OREGON CITY COURIER OREGON CITY HERALD con'solioatew. A. W.CHENEY Publisher PUBLISHED WEEKLY, Entered in Oregon Citypostofflcea 2nd-class matter SUBSCRIPTION RATES. If paid In advance, per year 1 M Six months 75 Three momhs'lrlal 26 ttf-The date opposite your address on the paper aeuoies lue time to waicn you nave pam PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. OREGON OITY, JAN. 20, 1899. "CATOR DESERTS POPULISM." Under the above caption last week's Enterprise published extensive extracts from a letter written by Thos. V. Cator, the erstwhile populist leader in Cali fornia, to the San Francisco Call on the 29th of last month. Mr. Cator is well known to Oregon reformers, as he as sisted us in the campaign of 1896, and therefore his apostasy is of local in terest. . The ostensible reason why he has re turned to his first love, the republican party, is because the people's party has drawn near the democracy, which Mr. Cator now pretends is not in accord wiih the reform movement, yet he was one of the strongest supporters of Bryan's nomination at the 8t. Louis convention of the people's party, because there was an affinity between the Chicago demo cratic platform and the fit. Louis popu list platform. No one denies that the republican party is the party that handles the cor ruption fund of monopoly-no one denies that tho fundamental principles of "equal rights to all and special privi leges to none" are sot at naught by thh parly of plutocracy no one ditnies that tho gi eat mass of American people are staggering under legislative wrongs heaped upon them by the power behind the republican throne, and humanity is crying for the success of a political or ganization that will stand in eternal negation to these obvious wrongs. Leaving a party name when such re tirement means the retention of the principles advocated by the individual is no disgrace. Leaving a party when one is convinced that his party dees not dufsiio to see the principles it advocates, catried out when that party stoop to' conquer by deceiving tbsi-mass -B, is no disgrace It is, in fact, evidence of in dependent manhood and citizenship, the bulwaik and hope of our nation ami democratic institutions. But Mr. Cator says he was a republican. It is evident then that he left the lepuhlican party because that organization was deceiving tho masses pretending to enact legis lation in its Interests when in fact it was legislating in the inteieets of the money power, the despoileri of industry. The republican party has not changed its tactics, it has instead openlv espoused the cause of mammon and has thrown all pretense to the four winds. The logical conclusion to be reached, there fore, as leg.mis Mr. Oator's apostasy is that he did not know why ho left the republican party, he did not know why lie supported Bryan's nomination in '96, lie did not know why he supported a middle-of-the-road policy in the recent -election, and it is doubtful it he has a more valid reason than, "they will give me anything I want" for renewing his a'legiance to a party that he left at a time when it at least made pretence of loyalty to the interest of the great cam uion people. Mr. Cator' 8 haughty as sumption in answering the self pro pounded questions, "whether I in tended to take steps to reorganize the party," is far fetched. Did Cator or ganize the people's party? Was he one -of its organizers? The people's party -was a cryatalizatlon of principles, and Cator, like others, was merely a unit , and not by any means the whole thing. The principles enunciated by the peo ple' party are to-day accepted by at least our times the number that rallied to their support four years ago, and a unification of the forces to-day holding those views, will arouse an enthusiasm that will overcome the potency of the corruption fund of plutocracy and its political millions That Cator should in the same article in which he publishes his political i!c genoracy to the world, stand forth as tho advocate of the gold standard, of the national banking system founded upon the eternal bondage of the nation, of the retirement of green hack and of the advantages of concentrated capital and trusts? But how weak, how senile is the language he has chosen to justify himself before the public. When Judas sold his Master, the re maining disciples of the Great Reformer lid not renounce Him (incidentally Judas hanged himsell) and tlui cause of the great reformer continued to grow and ppretid. When Benedict Arnold cold the cause of American liberty to the British not another patriot soldier followed his dastardly lead (incidenta.ly Benedict Arnold died a self-despised exile, despised by all mankind) but