SIXTEEN I BY THE FLAMES MAY YET MAKE A TREATY. An Insane Asylum Cottage Burned at Yankton. WOMEN PATIENTS THE VICTIMS The Thermometer Registered 83 Below Zero, But Prompt Action 8ave4 Others From Freezing. Yankton, S. D., Feb. 14. A most horrifying fire ooourred this morning at 2 o'olook at the state insane asy lum, when one of the oottages was com pletely gutted and caused the loss of the lives of 17 women inmates. The cottage had stone and granite walls with wooden interiors, and in tended for laundry purposes. Owing to the crowded oondition of the main building, 40 of the female patients were plaoed here with the laundry in the basement. The fire originated in the diyroora of the laundry. Here there was a coil of steam pipes, and, the theory is that either fine particles simi lar to lint settled on the pipes and ig nited, or that clothes which were thickly hung close by dropped on to the pipes and were fired. The fighting ot the fire was greatly hindered by the loss of power. The only source of water was an artesian well. 400 feet distant, the pipes for numcina which ran through the cot tage. The intense heat soon cause! the pipes toburBt, thus leaving the fire, men without poyj7"r, and dependent en tirely upon the direot pressuiefrom the tank. But two streams of water oould lie thrown on the building, and these did but little eood. . Fifty-two persons were in the build ing, 40 patients and 12 attendants. The structure was three stories and an attio high, and had two entrances. There was one stairway from the sec ond and third floors, which led into the main hall, thus giving but one egress for those above the first floor. Patients and attendants fled with ter ror, great confusion resulting, especially among those ' on the upper Boors. Many heartrending scenes were enacted as the inmates, clad only in their night clothes and barefooted, rushed down the narrow flight of stairs, and finally out into the snow. The temperature was 23 degrees below zero, and further loss of life from freezing was prevented alone by prompt work of the attend ants from the main buildings. The at tendants escaped, as did the others, who were saved, with none of their personal effects, many losing all they possessed. Portions ot ciiatred re mains oan be seen in the debris at the bottom of the basement. The fonr walls of stone still stand, black and Krim, and will make the work of re moval dangerous, as a total collapse is liable to occur without a moment's warning. The institution was destroyed by fire in 1882, when six lives were lost. The pecuniary loss at today's fire is $18,000. uninsured. BURIED IN AN AVALANCHE. Joint High Commissioners' Work Nearly Completed The 8h(W; Question. Chicago, Feb. 16.-A speoial to the Times-Herald from Washington says: Great Britain and the United States are to have a closer bond of friendship. The joint high commission which came perilously near breaking up in a rup ture Monday, will probably conclude a treaty, after all. The United States commissioners, instead of presenting an ultimatum as the Canadians expected submitted a memorandum conciliatory in tone offer ing certain rights at Skagway, and suggesting further negotiation. The possibility of effeotmg an agreement was also advanced by a cablegram re ceived by Baron Hershell from Joseph Chamberlain, England's minister for the colonies, directing the Canadian commission to exhaust every effort to reach an amicable agreement, keeping n mind the importance of promoting the present cordial relations between the United StateB and Great Britain. The ooncession to Canada is the light to maintain a custom-house at faKag way, but no territory will be ceded at that point. L AND 3QBS1 ATTACK ON CALOCAN. Both Will Be Sidetracked at This Session. LACK OF TIME TO CONSIDER OPPOSED TO EXPANSION. the Mo- the 22. the The United States Senate Passes McEnerjr Resolution. "Washington. Feb. 16. The Enery resolution was adopted in senate today by a vote of 26 to The text of the resolution follows: "That by the ratification of treaty of peaoe with Spain it is not in tended to incorporate the inhabitants of the Philippines into citizenship of the United States, nor is it intended to permanently annex said islands as an integral part of the territory of the United States, but it is the intention of the