TEACHERS' MEETING. Clackamas County Educational Association Held an Inter ent ity Session at Mount Fleas ant Saturday. . The regular monthly meeting of the Clackamas County Educational Associ ation held at Mount Pleasant last Sat urdny, was one of thH very pleasant and interacting gatherings held by the school teachers of this county. Vice-President T. J. Gary presided. About 35 teachers we;e in attend ance, the various sections of ,the county being pretty well represented. The majority of the teachers took an active interest in the discussion ot the various themes presented. Prof. J. W. Gray gave an interesting and instructive dissertation on pro nonns. and the correct method of using them. He lianded out a lot of type written slipa containing sentences, with blanks space to be supplied with the required pronouns. The sentences were failed out by the various teachers present, and the results compared, which afforded considerable instructive amusement. -. Miss Bade Chase, principal of the Canemah school, gave her methods of teaching geography in a most interest ing way. She gave practical demon strations of her methods of teaching ge ography in connection with map draw ing, and getting the pupils interested in matters connected with the countries recited about. A number of teachers paticiuated in the discussion that fol lowed. One if the notable features of the teachers' meeting was the splendid dinner served by the ladies of Mount Pleasant in the upper story of the school building. It was all home cooking, and that in the highest culinary art, all prepared in the kitchens of Mount Pleasant 'a exemplary ! housewives. It was more than a diniier it. was a ban quet. Following was the bill of fare: ' Potato, egg and cabbage salads. Roast chicken, roast pork and pork souce. Boston baked beam Oueumhei anl beet pickles. Hot buns and home-made light bread. Cinnamon rolls and cookies. Butler nut made for market. Jellies In great variety. Cocnanut. cream and Jelly cake. Wince, blackberry and apple piei. Hot coffee and pure cream. The tables were covered with white linen and tastily arranged. Misses Lorena Lazelie, Maud Kidder and Helen Eiggs, assisted by several others waited on the tahle. My me I how some of the school teachers did eat, but then one could not blame them much. Prof. T. J. Gary presented Co-ordination of Studies ihat is, branches of study that bear an explanatory rela tion to each other should be taught in connection one with the other Much time can be saved in this way. Foi in stance, take geography and history; there is great advantage in teaching the two together. Reading can be success fully taught, while knowledge is being acquired in other branches. O. 11. P.ylatid gave a very interesting talk on "Civics in the Rural Schools." He claimed that it was important that children should he taught the prinei pies of government in order that thev may he competent to distinguish be tween right and wrong. They should he taught to v'ive half the road when on the public highway, and to become thoroughly imbued with a spirit uf un selfishness and patriotism. Children make better citizens by early learning the principles of government. It was voted to accept an invitation to bold the next meeting of ihe Asso ciation at Willamette Falls, aiid Mil lard lliatt, A. C. Strange and Misa Clara Demmer were appointed a pro gram committee. A new and i.ovel method of school government was taken upnnd discussed. A Chicago school had tried the plan of allowing the pupils to govern them selves in the matter of deportment. They were divided into squads, each having its ollicers. The plan had worked admirably for a period of three years. Uf course, the succeps of pupil government depends mucli on the man agement of the teacher and surround ing condition!), A resolution was adopted making the comity superintendent, vice-president and secretary, a permanent committee toarrnngo programs for the monthly meetings of the associations. The Mount Pleasant school 'is situ ated In a picturesque location in the midst of the bent farming conimunitv, ontigilous to (Ireeon I'itv. It is "a large Uvo-storv htruciure, but the lower llimr i wvi for school purposes only. It is the announced intention to lit up the lintie space in the upper story for a hall with staging, etc., and use it for public eiiteilaninents. At prisent, Miss Kate I'asto