Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, February 17, 1899, Image 1

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    rMtv Library
16th YEAR, NO. 3
CAPITAL $100,000
Transacts a General1 Banking Business
Loans made. Bills discounted. Makes qol
lections. Buys and sells exchange on all points
In the UnitedfcHates and Europe and on Hong
Kong. Deposits received sutject to check.
Bank open from A M.M4 P. M.
President. . Cashier,
Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law
Office In Commercial Bank Building
Geo. C. Bbowneu J. TJ. Campbku
Caufleld Building
Oregon City, Ore
Jaggar Building, opposite Huntley's,
SDtutfdjer Eboolat.
Notary Publio and Real Estate Broker
Leading Inscbancb Agercy of Claciaxai
Money to Loan. Abstracts of Title Hade
Drawing of Legal Doeumeuts a Specialty
Office on east side Of Main street
Between th and 7th,
(Hospital and Private Experleuoe.)
Offera his professional services to the people of
Oregon City and vicinity. Special attention
paid to Catarrh and Cbronto diseases.
Best of references given.
Ofnre in Willamette Building.
Office hours: 10 to 12 a. m., 4 to 6 p. m.
C. 8. Beabank, M. D. J. W. Powill, M. D
AH calls attended promptly.
Office hours: 8 to 11 a m. i 1 to 5 p. m.
Noa. 0 and 10 Cuarman Block.
Office tn CauSelii Building, Mala Street.
Oregon Oitv.
Bkioob and Crown Work a Specialty.
All work warranted and satisfaction
Seventh Street, near S. P. Depot,
PitsaoN City, ... Oregon
Graduate oE the Northwestern Univer
sity Dental School, also of American Col
lege of Dental Surgery, of Chicago. ,
Willamette Block - Oppoiite Potloffice
Oregon City, Oregon.
(Established 1805 j
Parcels Delivered to All Parts of the City
PAID DP CAPITAL, 150,000.00
Cms. H. CiDFiiao
Gio. A. Hibis
X. O. Caoiiilb
A General Banking Buslnesi Transacted
. Deposit) Eeoelved Subject to Check.
Approved Bills and Notes Discounted.
County and City Warrant! Bought.
Loans Made on Available Seonritr
Exchange Bought and 4old.
Collections Made Promptly.
Drafts 8old Available In Any Part of the
Telegraphic Exchange 8old on Portland, Baa
Francisco. Chicago an-1 New York.
Interest Paid on Tim Deposit!.
Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable
Oaths Straetbetweeitba Brldgt isdtli
Donbl and single rigs and saddle horaas a
ways on hand at the lowest rates, nd a cerra
also connected with the barn for loos stock
Any Information regarding a:
" promptly aiuu i4 u by letter
any kind of atook
of fMriA.
Baking Ponder
' Made from pure
cream of tartar. f
Safeguards the food
against alum
A-um baking; powders are the greatest
menacers to health of the present day.
Furnished By Numerous Corres
pondents in the County.
There is a scarcity ot news hems this
week, as it has been so cold that the
newesaiherer whn goes around poking
his nope into oiher people's business
(and often when it is not wanted) was
in danger of getting that officious mem
ber frozen.
I forgot to mention last week that Joe
Eaton had a brand new baby or, being
wore exact, to bis wife was born a sweet
boy baby, that is at once the joy iind
pride of its father, the comfort and de
sire of its mother,,
There is srtrong lalk here of the farm
ers organizing a joint ftock company
for (he purpose of putting dynamo at
some of the nearby water powers to en
able us to light our houses with tslec
tricity. Some of the residents here wlio are
interested in roads think the 'Oregon
City boaid of trade should invite a com
mittee from Carus-and Molalla whenever
they are going to have any work done :
on the roads in and about Oregon City. I
The same parties think these should be i
standing committees,, for the pesple out
here are very modest and have not the
gall that seems to characterize the
aforesaid board of trade. One fellnw
remarked that when mother nature
mixed up a batch to make an abnor
mally large steer she didn't put in more
gull than some members of that board
have in their composition. If the board
were reciprodty individuals ftiey would
do as has been suggested give us a
chance to help untangle their great road
problems. We have not the unlimited
chef k to do it without being asked, tiut
would most willingly help if we had an
invite, One fellow paid that the Oregon
( ity board of trade (and others that
don't amount to enough 'to make a de
cent sized splinter) from the spindle
shanked ribbon clipping counter jump
ing spectacled dnde up to the voluptu
ous white-necktied dandy of a lawyer
think they own the farmer and all his
affairs "'But," says this indignant one.