United States to establish on said islands a government suitable to the wants' and conditions of the in habitants of the said islands, to pre pare them for local self-government, and in due time to make such disposi tion of said islands as will best pro mote the interests of the c'tizens of the United States and the inhabitants of said islauds. " TO DETHRONE MATAAFA. Man? Italian Miners Victims of the Slide Eight Bodies Recovered. Denver, Feb. 14. Two mighty ava lanches combining into one swept down Cherokee guloh at 8 o'clock this morning, carrying away a dozen or more mine buildings, cabins and ma chinery, and causing a great loss of life and damage to mine property. How many dead bodies lie in this great mass of snow and debris will not be known before spring. Eight dead bodies are now at the morgue, two more persons are known to be lost, and three have been taken out alive. The rescuing party has only penetrated about 15 feet into the mass of snow and wreokage piled up at the foot of the gulch to the depth of 75 feet. Agonotllo Ordered the Fight. Washington, Feb. 14. The follow ing oablegram was received at the war department today from Otis: "Manila, Feb. 14. Adjutant-General, Washington: It is reported the insurgent representative at Washington teleuraphetd Aguinaldo to drive out the Americans before the arrival of re inforcements. The dispatch was re ceived at Hong Kong and mailed to Malolos, which deoided on the attack to be made about the 7th inst. The eaeerness of the insurgent troops to engage the Americans precipitated the battle." Panama Strike Continues. Colon, Colombia, Feb. 14. At a conference held yesterday at Panama, a representative of the strikers deolared that the men were willing to accept 3.20 a day in currency, but the rail way officials deolined to entertain the1 proposition. Fifty more laborers from Fortune island arrived today on the steamer Finance. The general situa tion, so far as the strike is concerned, is unaltered. This end of the Panama railroad is completely blockaded. Gale In England. London, Feb. 14. A heavy gale iwept the British islands yesterday and has oontinued today, causing floods at many points. Rivers have overflowed their banks, railways have been sub merged and there have been numerous casualties along the coast. In reply to the representations of Ambassador White, Germany has as eured the United States that she will investigate the conduot of her agents in Samoa, and should it be shown that thev have acted in violation of the treaty of Berlin, she will recall them, Halietoa Tanus to Be King When the Philadelphia Arrives. San Franoisco, Feb. 16. A cable special to the Call from Auckland, N. Z., dated today says: On the arrival nt Apia of the United States cruiser Philadelphia, Malietoa Tanus will be taken ashore from H. M. 8. Porpoise by the American and British consuls, who will deolare him king. If Matanfa refuses to retire in favor of Malietoa, he will be arrested by the consuls, who will be backed by a force from the two warships. There is grave anxiety in Apia and muoh looting of pioperty by the na tives. Mataafa is levying taxes and making his rule obnoxious in other ways. When the Alameda left Apia the German warship Falke and the British warships Royalist and Porpoise were at Apia. Want Honorable Peace. San FranoiBOO, Feb. 16. The Fili pinos, General Riego de Dios and M. Rivera, who arrived last week irom Manila intending to join their associ ates in Washington, have decided to eave today for Montreal. Rivera expresses himself as perfectly astounded at the kind treatment he has nvariably received in this city. The two envoys will endeavor to per suade Agoncillo to return to Washing ton and join with his associates in pleading for an honotable peace. Improbable Humor. London, Feb. 16. Thre Paris corre spondent of the Morning Post says: "In financial circles it Is persmtentiy rumored that negotiations between the Panama Company and the Washing ton government, whereby the latter is to complete the oanal. are in a fair way of being successfully concluded. It is said that the Panama Company would reoeive a large percentage of the oanal receipts, and that the iuoaragua route would be abandoned." The Army Bill Must Pass or the Presi dent Will Call an Extra Session Chairman Cannon's Warning. Washington, Feb. 