is the onlv teacher em ployed in Ihe school, although during the givater part of the school year, two teachers kept busy. The directors of the Mount Pleasant district are R. Jl. Tabor, Perley Andrews and William .McCord, w hile the clerk is Ward Law ton. The following teachers and members of the Association were in attendance: II. N. Slannkor, Snnnysldo; M. 8 Shrank, Hub turd,: Anne Nelson, ringbiook (trace Kd wr Ni IIW Younger, Oswego; A. B Herman, Klwondt Shirley Hack, (Voiliyi A. 0. flan, branch, Aurora: K M Ward, aianle Lane; Jin Ian! Hyatt, Willamette Falls; L. h, Moore, Mil waukle; Charle F. Tiillnmn, darkens A C. Strange, Orient; Ma Francis, Slallord; Mrs. Kslclla Salisbury, Miss Maud Salisbury, ,MIs Clara Demnier, lllndslonr, T. J. (iary, Miss Mao Donald. West Oregon City; Ivy Meats, Maple t.sneiO. II, llyland, farm; Miss Klla Hothlke Mllwanklc; J. W. Oray, J, (', Ziuser. Ada! Moohuke, It. 8. (libson, Jennie Rowen. Huldiih lloldeu, Kale Porter, Karie Chase, Margaret Yti. llama, Harjori Calillcld, 1 aura lleaile, K, II U dibert, Oregon City; Kate Casto, Mount Pleas- School llepttrt. Following is the repcrt of district No. '5. Hedland, Ore., fortho fourth month: "sys taught 20, attendance 558, absence 'tt, average number belonging 29, aver se daily attendance 2S, times tardy 2, "eh live .minutes. Roll of honor laude Stone, William Stone, William teikey, Fred Wilcox, George Iliein 'fthem, Oswald llehymer, Gilmore Whymert Minnie Evans, Martha, John nd Charles Stiebril, Halph Shilts, Iary Katnuscher and Harry Mosher. Visitors Louis Funk, William Stone, as. Shilts ami Abe Kamuscher; Mes. nines D. Kvaus, Win Bonney, E. Miehritii, Win Stone. F. Wilcox. J. I.ichardson, G. llicinbotheni and Louis ' nnkj Misses Ida Young and Gnssie ' nnk. Invitation is extended to patrons visit our school. Chas. Kt'TiiBKKoiti), Teacher. ;on't make muslin underwear, when i can buy at very low prii.es,, at tjie 'ket Store, . .... SPECIAL SCHOOL MEETINGS Oregon City District Levies a Six Mill Tax Other Districts Make Levies. Pursuant to call a special meeting of the voters of Oregon City School Dia niet No. 62, was held at Willamette hall last Monday night. The following report was presented by the board ol directors We submit herewith our estimates of the cost of conducting the Oiegon City school, district No. 62, for the fiscal year ending March. 1900, with our esti mates of receipts for same time to-wit: Salaries of teachers CQ06 50 Salariesof janitors 700 J0 Fuel. 110 cord, of wood at 2 25 2-17 00 School supplies 200 00 u mace for Eas' ham building 360 00 Repairs to blackboard W0 00 Interest on bonds. 720 00 'Clerk's salary 100 00 Incidentals ,. 110 00 Estimated indebtedness at end of year. 1W0 00 Total ... $10,750 OP "This estimate is based on the cost of conducting the schools during the year, and does not allow for any increase in the corps of teachers or anything for fitting up an extra school room, if it should be needed . Should the attend ance increase at the beginning of the next school it will be absolutely neceS' sary to employ another teacher and fit up an additional school room. We think we can control this matter how ever, by excluding, if it becomes nec essary," all outside pupils and admit line only those of our own district. Our estimate for janitors is increased $50 over last year, as we found that we could not get a satisfactory man for the Eastham building for less than $35 per month. Cord wood has advanced in price and a new furnace will have to be placed in the Eastham building. Some blackboard repairs will have to be made, etc. We estimate that our floating indebt edness at the end of the fiscal year will be $1500, that with the other items will be $10,700, which will have to be pro vided for during the year. As there will be no material change in school population from last year, we estimate our receipts from the county apportion ment to be $4 000, and from the state $1450, making a total of $5,450. If we do get the estimated amount there will still he a shortage of $5,250, which will have to be raised by special tax. The county clerk reports the tux able property in' the district to be $635, 436, or $192,304 less than last year. On account of other high taxes, we ad vise the levying of a six tax for general purposes. The above is the substance of the very comprehensive report presented by the board