Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, February 17, 1899, Image 4

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A. V. CHENEY. Publisher
Entered In Oregon City postoiHde as 2nd-clase matter
If pid In advance, per yenr 1 J0
Six months . ... . .. ...
Inroe mouths' trial...!
ftThe dale opposite your address on the
paper denotes the time to which you have paid.
OREGON CITY, FEB. 17, 1899.
Comment on the new laws passed by
our grafting state legislature will be
published next week.
Silver Republican Knight of Clacka
mas has been a quiet member, but he
has struck hard blows for the people.
He lias the credit of getting the bill
through to lower school fund interest to
six pe: cent. This will be an' immense
benefit to the entire state, as it will
force interest down all around. Salom
There is no other government in all
the world that Is so completely domi
neered over by the insolent advocates
of greed as is this once boasted free and
independent United States of America.
The country is governed by injunction
and ruled by the gold, the standardtoil
and several hundred other lesser trusts
all receiving their charters from the
golden fountain of fraud, hypocrisy and
Hamiltonism now known as the re
publican party.
The democrats in both houses of con
gress are almost unanimously opposed
to the annexation and permanent gov
ernment of the Philippines by the Unit
ed States. They Btand by the Declara
tion of Independence and the constitu
tion. They respect the traditional policy
of the republic. They are satisfied that
the control of this continent is enough
to satisfy any reasonable ambition for
glory. They do not believo in the ''as
eimilbtion" of 8,000,000 mongrels 10,000
miles away. They do not favor a per
manent expenditure of $200,000,000 to
support a graft of imperialism upon the
country. Jackponville Times.
If it be true as claimed, and it seems
the proof is conclusive, that the big
packing house combine turn it bed fresh'
beef that was "embalmed"' with nau
euating and disease breeding chemicals,
to feed the soldier on during the Span
ish war. why all this damfoolishness
and fol-de-rol of court marshaling army
officers? Why do not those in authority
see to it that the guilty packers are
justly, severely and swiftly punished?
They are the guilty hounds that ought
to suffer. But then they won't be
cause they helped buy the present gang
in power their president. And this is
not an idle remark or juke, either.
The monthly statement of the treas
ury department shows that in January
the public debt increased $23,448,403.
The cash in the treasury decreased dur
ing the same time $20,180,019. It would
appear, therefore, that the government
"ran behind" noarly $14,000,000 in Jan
uary. The oflicial statement further
shows that for the seven mouths of the
fiscal year ending January 31 the ex
penditures were $380,004,802, being $92,.
807,962 more than the receipts. At this
rate the increase of the public debt for
the year will be nearly $100,000,000.
And yet we are only in the vestibule of
imperialism. Was not public sentiment
wise in culling a halt?-
Turns newspapers' that act as the
apologist fur the present gold bug ad
ministration, tiro continually tilling of
the great prosperity in the land, and
yelping "calamity liowli r" at the writer
that tells the trim coudiliori if affdrs.
Yet these same papers very frequently
contain notices of the mr-etirg of ''char
ity boards" in all the cities and of the
hills allowed by city and county authot
itios to provide for the paupers, w ho are
mill in evidence. They say there is
plenty of woik, yet even this day a mil
lion men are looking in vain for em
ployment, and a million women aro ex
istitia on a scant allowance of charity,
and a million children (!o hungry to bed
every night. The man who says that
"General Prosperity" is in the saddle in
this country is a liar and traitor to his
fellow man. lint there is rr. a'er yea,
ten times greater prosperity under the
.McKinley administration POU THE
TRUSTS and robber combines than
there ever was before in this country.
However, this does not constitute gen
eral prosperity for all the people be
cause while the trusts thrive, wages of
the woi king people are reduced, taxes
are increased and the necessaries of life
are advanced in price, because they are
most all controlled by the trusts. It is
Ml "calamity howling" to write these
facts, but to yelp "calamity howl" is
the only argumont the tory press can
produco in defense of their masters.
They trust by cant phrases to befuddle
the people, but their schemes are wear
ing threadbare.
D-ni't make muslin underwear, wh.'n
vou can buy at very low priets, at the
liacket Store,
Matters Concerning Local Every
day Affairs Noticed by the
Courier-Herald Reporter.
Our legislators will all return, home
this week, and will now have an oppor
tunity to explain why they voted for
certain measures Road supervisors
will be elected by the people in the fu
ture, while the senarate board of com
miKsioners' bill will take effect at once,
so it is stated.
' . "
In Portland many of the people are
making a kick against the side entrances
to saloons. In Oregon City some of the
saloons are kicking because a few of
their competitors have two front en
trancesa weekday door and a Sunday
door. '
If the authorities don't stop bicycle
riding on the upper Seventh street side
walks, there may be other accidents to
chronicle soon. It's too muddy now,
for women and children to get off the
sidewalks to allow bicyclists to take the
planks. And it's a caution the way
the bikes come down the steep grades.
