Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, January 20, 1899, Image 7

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    Easily Gotten Over. , 1
A oripDle from a sprain ia one who
Aegleota to use St. Jacobs Oil to care it.
Prompt-use of it brings prompt cure,
and the trouble is gotten over easily.
Woman's Weapon and Tool Box.
Keeper Then she picked the catch
On her handcuffs, dug through a two
foot wall of stone, took out a pane of
plate glass by removing the putty,
and then opened the big lock on the
gate. What tools had she?
Matron None whatever. Stay.
Good graoious, I forgot to take away,
her hairpins! .
Keeper Then pursuit is useless.
Bhe still has them. Stray Stories.
Pains and Aches
Of Rheumatism Make Countless
Thousands Suffer.
Bat this dbease is cured by Hood's Sar
laparilla, which neutralizes the acid in the
blood. If you have any symptoms of
rheumatism take Hood's Sarsaparilla at
once and do not wate time and monev on
unknown preparations. The merit of
Hood's Sarsaparilla is unquestioned and
Its record of cures unequalled.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is America's Greatest Medicine for rheumatism
Hood's Pil is cure nil liver ills. 5cents.
No Mystery to Him.
"Have you paid any attention to the
rage problem?" asked the thoughtful
man, as he laid down his paper.
"Have 1?" answered the very small
man with the massive diamond. "I'm
the fellow who taught Tod Sloan how
to ride." Washington Star.
By local applications, as they cannot reach the
diseased portion o( the ear. There is only one
way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu
tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in
flamed condition of the mucous lining of the
Kustaehian Tube. When this tube gets In
flamed you have a rumbling sound pr imper
fect hearing, and when it is entirely closed
deafness Is the result, and unless the inflamma
tion cnn be taken out and this tube restored to
Its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed
forever; nine cases out ot ten are caused by
catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed
condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
case ot DeaineBR (caused bv catarrh) that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Bend for
circulars, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
Bold by Druggists, 760
Hall's Family Fills are the best
(, " 1
Bamboo pens still retnin their hold
In India, wheie they have been in use
for more than 1,000 years.
If you want the best wind mill, pumps,
tanks, plows, wagons, bells of all sizes
boilers, engines, or general machinery, see
or write JOHN POOLE, foot of Morrison
Street, Portland, Oregon.
A New Invention Flyiua; Top.
The latest invention of considerable
merit is the "Flying Top," invented
by a Western boy. It is so easy to
operate, that a boy six years of age ban
manage it wmiuui any uimcnny. ine
top is constructed on the principle of a
flying machine and by simply pulling
a cord, ascends from 50 to 800 feet, or,
until its momentum oeases. when it
gradually descends like a parachute,
till spinning when it strikes the
FITS J'wnanmUy Cured. So fits or nervousnes
III" after lii-st days use of Dr. Kline's ureal
Nerve Kostorrr. Send for i'Kr, IC Ma. on trial
bottle ind treatise. PR. B. H. LN.., JUd., loo
Arch stmt, .-Uadelpuia, Fa,
The rivers in Northern Russia were
frozen this year before the end ot Oc
A powder to be shaken into the shoes.
At this season your feet feel swollen, ner
vous and uncomfortable. If you have
smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's
Foot-Katie. It rests and comforts; makes
walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating
feet, blisters and callous spots. Relieves
corns and bunions of all pain and is a cer
tain cure for Chilblains, Sweating, damp
or frosted feet. We have over thirtv thou
sand testimonials. Try it today. Sold by
all druggists and shoo stores for 25c. Trial
package FREE. Address, Allen S. Olm
sted, to Roy, N. Y.
In 1850 the highest house in New
York city had only five stories.
No household is complete without a bot
tle of the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It
Is a pure and wholesome stimulant rec
ommended by all physicians. Don't ne
glect this necessity.
Taxes on beaida are leived in Japan
ese cities..
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Take Laxative Bronio Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund money if it fails to
cure. 2oc.
In securing the COLUMBIA AGENCY
for 1899; one day's delav may result in your
Competitor gettiiiR it. Ve are the only bicycle
house having a delivery point in the North
west. Prompt delivery of all orders assured.
