jjtuv- i '"1" "ttv Library I r : " ' - i C ' 1Bren City aid ouri CIRCULATION GUARANTEED LARGER THAN ANY OTHER PAPER IN THE COUNTY COURIER ESTABLISHED MAY, 1883 HERALD ESTABLISHED JULY, 1893 CONSOLIDATED SEPTEMBER, 1898 OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1899. 16th YEAR, NO. QT COMMERCIAL BANK of OREGON CITY CAPITAL f 100,000 v; Transacts a General Banking Business j Loans made. Bills discounted. Makes col lections. Buys and sells exchange on all points In the United States and Europe and on Ho'ig Kong. Deposits received bu'ject to check. Bank open Irom A At. to 4 P. M. D.C.LAlOURE'nE, BHID J. MiTfcErl, President. Cashier, C.'D. & D. C. LATOURETTE A1TOKMEY8 AT 1AW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law Specialties Office in Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY OREGON Oxo. C. Bbownxu i. U. Campbbu BROWN ELL & CAMPBELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW Caufleld Building Oregon City, Ore W. S. U'REN ATTORNEY AT .LAW, Jaggar Building, opposite Hui.lley'8 OREGON CITY - OREGON (J, SCHUEBEL ATTORNEY AT LAW SDeutfcer Stbtwfat. OREGON CITY - OREGON THOS. F. RYAN Notary Public and Real Estate Broker Leading Insurance Aorhcy of Clackamas County Money to Loan. Abstracts of Title Made Drawing of Legal Documents a Specialty Office on east side of Main street Between 6th and 7th OREGON CITY, OREGON SI. C. STRICKLAND, M. D. s (Hospital and Private Experience.) , )OfferB his professional services to the people of C Oiegon City and vicinity. Special attention paid lo Catarrh and Chronic diseases. Best of references Riven. Otliee in Willaint-lto Building. , Oflice hours: 10 to 12 a. rn., 4 to 6 p. m. 0BEG0N CITY .... OREGON ! C. S. Bkamann, M. D. J. Y. PowzLt, M. D j POWELL & SEAMANN, . PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS. I All calls attended promptly, j Office hours: 8 to 11 a m. ; 1 to5 p. m. j ' Nos. 9 and 10 Ouarman Block. i i J DR. GEO. IIOEYE, j DENTIST. Office In Caufleld Building, Main Street. Oregon Citv. Bridge and Crown Work a Spkcialty. All work warranted and satisfaction guaranteed. DR. J. H. MILLER, DENTIST, Seventh Street, near S. P. Depot, pitnau.N Citv, - Oregon I : ' ; : DR. FRANCIS FREEMAN DENTIST. Graduate of tlie Northwestern Univer sity Dental School, also of American Col lege of Dental Surgery, of Chicago. WITH 1)H. WELCH. Willamette Block - Opposite Poitoffice Oregon City, Oregon. C. N. GREENMAN (Established 1805 ) THE PIONEER EXPRESSMAN AND DRAYMAN Parcels Delivered to All Parta of the City OREGOK CITY - OREGON BANK OF OREGON CITY ILDEST BANKING HOUSE 15 THE CITY , PAID TJP CAPITAL, 150,000.00 . ' SUSPLUS PO&0.00 President, " Chas. H. CaOIt.iid flee president Gio. A. Haedi.i Sashier, B. G. Caciulo A General Banking Business Transacted Deposits Received Subject to Check, Approved Bills and Notes Discounted. County and City Warrants Bought. Loans Made on Available Security Exchange Bonght and sold. Collections Made Promptly. Draft! Sold Available In Any Part of the Iforld. Telegraphic Exchange Sold on Portland, Sao Francisco. Chicago an 1 New York. Interest Paid on Time Deposit. (oblitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY. OREGON, jitbe Street between the Bridge andtbt Depot. Double and tingle rigs and saddle horses a Vavaonhand at thii lowest rates, and acorra also connected with the barn for loose itoca Any information regarding any una oi suics iiumpuy attendee to by letter or person. HORSES BOIGUT OR SOLD. Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum A-um baking; powders are the greatest menacers to health of the present day. OVM. BAK1SQ POWDER CO., MEW YORK. CLACKAMAS CCUNTY NEWS Furnished By Numerous Corres . pondents in the County. Cams, Mr. Editor, s I see there are no items from Carus in your valuable paper I thought 1. would furnish you with n lew. All the farmers in this pirt ore plow ing for w inter oals, the kind meet gener ally sown in this quarter. Everybody is wonderfully interested in the road from Carus lo Howard's mill. Some think it Bhouldgo the oh) road, others contend there should be a new road 'bo as to get a better grade. We are all very glad lo see Oregon City moving in this matter. it will be many a dollar in the pocket of Oregon City to have a good road reaching out south far enough to catch the Marquam trade. , .