Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, February 10, 1899, Image 7

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    Something Very Boothlng.
There ia something very soothing in
the uue of St. Jacobs Oil (or the core
of Neuinlgia. It soothes the pain,
while it strengthens and restores the.
weak nerves to a natural oonditioa. It
is prompt and sure. -
The largest woman in the South,
Mrs. Mary Magique, colored, died re
cently at Little Book, Ark. Her age
was thirty, and she weighed 560
I True
I Greatness
In Medicine :
Is proved by the health
of the people who have
taken it. More people have
been made well, more cases
of disease and sickness
have been cured by Hood's
Sarsaparilla than by any
other medicine in the
world. The peculiar com
bination, proportion and
process in its preparation
make Hood's Sarsaparilla
peculiar to itself and un
equalled by any other.
An inch of rain falling upon an area
of one square mile ia equivalent to
Dearly 17,600,000 gallons, weighing
145,250,000 pounds, or 64,844 tons.
A powder to be shaken into the shoes.
At this season your feet feel swollen, ner
vous and uncomfortable. If you have
smarting feet- or tight shoes, try Allen's
Foot-Ease. It rests and comforts; makes
walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating
feet, blisters and callous spots. Relieves
corns and bunions of all pain and is a cer
tain cure for Chilblains, Sweating, damp
or frosted feet. We have over thirty thou
sand testimonials. Try it today . Sold by
all druggists and shoo storec for 25c. Trial
package FREE. Address, Allen S. Olm
sted, Lo Roy, N. Y.
Good and Sufficient.
' Teacher Have you any good excuse
for your 'lateness this morning,
Johnny (emphatically) Yes, ma'am.
Teacher Well, what was it?
Johnny (beaming) First buckwheat
i this yea ma'am. N. Y. World.
is due not only to the originality and
simplicity of the combination, but also
to the care and skill with which it is
manufactured by scientific processes
known to the California Fio Si-hup
Co. only, and we wish to impress upon
all the importance of purchasing the
true and original remedy. As the
genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured
by the California Fio Syrup Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
assist one in avoiding the worthless
imitations manufactured by other par
ties. The high standing of the Cali
fornia Fio Syrup Co. with the medi
cal profession, and the satisfaction
which the genuine Syrup of Figs has
given to millions of families, makes
the name of the Company a guaranty
of the excellence of its remedy. It is
far ia advance of all other laxatives,
as it acts on the kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken
ing them, and it does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get its beneficial
effects, please remember the name of
the Company
The Rational
Inventors' Association.
We do a general PATENT BU8INEM. Wi
ecu re, Introduce and sell patents. Our regis
tered attorney can get you patent direct from
the government without delay. Agents wanted
in every town to sell patented articles. Furthet
Information furnished on request. Room 618
Chamber or Commerci Building, Portland,
Honta Crowned. Bridges Made,
fairness tilling ana extraction.
Dr. T. H, White, a
, Or.
rCHINU PHMproiacamnlAtiirDdoftUHe itching,
hit form, well ai Blind, Bleeding or Protruding
lies ra oared by Dr. Boianko'i Pit Rtmriw
itoM itchina And blaetlina. Almorhn tumor, fn- m.
Jar at druggiatU or tent by mai 1. Treatise free. Writ
atxmirour oaae. La. ouaAit kHJ, rnuada,, ra.
For OonorrfecM and Gleet get Pabsfs Okay Sped flo. II
b the ONLY medicine which will cure each and every
oaae. KO CABK known It haa ever failed to cure, no
Biatter how prion or of how long auuidlng. Results
from tta us will aatoniah you. It Is ato.ute'7 safe,
prevent at He ture. and can he taken without Incoore.
.fence and detention from bunine. PRICE. $S 0O. For
ale by all reliable dmfrtrwta, or sent prepaid h express,
plainly wrapped, on mwpt of price, by
PA BT CULM iCAL CO, Chicago, Hi,
Qrovlar Bailed on request.
