BANQUET : ,oue Alrnoatj oil iee Monday th aiaiy bill wcured by nt by thftia-Heart and rno rrainro rr FT rwn i-iiwi.ii m. si x a me ureaiesi Wonder Overcome. Of the Age ! imp! -.-,' t- ''p,.,-9 out with sores all over my . '. -d they caused such intense itch d i str lot Bjj0u g0 orazy, i was aiB0 0U'Ubled with a tired feeling. After tak- ' on mown Ibree mouths' trial'. The date oddmIuX paper donolea the time to wit PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. OREGON OITY, FEB. 10, 1899. Wb still have the Dingley bill and we till have the mill operative who voted for Bill MeKlnley so he could get high er wages, but we don't hear of any of them "seeing the raise." Gen. John M. Palmer, who was the gold democratic candidate for the presi dency in 1896 to aid the republicans, is about to be pensioned by a republican congress for sei vices rendered. "While our boys were fighting for hu manity and liberty inOuba the ad minis tration was feeding them on "embalmed beef" and yet, Mark Hanna claimed to have a corner on pros perity at one time 1 The steel wire trust has raised the price of wire and nails $2 per ton. The tin plate trust has rained the price 25 cents per 100-pound box. This is pros perity for the trusts. Where do the people get off at. The state legislature proposes to re duce pay. for professors of state univer sity from $2500 to $180) a year. Cut off one figure entirely and it would then be all they are worth! Still the people voted this way. Give us more ways to spend the people's money. We like it. Tub Oregonian is waging warfare ajainst the good for-notliing grafting state legislature, tearing, no doubt, that things will get so rotten that it will en danger the political rule of the state by the republican party. Not that they are too good, but so they can continue the graft without so much publicity. The National Tress Association will come to Oregon some time in ,lune or July. Clackamas comity as well as Or egon Ci'y should fee to it that these viHitors are allowed to see the wonder ful resources of our city as well as coun ty. This is a splendid opportunity for the hoard of trade to do some good work, i Buyan and silver are as popular with the democracy bb ever. Twenty-three TJ. S. senators are in favor of Mr. Bryan as lender of the Chicago platform, which can also he said of 99 members of the house. Only Iho goldbug members of congress oppose the fighting of the 19C0 campaign on substantially the issues of 1890. A patent medicine traveling man called at the Courier-Herald oflice this week and stated that business was gocd and it was no trouble to sell goods, lie eaid prosperity had returned and point ed with pride to the large surplus in the national treasury that which we are paying interest on bonds to keep there. So long as people buy patent medicine and pay interest on bonds we must be prosperous. Its about time for another bond sale. The bankers have another surplus on hand that the people must pay interest on, one Wiy or another, and we have had motlur "scrap" with our recently acquired half-Chinese pop ulation at Manilla for an excuse. When in the eour.-enl human events, other things, times and customs being taken In consideration, it becomes the duty of the people of this gre;it country to elect the next president, let us unite and elect a free man tothatollice. What e menu by a Kims man is a fellow citi zen who has no owner, no shyloclj who lias paid off a mortgage and for the pay ment has obtained absolute control over the acts of the machine. We don't say this in any disrespect to honest debtors, but the man who would sell his man hood for an otllce is not honest the reader can imagine the rest as he dreams of the advance agent of that prosperity that never prospered and never will under the gold standard. TuuOi'egoniaii has again called out its gold democratic contingent and is anxious to have it organize the demo cratic party in Oregon . There seems to bo some temerity on the part of the gentlemen named, however. They are doubtless scanning their old democratic text books to see if voting for a republi can president with high tariff, trusts, combines, purchased elections, imperal ism and "embalmed beef are in strict accord with the Jacksonian and Jeffer tjonian faith. ' Joe Simon also had a democratic contingent which did val ient service in "organizing" the demo cratic party in Oregon to the same end. No, thank you, Mr. Scott ! regretablo as it may bo that all the Intelligence of the democratic party left it with the gold contingent, yet at the proper time there will probably be found someone in the rank and file to call the "meetiu" to or- about a cditfoA .:. -in Oregonian, and never changed a word. It's a settled fact, that he can't do bus iness without our news. The Clacka mas County Educational