-: There was a basket social and dance combined at the Hazel Dale school house, which, however, did not pan out very well, as there were only five baskets Lrought in. There was no attempt to sell the baskets and failure seemed to pervade the air and when some of the hoody bnvs called out fizzle some of the girls picked tip their baskets and went others soon followed by little crowds on their several ways home, which was not long in making the social a thing of the past. 'It was very unfortunate as it was desired to raise money with which to heat the school house. -A little incident, happened on niv .faun that 1 want to tell you about1.s.how- ina ihe sagacity of me of my hogs, I am fa'tening iiini to kill and Oh, he is snch a hog, such an unprincipled hog. We have two troughs out n which we feed in the snme lot. The hogs have natural ly divided into two companies each selecting its own feed trough. My son, who does the feeding, has a mania for naming things, so he called one bunch of hogs populists and the other repub licans and this particular hog, of wich I am FpeakinghiiS associated pretty close ly with the pop bunch, hut at feeding lime he gulps down nil the feed he can at the pop trough and when that is gone he rushes over to Ihe republican trough anil swipes all l.e can there. Mv son called my attention to this and after watching them several, times I told my win he made me think of a man in Oregon City, said I, we will nnme him after this fellow. I walked up to the republican trouirh where he was busy swiping feed and as he walch-" ed me out of iha rorner of one eye, I said to him, "look here sir, I am going to call you Charley Fitch Irom now on." Well sir, w liat do you llnnk. lie waited away Irom tne trout! h with the most dejected shamefaced loi k I ever saw on the face of men or beast. The stigma was loo great fnr even a liogish h g to tiir being mimed alter Mich thing. He refined fo eat so we h"d to kill him to keep bun from failing away. January 0. Sunn. ITeniv Miller and Miss Maud Miller, of Dallas, aie visiting at Mr. J. G, Cum mins. Burt Cummins was home for a week helping to entertain the visitors at home. That's right Burt, we won't tell. Robert Guenther came home from Portland Saturday. A petition is being circulated here for work on the road to grade off some of the hills. It shows that the farmers are more than willing to do their share to get good roads. Mr. Bluhm's dam broke out last Fri day, overflowing some ot his fields and doing considerable damage. There is some talk of organizing a singing class. We hope they will suc ceed. Some of thaboys had better go a little slow or there will be a job for the sheriff. January 30. 99 Molalla. Died, suddenly at Molalla January 25, James King., Aboutd a. m. he got up and started a fire, after which he went back to bed simply to wait until the room got warm ; lie was in usual health and was talking to his wife, a moment later he was dead- He was born in England December .22, 1842; moved to Cleveland, Ohio, when 10 years old. He has been married three times. The first wife died and left two children. The second wife born to hi.n five children two of whom siill live. Their four child ren were present at the funeral, which was preached by Rev. J. M. Shulse'at Molalla, January 26th. On October 3. 1898. he was married to Mrs. Emma Tibbs with whom he lived less than four months. He was by trade a blacksmith and probably the best workman in Clackamas county. He was highly respected by all as was wit nessed bv the large concourse who rever ently followed his remains to the place of burial hi Silam's cemetery near Molalla. , January 28. XX View. Oold weather has came again Snow is blowjng dreadfully today. ! Poim.