Bat Couch Syrup. Taaiea Good. Use
in um. hold tv aniffffitn
Light in Horse Stalls.
Many unwisely put a small window
at the front of the horse stall, causing
the light to fall directly Into the horse's
eyes. It Is a wonder that a horse has
any eyesight after a few months ex
posure to such a condition. Entire ab
sence of light In the stall Is to be avoid
ed, however, for this causes injury to
the horse's eyes when he goes out from
the darkness Into the strong light.
When the light qannot be admitted
from the rear, bnt must come from the
side, put a grating into the side of the
stall, as shown In the cut. If two or
more stalls are side by side, put such a
grating into each partition. It will let
some light into even the stall farthest
from the windows. Such grating comes
In various sizes of inesh, and Is sold at
the hardware store.
CnrlnB Tobicco.
"We are working on a new line of to
bacco investigation," said Secretary
Wilson to a correspondent, "ferments
in tobacco. But little Is known scien
tifically about the curing of tobacco.
I tried last year, when In Florida, to
find out from the Cubans why J hey
bad certala processes in curing the
leaves. They had exact methods for
proceeding, and they knew what the
results would be, but they did not know
why they did It. It was because their
fathers had done It before them. This
matter of ferments In tobacco Is a very
Interesting question. We know that
fermentation in the silo reduces the
supply of nitrogen, and we know that
In cooking food composed largely of
protelds, or nitrogenous matter, a loss
Is sustained from a feeding point of
view; but in tobacco curing we know
comparatively little; that is, whether
we want to retain or dispose of the ni
trogen. The department has now two
agents at work upon this subject, one,
a noted German scientist, has been en
gaged, and will proceed South on this
Bring; Fruit Tree Into Bearing.
Fruit trees of any kind frequently
grow with great luxuriance. In this
they are usually unfruitful. No tree
commences to flower and fruit until Its
vegetative exuberance has been some
what checked. Those who understand
the art of fruit culture thoroughly can
bring these wayward trees Into a
straighter line of duty by root-pruulng
them. It Is effected by digging a trench
around the tree and then filling It up
with the earth that has been thrown
out This cutting off the ends of the
roots causes check to the extreme vigor,
and the result is the production of
flowers Instead of branches. The dis
tance from the trunk that the trench
should be dug will, of course, depend
upon the age and size of the tree, and
also its ratio of luxuriance; the aim
should be to dig so as to cut off about
one-third of Its toots. The pear, as
well as other frnlt trees, is particu
larly benefited by root-pruning. It can
be carried out at any time during the
fall or winter season. Meehan's
Thinning Fruit.
The practicability of thinning fruit
and its feasibility from a commercial
standpoint have been pretty well dem
onstrated In the last few years. Mr.
John Craig reports, in the publications
of the (Canadian) Central Experiment
al Farm, some results In thinning
peaches and plums which corroborate
the notes given from others. He con
cludes that, when a large crop of fruit
Is set, thinning peaches Is highly re
munerative for the following reasons:
1. It Increases the weight of the yield.
2. It largely Increases the size of the
fruit 3. It reduces the number of ma
tured seeds, thereby considerably les
sening the drain on the vitality of the
tree. 4. It renders the crop less liable
to rot. Thinning plums likewise proved
altogether worth while.
Healthfnlnee of Fruit. -
Eat some fruit each day, to keep the
stomach In tone. The acid of sour
fruits, as of the apple and pear, Is the
best corrective to the nausea that
comes from eating too much fat meat
and there Is no better way of taking It
than In the apple sauce made with
boiled-down cider. It Is always appre
ciated. .
f belter for Sheep.
Sheep suffer If kept In close, under
ground, nnventilated stables, which are
pretty sure to be also damp and have
foul air. Even In warm weather sheep
will prefer to sleep on knolls, not mere
ly to be able to watch against danger.