Dealers who handle the COLUMBIA and
HAKTKOKO line will have a double advant
age over otheTs who do not. We have Im
proved the quality of our products, while our
Increased output enables us to reduce our
prices, as follows:
Columbia Chalnless $75 (10
Columbia Moilels 67-58 60 00
Columbia Models 45-49, '98 pattern, '99 im
provements 40 00
Controlling Oregon Washington, Montsns snd Idaho 132-34 Slat- St., PO itlaild, Or
I, C. R. Bolllns, M. D., of Crass Valley, Or., voluntarily make the following statement:
After haviiiK mv teeth extracted I have had live sets made at In tervals of about nine month.,
three In Portland, bne in San Franoisco and one in Spokane. With neither of these have I been
able to eat a meal's victuals or even an app'.i or ripe peach. On December 10, 1898, 1 had my
sixth set made by Dr. Sirvker, I. O. O. F. Temple, First and Alder, Portland, Or., and within
twentv minutes after the time they were put Into my mouth I was abie to eat a common hard
winter apple and a piece of dried venison, and at this time, December lath, have eaten every
meal since with the greatest comfort and with no trouble at all. They are a perfect fit and
satisfactory iu every respect. R KOI A ,N " ' D-
References: French Bros. Bank, The Dalles, Or.; Pherman Co. Bank, Wasco, Or.; Wm.
Holder, Sheriff of Sherman Co.; Drs. A. S. Nichols and Brother, I'ortlana, Or.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of December, 1W8.
Sealj JOHN OG1LBEE, Notary Public for Oregon.
. Root Crowned. I?ridjrn Made
. 1'Hlnless tilling and extraction.
Dr. T. 11. White, iMr
Relief at Last
Praised by thousands or
satisfied la-fles as safe, at-
ru A 1 E I way" reliable and without
bmH UL I inraunl. Ask uruireHl for
Il3ll I ! fcr. Martel's French Female
l IUU1 Pills in metal b,x with
- French Fln on tOD In Blue.
White and Red. Itilt on bavin the genuine.
"Relief for Women." mailed FREE In plain eald
,. .u.ln.nnlBl. an.) r. In,, 1 a K AlfrlreM.
I FKtNCH DRUG CO., 381 and S-3 Ptarl SI, M.
Ownership of Wedding Presents.
A recent decision in Springfield,
Mass., as to the ownership of wedding
presents is that where such presents
are sent to the bride before' marriage,
as is the custom, the 'presents are her
property, and remain so even if a sep
aration takes place after marriage.'
View of a Layman.
Bill What do you reckon . that doe
tor tumps me all over de cheat fer?
Jake Tryin' to see how much dough
you had in your inside pocket, of
oourse. Cinomnati Enquirer.
He Knew Not All.
He You think you know it all,
don't you?
Him No I have never been able to
figure out any reason for you being
alive. Indianapolis Journal.
Samples of merchandise oarried by a
traveling salesman are held, in Kansas
City, P. & G. B.' company vs. state
(Ark.), 41 L. K. A. 833, not t) be bag
gage within a statute regulating
charges on excess baggage.
Weasels and skunks are enemies of
the careless poultry keeper. All poul
try should be kept in quarters made
secure at night from these depredators.
Openings for ventilation should be
covered with wire soreens.
Gratifying Lettpra to Mrs. Pink
ham From Happy Women.
"I Owe You My Life."
Mrs. E. Woolhiskb,
Mills, Neb., writes;
" Deab Mrs. Pinkham : I owe my
life to your Vegetable Compound. The
doctors said I had consumption and
nothing could be done for me. My
menstruation had stopped and they
said my blood was turning to water. I
had several doctors. They all said I
could not live. I began the use of Ly dia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound,
and it helped me right away; menses
returned and I have gained in weight.
I have better health than I have had for
years. It is wonderful what your Com
pound has done for me."
"I Feel Like a New Person."
Mrs. Geo. Leach,
1G09 Belle St., Alton, 111., writes:
" Before I began to take your Vege
table Compound I was a great sufferer
from womb trouble. Menses would ap
pear two and three times in a month,
causing me to be so weak I could not
stand. I could neither sleep nor eat, and
looked so badly my friends hardly
knew me.
" t took doctor's medicine but did not
derive much benefit from it. My drug
gist gave me one of your little books,
and after reading it I decided to try
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound. I feel like a new person. I
would not give your Compound for all
the doctors' medicine in the world. I
can not praise it enough."
The Tibetans have a week of five
days, named after iron, wood,, water,
feathers and earth.
I never used so quick a cure as Piso's
Cure for Consumption. J. B. Palmer,
Box 1171, Seattle, Wash., Nov. 25, 1895.
