Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, February 03, 1899, Image 5

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    sAt' Clearance
I gale Prices !
Which Means a Big
Redaction on all Goods
Muslins of all grades and widths, bleached
and unbleached, at clearance prioes.
Irish and Scotch linen, the best quality,
bleached and half bleached, at clearance sale
Heavy linen and cotton towels, all. grades
and sizes, at clearance sale prloes.
Fine alt-wool white blankets,
at great clearance sale prices.
104, 11 4, 12-4,
Eace curtains by tho yard or pair, In white
and ecru, at cleoracce prices,
Ladles' fine hosiery and underweai, in all
wool and cotton and wool, at clearance prices.
Elegant assortment of separate skirls, in
black and nary, storm serge and mixed ef
fects, at clearance sale prices.
All wool and percale shirt waists, this seas
on's goods, at clearance sale prices.
Ladies, now is your time to lay in a supply of new
Seasonable Goods and no Shoddies at
Great Clearance Sale Prices.
McAllen & McDonnell .
Leading Dress Goods House of the Northwest t
J. R. Shaver, of Molalja, was in town
L. Toedtemier, of Stafford, was in
town Monday.
v Dr. J. Oaato, of Alpine farm, was in
Oregon City Saturday. ,
J. J. Mallatt, a well known citizen of
Mulino, was a visitor in town Friday.
.John D. Stevens, editir of the Canby
Independent, was in Oregon City Tues
day. ,,
Mias Edith Wi'hart was Visiting ligs
Warner at Mount Pleasant during the
J D Allen, of Rickreal,' Polk county,
is visiting his cousin, Mrs. E. C. Ham
ilton. Miss Lucy Bethk? was visiing Miss
Lulu Barnait at Oswego, during the
past week.
. E. Sadie White left Saturday for a
business trip through Eastern Oregon,
Washington and Idaho.
Prof. 0. H. Bvland and daughter, of
Oregon City, are in the cily for a few
luys. Salem Capital Journal.
The pension depigment at Wa-hina-tou
has increased .1. D. Slover's allow
ance from $13 to $10 per month.
Mrs. A. E. King and two children, of
Ilwaco. a.-e visiting her mother," Mrs.
Arthur Warner, at Mount Pleasant.
W. D. Bradford, sheriff of Washing
ton county, visited Sheriff Cooke and
Deputy Jack at the court house Mon
day. T. P. Noypr and family, of Ely. will
leave this week for Pomerov, Wash.,
where they will make their future
W. S. U'R 'n went to Salem Monday.
He is enthusiastically interested in the
passage of the initiative and referen
dum resoluti n.
Mr. ami Mrs Weldon Shank, of
Milwaukie, and Mrs. William IJissell, of
Canny, visited Mr. and Mr. E. E.
Martin, Sunday.
W. H , Wool, who was visiting hi
' family here for several weeks, left Sun
day night for Mouiou i, uaui
Try Courier-Herald six months for
75 cents.
0. L. Tooz of Wilsonville, was a via-
ltor in the city Menday.
Miss Mary Oonyers returned from
visit to Salem Sunday afternoon.
If you want the news subscribe for the
Uouhier-Herald. Only a $1.50 a year
County Judge Rvan went to Salem
Wednesday to view legislative proceed
ings. ,
W. D. Adams; a prominent farmer of
Molalla, was in Oregon Citv during th
Noble Heath, superintendent of the
La Camas paper mills, was in town
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Pressor, of Os
wego, were Visiting in Salem during the
past week.
Mr. nd Mrs. Luciene Stout left Mon
day for Lincoln county, where they will
reside in the future.
J. N Nehren h-s purchased the fine
premium jack, Meha iia, and will keep
him on his place at Lo:an.
Mr. and Mrs. G. C Youneer, of Port
land, visited Mr and Mrs. T. S. Mann,
at Clackamas Heights Sunday.
Robert F. Caufield and family moved
into their new dwelling on Adams
street, between Sixth and Seventh,
Monday. .
0. H Byiand, principal of the Cams
school, is having a week's vacation and
went to Salem on the overland Satur
day night.
A splendid entertainment was given
at Molalla last Saturday night for the
benefit of the organ fund. 1 lie pro
ceeds were fib.