directors Dr. W, E. Oarll, Charles II. Oaufield and E. E. Char man. The resolution passed unanimously providing for the levy of a six mill tax. A resolution was passed asking the Clackamas county delegation to use their influence to pass an act to do away with the county school levy. The voters of the district will be given an opportunity to express their prefer ence in either adding another school room, or , shutting out outside pupils, at the annual school meeting. Canemah voted a nine-mill tax, and J can Howell was elected director to fill a vacancy. West Oregon City levied a 6 1-2 mill tax, and will pay off $500 of their bonded indebtedness Parkplace levied a six-mill tax. Mount Pleasant levied 2 1-2 mills, and authorized the directors to fiit up the upper story ol the school building for a hall. Teachers' Examination Notice is hereby given that for the purpose of making an examination of all persons who may offer .themselves candidates for teachers of the schools of this county, the county school superin tendent thereof will hold a public ex amination in the court house at Oregon City, Oregon, commencing at one o'clock p. m. on Wednesday, February 8, 1899, Applicants for state papers will pre sent themselves for examination at 9 o'clock a. m. Friday, February 10th, 1899. According to a recent ruling of the state board of education applicants for state certificates will also have to be made at the quarterly examinations. Ibi.ed this 25th day of January, 1899. U.S. Sthamih, County School Superintendent, Clacka mas! County, Oregon. To be entirely relieved of the aches and pains of rheumatism means a great deal, and Hood's Sarsupai ilia does it. Invent Youiltowla With Cnscnvrts Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c, 25c. If C.C.C. fail, drug gists refund money. For Over Fifty Years AnOi.iiand Wkix-Tuikd Kkmedy. Mrs. Winslow'B Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by mil lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums allays all pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists in every part of the World. Twenty five cents a bottle. Its value is in calculable. Bo sure and ask for Mrs. Winsow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. A Suro Tliln for Ton, A transaction in which you cannot lose is a sure thinu. Jitliotisness, sick head ache, furred tongue, fever, piles anda thousand other ills are caused by coc- stlpation and sluggish liver. Oascarets Handy Cathartic, the wonderful new liver stimulant and intestinal tonic are by all druggists guaranteed to cure or money refunded. C. 0. O. are a sure thing. Try a box to-day; 10c, 25c, 50, Maniple and booklet free.' All druggist Millions Given Away. It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and sutl'ering. The proprietor of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs aml( Colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of this great medi cine j and have the satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of hope less cases. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarse ness and all diceases of the Throat.Chest and Lungs are surely cured by it. Call on Chartnan & Co .druggists, and get a trial bottle free. Kegular siite 50c ami, f I. Every, botlie guaranteed, or price re funded. . . . BASKET BALL CHAMPIONS. Oregon City Boys Defeat the Uni versity Team for the State Championship., The Oregon City Y. M. 0. A. basket ball team, who yesterday defeated the team from Willamette university scor ing 6 to their 4. which entitled them to the laurel of champions, returned to Or egon City, after a hotlv contested game from start to finish. The game in the university gymnasium was witnessed by a laige gathering of interested people. Both sides received due cheer. The battle was for state championship. The visitors were well supported by their friends and whenever a point was made they were duly rewarded by enthusias tic apolause. L. D. Yoder and A. L. Scott, of Oregon City, umpired the came Some line . playing was ex hibited by both sides. The local Y. M. C A. team will pity the Oregon City boys a return game at the city, by the falls on Fiiday evening, February 10th. The Willamette university team will go to Oiegon City for a return game on the following Friday, February 17th In the meantime the Oregon City team will remain the undisputed champions of the