the causa of our forefathers, was won. The fact that Cator hua pub lished to the world, or the fact that a hundred Oatot'S would publish to the world their perilly will not effect . the. everlasting principles ol true uem oeracy, "equal rights to all, special privileges to none." Fko.m the writings of Bro. Gill in hig Canby grafting-Brownell organ one would think that either the liquor at Canby or Woodburn was 'adulterated or the two didn't mix. lie 'tried to show that the deirMorats are following Henri Watterson, the man who supported the republican aid society in the last presi dential campaign. The Courieu-Herald supported the Chicago platform and candidates in the Lint presidential cam paign and the union platform and can didates in the last state and county campaign. What did his organ sup port, anybody that would "put up" or the opponents of those who would not? We mood for principle and you for "stuff." Who's a grafter. . Thos. V. Catob of California, the patron saint of the middle-of-the-road populists of Southern Oregon, has an nounced that he will be a republican hereafter. This is not surprising, in the light of the developments of the po litical campaign of 1898. This class of populists lent valuable, assistance to the republican party everywhere, and al ways will. J bey should lose no time in becoming members of that organiza tion. Jacksonville limes. The agents of ihe money power and monopolies in the democratic party are anxious that the party shall cease its warefare,on the parent of all tiusts, the money trust G. A. Sanfoho who has been publish ing a populist paper at St. Helens, has gone into bankruptcy. His debts amount to f 1,089.50 with no assets. The annual edition of the Oregonian was indeed a credit to the stale of Ore gon and far surpassed all other efforts in that direction The masses of the demccratic party in 1899 purged the party of Clevelandism. They will maintain the inti grity of the pany in 190U. LOCAL SUMMARY Ready made dress hkirls nvm $1.50 to IfU.bO at the Racket St ire. A few cheap reliable watches at Younuer's Highest cash price paid for second hand household goods at Bellomy '& Busch. . f Money to loan at 8 percent interest on mortgages. Apply to 0. D. & D. G. Latourette. And the prices are quoted no ridicu lously l"v tint, it will pay yon to call. Celia Goldsmith. The Club tonsorial parlors, P. G. Shark, proprietor, shaves lor 10 cents. A full line of clears and tobacco is kept. Dan Willians 1ms added to his stock ol groceries and provisions a full line of teea ana nay. uooas delivered to su parts of tho city free. Corner Seventh and Center streets Ribbons, embroideries, laces and all kinds of notions at the Racket Store. Money to loan at 8 per cent interest on mortgages. Apply to C, j. x D, O Latourette. I have abundance of money to loan at & and choice loans will be made at 7' v, a. JJYB. Feathers, ornaments, ribbons and veilings, at a great reduction. Miss Goldsmith. When in Portland be sure and call at tho Royal restaurant where you can gel the best 15c meal in the city. 253 First street, corner of Madison. Wm. Boblander, proprietor. Younger, who has had a life-Ions ex perience, will dean your watcn lor a dollar. The greatest trimmed hat proposition ever offered here or anywhere at Miss Goldsmith's. A fine Bteiuway piano for sale, long time given, at Oregon City Auction House. For the next thirty davs we will sell all trimmed and unlrimmed hats at a gieat reduction. Miss Goldsmith. Fob Rkst A house, barn and eight lots in Park place for $4 per month. In quire at John Everhart s merchandise store at Ely, Oregon Wanted 100 watche to repair at $1 each, at U. A. Nash's, Postothce build ing, tt. The largest assortment of millinery and lower prices than any house In Ore gon. Miss Goldsmith. A new line of Walker's sailor caps and veilings just in. Miss Goldsmith. This item will appear lor one month to continuously remind that the United Modem Vigilantes recently organized here, is as its name indicates, vigilent for the beat interest ol its members, It has the most equitable plan known, For flrst-cluss handmade or machine made harness go to F, II, Cross on Seventh street, opposite A O U W hall, Prices reasonable and wo'k guaranteed, A lino Beatty organ at Oregon City Auction House. Ii you have anything to sell advertise in Cuvkikh-Hkhau). She repairing of all kinds at F, H, Cross' harness shop, opposite A 0 II W building on the hill, Weekly Oregmian and CoVkiek IlEKAi.n for U per year. Team for Sale-On Molalla road, 2' miles from Oregon City. Inquire of S. G. Bailey. For Rent Tho large 8 room, rr.odern constructed house, lately occupied by Rev. M. L. Rugg, for rent. II . E. Cltoss, Agent. 