.-, f w-rj, uV, .y 'l'r'ny 'y--.v- y V',.; j n j ''vf -''..t'.r.JL''' - t . s. - i . " -.- J--' . ; on CIt CIRCULATION GUARANTEED LARGER Greg SiSffillii " OREGON CITY, OREGON, Fiv COVSOUDATEO SEPTEMBER. 1898 (COMMERCIAL BANK or OREGON CITY CAPITAL f 100,000 . Transacts a General Banking Business . Loans made. Bills discounted. Makes col lections. Buys and sells exchange on all points In the United Stales and Europe and on Hong Kong. Deposits received sur-Jert to oheck. Bank open from 9 A M.to4 P. M. D.C. LAlOURt'ilE, FEBD J. MEY-ER, . President. CaBhler, C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE ATTORNEYS AT LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law . Specialties Office In Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY - OREGON Geo. C. BaowNiu J. V. Camfbih BROWN ELL & CAMPBELL ATTORNEYS AT 1AW Caufleld Building Oregon City, Ora W. S. U'REN - ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jaggar Building, opposite Huntley's, OREGON CITY - - OREGON 0. SCHUEBEL ATTORNEY AT LAW Eeutfdtjei Hbbofot OREGON CITY - - OREGON THOS. F. RYAN Notary Public and Real Estate Broker Liadiho Insurance Aoioy of Clacxamai County Money to Loan. Abstracts of Title Made Drawing of Legal Documents a Specialty Office on east side of Main street Between 6lh and 7th OREGON CITY. OREGON Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum. A.um baking powders are the greatest menacers to health of the present day. BOYM. SAKIWa POWDER CO., NEW YORK. CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS Furnished By Numerous Corres pondents in the lounty. M. C. STRICKLAND, M. D. (Hospital and Private Experience.) Offers his professional services to the people of Oregon City and vicinity. Special attention paid to Catarrh and Chronic diseases. Office in Willamette Building. g a. ill. Office hours: 10 to 18 a. m., to OHEQON CITY OREGON C. 8. Ezaminn, M. D. J. W. Powsix, M. D POWELL & SEAMANN, PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS. All calls attended promptly. Office hours: 8 to 11 a m. ; 1 to 5 p. m. Nob. 9 and 10 Ohabman Block. DR. GEO. IIOEYE, DENTIST, Office in Caufleld Building, Main Street. Oregon Oitv.' Bmaafl and Crown Work a Spkcialty. All work warranted and satisfaction guaranteed. Maple Lane, vr Wdlipmah and his Hon Henry nnd one of his daughters are sick but are improving. A. V. Mantz, who bought M. Schnl pius' house, has a new roof on the house and is otherwise improving it. We shall all be glad to welcome them in the community. L. Mantz, who is attending business college in Portland, was home Saturday and Sunday. Our erstwhile teacher, E. M.Ward, is teaching in the same school. He is a first-class instructor. Mr. Niman, who is hauling wood for the ElectiicOo. on the Tualatin, spent Sunday with his family . Th vniinw nemilfi trot un a sleighing ttntiinliiv cvenirff and had a BaV time of it. The fun came in when their team balked about a mile lrom tne starting place and ihey were obliged to hoof it home. T nm rrlad to reeord thfi I net that T W. Oramer has cleared his place from debt. 110TUAKH February 7. New Era. rpi. ...nnll.nw tin. hann nrti and we IMC WrilllltTI lloo ..--... - have had lots of snow and ice, but the skating is about over. The "school is progressing tine under the management of Mrs. A. II. Wells, teacher. M Mnnro mnnrnR over the loss of his faithful old dog which died last week. Mr. Anthony is quite ill. Phefihick is' the champion ekater of the gii Is of New Era. Oscar Burgoyne was seen going down iIib t.rark with a eun on his shoulder. I wonder what it means. The river is full of floating ice. Kiiridttv Br' hnnl at 3 n. m. Music fur nished by Miss Katie Newbury. February 7. a. tt. As one that soweth and tills the soil, sorting the flnwt and best, of his seeds to sow. So U hat the God of heaven cboosett the dearest and best of our loved ones with Him Althwifh his stay with us was short, he to all of us was dear, ' , i But the God of heaven could not see Bt to leave him with u quite one year, r ; Little