state. Salem Caoital Journal. The Salem Statesman complimented tliij Oregon City boys on their gentle manly conduct. George Case was captain and goal tosser, D. Williams, goal tosser; Nick Humphrey and Will Peters, guards; F. Montgomery, center, and James Young, substitute The boys defeated the Salem Y. M. 0. A. team Saturday night by a score of 7 to 5. City Council. All the members of the council were present at the regular meeting Wednes day evening, except Metzner. The recorder's report showed that five burial permits had been issued in January, and the mayor hail col lected $10 as fines in the police court. A liquor license was granted to J. G. Wilhelm. The street committee reported that they had ascertained from the Portland General Electric Company, that they would put in the necessary poles and wires for arc lights at the following fig ures: To Falls View, $100; Ely,. $119, and to Kansas City addition, $300, mak ing a total expense of poles and wires for three lights $609. The committee favored paying the Electric Company this amount in advance provided they would refund the same in furnishing lights at the regular- rates. Ihe re corder was notified to inform the com pany of the proposal. Ordinances were passed authorizing the tax levy, and changing the grade on Third street between Water, and Bluff. H. II. Johnson was appointed city en- aineer. The Courier Herald, with a circulation of 1797, and -the Enterprise with a list of 1303, filed bids for the city printing. The Enterprise was the low est bidder, and was awarded the con tract at 50 cents per inch lor the first insertion and 25 ctnts for each subse quent insertion. A Clover Trick. . It certainly looks like it, hut there .8 really no trick about it. Anybody can try it whi has Lame Back and Weak Kidneys, Malaria or nervous troubles. We mean he can cure himself right away by taking Electric Bitters, This medicine tones up the whole system, acts as a stimulant to Ihe Liver and Kid- reys, isa blood purifier mid ner ve tonic. It cures Constipation, Headache, taint- mii buells, Meeoiessness ami oleum cboly. It is purely vegetable, u mild laxative, and restores the svsteui to its iiatuial vigor. Try Electric Bitters and be convinced that they are a miracle worker. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50c a bottle at (jhtirmaii & 0 .'s drugstore VfifTD DDTIT -An XO-aire IUUII rtiljtiy, miles sot upm tihnnt i)4 miles southeast of th courthouse, at a bargain; trtlj purled; also tw lots, one in South Oregon Pity and tire other ir Oregon t'ity proper; title perfect. All thl property noiai ucnmi. leiuis ..iisy; rum itun prices. Anyone that wants lo buy will find It li iub interest 10 investigate una. JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIItlllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIII. I SOME PAPERS GIVE ALL THE NEWS : PART OF THE TIME, I 1 AND SOME PAPERS I GIVE PART OF THE NEWS s ALL OF THE TiF.'iE. 0 r IS THH ONLY PAPER : THAT GIVES ALL the HEWS ALL the TIME I scuscRrrrioN piuck including postage Dally Call, Including Sunday 12 mo Cr 0 3 8 ou 1 fiO 1 12 I'J 6 fi.- : Sunday Call ; Weekly " - O H 5 Sunday and Weekly Call 1 60 1 fin 75 2 m 12 s iJeuvemi by carrier, every aay, toc. nio. s W. S. LEAKE, Manaucs. "IIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIir vU'4iv. 60 YEARS' , EXPERIENCE XmJ Tbadc Marks r'rrtt1 Copyright Ac Anyon sending a tfctrh and description vaf OutckiT ascertain our opinion frea whether t Invention Is probably patentable. invention is prouaoiT paieniamo. t.xnimuniea ttona strictly confidential. Handbook on Patent ent tree, umosi aKncy lor securing patents. Patents taken tnrousta Munu A Co. recelTSj tpfcUti notice without charge, in Ut Scientific American A hnndaomelf llln.tr.twl wiwklT. I uniMt rr cuLUofl of .ny Rrt.iHtno Imirn.l. I'.rnr. 13 a tht; four montlu, 1 1. Bold bjli ti.wicWIwv MUWf i Co New Yorfc Brack Otto. t Bt, WMhUigiiM, D. a WANTED TRUSTWORTHY AND ACTIVI gentlemen or ladles t travel for re spomibli established houi In Oretou. Monthly Kb au4 ipensrs. Position Heady. Reference. Kn riot self addressed stamped envelop. Tlv Dominion Com p ny, Dept. Y, Chicago, WANTED -TRUSTWORTHY AND ACTIV I eotlemen or ladle to travel for rrnlbl eitaallahed house in Oregon. Monthly ItACIO kn nMm. rHltln-ttearlv. Reffrrnaw. Knclea ,Mlf-aldrael sis taped envelop, lb tiom'.nwi j Company. Dnt J, Chicago. 