd,m fact, newly all women who undergo i & nervous str&in, are compelled to regret fully watch the gTovr ing pa.lloT of theiT cheeKs. the coming wrinkles and, thinnttt that become moTe distressing eveTy day. every woman knows that ill-health is a fatal enemy to beauty and that dood health dives to the Erf. plainest face an en- I aunno .ttractivtnes. Pure blood and strong nerves - th arc the scrt of health and beauty. Dt. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People build up and purify tht blood and strengthen the nerves. To the yound owl they are invalu I able, to the mother they are a necessity, to the woman approaching fifty they are the best remedy that science has devised for this crisis of her life. Mrs. Jacob Weaver, of Bmhntll, 111., is fifty-six year old. She aaylj "I suffered for five or si years with the trouble that comes to women at this time of life. I was much weakened, was unable, much of the time, to do my own work, and suffered beyond my power to describe. I was down hearted and melancholy. Nothing seemed to do me suy good. Then I ' made up my mind to try Dr. M'illlnras' Fink Pills for Pale People. I bought the first box in March, 1897, and was benefited from the start. A box and half cured me completely, and I am now rugged and strong." BusktulUfll.) Rntrd. The genuine package always bears the full name At all druggists or sent postpMd on receipt of price 50 per box by the DT. Williams. MiiOicme Co, theneac.di A 01 everybody you know to Mo IV save their tin tags for you The Tin Tags taken from Horseshoe, "J. T." Cross Bow, Good Luck and Drummond Natural Leaf will pay for any one or all of this list of desirable and useful things and you have your good chewing tobacco besides. Every man, woman and child in America can find something; on this list that they would like to have and can have FREE I Write your name and address plainly and send every tag you can get to us mentioning the number of the present you want. Any assortment of the different kinds of tags mentioned above will be accepted as follows : () TAOS X Match Box, quaint design, im ported from Japan S Knife, ne blade, good steel , S Seniors, t-inch, good steel 4 ChiU's aei, Knife, Pork and Spooa 0 Salt snd Pepper, one each, quad. ruple plate on whits metal .... 1 Rsxor, hollow ground, fin English steel. 7 Butler Knife, triple plate, best quaL I SugarShell,triplepUte,Destquality 0 Stamp Box, sterling; silver 10 Knife, " Keen Kutter," two blades 11 butcher Knife. "Keen Kutter," 6-inch blade 11 Shears, " Keen Kutter," S-inch, nickel 13 Kut Set, Cracker and 0 Picks, silver 14 Nail Kile, sterling silver, amethyst set, 8-inch U Tooth Brush, sterling silver, ame thyst set, 0-inch 14 Paper Cutler, sterling silver, sme thvit set. 7-inch IT Base Hall, "Association," best qusl. 100 10 Watch, stem wind and set, guaraa. teed good ume keeper 200 TAGS IV Alarm Clock, nickel, warranted . , SoO 30 Carvers, buckhurn handle, good steel SOO 31 Six Rogers' Teaspoons, best quaL 20 33 Knives and Forks, six each, buck horn luiidlet 250 28 Clock, 8-day, Calendar, Thermom eter, Barometer 600 24 Stove, Wilson Heater, site No. 80 or No. 40 800 20 Tool Set, not playthings, but real tools. 060 26 Toilet Set, decorated porcelain, very handsome 800 3T Watcb, solid silver, full Jeweled . .1000 28 Sewing Machine, first clsis, with all attachments. ,,,.1600 22 Revolver, Colt's, best quality .X. .1600 HO Kifle, Winchester, 16-ihot, 22-cal.U00 81 Shot Gun, double barrel, hammer- less, stub twist 2000 82 Guitar (Washburn), rosewood, in laid with mother-of-pearl 2000 88 Bicycle, standard make, ladies' or genu' 2600 BOOKS SO choice selections sam as last year's list, 40 tags each. This offer expire November 30, 1899. f Address all your Tags and the correspondence about them to DRUMMOND BRANCH, St. Loula, Mo. k i 0 ", r w St lar w W W W W W W 0 W A "THE TRESTLE L.sTsl T rjai . w it; sii . a 1:J b u Ti Bold by all newsdealers. Office, 408 CaU- Morulas".., au rrMiciaca, wak The Hatlonal Inventors' Association. (Incorporated.) We do a general PATENT BUSINESS, W secure, Introduce and sell patents. Our regis ted attorney can gtyon patent direct (nun tha sroverntnent without dlar. Agent wanted 1 BOARD," 61 earl weekly, 0 cents; monthly, lOcents. . rormatlon furnished on r'"t. In every town to sell patentwl article, Further Information furnished on reo,'"t. R'xiM (118 ( HAMBKa Of COMMtHCI BblLDIUa, PoaTLAMll, Oakuov. CURE FOR PILES JlliNli riles utouw; lunlrtturwind sanw ituhin. rhi. form, u well as HHud. UliMdlnv ur Hrotrudintf Piles .re mirod bjr pr. Bo unko'a file Remedy Htot. itoblne and lilee.liiiK. AliH'irhs toiuor. fcn; Jar at driiKcri.t. or sent l.r mail, 'f rt me f r: Writ tua abxul (uur uaae. Utt. But) AM Ku, I'UiUda,, fa. V. V. N. V. no. 7-'. "17Hltw writing to advertlaar 1 1 BaauQ wig paper.