- TtutW and Montgomery were each on the hill this week making calls among friends. Mr. Fredeiick .bought his daughter, Bertha, aq organ last week. Mrs. Masten and daughter, of Mt. Tabor, were in town Friday evening to visit Mvrtle Lodge, D. of H.,and came upon this hill on Saturday to view the city. Geo, Stephens and family have moved Into the Joe Harrington's cottage J. T. Francis, of Portland, and his cousin, Miss Stella Howitt, of Russell- ville, spent Saturday anuMunaayamouif relatives in this burg. . Mrs. Green and family have left this burg to live with her husband, Steve Green. - Clarence W. Morey is still confined to his bed a d growing weaker. His re covery is very doubtful. Mrs. Francis and children are on the sick list this week. , There will be a basket social for the junior class and a good granger's dinner lor everybody else, wno wish to come, nn Patii'rilav avenimr. February 4, at Ely's store house. Proceeds to be for the Sunday school. There will .be a prayer meeting at Rev. Havne's Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, all invited. Rov Rimrn is a little better, but not out of danger yet. There will be a special fire meeting called nn Saturday evening for the pur- nose of nominating othcers lor tne en snini? vear. All firemen take notice February 1. Sauna. Pleasant Hill. Died, at Sherwood January 26, George Craison. Died, at Pleasant Hill January 26 Mrs. Walls, She is the daughter of Mrs. Roberts, who is over 100 years old Mrs. Walls is the mother of Mrs. T. M Baker. Frank Newman is very low with pneumon'a. Will Bonnev. of Highland, was Pleasant Hill visitor last week Hi horse got lame and he went Lome on foot, t i . ' Eli Calkins, !the road boss, is back again, but he don't go out with the boys The shooting match Saturday was irood. Vosb Werton and Robinson got the beef, Ben. January 30. Lotan. The ceneral h'.-uHh of this community has improved since our last correspoa 'deuce. Harding Grange met lat Satnrda and installed the following ollicers foi the ensuing vear : Fred Gerber, master S. G. Kirchem, overseer; Willard W Austin, lecturer; L. Newkirk, steward Mrs. M.E. till, secretary; Mrs, Hetty Spragne, treasurer; Mrs. J. H. Brown chaplain; J. H. Brown, gatekeeper. The literary society meets eVery two weeks. The question for next meeting is "Resolved, That the Poor People are their Own and Worse Enemies" with A. M. Kirchem leader on the affirmative, and L, W. Hampton leader on the negative. MisB M.Riebholf is president of the society. Mrs. Jacob P.ab'er is convalescing. Mis. Babler lim been quite sick. Her many friends will be pleased to learn that she is on the road to permanent re covery, Mrs. A. Lacy, of Springwater. was visiting .friends here several days last week. , , Eli and Henry Swales have gone to the Lower Columbia to work In a-logging camp. Mtr. Nancy McCubbin was SO years of ai;e last Friday M rs. McCubbin is one, of Oregon's eldest pioneers. Messrs. G. &. Fotterand L. W. Hamp ton, accompanied by tlitir wives, will move to Eastern Oregon about the mid dle of March, where they have employ ment fur the summer. Miss Emma Gill, of Oregon City, visited relatives and friends in this burg last Saluiday. Rev. Jacob Bahr, of Damascus, preached at the Bnptist church last Sun day to a large audience. George Kohl has been under the weather for several days. January 30. Twilight. Carus. Well, you are eiving it to Bro. Filch pretty rough . Well if he is not guilty let him get right up in meeting and say so. Is there no law against such fearful caricatures' as appeared in the Oregon ian last Fridav? Because an honorable gentlemen differs in his political views from the Oregonian to he put up in such a shape is too much, but it will make friends for Colonel Bryan and will do the paper, who gives room to such hor jiblestuir, no good. The grange met yesterday, its regular dav, and its officers weie installed by Brother A. F, Miller, of Evening Star grange, assisted by Bro. Elmer Cooper, of Molalla grange. Bro. Miller talked to us on life insurance lines and all but three present went into the association. Bro. Miller is doing a good work for the order and I bespeak for him a hearty welotne from all the granges in Clacka mas county. The several grances will. at their February meeting, elect 3 dele gates to a.tend the county