;but also to secure free circulation of
pun air. So long as the roof keens ai
the rain, the open texture of the wool
on the sheep's backs will keep cold out,
however severe, provided it Is not ac
companied by wet. The sheep need this
shelter from rain, even when the weath-
er is not so very cold, though the oil
which nature provides protects the skin
from being wet, unless the storm Is so
long continued that the sheep Is chilled
Feed fop Milk.
Wheat bran and wheat middlings are
pre-eminently mllkmnkers in the opin
ion of Prof. Hills. He believes them
absolutely safe when fed in any possi
ble quantities. They carry considerable
percentages of protein, and, at ruling
prices, are in every way desirable dairy
feeds. Cornmeal he considers economi
cal according to how it is fed. Some
times cornmeal may be used to advan
tage In a dairy ration. Some fault Is to
be found, however, with the extent of
its use. It is wiser to feed corn In the
form' of a silage rather than to pluck
and grind the ear. If, however, the sil
age is deficient in corn, It may be sup
plied in the shape of meal. Indeed, up
to the limit of making the ration too
heating, It may sometimes be an ad
vantage to add cornmeal to the ration
even when the silage Is well eared, but
more particularly because It tends to
better the grain of butter.
Field Peas for Orchards.
There Is natural adaptability of the
orchard for peas aside from the fact
that the pea roots Increase nitrogen in
the sail. ' The pea must be sown early,
and therefore the plowing Is done when
it does not Injure the tree roots. Then
the broad leaves of the pea shade the
soil and apparently absorb enough mols-
ture at night to keep the plant fresh
and growing. Then after the peas are
harvested the hogs can be turned In to
eat what have been scattered In har
vesting. If the hogs are left without
rings in their noses they will root over
the surface soil and thus cover what ex
crement they have dropped. This with
continued extra feeding In the orchard
is the best way to enrich It
Good Wool.
Wool Is affected by breed, climate
and food. Sheep will thrive In some
sections better than In others, and wool
from some flocks will bring higher
prices than other wools. To produce
good wool the sheep must be well fed,
but not too much so. If the food Is not
sufficiently nutritious the wool will lack
in strength, be dry, harsh, flabby and
rough to the touch. Wool from sheep
that are kept on pastures which pro
vide abundant herbage Is long In fiber,
soft, white and strong. It is claimed
that all foods whieh promote persplra
tion produces fine wool, but it Is not
necessary to make a selection of foods
If the sheep have a variety.
FeedlnK for Kgr-a In Winter.
Many writers advise that farmers
should force their hens to lay In winter
by heavy feeding, as eggs are high in
price in cold weather. It Is not so easy
to force nens to lay as may be sup
posed. Hundreds of bens that are well
fed in winter do not lay. The fact Is
that the food Is but a factor In the
matter. It is not natural for birds to
lay In winter, and to Induce hens to lay
at that season they must have spring
and summer conditions, such as warm
quarters, an opportunity to exercise
any food of a Varied character, avoid
ing grain In excess.
When the Bnckle Ia Gone.
The accompanying Illustrations, from
the Orange Judd Farmer, show how to
join the ends of the driving reins to
gether when the
buckle has been
lost. With a pock
et knife cut the end
of each rein, as
shown at a, then by
slipping the ex
treme end of each
through the tack
shaped opening ot
the other, a reason
ably firm union is
effected. The ne
cessity of always
keeping the reins
fastened together
cannot be too strongly emphasized. If
a horse becomes frightened, and one
rein Is dropped, there Is no possible way
of recovering it, if It Is not fastened to
the other. Many a runaway has result
ed from a failure to observe this pro
caution. Stopped the Paper.
"Once upon a time," says the Houtz
dale (Fa.) Journal, "a man got mad at
the editor and stopped the paper. In a
few weeks he sold his corn at 4 cents
less than the market price. Then his
property was sold for taxes because be
didn't read the Sheriff's sale. He paid
$10 for a lot of forged notes that bad
been advertised two weeks and the
public warned against tbem. He then
rushed to the printing office and paid
several years' subscription In advance
and bad the editor sign an agreement
be was to knock him down if be order
ed his paper to be stopped again."