10ME persons say- it is natural tor them to lose flesh during summer. But losing flesh is losing ground. Can you afford to approach another win ter in this weakened con dition? ...... Coughs and colds.weak throats and lungs, come quickest to those who are thin in flesh, to those eas ily chilled, to the-- who have poor circulate and feeble digestion. 39 Emulsion of cod Irver oil 'with hypo phosphites defes just as much good in summer as in winter. It makes flesh in August as well as April. You certainly need as strong nerves in July as in January. And your weak throat and lungs should be healed and strength ened without delay. i All Druggist, too. and Jl. BCOTT & BOWNE, ChemtoM, New York !: REALTY TRANSERS. Furnished Every Week by Clacka mas Abstract & Trust Co. G E Knllcet' to A I Kellnnn Lot 8 and e)4 lots it irnd 4, block 57, Canemah - 4 1 W B Zeitfler to G E KellngR Lots 2 and 6 and t lots 3 and 4, block 56. Canemah 800 M Giesy el. n) to H A Henkle Nw4 sec 31 and part sec 36, 5 8, 1 e 300 A Irwin to A E Smltt Part blook 16, Barlow. . 170 J P Coulter to 8 B Eddy 25.64 acres in sec 21, 8s,l ..... 700 J R Olork to C Miller Block 3, Clao! amas Heights . . 600 The Alliance T Co to H Richler SeUof nwK neU of sw)4 and wH of swJ4, ner 31, 8 s, 2 e.1450 Gladstone Real Kstate Association to A Biggs Lou 13 and 14, block U8 Gladstone 430 H E Stevens to Gladstone Real Estate Asso. oiation Same. 4C0 H Scnlpius to A V Mantz 30 acres of J C tiwafford claim 1500 R A Walton to M Walton 3Ji acres In sec 5, 3s,2e ' 1 A Dnete to G L Shipley 6 acres of M M Mo Carver claim 400 J H Carlson to F Kierman Neji sec 26, Is, 5 e 1000 United Siates to J H Carlson Same Patent C Barrett to C A Iliuca 21 acres in soc 80, 3 s, 1 W 600 J W Nlghtlnralu to W II Daugherty St'! of ne1, sec 3, 6 s,s e 200 H D McOnire to United States SeJ and n of ne li, slo 36, 2 s, 1 e 1 GlMstone Real Estnte Association to Blaka- McFall Co Lots 16 and 17, blk 37, Uludslone 1 CMescrveto Gladstone-Real Ustate Assoda- tion-Lots 14 and 16, block 37, Uladstone . . 4(!0 James B llisnn to Emma A Allison Nw eoH.0a.io 500 W A "cor to United StiiUd-Seu 30 ami xe4 sec 16,7 s, lie Act of Congress Stale it W Geer Same .1200 W-Jl Howoll to C K Mc!"owon-.ots 3 and 4, brock 10!), Oregon City 8 J C, Eri lo L Eri-E.U of se1,'. sec 22, 2s, 8 e,.. WOO WH Lewis (by Sheriff) to W C Ward li;0 acres of Mnttoon claim ... Ill 25 S V Lcwi'lliriK to E Henry Lots 1 to 0 and 2:1 lo 28, rmtu'lurul also 210 acres sec 'J, 4 a, 1 e. 50 C T Tonze In M Taticlimann-20 ft along west Bide F Skldder's land 20 L F Mcklins to W T i-keeii Sx4 of ne!4 and lot 1, sco 23, 5 s. 1 e 1 W A Geer to United States NwJ-4' see 36, 8 , 8 o Act of Congress State to W A Geer Same. Act of Congress M & 0 Johnson to J B Bnvvman-SwM sec 32, ne'iof se;isec31,8s, 5e ,. 800 A H Breyman et el f" C iiaul..J 0 sw!-4, sec 35, 4 s, 4 e JSu J & V Kingsbury to T H Blencoe 4 acies in sec 9, 2 s Se : 100 W A Geer to United States Sw.'i sec t6, 8 s, 8 e Act of Congress Stat to W A Qicr Same Act of Congress C G Ely to W 11 Savage 55.100 acres Holmes claim 400 T W McClincey to E McClinsey 164 acres, claim 42, 2 s, le 2000 State to W A Geer KJ.j sec S6, 3 s, 8 e WW W Gerhinrser el al to W Km.unercr 11)3.60 ncrcs irr sec Xi, 4 s, I e Mil Constipation, Headache, Diiiousn Heartburn, . Indigestion, Dizziness, Indicate tlint yom- liver is out of order. Tho best medicine to rouse " the liver and cure all those . ills. Is found In Hood" PHis 2o cents. Sold by all medicine dealers. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of Ihe State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. Jacob Spongier, Plaintiff, , vs. Jeremiah Johnson and Ella A. Johnson, Defendants. State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss 1Y VIRTUE OF A JUDGMENT ORDER, PE- cree und an execution, duly Issued out of and under the teal of the above entitled court, In the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the -Dth day of December, lKsrS, upon a judgment rendered and entered iu ?aidoouil on the 2lith day of November, lsns. In favor of Jacob Spangler. plainlill, and against Jeremiah Johnson and Klla A. Johnson, defendants, for the sum of it l.OtH 00, with luierest thereon 'at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum from Ihe 211th day of November, lfiH, and the further sum of 8100.00 as attorney's fee, and Ihe further sum pt fln.00 costs end disbursements, and the cost of and upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of the following describedreal property, situate in the county of Clackamas, state, ol Ore gon, to-wli; Lots. in block 81, in the Oregon Iron and Steel Company's First Addition to the Town of Oswe go. In Clnckauias county, stateof Oregon. Now, therelore, by virtue of said execution, Judgment, order and decree, and incompliance with ihe commands of said writ, I w ill, on SATURDAY, THE Ulh DAY OF FEBRUARY. 