Miss Ethel Caufield, who is visaing
her aunt, Miss Jennie Beatie. at Pen
dleton, is expected to return home dur
ing the present month.
President H. L. Boardmani of Me-
Minnvilla college, filled thp pulpit of
tho Baptist church last Sunday morn
ing, lie was accompanies to uie city
by Mrs. Boardman.
' At a meeting of the members of the
First Congregational church held Sun
dav afternoon, It was voted to extend a
Where he can lu ixev. o. Di'iuugm, ui aeiuiin,
William White, of Liberal, wag in
town Monday. ;.
A. L Jones, of Mulino, was a visitor1
in town Monday.
Register and Mrs. 0. B. Moores went
to Salem Tuesday night.
Bert Yale returned Wednesday from
an extended visit to Iowa.
Willamette lodge of Woodmen will
give a smoker at their hall tonight.
Postmaster 0. Wissensrer, of Milwau
kie, was a visitor in the cty Tuesday.
Claude Simpson, of Portland, is now
local reporter of the Evening Telegtam.
Levi Stehman, a well known citizen
of Liberal, was in Oregon City Satur
day. ' , . .
Born, to Mr. nnd Mrs. C. F. Lankins,
Monday, January 30th, a seven-poand
The East Side Railway ticket office
has been removed to Harding's drag
The Woodburn Independent savs that
N. P. Kay lor is prospecting for gold on
the Molalla.
r. and Mrs. J, T. Woodward and
Mrs. Ellen Jones, of Cams, were in Or
egon City Saturday.
The ladies of the Episcopal church
are making preparations io give a val
entine party on February 14th .
Mrs. Tom F. Cowing, jr., and daugh
ter, are visi ing the former e parents,
Mr. and Mrs. S. Smith, at Silverton.
Mrs. W. H. Dolman, of St. Helens,
was visiting her. brother, Judge 1". A
McBride arid family, Sunday and Monday.
There will be no preaching services at
the Congregational church next Sun-1
day. but the Sunday school and En
dtavor services will be held as usual.
City Recorder Bruce Curry, mailing
clerk in the house of representatives at
Salem, came down and attended the
meeting of the city council Wednesday
evening. .
Arrangements have been made with
Chief Teacher McHeurv to return Mon
day night next and make an address for
iheU M. Win Redmen hall. Every
body come. '?
C. E. Young wasin from Marquam
Tuesday, and reports that no trace has
vet been found of the remains of N. P.
Hanson, who was drowned in Butte
creek, a couple of weeks ago.
Ready made dress skirts from $1.50
to $3.00 at the Racket Store.
A few cheap reliable watches at
Youiiger's ,
Highest cash price paid for second
hand household goods at Bellomy &
Money to loan at 8 percent interest on
mortgages. Apply to U.o L). & V. U
Latourette. .
And the prices are quoted so ridicu
lously low that it will pay you to call
Celia Goldsmith.
The Club tonsorial parlors, P. G.
Shark, proprietor, shaves for 10 cents.
A full line of cigars and tobacco is kept.
Dan Willians has added to his stock of
groceries and provisions a full line oi
feed and hay. Goods delivered to all
parts of the city free. Corner Seventh
and Center streets '
RibbonB. embroideries, laces and all
kinds of notions at the Racket Store.
Money to loan at 8 per cent interest on
mortgages. Apply to C. O. & D. 0
Latourette . ':
T have abundance of money to loan at
8 and choice loans wilt be made at 1
,i C. H. Dyb.
Feathers, ornamenis, ribbons and
veilings', at a great reduction. Miss
Goldsmith. '
When in Portland be sure and call at
the Royal restaurant where you can get
the best 15c meal in the city. 253 First
street, corner of Madison. Wm.
Bohlander, proprietor.
.Younger, who has had alife-1onst ex
perience, will clean your watch for a
dollar; '
The greatest trimmed hat proposition
ever offered here or anywhere at Miss
A fine Steinway piano for sale, long
time given, at Oregon City Auction
For the next thirty days we will sell
all trimmed and untrimmed hats at a
great reduction. Miss Goldsmith.
Smoking Jackets
Bath Robes
i Moyer Clothing Company
. .i.Thc'Popular-Pricc Clothiers.,.
f BES SELLING, Manager.