No fewer than 2,401 patents have
been taken out on processes for making
sugar and salt.
Hogs are fattened on oranges in
Paraguay, and orange-fed pork is said
to be very good.
Warmth and Strength.
The cold of winter certainly aggra
vates rheumatism, and at all seasons
St. Jacobs Oil is its master cure. It
inipaits warmth and strength to the
muscles, and oures.
Among the industrial novelties are
aluminum carpets and steel billiard
When coming to San Francisco go to
Brooklyn Hotel, 2118-212 Bush street.
American or European plan. Koom and
board $1.00 to $1.50 per day j rooms 60 cents
to $1.00 per day; single meals 25 cents.
Free coach. Chiis. Montgomery.
Mrs. Richard King, of Texas, owns
3,000 square mi'es of land iu that Btate.
Columbia Model 40, -u.
Hartfords 00
Vedettes, Strictly Up-tn-Date 26 (W
We job bicycle sundries.
Write lor terms and discounts.
The greatest Invention of the aire. ' We will .end
sample, prepaid, on receipt of iic We give spe
cial nriccs to agents. Thousands of men and
women can make H to ") a day selling or
novelties, falii-h; coAsr ituvu-a. cu
ltil First street, Portland, Or.
His ntlcKf ill Hi (ALS.
I oiigU brrup. Ta.ua (tuud. Use I
in time, tv,i1 br drossi-ft.
Hoof Thatching.
Good, straight rye straw is probably
as desirable material as can be secured
for thatching. To get rid of the grain,
hold the bundle, without cutting the
band, so that the cylinder of the thresh
er will strike the heads. When the grain
Is all removed throw the bundle to one
side and do not let it go through the
machine. The straw will then be
straight and In good condition for
Arrange the rafters as for a shingle
roof. Use for sheathing 4-inch boards
placed about a foot apart. In thatch
ing, the work is done on exactly the
same principle as shingling. A course
of small bundles (a) Is first put on all
the way across the lower edge of the
roof. Take a small bunch of the
straight rye straw, even the butts by
standing the straw perpendicularly and
lifting several Inches from the floor,
then letting fall suddenly. Tie the end
of a ball ef strong string to the lower
pieces of sheathing next to the cornice.
Tlace the bunch of straw against It and
pass the string over the straw down un
der the sheathing, back to the left and
bring it up over the bundle the second
time. Tut in another bundle of straw
and repeat the operation until the first
course is completed.
Put on the second course In the same
way, having the bundles In this cover
the cracks of the first course and the
butts extending to the edge of the roof.
The third and remaining layers are put
on In the same way, except that the
butts of these are always about a foot
above the butts of the layer below, just
as the lower edge of one row of shingles
Is several Inches above the one just be
low It. In the engraving b, c and d
show the relative positions of the third.
fourth and fifth courses. Always cover
completely the twine which holds on
one course with the lower part of the
next above it, Just as the nails in one
course of shingles are covered by the
next layer. If the work is carefully
done, the roof will be waterproof and
will last for many years.
Portable Pwill Barrel.
I have not seen any device that beats
mine for lightening the labor of swill
ing the bogs or transporting slop. I
made mine of an old cultivator, with a
pickle barrel that cost 25 cents, I first
bend the Iron B, as shown In the first
Illustration, at the spindle, then fit It
around the barrel, then bend tot the
other spindle, using the grip shown at 1
for the hub, and the grip shown at 2 to
fasten on the barrel. With this, a boy
can carry 25 gallons of slop as easily
as I can carry a bucketful. This device
Is left at the kitchen door, and the
whole day's slop Is put In it, and Is all
hauled away at once, at the same hour
each day, so that the pigs are not
squealing around the trough all the
time. The trough projects through the
fence, so I cnn dump the slop In to sixty
head of hogs and not get my clothes
soiled, as shown In the second picture.
The device can be Improved by cutting
out a shallow curve from top of the bar
rel and riveting on a tin spout, as
shown. J. Brlnlnger, In Ohio Farmer.
Corn Field in Winter.
The bare corn Held Is no better pul
verized by winter freezing than If some
fall crop were sown, and left In winter
to cover its nakedness. Wherever crim
son clover will live through the winter,
that Is, of course, best, as winter earth
covering, for It will often make consid
erable growth In the spring. But
there should be something town, If
kW? Cut
' t
only oats or pVas." A' mixture of botn
these grains would probably make a
better winter protection 16 the soil than
either alone. . Those will not live after
heavy freezing, but their leaves will'
make a mulch that will protect ihe sur
face from being beaten down by rains.
