Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, January 27, 1899, Image 8

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Enthusiastic Oatlwring and Much
Interest Manifested.
The county court room was pretty
well filled with business men
nd others Monday erening, all actively
interested in the extension of a good
road system from the terminus of the
present improved road to Howard's
mill, The gathering reminded one of
the days when the old board of trade
was an active promoter of Oregon City's
best interests, and 'real estate brought
prospe:i'y values.
H. E. Cross presided, and T. L.
Charman was elected secretary pro
tern. President Cross stated that the
object of the meeting was to select five
delegates to confer with like delega
tions from Molalla and other sections,
izo over the proposed routes for the two
and a half miles of unimproved road,
and select the best location for the
Max Ramsby, who champions Mo.
lalla'8 best interests, favored a new
route, provided it did not cose too much.
He was confident that considerable
money could be raised in Molalla tow
ards building the road.
Mr. Spence, of Carus, gave encour
aging words in favor of the road, and
expressed assurances that the people of-
Ins neighborhood would do everything
possible to assist in improving this thor
oughfare. C. 0. T. Williams was heartily in
favor of restricting the grado to a lour
per cent, grade.
C. H. Dye thought we should reach
out to yet the trade of the farmers by
giving them good roads.
Sheriff Cooke made some valuable
suggestions in reference to the improve
ment of this road.
Ex Mayor Straight made an eloquent
plea in favor of good roads leading to
the city ; that Oregon Oily was losing
thousands of dollars worth of trade ev
ery year on account of poor roads. Far
mers in Molalla and some other sections
of the county only came to Oregon City
once a year to pay their taxes. They
market their products and purchase
their supplies elsewhere. Oregon City
should have this trade, and the busi
ness men are willing to subscribe liber
ally toward this proposed road improve
ment. When this road is completed,
the residents of Marquam precinct, who
now haul their wheat to Mount Angel
and Hubbard, will bring their product
here where it brings 8 to 10 cents more
per bushel.
Remarks on matters connected with
the proposed road were made by ex
Mayor Oaufield, E. E. Charman, H. H.
Johnson, M. E. London, of Carus, and
A motion was made that the presi
dent appoint a committee of five to
view out the proposed road in conjunc
tion with like committees from Mo
lalla and other localities. The motion
was amended to include the president
and Judge Ryan.
The committee selected is as follows :
E. U. Oaufield, if. II. Johnson, 0. H.
Dye, a . E. Cross and 0. 0. T. Williams.
The committee, who will meet them
irota Molalla are II. E. Straight, J. R.
Cole, Oliver Robbins, II. S. Ramsby
and Samuel Englo.
The Carus committee are M. E. Lon
don, 1). Thomas, Frank Jaggar, Ed
Riiiuo and hk'hard Shoenbouine.
The names of the committee from
Miiiino have not yet been received.
The mutter of instructing the dole
gates to hold out for 5 percent grade
was voted down,
It is an assured fact that 20 county
Court will never consent to imprcve the
old rofl 0V(3r Howard's hill,
County Surveyor Ernest Hands at one
time surveyed route up liuckner
creek, and a road can he made on an
easy grade on thnt route
The bourd of trade delegates held a
meeting at the Oregon City Bank Tues
day afternoon, and decided to meet
the committees from Molalla and other
sections and view out the proposed
changes in ihe road ou next Tuesday.
Sus ho is the Son of Dr.
A recent number of the Spokane
Spokesman-lieview has the following".
A man, who had not ridden in a car
riage for o' tr 50 years until he rode in
one in Spokane last week, who never
before Baw an electric car, who was fa-j
miliar with the telephone only by his
extensive reading, who had never rid
den in an elevator, but who, outside of
all this, has a wide knowledge of the
world, and is thoroughly in touch with
modern life, is in Spokane, lie is Da
vid MciiOtighhn, of Port Hill, 80 years
old, a native of Oregon City, Oregon,
and a son of the late Dr. McLoughlin,
chief factor of the Hudson Bay Com
pany in the northwest, in the days be
fore there was a Washington territory.