11. Chairman Cannon, of the appropriations com mittee of the houso, in the course of a general debate on the sundry civil bill today, sounded a note of warning against extravagant appropriations, and particularly served notice that neither ship-subsidy bill nor the Nicaragua canal bill could be passed at this ses sion. Although he speoifioally , dis claimed speaking for any one but him self, the statements he made, coming fiom the chairman of, the appropria tions oommittee, caused great inter est. ' Cannon made a statement of the expenditures and revenue for the pres ent fiscal year, increasing Secretary Gage's estimate of the deficiency in the revenues from $112,000,000 to f 159,- 000,000, exclusive of the . $30,000,000 to be paid to Spain under the proYi sions of the treaty of Paris. At the opening of the session of the house today, a bill to amend the war revenue act was passed, providing that when a bond or note was seoured by mortgage but one stamp should be affixed, of a higher rate due on either instrument. Among other bills passed was one granting railways the right of way through the Nez Perces ,reserva tion, in Idaho; to grant Boulder, Colo., 1,800 acres of land in the mountains for a park; to remove the existing dis ability of Confederates, preventing them from sitting on federal, petit and grand juries (this was the last of the political disabilities of ex Confederates to be removed)., and for the relief of the heirs of the late Edward De Leon, late oonsul-ganeral to Egypt. The house then went into committee of the whole and took up the consider ation of the sundry civil appropriation bill. Cannon (Rep. 111.), in charge of the measure, made a general analysis of what it contained. It carries $63, 928,101, but $20,000,000 is for pay ment to Spain to carry out the provi sions of the Paris treaty. Exolusive of that, the bill carries $8,095,758 less than the estimates, and $5,929,311 less than the current law. Cannon's statement of the condition of the levenues brought on a general discussion, which lasted until adjourn ment. Town Bedueed by Combined Assault of American Forces. Manila, Feb. IS. The American forces at 3:10 this afternoon made a combined attack upon Colocan and re duced it in short order. At a signal from the tower of the de la Lome church (United States signal station), the double-turreted monitor Monadnock opened fire from the bay witli the big guns of her fore turret on the earth works, with great effect. Soon after ward the battery bombarded the place from another position. The rebels reserved their fire until the bombardment ceased, when they fired volleys of musketry as the Mon tana regiment advanced on the jungle. The Kansas regiment, on the ex treme left, with the artillery deploying to the right, charged aoross the open and carried the earthworks, cheering under a heavy fire. Supported by the artillery at the church, the tioops fur ther advanced, driving the enemy, fighting every foot, right into the town line, and penetrated to the presidency and lowered the Filipino flag at 5:30 P. M. , . t ., The enemy's sharpshooters int the jungle on the right fired at long range on the Pennsylvania regiment, but the rebels were soon silenced by sharpnel shells and the Pennsylvania remained in the trenches. As the Americans advanced they burned the native houses. The rebels were mowed down like grass, but the American losses were slight. m, Frightened Filipino Envoys. San 1 Francisco, Feb.' 13. On the steamer from Yokohama today came "General";E. Riego de Dios and Senor M. Rivera, who are Aguinaldo's special commissonerB to Washington. They were very muoh disturbed when told of the latest developments in the Philippines. England Wants Warships. Lima, Peru, via Galveston, Tex., Feb. 13. Great Britain, it is reported here today, has offered to purchase the Chilian and Argentine warships. Senor Carlos Walker Martinez, minister of the interior, has demanded of the Bo livian minister, Dr. Emeterie Cano, a guarantee of the immunity of the lives and property of the Chilians in Bolivia during the hostilities between Presi dent Alonzo of Bolivia and the federal ists, or insurgents. MUST HAVE A CABLE. The chief officer and boatswain of the British steamer Martello, from New York for Hull, England, were killed and the Quartermaster