Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, February 03, 1899, Image 3

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    St. Jacobs Oil cures Rheumatism:
St. Jaoobs Oil cures Neuralgia.
St. Janobs Oil cures Lumbago.
fit. Jacoos Oil cures Sciatica.
6t. Jacobs Oil cures Sprains.
6t. Jacobs Oil cures Bruibea.
St. Jacobs Oil cures Soreness.
St. Jacobs Oil owes Stiffness.
St. Jacobs Oil cures Backache.
St. Jacobs Oil cures Muscular aohes.
, Mnrihinallow Filling,
, Soak a tablespoonful of powdered
white gum arabio in two tablespoon
fula of warm water for half an hour;
tand It over hot water and carefully
(tir until dissolved. Boil a oupful of
sugar and half a oupful of water to
gether until they spin a thread; pour,
while hot, over the whites of two well
beaten eggs, beating continuously: then
add the gum arabio and beat until stiff
and oold. Ladies' Home Journal.
That Pimple
On Your Face Is There to Warn
You of Impure Blood.
Painful consequences may follow a
neglect of this warning. Take Hood's Sar
Baparillii and It will purify your blood, cure
all humors and eruptiumv and makevou
feel better In every wav. It will warm,
nourish, strengthen ancf Invigorate your
whole body and prevent serious Uliiecs.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is America's Greatest Medicine. Price
Hood's Pills cure all Liver IU26 ce
A Mathematical Demonstration.
Robinson You don't consider it un
lucky to have 13 people at table?
Jenkins Notatallt Suppose some
mlsfortunate did happen to one of the
them wouldn't the other 12 be dead
lucky to esoape? Puck.
State or Ohio, City o Toledo, (
Lucas County, j
Frank J, (Jiiknkv makes oath that he Is the
senior partor of the firm ol i J. Chsnev Sc Co.,
4olng business in the City o( Toledo, County
and State aforosaWl, and that sal J Arm will pav
the sum ot ONK HON JRKD DOLLARS) for each
and every case of Catarrh that oannot be cured
by the use of Hall's Catarhh Ours.
Sworn to bo fore me and aubsoribed In mv
preienoe, this 6ih day of Deoeiuber.A. D. mi,
7ZZ A. W. GLEA30N,
I 1 aVotery Public.
Hall'i Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acta
directly on the blood and mucous surfaces o(
the system Bond for testimonials, free.
V, . CHENJtY It CO., Toledo, 0.
Bold by driiKirlsts, 75o.
HaU'i Family tills are the best.
Butchering; Uoea.
Butchering hogs has many disagree
able features, but som"e of these, par
ticularly the lifting of the hogs before
and after dressing, can be robbed ot
many of their objections by having a
convenient arrangement for scalding,
scraping, cleaning and hanging. One
arrangement for lightening labor in
this way is shown in the accompanying
Illustration. The farm sled can be used
as the scraping platform b. The scald
ing vat a may be any large barrel
w hich will hold water. Securely block
and brace it so that it will not be dis
placed In putting the hog In and taking
it out. In the iron kettle, c, the water
is heated. The hog Is killed and drawn
along the side of the scraping platform
opposite the Iron kettle. Instead of
lifting the carcass onto the platform by
band, make use of the pivotal lever at
tached to the post d. Place, a chain
about the hind legs of the bog, hook tne
short end of the lever into this chain
and the hog is lifted easily. The post d
is equally distant from the platform b
and posts g, b and f.
After the hogs have been scalded and
all the hair removed put in the gam
brels and with the lever lift them from
the scraping platform and swing them
Hug Workhouse In Liverpool.
The largest workhonse in the world
) at Liverpool, and it has accommoda
tion for no fewer thifn 6,000 inmates.
It 1b not, however, often filled.
When coining to Run Frnnclsoo go to
Brooklyn Hotel, 208-212 Hush street.
American or European plan. Boom and
board 11.00 to $1.60 per day ; rooms 50 cents
to 91.00 per (lay; single meals 25 cents.
Free coach. Chus. Montgomery.
A speck of gold weighing less than
one-millionth part of a grain can b
teen with the naked eye.
If you want the best wind mill, pumps,
tanks, plows, wagons, bells ot all sizes
boilers, engines, or general machinery see
or write JOHN POOLE, foot of Morribon
treat, Portland, Oregon.
