Hxc4-. -4" i. it"? cnv "Library Gout aid r CIRCULATION GUARANTEED LARGER THAN ANY OTHER PAPER IN THE COUNTY COURIER ESTABLISHED MAY, 1SB3 HERALD ESTABLISHED JULY, 1893 CONSOLIDATED SEPTEMBER, 189B OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1899. 16th YEAR, NO. O TT IT Oregon City erner COMMERCIAL-BANK OF OREGON CITY . CAPITAL f 100,000 " ' Transacts a General Banking Business loans made. Bills discounted. Make col lections. Buys and sells exchange on all poinls In the United States and Kurope and on Hong Kong. Deposits received mt'ject to check. Bank open from 9 A Jfl.tol P, M. D. C. LAlOURtn E, FEES J.MEYER, President, Cashier, C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE ' ATTORNEYS AT LAW Commerclul, Real Estate and Probate Law Specialties Office In Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY .... OREGON CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS Furnished Bu Numerous Corres pondents in the County. Geo. C. BaowHiu J. TJ. CampbbU BROWNELL & CAMPBELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW Caufield Building Oregon City, Ore V. S. U'REN ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jaggar Building, opposite Huntley's, OREGON CITY - - OREGON Mountain View. Miss Emma Wallace and Lottie Sager, together ith R. Pullock oi Canemah. came on the hill Sunday evening and called 'on Mr. Gillett and family. Mrs. R. McFarlaud. who has been on the sick st the Inst three months, spent Sunday with r. and Mrs. Hull. Mrs. Newman and children are sick this week with the grip. Mrs. Nichols and son of Highland spent Sundny iglit with Mrs. Kingo. Koy Ringo iB threatened with pneumonia. Little Harold Swaflord Is on the sick list. Dr. Strickland is the attending physician.. John Gillett came home Monday sick. Allen Frost has been sick over a week. Mr, Frost and Mr. Harrtngtbn both seem to be taking the grip. - F. M. Darling is sick this week and his whole school is sick. Miss Florence Grace colebraled her sixth birth- ay lHSt Wednesday afternoon. Clara Hiirlmr died Rnndav. January 221 . Tlio funeral was preached at the house on Tuesday nernoon by ner pastor, kcv, Mciiiguweij. tin imllhpnrm-R we M isses Huttie KilltiO, Susie Randall, Georgia Grace, hdith liehone, Martha oler and Beruice Adums. Harold Waldion is broke out with the rash this week and unable to attend school. P. D. Curran is building a picket fence around his new house this week. Mrs. Thompson is Quite sick and Ethel is home from Portland on the sick list. Tillie Henrlci. who works in Portland, Is at home a few days this week with her mother. January 25. Sauna. 0, SCHUEBEL ATTORNEY AT LAW Seuiftet atbbofat. OREGON CITY - - OREGON THOS. F.RYAN Notary Public and Real Estate Broker fJUDINB iNSTJBANCa AOEHCY OF CLACKAMAt tiONTY . Unnn In T nan Ahnl ranta nf Title Made Drawing of Legal Doouments a Specialty Office on east side or main street Between 6th and 7th OREGON CITY, OREGON M, C. STRICKLAND, M. D. (Hospital and Private Experience.) Offers his professional services to the people of Oregon City and vicinity, special attention paid to Catarr h and Chronio diseases. Best of references given. , . Oftlre m WHInim-Mii lluilillng. ' Office hours: 10 to U a. m., 4 to 6 p. m. nM SGON CITY - - t OREGON C. 8. Eeamann, M. D. J. W. Powell, M. B POWELL & SEAMANN, PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS, All calls attended promptly. UUice hours: 8 to 11 a m.:ltoop. m. Nob. 9 and 10 Oharman Block. ' Xew Era. i, ,uoi- We see by the Courler-Hemm or . r, utU" WATP 11 SHKU UV J 1 ?2, fTh r 7u,i hv aonearing again, Don't think we are ueaa.jor ' much alive, and do not know of any B"tlat went home alone, but we think that some of New Era's young men did. Ed Spulak made a business trip to Portland Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Newbury mado a flying trip to Portland Wednesday. Little Katie Fredrich, who was thought to i be seriously Injured, is able to attend school this week. A social dance was given in the Twilight Hall, nearMt. Heasant, last Saturday, A vehicle was seen in iking its way to New Era and soon qui ,e a crowd of young people were on their way to the dauce, where a pleasant '7'2T, ...... mw trm Btipnded. except a tew who were seen sitting on the cattle guard a short distance from town. Fred Burgoyne went to Aurora last Satutday to ftnd abnll. He returned Sunday evening and said he bad a great time. ; Mrs. F.Ppnhik made a fhing trip to Oregon City the latter part of last week.. Mrs J. 0. Newbury has been quite ill the past week, but we are glad to say is recovering, al though slowly. ; . Mr. Anthony's little daughter Mabel is quite 111 with sore throat. Miss Cora Wickham is on the sick list. Wn are irlad to -'Anonymous" is writing for the paper, and we hope to hear from him aguln. January 25. 