and a teaman drowned, during a storm recently. Greatest In HUtory or Atlantic. Washington, Feb. 16. A weather bulletin ioday savs that from the At lantic coast the storm has passed on to Nova Scotia with rapid velocity and al most unprecedented development. Owing to its extent and extreme de structiveness, this storm will always be remembered as the greatest storm in the hiBtory of the Atlantic ooast states and the most remarkable for the perfect combination of the conditions necessary tD produce such results. Union Pacific Telegraphers. Omaha, Feb. 16. The Union Pa cific telegraphers have presented to the company their new scale of wages, hours, etc. At the request ol Oeneral Manaeer Dickinson, the settlement of the matter has been deferred until March 1. Colonel Gales Ramsey Dead. Washington, Feb. 16. The war de partment today was advised of the death of Colonel Gales Ramsey, Sev enth artillery, at Augusta, Ga., yester day. Disorders In Samoa Continue. Auckland, N. Z., Feb. 16. Advices from Samoa under date of February 8 report that anarchy and rebellion still prevail there. Castaways Saved. Chicago, Feb. 16. After being adrift on an ice floe in Lake Michigan lor over 15 hours, the five people who were carried out Sunday evening by the hreakine of the ice were rescued, and it is not expected that any of them will be much the worse for the experience. AFTER A TOWNSITE. A Portion of the City of Rnslvn Claimed by Swan Kelson Other Coast Mews. Ira M. Krutz and Bogle & Rigg have begun an action in the superior court of Kititas county for the recovery of 160 aores upon which the townsite of Roslyn, Wash., is located, and the im provements of the Northern Paoiflo Railway Copmany, amounting to about $150,000. This suit is brought against the coal company and railway com pany in behalf of Swan Nelson, who claims under title of an application ior a homestead filing, made in June, 1884, but which was rejected by the local land offloe. The main Question involved in the contest for possession of this valuable properety hinges upon the validity of the railroad company's withdrawals of 1873 and 1879, and re filing of maps of definite location. ' Fishing Suspended. Fishing has been praotioally sus pended on the Columbia and the steel- head buyers have gone out of business for the winter. The steelheads are now running up the creeks tributary to the Columbia. Farmers on the Lewis and Clark. John Day, and other rivers are using setnets and catch enough to supply their tables with fresh fish. Occasionally a cbinook salmon is taken, but these fish, with a few steelhead are chiefly caught in the sloughs in the vicinity of Clifton. Chinooks sell at 6 oents and steelheads at 5 cents, but scaroely enough are taken to sup ply local demands. An Old Offender. A. B. Trilwud, who was found guilty in Klamath county inovember, for attepting to kill J. F. Adams, has been identified by the superintendent of the insane asylum at Kankakee. 111., as Newton Ritchie, who escaped from that institution in 1881. Trilwud, or Ritohie, is serving a 10 year's' sentence in the penitentiary. Profit From Cows. W. M. Allingham, of Shedd, Or., has 14 oows which be milked during Deoember and shipped the milk to Al bany creamery. He received a check for $93.60 for the milk during that month, besides selling $1.60 worth of milk to looal parties and using plenty for his family. It is nearly an average of $7 per cow a month. New Creosotlng Plant. The creosoting plant of the Southern Pacific has recently began operation at Latham, in Lane county. Huge re torts or boilers, long enough to take inf piles 110 feet long, are first filled wit timber, whioh ate then covered witbr' cieosota and heated to a temperature of 250 degrees. This heat drives that water all out of the wood by evapoia tion, and the hot creosote takes its placo during an immersion of eight to twelve hours. It is claimed that piling tons treated will last 50 years. The life of untreated piles is about 10 years. Many Horses Perished. Reports from Gilliam county, Or., are to the effeat that range horses haw perished in enormous numbers during the late cold snap. Persons who trav eled over that section of the country have seen the animals lying by tb roadsied, having been frozen to death, after reaohing the stage of starvation. - , More