Association elected an editor for the educational column of the Enterprise, but the afore said editor iurniBhes the proceedings of the teachers' meetings to the rag, and Fitch has to take the warmed-over bus iness for his paper. The Willamette Valley Chautauqua Association have decided to let the pri ces for the July assembly at Gladstone park, remain the same as last year, $1 AO for season ticket, and 25 cents for daily admissions Sam Jones will be the stellar platform magnet for the first two days, and will draw immensely. It cost $1 to bear Talmage in Portland a few months ago, but anyone can hear Rev. Sam Jones at Gladstone park next July for a quarter. George L. Hutch ins, who is to publish the big new daily in Portland, thus editorially com mented on Jones not not long ago in his paper, the BloominsUn (111.) Eye: Mr. Stewart strmes tne Keynote wnen lie states that Jones was probably as an attraction to draw a crowd. He hints that a prize fight would do the same, and casts his sword in the balance in favor of the latter as for decency. The world is running entirely too much to DeWitt Talmages, tam Jones, divorce courts, pugilistic talking matches and the elevation of the stage by moral per verts. There is only one thing that can be said in favor of Jones he has eall enongh to sink the whole Spanish navy and never lose a lantern.' Sam Jones mv have held revivals to attain a repu tation and to secure filthy lucre with which to build fine houses but the po pie will come to hear him just the same. They will come further than they would to hear Utirist and when the opening day of Chautauqua comes Gladstone patk will be tilled with people frm ev ery section of the state, to see and hear Hev. Sam Jonps. The regular session of the legislature is drawing to a close, and but very few meritorious - measures have become laws. It seems ns though the members of both houses were waiting, daily wait ing for eomethiti" Is it gra'ts, or are thev afraid of offending some member by voting for the repeal of an appropri ation? It is reported that a bill will be intro duced to remove the capital from Sa lem to Portland Why not remove the capital to Oregon City. It has been manv long year since Oregon City was the capital of the territory. Only last winter the skull of a possible defunct lohbvist was found in an excavation by the Bide of the old capitol building. At last the Second Oregon Regiment was given an opportunity to take part in an engagement at Manila. They ac quitted themselves very creditably, but suffered no loss. . Some of the schoolteachers of Clacka mas county should read the local news papers. During the past week two or three of them wrote the county super intendent, asking when the quarterly examination would be held. If these teachers had been in the habit of read ing a county newspaper they would have Been 1 he notice of the time when the quarterly examination la to be held. Besides, if they are familiar with the school laws, as they must be to be com petent teachers, they would know that the quarterly examination is held at slated times every three months Germany has evidently furnished guns for the Phiiipinos. At least,, it is now rumored that the guns were sold to Aguinaldo's followers at Hong Kong through the ollices of the German con sul. Eugene has passed a curfew ordinance making it unlawful lor boys and girls to be on the streets after 9 o'clock in the evening. Oregon City, at this time, needs a similar statute There are at least two girls here, some of them barely entering their teens, who make a continual practice of chasing around until a late hour at nielit. Dlavinir hide and-go-seek with the bovs in the back alloys and among the mossy rocks. Un less a halt is called soon, Oregon City will have a worse name than the highly moral conego town oi t'orvains. The taxes of Oregon are grievious to oe oorno, tor the reason that bo much money U being spent to keep up state colleges and other schools, There is the state university said to have al most as many professors as pupils the agricultural colleue and n lot. of other institution, that the hardworking taxpayer nas to tug ami delve to sup port. Mnety, out of every hundred young persons, who take a special or mgner coiuso ot studies, are able to nnv for it If they are not, they will push iinougu anyway. Notice of Special Corporate Meeting. A Staviiil roriwrnta tiit.ottniT nt h. share holders of the Willamette Savings una i.oan Association will lie hold at their othca in th Hunt nt (W. .,., n;( Building on Tuesday, February 21st. low, hi. ( ;,hj o eiocK p. m lor the pur pose of placing in nomination candi dates for din-clots and auditors to lie voted for at the annual corporate nieet- iiik iu "f iieiu Biarcn linn, j!ii. Two tellers will also be elected to act- at an nual