45 cents round trip from Oregon City to Portland and return via Southern Pacific trains. One way rate 25 cents. licnets now on sale at railroad depot. Trains leave Oregon City at 8:40 a. m.. and 8:35 p. m., and arrives from Port- land at 9 :23a. 111. and 6:52 p. ra. Save time by usinu the Quicker route. 1 LOCAL NEWS ITEflS. Try Coukieu-Hekald six months for 75 cents. W. S. TP Ren the week. whs in Salem during J. Babler, ol Logan, was a visitor in town Wednesday. Mrs. A. Mautz, of Maple Lane, has been very ill for the past few days . H. Longcoy and H. F. Ambler, of Clackamas, were in town yesterday. R. J Moore, the thistle commis sioner of Molalla, was in the city Wed nesday. Born, in Oregon City, January 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Huntlty, a daughter. Samuel Mitchell Keenan, an old resi dent and contractor, died in East Port land Wednesday. He was a resident of Oregon City from 1871 to 1881 . The new rock wall on the Singer hill road took another tumble about four o'clock Tuesday morning, and the main portion will have to be rebuilt. County Clerk Dixon issued marriage licenses to Rosa Trochlich and Henry Westmann on the 15th, MaryS. Hein and E. L. Harmon on the 17th. R. D. Wilson and R. B. Walker are manufacturing fishing rods on an exten sive scale. They are jointed and made of native arrowwood, and are neat in appearance. Judge McBride wili spend a greater portion of the time for the next month at his home here He -will, however, occasionally hear cases for a day or two, in other counties. Rev. E. S. Bollinger, who has so suc cessfully carried on the work of the Congregational church at Astoria for the past three or four years, will supply the church here next Sunday , J N. Price, manager of the H. L. Price clothing house, was married in Portland last Sunday to Miss Etta Waldman. a most estimable young lady in Portland Mr. and Mrs. Price now occupy a neat cottage on Adams street near Eighth. A. O. Tower, instead of being em ployed in the Pend'eton woolen mills during the summer and fall, as men tioned in last week's paper, was a mill wright at the Pendleton flouting milts. He also superintended the construction of the new flouring mills at Elgin. A redhot game of basket ball was played Saturday night between the Deweys of Portland, and the Oregon City Y. M. O. A. business men's team. The score stood 14 t 12 in favor of the l itter. A game will be played with the Vancouver team nt Pope's hall Satur day night. A farm for rent was advertised in the Couiuek-Hkbald a few weeks ago and the advertiser lias ever since been be-si-ged with letters from all sections of this coast, besides o her states, one com ing Irom far oft Maryland. This shows that it pays to advertise in the paper is read by the people. James Morton, who claims to hail from Kankakee, 111., died of heart dis ease at Mrs. Winesett's yesterday morn ing. He was in destitute circumstances and had been sick for several days at the city juil He was (airly well dressed, and had the appearance "of be ing about 25 years old. The Southern Pacific have put in elec tric bells to create alarms when the trains go over the Tenth and Eleventh sireeiB crossings. This is an improve ineiit. that will be appreciated by the public, and will serve as a safeguard to many people, who are compelled to travel in the way of these crossings. A farmer at Beaver Creek lost a cow in November and about two weeks ago advertised it in the Courier-Herald and on the following Monday, three days after the paper was published he had his cow.' Another a resident of New Era lost his overcoat between Ore gon City and Portland which was re covered the next week. It was adver tised in the leading paper. j The Willamette Valley Chautauqua Association hdd a meeting Saturday af ternoon, and decided to hold the annual assembly at Gladstone park from July 18th to the 29th, inclusive. Among the celebrated platform orators secured, are Sam Jones, who will lecture during the first two davs ; J. De Witt Miller, of Denver: Oanioen Cobu'n, who took Robert Mcln tyre's place at Denver, and Frank Beard, the cartoonist, Artljur Olift, of Stone, was in town Wednesday. He has contracted with the W illamette Pulp & Paper Company to pu'l 20 000 young C"ttonwood trees on the upper Columbia, and deliver the same. These will be set out bv the company at different points up the Wil lamette, to take the place of big cotton wood trees, that were cut down Mnd made into paper. Mr. Clifc will receive a compensation of $4 50 per thousand for the young cottonwoods. I. D. Taylor received a telegram Wednesday, tbat Mrs. Wash Frazer, of West Oregon City, had died that morn ing at