David McLoughlin was given a splen
did education, having studied in his
youth in Paris and elsewhere in Eu
rope. He traveled extensively as a
youth, but returned to the Pacific
northwest and many years ago took up
the life of a pioneer. Over 4') years
ago he established the Hudson's Bay
post at Fort Slieppard, on what later
became the Dowdney trail. After re
maining there four or live yoava, he
went to Port Hill and established a post.
Since then he has lived on a lanch near
there, and in 33 years has never sought
the cities.
Last week ho came down from Port
Hill, and has been dividing his time
sight seeing between here Kathdrum.
Mr. McLoughlin is a man of wide ex
perienco and many adventures.
(hie of
his notable experiences was taking a
Sin-load of Hour from Oregon in 184!)
to California, w here in the gold excite
ment it was sold for $100 per barrel.
Teachers' Rramination
Notice is hereby given that for the
purpose of making an examination of
all portions who may offer themselves
candidates for teachers of the schools of
this county, the county school superin
tendent thereof will hold a public ex
amination in the court house at Oregon
City .Oregon, commencing at one o'clock
p. m. on Wednesday, February 8, 1801).
Applicants for state papers will pre
vent themselves for examination at 9
o'clock a. ni. Friday, February 10th,
1S00. According to a recent ruling of
fie stale board of education applicants
lor state certificates will also have to be
made at the quarterly examinations.
Dated this 25th Day of January, 1800.
II. S, Stranok,
County School Superintendent, Olacka
mas County, Oregon.
Probate Conri.
In the matter of the estate of Jeptha
Smith, deceased, it was ordered that
the equity in certain securities amount
ing to $2000, and held by Moore Bros.,
of Moro, be sold to the highest bidder,
but that no bid for less than (200 be ac
cepted. In the matter of the estate of Wil
liam Shelvy Young, deceased, the ap
praisment and inventory of property
was approved. The estate consists of
landed property in Clackamas county
valued at $3,000 and like property in
Washington county valued at $1700. ,
P. A. Baker was appointed adminis
trator of the estate of Augusta Mel-
cher, deceased. Hiram Straight, E. A
Sommer and Sam Selling were ap
pointed appraisers.
The appraisement of the estate of
John W. Boston, deceased, amounting
10 ?duu was approved.
In the matter of the Charles Bunnell
estate, the administrator was given fur
ther time in which to sell certain prop
erty belonging to the estate. And fur
ther, the administrator was ordered to
adveriise the Washington county prop
erty in the Hillsboro. Independent, be-
lore that portion of the estate is offered
for sale.
Charles Daughtery, administrator ot
Ihe last will and testament of Robert
Baty, deceased, was authorized to bor
row $2250 to pay off the mortgaged in
debtedness of the estate.
School Xotes.
An unusually interesting program has
been prepared for the regular monthly
meeting of the Clackamas County Edu
cational Association to be held at Mount
Pleasant Saturday. It is expected that
there will be a large attendance of
teachers at the gathering.
Prof. T. J. Gary, principal of the
West Oregon City school, reports that
his pupils are again out in, full force.
During the recent diphtheria scare,
the attendance was cut down about
Prof. Zineer, principal of the Barclay
school, has a very interesting history
class in his department. They are get
ting practical knowledge outside of the
text books, and are now making a spec
ial study of the early history of Oregon
City. ,
Prof. Dunn, formerly principal of the
West Oregon City Bchool, now has
charge of one of the largest schools in
Eastern Idaho.
County Superintendent H. S.
Strange is progressing on the road to
recovery as rapidly as could be expected,
although he has been suffering some
with rheumatic complications.
Many of the schools in the country
districts have closed down until after
the annual school meeting in March.
About to Strike Oil.