18U9, t the hour of one o'clock p. m., at the front door of the County Court House In the city of Or egon City, in said County and Male, sell at public auction, subjeot lo redemption, lo Ihe highest bidder, for U. 8. gold coin, cash In hand, all the right, title and Interest which the within named defendant or either of them, had on the dale of tho mo-tgagc herein or since had in or lo the above described real proper ty or any part thereol lo satisfy said execution, JudKiuent order, decree, interest, costs and all accruing cosu. ' J. J.-COKE, Sheriff of Clackamas Countv, Oregon. Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, Dec 29, 1SDS, SHERIFF'S SALE. ' In the Circuit Court of tb State of Orego for the County of Clackamas. C. D. Latourette, Plaintiff, V8. James Baty, Julia Baty, his wife, T.... n., urlilnu,. anil Mnrt. Rt.v. Ralph Bil'y, Albert Baty, Carrie f Batv, Diana Baty ana cnaries Dougherty, heirs and devisees of Robert Bat) , deceased. Defendants. State of Oregoa, County of Clackamas, ft. BY VIKTCK OP A JUDGMENT ORDER. DE cree and an 'execution, (lulv issued out of and under the senl of the above entitled court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 2 h day of December. 1808, upon a judgment and decree rendered and entered in said" court on the 22d day of Nnvember, 1808, in favor of C. I). Latourette, viaimifl, and against James Batv, Julia Baty, his wife. Jarre Bary, widow, and Mart Baty. Ralph Baty, Albert Baty, Carrie Batv, Diana Baly and Charles Hong rerty, heirs and devisee of Robert Baty, Deceased, defend ants, for the sum of fWri.OO, with Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cerrt.per annum from the 22rt dny of November. 1S98. and the turlher sum of )0.ou co Is and disbursements, and Ihe costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of Ihe following described real property, situate in the County of Clackamas, Slate of Oregun, to wit: All of section 16. lo rrr-hip 5sonth, range 3 last of Willamette meridian, containing fl-10 acres. Now. therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment order and decree, and in compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on SATURDAY, THE lull DAY OF. FEBRUARY, 1899, at the hour of 1:30 o'clook p. m., at the front door of the County Courthouse, iu the City of Ore gon City, in saidoouniy and state. Bell at public auc tion, subject to redemption, to the hlghesi bidder, for I'. 8. gold coin, ca-h in hand, all the right, title and interest which Ihe wlthin-nained defendants or either ol Ihem. had on the date of the mortgage herein or since hod in or to the above desoribed real property or any port thereof, Ui satisfy said execution, judgment order, decree, Interest, costs and all accruing costs , J.J. COOK E, Hherift'of Clackamas County, Oregon. Dated Oregon City, Oregon .Dec. 20, 1898. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County ol Clai kamas Surah E. E. Davidson, Plaintiff I va. Suit for Divorce T. Davidson, Defendant. I To W. T. Davidso'-, the above named defend ant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON; You are 1 ereby required to appear and an swer the complaint tiled against yalr in theabnve entitled suit on or before Fnday, the 17th dav of February, 1899, that being the day of the expiration of six weeks' publication of this sum mons. 