'ahb Bolton. Kew Era. Welcome sunshine! It will soon be time for people to hunt for the little basket of garden seed. Mr. and Mrs. Straits were np from Portlane last Sunday, visiting relatives and friends. Mr. Spulak was down to Portland last Saturday on business. Mr. Newhnrv Is uroinff to Portland Thursday to purchase an organ ior me puono school Mr. Mead was seen with uniform on Saturday Bight going in the direction of Marlln. Mr. Roger is verv busy lately hauling goods with his new engine. The Bra foub. January 24. DR. GEO. IIOEYE, DENTIST, ' Office in Caufleld Building, Main Street Oregon Oitv. Bridge and Crown Work a Specialty. All work warranted and satisfaction guaranteed. I)R. J. H. MILLER, DENTIST, Seventh Street, near S. P. Depot, Pregon City, Oregon i DR. FRANCIS FREEMAN ' DENTIST. Graduate of the Northwestern Univer Bity Dental School, bIbo of American Col lege of Dental Surgery, of Chicago. WITH DR. WELCH. Willamette Block - Opposite Poitoffice Oregon City, Oregon. C. N. GREENMAN (Established 1865) THE riONEER EXPRESSMAN AND DRAYMAN Parcels Delivered to All Parts of the City OREGON CITY " " OREGON BANK OF OREGON CITY ; ILDEST BANKING HOUSE IS TEH CITY SAID TJP CAPITAL, 150,000.00 SURPLUS $10,850.00 Parhplace-G Utdstone . On the Hth inst. Miss Katie Smith gave a sur- inse party. to her brother rea. Alter dancing i :ew hours deliciousjunch was pasBed around. Mr. Cross and wife of Tillamook county are vis iting the latter's sister, Miss Mabel litters. Mr. Hull had a mishan the other day while coining down the road over the bluff back of the Parkptace scnool nouse. 1 lie norses went oui of the road and as he unhitched them the wagon went down over lire hill, doing much damage, Henrv Kaohiena of Eastern Oreeon ia visiting his sister, Mrs. Hiinmler. He is talking of going to south America. A nnrnhpr nf the nnnils cave a surprise to Prof, J W. Grnv on;the 17th inst., the occasion being the 35th anniversary of his birthday, il'he evening was pleasantly spent in playing games. Mr. Rmich, our Glad stone merchant, is making mure room in his store ior a new supply of gimds. left last Saturday lor (imnta Pass, where his brothers are working. If he succeeds ill getting work he will stnd for his family. The Clackamas river has been booming the past week the highest it has been this winter. Water has been coining into Mots Lake from the ilihiuctte. ' Manila. January 2 J. Clackamas. Mr. Rusk's funeral was held January 23d, at 11 o'clock. He wa an old pioneer oud the funeral was largely attended. He leaves a wile and ten children to mourn his loss. How fart our woodmen are falling the trees! Mr. Thiessen is having 200 cords of wood cut. Mr. Fox lost a horse last wetk with blind stag gers. The grip has a hold on many in this vicinity. Daniel Talbert's family, Mr. Hodman and Mr-. P. C. Humnhrcv are amolii! the sullcVers. The latter came veiy noar having the ga'es eloied tor this world, but she is still spared and ever so much bettei , for which her many friends in Clackamas county are so thankful, for she is everybod' friend. Our last meeting of the V. C. T. U. was very In teresting. Twelve people responded, and we were so glad to see a uumbr of new facee. Mrs. J. C. Cook was not able to attend Sunday school or church last Sunday She was much missed, as she is never absent except on account of sickness. 1 1 John Mohr, the man who had those twelve fut hens caught after si tting his traps, lm caught 6 coons, 2 skunks. 