The bill introduced in the legislature
requiring county 1 courts to lay extra
Elanks so that engines can pass over
ridges and culverts in safety, Jailed to
become a law
Board of Trade and Country
Committees Meet and Inspect.
President H. E. Cross, O. O. T. Wil
liams, H. H Johnson and C. H. Dye,
board of trade committee, and Sheriff
J. J.CookeJ. A. Roskn and A. W.
Cheney on Tuesday met the committees
from Molalla, Mulino and Oarus and
went over the proposed new road be
tween Cams and Mulino as well aa the
old road. Afterward the different com
mittees met in Payne's school house,
and each selected a member to act as
sub-committee of four as follows:
H. E. Cross, Oregon City; Frank
Jagger, Carus; F. M. Manning, Mulino,
and J. R. Shaver, Molalla. Frank Jag
gar was chairman of the meeting and
H. E. Cross secretary,
This sub-committee is to solicit $150
to pay for surveying both routes with
estimates of cost and grades, and report
to full committee later,
The Oregon Oity delegation agreed to
raise $75, if each of the other committees
would raise $25 each.
The committee from Molalla con
sisted of J. R. Shavei, J. R Cole, H.S.
Ramsby, 0. Robbins and Sam Engle.
Mit Cross and H. Everhart were also
The Mulino committeemen were J. J.
Mallatt, O. T. Howard, M. Mulvey, l)r
Goucher, W. A. Wood side and F. M.
Carus was represented by Frank Jag
gar, E-A. Howard, W, E. Randon, Ed
Payne, R. Sheonborn, committee, and
U. E. Spence.
As near as could be ascertained with
out a survey of the cost of the building
the new road or the old road would be
about the same,$10,000 or $12 000, pro
vided too much was not asked for dam
ages on new route, which would be a
little cheaper otherwise. On oldroad a
grade 6 to 8 per cent could be had and
on new one 4 and 5 per cent grades.
Some seemed to favor the route to con
nect with the Highland road, but this
would mske a mile more of road to
travel, although a good grade could be
In an article in last week's paper
mention was made of Sam Engle in con
nection with the road matter. This is
an error. It should have been H. En
gle. Taken at the beginning, Quinia Tonic
will prevent a severe attack of Malaria
or Grippe. Taken after an attack, it
prevents the dangerous and dreaded re
lapse and restores quickly your former
strength. For sale only by C. G. Hunt
ley, cut rate druggist.
Teachers' Certificates Issued.
The county board of school examin
ers, consisiing, of Mrs. H. S. Strange,
deputy county superintendent, and
Professors J. C. Zinser and N. W. Bow
land, worked day and night on the ex
amination papers of applicants for
teachers' county certificates, and got
through tnoir work two or three days
earlier, than their predecessors, not
withstanding there was an unusually
large number of applicants. The entire
class of 48 passed the on'eal of an ex
amination, and were granted certificates
as to lows:
First grade Branton Yeddor, Wood
burn ; F. M. Gill, Garfield J Zona May
ti "Id, Highland ; John Conger, Aurora.
Second grade A 1. Herman, Ben
ver cree ; Eliza Burns, J F. Mitts,
Canhy ; Zolina .S. Shaver, Molalla J Mar
tin Massingor, Shubol j flattie Wilcox,
Red la nd.
Third grade Maude E, Noble, Ma
bel Thayer, Oregon City; Gertrude E.
Jones, Marqnam; Wil'um E. Karr,
F.dwin Spooner, Julia Spooner, Elith
Karr, Payn; George Murdock, Macks -burg;
Mabel liver, Stone; Daisy Sand
stone, Lydin Smith, Portland"; Jessie
M. Pnrrott, Barlow; Harry Hobsrt,
Silverton; I.illie Thompson, Needy;
K'tte New, Kstolla Buoy, Orient ; Mol
lie Burns, Daisy A. Phelps, Cauby.
In a Ulition to the above the follow
ing were recommended for state papers:
Life diploma J. W. Gray, Oregon
Oity State diploma Mrs. L M,
Hedge, Sycamore; J. O. mser, Ore
gon City ; A. O. Strange, Orient. State
certificate Nolli Yountter, Oregon
City; Mary Young, Milwaukie: Willard
W. Austen, Logan; O. M. Crittenden,
The applicants for county certificates
are required to state in their written ex
amination papers, what, educational
journals they take, if any. One bright
young lady wrote down the reply,
OouiuKR-HuH.u.i). This vonng lady
passed an excellent examination, and
will make her mark in Clackamas
Rheumatism causes more aches and
pains than any o'h r disease. It is due
to acid in the blood, and is cured by
Hood's Sarsaparilla, which neutralizes
this arid.
