OREGON CITY COURIER OREGON CITY HERALD CONSOLIDATED. A. W. CHENEY. Publisher PUBLISHED WEEKLY. En tared in Oregon CltypostofflceaB 2nd-clase matter SUBSCRIPTION RATES. If paMIn advance, peryear..., 1 M Bixmonthi 7? Taree mouvhs'lrlal 2 f&'The dale opposite your address on the paper denotes the time to which you have paid. PATRONIZE HOME I INDUSTRY. OREGON CITY, FEB. 3, 1899. Trusts are incteasing at a rate, if kept up. will in three or (our )ears olace all of the nation's industries in the bands of about 300 men. A republican crmtemoorary calls at tention to the senatorial brilry sennda's in the legislatures ol California and North Dakota. Well, what of it? Both of these bodies are strongly republican and as lout; us that is the case, put so long will scandals be in vogne. : Tub Coumer-Urkai.d is in favor of township organixaii' n Erowned's bill tor the election ol roail supervisors is good, but it does not go far enough. Let each district elect its own roI super visor and assessor and spend its own iiioney as it sees fit. Tiik republican bosses have before the legislature a bill redisricting the state, which should be promptly killed. It increases Multnomah county's number of senators and representatives at the expense of the balance of tho state. In event of this bill becoming a law the Clackamas county joint senator will al ways bo from Multnomah county, be cause they can outvote us every time. The m.ichanic is taxed on his tools of trade, the farmer is taxed on his pigs and pumpkins, the poor sewing woman is taxed on her sewing machine, and the common unskilled labo'er is tax re bbed on his scanty household belong ingsbut tho biliioniiire landowners are not taxed a cent on their bonds -and that's a sample' of what is called "equality before the law1' in this gold plated ajre when tnnt oidy thrives and Jio;-est industry is withered. . T)nKS the election o! tlie United States sonator now going on in t everal states look much as If the people had a voice in the matter? Mont sen Mtors are chosen on account of the size of their "bar'l" not their brain; or because thev are pledged not to interfere with the ar rangi itienU of the great combinations of capital, commonly called trusts and the gold trust is the Sure that breeds all the other trusts. Is it not about time to call a sudden ha't on this great octopus? Our Eastern Oregon friends are hav ing an object lesson just at present on the tariff question. The tariff on wool is 12 cents per pound, and yet the hijjh st prices now offered are 9 and 11 cents. The campaign howl of the republican apellbiru'er that a high tariff on wool makes high prices for wool is not borne out by the logic of events. At the same time we should not forget that Tom Tongue, our distinguished congressman from the first district, had a similar ex perience with his prune tariff. Like the old fashioned bell-muzzle shotgun, it has a habit of kicking backwards. By the way, the reform forces predicted that triiHtrf would flourit-h as never be fore if McKinley was elected. It's something to know that we were light, after all. There is nn ominous silence on the part of the great republican lailies on the tariff question. Why? Is It because the Oregoniau bus the free trade jinijanis again? It is as utterly impossih'o for a gold-u-d newspaper to tell the trut h regard ing silver, us it is fir the modern wind jabber of a "fashionable church'' to preach a christian sermon and hold his job. As alitile sample of how the johnnybull press will lie, when referring to silver. The Saint Joseph, Missouri, News, of recent date is a case in point. In an editorial it quote the wneos ol skilled and unskilled labours in India, which ranges from ifl.HO to U.'M a month, nnd then winds tip its silly harangue with this sentence: "What do the workingnien of America think of thti condition of labor in that silver country? And what reason is therein the cry of the damauogno that the laboring men of America are downtrod-1 den and have no chance to ii-e above abject poverty?" Now, the facts are, as every school