"we will learn tliem something," and I
Relieve he meant it.
Weil, you should come out and Ree
tbe prosperity that is here! It has
come in great waves even in mighty
hillows but. the waves were too late.
They failed to rpach some unfortunates.,
and if they don't stori their waving and
settle down to business long enough to
cauterize and stop the action of the
mortgage cancer others are doomed.
But do come and fee us, but waif until
the "spring breezes foftly murmur
through the. freezes," nod the fan-tailed
grouse and turtle dove pour forth their
roles of anient love. Don't came until
the above named lime, for the roads are
horrible just now. t-qrili.
February 12.
IhtU mm.
The snow is all gone and spring is
with us once 'move.
Wesley Bacon lost a fine tlnee-year-okl
colt with the blind Blaggers during
the last cold snap.
Frank Waltdi of Pulioian. Hash.,
made a short visit last week to tils
A. Andre intends putting up a fruit
dryer, which will greatly benefit this
iweichborhood, as a great deal of fruit
goes to waste every fall.
Miss Dora Ware of Cberryville is mak
ing a short visit at the home of J.Cline.
Adam Kotzman, who Las befn on the
sick list lor the past month, is slowly
improving. "O. Saw."
February 11.
yeiv Era.
The grand masquerade ball at Twi
light hall was a success, everything go
ing off pleasantly with the exception of
a slight disturbance, which was speedily
Mrs. Newbury of this placo is visiting
her aunt, MrB. Geo. Mosher of Port
land, who is seriously ill.
Mrs. W. J. Johns ol Portland is visit
ing with Mra. W. II. Wickbam of this
A patty was given at the residence of
J. E. Bradtl last Monday evening.
Yes, indeed, the "Triplets" were at
the dance, They would not miss such a
treat as that.
Valentine' day passed off Jiere quite
We are glad to report that Mr. Antho
ny is Blowly recovering.
Mra. Strassberg of this place is quite
Michael Btauber, formerly of this
place, but who now resides iu Salem, is
visiting frienda bere.
Mrs. Reynold of this place ia visiting
.in Xorlland. ,. The Ibiplkts.
February 17. r
, Garfield.
We have been having some very cold
weather out here near the foothills, but
never too cold to have a crowded house
at the Irwin school house. The debate
and literarv brings out old and young,
not onlv from Garfield, but some come
from Eagle Creek and Currinsville. The
literary part is very good, also the paper
called the Garfield Review. They have
some excellent speaking, good music
and singing, and sometimes a negro
piece and a play mixed in the program
to make it interesting. They intend to
close it on the 25th with a side-splitting
entertainment. The receipts will be
used to buy a nice deBk for the school
house, ,
Mr. Cahill has begun a term of twelve
lessons in Binging. The school opened
with 33 scholars, lie also r.as classes
at Eagle Creek, Douglass school house
and Currinsville. Mr. Oahill is very
popular as a singing school teacher.
The Sunday school and Jbpwortn
League are in a flourishing condition.
Conrad Krigbaum is out home again,
trimming up his big prune orchard. As
soon as lie is through with this work he
will' return to Salem to work in the
We are glad to state that Mrs. G.
Covey is recovering from the severe
burn she received somo time ago. She
can now walk a little, but her foot will
be quite sore for some time yet.
Last Saturday evening at the close of
the exercises of the literary ana aeoai
ing society quite a large crowd of young
people wended their way to the mill
ttond at Mr. Wagoner's. They built
large bonfires and placed lanterns along
the edge of the ice so they could have
plenty of light, after which the young
ladies and gentlemen scattered over the
ice. making It verv lively. Miss Sadie
Barnett and Elmer Davis were consider
ed the champions until John Irwin ar
rived with his fine skates; then he car
ried off tbe honors. One of the inter
esting features was a dance on the ice.
Miss Lena Krigoaurn ana Mtuer .uavis
while taking a stroll on the ice, walked
too near the edtre. but o' her gallant
escort amcklv fished her out of the wa
ter. 1 guess, however, she haT pretty
coW feet the balance of that evening.
The snort was kept no until 12 o'clack
and everybody had a good time. So you
see the Garfield people enjoy them
selves, despite the bad weather.
Garfietd seems to be an attractive
place for Theo. Shanklinof Currinsville.
His smiling face is sees verv often at
our school house and he seems t have
a preference for Lemom. That's right,
Theodore; don't be bashful. liextE.
February 12.
Good weatJher is what is needed to
mane farming a pleasuro. Farmers are
verv anxious to sow spring wheat. Con
eiderable fall sown wheat was -damaged
by recent frosts.