There is now every probability that
Matt Huerth and W. H. Faubian will
strike oil at no distant date and blos
som out as millionaires For some
time past they have been boring for oil
and coal on Captain W. II. Smith's
property near the site of the od paper
mill on the Clackamas river at Park
place. They have now reached a denih
of 20D feet, and have struck a peculiar
oily formation, that has the odor of coal
oil. Their discovery has attracted con
siderable attention. Huerth and Fau
bian have been bo confident of succesf,
that they have bonded all the landa t.hr.
could be secured in that vicinity, in
cluding a lot of property belonging to
the N. 0. Waldon estate. This partic
ular locality has every indication 0 be.
ing a coal and oil producing region.
A Jew years ago a party, who owned an
ax-handle factory there sunk a well,
but U was so impregnated with oil that
the water could not be used. Mr.
Straight, the well known pioneer, who
died a few years ago, told of having
seen bubbles of oil on the Clackamas
river. Even thing seems to be in favor
of theso gentlemen ultimately strking a
nch flowing Well o oil.
Oak Groce Herd of Shorthorns
J. W. Dowty, the proprietor of the
Ouk Grove herd of Shorthorns at Cur-
rinville, has purchased Oak Hill Lad,
a thorouhbred Shorthorn bull, whose1
registered number is 130,((0. He is a
red and white bull, calved Feb. 2nd,
181)8, and whs bred by Charles E. Ladd.
Oak Hill Lad was got by illustrious
Conqueror 125,501, out of Griselda Vol.
p 515, sired by Viceroy 95,533, out of
(iwomlttlyn by Huron Butterfly 411,871;
Gypsey Gwynn by L'nd Duke of Har
rington 50,877 ; Grasinere Gwynn by
Village Flag 41,217; Gertrude Gwytine
by 2nd Duke of Graemer 13,01)1; Muir
kirk Gwynne Srd by Royal Briton (27.
351. Sixth dam by imported Uoyal
Briton, tracing back to imported Mys
tery by imported Count Conrad (3510.)
Nineteenth dam Princes by Farorito
(252). Ken'iBterod at Springfield. 111.,
in vol.42. Auuust 20th, 1808. Most of
my breeding cowa are Hired by Ruby's
Gaston, ix7,23li j his grandsire was im
ported GloBter 65,40(i. W. P. Higin
hot hum, of Manhattan, Kansas, paid
$1,000 for him. I bred from General
Gartleld tracing to imported Flora by
Lafon's son of Comet 155, imported by
Cornelius Coolidge into Boston in 1818.
Grisella has been on exhibition.
Wanted -a bronze turkey gobbler.
J. W. Dowty, Onrrinsville.
Road Rosses.
AVe have been unable to get tho mem
orandum of the expert in segregating
the promt y of the petitioners on tho
.):.-c i
uuu jiovtut)iia lur ruitu BUervisot.
is ino utx runs are neing useu iy me
assessor and clerk, it is impossible to
vet the tvnount of each itetitioners'
property now, but may be able to do go
later, 'the export has explained some
of the apparent discrepancies as fol
lows: TaRe for instance district No. 2,
where- Blakney reprenei tod 147 peti
tioners, Cramer 71 and Millaid 10, a to
tal ot 237, There are but about 180 vo
ters in the district. A large number of
petitioners were on two ami some on
three petitions, and this makes the
number seem large. However, in lig
ureing tip property those on two or
more petitions were thrown out alto
gether, unless as in this district a xteti
lion came in at the last moment asking
for signers to be taken of all except the
one mentioned in petition. The amount
of property represented by the three
was $53,751, about half of the property
in the district. Still they had about 50
more signers than voters in the district.
Women and children signed the peti
tions, but their names were thrown out
unless they owned property.
Headache, Biliousness,
Indigestion, Dizziness,
Indicate that your liver
Is out Of order. The
best ' medicine to rouse
the liver and cure all
these Ills, is found In
Hood's Pills
25 cents. Sold by all medicine dealers.
Insure in a first-class companies
With an experenced agent.
Shall we
tell you
F. E. Donaldson, Agent
Fire and Accident Insurance
IS THE TIME to clean
house and repaper your
rooms and paint your
house and
IS THE MAN to do
the painting and papering
in a firift-class shape at
very low prices. Leave
orders at Ely Bros, store
on upper ;th streeth.