boy in this country well knows, that Indit is not "a silver country," but i only a colony of l'.ngland, that (Jneeti Victoria is the impress of India, and that Johon Huh vhildxruth is the tinancial dictator ot India the same as ho is of America, -which easily accounts for the low wages paid to skilled ami unskilled workmen. It ca,tu"t be that the News is ignorant of the-t' facts, and it can only be excused by its presuming its readers to be 'Ignorant and they certainly must be If they swallow uch driveling rot but it is the best the tory press can produce in favor the single gold standard. ENDORSED SILVER. The Monticello Club, of Chicago, is one of the strongest democratic clubs in this country. Last Saturday at the regular weekly meeting at the club, the following resolution was introduced and passed by an overwhelming vote: "vvnereas, tne claim Has Been ex' tensively published through the sub sidized gold press that this club is in favor of abandoning the fight for the free and unlimited coinage of gold and silver at the ratio of 16 to 1, which report has resulted from the expression of the personal views of some one of the mem hers, and is being used with the evil purpose of injuring the cause of free silver. "Resolved, by the members of this club now present, that we are cordially and enthusiastically in favor of the adoption by the national democratic convention of 1900 of the whole demo cratic platform of 1886, including the free and unlimited coinage of gold and silver at the historic ratio of 16 to 1, independent of the action of any other nation." FACTS AXD FICTION. Your attention is respectfully called to the 'hog" item in the correspond ence. It is a life-like application to a certain editor in this city. Not since the court house contained a While Bair and a Mpehnke have we had surh a combination as at present. As Strange as it may seem, while the Cooper is holding a post-Morton exam ination on the Dedman in the Shade, tle Cooke is feeding the Jack and the Porter is watching Eli get the Stout man's place and Lawyer Marks is look ing for his father. . The citiz-ns of Oregon City will be compelled this year to pay a tax of 41 mills on the dollar. The war department has called fur bids tj take the Spanish soldiers home. Why not lake them on the American warships? The Coukikh-Hbhai.d is down oh the hand-shike habit. It is raiher sense less, but a very necessary iidjnnet to the leg-pulling graft. With the Oregotiian and Gov. Goer advocating rank populism, the question is, what will become of t lie g. o. p ? Salem Journal Bills for the protection of all kinds of birds, fish, animals nnd reptiles have already been introduced, hut everybody seems to have overlooked the bed bug and the pcple. As a joke a bill was introduced in the house for the protection of angleworms. It H'tt" just about as sensible s several bills that have actually been introduced. Did the deficits under the Dingley bill kill Dingley? What would its effect have upon the Republican party but for the Spanish war? Salem Journal (rep.) A i tranger on coming to town asked a resident w hat paper to subscribe for and was told to take a certain back number. He afterward took a trip in the county and at every house be stopped at he saw the Coukikh-Ukrald. He imme diately subscribed for that paper on re turning to town. Itoad Houses, Too many men working; on roads like to be boss aud still it la ao muoh trouble to set one. I thin we have a very poor road (ostein. 