For Rent The larsre 8 room, ir.odern
constructed house, lately occupied by
Rev, M. L. Rugg, for rent.
H. E. Cross, Agent.
has a responsible position in a sawmill.
Anna Josi, aged about 30, and wife of
Fred 'Josi, died at Mount Pleasant
last Friday night. The funeral oc
curred Monday, and the services were
conducted by Rjv. J. Engelbach.
D. ,T Schneblv. who many years ago
edited the Spectator here, is now living )
comfortably at Ji lensourg, vvasn., nay
ing retired from business. This pio
neer journalist is now upwards of 81)
Beginning on Sunday evening. Rev.
H.Oberg. of the Methodist Episopal
church, will preach a series of sermons
to the young people. The topic for
Sunday evening will be ' The Achieve
ment' of Young People " Good music;
a cordial welcome to all.
The Mulino delegates, who were
elected to bo in attendance at
the road inspec'ion at Hoard's Hil',
Tuesday, were C. T. Howard, .1 J.
Mallatt, Dr. C. Goucher. W. A. Wood
side. F. M Manning. Phil Graves, M,
' Mulvey and Dr. J. Casto.
Sergeant John Roth, 'of Company F,
U. S. A., who took an active part in
the battle of Manila, and whose time
expired last month, returned on Mon
day's overland to his father's home at
0nby. Sergeant Ro:h is looktntt much
thinner than when he enlisted. He
8-dled four days before Mr. Lemons,
who returned on Friday of last week.
Canby Independent.
to become pastor after March 1st
Bert Greenman, of the Clackamas
hatchery, reports that 5,000,000 young
salmon were turned loose in the Clack
amas rver during the season, and that
3,000 000 eags are in the various stages
of development.
The Bernhard Waliher Concert Com
piny gave the bst high-class enter
tainment of the season at Shively's op
era house Mondav night, and those who
failed to attend missed the rarest mnsi
cl treat of the season.- Unfortunately,
the attendance was sma'l.
United Modern Vigilantes have one
payment p r month, no more no les.
No per c-ipita tax When you see the
rate opposite your age nn folder you
know that's what yon pay and you are
not guessing what your next payment
will be. Join the Oregon Ulty Kanch
The Oregon City Y. M.O. A basket
ball team returned from Sa'em Tuesday
morning crowned with laurels and
ela'e 1 over victorious conquests. In
fact, they don't know the meaning of
the word, defeat. On Saturday night
they p'ayed the Salem Y. M. C A.
team, and scored a victory of 6 to 5. On
Monday night they tackled the crack
university team and came out ahead by
a score of 6 to 4.
C. G. Newkircher, the road super
visor, of the Mulino district, was in
town Wednesday Having recently
spent several months in Eastern Ore
g in, he considers the present cold snap
very moderate weather.
Mrs. Amanda Bullock, aged about 24,
was examined before the county judge
'luesdav. and was pronounced insane
The unfortunate woman was taken to
the state inaanx asylum by bheritt
Cooku on the same evening.
C. N. Greenman's dwelling caught
on fire from a defective (hie e--terday
afternoon, and damaned the building
and furniture to the amount of $1(10 or
$100, before 'he lire was gutten under
control. The loss was ful y covered by
Mrs. Crabill has closed the Dewey
restaurant, and accompanied by her
daughter, will return to Baker City.
Price Bros have leased the vacated
store room, and about the 10th instant,
will open out an immense stock of gen
eral merchandise, clothing, etc.
P. I. Asbnry, who was recently nego
tiating for the purchase of a paper here,
has become ihe owner of the McMinn
ville Reporter. It is understood that
he paid $35D0 for the plant and busi
ness. Mr. Asbury published the Can
yon City News for over 15 years.
Eighty-six deeds, 47 mortgages and
56 releases of mortgages were filed in
the county recorder's office during the
month of January. The receipts from
fees in t he recorder's office was $193 95.
and in the clerk's office 1171. During
the same peuod five locations ol quartz
mining claims were recorded J the clerk
issued 10 marriage licenses, and 11 di
vorce suits were filed in the.circuit court.
The " Evenine Telegram prophecies
great improvements in the matter of bi
cycle paths, provided the hill in the leg
islature to tax bicycle owners for the
purpose of constructing bicycle pxths
through the country, hecomes a law.