I'lumblng of ahouseshoud be modi only b
thoso skilled in thatbiisines. poor job nieanJ"
untold trouble and experience.
Reliable man for Jlannger of Branch Office I
wlh to open In'tbls vicinity. If "your record is
O K. here is a good opening, Kindly mention
this paper when writing.
T. A IIOUKIS, Clnolnnati, O.
Illustrated oatalogue f cents postage.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the county of Multnomah.
Clara I. Parr and Margaret M. Quig
ley, co-partners as Itarr & tjuijjloy,
. l'laintift'4,
J. A, Logan,
Defendant. ,
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss.
Hon and order of sale, duly issued out of and
under the seal of tbe above' entitled Court, In
the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and
dated the '.Huh day of December, lSia, upon a
Judgment rendered and entered In said court ou
Wlih the day of December, 1S1W, in favor of
Clara 1. Parr and Murgaret M. Qulgley, co-part-
n. rs as U irr & (julgley, plalmiliH, and asatuxl J.
A. l.ogan, defendant, for tbe sum of tliil.OO In
gold coin of the Culled States, with Interest
thereon in like gold coin al the rate of 10 percent
per annum from the Hist day of Jttly, lMtS, and
the further sum of ((20.00 as attornov's fees, will)
Interest thereon In like gold roin at the rate of t
per cent per annum from the 'Mh day of Peeem.
her. IS"!, and the further sum of ftiii.i'O. with ill'
terest thereon In like gold coin at the rale of 10 per
cent per annum from the 2titli day of July, lslH,
and Ihe further sum of f.VM) attorney's lees, w itli
Interest thereon 111 like itul.l coin at the rate of
wrcent per annum from ttie 'JOlh day OI Decern
unr. lsus. and Hie further sum of MS.liU costs and
disliiuiH menls, and also Ihe costs upon this said
Now. therefore, bv virtue of said execution
and order of sale, and In compliance with the
commands of said writ, being unable to lind any
persouah'property of said defendant s, 1 did on
the l!'Jcl dav .,f December. 1.VIK. dulv lew upon
the following described real urwltertv of said
defendant, situate and being In the County of
CUokamas, and state ot Oregon, to-wit:
Lola 4, .', S, I I and '21, and west half of lots 6 and
7 In Clackamas raik., Claukamas county, urcgon
and 1 will, on
istis, at the hour of one o'clock p m., at the
I runt disr of the Countv Court House In the City
of Oregon City, In sid countv and state, sell at
public auction, subject to redemption, to the
hiL'hcHt hi, I, lor. fur l .S. sold eoin rash 111 hand,
all the right, title and tntereat which the within
named defendant had on the date of said
Judgment or since had In or to the above
described real property or any part thereof,
to satisfy -M execution. Judgment order,
deoree, interest, cost aud all accruing costs.
v 8herlfTof Clackamas County, Oregon,
Dated Oregon (ity, Oregon, Dec. li,
Consisting of 4 lota, good garden Itpot, running
water tn year round, room nouse, gu ce""r'
Imrn hi enoueh fur two mwt aud Its) ehlekem,
U blocks from court house. Price -".. Pr
cent Interest. T5 cash down. For particulars
Inquire at this office. Team and stock taken lu
Id tbe Circuit Court of the state of Oregon, for
Clackamas county.
Alfred H. Coughtrey
Leila Maria Coughtrey.
Suit for Divorce.
Defendant J
To the said Leila Maria Coughtrey, the above
named defendant:
You are hereby required to appear and answer
the complaint filed against you in tbe above en
titled suit on or before Friday, the Srd day of
March, 1899, that beiug the day "f the expiration
of six weeks' publication of this summons. This
suit is brought to obtain a decree dissolving the
bonds of matrimony now existing between you
and the plaintiff, and such other and further re
lief as to the court shall seem meet. Xou are
hereby notified that it you fall to appear and
answer the said complaint as above required,
the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief
therein prayed for.
This summons la published by order of the
Hod. Thomia A. MoBride, judge of the circuit
court of the state of Oivgon for Clackamas coun
ty, and is published the hist time on Friday, the
20th day of January, IK'.'!).