'J his suit is brought lo obtain a deoree dissolving the bonds of n atrlmony now existing between you an ' the plaintiff; to obtain the cus tody for the plaintiff of your minor child; the costs of this suit, and such other and further re lief as to the Court shall seem m et and proper. You ere hereby notified that If you fail to ap pear and answer the s id complaint as above re quired, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief therein prayed. This summons is published hy order of the Honorable Thomas F. Ryan, onunty judge of said Claokamas couiitv, and is published the first time on Friday, the 6th day of January, 1891). W. S U'REN, Attorney for the Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon, for Clackamas county, Alfred R. Coughlrey, 1 Plaintiff, 1 vs. i Suit for Divorce. Lelia Maria Coughlrey, ) Defendant J To the said Leila Maria Coughtrey, the above named defendant: TN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON You are hereby required to appearand answer the complaint tiled against yon in the above en titled suit on or belore Friday, the 3rd day of March, 1H91), that bei"g the dav of the expiration oi six weeks' publication of this summons. This suit is brought to obtain a decree dissolving the bonilsof lnatiimorry now existing between you and the plaintiff, arrd such other anil ftrrther re lief as to the cou t shall seem meet. You are hereby notified that ii v u fail 1 1 appear and answer Ihe strid complaint as above required, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief therein nrayi'd (or. This summons is published hy order of Ihe Hon. Thorn s A. McHrb'e, judge of the circuit court of tire strife of ')r.-g n for Clackamas coun ty, and is published lire lirst time on Friday, the 20t.h dav of Jioutiir . lsoo. JOHN PIT. lllil'llN & A. B. F!RRERA. Attorneys for Plaintiff. A HOME FOP. $10 PER MONTH. Consisting of 4 lots, good garden spot, running water the year round, 3 royui house, good cellar, barn big cnou"h for two cows tfd 100 chickens, 12 blocks from court house. Price 8800. 6 per cent interest. 76 cash down. For Htrttoulars inquire at this ollice. Team arid stock laken in exchange. N, Y. Worll and Conricr-Heralt $1.85 ft COPYRIGHT 1fl 1Y COSMO POLITM MAQAIIHl HE delights of an evening 4 ing table are not half understood. An illustrated magazine with its wealth of illustrations, its stories of adventure and love, its descriptions of travel which carry you to the remotest ends of the earth, and its instructive articles for young and old these are the first requisites for your own enjoyment and the entertainment . and proper education of your children. ' To secure for you the best and most interesting of the great illus trated magazines at the lowest possible price has been the aim of the editor of this journal. That we have succeeded we leave our readers to judge. A special contract recently entered into with The Cosmo politan, which seeks to become better known in this neighborhood, has enabled us to offer you a year's subscription to the greatest of the illus trated magazines together with a year's subscription to this journal, Both Together One In this way you secure your own home paper and an illustrated ' magazine at a price that is only about a fourth of what some of the illustrated magazines sell for. For three years The Cosmopolitan has undisputedly claimed that it reached the largest clientele possessed by any periodical, daily, weekly or monthly, in the world. It was The Cosmopolitan which sent Julian Hawthorne to India to let the world know the real horrors of famine and plague. It was The Cosmopol itan which established at its own cost a great Free Correspondence University which now has over 20,000 students on its rolls. It was The Cosmopolitan which offered a prize of $3,000 for the best horse less carriage and prizes for best plans for public baths, and best arrange ment of sewer and ripe systems for cities. It was The Cosmopolitan which set the presidents of great schools and universities seriously discussing the defects of existing educational .systems. , -It .feJThe.. Cosmopolitan whose enterprise is always in the lead in advancing the " World's civilization. ' ' .rr.' ' SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon tor the County of Clackamas. Dan Lynns, Plaintiff, vs. James Baty and Julia Baty, -DetendantB. State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, as. BY VIRTUE OF A JUDGMENT ORDER, 1) cree and execution, duly issued onto! and under the seal of tire above entitled court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 29th day of Decem ber, 181)8, upon a judgment rendered aud entered n a lid court on the 28d day of November, 18U8, In favor of Dan Lyons, plaintiff, and against James Baty aud Julia Baty, defendants, for the sum of $446.00, with Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum from the 23d day of No vember, 181)8, and Ihe further sum of ttiO.OO as attorney's fee, and the further sum of I10.00 costs and disbursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to make sale ot the following described real property, situate in the County of Clackamas, Stale of Oregon, to-wit: The northeast quarter of section twenly-lwo (22), in township five (5) south, range three (8) east of the Willamette meridian, containing 160 acres and situate in Clackamas county, Oregon. Now, therefore, by virtue of sard execution, judgment order and decree, and in oomp llauc Willi me commands ot said writ, t win, on SATURDAY, THE 11th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 18119, at the hour of 1:80 o'clock p. m., at the front door of the County Court House in Ihe Cllyof Oregon Cltv, In said ounly and Slate, sell at ublic auction, subject to redemption, to the, idlest bidder, for U, H Bold coin cash in hand. all the right, title and Interest which the within named fletendants or either ol mem nad. on the date of the mortgage herein or since had ill or to the above described real property orany part thereof, to satisfy said execution, Judgment order, decree, interest, costs and all accruing costs. i J J.COOKE, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. Dated Oregon City, Or.,Deoember 29, 1898. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. . McMlnnvllle College. Plaintiff, R. R. Stanb'and Rosenfeld-Smith Co. (a Corporation). Defendants. State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, s BY VIRTUE OF A JUDGMENT ORDER, decree and an execution, duly Issued out t and under the seal of th above entitled court, In the above eutitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 3d day of January, 1899, upon a judg. ment rendered and entered In said court on the 26th day of November 1898, in favor of MoMlnnvule College, plaintiff, and against R. R. Stuub and Rosenleld-Smith ( o. (a corporation), defendants, for the sum of S291.75, with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the 26th day of November, 1898, and the further sum of $50.00 as attorney's fee, and the further sum of 810.00 costs and disbursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding metomnkesale ot the fallowing described real property, stluate in the county of Clackamas, Hate of Oregon, lo-wlt: Lois Nos, 9, 10 and 11, of block Nn. 7, FalU View ad rltlon to Oregon City, according to th official maps and plats on file In the office nf the recorder of Clackamas county, state of Oregon. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution, Judgment order and decree, and in compliance wLh the commands of said writ, I will, on SATURDAY, THE 11th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1899, at the hour of 1 o'clook p. m., at the front door of the county court house, in the city of Oregon City, in said county and state, sell at public one. tlon.snbjeot to redemption, lo the highest bidder, for U. S gold coin, cash 111 hand, all the right, title and interest which the within named defend ants or either of them had on the date of th mortgage herein or since had in and to the above described real property .or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judgment order, decree, interest, custs aud all accruing costs. J.J COOKE, Sheriff of OIoiamns countv, Oregon. Dattd, Oregon City, Ore., Jan. 8, 1898. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. NOTK'E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I HAVK beerr appointed executor of the last will and leslainent of tire estate of Jane Baker, deceased, by the honorable county court of Clackan.us Ci.iint.v Ori.tmii. All nersrtns IdivIiiit minima-. ugaitist said estate are berebv notl lied to present liresaure to me lor jwtyment at nry homent Krone, Claekarnas corrniy, Or, gon, w lb proper vouchers, within MX monlhsfroni the duU of this notice. JOHN J HaTTAN, Executor of the Inst will and testament o( Jane It iker, deceased. Dated Uiis 27th day of January, 18.99. W. Oregonian and Conrier-Hcrali $2 WANTED ! Reliable man for Manager of Branch Office I wish to open In this vicinity. If your record in O K. here Is a good opening, Kindly mention this paper when writing. T. A MORRIS, Cincinnati, O. Illustrated cntal ogue 4 cents postage. . JO f spent around a well-lighted read Year for Only $ a .