Write It Down. Write It down in a took, go you can lee it every day, that St. Jacobs Oil is is sure to cure Lame Baolt or Lumbago! is you write it down. It does its besS with it and leaves behind a cure that itaye. i . A Prank of Lightning. 1 A stroke of lightning has been the means oi an extraordinary archaelogic ill discovery in Voltara. The light ning strunk an bid pine tree which crowned the summit of a hill, and the owner of the property ordered the tree cnt down. When the workmen began to dig" at the roots they unearthed a magnificent Ehruscan grave. It con listed of a spacious vault supported by four immense pillars. All around the grave weie laige marble tablets, and above them were urns plaoed in niches. This unique necropolis measured 60 feet in length and 40 feet in width. Cood Money Should Buy Cood Medicine That Will Bring Good Health. The best medicine money can buy is Hood's Sarsaparilla. This medicine brings good health, because it makes good blood. It c,ures salt rheum, scrofula, rheumatism, dyspepsia, catarrh and other diseases that have their origin in bad blood. It prevents colds, fevers, pneumonia and the grip. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is America's Greatest Medicine. Price $1. Hood's PHIS cure all liver ills. 26 cents. New Ornamental Panel. A new form of ornamental panel de signed for interior or exterior decoration or utility, is placed upon a base of wire network, on whioh the panel is bnilt up in relief in whatever design may be desired. Btatjs of Ohio, City op Toledo, Lucas County. J Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior parter of ihe firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the Citv of Toledo, Countv and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pav the sum ot ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured bylhe use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Bworn to before me and subscribed in mv presence, this th day of December, A. D. 1886.' IIeaTI A.W.GLEASON, i Notary Public, Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally and acta directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Bold bv druggists, 76c. Hall's Family Fills are the best. It is reported that there is a current order in the Pittsburg market for about 13,0000 tons of steel rails foi. East India. When coming to San Francisco go to Brooklyn Hotel, 2U8-212 Bush street. American or European plan. Boom and board $1.00 to if 1.50 per day ; rooms 50 cents to $1.00 per clay; single meals 25 cents. Free coach. Chas. Montgomery. Great Britain, Ii eland not . included, has, according to the latest returns, 6,600.000 cattle and 26.814,000 sheep. If you want the best wind mill, pumps, tanks, plows, wagons, bells of all sizes boilers, engines, or general machinery, sea or write JOHN POOLE, foot of Morrison street, Portland, Oregon. It is announced that an extensive copper field has been discovered in the colony of Natal, South Africa. . Two towns in Kansas Lost Springs and Bomana have not an idle man or boy, or an unoccupied house, or a dog. Each town has a population oi about 200. Australian savages eat green ants raw. They stamp upon an ant hill until the ants run up their legs, when they sctape them off and trausfer them to their mouths. The total length of the streets, ave nues, bonvelards, bridges, quays, and thorough fares of Paris is set down at about 600 miles. Two bundled miles are planted with trees. From cork ohippings, once thrown away, thousands of yards of linoleum are now mude at Delmenliorst, Ger many. MKS. PIMHAM'S ADVICE. What Mrs. Nell Hurst has to Say About It. f Dear Mrs. Pinkham: When I wrote to you I had not been well for five years; had doctored all the time but got no better. 1 had womb trouble very bad. My womb pressed backward, causing piles. I was in such misery I could scarcely walk across the floor. Men struation was irregular and too pro fuse, was also troubled with leucorrhcea. I had given up all hopes of getting- well; everybody thought I had consumption. After taking ' five bottles of Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegeta ble Compound, I felt very much better and was able to do nearly all my own work. I continued the use of your medi cine, and feel that I owe my recovery to you. I cannot thank you enough foryour advice and your wonderful medicine. Any one doubting my statement may write to me and I will gladly answer all inquiries. Mrs. Nell Hubst, Deep water, Mo. Letters like the foregoing, con stantly being received, contribute