Hood's Pills core biliousness. Mailed
f.r l'5 its. by C. 1. Hood A Co., Lr well,
Money loaned on or life insurance
policies bought for cash. C. O. T. Wil
liams, office upstairs, next M.E church.
Mason A Hamlin and Kimball parlor
organs for sale at Oregon City Auction
House, opposite postollice. i
Ready made itress skirts from $1.50
to $3.00 at the Racket Store.
A few cheap reliable watches at
Younger's .
Highest cash price paid for second
hand household goods at Bellomy &
Money to loan at 8 percent interest on
mortgages. Apply to O. D. & D. G.
And the prices are quoted so ridicu
lously low that it will pay you to call.
Celia Goldsmith.
The Club tonsorial parlors, P, G.
Shark, proprietor, shaves for 10 cents.
A full line of cigars and tobacco is kept.
Dan Willians has added to his stock of
groceries and provisions a full line of
feed and hay. Goods delivered to all
parts of the city free. Corner Seventh
and Center streets 5
Ribbons, embroideries, laces and all
kinds of notions at the Racket Store.
Money to loan at 8 per cent interest on
mortgages. Apply to C D. & D. O
Latourette. I have abundance of money to loan at
S and choice loans will be made at 1'
C. II . Dye.
When in Portland be sure and call at
the Royal restaurant where you can get
the best 15c meal in the city. 253 First
street, corner of Madison. Wm.
Bohlander, proprietor.
Younger, who has had a life-long ex -perience,
will clean your watch for a
A fine Steinway piano for sale, long
time given, at Oregon City Auction
For the next thirty days we will sell
all trimmed and untrimmed hats at a
great reduction. Miss Goldsmith.
Wanted 100 watches to repair at $1
each, at C. A. Nash's, Postofhca build
ing, tt.
For Rent A house, barn and eight
lots in Parkplace for $4 per month. In
quire at John Everhart's merchandise
store at Ely, Oregon.
For first-class handmade or machine
made harneea go to F, H, Cross on
Seventh street, opposite A O U W hall,
Prices reasonable and wok guaranteed,
If you have anything to sell advertise
in Couhier-Herald.
Shoe repairing of all kinds at F, H ,
Cross' harness shop, opposite A O U
W building on the hill,
Weekly Oregmian and Courier
Herald for $2 per year.
For Rent The lanre 8 room, modern
constructed house, lately occupied by
Rev. M. L. Rugs, for rent.
H. E. Cross, Agent.
Ladies, new lot of wrappers, beautiful
ly trimmed, full measure, at the Racket
United Modern Vigilantes have one
payment pr-r month, no more no les.
No per capita tax. When yon seethe
rate opposite your age on folder you
know that's what you pay and you are
not guessing what your next payment
will be. Join the Oeegon Oity Branch.
I'robate Court.
David Wills, administrator, of the es
tate of Charles Duncan, deceased, was
granted an order to pay pro-rata on
certain claims against the estate.
In the matter of the estate of John
Zumwalt, sr . deceased, the adminis
trator was gi"en an order to sail the
personal property.
P. A. Baker, who resigned his trust
as executor of the estate of Augusta
Melcher, deceased, was released from
all liability. Ma Schulpius succeeds
him as administrator.
In the matter of the guardianship of
Peter and Rebecca Lund, minors. Chris
tina Lund, having been appointed guar
dian, it was ordered that L, M. David
son, J H. Manning and O. Hanson be
appointed aporaisers.
In the matter of the estate of Paulina
Coe, deceased, tho administrator, E, A.
Coe, was authorized to sell the real
In the nutter of the estate of Rodine
Coe. deceased. E. A. Coo, administra
tor, the sale of real property was con
firmed .
Andrew Drngler was appointed ad
ministrator r,f the estate of Christian
Morlok, deceased .
Notice of Special Corporate Meeting.
A j,-,ivi.t nrr,vrnt iTiAtJiic nf th
share holders of the Willamette S.tvings
, r . : . : : 1 1 I... i. ..i I ...
ana i.ii, vu asmicwi ion win ob iumii ui
their oitice in the Bank of Oregon Oity
Building on Tuesday, February 21st,
isn'.i, ai .w o ciock p. m,, mr inu pur-
,.,u.i f iklooint. t nnniiimtinn .nnfflt
V.l t'M.W. ... ....... ...n.w.. v.... .v..