It has been ascertained that one of
the mountains in the moon is 80,000
feet high,, while several are upward of
80,000 feet;
A. Natural Error.
Mr. Gotham (angrily) What do yon
mean, sir, by saying in your paper that
while at Albany I spent my time
among the saloons?
Editor My dear sir, that was a
printer's mistake. What I wrotewa8
that you spent your time among the
lolons, meaning, of course, the mem
bers of the state legislature.
Mr. (iothain Huh I That was a
itrange mistake for a printer to make.
Editor Well, you see, sir, the piin
ter used to live in Albany, and er '.
suppose it comes sort o' natural to him
to get suoh words as solons and saloons
mixed up. N.. Y. Weekly.
' Regularity is a matter of importance
In every woman's life. Much pain is.
however, endured in the belief that it
Is necessary and not alarming, when
In truth it is all wrong and indicates
derangement that may cause serious
i trouble.
Excessive monthly pain itself will
unsettle the nerves and make women
old before their time.
The foundation of woman's health Is
perfectly normal and regular per
formance of nature's function. The
statement we print from Miss GER'
tbude Sikes, of Eldred, Pa., is echoed
fi every city, town and hamlet in this
country. Read what she says:
" Deab Mas. Pinkham: I feel like s
new person since following- your ad
vice, and think it is my duty to ie me
public know the good your remedies
have done me. My troubles were pain-
ul menstruation and leucorrhcea l
was nervous and had spells of being
confused. Before using your remedies
I never had any faith in patent medi
cines. I now wish to say that I never
bad anvthinir do me so much good for
f linfut menstruation as Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable tompouna; aiso wouiu
aav that vour Sanative Wash has cured
me of leucorrhoea. I hope these few
words may help suffering women."
The present Mrs. Pinkham's experi
ence in treating female ills is unparal
leled, for years she worked side by
side with Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, and
around so they can be hung upon the
crossbars in posts g, b and f. A lot of
heavy lifting is thus avoided. The
crossbars can be made so that they will
turn around on a pivot in the direction
of the arrows. This is accomplished
by boring a Inch hole In the' top of
the post. Use for crossbars 4 by 4 oak
properly narrowed at the outer ends.
Cross these on top of the posts, bore a
Wi inch hole in the middle of the inter
section and secure them in place by
means of an iron pin which just fits
Into the 1 inch hole In the crosspledes
and the post Fasten the cross arms
together and a first-class, cheap piv
otal arrangement for banging 'hogs Is
the result. With this device and the
lever there is absolutely ho. necessity
for heavy lifting. American Agriculturist.
A Ftitch in Time.
The weekly mending Is always so
much of a bore that the happy thought
of applying the old adage, "a stitch In
time," to this dreaded task has set me
wondering why I have allowed myself
to be troubled so long. Upon my dress
ing table I keep in a little fray a needle,
thread and some darning cotton. Every
night when I remove my stockings I
look them over a glance suffices and
I find the little holes that begin to come
vastly easier to mend than the yawn
ing caverns that would otherwise be
awaiting me on Tuesday. And so it Is
with other things. Sewing on a button
or catching together a tiny rip here aud
there takes scarcely a minute, but the
sum total of these rips and buttons
would make a large inroad upon one
precious week day morning otherwise.
Perhaps this scheme will not commend
itself to mothers. Certainly a half-
dozen pairs of stockings, big and little,
could not be mended every morning
before breakfast, but it is admirable
in the still economy of a bachelor girl's
domain, and ought to be followed by
many of the girls who believe In the
old Remington saying, "To save time
Is to lengthen life." M. I. McXeal, In
Orange Judd Farmer.
disease from the premises by thorough
cleaning and disinfecting. The surface
of the henyard should be scraped and
burned. Every part of the floor, roosts
and nests should be scraped perfectly j
clean, and then disinfected with a liq-.
uid made of one pint of carbolic acid to
fifty quarts of water. Experts even
are not able to save enough of the vic
tims fof cholera to pay for doctoring,
buj anyone can check its spread by
thorough measures. Massachusetts
Ploughman. ,
Paddle Horses.