F. A. Meiinig has let a contract to
Vanderhooif Bros, for sawing 100 cords
of wood.
It is reported on good aathcrity that
the Sandy river wf5l soon be used for
floating saw logs. A number of promi
Kent mill men are now investigating
tti is great timber Welt.
John Foster, -who has been very sick
is slowly recovering.
. Mr. and Mrs. Jane Mayboe were visit
ing friends and relatives in Damascus
the past week.
Mrs. Chase is at Mt. Pleasant visiting
her aged parents, whose ripe old age is
88 and 89 years respectively.
The Sandy Debating Society is getting
to be very interesting as well as instruc
tive. Last Saturdav evening the house
vas crowded. The question np for de-
bale was: "Kesolyed, That the credi
svstem is a detriment to the country.'
K. T. liurns lead the ainrtnauve and U
Hunglum vas the leader of bUe negative
side. After a discussion that was getting
to be a hot thing the judge decided l
favor of the affirmative. The literal
program that followed the -debate was
excellent. , .iNrr
lebruary 13.
Emma Case and Julia Y-enny were
trie gueslB of Verdie Maville rwnday.
Geo. Mallatt, who has been having
serious time with typhoid fever, is im
proving very slowly.
Sturges Pros, have rtsumed work in
their saw mill.
Born, to Mr. atxi Mrs. A. J. Maville
on February 7th, a daughter.
Ed Yenny left for Portland last Sat
urday, expectine to go to Pullman
Wash., soon. A iew of his friends call
on hira the evening before he left
spent a very pleasant evening in games
Dave Baker, who was at home a few
days last week, has returned to work
near Oregon City . Ex
February 15. '
J. W. Batv has received a letter
from his eon, who is with the Second
Oregen regiment at Manila. He say
he is tired of being idle and wishes to
to get home again. He also sent his
father a Spanish flag, the first one seen
in this neck of the woods.
0. Harris has been improving the
time during the stormy weather doing
some olacksmithing.
Mrs. Endereby received news fiom
Iowa that her lather and brotber were
very sick. Her brother, Mr. Harlan
has many friends here who will be sorry
to hear ol bis illness.
Hiss Rora Ware ia making her borne
ovtr near Bull Run these days.
G. T. Beebe is preparing to catch sat
moil for the market, so we are inform
ed. He has a boatman and will prob
ably succeed in hauling in large
amount of nan.
J. W. Baty has been on the sick list
but fa improving now, Claud Baty is
clearing s fence row while hii father is
sick. Jack pbost.
February 14.
Mountain View. ...:
J. Newman went to McMinnville last
Saturday to visit his aged father, who is
Mrs. Sarah Dickerson of Canemah was
the guest of Mr3. Albright last week.
Miss Shafer of Molalla is the guest of
Mrs. Willie Everliart this week while
taking the teacher's examination.
During the cold weather the ther
mometer registered 6 degrees above
zero. Lots of potatoes were frozen.
Died, February 8, 1890 at the resi
dence of J. M. Gillett, Clarence W.
Morey, aged 43 years and 23 days. He
leaves no relative? to mourn him, ex
cept a half sister who lives near Eugene.
Ris remains were buried in the Mt.
iew cemetery Thursday afternoon,
Rev. Stamp conducting the services.
Mrs. Nelson spent last week amone
relatives and friends here.
Grandma Walker of Cams was the
guest of Mrs. Rowen last week.
Olvde Pierce and daughter were on
the Bi:k list last week. ;
George Swaffurd went back to ' Forest
Grove to resume his studies, after being
confined at home short time with the
mumps. .
Frank Curran arrived here last Friday
rom Colorado to visit awhile with his
parents. i
Ohlan Havnes will go to Wilhoitthe
latter part of this week to begin a term
of school there next Monday, the 20th
inst. '
Mrs. Barbour is quite sick and will
probably be taken to the hospital.
February lo. sauna.
Very little damage is reported here
from the Klondike weather.
Miss Susie Sagar of Marysville. has
been visiting the Misses Noyer.
School commenced last Monday at the
Ho: man academy.
Miss Ella Callihan is visiting an uncle
at Durfur, Wasco county, this winter.
A bevy of our sweetest maidens and a
crowd of young gentlemen gave Miss
essie Robeson a surprise party last
Saturday evening. The time was pleas
antly passed in dancing and at midnight
a splendid luncti was served.
Miss Laura Wright and Miss May
Hall were passengers lo the metropolis
on the Col ton oveiland last Tuesday.