Sp.'ingtleld, Mo. Mrs. Frazer, accompanied by her three children went East last soring to visit her parents. Shortly before Christmas Mr Frazer was called to Springfield by a telegram announcing tbat his wife wns Beriously ill. The youngest child, a babe about six months old, died a few days before its mother. The deceased was a mem ber in good standing in the Woodmen circle, and carried an insurance policy of f 1,000 in the order. Two little sons of Walter Kirchem, of Logan, had a narrow escape from drowning last Thursday. Norve, aged 13, and his brother five vears old. started out with the running gors of a wagon and a team to get a load of gravel. To reach the gravel bed they had to drive around a clump of willo vs through the edge of the Clackamas river, the water st a low stage being only a few inches deep. The rier was high at litis time and the hordes soon reached deep wa'er. The hoys floated off on a plank and Norve' told hi younger brother to climb on his back and fasten his 'm around the former's neck. Thev floated down the swift,! an:rv waters of the Clackamas over rapid until a mile was passed, when in some wav the plank reached the hank and the boys were saved. The drowned horses were found about three miles be low the seene of the accident, and the front whee l of the wayon were re-coveied. Agent Cowing, of Wells Fargo & Cu's Express, has just completed arrange ments whereby all express matter, either to or from the East, will be car ried by the 0. R. &, N. and the Union Pacific, .via Portland, which is now the most direct line to any noint East. This will be a great convenience to the general public, a heretofore Eastern express was routed via Sacramento and San Francisco, making it from two to three days later than the mails. Next Saturdry night at Shively's Opera House, Sir. Henry Laugenour's New Company will present "Alabama," the great New York success by Augustus Thomas, which enjoyed a run of three years in New Yr.rk City alone, and which is one of the best plavs ever written. This is the first time that this charming play has ever been presented here, and the theatre going people are offered an opportunity to see one ot the most successful plays of recent years. There is n indescribable charm about "Alabama," it being soothing and rest ful, with scarcely a loud word from start to finish ; it is intensely interesting. The whole southern atmosphere of the piece is a delight Seats on Hale at postoffice store, 50 cents anywhere in the bouse. The First Baptist church held its an nual business meeting Thursday even ing, and the reports presented showed the church to be in a prosperous condi tion. W. W. Marrs was elected trustee for three years, the other members of the board being D. C. Latourette and W. Cary Johnson, F. E Donaldson was re-elected clerk, and J. W.'Loder was elected financial secretary and treas urer. James Mclntvre, Fritz Ganten- beim and F. E. Donaldson were elected ushers Mrs. 0. O. T. Williams was elected chuirmanof the relief committee. H. E. Cross was elected Sunday school snperintendent, Miss Gei'trule Finley, secretary; Emma Norris treasurer, and Veda Williams, organist. The matter of the church debt was left to the fi nance committee. The pulpit com mi'tee reported that they had not yet secured a pastor. Elam Frost, a well known resident of Oanby, died at the home of his daugh ter, Mrs. M. E. Stevens, Sunday. Janu ary 15th. The deceased was born in Ohio, March 8th, 1831. He removed from there to Adams county, Illinois, and farmed until 180!), when he re moved with his family to Oregon, and became the owner of the Doc. Barlow place. He removed to Eastern Oregon in 18S5for the benefit of his health, but returned to Canby last year Five children survive him: Mrs. M. E. Stevens an I Mrs. Alba Shank, Oanby ; James Nolin, Dutur, Wasco coun'y; Mrs D A. Turner, Hood River, and Walter Frost, of Day'on, Wash. The deceased was a consistent member of the Baptist church. The funeral ser vices were held at ihe family residence in Canby on Tuesday, and the remains were taken to Dufnr for burial, ac companied by two of his daughters. Mr. rrost had relatives here and at Ca nemah. Expert's Report. Following is the extert's reno't on amount ot property represented by the dulerent candidates lor nttice ot rad su pervisor. The amount of property rep resented by individual petitioners is not obtainable, as the list is in the expert's hands. If w e ran otitam it we pha'l pub lish it also. In some districts there was no contest and names of all are given in another column Pist, Number No. Ndin. Petitinnei-s. 2 M. S. B akiMiBjr 117 J. ft. I'nimcr 71 Amount R-jpresentpd. SWOS!) 11,202 S,:)70 2:i.2fi 2:i.f0 l!0,17fl 17,102 8.290 8. B. NHbird Ill .1. C McMnnav M A. W. I'oukp - 7 J. C Biimt-tt 6.) Hftrv V Hibson 5H Herman L!n .... ...... 