Goats Than First Reported. Instead of only 1,400 goats in and around North Yamhill, the local pa per says that, acoording to a recent careful oount, made by some looal men, there are about 4,000 head, all of. which are within a comparatively short distance of the town. Mew Shingle Hill. E. L. Gaudette, a Whatcom county, Wash., logger, is building a new shingle mill at Samish lake. The mill will cost about $8,000 and be finished and running about March SO or later during that month. The mill cat about 150,000 shingles a day. Increase In Wheat Acreage. The reports of confidential agents of the Southern Pacific- show that a 10 per cent increase in acreage has been sown in wheat this winter, and also that tho oondition of the crop is excellent. PACIFIC COAST TRADE. Washington, Feb. 16. Otis cables from Manila as follows: "One hun dred and eighty officers and 1,800 Span- fearful 18,1 prisoners left pert on the 12th and 1 13th, on route to bpain. In the Senate- Washington, Feb. 11. Several bills of minor importance were passed by the senate this morning. One of them was to restore to their original status as to promotion officers of the navy and marine corps who lost numbers by rea son of advancement of othei officers for exceptional and meritorious servioe dur ing the war with Spain. Another bill passed authorized th purchase or construction of a launch for the customs servioe at Astoria, Or., to cost not more than $2,500. Consideration of the executive, legls lative and judicial bill was then re Burned. The paragraph relating to the deposit of copyright works in the na tional library was stricken out with the intention of revising it in conference, A brief but lively oivil service de bate was preoipitated by an Inquiry of Cookrell, concerning the expenditure of money lor tiie ulrlce ol supervising architect. He maintained that the work of the supervising architect's office was done slowly, if not badly. The construction of publio buildings dragged through year after year. Were those buildings being erected by private individuals they would be completed in one season. Following a general discussion, the pending bill was laid aside, after 61 pages had been disposed of, and at 6:15, on motion of Hoar, the senate went into executive session and sooon adjourned. Army Bill Must Pass. Washington, Feb. 11. The Post says: lire army reorganisation bill must pass or the president will call an extra session of congress. The opposi tion to the bill in the senate has al ready been frequently referred to in the Post,' and the prediction made that some compromise would be agreed upon whereby legislation of a temporary character would be placed in the army appropriation bill. This will not satisfy the administration. No make-shift expedient will be accepted. The president has determined that the passage of the army bill shall be made an issue, and there is no doubt in administration circles that he will be successful. If, however, an ob stacle should prevent action, an extra session will surely be held." An Independent Une. Portland, Or., Feb. 11. Millionaire William G. Tiffany, of New York, the largest holder in the proposed Portland and Seattle road, vehemently denies that the Union Pacific or any other road will have any interest in the new line. He states it will be entirely in dependent. More to the point, work on the road is to begin at once. The American Carnalities. Washington, Feb. 11. General Otii cables the war department that the to tal casualties resulting from all engage ments since the of evening February 4 aggregate 268, as follows: Killed, 8 officers, 66 enlisted men; wounded, 8 officers, 169 enlistd men; missing enlisted men. President McKlnley's Message to Con gress Urges Action at This Session. Washington, Feb. 18. The presi dent's message on the Pacific cable, transmitted to congrosa today, is as follows: "Aj a consequence of the ratification of the treaty of Paris by the senate of the United States, and its expected ratiflction by the Spanish government, the United States will come into pos session of the Philippine islands, on the farther shores of the Paoific, the Hawaiian islands and Guam being United States territory, and forming convenient stopping places on the way across the sea, and the necessity for speedy cable communication between