not a little to the satisfaction felt by Mrs. Pinkham that her medicine and counsel are assisting women to bear their heavy burdens. l Mrs.Pinkham'saddressisLynn.Mass. All suffering women are invited to write to her for advice, which will be given without charge. It is an ex perienced woman's advice to women. CURIK tiniui lil I sf WIS. Beat Cough bjrup. Tines Good. Use I in nms. So (1 nr flrnrln. I Mm) muse flMA,-lfT , ' ,,,,,, ; Corn-Hnsktnir Horse. The horse is made of light material. The cut explains Itself. The rung B should bo 1-lncb stuff, puJn with shoulders cut down to 1 Inch where it goes through the legs. The rung is put down so the ears of corn will not catch when pulled forward. Corn-husking makes lame backs and sore hands. The horse will help the back and the following recipe will help the hands: Take white wax, one-quarter ounce, spermaceti, one-quarter ounce; almond oil, one ounce; glycerine, two ounces. Mix, melt the wax and stir In the oils antil they are perfectly mixed and still HUSKIXG HOUSE. continue to stir until cool.' Apply to the bands two or three times a day. Wash the hands in warm water and apply the salve while the hands are still quite damp, and rub them until dry. Ohio Farmer. Mixed Feed for Hogs. The Dairy Commissioner of the Do minion of Canada says: "I have found the best results to be obtained from using such grains (a mix ture of peas, oats, barley and corn; or a mixture of pens, corn and bran) ground very flue, and soaked for not less than thirty hours before they are fed. I think hogs should be kept so as to permit, and even to cause them to take a good deal of exercise until after they weigh more than 100 pounds each. In the growing of young pigs it Is im portant that they should receive a daily allowance of skim milk for six weeks or two months after they are weaned. Skim milk Is the great flesh forming or muscle and bone-forming food; and if the young pigs are stunted In these regards at that time they can not be developed into the best class of hogs, no matter what breed they may be of." Winter Ration for Fowls. Here Is Prof. Gilbert's winter ration; Bran, 3 pounds; fine feed, 3 pounds; eornmeal, 2 pounds; fed with clover hay steamed and cut, adding also a very small quantity of salt, and two or three handfuls of coarse sand and fine oyster shells mixed. Sometimes boiled vegetables are used In place of the hay. At noon he gives a light feed of oats, and a good feed of wheat In the even ing. The grain ration Is varied as much as possible. He keeps raw vege tables, Including cabbages, carrots and turnips, whore the hens can peck at them at any time. Trof. Gilbert has charge of the poultry department at the Ottawa (Canada) experiment sta tion, and has done some good work in j bringing out the egg possibilities of hens. Agriculturist. Wagon-Washing: Device. . On many farms it is possible to wash the carriages and farm wagons by backing them into a stream or shallow river. The conveniences of the loca tion are usually offset by the Incon veniences mud, and the wetting of clothes. The cut shows a plank walk, set on posts on the edge of the stream, Into which the wagon can be backed, when it can be washed with great com- , s FOB WASHING VEHICLES. fort. A slat platform, sunk Into the walk, will keep the wheels from the mud of the bottom. American Agri culturist. Care of Tomato Plant. Tomatoes may be forced In winter like other plants. The bouse should be light and warm, the roof five feet above the bed or benches, plenty of light be ing essential. The temperature should be from CO to 05 degrees at night and 70 to SO degrees during the day, the soil to be rich, and close personal attention should be given the plants. The flowers must be pollenated by hand In winter, which Is done by knocking the pollen from the flowers when the atmosphere Is dry and catching It in a spoon into which the stigma should be thrust The plants should be well watered as re quired. Instead of a little and often, 'and should be trained to stakes, the surplus branches cut away. They may be also grown in large pots or boxes. Distance for Apple Trees. Apple trees should be planted 'at Wider distances apart than has usually been the custom. The best soils are none too good for the apple orchard, and sncb will develop much larger L 'i5S Tt'VT i "VT - HIMfc: trees than will the poorer hillsides so , mlliar tne reading public. He was commonly chosen for orchard sites in very Popular in Washington, and earn the past For the stronger growing e(i tue regard, of many prominent