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
Jacob Spangler,
e Plaintiff,
Jeremiah Johnson and Ella A. Johnson,
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, as
1 (tree and an execution, duly Issued out of and
under the fceal of the above entitled court, in the
above entitled cause, to me duly directed and
dated the 29th day of Dcoember, 181)8, upon
a judgment rendered and entered ill paid oouit on
the 26th day of November, 181)8, in favor of
Jacob Spangler. plaintiff, and against Jeremiah
Johnson and Ella A. Johnson, defendants, for
the sum of 1,0(S4.00, with interest thereon at the
rate of 10 per cent, per annum from the 20th day
of November, 18!i8, and the further sum of
S100.00 as attorney's fee, and the further sum of
815.00 coBts and disbursements., and tbe costs
of and upon thia writ, commanding me to make
sale of the following described real property,
situate in the county of Clackamas, state, of Ore
gon, to-wlt:
Lot 3, in tdnck 31, in the Oregon Iron and Steel
Company's First Addition to tbe Town of Oswe
go, In Cliiokamas county, state of Oregon.
Now, therefore, by virtue of stud execution,
judgment, order and decree, and incompliance
with the commands of said writ, I will.ou
1899, at the hour of one o'olock p. m., at the front
door of the County Court House In the city of Or
egon City, in said County and btate, sell at public
auction, subject to redemption, to the highest
bidder, for U. S. gold coin, bash in hand, all the
right, title and interest which the within named
defendants or either of them, had on
the date of the mortgage herein or since
had in or to the above described real proper
ty or any part thereof to satisfy said exeoution,
judgment order, decree, interest, costs and all
accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, Deo. 2i), 18S8.
undersigned has been duly appointed by
the ennntv court of Clackamas enmuv. Orpcrnn.
administrator of the estate of Columbia Jackson,
deceased. All persons having claims aiainsl
said estate are notified to present the same, duly
verified, at the office of C. D.& D. C. Latourette,
my attorneys, In Oregon City, within six months
from this date. THOMAS P. JACKSON,
Administrator aforesaid.
Dated December 30, 1S98.
W, Orepnian aM Conricr-Hcrali $2
This stock must be sold in 6o days. All goods at
7e desire to announce to the People of Oregon City and Clackamas County
that we have a complete stock ot LADIE'S AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS,
We want you'
our Goods and get our Prices.
We will gladly show you through our place, whether you intend purchas
ing or not, as we intend to offer this line of Goods at prices that will astonish
you. We are going to give the people an opportunity to buy their supplies at
prices never before heard of in the history of Clackamas County.
And bear in mind, we will sell you Honest
Gpods at Low Prices,
As we feel assured that by so doing we will double our sales and save
you from 40 to 50 per cent
Furnishing Goods.
Men's Select Wool . Underwear blurts
and Drawers each
Men's Heaw Mixed Underwear blurts
nnd Drawers each
Men's Heavy Fine Wool Navy Blue Over
shirts ".
Men's Wool Hose
Underwear-Shirt and Drawers
Ladies' Heavy Ribhed Vests..
,i i.
Wool "
" " Hose.
" Fascinators
. i
" Heavy Fast Black Hose
Children's " " "
Latest Styles Men's Hats.
Men's Heavy Shoes
" Fine
Boys' Heavy Shoes
- ..
In the Circuit Court of tbe State of Orego for
the County of Clackamas.
C. D. Latonrette,
vs. .