2 cats, a mink, a labblt, a blue jay and 1 mice in a sieel trap at once, and he is no trapper, but thinks he w 111 be one. Quite a number of pupils are absent from school on account of illness, but r.o le are seri ously siek. - Rose I1u.u January 24. I am vrnr triad to report that the general health of this place is very good at present. Mrs. Johnston is still very 111. Mrs. Frank Fosburg and son Roland are on the sick list this week. Mr. Rottenburg has quit working in the mills and returned to farming. Mr. Wheeler and family and Frank Clitz left here i esterday for lone, Morrow county, where they have taken up a nomesieau. vr e nu juiu m wiBhing them success in their new home. Mr. Glover of Walla Walla has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gallogly. , it la with rmrrpt that we learn that Mr. Stover and family are going te move to Oregon City In the near future. They own a house and lot there which they will occupy ana rent tneir nome utn. Januarys. aut.. Mulino. A great many people are sick with colds and the grip in this community as elsewhere. Mr. Critzer, who has been in Oregon City, was Been on our streets to-uay Miss Ida Woodside was a visitor at Oregon City last Friday. Frank Mulvey of Portland was visitini? his parents Saturday and Sunday. Dale Seaver and Fred Parker of Ore gon City were the guests of Miss Patty Saturday arid Sunday. The lecture given by Mr. Sherwood of Portland at the grange hall Saturday ev ening was a verv pleasant one. There willlie a new floor put in the grange hall next week, where a dance and oyBler supper will he given on the 14th of Fobiuury. F very body is invited to attend. ' M, Mulvey was doing business in Ore gon City last Monday. Miss M. Mulvey was the guest of Miss Elbe Ranch lust AVednesdav. X. January 22. ' Liberal. Died, Friday morninif, January 20th, 1899, Henry Klise, aged 77 years 6 months. The deceased was one of the oldest and best known residents of this part of the country, having settled here nearly a half century ago. With his family he crossed the plains in 1853, and has been a resident of Clackamas counly ever since. He leaves a widow, two sons and four daughter, who, with the deceased, are held In the highest esteem by all who know them. The re mains were intered into the Adarn's cemetery Saturday nfternoon. Mr. and Mis. Vm. Morev and daugh ter, Vina, have been quite sick, but are much better at present. Wm. Fkein and lamily have also been sick, but are getting aloug nicely, George Mallatt is having a severe at' tack of typhoid fever. Mr. and Mrs. Skein, of Glad Tidings, who have been visiting with their son, Will, during the illness of his family, returred home Sunday. We Bee Ed. Young beaded toward Mulino quite frequently of late, business we suppose. Frank Bruner bought ft new cow last week. There Is much road talk flying around in this vicinity. Nearly everyone who uses, the Oregon City road favors im proving the old route ratner than at tempting to make a new one. Jan. 23rd. Ex. Mil , Carpets and Matting.,. YOU" CAN'T BUY them elsewhere of as good quality or at as low prices as you can of us. Warranted All-Wool Caipot R0 peryard,..., , "Ml Good Chinese Matting....... I'rtp per yard . The holiday rush left a numberVof Carpet and Matting Kemnams which w e w ill sell at a sacrifice. Bellomi) Ousch, THE HOTJSEFURNISHF.ES. LOCAL SUMMARY Colton. Still it rains and still it blows. There was a spelling school here last night. - Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Wright have mov ed to the Milk Creek saw mill. J. Gorbett and his son Andrew were in Oregon City the first part of the week. The party given at Mr Gorbett's last Friday was well attended. Victor Dickey of Molalla was visiting menus Here last Saturday and Suuday. Brenton Vedder was the guest of Mr, and Mrs. P. E. Bonney last Sunday. Some of the Coltanites attended the spelling school at Elwood. last Thursday evening. Wm. Buckner was in this city last Monday on business. January 21. Ready made ilress sk'rta from $1.50 to $3.00 at the Racket Store. A few cheap reliable watches at Younger's Highest cash price paid for second hand household goods at Bellomy & Busch. Money to loan at 8 percent interest on mortgages. Apply to O, D. & D. O, Latourette. And the prices are quoted so