FlaTor of Fleah, .
The Live Stock Journal aaytj with
much emphasis and with truth that
"the meat of all animals Is affected by
the food they eat; the ducks taste fishy
that live on fish; beechnuts bacon from
pigs fed on beechnuts has the finest fla
vor, and hogs allowed to feed on stink
ing, filthy slops and on dead animals
must produce meat that Is unfit for hu
man food. In this land of abundant
food we should feed sound, clean,
healthy food and fresh, clean slop or
clean water."
Fprlnsr Geeae.
Bohemian geese, which are driven
long distances to market, are shod be
fore starting on the journey by being
sent repeatedly over patches of tar
mixed with sand. This forms a bard
crust on the feet, enabling the gees
to travel over great distance.
Ban Francisco Chronicle.
"I am glnd that the doctor cured
him; I am glad that the doctor put it into
the paper that he could cure him. And if
any doctor is certain he can cure such
diseases and don't put it into the paper, I
am sorry. What a pity it would have
been had this doctor come to town with
his wealth of science and experience and
gone away leaving him uncuredl What a
pity it would have been if he had been so
prejudiced against advertising as to re&d
the responsible certilicates of the doctor
and gave him the go-by as a quack I What
are newspapers for, if not to circulate in
formation ? What more valuable informa
tion can a newspaper give than to tell a
siekman where he can be cured? If a
man has devoted his life and labor to the
study of s special class of diseases, the
necessity ol his saying so becomes all the
more pressing. Ills duty to advertise be
comes imperious. A really able man.
whatever be his sifts, makes a irreat mis
take if he fails to use those gifts through
nniitui uuvertisuig.
The above extract from an article by the
Eev. Mr. Beecher embodies a sound view
of the subject of advertising. Suppose Dr.
imrrtn, at zoo Morrison street, tnis city,
had come to the city and not advertised,
who would know of his presence? Who
would know of the following almost
miraculous cure he performed in 1872, had
not Mr. Dibble put it In the paper?
Mr. Editor: In 1872 my daughter was
taken with the membraneous croup, and
upon her recovery was left totally deaf.
I called on two eminent; physicians, who
said they could do nothing for her. An a
last resort, 1 took her to Dr. Damn, who
cured her; and she has never been troubled
with deafness since. I consider it one of
the greatest cures of electrical treatment
on record, and with great satisfaction give
this testimonial. I reside in Berkeley,
Alameda county, Cal., and will take great
pleasure in answering any inquiries con
cerning this most renmrkablecure. Yours
respectfully, WILLIAM S. DIBBLE.
. The Philade'phia society girl has be
gun to turn her attention to crioket.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Broino Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund money if it fails to
cure. !ioc.
The Elinira Female College needed
(100,000 to give it a fresh lease of life,
and the money has been raised.
money-back tea and
baking powder at
lour Grocers
It has been estimated that a single
plant of the Russian thistle six feet in
diameter produoes 2,000,000 seeds
Loaded Down,
The air is loaded down with pains and
aches, and some systems take them in
like a sponge. St. Jacobs Oil rubbed
in will take the pain away and leave a
The young leaves and roots of ferns
snpply a considerable portion of food
in the mountain districts of Japan,
Btati or Ohio, Cmr or tolkdo,
Lucas County.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is the
senior parter of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co.,
doing business In the City of Toledo, County
and Slate aforesaid, and that said firm will par
the sum ot ONE HUNDRKD DOLLARS for each
and every case of Catarrh that oannot be cured
by the use of Hall's Catarrh Curs.