James Baty, Julia Baty, his wife,
Jane Baty, widow, and Mart Batv,
Ralph Baty, Albert Baty, Carrie
Baty, Diana Baty and Charles
Dougherty, heirs and devisees of
Robert Baty, deceased,
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss.
croe and an execution, duly issued out of and
under the seal of the above entitled court, in the
above entitled cause, to me duly directed and
dated the 29th day of December, 18(18, upon a
judgraont and decree rendered and entered in
said courtxm the 22d iday of November, 18U8, in
favor of C. D. Latonrette, plaintiff, and against
James Baty, Julia Baty, his wife, June Daly, widow,
and Mart Baty, Ralph Baty, Albert Baty, Carrie
Baty, Diana Baty and Charles Dougherty, heirs
and devisees of Robert Baty, Deceased, defend
ants, for the sum of $91)0.00, with interest thereon at
the rate of 10 per cent.per annum from the 22dday
of November, 1808, and the further sum of 810.00
cols and disbursements, and the costs of and
upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of
the following described real property, Bltuate In
tile County of Clackamas, State of Oregon, to-wit:
Allot section 10, township 5south, range 3 east
of Willamette meridian, containing 610 acres.
Now. therefore, by virtue of said execution,
judgment order and decree, and In compliance
with the commands of said writ, I will, on
1899, at thehourof 1:30 o'clock p. m., at the front
door of the County Courthouse, in the City of Ore
gon City, in said county and state, sellatpubltcauo
tion, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder,
for 1'. S. gold coin, cash In hand, all Ihe right, title
and Interest which Ihe within-named defendants
er eilher of fhein, bad on the dnte of the mortgjige
hen-iu or since had in or to the above desoribed
real properly or any part thereof, to satisfy said
execution, judgment order, deoree, interest, cosls
and all accruing costs. J. J. COOKE,
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
Dated Oregon City, Oregon ,Doc. 29, 18118.
In tbe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Clackamas
Sarah E. E. Davidson, Plaintiff I
1 vs. Suit for Divorce
W. T. Davidson, Defendant. I
To W. T. Davidsor, the above-named defend
You are lereby required to appear and an
swer thecomplaint filed against you In theabovo
entitled suit on or before Friday, the 17th
day of February, 1899, that being the day of the
expiration of six weeks' publication of this sum
mons. '1 his suit is brought to obtain a decree
dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing
between you and the plaintiff; to obtain the ous.
tody for the plaintiff of your minor child; the
costs of this suit, and such other and further re
lief as to the Court shall seem meet and proper.
You ere hereby notified that If you fail to ap
pear and answer the 8 id complaint as above re
quired, the plaintiff will apply to the court for
the relief therein prayed.
This summons is published by order of the
Honorable Thomas F. Ryan, oounty judge of said
Clackamas county, and is published the first
time on Friday, the 6th day of January, 1899.
W. 8. U'REN,
Attorney for the Plaintiff.
bean appointed administratrix with the will
annexed of the estate of William Shelby Young,
deceased, by the Hon. county court of Clackamas
county, Oregon. All persons having claims
against said estate are hereby notified to present
the same to me for payment, at my home near
Wilsonville, Clackamas oounty, Oregon, with
proper vouchers, within six months from the
date of this notice, ISABEL YOUNG,
AdminlMtrattlx with the will annexed of the
Es ate of William Shelby Young, deceased.
G. K. Ha yks, Attorney for Estate.
Dated this 29th day of Deoember. 1898.
to come to our
f boc . .
1 50...
Men's Suits sack
Men's Fine Wool
1 25 ..
1 00...
1 00...
1 25...
,,, 35c.
Cud and Saucer
4 50.
4 00.
8 50.
firOur 75c, 50c. 40c and 35c Cups and
Saucers now 40c, 30c, 25c and 20c. .
Tea Set
1&"Out $3.00,
at if L.ou, $i.2i ana fi.w.
Japanese, Silk Handkerchiefs
1 00
1 10
1 00
1 15
ff"Otir 30c,
1 50.
1 75
2 oo.
2 60
cniets ai oc, ic, nc ana iuc.
Japanese Handkerchief Bos 1 03
" ' " 75c
jflTOur 60c, 25c and 20c Handkerchief
Boxes at 25c, 15c and 10c.