Carl, the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Eyeman, died last Saturday and was buried in the Gleasin grave yard Monday. The funeral was preach ed in the new Rock Creek church by Rev. Dick of Hubbard. The weather was rather cold and disagreeable, but quite a number of friends came out to pay their respects to the family. Mr. iand Mrs. Eyemah and several of the I children were notable to go the funeral, I l.. .11 nt iham having the erip. i which was the causa of the death of tne baby. The bereaved family have the sympathy of all their trienai anu uoiku i hnrs. ' - ' kffM Al!in flAnnpa urn ilfl AHaiatinc at AIL I n. XI waavv I " . . tit- i?.nmnnta aat ftnnrlaV. WflSrcallea to her mother's, Mrs. Mallett, where her brother is very in wun ,!uw fever. ;: .. '- Miss Sadie Crocker has gone to Bntt-e-ville to help care for her sister, who is sick. The cold weather makes lots of Bport for the youngsters, although it seems to be the cause of a great deal of sickness. Miss Oswalt, who has been sick, is niTAin iid and around. . "( r , Mrs. Jackson and Mrs. Ppangier are visiting their parents, Mr. anu on fttininsnn. T .T. Ttiffelnw is sufforing lrom a large large carbuncle on his wrist. t t r..nt r;to insf finished hia first term of a three months' school here last Friday. uor' February 8. T.ittln did we A. we would Bee the the. empty above zero, but v On the 4th inst. there w. , register. Ice is frozen to a six inches and it is still freezii... . aige fir trees are frozen in the solid wood hve inches deep. Enough apples are irozen , . !.. L 1 1 1 ... to mate a nungry man mini, nn ijui together winter is here, also five inches of drifting snow. ' No school since Friday morning at re cess, Miss Francis, the teacher, having been taken with the grip and had to close school. If the bell rings Monday morning at 8:20 there will be school; if not, simply wait until it dpes ring that time in the morning. ' : : The chop mill formerly owneifeby J. Schiewe was run last Tuesday ty its present owners, the Moser brothers. Februarys. Lbnqhthy. if prices as .pot 50c peryai, , . , . . Good Chinese Melting.... ......... J'Qa peryard. .. .......... . . The holiday rush left a numberj'of Carpet and Matting Remnants which we will Bell at a sacrifice. , Bellomi & Buscli, THE HOUBEFURN1SHERS. I)R. J. H. MILLER, . DENTIST, Seventh Street, near S. P. Depot, Hihomm City. Oregon Neiv Era. I)R. FRANCIS FREEMAN DENTIST. n.,iatQ nf tim Nnrt.hwfistern Univer Bity Dental School, also of American Col lege of Dental Burgery, oi umcago. WITH DR. WKLUU. Willamette Block - Oppotite Pottoffice Obeqon City, Oebgon. C. N. GREENMAN (Established 18C5 ) THE PIONEER EXPRESSMAN AND DRAYMAN Parcels Delivered to All Parts of the City OREGON CITY . OREGON BANK OF OREGON CITY UDEST BAN KINO HOUSE IN THE CUT PAID UP CAPITAL, 150,000.00 SURPLUS ftO&COO President, floe president Jashier, Cras. H. caVMJd 6 io. A. Haidik X. O. Cackild A General Bankini Business Transacted Deposits Received Subject to Check. Approved Bills and Notes Discounted. County and City Warrants Bought. Loans Made on Available 8ecuritv Exchange Bought and Hold. rnltMtlnn a UST ad Prnmntl V. Drafts Sold Available In Any Part of the a worm. Telegraphic Exchange Sold on Portland, Baa fianclsco. Chicago anl New Tori. Interest Paid on Tim Deposit. Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY. OREGON , Oithe Street betwtiitkt Bridge Mil the Oeoot. ways on hand at lue lowel rates, nd a eorra also eonnecud with the barn for lpoae stocJt Any Information rardlpj any kind of itock prompuT aueauvu hi qj iuai HORSES BOl'GUT OR SOLD. I'arkplaee- Gladstone. TUa nniir. nennltt nr hftVllie another time coasting. The lakes were Irozen about 4 niches deep. A partv was civen at Cart. Smilh's last Friday. AH report having' a very nice tune. The thermometer registered as low as 4 ahnve zero last Friday night. r.,ia and Fred Smith are coins to commence a course of study at school in Portland this week, Mr. Miller came homo lust week from Iastern Oregon, where he has been working. Mies Pearl Iliniler is working in Ore