Sworn to before me and subscribed In my
presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886.
l--l Notary Public
Ball's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally and acts
directly on the blood and mucous surface of
the system. Send for testimonials, froe.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Bold bv druKKlsts, 76c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
The eldest unmarried daughter oi
Captain Sigsbee, Miss Mary Ellen Sigs
bee, is doing good work as an illustra
tor of magazines,
CITJ yermanwitly Cured. Bo fltsor nervousnn
III after nrsl day's use of Dr. Kllut's Ureal
Nerve Hestcrrr. Send for FUKK as.OO trial
bottle and trmtlsa. DR. R. H. KLLNk, Ltd., w
Arch strut, i'tiUndelptila, Pa,
A Hamburg, Germany, ohemist has
snceeded with the aid of oxide of alu
minum in creating a heat of np to 80,
000 degrees.
40, 30. S25, $22.60, 920.
It you want paylnu agency write it once be
fore all territory ia taken.
For Mills, M 1 nes, Shops and Farms; Bteel Log
ging and Hoisting Engines; Hoe Chisel
Tooth Paws, Albany Grease, etc.
27 to M First Street Portland, Or.
U-iH Fremont Street, Haa Francisco.
ONE FflR a nnac (inn ai.v n..j.h.
and Dyspepsia, Remove Pimples and Purify the
Blood, Aid IMgestion andPrevent Biliousness. Do
ot Urlpe or Sicken. To convince you, wn will mall
samp( frM) oro) (y,, forMc iK, HtiHANKU
f0.,rhilaMU.,tuia. Sold by Druggist.
y ZPl
- " i
v '5 mF ' is
There is a man in Newton, Kan., N.
Murray by name,' who has married the
same woman four times. Each mar
tinge, except the last, was followed by
a divorce, then by reconciliation, then
by remarriage, then by a row. The
fourt marriage seems to have been the
charm, for the couple have lived to
gether several years as happily as a
pair of doves.
Goat of NIcarHg-un Canal.
The estimates as to the cost ot constrncttng
the Nicaragua Canal vary from 1116.000.000 to
1150,000,000. How different are the estimates of
the people as to the value of Hostetter's Stom
ach Bitters for stomach, liver, blood and kid-
J uiocbhscb. us laprfcu cverywinjnj Uliv tills i
remedy is unsurpassed for Indigestion, bilious-!
ness, constipation, nervousness and sleepless-!
rash. It 111 mieh an Aomffi.hla mpiKHnA tn trtliA.
It tastes good as well as does good.
The Datchess d'Ulzes is, among
other things, a sculptor of considerable
No household Is complete without a bot
tle of the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It
is a pure and wholesome stimulant rec
ommended by all physicians. Don't ne
glect this necessity.
W'kt en. England, Bjeohanie has
succeeded in breaking his logs U times ,
in the last 63 years. The Manchester
Hnii.n.o T il n I. .. Kim na a mnan I
uuvwia iwk vii mill na a luacn,
Strikes In.
The chill of frost strikes in and car
ries with it aches and pains. St.
Jacobs Oil will follow close behind and
drive them out of the system. It will
search and cure.
By the electrio hemostat of Lawson
Tait bleeding is arrested without the
use of a litngure.
We will forfeit $1,000 if any of our pub
lished testimonials are proven to be not
genuine. The I'iho (Jo., Warren, Pa. .
One of the richest women in the
Klondike is Miss Mulrooney, a young
woman from Pennsvlavnia.
If VOU Want the best Wind mill. Dumps. I
tanks, plows, wagons, bells of all sizes
boilers, eneines. of eeneral machinery, see
or write JOHN POOLE, foot of Morrison
street, Portland, Oregon.
Bavaria has 28 pencil factories, em
ploying 10,000 people and producing
4,000,000 black and 800,000 colored
pencils per week.
The Tin Tags taken from Horseshoe, "J. T.,"
Cross Bow, Good Luck and Drummond
Natural Leaf will pay for any one or all of
this list of desirable and useful things and
you have your good chewing tobacco besides.
Every man, woman and child in America can find something
on this list that they would like to have and can have FKEE I
Write your name and address plainly and send, every tag you
can get to us mentioning the number of the present you want.
Any assortment of the different kinds of tags mentioned above
will be accepted as follows :
. " TAGS
1 Match Box, quaint design, im
ported from Japan SB
t Knife, one blade, good steel.