Your reporter is requested by Ed Ball
to announce the reign of the goddess
Tersichore at the Taylor ball Saturday
night, rebruary 2oth. ,
Fred Shafer states to your reporter
that " 'twas the other fellow who repre
sented banla ClauB Annas night at th
Canyon Creek mask ball." Our uiis-
tak and your treat, Fwd.
Wm. Btiker, assisted by O. T, Kav
and Trullloger Bros., look advantage of
the recent high water to make a drive
of a fine lot of logs from the old Jac
Cutting D. L. C. to Uuion Mills.
February M. Reporter.
Jake Jones is now working on his new
sawmill. It stands near the old one
and measures 36x80. The old one was
becoming dangerous and was too sma
for present business. All of the old
macbinerv. except the water wheels
will be moved and continued in use.
The secent high water brought' dow
smother Moat of logs, so that but one
third now remain -up the Abernathy
The little daughter of Harry French
lias almost recovered from her thieat-
ened attack of -croup and whooping
The Minses Cora and Jennie Waldron
have recored trom scarlatina. They do
ot, however, intend returning to school
at Oregon Oily.
Miss Stella Yach is stying in Oregon
City with the family of Mr, Cole.
On three evenings a week the school
Ik.11 rings for diukigue practice for the
basket social to be given February 25.
All the yourg ladies of Oregon City are
invited to bring bankets A large at
tendance is desired.
An effort is being made (o organize a
local string band or guitar club. Messrs.
Giliman, Arthur Kraeft, Lawrence Yach
and Tom Smith are all absorbed in
guitar lessons. ,
School Is progres-iing nicely. The pu
pils have advanced rapidly and if school
could continue until June without a
stop the progress would be constant.
February 15. Cor.
St. Valentine is here I Hurrah 1 and
hurrah ! I lor the old boy and his pretty
Our school teacher, Miss Ida Francis,
is Btill down with the grip, at Mr. Wed
dies, her boarding place. Her sister,
Mrs. J. N. Miller of Oregon City, is car
ing for her. Dr. Strickland is the at
tending physician. Monday morning
Miss Julia Spooner took charge of the
school and will conduct it until Miss
Francis recovers. '
A large blackboard and a bBse burner
stove will soon be added to the school
room fixtures.
No more card playing nights and Bun
days in the literary hall since It has
been fitted for lodge purposes.
John Gage is making several hundred
A new roof now covers Mr. Weissen
born's smoke house. ,
Miss Edna Larson is very sick .with
the grip.
John Francis, a prominent business
man of the metropolis city, called to see
his sister, Miss Ida, last Sunday, From
appearances city life agrees with him.
Mr. Weddle contemplates a trip clear
down to Oswego Thursday night. Ain't
that rather far for a young man to be
going nights, Frank?
Our postmaster has been busy the
yast few days selling penny valentines.
February 14. LiNOHtnY.
Try Couiekb-Hekald six months for
75 cents.
GUtd Tidi)iQS.
As no one seems to take any notice of
our burg in the way of correspondence,
thought 1 would rub up my lusty pen
and jot down a fe- lines.
Ho ! Everyone that hunger and thirst
tier knowledge, go ye to Marqusm !
Eat, drink and be ye filled. But hold
we forgot! We should have said come
ye to Athens, where yon will always
find ttio wise men of the isith century
congregated, ever ready to give you
wholesome instruction. It is there you
will find "Jasper," the great intellectual
monster of the age..
Glad Tidings is situated only two
mile? eastof Marquam (Athens) and is
second only to Marqnam in the immen
sity of learning and great knowledge.
and we think the onl reason for this is
because our (Phil)osophers are a little
more modest than theirs. However, be
that as it may, we leave it for the public
to decide.
I hope I will be excused for saying so
much about Marquam in connection
with Glad Tidings, but the two places
ate so closely connected that it is almost
impossible to mention one without say
ing something about the other, ami I.
thought it necessary that the reader
should know the characteristic difference
between I hem to start with.
Next week I will try and give you
some news items. Socbates.
February 13,
How to Find Out.
Fill a bottle or common glass with
your water and let it stand twenty-four
hours; a sediment or settling indicates
an unheathy condition of the kidneys;
it it stains your linen it is evidence of
of kidney trouble; too frequent desire
to pass it or pain in the back is also
convincing prool that the kidueyj and
bladder are out of order.