The favor in which Kentucky saddle
bred horses are now held in the East,
consequent upon repeated victories in
the Bhow rings, will surely encourage
even closer attention in the breeding
districts to the production of high class
horses. The fact that the East prefers
a walk-trot-canter horse to one that has
all the accomplishments is in favor of
the breeder and trainer, as It Is much
less work to finish the horse of the
lesser education. Type, weight carry
ing and blood' and saddle horse in
stincts and intelligence are what Is
wanted, and the breed of saddle horses
chiefly fostered In Kentucky and Mis
souri is abundantly able to furnish all
these requirements. Action should not
be overlooked not the action of a high
stepper, but clean, true, attractive and
balanced fore and aft. Front action
that comes from the shoulder Is do
manded, while the hocks should follow
promptly. Of all horses a saddle horse
needs a leg always under him. There
is a bright future for breeders of the
saddle horse. Breeders' Gazette.
Hough, Bark on Old Trees.'
The gradual thickening of bark on
trees is often objected to as an evidence
of unthrlftlness. But it most always
comes on trees when they get to be of
bearing age, and except for harboring
the cocoons of the codling moth It does
no harm. Scraping this bark off
through the winter removes the protec
tion, and the cocoon exposed to snow
and rain perishes. These cocoons will be
usually found on the side opposite
where the prevailing wind blows, as
this is partly protected against beating
rains, especially if the tree trunk leans
that way. Only the bark that readily
comes off should be removed. Scraping
the trunk down to the green bark is in
jurious. Make the tree grow vigorously
and the rough bark will roll off of Itself
or with very little effort.
Hundreds Cured by It Where All Other
Kennedies Fail.
When we consider the inestimable bless
ing of health, and the horrors ot wasting
disease and impaired vitalitv, we must
accord to Dr. Darrin the distinguished
honor that belongs only to the noblest
benefactors of our race. By this discovery
he sends the life-currents of that great
agent through the debilitated frame, he
allays pain, restores the strength and
florid bloom of glorious health, and the
elasticity and ioyousness of spirit that are
lost when suilering from disease of the
organs or derangement of the nervous cen
ters. A few instances of cure we give as a
prooi positive ot tne superiority ot elec
tricity over other methods of cure:
MrIsaac Winters, Centralia, Wash.
Asthma of 18 years' standing; restored.
Joseph Moore, Portland, polyus in the
nose, 15 vears; cured.
Miss Lucy Moran, Monmouth, Or.
Cdss eye, straightened in one minute
with a slight operation.
J. W. liottnni, Astoria, Or Kidney and
liver complaint for years; restored to" per
fect health.
H. I. Whitman, Monmouth, Or. Deaf
ness and ringing noises hi the ears 12
years; restored.
Miss Mamie McKean, Portland Deaf
ness and catarrh, 14 vears' standing; cured.
E. E. Joslin, The Dalles, Or. Discharg
irr ear. 21 years; cured.
Dr. Damn treats all curable private,
chronic and nervous diseases, secret bluoa
and skin diseases, sores and swellings,
nervous debility, impotence and other
weakness of-nianhood. He corrects the
secret errors of youth, and their terrible
effects, loss of vitality, palpitation of the
heart, loss of memory, despondency and
other troubles of mind and body." Pre
vents consumption, heart disease, soften
ing of the brain and spine, insanity and
other afflictions caused by the errors, ex
cesses and diseases of boys and men. He
also cures diseases caused by mercury and
other poisonous drugs used in the im
proper treatment of private diseases.
Otlice, 2U5 Morrison Btreet, Portland, Or.
Hours, 10 to 12, 2 to 5, and 7 to 8, daily.
Examination free and confidential, ques
tion blanks and circulars sent gratis to
ftnv address; patients cured at home.
Pelts and batteries furnished with full
directions how to use them.
nis rreferenee.
"My boy," they said to him warn
ingly, "she's too smooth. She'll fool
you every time. She's one of those
sweet, clever little women who know
lust bow to manage men. If you
marry her, she'll be the boss." -
"Well," he replied slowly, "from
what I have seen of matrimony it is a
question of being handled with a club
or with taffy, and for my part 1 prefer
the taffy."
And their engagement was announced
Bhortly afterward. Chicago Post".