gon City. Miss Carrio Meyer, from Clatks, is working in West Gladstone. Chnsi Foster has moved to East Glad stone, as he is working up tewn. Harry W.Gard of Clarks and Ineo dore Shanklin of Flagle Creek were seen in our town last Monday on Dumness. A. Phillips has fold his property lq West Gladstone and moved to Oregon City. Mr. Rambo has sold one of his places in Gladstone to John Page. Manila. February . Clackamas. Mr. Will fnnrn is hnmft from Rose- .MID. ' burg visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Johnson. - My. me! Were all the folks ready to see such a storm? No one knows what Oregon can do. We heard of no meeting ol the W. U. T TT loaf luoulr TheV extWCt BOOH tO u.. m Rnnnitu uivfl a lecture, as many are interested in the work.even if they are not memDersoi uie uuiuu. xt . w W Binith anrl son from Vir 1.1 ID. .1 .-.. ginia are home. We are glad to Bee them again. nH. ia cKnnl In Miss M.Roirers' iUCID ni.ww. ... . room this week, as bo many are sick and it is too cold lor me lew wuo uu The German measles are trying old aa u .iftiinii it. a a mpHH v iuliq laeu nnfl does not smouDt to much unless one catches cold. t. il,o ihormniT'eter register . J -1 nam Q nil ITI H P V 1 HO t II HI T canned fruit, vegetable, and (last but not least) their house plants irucn. All our elderly people are in pretty onnd health for them . We would be glad to see more of the members of our library reading the iwika. Roma of them are very good. ur. .... ma inilMt ti aee Mrs. Alex Tomson down from Oregon City on a visit. All stock is leiog fed well, but o many neglect to wattr the poor animals. February 5. Roe" Hill. Marquam. n. ni,o nf Biluortnn Tina visited our community three times lately. Each ; Via hot hrnntrhr a. nnv imuv w tu him. The first one was a Oerman, bo he left it with our German friends, Mr and Mrs. Baer Utto. i ne aeconu no mi witb Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, and the last mnr E. Vaughn. The latter was the first baby ever left at their house. Dr. crooKS ib a goou thoughtful man. in nnv tnmmlinitir Rrfl illst nOW "hovered up" with measles and mumps and are able to give their friends (who have never had them) sometning mm will not impoverish the giver. Vionn th efforts of the T Rill 1 1 v ' ' r.i..nn .ml noinhhnrs to find the bodV of Mr. Hansen, who was drowned in Butte creek two weeks ago. t v ., In your recent issue "Pat" criticises "Jasper's big words. At .all hazards 41..f'l miial ha rvlpaaAil ' hence I boV humbly at his feet nnd promise that it) future "Jasper," as far as is in his pow ... ... . er, will avoid an jejune uauoiomBiu. As a result of the recent special servi ces seven united with the M. E. church. The meetings will be resumed on the I9ih inst. They were suspended Decause of so much sickness and the pastor had to go to other parts ot tne circuit. At a recent meeting the Marquam Ep worth League elected Barton Jack, Min nie Gray and Arden Li. enuise delegates to the diBtnct convention to oe ueiu nv Woodburn February 16th to 19th. We have in our community one who claims to have passed the centenarian mark Uncle Jesse Allen who claims Iolml03vear8 old. This claim "Jas pei" has "no light to dispute, for that was a long time before "Jasper' was born. In reference to age there are two tendencies : First, to keep young as long cheeks and coloring our hair, hiding the family rec nr.i oti orid Binnd. when we can no longer hide our age to mane u iHca we are very, very oin. Tnof nnu tliurn Imb enmB into "JaS per's" hands some of "Phil" Mar fiuam'B utterances in reference to a dozen or more nice girls of the community, in i,;..i, i,q mm ihuir nsimes with such en dearing adjectives as "Dear." "Sweet," etc., wanting tnem to uy away wu nun. This is getting serious, and it is felt that for the good of this community some thing must be done with him. February (i. jabi-.k. Wa nova Viad nnilo ninA nleio'hin? and eVatino (nr tllO tlAst. Wftfik. hill (lotl't think we will have much more fun, aB ine snow is mBiiuig moi.. Don't forget about the masquerade ball at