kinds like the R. I. Greening, Bellflow- Americans, notably of Grant and Lin er and Baldwin, a distance of forty feet soln- He Wlls a lllan of lare heart aD(l is none too much, while those with less spreading heads like the Northern Spy and Ben Davis should have thirty feet space each way. This assumes that the orchards are regularly to be culti vated, a practice that now prevails in all good orcharding. Vick's Monthly. Cattle Pipping. At a meeting recently by the Texas State Live Stock Sanitary Board, at Fort Worth, Inspector Dean, of the Bureau of Animal Industry, said the department was satisfied with the dip-' ping experiments recently made there and elsewhere, and insisted or, main- talnincr the nrespnt nnnrnntlnp Hnp and a close season. He says dipping sta r tions will shortly be established along the quarantine line. Inspector Dean reported satisfactory results attending the cattle recently dipped and shipped to Illinois. He, advised dipping in mod erate weather In order to avoid the ef fect of exposing the cattle to either heat or cold while their hair was sat urated with the oil. The formula of the preparation which he recommends, and which has been adopted by x the Government, consists of parffin oil, known as dynamo and sulphur. ' Farm Accounts, .Close up all the little outstanding farm accounts. Make a list of the bills you owe, and the amounts owing to you. These little bills in the aggregate amount to a large sum. Make a settle ment if you can; if you cannot, get the full amount of your bill; It Is always best to know exactly what you do owe, and It Is very bad policy to keep a run ning account unless a settlement is made every month. Farmers are un usually careless lu their money trans actions; the only safe way Is to keep a strict account of all outlays. Pay as you go, and take a written receipt for every bill paid. These bills should be pasted in a book kept for this one pur pose. This work should be done every evening. It is not selfish to be correct In your dealings, nor parsimonious to be economical. The American. 1 A Milking Stool. The accompanying sketch is of a milk-stool that was found to be very convenient in fly time or In milking restless cows. The two upright pieces forming the legs and end of the stool are made of two by. fours, about a foot long. The support for the bucket and the seat are made of inch boards. It is well to put three-cornered blocks under the seat and bucket boards as stays or braces. The most restless cow cannot upset a bucket on this stool. New En gland Homestead. The t heepfol.l. The fine wool breeds of sheep are most subject to foot rot. Perhaps the best way to treat It Is to cut off the dis eased portion and apply nitric acid. Sulphur should be kept In ready reach in the sheep house; Insects and vermin do not like it, and It Is preven tive of many ills. Further, a piece of roll brimstone should bo found in the feed troughs of the horses and the cat tle. Many of the Internal parasites which cause losses In the flock are taken In while watering at foul drinking places. Unless the water supply Is watched carefully, there is likely to be at least a loss of condition among them, If there Is no more serious loss. Indiana Farmer. Paint Against Rabbits. At butchering time or by a visit to the local butcher, secure a quantity of blood. Set' it away until It begins to emit an odor. Then lime, which has been thoroughly slaked, should be mixed with the blood, stlrriug It until about the thickness of whitewash. A little sulphur, may be added. To apply to trees, take an old white- wash brush and cover all parts which the rabbits can reach with the mix- ture. They will not trouble a tree trented in this manner. One painting will last a season, and It Is much easier to put on than winding with paper or covering trunks In any other way, be- sides being more effectual. The lime In the mixture also Is beneficial to the trees. Orange .Tudd Farmer. Neiroes and Mules. An Alabama farmer, says that many negroes in the South are ruined by mules, and be thinks he has proved It lie owns a great deal of farm land, which he rents to negroes on condition that they shall do their work with an ox Instead of a mule.. As a result, all his tenants are prosperous and pay their rent promptly. The ox, he ex plains, is entirely capable in all the re quirements of the cotton patch, but he has his limitations," and his colored master does not think of mounting him and riding off on useless errands or pleasure trips. As the negro cannot ride to distant churches, cake-walks or uoe-uowus, auu a9 u win not. waiK, he goes to bed, and Is rested an-i ready for labor In the morning. j i, I. . tt, . 