When this mulch is plowed under. It
should not be burled more than three
or four Inches. The cutaway, .arrow
will do It deeply enough.
Prnninit I'ench Trees.
Teach growers are gradually learning
that the peach tree will not only stand
very severe pruulug, but that It does
best under' such treatment. Where
this Is not practiced, long, slender
branches form, and these produce fruit
mainly at their outer extremities. This
overloads the branches and causes them
to break down even when the tree is
producing no more fruit than It could
easily carry If properly distributed. If
the branches were cut 'back to within
two feet of the trunk they would throw
out numerous fruit spurs and produce
fruit close to the trunk and main
branches where It could easily be sup
ported. Trees handled In this way will
also produce more perfect fruit. Such
severe cutting back may be done with
out any Injury whatever If performed
while the tree !s dormant. Although
peaches are reckoned an uncertain
crop, it Is still one of the most profita
ble fruits that can be grown In locali
ties adapted to It. Select the finest
varieties and give high culture and it
will require but little fruit to give yon
a good money return. American Farm
Mode Poultry Pay.
A writer In a Western paper says: I
often read In the poultry journals that
It Is not much work to take care of
poultry. I have always found It just
the reverse. Still I like it for the out
door exercise and natural love I have
for pets. I also found it very remunera
tive, but I find there Is as great a de
mnntl for that article called common
sense in poultry raising as In everything
else. The third year I gave poultry my
attention i kept a strict account with
the biddies. I had thirty-two Light
Brahma hens and forty half-bloods for
sitters. In the early spring I sold nine
ty-two sittings of esrzs. ' twenty-two
half-bloods for sitters, and raised nearly
00 chicks. I gold some for broilers
and some for breeding purposes, and
packed over 150 dozen eggs during the
summer. I sold all the culls Thanks
giving, and a the end of the year the
books showed a balance In my favor of
$701.34. Since that time I have kept
no accurate account, but am satisfied to
continue until I find something better.
Farmer's Review.
A Cow for Every Acre.
We do not hear so much as we used
to do about the Importance of pro
ducing enough feed on an acre to keep
a cow through the year. It can be done
by growing corn as the main feed. But
that Is not always, nor generally, econ
omy, for If all the land is kept In corn
It must require more manure than
where It can be every three or four
years seeded with clover, and after all
the soil would be loss fertile than after
a clover seeding. Besides, more depends
on the milking character of the cows
than on their number. The best dairy
men prefer rather to reduce their herds
In number, and still get as much milk
and butter as formerly. This makes
the labor much less, and If the lessened
number of cows leaves more land not
needed to keep them. It can probably
be given to other uses that will pay
much better. American Cultivator.
Gne.alna Weight of Stock.
One of the best ways of training the
eye to judge both of live and dressed
weights of animals Is offered at "butch
erlug time." If the farmer has some
barn scales It Is easy to secure the livs
weight of animals at any time. But
there Is great difference In the amount
of waste In killing and dressing, even
among animals of the same breed. It
Is this kind of knowledge that the buy
er learns by long practice, and unless
farmers want to be cheated In selling
live stock they must learn also. The
boy on the farm should be encouraged
to make his guess as to bow much each
hog or beef would weigh, both alive
and after It was dressed for.marketlng.
It Is knowledge that every boy on the
farm should try to gain.
Making Neattfoot Oil.
Every farmer who kills a beef should
save all the feet and get the oil out of
them. This Is called neatsfoot oil, and
Is valuable for many purposes. Almost
everybody understands how It Is made.
All that Is ueedjd af.er thoroughly
washing the hoofs to remove dirt Is to
put them In water and keep the water
boiling several hours, until all the oil
rises. The four feet of a full-grown
beef will yield' about a pint of neats
foot oil. Of course it as much trouble
to boll a few hoofs as it is to care for a
great many, but neatsfoot oU Is valua
ble enough to be worth saving, even If
the feet of only one animal can be pro
cured to extract It from.
Ft or In 8 Apples and Gropes.
If apples are kept In the cellar they
should be placed in the coolest and most
airy part It Is best to keep thera In a
shed or garret until there Is danger of
freezing and then put In the cellar. To
keep well, apples should be kept In re
ceptacles as air-tight as possible. The
barrel should never be left uncovered.