To Cure n Cold In One ly
Take Laxative llromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund money if it fails to
cure. 25c. .
It has been proved, as the result of
experiments, that the circulation of the
blood is affected by music.
Valus of Buttermilk.
Buttermilk posseses many valuable
qualities not generally recognized by
farmers and dairymen. Some recent
medical tests have proven that as an
agent of digestion buttermilk has no
superior on the farm. It is of great
value In typhoid fever and, being a lax
ative. Is excellent for habitual consti
pation, As a remedial agent in kidney
troubles it posseses good features, and
in cases of gastric ulcer and cancer of
the stomach it can be retained when
no other food will remain. These facts
ought to be kept in mind and the medi
cal virtues of buttermilk utilized in re
gaining health and keeping the body
Impervious to disease. Farm and
Dairyman. -
Improved Incubator House.
The cut shows a plan for obviating
the Inconvenience of rising tempera
ture in the incubator bouse when the
sun Is shining, especially late in the
spring or in the summer. Then It Is
difficult to keep a uniform heat In the
machines, as the house becomes over
heated from the effect of the sun upon
Itewnrd of S20.000 Offered. 1
A wealthy lady recently lost a satchel con
talntng Jfwels worth $150,(00, and now offers a
rewa.cf of t'-li.UW cash to the finder. The Iosji
of health is far mce sortous than the loss of
jewels, and yet it can be recovered without
paying big rewards. A little money Invested
in Hostetter's fctc. roach Hitters will restore
strength to the weak, purliy the blood, estab
lish regularity of the bowels and help the-f-tnmaeh
to properly digest the food taken
into it.
A method ot produoing iotlofoim by
tho aid of electricity has just been in
vented, and it is said to yield satis
faotory results.
A Sudden Turn. A
By a Budden turn we may give a
twist and bring on lumbago. By a
prompt use of St. Jaoobs Oil the twist
lets go and the muscle Become straight
and strong.
Guarding Again Twin Germs.
A village clergyman tells this story!
No household is complete without a bot- lie was walking through the outskirts
tie of the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It o Ji9 pari8l, one evening, when he saw
is a pure and wholesome stimulant rec- ,'. . . , , .... ,,.
ommended bv all physicians. Don't ne- ne o his panshoners very busy white
gleet this necessity. washing his cottage. , Pleased at these
, , . ; ; , , J somewhat novel signs of oleanliness, he
The latest use of glass is instead of , calle,, ont. . ..We,i Jones, I see you
gold as a material for stopping decayed , are making vour hollge 1io6 anj Bmart.
teeth. I trio, . ;.. t.,, hn i.ni
fllbii n in j to luiw mi, uuiivn, , ......
recently taken the cottage, descended
from the ladder, and sloiy walked I
the hedge which separated the garden
from the road. "That's not 'xactly
the teason why I'm a doing this 'ere
job," he whispered, "but the last two
couples as lived in this 'ere cottage 'ad
twins: so 1 says to my missus, I'll take
an' whitewash the place, so as there
My doctor said I would die, but Piso's
Cure for Consumption cured me. Amos
Kelner, Cherry Valley, 111., Nov. 23, 1895.
Caslimere.shawl s aiemadeof the hair
of a diminutive joat found in Little
CITS 1'ermanenUjr Cured. B o fits or nervousnes
HIS alter tii-at day's use of Dr. k'll,iU' ,jr..ut
n ervw jiestcrf r.
Bend for FRKIC Mi. on
bottle and treatise. DR. B. li. KIXKK. lid., m
Area sU9et, f hlladelpula. Pa,
A French statistician has oalculated
that the human eye travels over 2,000
yards in reading an ordinary sized
novel. The average human being is
supposed to get through 3,500 miles of
reading in a life time.
mayn't be no infection. Ye see, sir.
as 'ow we got ten children already. '-!-Comhill
At an auotion of old coins in Frank
fort a go'd piece on which was the por
trait and inscription of King Ptolemy
iy, brought f500.
Feet Removed for One Dollar.
Occasionally you strike a em of
purest ray serene in a theater program
me. This appeared in a ohiropodists's
advertisement in one of these sheets
the other night:
Free! Ladies and gentlemen do not
Buffer. I will remove one oorn free of
charge, if you have more than one.