Tlve first path will be built to Oregon
City, from there to Salem, and on up
the valley. Then paths are to be built
up the (Mackamss.and in other directions.
Wanted 100 watches to repair at $1
ach, at O. A. Nash's, Postoftice build-
1I1L'. tl.
For Rent A house, barn and eight
lots in Prkplace for $4 per month. In
quire at John Everhart's merchandise
store at Ely, Oregon.
The largest assortment of millinery
and lower prices than any house in Ore
gon. Miss Goldsmith.
A new line of Walker's sailer caps and
veilings just in. Miss Goldsmith.
For first-rlns8 handmade or machine
made harness go to F, H, Ciosh on
Seventh street, opposite A O U W hall,
Prices reasonable and wok guaranteed,
I! you have anything to sell advertise
in Cu'ukikr-Hkhai.i).
Shoe repairing of all kinds at F, II ,
Cross' harness shop, opposite A 0 U
W building mi the lull,
Weekly Oregwian and Couribk
Heram) for $2 per year.
Wanted. Three heifers, half or three
fourths Jersey; must be cheap for cash.
Address J. F, Sanders, Willamette, Or.
Frobate Court.
In the matter of the estate of Eliza
beth Hedges, deceased. H L. Kelly
and George A. Harding, executors, were
granted a petition to accept deeds to
40 lots in Gladstone, in lieu of $4,0(10 in
secured notes held against the Me
Cpwn estate. ,
Elizabeth Chase, daughter and only
heir of Silas anil Abaaail Shay, asked
to be appointed guxrdian of the estates
of these persons. The matter was post
poned until a citation notice could he
served. The petitioner claims that'
these person are incapable of managing
their own affairs.
John Zumwalt. Jr., was appointed ad
ministrator of the estate of John tnni
walt. deceased, on condition that he Hie
the proper bund. The estimated value
of the estate is $150
The newlv-elected officers of Warner "
Grange No. 117, of New Era, were in
stalled Saturday by E 8. Miller, of
Portland, past state lecturer, and K. E.
Cooper, of Oregon City, past masier, as
follows: Worthy master, Link Wal
dron ; overseer, R. Brown; t-teward,
J. Hendrickson; assistant steward,
Joe Reif; secretary, Mrs. M A Wal
dron; treasurer," David McArthur ;
chaplain, C. Foster; lecturer, Flora
McAnhur; Ceres, Mrs. J. Hendrickson;
Flora. 'Mrs. Oeorge; gatekeeper, W, A.
Gardner. The proposed auxiliary to
the Bramre providing for a plan of lit
Insurance similar to. that adopted by,
beneficiary organization. This uxil
iary organization will bo completed as
soon as 400 memhurs can be eecured in
Hood's Pills are the only pills to take
villi Hood's Sarsaparilla. Ctue all ills.
Situa'ed four miles from Ore : mn City
on tho Highland plank road, containing
30 acres, '25 acre under cultivation, rest
in pasture, new hve room house, barn,
aim necessary out building. Terms
small portion cash, the rest on easy
terms. ForMuther information inquire
at this office.
Ladies, new lot of wrappers, beautiful
ly trimmtd, full measure, at the Uacket
Pureksei u
The Oregouian tells of a girl of 14,
who arrived at the union depot in Port
land from Oregon City on her way
Eat, to reside with some relatives.
She said that when sh'i left the ci'y by
Monday's Oregonian contains an ac- the falls she was possessed ol $IU besides
co-ant of the illness; of G. T. vatts at ner ticaei to toe r-usv r-ne nau nouceu
Fort Selkirk on the Yukon river, lie inai eevemi men in cr erc m-
.,. ..tt .nt f th nciirvv. and was i ennea to crowj arounu ncr. nut tnout'ni
evidently brought there so that he nothing particular ab ut this until she
could secure better treatment. Mr missed her $10, which sIm had pre
Waits left here over a vear airo for the viously placed in her . drss pocket.
Yukon in companv with Louis Nobel, j People at the dep t raised tlm girl $5.
and when he lat wrote was working a ' upon a promise to refund the sum when
claim on Stewart river. she had reached her destination.