2(1 Morris Qntfenham 21 0 R. I evenrv 114 John E. 8miih 14!) W. H. Mmtoim 41 Lorenzo Tenner 87 H.H.Taber 40 W. R. Portr . M Aug. Bremer 44 Anil. Wltiehli'y 5t D. B. Dlmlek 87 J us. L. Evxnn . ftti M. E. IiOndon ... 112 Cn Flshar 44 Wm. Evuni 81 M. Campbell , 19 John Krth M J. H. Daly 49 J. A. BlHiiton . A4 Ju. E. Marquam 103 lllley Hayes H7 Fred Baker -. 100 A. Andre 22 John R Taylor 2a amiiel Tavlor 4!l Ueorgo Owliiga 28 1,670 Rl 7 10,115 6 820 4.2110 17,So 10.H40 1S.730 13.H10 20.2K0 6.6 8 82,772 16.950 8.445 1.970 22,410 12,200 29,260 27,680 10.125 9.S25 1,6 1.405 15,'41 14,755 School Notes. From present indications there will likely be about 60 applic urs for teach ers' certificates at the quarterly exam i nation to be held in February. At any rate, letters received by County Super intendfnt H. S. S range indicates that the class will be the largest in the - his tory of the countv. Quite a number of sohoil' in the out side districts have closed during the paH week or two, and vacat'ons will be Lin order until afer the annual school T ! r I. metuuiKs in oiarcn. Miss Louise Maxwell, of Orient, has closed a term of school at Bull Run. Miss Hose E. Dodge finished her term of scliool at Dodge last week. Miss Iva Harrington his completed her school at Union Mills, and returned to her home here. Miss NVllie Younger, one of the teach ers in the Oswego school, vbited her parents Saturday and bunday. Miss Nettie Walden recently closed her first very successful term of school at Elwood . Extraordinary preparations are being made for the next mee'ing of the Clack amas County Kdncational Association to lie heid at Mount l'leesant one week from next Saturday, January 28th. V. E. Young, teacher of the Macks- burg school No. 10, Rives the following enrollment and average at'endance for four months: rust month enrolled 41: average Attendance. 27. Second month enrollment, 4"; average attend ance, 31. Ihird month enrollment 63; average attendance, 4li. enroll ment, 6); average attendance, 48. Special School Meeting. Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of School District N-i. 62. of CUeknma cninty, state of Oregon, tint a sixM'ial i,hoo metin. for siil rtitri,r will be held at Wiilameiro Hall, mi the .wui iav ir January, lswi, nt , :.! 1 p. m. (or Ihe folio vinii object: To levy a tax for the coming year on all assessable property within the district for general school purposes E. Cakli., Chairman Boonl of Directors, H. M. McCows. District Clerk. Dated this 19th dav of Januar .1S99. iff fUs i -n n 1 Is P asi But you want good flour for your bread and pastry. The best is made by the Portland Flouring Mills Company SOLD THE BEST VALUE Make Yourself Sure The new year is upon us and you cannot tell what we have in store for you. We know what we have in store for you if you will Only come and get it. The time will fly so do our bargains, and if you don't grasp your opportunity as it presents itself, some other man will get what you mijrht have had 'KRAUSSE BROS. . Fresh Slock of Fii'st-Cliitsy. Depot for 11.1V and FEED " ' lxvv V ft r'TTi H. STRAIGHT, Dealer In- Groceries and Provisions. Also Fall line ol Mill Feed, Lime, Cement an3 land Plaster, Look at Your Houses My.1!!'4 ? If you haven't got time, call on G. REDDAWAY. He will do you an honest job at a reasonable price. A full stock of Paints and Oils kept on hand. Call and see him before buying your order. Paper Hanging and Kalsomining done to perfection. All work guaranteed. GEO. REDDAWAY Co"fectlon ST3ole Agent in Clackamas County for OUR NATIVE HERBS. r We have a Large Assortment cf Ladies' and Gents' Umbrellas ! J8,w Which we offer w Thcij arc all the Latest Designs JL and Very 01 innnr-ic-T-t-ir v uUnlVICIO I un r TKa Or act An and. ........ BY ALL in all lines of Groceries have been found here during the past year. In 1899 we intend to redouble our efforts toward securing the finest the land produces and also toward making prices which will compel the economically inclined to trade with us. In our Bakery Department can be found everything in the line of choice' Pastry and the best Bread in the city made fresh every day. HEINZ & CO., Bakers and Grocers Opposite Postoffice, . - Oregon City THE LEADER OF LOW PRICES GROCERIES t Willamette Block, Oregon rily Do You Understand That you can get First Class Fresh Groceries of all kinds of MARR & MUIR at very reasonable prices ? Why pay more ? at a very low price. J 1 Best Quality & ANDRESEN City Jewelers GROCERS 1 lu-"-',N' - t . I is r I . .,,,... , , ,. i .. ( t'vmmwftf ,El