Open the barrel and take out a suffi
cient quantity to last a few days and
taen nail the cover on again.
Do Yon Know l our Form?
We want to ask you, farmer friend,
if you are perfectly familiar with your
whole farm7 Have explored all Its
acres and know what Is on the under
side as well as pu top? Do you know
Just bow deep certain land should be
plowed and what crops are best adapt
ed to Bame? If you do. then you are
on the high road fo prosperity. Just
keep right on, and you'll get there.
Farmers' Guide
Baker City Republican. '
Those who are disposed to doubt Dr.
Damn's cures will have their doubts
shaken on reading the following card
from Mr. Joliti Martin, ot Cove, Or,
Mr. Martin is a man .well and favora
bly known to all of our leaders, and a
man of 20 years' residence in Union
jounty. Hia case will go far to estab
lish the skill of Dr. Darrin:
For the benefit of the afflioted as
well as Dr. Darrin, I will state I had
been afflicted 10 years with hydrocele
nd other troubles before being treated
ind cured by Dr. Darrin, five years
ago, in Portland. I am happy to say
Hie cure was perfect and permanent,
ind I am now a well man. I reside at
ove, Or., and will gladly answer any
inquiries. JOHN MARTIN.
Dr. Darrln's Place of Business.
Di. Darrin gives free examination to
til, and when necessary gives medi
jines in conneotion with electricity,
rhe poor treated free from 10 to 11
iaily, except medicines. Those will
ing to pay, 10 to 5; evening, ? to 8;
Sundays, 10 to 13.
Deafness, oatarrh, eve, nnso and
throat, heart, liver, stomach, lung
troubles, errors of youth, blood taints,
gleet, impotenoy, varicocele, hydrocele,
nrioture, gonorrhea and syphillis a
specialty. Cross eyes and hydrooele
operated on until January 13. All
ohronio male and female and private
diseases treated at reasonable rates.
No cases published except by permis
sion of the patient. All business rela
tions with Dr. Darrin strictly conQ
aontial. Letters of inquiry answered.
Circulars and question blanks sent free.
Batteries and belts furnished when
necessary. Office, 265 Moirison street,
Four hundred years ago only seven
metals were known. Now there are
51, SO of which have been discoveted
within the present century Chicago
Inter Ocean.
Heroes of the
rk thousrd of them, aae iuf-
rimg rTorn lingering aw
e&ses induce! by lire in
poisonous southern cmo.
;s in Tesuii or cnnoei or
V clim.te. or of impeTfect
-7 nutrition caused by im-
, proper and bdly cooked
(G; food. Sleeping on the ground
io9 uvumKss aeveiopecx
rheumatism in hundreds
who were predisposed to
the dises.se. In 4uchc.es
the Boys of '98 nuy Uk
& lesson from the expert
ence of the -
Heroes of the
Civil War
Hundreds of the Boys
of '63 h&ve testified to the
efficcy of Dr.VYilli&mV
Pink Pills for Ple People
in driving out rrt6.la.ri.,
Theumtism &nd other
diseases contracted during their dy of hardship
and privation in the Army. These pills are the best
tonic in the world,
, Asa Robinson, of Mt. SterHnar, lit,, Is a veteran of the Civil wnr, havlnj
ierved iu the 83rd Pejiusylvanift Voluutcr rs. He went to the- war a vl(?or
ous farmer's boy and cntne buck broken iu health, a victim of sciatic rheu
matism. Most of the time he was unfitted lor manual labor of any kiud,
end his BittTcrliifrs were nt all times iutcuse. ilesnysi "Nothing seemed
to ftrive ine permanent relief until three vears ago, when my attention wna
called to some of the wonderful cures effected by Dr. Williams' Pink fills
for Pale People. I had not tnkeu more than half a box when I noticed ad
improvement in my condition, and I keep on improving steadily. To them
I owe my restoration to health. They are a grund remedy." .). iltrimg
At all drugglttvor sent, pottpkid, on receipt ot price, 50 tt. per'
box, by th Di. WiUim Mt-icin Co., B. V, ScHerwcUdy.rt.Y.
Drug Catalogue
VVoodard, Clarke Co.,
Is It Wrong?
Get It Right.
Keep It Right
Mooro's He-ealed Itemed y willdoit. Three
doses will iake you feel better. Get It from
your druggist or any wholesale drug houso, or
from Stewart 4 Holmes Drug Co., Seattle,
For Mills, Mines, Pimps and Farms j Steel Log.
glng and HolntiiiK Knitlnes; Hoe Chisel
Tooth Saws, Albany Urease, etc.