ridicu lously low that it will pay you to call. Celia Goldsmith. . The Club tonsorial parlors, P. G. Shark, proprietor, shaves for 10 cents. A iuit line oi cigars anu louauoo is em. Dan Willians has added to his stock of groceries and provisions a full line of Feed and hay. Goods delivered to all parts of the city free. Corner seventh and Center streets . Ribbons, embroideries, laces and all kinds of notions at the Racket Store. Money to loan at 8 per cent interest on mortgages. Apply to C, J. V, U. Latourette. I have abundance of money to loan at 8and choice loans will be made at 7- Feathers, ornamenls, ribbons RBd veilings, at a great reduction.. Miss Goldsmith. Meadowbrook. Todav. the road bottom registers 16 President, Vice-president Cashier, CHA. H. CkVTLim Gko. A. Haediji J. G. CAPfiiLD A General Banking Business Transacted Deposit! Received Subject to Check, Approved Bills and Notes Discounted. Connty and City Warrants Bought Loans Made on Available Security Exchange Bought and told. Collections Made Promptly. Draft! 8old Available In Any Part Of the if oria. Telegraphic Exchange Sold oa Portland, Baa Francisco. Chicago and New York. Interest Paid on Time Deposit!. Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY, OREGON, Oatbe Street betwientbs Bridge andthi Depot. Di,ubl and iinl rhri and saddle horses ways on hand at the lowest rates, and aoorra also connected with the bam ior loose noes Any Information regarding any kind of itook tromptiT attendee to oy utter or perrcn. HORSES BOUGHT OR SOLD. Jliahlatul. ' Highland is milking desperate efforts to stay on top, and would were it not for the deep mud. Trw dance at T. B. Jones' Saturday night was a grand success. Forty numbers were sold and half as many more prestm uiuh i gci huuiucib. nnr neighbor. C. Krohfi. who had his leg brok en recently hv ahorse lulling on him, is around again on crutches. Dr. Scunners set the bone. Sick and dying horses are around again as or yore, lilinu staggers wems iu ue uie uuuse. A portion' of Fred Mink s laniny movea onio the old Jake Jones place to-uay. i ney uava rent ed for another year. One of Albert Harrin ton's horses has died from the eilicts of a broken kg. G.R. Miller takes the lead in the breeding of early Iambs. Dr.Rtrickland visited this neighDornooa pro fessionally during tne past weca. ti.o HiuM.iirt sohool ma'ams are returning f,m "iruininir the vounir ideas how to shoot. Souri Maylield and' Ivy Harrington have come home. The Highland tchool teacher still sticks. Stay with Hum, Farlie! Early il not late, Ed Mclntyrc has taken a trip to California. The Sundny Srhool Is progrnsing nicely, with our highly esteemed frit n t, tharles liuuieriora, as superintendent. J. W. Jones, our enter rising saw mill man, is d oing a rushing bust! ess. COKBE:fottl:iiT. January :!4. Mavkuburg. The people of this neck of the woods aro pre paring fur the defense of tills glorious country. Four bovs were added to the population since our last report one at the residence of Mr. and M rs. John hlzel, one at me riwura ui n. ami Mrs. H. A libutl, one ct the residence of Mr. and Mra H. KLinmer.and one at the residence of Jir. and Mrs. O. H. Wright. Mr. Kranberger and hi! eldest son Fram were duly installed lst Hinday as trusters of Ihe Ger man Lutheian chinch for the ensuing year. . Mr.Cortler has left for Butteville, where he is engaged in moving building,. Billy is a hustler wherever he goes. Miss Emma Kister has gone to Butteville to visit her sister Kate, who was home visiting her f o: ks few day! last week. We want to make few remarks regarding an Item inlast week'! issue, signed by J. H. Daly. In the first place wa don't like to choose the columns of the Courier-Herald as a target, be- ii v,rf. tmih thH laoer and the people in general. If we made a mistake In the limits of our road district, we did not do it on purpose, and we guarantee that we didn't aiiss il over one quarter of a mile. ' A good manv people in this vicinity are i Irk some with the grip and wme with typho'd fever. Bisa. January 23, degrees below zero. Fred Howard, who has been in the Oregon insane asylem for about two moiillis.was released last week as cured. He is