1 1 i . FPU BR8TLK8S COWS. , , ; ; i SENOR MATIAS RCMERO. A Giftted Mexican and Diplomat Who . ... , . i ncLcou; raaeu A way, t Don Matlas Romero, who died In Washington not long since, was one of the best known foreign diplomats In this country, not only on account of his long occupancy of the Mexican lega tion, but also through his numerous contributions to American periodical literature, which rendered his name fa- generous impulses, as was uemon- strated at the time of the failure in f tne banking firm of Grant & Ward, ot wiiicn uen. lirant was a part- ner, when Seuor Romero went on from Washington and offered his entire for tune to the general in order to enable him to tide over his personal pecuniary difficulties an offer that was grateful ly declined, and was said to have moved the general to tears. Senor Romero was 62 years old. He Ti-ns hnrn In tho Oltv nf O.nxnoa. M!tl- flnil wns Kllf,h education 9 tlie competent colleges of the City of , M(jxlc0 had t0 ofCer the voutu ot the j .. ....... ... : nation at mat lime, He was graduated as a lawyer and began his political and diplomatic career In 1855, when he was entered in the foreign office. In 1859 he came first to Washington as secretary of legation, and for a time was charge d'affaires. He returned to Mexico in 1SG3 to fight for his country against the French Invaders. After the MATIAS 11OMER0. Fresldent had given him a colonel's commission he was selected by Gen, rorflrio Diaz as his chief of staff. Pres. Ident Juarez, after the war, made him minister to the United States, and he remained In that capacity for five years. From 18G8 to 1872 Senor Romero was secretary of the Mxican treasury. Ills health failing in the latter year he gave up his public life to retire Into the country and devote himself to agri culture. He returned to the capital In 1877 and served again as secretary of the treasury and later as postmaster general. In 1882 he returned to the friendships he had made In America, envoy extraordinary from his govern ment. This post he held without a break, and even without absence, save for a short time, until his death. Senor Romero was a prolific writer and published upward of fifty volumes. A short time before his death Senor Romero was promoted to be ambassa dor and would soon have presented his credentials as such. Did you ever realize that planting ad vertising was like planting fruit trees? You couldn't expect a whole wagon load of apples the first year. Neither would you tear the tree up by the roots, at the end of the season, if that wagon load of fruit were not forthcoming. Yet .... ...n Kl Cll.h. o.l Kill pect a carload of sales, and just be- neighbor over In the other orchard, who has been tending bis tree for years, you yank your advertisement out of the paper, and say, "Advertising doesn't pay." We wouldn't expect you to get mni'i'ied to advertising the first time you made Its acquaintance, any more than we would expect you to marry the first girl who winked at you on the street Newspaperdotu. Object to Muzzled Uo. j In England the objection to the law renulriue that doits shall be muzzled during certain mouths of the year is so great that It Is beginning to take on a political signlUcance. Conservative members running for Parliament find the opposition of the dog owners, and j ' more especially the Influent of the fe- male owners, of serious moment. The latter In particular are most virulent In their abuse of the order and use their Influence with the voters in their fam ilies to turn out the present party, In the fallacious hope that the Liberals may allow dogs to go unmuzzled antf hydrophobia take care of itself. Turned to Early an 1 Good Cm. The very first use made by the Brit ish Government of the Atlantic cable laid down by Bright !u 1S58 Immediate- ly resulted in saving the treasury $250,. 