1 for one would like to Ree the peopto elJot tv road super visor In each dl triet and let him have full c in trol of the ruuds in his ill Milot, aud not tliu coun ty oourt. I believe townalilp oriraniittlon a (rood UiIiik and that ibe men cU'icd will work (or the Lest IntereHla of their district. Now comes aenala bill No. 68, introduced by Mr. Biitci. a iireut reform hill, to make more sal aried lmsi.es. one biwe in earh county with a fixed M'ltry and a state road Ihim appointed by the uov- null, hi Tinni n j t'r i neneve u is a eniiie hi mk such a bill ami make the people "fork up" ami say not long. We have tried a, similar i.VRtem before -nd It did not work We cannot make till won li nf mails fortune, if lliu buss ao:s It all mo ninny ciiKlui"is ami bosM-s will not make Komi inHil: it takes wmk. A uursr Kannk. January ;W. IM MEM0RIAM. Kheman 11. Henner, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J II. Henner, died January 12, 1WJ Mamma's arms all" empty, Khemau'a guile to rest. Ly away the tuyn, His spirit, is W illi the blast. Ills laiiKliiiiff oyei no more we see, Nor his tniliy form on pupa's knee His smiling hps, Ills precious lace Now from our miuds we must erase. With siller In (tie hammock Was Ids chief ilcllchl. KwiictiisHLlliere from early muni 1111 luteal lilKln. Many beaiU were sad ia sore tiUuuiv Tne nijibt Hie angels look him away. iih li'ars we cIom'iI I hose spin klliiw eyes liisl iieaih tne soil now siitiiihi-riii lit'. Two Millions ii Vein. When pe iple buy, tiv,'iud buy ajain, ,t meanx lliev're satisfied. The iicoile ot I'oUed Stales are new bovine Cabarets Candy O'Ubunie atll.e rale of two million boxes a year and it will be three million before New Ycais. It means merit proved, that Cascarels me the most delightful bowel regulator for eveivlndv Ihe year round. All ding gi.sltilil, '.V', ."10V a box, cum I'tiuiU'itee-.l. Biicklen's Arnica Salve. Tin: KksT S.u.vKin the world for Cuts, ibuisne, Sures, L' leers. Salt Khenm, lever Sores, Tetter, Champed Hands, Chilblains, Coins, and all Skin Ki options, and nositivelv cures Piles. I or no pay required. It is guaranteed to Klvw perlecl salistactton or money re- muled. l'lice 'J.r cents iier.bo. For sale by CbarmanA Co. Ti t'ur iMiMlpviloii l orevri. Take Cascaiets Candy Cathartic 10c I or Ztc. II C. C. C. fall tocure, druyg-sls , retiinU money COMMENTARIES. Matters Concerning Local Every day Affairs Noticed by the Courier-Herald Reporter. There was such a demand, for the industrial New Years' number of the Uregonian. that a third ed.tion was is sued during the past week , The man agement deserve great commendation for getting out such a valuable- com pendium of Oregon's resources and pos sibilities. Henry Reed did some good work in his compilation of industrial facts and figures. No reflections were intended to be cast on ex-Mayor Caufield in the squib on the Seventh Btreet stairway and the Singer hill road. That old rag gos ' p, whose stock in trade is telling Mr. Morey, Caufield and the paper mill peo ple all sorts of imaginary things, when he wants to pull some one's leg, wanted to make it appear so in a private way. Of course, somebody is to blame for these thincra. hut a mnvi nannf e.a iioiu reppuuBiuie ior in" acts oi tne city, council. Mayor Latourotie . advocated J l.l t . l . . ... e&UHiitsiun in niH mPHflAtrn. not thaonnn. Cil did not VOt that i EV-VTanni. Caufield was out of the ci'y when the 8inger hill rock wall was laid, and ho one ever thought of making him re- snonsible for t.h romnunl nf thn S. enth streetlight. The fact of the busi ness is, me oixcn street arc was first or dered moved, but Couiicilmen Latour ette and Koerner had the matter re considend and the light was allowed to remain nt its nrpRunr. Inraii Tlio council then without. ih discommoding any one and to give the : i. : 1 1 i i: i . i i . , oilier uui runu mure ugni, na me Sev enth street arc removed. The result, however, wan nnevnuctprl nnrl tha Suit. enth street stairway was left in partial darkness and the howl, the groans ana me lamentations ol the people went up. i'. M. C. A. Notes. The banquet given the members of the Association at the Baptist church last Friday evening by the ladies, was a great success. About 300 people were present. Addresses were m ide by J. Dnmmitt, siate secretary, and Goorae V. Swope. L. C. Horn-chuch and Miss May Case, each sarm so:os, and Ihe Presbyterian church choir tfave several selections, all of which were well received. A cutest for subscriptions to the building fund was organized Tuesday nisiht under the irection of State Sec retary J. A. Dummiit. J. E. Jack and L, C. Mornpcliuch were