; There is comfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy,
fulfills every wish in curing rhumatism,
pain in the back, liyor, blaider and
every part of the urinary passage. It
corrects inability to hold water and
scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects
following the use of liquor, wine or beer
and overcomes that unpleasant necessi
ty of being compelled to go often during
the day and to get up many times dur
ing the night. The mild and extraordi
nary effect of Swamp-Root is soon real
ized. It stands the highest for its won
derful cures of the most distressing
cases. If you need a medicine you
should have the best. Sold by druggists
in fifty cent and one dollar sizes. .
You mav have a sample bottle of this
wonderful discovery and a book that
tells more about it, both sent absolutely
free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer &
Co., Binghampton, N. Y. When writ
ing mention that you read this gener
ous offer in the Courier-Herald.
To Exchange Orange groves and
other property in the land of sunshine,
Southern California for Oregon im
proved farms and inside property. Call
at this office for particulars.
I(tunte Vourltowls With CHsenreta
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation
forever. 10c, 25c. If CO. C. fail, drug
gists refund money.
Do you buy your Brushes wherever you happen to
be, or do you buy th'em of a dealer you are sure of? We
have been selling our Tooth, Hair and Cloth Brushes on
the "money back if not satisfactory" plan for years, and
yet so few have come back that we sometimes wonder if
occasionally a customer does not get a poor brush and
still not return it. We don't want YOU to 'do this, anyway.
We have Hair Brushes from 20c up. For 50c we can
sell you a solid back brush that will last for years. Our
25c Tooth Brush is as good and will wear as long as any
brush made ; the difference between this and a 50c
Loonen Brush is all in the finish one will wear as long
as the other.
Tooth.... 5c to 75c
Hair.. 20c to $5 00
Nail... 25c to 2 00
Cloth.. 25c to 3 50
Carpets and Matting...
YOU CAN'T BUY them elsewhere
Of as good quality or at as low prices as
you can of us.
Warranted All-Wool Carpet Hft
per yard "
Good Chinese Matting. 1'flp
ptr yard AUv
The holiday rush left a mimber''of
Carpet and Matting Remnants which
we will sell at a sacrifice.
Bellomi & Buscli,
Mrs. T. II.
, Lindsley is quite ill
the grip.
Lorenz Houschnch's son Fred, who
has been seriously sick for the past
three weeks, is slowly convalescing.
Since the la'e legislative action rela
tive to Clackamas county omViaU all
has been quiet about the Oregon City
and Mohlia wagon road.
A special school meeting was held
last Siturday, at which time M. E,
London was elected director to fill the
unexpired term of J. R. Lewis, who
has gone to California.
Quite a revival of relition is going ony
at the Evangelical church. The meet-.,
ings will continue until Sunday eveninj ,
At a meeting of 'the board of school,
directors 0. H. Byland, the present
tuni-iior. was re-elected to teacn me.
spring term.
February 14.
Prepare for Spring
Don't let this season overtake you be
fore you have attended to the important
duty "of purifying your blood with Hood's
Sarsaparilla. By taking this medicine
now you may save sickness that will
mean time and money as well as snfier
ing later on. Hood's Sarsaparilla will
give you rich, red bloo.l, good appetite,
digestion and a sound, healthy bidy. It
is the greatest and best spring medicine
because it is the One Great Blood Puri
fier. Its unequalled record of marvelous
cures has won for it the onfidence of
the whole people.
Situated four miles from Oregon City
on the Highland plank road, containing
30 acreB, 25 acres "under cultivation, rest
in pasture, new five room house, barn
and necessary out building. Terms
Btnull portion cash, the rest on easy
terms. For futher information inquire,
at this office.
,,, A, Sure Tiling for Yon.
A transaction In which you cannot lose
is a sure thing. Biliousness, sick head
ache, furred tongue, fever, piles anda
thousand other ills are caused by coc
stlpation and sluggish liver. Cascareta
Candy Cathartic, the wonderful new
liver stimulant and intestinal tonic are
by all druggists guaranteed lo cure or
money refunded. O. C. 0. are a sure
thing. Try a box to-day; 10c, 25c, B0,
Sample and booklet free. All druggists
Free Pills.
Send your address to H. E. Bncklen
A Co., Chicago, and gel a free sample
box of King's New Life Pills. A trial
will convince you of their merits. Theso
pills are easy in action and are particu
Inry effective in the cure of Constipation
and Sick Headache. For Malaria and
Liver troubles they have been proved
invaluable. They are guaranteed to be
perfectly free from every deleterious
substance and to be purely vegetable.
They do not weaken by their action, but
by giving tone to stomach and bowels
greatly invigorate the system. Regular
size 25c. per box. Bold by (i. A. Hard
ing, Druggist.
W, OrcECiiiaii and Courier-Herald $2
Popular Price Druggist