Twilight hall next Friday night, teoruary xuin. Mrs. F. Spnlak made a flying trip to Oregon City Monday afternoon. Quite a large crowd of young men wer ei'ioviiie themselves skating on the ice Monday evening. J. Burgoyne has been quite ill for the no of nmolr hut we am clad to sav that ha is recovering, although slowly. Mrs. Newbury visited Oregon Uty Tuesday. The Catholics are going to give an other entertainment at Oanby Saturday night, February 11th. Misses Maggie and Cora Wickham have been on the sick list for several days. Frank McArthur has been quite sick for the past week, but he has about re covered. ... . Born, to the wife of GeorgeMc Arthur, a son. ... " Martin Richster has purchased a new waeon. '. . We should like to hear from "Tempest onrl Unnahina" atfAin. February 7. The Triplets. Mullno. Marquam. The merry sound of sleigh bells is heard nirqin. . Fred Hubbard is sick with the meas les. 1 Miss Nellie Shulse is confined to her ' room with rheumatism. . , Clay Larkins made a flying trip to Scotts Mills on Saturday. xri,.v,nloa Kirftiet is confined to his room with sickness. Dr. Cathy of Woodburn is attending him. .Tna. Miller has gone to Oregon Ulty whero he will work in a saw mill dur ing the spring. Aikor Wada has niirehftsed Dronerlv at Scotts Mills, where he will soon move with his family. u: if. Millar, who. has been stay- JUIDD .,J.tn J ...... , - ing at Scotts Mills, came home to spend a few days wun ner momer, who m m, We are experiencing some pretty cold weather in our part of the county. On Thursday and ifriaay mornings in mi week the thermometer went down to zero, which made the average Mar quamite slep a little faster than usuali t .i.iiiin in thin, the crotind has been All Hum""" m covered with snow for the past weeit, and while it mens siowiy, mem m s prospects for another fall. P. A. Marquam claims to have discov ered the secret of life and Rays if his instructions are carelully touowea one may live a thousand years. He has written a book on the subject and claims he is sent to save the people, not from their sins, but from a premature death, which, according to his teaching, results from onr present way of living. As an emblem of his faith he haB constructed a curious banner covered with mouoes indicative of his religion. On Sunday morning solitary and alone he paraded the streets oi our town, wun uauuui lin ing, but nobody fell in line with him, so he retired. He has also written a Beries of poems, in which he gives vent to ma feelings in regard to me genuer e. February o. . . Macksburg. February is starting in somewhat win terish. The first day came with a bliz zard; the second cold; the third the thermometer went to zero; the fourth it went three below zero, and since then it has been somewhat warmer. Rev. Dr. Schoeuberg went to Eagle Creek Sunday to hold services. - Fred Armstrong of Portland was visit inn amoncr faienda and relatives in this place last week. Rumor has it that Hermann Harms has bought the Hans Abbot place. Her- umnn iu an uiuurnriui vitr viiuiiu mih i i iim deserves our best wishes for success. It has been stated that Walt Noblitt is going to start a Baldon in our burg. He asked a citizen to circulate a peti tion for him, who told him to go plum to hades, which I think was about the proper answer, for we have a gang now tnat neeas watcning wnerever uibjku and what would heeome of them if we had a saloon? ' A fynnd monv narmlo nrA ftnmnlaininff ". r r -t 1 o! their potatoes being frozen. W. E. Wilson and Fred Yohann are talking of going to Portland this week on business. The latter has :ecently shipped several head of hogs to that marKet. It is rumored there will be a grand ball at this place on February 11th. wen enougn lortnose wuo ioiiuw npuiu we aon t. , duhab. February 5. Bolton. Many thanks for the welcome ram. Ohas. Galloggly's family is on the sick us hub neea. 1. Tnnnn. wi oanA nVtlld nf rtraonn City, have moved among us. They oc cupy the Rottenburg cottage. Miqd Ttiolor nf Parb-nlona U'aB vimtint? among friends here Saturday and Sun day. Mis. Johnston, whphas been confined to her bed so long, is now able to sit up Dart of the time.. Mrs. Moore is now having her turn with the trrio. Mr. Moore's sisters were visiting him during the week. Thnva nra n rnimlrt nf vniin? men in Bolton, H.and II., that are troubled with the itching of the heart in a vio !.., fM-m l.nh th ii thnv nra not to blame, for their pretty lassies would set any one s heart licning. julia. February 8. For Over Fifty Years AuHin in Wtl T..Tlllltn REMEDY. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has noan naad Inr nvor fifty vnars hV mil- UGGU www. w. v . w. " - -rf llnno nf mnthnrn for their children while tui.ll.inir ailh nerfeet success. It .nnlhoa ll.Q nl.illl OnfteilS tllll tTlllllS allava all nuin I'nres wind colic, and is iha het remedy for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the tas'te. Sold by Druggists in every part oi tne worm, iwwuijr fti.o tira a .mltlA. ltd VfllllH IS ill and nslc for Mrs. Winsow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. To Exchange Orange groves and other property in the land of sunshine, PUUlillUI 11 t.lllVJ.ii. .B---- " proved larms ana liisiue property. vju at this oflice for particulars.' ' Cherry ville. Cherry ville is situated about 34 tulles east of 'Portland in the foot hilis of the Cascade mountains. It has a small population at the present time, with plenty of room for more settlers. It is considered to be more healthful than it is down in the valley, as we are nearly 1000 feet above the sea level. We have beautiful scenery, Mt. Hood being the chief object of Jinterest. - Cr,,,a.iil nf rmr nltivanfl have been hav ing La Grippe but, none at present wa believe except Mr, Osbora. C. Harris has been taking logs out of the road that fell during the heavy wind last week. ' It has been pretty cold weather for web Joot the past few days. The ther mometer down nearly to zero some of , the lime.' We never appreciate our .nH.v. nlU.ta until -nra Iirvr aenld flnaD. that reminds us of winters East of the Rockies. Snow is eight inches aoep at. present time. Miss Alpha Ware was visiting Mrs. Richardson a couple of days last week. Feb. 7, '99. Jack Fkobt. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Don't Know it. there is a disease prevailing In this country most dangerous because so de ceptive. Many sudden deaths are caused by it heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are olten the result of kidney disease. If kidney trouble is n. tn mluanna tim kidney noison aiiunovi ....... ... in the blood iB liable to attack the vital organs, or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell to cell. Then n, ,inhnaaa nf fViA hlnnd the albumen leaks out and the Bufferer has Bright's disease, tne worst lorm oi nmuey trouble. Kidnev trouble can be de tected although it be slow and ciecep live. First., by analysis oi me urine, second, by the simple test of setting the urine in a glass or bottle for twenty- four hours, when a ciouuy or orica uuoi. settling indicates it. It was lor jnst sucn irouuiua iiiu in His infinite power and goodness the Great I'hysician caused ownmii-noui v grow for the benefit of sulloring man kind, leaving it tor HiB servant, Dr." Kilmer, the great H'.o'iey ki immuoi .,;.,i;ut tn iiiunnver it and make it known to the" world. Its wonderful ef ficacy iu promptly curing the most us- i.nn.int n.aal id trlllv IlllirVeldllS. . YOd may have a sample bottle of Dr. Kil mer 8 Hwatnp-ltoot tne greai Kinney, liver and bladder remedy, by mail free. Address Dr. Kilmer &. Co., Bingham tnn; N. Y. When writing mention this PPOT- ... ,..., , Druggists, in uity-ueni ui uuuui on.v,.i. Tha annir haB About disappeared in i., nf tl.a xnnntrv. as the recent rain washed it away before getting time to freeze. All thnsA who have been on the sick Hat are very near well again. Our general merchant, i.M. Man nino. wag doing business in Oregon City one day last week. n,.;iA a nnmW nf M nlino neonle at- . .i j . i . ni,.n at fr and rvfrfl. Geo. Mallatt's Tuesday evening and en joyed a very