now at his father's on Canby prairie. We hear that Fred does not expect to return to Meadowbrook. Supervisor John Denison has put in a new brKlge acicrss Woodcock creek half mile west of this postoflice.1 F. M. Naught's son from Et8t Wash ington is visiting his father and sister of this town. D. Robeson has had the misfortune to loose two cows and a fine cow this winter. Mrs. Wm. Edgecomb, who has been sick foi three weeks, is slowly convales cing. Trent Hali is doitig some repair work on Mn n on & Tinnerstett's saw mill this week. Dink" Force has sold all his cattle and gone to Molalla to oversee his brother George's farm, ' Several of our devotees of the goddess terpsichore attended the social dance at P. E. Bonney'a, of Colton last night. A correspondent, who is running a big sheep ranch near John Day town, Grant county, writes under dale of Jan. 12th : "There are several sheepmen over on the middle fork of the John Day wilh large bands of sheep and no feed and none to get. They justtru8ted to luck ! I don't know what they will do snow is six inches deep," January 22d. Jimmkv, Sek? Stafford: Another week has slipped away. Have you uone an iiuug wormy o; noter ii so, out with it. Hoot owls are making these moonlight nights hideous with their buss voices. Awl to add to the chorus, the" fr igs Wmed- in with -thwir first lay of the season on the l'Jtti inst. A mink killed eighteen of tho Widow Schiewe's chickens last Friday night. It is reported that John Wag'ey one day last week suffered the loss of both eyes, caused by a piece of stetd hitting one while splitting wood wilh sled.o and wedge. Paul Reichle is grubbing around fir trees gelting ready for a heavy wind to blow them over. John Schatz, Jr., is on the sick list. Also, Philip Baker. Mr. Weddle is putting a new fence around his barn. Henry Schatzis moving rail fence. John Gage is putting out some fruit trees. An A. O. U. VV, lodge is to be organ ized here next Saturday night. Young men, now's your chance! Remember the 28th. The hall has been fitted fur lodge purposes. New furniture and a coat of paint have been added. A. Pete'8 has purchased the John Schiewe outfit of hlacksmithing tools. It is reported that tfam Moser is ne gotiating (or the Schiewe engine The consideration is said to be $030. Gerhaidt Pelize.has moved the stump machine of Schiewe & Meyer up o"n the Tualatin mountain. The apron to the Shipley bridge has been repaired( I) Fred Schatz smiles again. Aha! An other baby. , X'. January 22. f I have abundance of money to loan at 8 and choice loans will be made at 7 VJ. 11. JJVB. When in Portland be sure and call at the Royal restaurant where you can got the best 15c meal in the city. ToA Mrst street, corner of Madison, Wm. Bohlander, proprietor. Younger, who has had a life-long ex perience, will clean your watch for a dollar. The greatest trimmed hat proposition ever offered here or anywhere at Alias Goldsmith's., ... . ,, ... . K fine Steinway piano 'ior sale, long time given, at Oregon Xity Auction House. For Ihe 'next thirty davs we will sell all trimmed and untriinmed hats at a great reduction. Miss Goldsmith. For Rent A house, barn and eight lots in Vsrkplace for $4 per month. In quire at John Everhart's merchandise store at Ely, Oregon. The largest assortment of millinpry and lower prices than any house in Ore gon. Miss Goldsmith. A new line of Walker's sailor caps and veilings just in. Miss Goldsmith. , This item will appear lor one month to continuously remind that the United Modem Vigilantes, recently orcanized here, is as its name indicates, vigilent for the best inlerest ol its members, It has the most equitable plan known, For first-class handmade or machine made harness go to F, H, Oross on Seventh street, opposite A O U W hall, Prices reasonable and wk guaranteed t If you have anything to sell advertise in Courhsr-Hbhald. Shoe repairing of all kinds at F, H, Cross' harness shop, opposite AO U W building on the hill, Weekly Oregoniau and CpuRiKR Hkrald for $2 per year. For Rent The large 8 room, modern constructed house, lately occupied by , Rev. M. L. Rugg, for rent. H. E. Gross, Agent. 