000. The cable .enabled the Govern ment to countermand an order for the transmission of troops from Canada to England. Poets often affect cnreh-ssnoKS In tlmln garments for the same reason that g&vsm travel In freight cars, KI ERE DR. DJRRIH'S GORES I This Qnention Is Often Asked by the . Skeptic Overn helming Proof of Their Perntniiency, To the Editor: Say In your paper that Dr. Darrln cured me six years ago of sciatic rheumatism of years' standing, and I wish that others should know it. Electricity cured me, and it has never returned. My address is S!H Minnesota avenue, Alblna. F. W. GODFREY. Discharging Ears and Deafness 1 Cured. Dr. Darrln: Seven years ago you treat ed me for discharging ears and deaf ness of 19 years' standing. I was totally deaf. You cured me in a short time. I am glad to see you back to Portland again. Refer people to me at 890 Cleve land avenue, Albina. MRS. SAMUEL ETTER. Another Soul Made Happy. To the Editor: For about one year prior to going under Dr. Darrln's elec trical treatment, I had been troubled with kidney and liver complaint, had great pain In my back so I could not work during that time. Dr. Darrln cured me in less than one month. Refer any one to me at 234 Second street, Portland. A. V. GODWIN. Dr. Darrln's Place of Business. Dr. Darrln can be consulted at 2C5 Mrrlson street, Portland, from to : T to "y"ats ai . ... f acute ana private aisen 10 to 12: all curable sease9. with electricity, and; scientific medical treat ment, such as Eye, Rheumatism, Asthma, Consumption, Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Indi gestion, Scrofula, Female Weakness, Deaf ness, Sexual Diseases, Lost Manhood, Ma laria, Urinary Troubles, Piles or any other curable disease. Low charges, with in the reach of all, combined with the best medical skill. A friendly talk may save you thousands of dollars or years of suf fering and perhaps your life. Young, middle-aged or old men suffering from the effects of follies and excesses restored to perfect health, manhood and vigor. Each visitor seen privately, and all communi cations received in sacred confidence. Out-of-town patients can write for ques tion blanks and circulars free. By that means many may be saved the expense of a trip to Portland. Didn't Mean To. Little Bessie, having been punishhed for misbehavior, walked to the other end of the roqra, ciying. When her sobs had subsided, hei mother turned to view her lepentance, but found her engaged in m.tking faces at her. "Why, Bessie," said her mother, " how can you do so? ' "Oh, mamma," answered the girl quickly, I was trying to smile at you, but my face Blipped I" Cincinnati En quirer. "Ah I If our youthful Ideas could but be realized 1" it tney could we would tie circus actors, truck drivers or pirates, the most us." Indianapolis Journal. Carbide of calcium oan be made, ac cording to French authority, by the use of pure oxygen with, ordinary carbon as a fuel, for the heat produced is euffi cient. 1 TRY ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE, A Tjowder to be shaken Into thn shoes At this season your feet feel swollen, ner vous and uncomfortable. If you have smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot-Ease. It rests and comforts; makes walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating feet, blisters and callous spots. Believes corns and bunions of all pain and is a cer tain cure for Chilblains, Sweating, damp or frosted feet. We have over thirty thou sand testimonials. Try it todan. Sold bv all druggists and shoo titorer; for 25o. Trial package FREE. Address, Allen S. Olm sted, to Roy, N. Y. The Jewish year book 'estimates that there a re. in the world about 11, 000,000 of that race, more than half being under Russian jurisdiction. To Cnre n ("iilcl In One Day Take Laxative Ilromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 2;")C. Late Australian adviceB report a wild "rush" to the new diamond mines discovered at Nulligane, in the North western part of Western Australia. FITS yermanontly Cured. So fltsor nervousncs I I slier lirst day's use of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve ltestortr. Send for FUKU IM.Oll Irlat bottle nd treutlne. lift. It. U, K ( in p; jU4., two Area itrat, ? uUadeluula, l'a, A Spanish newspaper announces that the last two descendants of Chris topher Columbus aie now occupants of a poor-house at Cadiz. Taksn Hold. We can wake up from sleep and 'find that soreness and stiffness have taken hold of us. We can use St. j 3" ?il and go to sleep and wake up There are 100 roads of one kind or another over the Pyrenees, between France and Spain, but only three of these are passable for carriages. No household is completo without a bot tle of the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It is a pure and wholesome stlmuliint rec ommended by all physicians. Don't ne glect this necessity. A statue of the noted violinist, Ole Bull, desinged by Herr Binding, of Copenhagen, is about to be erected at Bergen Piso's Cure for Consumption Is ouryonly medicine for coughs and colds. Mrs, C, Ueltz, 43U8th Ave.. Denver, Col,, Nov. 