elected cap tains. Chris Kelly and Reynard Ber nier were elected junior cantaius. A meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary will fie held next Wedne-day night to consider plans of raising money for the building fun.!. A grand entertainment will be given at Shivoiy's opera house -.at.nrdav n gbt for the benefit of the Y. M. i'l. A." build- ing fund Twenty of Portland's s nr I Beiorf win lane part, in itiw entertain ment, and will be one of the greatest events of the season. For further par ticnlirs see bibs. Admission, i5 and 35 cents. Tie CkaatauqiM Assembly. The 'Willamette Yal'ey Chautauqua Association has engaged some stius of great magnitude for the next meeting j 01 ine assemoiy, which will lie held at Gladstone park from July 18th " to Ihe 2!Rh, inclusive. Among them are Sam Jones. J. Dewitt Miller, Frank Beard, and Camden Colmrn. till p'atform en tertainers of national reputation. This is the strongest array of t dent ever en gaged for this assembly, and it was only through the combined efforts of the as semblies' at Ashland and in California, that made it possible to secure these celebrities. In fact, arrangements are perfected to make the coming assembly at Gladstone park a greater event than any kindred organization in the United States, except the -parent Chatitauqua in New Yoru. The Southern Pacific Railroad Com pany has signified a willingness to run excursion twins on the great days of the assembly, thus giving peoole living at a distance an opp irtunity of hearing and seeing the world's greatest celebri ties. The management are planning new features for the assembly, and expect a daily atrendance of 5,00 1 people from all pin is of the northwest. Beats the Klondike. Mr. A. C. Thomas, of M irvsville, Tex has found a more valuable discovery than has yet been made in the Klondike. For years he MinVied untold agony from consumption, uceoir panted by hemorrh aces; and hs absolutely cured by Dr. Kinif's New dixcovtuv for Consumption. Ci'tnili and Colds, lie declares that gold s of little value in eomi.Hrison with this mat veloii cure; would have it if it cost a liunilreilil. llars a bottle At'itna, bron chitis and all ail throat and buig affec tions are positively cured by Dr. Kiim'g New Discovery for Consumption. Trial hot tips free at. Channaii Co. Drug Store Remilar size 50cts. and tl . Guaranteed tj cute or price refunded. To Exchange Orange groves and other property in tha land of sunshine, Southern California for Oregon im proved fa mis slid inside property. Call at this otlice for particulars. lleuuty In III11111I. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets Candy Cathartic clt-an your blood and keep it clean, by stiirinti up the hij-v liver and dtivingall iinnui'i'.ies from the holy. Begin to-day to banish liinipKs, boil's, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious romplexion by tak iba ('hc:ih-i"k beauty fir ten cents. All druggists alisfaction snainnteeii, (H i.''.c, " oi)c Fr.e Pills. Send vonr address to II. K. Hucklen ife Co., ChimuM, and get a free fample box of King's New Lite Pills. A trial w ill convince you of their merits. These pills are eay in action and are ptrlicu lrv ellecliveio the cure o( Constipation and Sick Headache For Malnri.i and Liver troubles they have, been proved invaluable. They are irnaranteed to be perfectly lire from every deleterious Ktibstance and. to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken bv their action, but by giving tone to stomach aud bowels gteatlv invigorate the hvkihih 1; turn av tiva '.'