grange con vention to be held in Oregon City on March 7th, 1800, at the court house at 1 o'clock p. m.,hy order of the deputies. The grange is growing throughout the jurisdiction, which includes the entire state. Lower Columbia Fire Relief as sociation, formerly only included West ern Oregon, but at the last meeting of the directors, which was held at Salem, 6th and 7th inst. the entire state was in cluded. The grange life insurance in cludes all of Oregon and Washington. January 30. J. S. C. Mountain lledlaml. Quarterly conference met at Viola on the 23 and 24. Brother Waters presiding. Revs. Moorhouse and Lewis surendered their licenses to preach in the Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Murdock, of Mncksburg, are visiting friends in this neighborhood. G. Hieinbothem received a lettor from his son, Will, who is recovering from typhoid fever. Gils Fisher has a four-horse team on the road hauling flour and feed Mr. FiBtier is able to make a better grade of flour since he has put in a machine to clean cockle and wild peas from wheat. Revival meetings were held at Red- land M. E. church the past week August Funk and Mrs. Behymer are on the sick list. Some grain was sowed the past few days by some of our farmers. Januar) 31. W. S. Catiem ah The Bpecial school meeting was held at the Bchool house on Saturday night. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Nuttall, after whifih the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. After a close con-' test J. E. He iges was elected director to fill the vacancy of D. M. Klemson. resigned. A 9 mill tax was then voted for the support oi the school for the en suing year,' The school is in an over crowded. condition and some thought it would be well to employ a third teacher. This suggestion was not carried, how ever. The management of the school has been excellent from every point of view. Mrs, Fine Is visiting friends and rela tives in California. , ' Elvan May was tendered a surprise On Saturday night. A very enjoyable time is reported by those present. Ernest Bencko, who went to Califor nia recently, has left SanFranoisco on a whaling voyage. February 1 ' Progress. Molalla. There is at present more sickness in this vicinity than has been known for some time, mostly la grippe and fever. Albert Engle is very low with lung fever. It was thought at or e time that he could not possibly recover, but the attending physician, Dr. Leavilt, thinks there is a chance for him to get well. George Mullatt is slowly "recovering from a spell pf .typhoid (ever. The entertainment at the school house hnll'last Saturday evening was a decided success, l'nere was a good crowd in attendance considering the unusual amount of sickness in the neighborhood. The orchestra, consisting of Mr. Tom Dibble clarinet, Guy and Mis Inez Dibble violins, Dudley Bjyles guitar, Georire Adams organist and Alex Smith second violin, rendered s imeflne music. Guy and Miss Inez Dibble are to be complimented for the progress they have made as violinists in the past year. Tom Dibble is rapidlv mastering the clarinet. The dramatic club are thinking of giving an intertainmerit at Canhy in the near future, rendering the same drama that was given here the "Spy of Gettys burg." The most su:lden death that has tran spired here for yeais was that of our re spected blacksmith, James King. At about six o'clock on the morning of the ?4th Mr. King arose and kindled the lire, and lying down again, was talking to his wife w hen he placed his hand over the region of his heart, straighten ed out his limbs and expired without a word or a struggle. The doctor pro nounced his malady rheuirntism of the heart. Mr. King was born In England, came lo America when a yo ing man and set tled near Cleveland, Ohio, liv "1 there for years, working at his trade, cam's Irom there to Kansas, worked mere lor a few years, and' came to Portland, He lias been here some three or four years, and had the respects of all that knew him. He leaves two sons and two daughters, liis oiliest son is engineer at the Portland Cracker Company Vorks, his other son is also an engineer in