45 cents round trip from OregorOity to Portland and return via Southern Pacific; trains. One way rate 25 cents. Tickets now on sale at railroad dopot. Trains leave Oregon City at 8:40 a. m., and 3:35 p. m., and arrives from Port- land at v:2oa. m. anu o;ua p. m. time by using the quicker route. Wanted 100 watches to repair at $1 each, at O. A. Nash's, Postotliee build ing. tt. 1, 'I Don't Pay the 25 per Ct. Advance Sh ubel The school directors decided to have school two wetks longer after this term ends. School will be out the 24'.h of February, The clerk was instructed to buy a new dictionary. They posp ined hiring teachers for the spring term un till after the school meeting. V tn. Guentheris getting out rock for a new rock cellar. P. Lindnu will leave for Seaside this week, where be expects to stay for the winter. C. Hornshuli almost had his feg brok en by a buck sheep butting him on the knee. He was laid up for about two weeks. r Mr. Bluhra exchanged bis chopper for a larger one. tanner can now get their grain chopped while they wait. Wm. Moehnke left lor Newburg, where he expects to stay tor some time, Oscar Guenther is home from Port' land on a visit. Miss Ida Guenther and Miss Lena Gro'imiller are home on a visit. Some people would not care if ome other people would mind their own business and not be asnaki in the grass where someone must use a club and beat the grass untill he finally will kit! the snake. January 23rd. 99 1 Y, Vorll ana Couricr-Herall $1.85 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVF.N THAT I HAVE been appointed executor of tho Inst will and . . . ....... . In... U..1,... At.aatitA testament oi me esinie in naiiw uixi,",, wi;tn.., by the honorable county court of Clackamas County, urcgOll. All in--roim iinvnift viikhi. gainst said estate are hereby notified to present inesanie w 11m iui ,jnim. ij .......w ... Clackamas county, Oregon, with proper vouchors, Executor of the last will and testament of Jane Winter, aeccaswi. Hated this 2"lh day of January, ISM. irKP-I-and Titles and Land OllicB Business a Specialty. HO BERT A. MILLER, , ATTORNEY AT LAW, Will practice in all the Courts of the Plate and the llureaiis or ine interior imparimuutat n. ingtou. Room 8, chabmax tiuiuim,, B OREGON CITY, OREGON. Ladies, new lot of wrappers, beautiful ly trimmed, full measure, at the Racket, Store. , , - Don't make muslin undorwenr, when you can uuy at very low pi li es, at tne Racket Store, An ofllcer of the Clackamas County Humane Society handed in' thn folio- , Jng: Last week some cruel person poi Boned a dog belonging to the Chinese tailor. Tho matter is being investi gated by the humane society, and any information in regard to the same will bo thankfully received. Tho cowardly act of torturing a do' with poison is a crime that should not be encouraged in any civilized community. 3 On Rubber Goods, Hot Water Bottles, Syringes, Etc., until you are obliged to We have on hand a big stock of these goods, and the price will not advance while they last. Rulb Syringes, 50c to $2.00. Fountain Syringes, 75c to $2.50. Hot Water Bottles, 75c to $2.00. Fancy Flannel Hot Water Bottle Cover, 25 cents. J". A.. BOAKB General Blacksmith, Opp.Charman's Store, OREGON CITY Special Attention Given to all kinds of Tool Work. W. II. YOUNG'S Livery & Feed Stable Has the best-looking rigs and cheapest rates in the city. Cor. Main and 4th St. OREGON' CITY. OREGON 3 Regular Ozomulsion $1 00 I'sycliine 3 OO. Scott's Emulsion I 00 '" 50 Kilmer's Swamp Root I 00 Gilmore's Magnetic Elixir. I 00 " " ' , 50 Wisdom's Robertine 5 Kidney and Liver Cure.. . '. I 00 Vino Kolofra. I OO Electric Cough Cure '. .' 5 Electric Bitters 5 Red Cross Cough Cure 1 00 Red Seal Sarsaparilla I OO DeWitt'sSarsap'arilla.... 1 00 Beggs' Sarsaparilla . ; '. I OO Dr. Ward's Blood Tills 50 Dr. Williams' Pink Pills 50 Groves' Chill Tonic 5 Beggs' Cough Cure. 1 5 Red Seal Cough Cure 50 Dr. Baker's Celery and Kolo Comp'Sund 1 00 Aycr's Hair Vigor I 00 Ayer's Sarsapailla I 00 Cut Price 85 2 75 75 40 85 50 25 35 , 75 5o 2i 40 50 65. 50 SO 35 40 35 25 40 65 90 ' 75 C. G. HUNOT CUT RATE DRUGGIST Send us your mall orders. Oregon City, Oregon 3TWe pay postage on small mailable articles. if- t i to s 1 i I !