meeting. By order of , K. G. Caithcld, AtV'i: President. G. B. Dimick, Secietarv. Don't make ninslin underwear, when you can buy at. very low prices, at the liaeket Store, jr working. , i25 miles,'' between state . HPropriatinsr j 'dence an1 afternoon. .. vote of 127 tocfecretary Cox, -.. to makftAC. A. (The Hook and Ladder Company and Finn tain Hose Company will give their fiCh annual ball on February 22nd, Washington's birthday. These annual balls are always very successful affairs. United Modern Vigilantes have one payment per month, no more no less. No per capita tax. When you see the rate opposite your age on folder you know that's what you pay and you are not guessing what your next payment will be. Join the Oeegon City Branch. For nervousness, sleeplessness and bad digestion we guarantee Celery and Kolo compound to give quick relief and by continued use a complete cure. Try it at our risk. No cure, no pay. For sale only by O. G. Hnntley, cut-rate druggist. The following suits were filed in the circuit court during the week : George J. Moore vs George L. Kaylor, et a'; foreclosure suit for $700. R. G. Moore vs SalinaGrim, et al ; to recover $300 Gambrinus Brewing Company vs John A. Nilson, et al; foreclosure suit for $250. ' Mrs. T. M.- Gault arranged a very pleasant surprise party at her home at Gladstone in honor of Mr. Gault's 36th birthday. The affair was kept a close secret from Mr. Gault until about 25 neighbors gathered at his home Mon day evening. Music, games, etc., were features of the entertainment, and re freshments were served. According to the Los Angeles (Cal.) Herald, Mrs. Sarah Faust, for.nerly of Canemah, is insane and in destitute circumstances. She went to Los Ange les some time ago to live with her brother-in-law, W H. Leed, but this paper stateB that he is in destitute circum stances, and unable to give the old lady much aid. The bill that passed both houses of the legislature this week creatina a sep arate hoard of county commissioners and leaving the county judge to a'tend to probate business only, on the same salary, is evidently a political j ib to cre ate another othce. lhe taxpayers will I have to foot the expense for an addi tional county commissioner. This hi 1 has not yet been siyned by the gover nor. The Golden Wedding edition of Vick's Garden and Floral Guide is certainly an artistic work, with its twenty-four p iges lithographed in colors, and nearly one hundred more pages filled with hand some half-tone illustrations, photo graphed from flowers, fruits, vegetables and homes While this Guide is really too expensive to give away, they give it with a Due Bill for 25 cents worth of seeds for only 15 cents. Siid lo Jas. Vick's Sons, Rochester, N. Y. Philip A. Marquam, a well known resilient of Marqnam, and a native of Clackamas county, was examined be fore Cotinty Judge Ryan Wednesday af ternoon, and was pronounced insane. The unfortunate man was taken to the insane asylum by Sheriff Cooke on the same evening. Mr. Marquam made a touching and eloquent plea for his lib erty. Hetalkaiu a rational way, but his writings are very erratic. It is be lieved that a course of treatment will completely cure his ailment. The Oregon City Y. M. 0. A. bas ket ball team still remains champions of Oregon. On Tuesday night they de feated the Salem tam by a score 18 to 6. Dave Williams made the best points for the home team, and Zauker for the Salema. The Salem boys were treated with the utmost consideration here. The personell of the Salem team was Rocky D. Hodgkin, Jerry P. King, Charles Zaenher, vValter W. Bruce and Harry V. Moore, captain. The Sa lem boys, also met with a disastrous de feat at Portland Wednesday night. J. H. Ackerman, superintendent of public instruction, has sent out circu lars defining the qualifications of voters at scho il elections an i meetings, and providing for the establishment of poll ing places at elections in districts hav ing a population of more than 2,'0O. in accordance with the recent ch nes made in the school laws. Any male or female, married or otherwise, o--er 21 years of age, can vote at a school elec tion or meeting, who has resided in the district 3') days preceding, and who has property in the district of the value of at least $U)i), as shown by the last pre ceding county assessment, upon which he or she is required to pay a tax. How ever, in districts of leas than 1,000 in habitants women who are widows and male citizens over 21 years of age who have children iu the district of school age, and who possess the residence qualifications can vote for the election of directors and clerk. The new fea tures in the school law makes the as sessment of cay uses ami other chattels just previous to school elections, either by tli e assessor or sheriff, illegal. Beats the Klondike. Mr. A. V. Thomas, of Marysville, Tex has found a more valuable discovery than has yet been made in the Klondike. For years he sniTcred untold agony from consumption, accompanied by hemorrh ages ; and was absolutely cured by Dr. Kind's New diseoveJy for Consumption, Ciiutihs and Colds, lie declares that gold is of little value in ronipnrison with this marveliina cure; would have it if it cost a hundred dollars a bottle. Asthma, bron chitis and all all throat and lungafToc. tioiss are positively cured by Ir. King's Nw Discovery for Consumption. Tiial bottles Iree at U. A. II arding DrugSlore Regular size 50.:ts. and II . Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. To Cur C"tltlu r'orevtu. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic lOo or 25e. If C. C. C. fail tocure, druggists refund money. Itching ceased, and the sores oh my limbs began to heal. I am better in every way since taking Hood's Sarsaparilla." Mb. Jab. J. Kbhob, McEwen, Oregon. "Hood's Sarsaparilla has cured me of a lung trouble and fluttering of the heart, and since I began taking it my weight has increased 20 pounds. It has done my stomach good and I can now enjoy my meala and eat with, comfort. I recom mend Hood's Sarsaparilla as the best medicine it is possible to find." C. W. Cabby, Primeville, Oregon. Mood Sarsa- O parilla Is the best In taet the One True Blood Purifier. Bold by all drnglsts. Price, 1 ; six for 15. Hn1,e Dills re the best after-dinner IIOOU S fills puis, i digestion. 260. Progressive Business Men Insure in a first-class companies With an experenced agent. F. E Donaldson, Agent t ire and Accident Insurance ptf Land Tiilos and Land Ullice Business a Specialty. ROBERT A. MILLER, . " ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice tn all the Courts of tin State and the Bureaus of the Interior Dspurlmentut Wash ington. KOom 3, CiiARHiH Building, OREGON CITY, OREGON. J". boaze General Blacksmith, Opp.Charman's Store, OUEGON CITY Soeoial Attention Given to all kinds ot loot worn. W. H. YOUNG'S Livery & Feed Stable Has the best-looking rigs and cheapest rates in the , city. Cor. Main and 4th St. OREGON CITY. OREGON Now IS THE TIME to clean house and repaper youi rooms and paint your house and Murrow IS THE MAN to do the painting and papering in a first-class shape at very low prices. Leave orders at Ely Bros, store on upper 7th streeth. LEADS TO NOTHING I'lumliinz wnrk Hint it faulty in soino minor particular is not (rood lumlinir To te nitlit nt all Union must he rislit clear UiroiiRh. Kver.v ii mini, every joint light, viy tap nonicakable, every drain g proof. Au'J we make them tbat way. F. C. GADKE 45 cents round trip from Oregon City to Portland and return via Southern Pacific trains. One way rate 25 cents. Tickets now on sale at railroad depot. Trains leave Oregon City at 8:40 a. m., and 3:35 p. m., and arrives from Port land at 9 :23 a. 111. and 6 :52 p. m. Save timo by using the quicker route. Shall we TiiVKv tell you A jr I yWS mkKbf- (HQ flantlAman ItHtMUHtHMM MMtlMIMtHHMtMHfmf Christmas Is Past But you want good flour for your bread and pastry. The best is made by the Portland Flouring Mills Company and . . . , SOLD THE BEST VALUE Make Yourself Sure ... ... The new year is upon us and you cannot tell what we have in store for you. We know what we have in store for you if you will only come and get it. The lime will fly so do our bargains, and if you don't grasp your opportunity as it presents itself, some other man will get what you might have had KRAUSSE BROS. HARRIS' GROCERY... H&SSZL- GROCERIES i Depot for HAT nd FEED Willamette Block, Oregon Pity TL t p ' ""i'i H. STRKIGHT, Da.ler In Groceries ' and Provisions. Also Fall line cl Mill Fled, Lime, Cement uA Land Plaster. Look, at Your Houses t ? If you haven't got time, call on G. REDD AWAY. He will do you an honest job at a reasonable price. A full stock of Paints and Oils kept on hand. Call and see him before buying your order. Paper Hanging and Kalsomining done to perfection. All work guaranteed. GEO. RED D AWAY ConfMt'oner' j'k; :sr," Sole Ageptin Clackamai County for OUR NATIVE HERBS. MCKITTRICK " The Shoe Man," Sele Agent, . ' . u'rilln OREGON CITY, ORE. BY ALL in all lines of Groceries have been found here during the past year. In 1899 we intend to redouble our efforts toward securing the finest the land produces and also toward making prices which will compel the economically inclined to trade with us. In our Bakery Department can be found everything in the line of choice Pastry and the best Bread in the city made fresh every day HEINZ & CO., Bakers and Grocers Opposite Postoffice, - Oregon City THE LEADER OF LOW Do You Understand That you can get First Class Fresh Groceries of all kinds of MARR & MUIR at very reasonable prices ? Why pay more ? GROCERS $ 9