the United States and all the Philip pine islands has become imperative, Such communication should be estab lished in such a way as to be wholly under the control of the United States, whether in time of peace or war. At present, the Philippines oan be reached only by cables which pass through many foreign oountries, and the Ha waiian island and Guam can only be oommunioated with by steamers, in volving delays in each instance of at least a week. The present conditions should not be allowed to continue for a moment longer than is absolutely nee issary. The time has arrived when a cable in the Pacifio must extend as far as Manila, touching at the Hawaiian islands and Guam on the way. "Under those circumstances, it be' comes a paramount neoessity that meas ures should be taken before the olose of the present congress to provide such means as may seem suitable for the es tablinhment of a oable system. I reo ommend the whole subjeot to the care ful consideration 'of congress, and to such prompt action as may seem ad visable. IN BLEAK SIBERIA. Wichita, Kan., Feb. 11. It is re ported here that many cattle of the range are suffering from frozen hoofs, This usually proves fatal. Got. Rogers as an Author. Governor Rogers, of Washington, has received the advance sheets of a woik of fiction he ia about to issue. The title of the work is, "Looking For ward; or, the Story of an American Farm." The work is in a sense auto biographical in character, and is out of the usual line of the executive a liter aiy efforts. Frloe of Bay on the Rise. Hay was reported a month ago to be worth $10 per ton in the region south of Pendleton. It sold for less when the warm weather came on; but, now that the cold has come again, bay com mands a high figure. A large quantity will be needed to feed livestock through the remainder of the winter. Artesian Well Irrigation. The Wilson artesian well, in Wide Hollow, Yakima oounty, .Wash., is now down 1080 feet, and water has been secured sufficient to irrigate about 10 aores. Operations nave rjeen tempor arily BUBpended to await the receipt of casing, the drill having struck a stratum of gravel. An Old Pioneer Dead. Thomas Finlayson, aged 78, a Scotoh pioneer, who came to Oregon in 1862 and made the first or second land entry in the present Baker county, died at Baker City last week. The sturdy pioneer's farm is now a part of the thriving Pacifio addition to this city. Found His Brother Dead. A young man named Piper died near Ellensburg last week. A sad oiroum- stance was the arrival of a brother from the East to visit him after a separation of eight years. The first he knew of his brother's death was when he met the party with the body. Frosen Heating Apparatus. The steam heating apparatus in the publio school at Independence was frozen during the recent cold snap, and soliool had to be adjourned for a week, or until the heating apparatus oould again be gotten into woiking order. Portland Market. Wheat Walla Walla, 58o; Valley, 69c; Bluestem, 61o per bushel. Flour Best grades, $3.20; graham. $2.65; superfine, $3.16 per barrel. Oats Choice white, 41 42c; choice gray, 8940o per bushel, v Barley Feed barley, $2223; brew ing, $23.00 per ton. Millstuffs Bran, $17 per ton; mid dlings, $22; shorts, $18; chop, $16.00 per ton. Hay Timothy, $9 10; clover, T 8; Oregon wild hay, $6 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery, 6055o; seconds, 4650o; dairy, 4045o store. Bodies of A ii dree and Party Probably round Discovered by Natives. Krasnovarsk, Sibeiia, Feb. 18. A gold mine owner named MoUHEtyrschln has received a letter saying that a tribe of Turgusos, inhabiting the Timir pen insula, North Siberia, recently in farmed the Russian police chief of the district that on January 7 last, between Komo and Pit, in the province of Yen iseisk. they found a cabin constructed of cloth and cordage, apparently be longing to a balloon. Close by were the bodies of three men, the head of one badly crushed. Around them were a number ot instruments, the uses of whioh were not understood by the Turgusos. The police chief has started for the dent; i. spot to investigate, and it is believed treasurer. mat (lie UOUies are tnuse oi me aeru- Killed While Skating naut Herr Andree and his companions. while out skatins with a number of Missouri Fruit Crops