pleasant time. Mr. and Mrs, H. Perry were tne guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mill morey ai .,iuerai Sunday. I...t Mntvav nf Portland. BCComPa' k nia hr,.thor. in-laW. L. A. DUnCh liicrti ij in. of The Dallec, was visiting his parents Sunday ana wonaay. Xlilia Mnluav formerly of Mullno. re ... IIVW...WJ,.. J ... , inman tiom from Tacoma to spend a couple oi weens witu ma puieiue. k ..,) nf tmino folks from here at a .ivnu w .v.. at Pfl.vr.tVg flcnool kCiiutva mo - j house Friday evening and report a good time omy a time com. . Mr. and Mrs. Jas Hannegan of Liber al were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mul vev Minnav. fiV.nnl in nrnnraaoincr Very nicely Un dor the management ot Miss Patty. 1 here will be a mask ball given at the Mulino grange ball Wednesday evening. February 22d. under the management of the Maccabees. Everybody cordially invited to attend. Don't forget the dance at the Mulino grange hall Tuesday nigni. reuruaiy . . . ... 1. t...;nnlA Kb alt I4'n. A gotrn viuio b .iini;iiaici j February , xni. Try Couiebb-Hkbald six months for 75 cents . Springwatev ti.. (,.u.,.ir,ry nffii-ara of Snrinwfttr .ara ranantlv installed : Master. UiailgO nv.v ... j c ... ' 1.1 . Cln.ma.i AVarHflAF. J AH. nhlhleVl U U 11 11 Diiuiuici , v . v . .. - , , lecturer, Chas. Gray; steward, Roy Smith; assistant, u.wiuer; cnapiaiu, a. s &i.;ki0w traaanrAr. A. D. Crane I 1,1. piuuic I . - -.- , a t.qpbv! crot. keener. L. TU.M..i pnmnna wi nr? i iiiiiihh : riurix. Mrs. M. A. Thomas ; lady steward, Rose Taylor ; Ceres, Mrs. m. riacey. ti. ..ni DrimiA meetinor will ue llinwuiii; . " a, j u i,m riraonn C. tv on luesdav. March 7 1 D. m.. by order of the deputies. We are now getting e warm ram, which is welcomed by all. a fw sick horses are reported, but not as many as usuni. We all hope the protracted fight be . v. nr.nii r.itv editors will con- ii .1, (I, a rant, o tllM VRr for It helps to fill up the paper and makes such nice reading lor tnese .uu wuni-i avanincs. The recent cold snap is the worst lor several years. Farmers are wanting to see some good weather as there nas oeen uu very i- ila nlnunncf done BO tar. .iv n t rr.,. . T : aaw mill rhich WBB IIIB JUID mio , ----- j. ....,i taut Kantamhar has been re- ueniruycu r -- - ... t.!i. n n H la mar innni ikiui lubihi. the mill i larger and better than be- frir A. Our dentist, Dr. W. Wallens , has been spending a couple of weeks in the city. We are glad lo see Uharies uray r tiout again, after being absent two or three weeks in the Oregon City Santia rum. where he underwent a painful operation. February 7, Free Pills. Send your address to II. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a free Bample box of King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. Tlieso pills are easv in action and aro particu lar effective iu the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. . For Malaria and T itiui. trnnlilaH tllPV llRVt! llUCn tirOVtHl i..ii,i.hl. Thav Hie irnnrauteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious. substance and to ne pnreiy veniuin. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tono to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the systom; Regular size 2"c. per box. bold by G. A. Hard ing, Druggist. BRUSHES GOOD vs. BAD Do you buy your Prushes wherever you happen to be, or do you buy them of a dealer you are sure of 1 We have been selling our Tooth, Hair and Cloth Brushes on the "money back if not satisfactory" plan for years and yet so few have come back that we sometimes wonder if occasionally a customer does not get a poor brush and still not return it. We don't want YOU to do this, anyway. We have Hair Brushes from 20c up. For 50c we can sell you a solid back brush that will last for years. Our 25c Tooth Brush is as good and will wear as long as any brush made ; the difference between this and a 50c Loonen Brush is all in the finish-one will wear as long as the other. ; r Tcoth....5cto 75c ( HUNTlY I,air..20cto5a0 Populaf Pr,ce Dr.st c 3 1 OREGON CITY - OREGON