Portland. Mr. King's partner in the blacksmith business, P. M. Boylesj has hired a 'blacksmith and the business will be conducted as before. Mrs. King will continue to live here, January 31st. XYZ Itedlaml. All horses on sick list improving ex cept J. G. Bayfield's, which is dead. King Mosher arrived home yesterday from up the Columbia, where he has been working on a snag boat. Mrs, Behymer and George are visiting in Portland. Literary exercises were held at the school bouse last Friday afternoon. Oue of the leading features was a de bate by the the scholars The question "Resolved.That Fire is More Destructive Than Water ; speakers, affirmative side, George Hicinbothem, Fred Berkey and D. H. Mosher; negative, Gilniore Behymer, Oswald Behymer and Bert Hart; was ably discussed on both sides, although the judges decided in favor of the negaiive. Our teacher, Mr. Rutherford, has organized a singing school for benefit of scholars. Quite an Interest is taken Wonder wtint makes James f til lam an crnv lati.lv. Wll. antriA ttnv it la 7l j i - -- j - - pound girl. Frank Murdock was seen Inourcity Sumlay; some . attractions here or he would not ride 10 or 15 miles for pleasure at the present conditions of roads. Lost, Btrayed or stolen the bottom oi road between here and Oregon City; suitable reward for its pernetnant re covery. Clem is building a hayshed on L. Shank's place. M. Smith is building a house on his place. January 27. W. 8. Stafford. The subscription paper that is circu lating asking for about $r0 to lilt the Widow Schiewe out of all indeblness has been subscribed to the amount of $100 and most of it is now paid up, that sum being twice the amount asked for. John Moser received a God-send on the 20th inst. and be can call it Dewey. John Aden says, "that girl of mine," born January 25th. Mrs. Biehle made a large quantity o! sausage last week. J. Q.Gage basset out a young orchard Cap. Hayes put in grain Ssturday and Sunday. Fred Baker,' of Independence, msde his home folks a visit last week, Fred is doing well in the cord wood biz. The A. O. U. W. lodge was organized here Saturday night with nearly twenty members. Many visitors from other lodges were present. The Taulatin grange had it annual in stallation of officers Saturday afternoon. C. C. Borland, of Oswego, acted as in stalling officer, sssisted by M. A. Gage, On the 12th of Feb. the above grange will have been in existence 25 years, and on the 25th of said month an anniversary meeting will beheld. An invitation is rent to all its charter mem bers (.of which there are 15 yet living, out of its original 24) to meet with them, also all ancient members are requested to be present. Robert Biehle's winter oats were killed by the cold and wet. Sharp Bros, have opened the fence row between them and H. E. Hayes. Considerable winter fallowing is being done. Some spuds have been sold for 80 cenis per sack, sacks and twine furn ished. John DeNeni received $28 for 25 sacks shipped to Frisco. January 30. Lengthy. New Era. A 'arge crowd gathered at Evans' hall lust Mon .1.,., t, t 1 , '(lilt, It........ .1... hi winch w as played at Canuy. II proved a grand snceem, and the company Intends jrning to Mt. Angel and Kive an entertainment then A irond litany peonle from here were seen trmlingalunga foot, thinking the train was tocrnwdeti. A grand ball was given alter the play, which was hiKhly appreciated. -Mr. and Mrs. Mike Huras's littlo son, who hu ? Don't Pa the 25 per Ct. Advance We have on hand a big stock of these jroods, and the price will not advance while they last. Rulb. Syringes, 50c to $2.00. Fountain Syringes, 75c to $2.50. Hot Water Bottles, 75c to $2.00. ' Fancy Flannel Hot Water Bottle Cover, 25 cents. Id Ozomulsion.. Psychine Scott's Emulsion " . " ...v Kilmer's Swamp Root Gilmore's Magnetic Elixir. ; " " Wisdom's Robertine Kidney and Liver Cure Vino Kolofra Electric Cough Cure Electric Bitters Red Cross Cough Cure Red Seal Sarsaparilla DeWitt's Sarsaparilla Beggs' Sarsaparilla Dr. Ward's Blood Pills Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Groves' Chill Tonic Beggs' Cough Cure Red Seal Cough Cure Dr. Baker's Celery'and Kolo Aycr's Hair Vigor, Ayer's Sarsaparilla. to C. G. HUNTLEY CUT RATE DRUGGIST Send us your mail orders. Oregon City, Oregon C-fWe pay postage on small mailable articles. Carpets and Matting... YOU CAN'T BUY them elf ew here of as good quality or at as low prices as you can of us. Warranted All-Wool Carpet (tfif per yard .... Good Chinese Matting... 