Corns removed, 25 cents each both
feet $1. Instant relief guaranteed.
Bring this ad. with yon."
A surgeon who will remove both
feet' for people for one dollar, and
guarantee instant relief at that, is cer
tainly a genius and cheap. Boston
Queen Victoria's favorite song is said
to he "And Ye Shall Walk in Silk
Attire." .
A powder to be shaken into the shoes.
At this season your feet feel swollen, ner
vous and uncomfortable. If you have
smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's
V oot-Kase. it rests ana comiorts; makes
walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating
feet, blisters and callous spots. Relieves
Corns and bunions of all pain and is a cer
tain cure for Chilblains, Sweating, damp
or frosted feet. We have over thirty thou
sand testimonials. Try it teday. Sold by
all druggists and shoo ctorer. for 25c. Trial
parage TREK. Address, Allen S. Olm
Ited, Lo Bay, N. Y.
A recent Parisian law compels all
the theaters to have in attendance a
doctor or a surgeon during ail the performances.
Transferrins; Bees.
Many beginners, purchasing bees In
box hives, are asking the best means
of transferring. The best way is to
let the bees swarm first, then wait
about twenty-one days,, when all eggs
will be hatched; then turn the box up
side down, place a hive on top, close
all openings by wrapping the union of
hives with cloth, and drive them out
of the box. First give combs ,or foun
dation of the top hive, after which
you can transfer without trouble the
combs In the box by cutting out the
combs and fitting the hive you drove
the bees into. You must drum on the
box sides with sticks or anything to
make a noise; occasionally listen, and
the hum of the bees will help you Judge
of your success. Farmers' Tribune.
ffheep as Bash Destroyers.
, The cheapest way to clear a piece of
land covered with small brush is to pas
ture Bheep upon It If the brush Is cut
with a scythe before turning In the
sheep, the tender sprouts will be kept
down about as fast as they appear.
The roots will dry off and decay In one
or two years. Cleared in this waji a
field will not again grow up to brush if
allowed to remain Idle a few years. Not
the least benefit to the land Is the fertil-
for sometime past bas had sole charge
of the corra-jpondence department of
trpatin? bv letter
. j : ttv ndilod fn lhp dronninfrn nf thp shApn
many as a fcunarea mousauu saung - r
for several yenra. Agriculturist
I Chicken I holers.
women during a sin?le year.
All suffering women are Invited to
write freely to Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn,
Mass., for advice about their health.
CuHtS ttntnt ALL tLi IMS. II
Beat Cough ajruo. Taates Good. CIS f I
In time, fold by drtigrt- r 1
It is hardly worth! while to doctor
bens fDr ibis fatal disease, and the en
ergy qf the owner nbould be devoted
to presenting Its spread. Let him sep
arate the tick bens, and then make op
bis mind to root up the germs of the
the roof. A simple way out of the diffi
culty is to put on an additional roof,
leaving an air space between the two.
The inner roof can be covered with
cheap boards and roofing paper, with
lath battens. The outer roof should be
shingled, as a black roof absorbs the
beat readily. New England Home
Salt for Lawns.
Wherever lawns are highly manured,
as most well-kept lawns are apt to be,
a dressing of salt sometime during the
winter will greatly benefit them. Salt
in small quantities, as it must be used
when applied to land, is one of the best
solvents known. We are so used to
putting salt in extra amounts to hard
en and pick vegetables that we are apt
to forget that in very small amounts it
rots them. Salt Is especially valuable
to release mineral fertilizers that bave
become inert In the soil.
Trifling; That Coats.
There is a way of trifling that costs
a heap of money. Negleot rheumatism
and it may put one on crutches, with
loss of time and money. St. Jacobs
Oil will cure it surely, right away.
A new system of sewers undei oon
struotion in the oity of, Mexico has oc
casioned a contract for 10,000,000
brick being made with a native firm.
Cut Rate
Drug Catalogue
... FREE...
Wnndard Clarke Co depabtmrntk.
vy ouiidi u, nn ae io.. roitl'LAy U, OR.
KootR Crowned. Bridgea Made.
lalnles fllliiitf and extraction.