1 50 1
G. N. JOE & CO., .
Next Door to PostoflicA Oregon City
In the Clrttilt Court of the StaU of Oregon for
the County of Clackam. J
. Dan Lyons, ";' f 1
(Plaintiff, i
I vs. V
James Bjity and Julia Baty, 1
Defendants. J
State of Oregbn, County oi Clackamas, s.
cree and execution, duly issued out of and
under the leal of the above entitled court,
In the above entitled cause, to me duly
directed and dated the 29th day of Decem
ber, 1898, upon a judgment rendered! and entered
n said court on the 23d day of November, 1898,
in favor of Dan Lvons, plaintiff, and against
James Baty and iili,Jt(itv, defendants, for the
sum of $446.00, with interest thereon at the rate of
10 per cent, per annum from the 23d day of No
vember, 1898, and the further sum of 1110.00 as
attorney's fee, and the further sum of 110.00 costs
and disbursements, and the costs of and upon
this writ, commanding me to make sale of the
following described real property, situate in the
County of Clackamas, Stale of Oregon, to-witi
The northeast quarter of section twenty-two
(22), in township five (b) south, range three (8)
east of the Willamette meridian, containing 100
acres and situate in Clackamas county, Oregon.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution,
judgment order and decree, and In oomp llance
with the commands of said writ, I will, on
1899, at the hour of 1:30 o'clock p. m., at the front
door of the County Court House in the City of
Oregon City, In said County mid State, sell at
public auction, eobjeot to redemption, to the
highest bidder, for U. 8. gold coin cash in hand,
all the right, title and interest which the within
named defendants or either of them had on the
date of the mortgage herein or since had in or
to the aboye described real property or any part
thereof, to satisfy said execution, judgment
order, deciee, interest, costs and all aoeruing
Sheriff of Clackamas Countv, Oregon.
Oregon City, Or.,l)ecember 29, 1898.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamua.
McMinnville College.
R. B. Staub and Rosenf eld-Smith
Co. (a Corporation),
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss.
decree and an execution, dulv Issued out i f
and under the seal of the above entitled court, in
tbe above entitled cause, to me duly directed and
dated the 3d day of January, J 891), upon a judg.
menl rendered and entered in said court on the 2lith
day of November 1898, in favor of MoMlnnviile
College, plaintiff, and against K. E. Staub and
Rosenfeld-Smilh Co. (a corporation!, defendants,
for the sum of J291.75, with interest thereon
at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from
the 26th day of November, 1898, and the
further sum of 850.00 as attorney's fee, and the
further sum of $10.00 costs and disbursements,
and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding
me to make Bale of the following described real
property, situate in the county of Clackamas,
Btate of Oregon, to-wit:
Lots Nos. 9, 10 and 11, of block No. 7, Fall
View addition to Oregon City, according to the
ofllclal maps and plats on file In the office of the
reoorder or Clackamas oounty, state of Oregon.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution,
judgment order and decree, and in compliance
with the commands of said writ, I will, on
at the hour of 1 o'clook p, m., at the front door of
the county court house, In the city of Oregon
City, in said county and state, sell at public auo
tlon,8ulijoot to redemption, to the highest bidder,
for U. 8 gold coin, oash in hand, all the right,
title and interest whioh the within named defend
ants or either of them had on the date of the
mortgage herein or Bince had in and to the above
described real property or any part thereof, to
Batisfy said execution, judgment order, decree,
interest, costs and all accruing costs.
Sheriff of Olackamas countv, Oregon.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., Jan. 8, 1898.
50c on the dollar.
Store, examine
Boys' Heavy SHoes .1 75 1 15
2 00.
1 25
2 00..
1 50..
1 25..
2 00..
1 75..
1 25
1 00
1 25
1 15
or square cut 5 0 ) 3 00
' " 6 00 3 50
Worsted Suits 15 00 8 00
12 50 7 50
" Pants 5 01 3 50
' " 4 00 ..... 3 00
" " 3 50 2 75
" " 3 00 2 25
" " 2 60 2 00
" 2 00 1 60
" " 1 75 1 25
" " 1 50 1 00
" " 1 25 90c
Japanese Goods.
each 1
1 00
40 00... ...20 00
8 00
4 CO
2 50
2 00
6 00.
4 00.
$2.50 and $2.00 Tea Sets
25c, 20c and 15c Handker-