1 ton per yard... AUv The holiday rush left a number"'of Carpet and Matting Remnanis which we will sell at a sacrifice. Bcllomn & Buscli, THE BOU8EFURN1SHERS. heen llnirorlnir so loner between life and death. was relieved of his surTerinst Monday at 7 o'clock a, m.. wnen oeatn oiairnea uun. e was laiu 10 rest Tuesday at 10 ft. m In the Catholio cemetery. The parents have the sympathy o( all. 1 A surprise party wss one of the orders of last week. A crowd of young people gathered at the home o' Mrs. J. C. Newbury last Friday evening and at 8 o'clock went to the home of Joseph Sevclck. A large room was soon cleared out and danolng began Oicar Burgnyneand t'arl Bremer furnishing the music. A lunch had beeu prepared for the occaesion and waa partaken of at lid o'clock. I don't think the ' Triplets" were there, at least no one would confess they were. How about it Triplets, were you there? Sunday school is once more in progress at 8 o'clock p. m. each Sunduy. Everybody welcome. The New Era school Is now the proudVwner of an organ through the effort ou the part of the scholars and kindness on the part ot some o( New Era's idtlsens, who helped with their pocket books and their kind words. Qulle a few of our most prominent young men (link u i Me on the blind baggage lust wiek lo Oanbj'und while they were smiling at their good foriunelthe conductor cinie alnugand made them give up their tiokets. but let them ride on the blind just tne same. The Crader Bros, are getting along n'cely with their contract and have employed Bert McArthur to haul their wood. It seems as though our boys are getting young again or Inrgetfull, for one of them attended the dance without his mustache. A grand masqurade ball will bo glvon at Twi light hall ou. Friday, February 10. Good muslo and supper. Everybody Is Invited to attend. But dun t forget your faces. A large supply of snow has been purchased and the New Era boys are bu.y making sleighs so they can take their best girl out sleighing. That Is all right boys, we old people can't kick for we have all had our fun. February 1. Temitkst and Schsiiinb. ' Needy. I have a few Interesting Items for the lady read ers of your paper. Last nieht the soholnrs and ladles ot Oak Run . school No. 22, three miles from here, held a lunch ' basket picnic The program cunsistea oi mil io and stughnr, a speech and a mock marriage. My song was entitled "The Young Stepmother." As 1 never heard It sung In Oregon or California by any other person, 1 will give one verse of It; The tn arriago rito was over, And I turned aside To keep the guests from soeiug The tears 1 could not lode. I changed my tears to smiles, And led my baby brother To ateet my father's chosen bride, Hut I could not call her mother, I am a single man, hut I don't want any innek marriage In mlie'. I want tint genuine ci-reinuny perioiined 11 i ever marry. I belong to the 1. 0, l and Uio A. O. U. W. lodges and am insured in the latter order forslullO to leave to the woman tliatinio-ries me. Homo women retnso lo marry a Plan who belongs to a secret society, tait such women are liable to be loft destitute when they become waiows and lantt in mo poor House January BO. M. t. The Oouiubh-IIkram) leads. 0a Rubber Goods, Hot Water Eotties,. Syringes, Etc., until you are obliged to Regular $t 00 3 00 .' 1 00 SO I 00 I 00 50 50 I 00 1 00 50 50 I 00 I 00 IOO I 00 50 50 50 50 50 Compound 1 00 ,,.A I 00 I 00 Cut Price 2 75 75 40 85 So 25 3S 75 5o 25 40 50 C5 50 SO 35 40 35 25 40 65 90 75 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 t V; 9 9- . 9 ' '' tf 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 X 9 9 9 9 t 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 ! t 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9