."in itii Kiw w .1 i 1. . - d ; Co., lrtitfiats. Was Almost Grazed Sores on the Limbs Cured by Hood's Sarsaparllla-Heart and Lung Troubles Overcome. "I broke out with sores all over my limbs, and they caused such intense itch ing I feared I should go crazy. I was also troubled with a tired feeling. After tak ing Hood's Sarsaparilla a short time the itching ceased, and the sores on my limbs began to heal. I am better in every wiy since taking Hood's Sarsaparilla." Mes. Jab. J. Kehob, McEwen, Oregon. "Hood's Sarsaparilla has cured me of lnng trouble and fluttering of the heart, and since I began taking it my weight has increased 20 pounds. It has done my stomach good and I can now enjoy my meals and eat with comfort. I recom mend Hood's Sarsaparilla as the best medicine it is possible to find." C. W. Carey, Frimeville, Oregon. . Hood JP Sarsa- O panlla Is the best In fact the One True Blood Purifier. Sold by all druglsts. Price, (1; six for 5. Hnwl'e DHIc are the best after-dinner IIOOU S fills puis, aid digestion. 25c. Progressive Business Men ' Insure in a first-class companies With an experenced agent. F. E Donaldson, Agent tire and Accident insurance ."SF Lam) rules and Lam) uiline tiusiness a Specialty. HO BERT A. MILLER, ATTOUSEY AT LAW. Will practice In all the Courts of tlie State nnrl tile ltiireaiis of I lie Interior Dspurlment at Wash ington. ItOOM 3, Cll A11M IN Ill'lLDISlI, OREGON CITY, OREGON. J. A.. BOAZE General Blacksmith, Opp.Charmau's Store, OKKGON CI'l Y Special Attention Given to all kin Js of Tool Work. W. II. YOUNG'S Livery & Feed Stable Has the beat look ine rics : and cheapest rates in the city. Cor. Main and 4th St. OREGON CITY. OREGON IS THE TIME to clean house and repaper your rooms and paint your house nnd Murrow IS THE MAN to do the painting and papering in a first-class shape at very low prices. ' Leave orders at Ely Hros. store on upper 71I1 streeth. LEADS TO NOTHING rininhiiu woi'lc thst t fiiuliy In some miner P'irtifular Is not uooil iiliiiiibiini "lo he ntla m il times niiisi he riiilu clciir ilirousli. Kverjr piit I'liinl, every Joint tiitht, every tap uoti citkulilc, every ilr,iin' pr,Mif. Aiiil we 111 like ilieui that way. F. C. GADRE 45 cents round trip lrom Oregon City to Portland and rvttrn via Southern Pacific trains. One way rate 25 cents. Tickets now on sale at railroad depot. Trains leave Oregon City at 8:40 a. m., and 3:So p. 111 , and arrives from Port land at 9:23 a. in. and 6:52 p. in. Save time by using the quicker route. Shall we -iJAn tell you A why? j I , U ! . I Now , 1 V-rf Me Kittriek The Shoeman,' Sole Agent, Oregon City Christmas But you want good flour for your bread and pastry. The best is made by the Portland Flouring Mills Company and SOLD THE BEST VALUE Make : 1 . Yourself Sure ... ... The new t ear is uoon us and (i slip '4 v- s von cannot tell what we have in store for you. We know what we have in store for you if you will Only come and get it. The time will fly so do our bargains, and if you don't grasp vonr onnortunitv as it nresents itsplf , J- . some other man will get what might have ,had KRAUSSE BROS. HARRIS' GROCERY, - Fresh Stork of Fiist-Clast- - Depot for HAT nd FEED A I to j' V i' fcl . ' " -4' c t A:'ffrs , : H. STRAIGHT, Dealer In Groceries and i Provision A!sd Fall lice of Mill Fed, Line, Cement a:i Land Plaster. Look at Your Houses ? If on haven't got time, call on G. REDDAWAY. " He will do you an honest job at a reasonable price. A full stock of Paints and Oils kept on hand. Call and see him before buying your order. Paper Hanging and Kalsomining done to perfection. All work guaranteed. . GEO. REDDAWAY Con"' r; .V5:.8Jsr.. W"Sote Ajest in Clackamat County for OUR NATIVE HER3S. DR. REED'S CusliionSlioe: ....For Tender Feet.... The Greatest Wonder bf the Age! FOR LADIES OR GENTLEMEN' iMllilit liilllllUllillhlMllljlljUi tlllllLlliiinmlllll llllf. niiii,, BY ALL GROCERS in all lines of Groceries have heen found here during the past year. In 1899 we intend to redouble our efforts toward securing the finest the land produces and also toward making prices which will compel tne economically inclined to trade with us. In our Bakery Department can be found everything in the line of choice Pastry and the best Bread in the city made fresh everyday. HEINZ & CO., Bakers and Grocers Opposite Postoflice, Oregon City , . you J THE LEADER OF LOW PRICES GROCERIES Willamette Block, Oregon nty Do You Understand That you can get First Class Fresh Groceries of all kinds of MARR & MUIR at very reasonable prices ? Why pay more ? ZmW' '".1 1'SS