8 Sensors, iii-inch, good steel 98
ft Child a Set, Knife, Fork and Spoon
5 Salt and Pepper, one each, quad'
ruple plate on white metal ....
I Razor, hollo ground, fine English
T Butter Knife, triple plate, best quaL
B 3ugarShi.ll, triple plate, best quail
v stamp nox, sterling silver
10 Knife, "Keen Kulter,"two blades
u Butcher hnue, "Keen K.utter,
8-inch blade 70
U Shears, " Keen Kulter," 8-inch,
nickel -78
IS Nut Set, Cracker and 8 Picks, silver SO
11 Nail Kile, sterling silver, amethyst
set, S-inch 100
15 Tooth Brush, sterling silver, ame
thyst set, (-inch 100
IS Paper Cutter, sterling silver, ame
thyst set, 7-inch 100
17 Base Bali, "Association," best qual. 100
IS Watch, stem wind and set, guaran
teed good lirar keeper 300
This offer txplrti November 39, 1899.
Address all your Tags and the correspondence about them to
r www www
Guaranteed cura for firln. Catarrh rnid Con.
Guaranteed cure for Grip, Catarrh and Con
sumption. All Druggists, 11.00. W. 11. Bmltb,
Buffalo, N. Y., sole proprietor.
The greatest Invention of the nee. We will send
aample, prepaid, on receipt of Itoc. We (rive spe
cial prices to ainmts. Thousands of men and
women can muke 3 to V' a dav selling our
181 First street, Portland. Or.
Women, Why Suffer
When you can buy for one dollar a positive
and quick cure for dlseatea peculiar to your text
Will cure you three doiei will give relief. It
contains no alcohol, or other spirits, no qui
nine or poisonous drugs tuny and pleasant to
take. One dollar per bottle at your druggist's.
Improved Lifting Jack
A Good Investment!
This Itnnroved device Is adanted to all classes
of lifting to which a Jack is commonly applica
ble, and Is particularly bandy In the outfit of
railway aectlon bands, car shops, machine
shuns, eta. It haa been tia
i patented by
atented by Messrs.
Eugene and Arthur O. Hayford, of R
llavfom. of rlnoks
Wash., and la being manufactured and Intro-
duced to the nubile by them. Therefore, in
order to procure means to assist In manufac
turing, we offer to the publlo an inducement
for some fortunate one to seeur. By sending
24 cents to our address, entitles you to a num
ber securing you a chance to draw a contract
from the company, whleh will give the boldera
percentage of the profit of the enterprise.
Only X cents and a chance of entering a profit
able enterprise. Postage stamps not accepted.
Addreat should be plainly written. Adores
jt "THE TE
year: wcel
XX Bold by all
fornla at.,
; weekly, cents; mouthly, lOcents.
newsdealers, utile, uCaU
Baa Frandsco, Cal
Mrs. W E. , Paxtojt, Youngtowa.
North Dakota, writes about her strug
gle to regain health after the birth of
her little girl;
" Dear Mbs. Pinkham: It is with
pleasure that 1 add my testimony to
your list, hoping that it may induce
others to avail themselves of your val
uable medicine.
' After the birth of my little girl,
three years ago, my health was very
poor. 1 had leucorrhoea badly, and a
terrible bearing-down pain which
, i . .
gradually grew worse, until I could do
E0 worlr. Also had headache nearly
all the time, and dizzy feelings. Men
struations were very profuse, appear
ing every two weeks.
" I took medicine from a good doctor,
but it seemed to do no good. I was
becoming alarmed over my condition,
when I read your advertisement In a
paper. I sent at once for a bottle of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
Jttl I felt so much better that I
8end tQf twQ more Aftw usi three
boUlM x felt RS st ftnd well M
" I think it is the best medicine for
female . weakness ever advertised, and
recommend it to every lady I meet suf
fering from this trouble
Maternity is a wonderful experience
and many women approach it wholly
unprepared. Childbirth under right
conditions need not terrify women.