Dr. T. H. White, 2AX&n
"or Mills, Mines, Shops and Farms, Bteel Log
ging and Hoisting Engines; Hoe Chlel
Tooth Sawt, Albany Greane, etc.
27 to !WFIrt Ptreot Portland, Or.
U-M I rumuni ft.ieei, Ban Francisco.
Dairy Pointers.
If the butter Is mottled work it a lit
tle after salting.
If the butter Is too soft feed the cow
some potatoes.
Stringy milk can be cured by keep
ing the cows clean. , '
Wash all the milk vessels with cold
water before scalding.
Whitewashed stables mean fewer
flies and more milk.
Whenever possible test the cow's milk
before buying her.
Crosses are usually better for farm
ers than pure breeds.
A cow that tests below 3 per cent is
not worth keeping. $
Do not wet your hands when milk
ing; if you do you flavor the milk.
You waste 25 per cent, of your butter
in summer by not using a separator.
Adding hot water to cream while
churning Is the worst of all practices.
Heating milk to 100 dt-grees Pasteur
izes It Stir It continually while hot
When butter Is poor don't blame the
cow. Blame your own want of skill
If the butter takes too long to come
add one to two fresh cows to the dairy.
Warm milk from the cow does not
absorb odors. While coollDg keep it In
a pure atmosphere. Illinois Dairy E-port
A big yield of both
profit and satisfaction
will result if you plant
Thfy an always the best.
Do not accept any tutwiL.
tute buy uon. but Ferry'.
Hold by all dealers. Writs tur
the w rieed Ann ual f res.
D.M.FERRY CO., Detrolt.Mlch.
For Gonorrhoea wid Glwt aet Pabnt'n Okay hTlte. It
Is tho ONLY medio ii wtiti'h will cure wb and every
c&Mt, NO CASK known It ha ernr fnflf-d to cure, no
mattr how rvrioua or of how long ebui'linp. Riii!t
from ft ie will artonliih joxt. It 1 alxtoliiLelr iaf,
prewnu St. riM urn, and ran lm taken wlt'imit In!onre
n if nee and detention from tmnine&v. MtH'K. $S0fc For
ale by all rvliahle drutrrirt, or lent prepaid bjr ezpreea,
piaiuij wrapped, on iwr-ipt of price, by
Circular mailed on rtxjuetit.
Women, Why Suffer
When you can bur for one dollar a positive
and quick cure lor dikcm-'i peculiar toyourssxt
Will CHre yon three doses will give relief. It
contain! no alcohol, or other ipirlts, no qui
nine or poisonous druvs easy and pleasant to
una aouar per uoiue at your uruKjuii s.
f the
Grip Is & treacherous-disease.' You think it
is cured and the slight est cold brings on a
Its victims are alw&ys left in & weakened
condition blood impure and impoverished;
nerves shattered. Pneumonia, heart disease
and nervous prostration are often the
Or. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People will
drive every trace of the poisonous germs from
the system, build up and enrich the blood
and strengthen the nerves. A trial will
prove this. Read the evidence
When the grip last visited this section Herman H. Eveler,
ot8U W.HlaiQSt.,Jellersou,Mo.,awell knownooniracior and
bullder.wna one of the victims, and lie has since beeu troubled
with the atoer-ellecls of the disease. A year ago his health be
gun to fall, and he was obliged to discontinue work. That he
. Uvea to-day Is almost a miracle. He says:
"1 was troubled with shortness of breath, palpitation of the
heart and a general debility. My back also pained me severely.
"I tried qne doctor after another and numerous remedies
suggested uy my friends, but without apparent benellt, and
began to give up hope. Then I saw l)r. Williams' i'ink Fills
for Pale People extolled In a St. Louis paper, and after Inves
tigation decided to give them a trial.
"After using the first box 1 felt wonderfully relieved and
was satisfied Unit the pills were putting me on the road to re
covery. I bought two more boxes and continued takingthem.
"After taking four boxesof Dr. WllllaniH' Pink Pills forl'Hle
People I am restored to good health. I feel like a new nisn.and
having the will and energy of my former days returned, 1 am
capable of transacting mv business with Increased ambition.
"I)r. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are a wonderful
medicine and any one suffering from the after-effects of the
grip will And that these pills are the specific" H. II. Evfi.kh.