We have a Large Assortment cf
' and Gents' Umbrellas
Which we offer at a very low price. "
They arc all the Latest Dcsips
and Yen. Best Oualitij
The Oregon City Jewelers
J. Schwartz, the erstwhile clothing
merchant in Oregon City has effected a
settlement with his creditors at Port
laud. 'Ihe hankruptcy proceedings
against him were dismissed in the Uni
ted States court l uesilay, jne creditors
of the petitioner having compromised
the matter by agreei.'g to accept 40
cents on ihe dollar for their claims, and
to aive f-'ch'A'artz a discharge from all
The Golden Wedding edition of Vick's
Garden and Floral Guide iscertainly an
artistic work, with its twenty-four ptges
lithographed iu( colors, and nearly one
hundred more 'pi'K''8 Wiled with hand
some half-tone illustrations, photo
graphed from flowers, fruits, vegetahiea
and homes hile this uuvie w reany
too expensive to tiive awav, they give it
with a Diie Bill for 'Jo cents worth of
seeds for only 15 cents. S-nd lo Jab.
Vick's Sons. Rochester, N. Y.
Mias Birdie Widlter, foster daughter
of Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Norris, who left
I the tirt of last week for San Frar.ciseo.
I was married t Ernest ll.nriogt.on on
I Wednesday following her arrival there.
The ceremony took place at the home f
Mrs. Iodd Shindh-r, and Mr. and Mrs.
Ilarring'on left soon afterward f'-r their
future home at San Jose, where he is
foreman of the finishing department in
the woolen mills. Thu grown is a son
of J.N Harrington, of Ely, nnd was
formerly errp'.oyed' in the woolen mills
Luke Comer, aged 7o, a well known
resident of Oregon City sime 18(50. died
yesterday morning. ' The funeral will
"take place from the Catholic church at
10 o cloi-k a m this uiorung and llie
ll he conducted bv rather
Mrs Comer died about
three years ago. The deceased fell
from a niairay nt hit home on the cor
ner of 10th and Railr. ad fttreets, a few
week Pgo, fracturing his right thigh
bmie. lie never recovered fn.m Ihe
effects ( f the fall.
47 P.i;;. ou the iolb.Vi1
Still offers Values of Unquestioned Worth
Complete lines offered in
Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats,
Furnishing Goods, Etc.
Men's 9 oz. Bib Overalls, sale price 40c
Men's Double Breasted Blue Flannel Shirts
sale price 75
Men's Percale Dress Shirts, sale price 25c
Men's Celluloid Cuffs, sale price 15c
Men's Celluloid Collars, pale price 5c
Men's Linen Collars, best quality, sale price
3 for... 25c '
Men's Dress Shoes, sale price 95c
Men's Working Shoes, sale price. 90c
Men's Suits, all wool, sale price 5
Men's Cassimcre Suits, all wool, sale price. 8 co
Men's Navy Blue Cheviot Suits, all wool,
sale price ft 50
Men' Gray Cassimcre Suits, all wool, Ore
gon goods, former price $13.50, now.. 9 50
Men's Satinet Suits, sale price ...2 25
Boys' Suits, long pants, size 14 to 19 years,
sale price, $2.25, $3.50, $4.25 and.... 5 50
V , 10 o'clock a
( I services wit
) I Hillebraod.
Men's Storm Rubbcts, sale price. 40c
Ladies' Storm Rubbers, sale price 30c
Ladies' Common Rubbers, sale price. ..... 1 5c
Ladies' Button' Shoes, sale price, 750,900,
$1.10 and 1 35
Misses' Pebble Goat Shoes, sale price 70c
Men's 50c Caps, sale price 25c
Men's Umbrellas, steel rods, sale price. ... 55c
Fast Black Sateen, sale price 6c
Indigo Blue Prima, sale price 4c
Yard-wide Percales, sale price 8c
Light-Colored Calicoes, sale price 30
Brocaded Sateens, sale price 5c
Ladies' Black I lose, sale price 5c
Men's Tan Sox, sale price. 5c
Men's Black Sox, sale price .' . , 5c
Men's Wool Sox, sale price loc
The public is urgently invited to inspect
the above stock of goods, now in Masonic
Building, Cor, 6th and Main St Oregon City