.I.ifna f.-tt. ,1 i cuxt .a imil a m 1 1 hira ttt Im
voted for at the annual corporate meet
ing io oo noiu iviarcn uui, in.m. two
tellers will also oe elocteu to act at an
nual meeting. By order of
E. G. Caufiri.o,
Attest, President
G. B. Dimk'K, Seciet'iry.
Beats the Klondike.
Mr. A. O. Thomas, o(5I.irvsvillo, Tex
has found a more valuable diswory
than bus vet open made in trio Klondike,
For years he futt'ered untold ajtony from
consumption, accompanied by hemurrli
ues; and was absolutely cured by lr
King's New dihcoveiv for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds. Ho declares that gold
is of little value in comparison with this
marvelous cure ; would have it il iteom a
hundred dollars ft bottle. At'ima, bron
chitis and all all throat and Img utfee
tinng are positively cured by Ut. lvina'a
New Discovery for Consumption. Trial
bottles free at 'O. A. 11 ardinjt Drugstore
Retiular size ft0.-ts. and $1, Guaranteed
to cure or price refunded. ,
To Cure Cnnatlpntlan Furcvu.
Take Casearets Candy Cathartic 10c
or 25e. If O. O. C. fail to cure, druggists
refund money.
Your friends may smile
But that tired feeling ,
Means danger. It "
Indicates impoverished
. And impure blood.
This condition may
Lead to serious illness.
It should be promptly ,
Overcome by taking
Hood's Sarsaparilla,
Which purifies and
Enriches the blood,
Strengthens the nerves,
Tones the stomach,
: Creates an appetite,
And builds up,
Energizes and vitalizes
The whole system.
Be sure to get
Only Hood's.
Progressive -
Insure in a first-class companies
With an experenccd agent.
F. E Donaldson, Agent
fire and Accident Insurance
Land Titles and Land
uilme Business a .Specialty.
Will practice In all the Courts of the State and
the Bureaus of the Interior Dsparlment at Wash
ington. Room S, Chabhan Building,
General Blacksmith,
Opp.Charman's Store, OKEGON CITY
Special Attention Given' to all kinds of
Tool work.
Livery & Feed Stable
Has the best-looking rigs
and cheapest rates in the
Cor. Main and 4th St.
IS THE TIME to clean
house and repaper yout
rooms and paint your
houe and .............
IS THE MAN to do
the painting and papering
in a first-class shape at
very low prices. Leave
orders at Ely ?ros. store
on upper 7th streeth.
PlnmhliiK work thm In faitlly lu some minor
pnrrU'lilur is not Rood plumbing. To be rmiit l i
.11 tinios must be rlsnt clear through, livery pie
omul, every Joint tight, tvery tap uonU'tikaUe,
every drain srns proof.
And vru make them that way.
45 cents round trip from Oregon City
to Portltuul ami return via Southern
Paeitio trains. One way rate 25 cents.
Tickets now on sale at railroad dejwt.
Trains leave Oregon City at 8:40 a. m.,
and 3:35 p. m., and arrives from Port
land at 9:23 a. ru. and 6:52 p. m. Save
time by using the quicker route.
Shall we '.X'vfijV.
tell you i
why? IJl V
;For Ladies or Gentlemen
Is Past
But you want good flour for your
bread and pastry. The best, is
made by the Portland Flouring
Mills Company and
the best Value
20 Days'Shoe Sale
All of our Fall and Winter Stock
To make room for Spring Stock
Our Men's $5.00 lines now. .$3 90
Big Reduction on Ladies'
See Prices in onr Window.
Fresh Stock of
Depot for HAY and FEED
Jfek .Do ' '
' You
Dealer In-
Also Fall Use cl Mill Feed, Lime, Cement il land Plaster.
Look at Your Houses ?
If you haven't got time, call on G. REDD A WAY.
He will do you an honest job at a reasonable price. A
full stock of Paints and Oils kept on hand. Call and see
him before buying your order. Paper Hanging and
Kalsomining done to perfection. All work guaranteed.
"Sole Agent in Clackamai County for OUR NATIVE HERBS.
The Greatest
Of the Age ! !
. IP .
"The Shoe Man,"
Sole Agent,
, '
injur i
in all lines of Groceries have been
found here during the past year.
In 1899 we intend to redouble our
efforts toward securing the finest
the land produces and also toward
making prices which will compel
the economically inclined to trade
with us.
In our Bakery Department can
be found everything in the line of
choice Pastry and the best Bread
in the city made fresh every day
Bakers and Grocers
Opposite Postoffice, - . Oregon City
3 So
3 IS
2 50
2 25
2 00
Fall and Winter Shoes.
Willamette Block, Oregon City
That you can get First
Class Fresh Groceries of
all kinds of MARR &
MUIR at very reasonable
prices ? Why pay more ?