27 to 85Flri.t Ftreet Portland, Or.
84-36 Fremont Hlreet, Han Francisco,
In bnylnjr urA 1 V J I
ronniqr In eira.V 1
lire," li,oue ttli, oo,t"
r at cnltivation wnalcrl on fulVri
m bh(Ib a-wav-i hritfilv eiCMilH tin
uriiinal tuimt of I II Dettl Wthub 10
be ta.i. The bent is aiwKyi the I
beiHMfc. Car trill mom tut
anil always ;" jmir mnny'i j
worth. Five ont i pitfjr
V.. bi t. HwMiiDiial Imo. Tr'"l
Water Power Abandoned.
The famous incline railway at Pos
pect Park, .Niagara Falls, is to be ftper
ated electrically according to a recent
decision of the Ne. York State Park
Commissioners. Heretofore this rail
way-has always been operated by watei
power, but in view -of the fact that
during the great ice bridges, whin
tourists flock to see this marvelous
eight, from all over the state, the raiU
way is usually inoperative. This has
been due to the chocking of the intake
with ice and very often too low water.
As there is no other means of access
without a tedious descent and ascent,
the tourists have been greatly incon
venienced, and the management have
lost considerable money. With abun
dant electric power available from the
Niagara Falls Power Company the elec
tric operation of the road appears to be
moBt apropos.
Germany and Asia Minor.
It Is inevitable that Asia Minor shall even
tually pass from the possession of Moham
medanism, and whether Germany accomplishes
the task or not, the Sultan must yield to a
Christian nation. It is just as inevitable that
diseases of the difiesttve organs tmiBt yield to
Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. The disorders ot
this kind are usually called dyspepsia, consti
pation aud biliousness. The Bitters are equally
good for all such complaints, regardless of the
name. '
One of Many.
Mrs. Weeks What business is your
husband engaged in?
Mrs. Meeks He operates in stocks.
"Is he a 'bull' or a 'bear'.?'
"Both. He's a bull at the stock
exohange and a bear at home." Chi
cago Evening News. ;
The Thing to Do. ,
When the Sciatia nerve gives Its
worst torment in the shape of Sciatica,
the one thing to do is to use St. Jacobs
Oil promptly and feel sure of a cure.
Perfectly Harmless.
Dix I once knew a young man who
smoked 50 cigarettes daily without
any particular harm resulting there
from. Hix Is it possible?
Dix Yes; and the only notioeable
effect was the death of the smoker.
Chicago Evening News.
"Kent Wheels on Karth."
1699 Ideals l'22.A0, (25, f'V). Send for catalogue,
Live agents wanted everywhere,
With r of the new Kobhk, iiltuiti may be had la
Mourn IntrUday from time ot towing. 1'lunt at any
timo. Ttuty kiow qut'-kly and flowra Bvpunr In law
quantity. VmrlmMy hanly In tli (rarden, whore th
mooid an turn in r. in pota tliey Moom both nummi
wl winter. From a packet of wmhI one will net Rosel
of variuui colora wlilte, pink, crlinion, etc. no two
ftllke, and very aweet. tvmt ui IV cent and tin
namea of 6 or more people whom you know buy mlt
or p) aittii, and w will mail you a )kt of tit fa RoM
tV'tJU wun our jrrfittt voiorefl I'llll 1ttfllOue Of
herds, Ilnlba, I'lnntH ml itnre Nw Frullft
JOHN LEWIS CH1LDS,' Floral Pari, 11
We guarantee to fit every cuso we umiertak,
Don t put It off ; write for particulars at one.
II. WODIIAKll it CO., Kif.rt Truss
Uteri, 108 Second Street, Portland, Or.
Ifiw Itlttt for u tin at n ml
dim-harmM, Inflammation!,
irritation! or likwrntiofia
of mucuui tneuibrana.
frou eouiagioa. Painlfai, an 4 not aatrin
KtheEvams OriEMtmi Co. '-'ul or iwiwBouj.
isi Km iii plain nrnpiwr,
by expii'M, pr"pniJ, for
II xi. or 9 brittle,. I--.7.V
Circular xul ua rwiuust.
N. P. V. V.
NO. 8-'99.
WUKS writing to diertlrs
luautloo tUls paper.
W 7
, r--'.i. . . 'f . ' W. , W ,
. Ouaraol