Killed. other boys, at Independence, Or., re- Nevada. Mo.. Feb. 13. The peace centlv. George W. Phillips fell on the and aprioot crops of Vernon and Cedar ice. His head struck foroibly, and bo conntiea are reported killed today. The died in the evening. Warrants Now at Par. Umatilla county warrants are quoted at par at Pendleton. Orders for scrip to he issued at the March term of the county court sell for 100 cents on the dollar. Pendleton city waiarnts sell at 90 and 92. La Grande on Her Muscle. An athletic club, with 83 members, has been organized at La Grande. The officers are: Dr. E. D. Steinoamp, president; Dr. R. Lincoln, vice-presi L. Meyers, seoretaiy ana loss is estimated at more than $100,- 000. The weather is the coldest known here in 80 years. Trial Revision Bill Adopted. Paris, Feb. 13. The trial revision bill was adopted by a vote of 832 to I 233 in the ohambei of deputies. Late this evening there was considerable I ferment in the streets, caused by the shouting of the rival parties. Olathe, Kan., Feb. 13. Aunt Dicy Dibbs, aged 80 years, was found frozen Native Sons at Ashland. A cabin of Native Sons will be or ganized at Ashland February 21. Cheese Oregon full cream, 12o; Young America, 15o; new cheese, lOo per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $41 per dozen; hens, $4.00 5.00; springs, $1.25 3; geese, $6.00 7.00 for old, $4. 50 5 for young; ducks, $5.00 6.50 per dozen; turkeys, live, 169 16c per pound. Potatoes 60 75o per sack; sweets, 2c per pound. Vegetables Beets, 90c; turnips, 75 per sack; garlio, 7o per pound; cab huge, $1(81.25 per 100 pounds; cauli flower, 75o per dozen; parsnips, 75a per saok; beans, 8c per pound; celery 70 75c per dozen; cucumbers, 60o pet box; peas, 88)o per pound. Onions Oregon, 75o$l per sack. Hops 1518o; 1897 crop, 46o. Wool Valley, 1012o per pound. Eastern Oregon, 8 12c; mohair, iOc per pound. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers) . and ewes, 4o; dressed mutton, 7)fc; spring lambs, 7c per lb. Hogs Gross, ohoice heavy, $4.25; light and feeders, $3.00 4.00; dressed, $5.00(35.60 per 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, 8. 60 $3. 76; cows, $2. 50 3. 00; dressed beef, 66c per pound. Veal Large, 67c; small, 8 9 per pound. Seattle Markets. Onions, 8690o per 100 pounds. Potatoes, $18(380. Beets, per saok, 76c. Turnips, per sack, 6075o. Carrots, per saok, 45 60c, Parsnips, per sack, $1. Cauliflower, 75$1.00o per dot. Celery, 8540o. Cabbage, native and California) (1.25 per 100 pounds. Apples, 86 50o per box. Pears, 60c 1.150 per box. Prunes, 60c per box. Butter Creamery, 26o per pound: dairy and ranch, 1620o per pound. Eggs, 27c Cheese Native, 12 12 b. Poultry Old bens, 14c per pound spring chiokens, 14c; turkeys, 16o. Fresh meats Choice dressed beex steers, prime, 8c; oows, prime, 7c; mutton, Bc; pork, 7o; veal, 68o Wheat Feed wheat, $23. Oats Choice, per ton, $26. Hay Pugot Sound mixed, $9.00 11; choioe Eastern Washington tim othy, $11 014. Corn Whole, $23.60; cracked, $24; feed meal, $23.50. Barley Rolled or ground, per ton, $2626; whole, $22. Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.60; straights, $8.26; California brrnds. $3.25; buckwheat flour, $3.50; graham, per barrel, $3.60; whole wheat flour. $3.76; rye flour, $4.60. ' Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $14; shorts, per ton, $16. Feed Chopped feed, $2023 per ton; middlings, per ton ,'$17; oil caka meal, per ton, $36. The Fenny In Business. A Baker City merchant has in augurnted the custom of giving even change to customers, and finds that it takes. This puts 1-cent pieces into circulation. A Narrow Escape. Eight boys and girls.who were coast to death in her home at Shawnee, here Ing on a bob-sled, at Tacoma, were run she had lived alone lor years, hue cad over by a laundry wagon, rot a won apparently hurt herself by a fall and der, every one escaped without was enable to call for help, I scratch. Ban Franelseo Market. Wool Spring Nevada, 1012o per pound; Oregon, Eastern, 1012o; Val ley, 1517c; Noithern, 9llo. Millstuffs Middlings, $1920.60; bran, $18.00 19.00 per ton. Onions Silverskin,6090cper sack. Butter Fancy creamery, 27o; do seconds, 25 26c; fancy dairy, 28o; do seconds, 19 22o per pound. Eggs Store, 1317o; fancy ranch, 30 22o. Hods. 1898 crop, 183164 rrTm m ft