Mr. Eveler will gladly answer anv Inquiry regarding this If
stamp is enclosed. PromCole Ou. Democrat, Jefferton City, Mo.
' Look (or the full name cr the package. At druggists ot
direct from the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady, N.Y.
auc per box. 6 boxes J2.50.
a (P "vk .s s jk
hO( everybody you know to
no IV save their tin fags for you
The Tin Tags taken from Horseshoe, "J.T.,"
Cross Bow, Good Luck and Drummond
Natural Leaf will pay for an one or all of
this list of desirable and useful things and
3ou have your good chewing tobacco besides.
Every man, woman and child in America can find something
on this list that they would like to have and can have FKKE I
Write your name and address plainly and send every tag you
can get to us mentioning the number of the present you want.
Anv assortment of the different kinds of tags mentioned above
will be accepted as follows :
1 Match Box, quaint design, Im
ported from Japan., 90
9 Knife, one blade, good iteel ' 2fl
8 Sensors, 4-inch, good steel.
4 ChiU's Set, Knife, Fork and Spoon
0 Salt and Pepper, one each, Quad
ruple plate on white metal
6 Razor, hollow ground, line English
7 Butter Knife, triple plate, best quat 60
S SugarShell,triplcplate,beatquality 64)
Stamp Box, sterling silver. ..... .. 70
10 K.ife, "Keen Kutter," two blades 70
11 Butcher Knife, "Keen Kutter,"
8-inch blade It
11 Shears, " Keen Kutter," g-inch,
nickel , ......... 7fi
15 NutKet,Crackerand6 Picks, silver 80
li Nail r ile, sterling silver, amethyst
set, 6-inch 100
16 Toorh Brush, sterling silver, ame
thyst set, 6-inch 100
16 Paper Cutter, sterling silver, ame
thyst set, 7-inch '00
17 Base Ball, "Association," best qual. 100
IS Watch, stem wind and set, guaran
teed good urns keeper 500
19 Alarm Clock, nickel, warranted , . 200
90 Carvers, buckhorn handle, good
steel 900
91 Six Rogers' Teaspoons, best qual. 2li
99 Knives and Forks, six each, buck
horn handles .... , 900
23 Clock, 8-dny, Calendar, Thermom
eter, Barometer 600
24 Stove, Wilson Heater, sin No. SO
or No. 40 (00
25 Tool Met, not playthings, but real
tools 660
26 Toilet Set, decorated porcelain,
very handsome 800
97 Watch, solid silver, full jeweled . 10(H)
28 Sewing Machine, fust class, with
all attachments. 1.100
29 Revolver, Colt's, best quality INK)
80 Rifle. Winchester, 16-shot, 29-cal .l600
81 Shot Gun, double barrel, hammer-
less, stub twist 9000
89 Guitar (Washburn), rosewood, in
laid with mother-of-pearl .... 9000
33 Bicycle, standard make, ladies' or
eents' 9(100
BOOKS 90 choice selections same
as last year's list, 40 tags each.
This offer expires November 33, 1899.
Address all your Tags and the correspondence about them to
In 1 K i d.rr. J
Vm Mia W fop nr,niiipl
lli'lisrc, ititlaniuiatloria,
I Irritation, or ulceration
of in u co at niombratiu.
iPrsfsnu uoMstoo. rainless, and nut aatria
IrHttMNS Cm M"!t 00. ',B' o' poisonous.
1,0 .1 J ' T Ismira-Uta,
l. j rt ariit in plain wrapper,
fc-J br eiprM, prnpalil, for
Circular snt on rmjuest
W guarantee to fit every caae w under taka.
Don t put It off; write for particulars at onc.
C. H. WOOUAKII V CO., Kipsrt Trust
rittari, 108 Second Street, fortlaud, Or.
Ask dma-alsta for Dr. Hartrl'
French Keintilx Pills 111 melal Imix
with French Kuur on too 111 blutt.Wblta
and Rd. Insist on bavlna; the genuine.
"KfllefrorWoinn"malUilFRKK 111 plain
'senlfd letter with terttnumuUs and particular.
FRENCH DRUG CO., 3814383 Pearl SI., hew 1 era.
N. P. N. V.
NO. 5 -'.
WHEN writing to ad vert liar pleas
mention this paper.