8' 85. For a number of years Great Brit i a,D 8 i,mr"?rt'' f buttern 8 l0w" ai! , ",".'u.'' mu ,uuu UUUureu wei! ' ' THEY ALL WANT THE '99 AGENCY FOit and IDEAL DICYCLES 40, $30. $25, $22.60, S20. If rou want a paring alienor write at once be fore all territory it taken. FEED T. MF.Itltll.L CVCLK CO., PORTLAND, OB. IPOKAN. TACOMA. SEATTLE. MJ I MI i mix Kicked All Around. A correspondence is being published n the Times on the subject of "Frenob Feeling Toward Englishmen." A Mr. Jackson has written to that paper to repeat that at Caen recently a student went out of his way to publicly insult Great Britain. As a boy I was first for some years at school in Paris. I was. then kicked for being an Englishman; after I was transferred to a school in England, where I was kicked for being a Frenchman. 'Comment is unneces sary. London Truth. ; In the Electrical World. A press, dispatch from Little Rook, Ark., says that an extraordinary long distance telephone test has ben mad by Charles J. Qlidden, president of the Southwestern Telegraph & Telephone " Company. Mr. Qlidden held adistinot and olear conversation over the wire with Frederick F. Farrar, of the firm of Poor & Greenough. Boston. The distance from Little Rock is 1,900 miles. Mr. Glidden says this is the longest oircuit in the world. Shall Porto Rico Be a State. Our public men are trying to decide wht action should be taken regarding the status ol Porto Rico. We have never before had to dosl with a similar condition whore nearly a million ojue oi u ioroin tongue nave ooen anuexen. Neither have we ever hud before such a reliable nu'diul ne for malaria, fever and ORue as Hoi tetter's Stomach Bitters. It drives the poisons out of the system and establishes strength to resist future attacks. There are 18,000,000 acres of primeval forest in Cuba. Easy Cliauoes. A slip may sprain, a thump may bruise; easy ohunces for pain and trouble. An easy wav to oure right off is to use St. Jacobs Oil. It takes no chances and knows what it oan do. He Wusn't rerfaot Giles I just heard that Hawkins re ferred to me as a perfect idiot, f Smiles Oh, don't mind what Haw kins says; he always does exaggerate more or less. I'm sure no one believes your are perfect. Chicago Evening; News. Schillings Best , Jrpan Ceylon Engl sh Ereakfast Oo'cng Ideal Blend Cnbnn Hallways. Two leading Cuban rnilwnys ar owned and controlled by British enter prise. A few years ago, at least, no Spaniard or Cuban was in control of an engine. The building and management of machinery is yet but vaguely under stood bv the Latin races. JOB PRINTER WANTED An excellent opportunity for a man with s Job printing outfit and t-M In cash, to engags iz a well-paying business In l'ortlaud. big money for the riht man. Call on or address N. N., care Pacific Coast Novelty Co., 181)$ First Street, Portland, Or. 5EEDS were famous years ago tlielrfume grows vvuiy yeur tut the svttls I niuHt to be relutl on us hIm r s J the bent, tor Bale by kutlli.k J deulern everywhere, J-ie cents per paper ttna uivvayn wonn u. . AiittiHi on uaviiig iiifiu. nuu : V twi rink linv Utffxim. XV lHHWNMWi Annual lit ire. 1. M. r r li It V A t'U., I stroll, Mlub YOUR LIVER Is It Wrong? Get It Right Keep It Right Moors' s Revealed Itemed y wllldolt. Tore doses will wake you leel better. Oct it irons your druggist or any wholeaale drug bouse, off bom Stewart & Uolmei UrugCo., Beattla. MACHINERY Fnr MiilH, Mines, Shop and Farms; Steel Ixs glint "J'niol'tjnK KiikIwi; Hoc ChUel Tooth Haws, Albany Urease, etc. T AT U IM & B 6 W E N 27 to Sfl First Street Portland, Or. 84-86 Fremont Street, Ban Francisco. TEETH WITHOUT PLATES ltoots Crowned. rlils Mude, l'ttlnleas filling- and oxtrnatlon. Dr. T. 11. White, fsr- CURE YOURSELF I I II Ki Hlff M for Hiirif.tiirB 'lol llMid.n.Vl nirlmri., IiiIIiiiuh.iMi. Os.rime.t irritation, or uU-emtiouav I to llrlalurt. of IIIUGUUI IllHlnl.riitu.d. ...on wuixioi. Painlnn. ami not utilu. ItheEvahsChEMTmCi). "' ur Puimnom. l oiWct :iMTi,0.I'l "old b lras-(lsU, U.S. . t-n. .ant In ... ..... .M wrnyiwr, Dr eKDrt.n.. I,r-m,iil. f.. 1.(10, or 3 Uotth., 2.7. Circular mui uu kiiuimU RUPTURE CURED. Vie gnaraii'ee lo lit every cane we undertake Don't put It off; writ for particulars at on:. CI. H. noilllAKII 1 III., Kipnt Trui. Utters, 108 Second Street, Portland, Or. DR. M ARTEL'S FRENCH FEMALE PILLS Particular and ttl motitalrt In plain sruletl letter Mai Lb, i) Fttita. WOMEN FRENCH DRUQC0.,3eU383PearlSt.,NewYorl( N. V. N. V. 7HEK writing to sdvartissra Disss II mention tills papar. Te