The advice of Mrs. Pinkham is freely
offered to all expectant mothers, and
her advice is beyond question the most
valuable to be obtained. If Mrs. Pax
ton had written to Mrs. Pinkham be
fore confinement she would have been
saved much suffering. Mrs. Pinkham's
address is Lynn, Mass.
Unman Vininno hava sir mnixlm fn
!l. .. 4i.t ,i it
ruu" "
either side.
When coming to Sun Francisco go to
Brooklyn Hotel, 2H8-212 Bush street,
American or European plan. Boom anq
board $1.00 to $1.50 per day; rooms- 60 cents
to $1.00 per (lay; single meals 23 cents.
Free coach. Chas. Montgomery.
everybody you know to J J
save their tin tags for you
19 Alarm Clock, nickel, warranted . . 900
90 Carvers, buckhorn handle, good
steel 900
91 Six Rogers' Teaspoons, best qua). 925
93 Knives and Forks, six each, buck
horn handles 350
93 Clock, S-dny, Calendar, Thermom
eter, Barometer . 600
34 Stove, Wilson Heater, siie No, SO
or No. 40 500
36 Tool Set, not playthings, but real
tools , goo
95 Toilet Set, decorated porcelain,
very handsume 800
97 Watch, solid silver, full Jeweled . .1000
98 Sewing Machine, fust class, with
all attachments , lftOO
90 Revolver, Colt's, best quality 11X10
DO kifle, Winchester. 16-shot, 33-cal.l5O0
81 Shot Gun, double barrel, hammcr-
lesft, stub twist 9000
83 Guitar ( Washburn), rosewood, in
laid with mother-of-pearl . . . . 3000
83 Bicycle, standard make, ladies' or
gents' 3ISO0
BOOKS 80 choice selections tarn
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40 Saved. Agents Wanted.
Largest natural
premium company In tha
orld. lour own life Insurance free by helm
lour own me insurance nee ny nelng
o'ir agent. MAKK T. K ADY, manager, 604 and
600 Uregonian building, Portland, Or.
- sN
burin wU J
omy UnirtT-V V
ftiir" beoause the oont V .
Itiratiim wnti on IntVriorX
i ftlwaya larifIr mcttrisi tlia 1
original cint of tha twit aeda to 1 I
) bail. Tli bint la ftfwaya tha I
cbaapuMt. fay tritla niura fur
and alwara gH yonr monrs
WOirn. riTQm par p,Hr
Tarywners, Alwayiiuv
pent. BtnAiiDuai Troa.
Relief at Last
Praised by thousand of
atlnd laill
wiles as safe, al-
ways reliable and without
aueiiual. Ask uruKglst for
Dr. (Uriel's Crunch Female
Pill In nietnl box with
frMneh Vltui nn Un In Itlna
White and Red. Insist on having tli genuine,
Relief for Woman," mailed KKKKIn plain sealed
letter with testimonials and partloulnrs. Address.
FRENCH DRUG CO., 381 and 383 Psarl St., N.V.
We guarantee to fit every ease w undertake,
lion'l put It off; write for particular at one,
V. H. WOOliAKD CO., Kxpert Trua
fitter, 108 Second (Street, Portland, Or.
Use Ula at for uiitifttiirkl
dlscliHiaes, inllaiumatl'iua.
irritatiuiis or ulceration
of mucous membrane.
Painless, and not a.trla.
iTHEEvANt CM(HIRSiCi). nt poisonous.
""II ol" r,
-or sum in plain wrapper.
II.KI, or 3 pottles, 12.79.
Ciroulur sunt on request.
U7 JrrM, prepalij, IQW
M. P. N. V.
no. e-'.
.i a
WHEN writing to advertiser plea
iuodUob till paper.
f seedl
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3 X.
f f lo I H S 4T I
1 OasrsaiM
. m air i.iy ra.
r '1 Prtv.nu Malsfloa.
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