GO ON THEIR MERITS. Wrecked at Taeoma With - Fifteen Men Aboard. SUFFERED A SWIFT DEATH Met Their Fate While Asleep-Captain and Mate Among Thole Loit Vessel Capsized During a Heavy Gale. 7 Taooma, Wash., Jan. 17. The most appalling marine disaster that has ever ocourred in the history ot Taeoma happened early this morning. During a terrific gale which swept over Puget sound, the British ship Andelana, an chored in this port, awaiting cargo, capsized, and Captain G. VV. Staling and his crew of 18 men, who were asleep beldw decks, were dragged down to a sailor's death without an instant's warning. The full list of those lost is as follows: Captain G. W. Staling, of Annapo lis, Nova Scotia; E. H. Crowe, aged 89 years, Londonderry, N. S., first mate; E. G. Doe. aged 23 years, 145 Essex Talbot Road, Blaokpool, England; Kerney Jossaim, Victoria, B. C, stew ard; Joseph M. A. D'Holyere, of Ost- end, Belgium, apprentice; Richard Reginald Hanze, of Ostend, Belgium, apprentice; Charles Smith, of United States, botswain; James Daly, of New York, boatswan; J. R. Brown, of Bar . badoes, cook; H. Hansson, Sweden, able seaman; Antone Jensen, Den mark, seaman; John Nielson, Noiway, seaman; E. Ostrom, Finland, seaman; Fred Hindstrom, Norway seaman; Edward Letz, Rega, Russia, seaman; August Sirnonson, Holland, seaman; Pat Wilson, St. John's, N. F., Sea man. Just what time the disaster which resulted in such appallling loss of life ocourred is not known, as every per son on board the vessel went to the bottom of the Sound with it. The ship, which was of English build, and worth probably $150,000, entered this port several days ago. She was to have loaded wheat under char ter to Eppinger & Co., of San Fran cisco, for Europe. Yesterday she was taken to the Eureka dock and all bal last removed and the hold oleaned, pre paratory to receiving cargo. She was then towed to a.i anchorage several hundred yards northeast of the St. Paul & Taeoma Lumber Company's deep-water wharf, at which point dis aster overtook her. She had out, ac cording to the best information ob tainable, the Btarboard anohor, weigh ing at least three tons, while to either side of the vessel were attached the ballast logs used to keep a ship upright during the absence of cargo or ballast. The ship was riding the wave serenely when the skippers of other vessels an chored close by retired the night before. When daylight dawned no Bigns of the Andelana were visible Over the spot where sho rode serenely at anchor the night before only a danger-signal buoy lamp was visible. When the absence of the ship was discovered, Captain Doty and Captain Burley took the tug Fairfield and made an investigation, and it was soon determined beyond possibility of doubtl that the ship had gone to the bottom. j One of the ballast logs was found. To it dangled part of the chain by which it was originally fastened to the ill-fated ship. In addition, one of the lifeboats, a matterss with the name of the ship on it, and several oats, weie found. Beyond these no other wreck age has been discovered. As all ou board perished, only sur mises as to the cause ot the disaster are prevalent. Judging from indica tions, shipping men say, the ballast log found was from the port. Bide of the vessel. She ship, according to all ao counts, was headed in a southerly di- rection, or toward the head of the bay, at the time the gale swept down the Sound. The heavy winds caused the ship to train on the chains, making the log on the weather side taut and giv ing a tendency to lift the log from the water, but the strain was too great for one of the chains, and it snapped. This released the towering craft fiom the greater restraint on the weather side, and she lifted "with the wind, and, there beine little restraint from the other end of the log, raised it enough to allow the right or mooring ohain to slip off. Thus freed from ballast and floating like a chip, the ship careened under the pressure of the heavy gale, and shipped great quantities of water, filling completely the hold and fore castle, causing her to capsize and sink to the bottom, all in a very few min utes. The situation was further aggravated by the fact that the tides were just setting in at the time the ship went down. This in all probability foroed the stem of the vessel around and ex posed the broadside to the gale's fury. late this afternoon the ill-fated ves sel was located. She lies on the bot tom of the Sound, on her broadside, under 23 fathoms of water, close by the spot where she had been anchored. Lived Over 100 Veart. Utica, N. Y Jan. 17. Mrs. Emily 3. Moseley, who would have been 102 years old had she lived until April, died at the Home for the Homeless tonight. Oregon Legislature Will Closely Con sider Appropriation Bills. Salem, Or., Jan. 14. The first week of the legislative session closes with 91 bills introduced and lead in the sen ate, and 184 in the house. The house passed the bill to add two judges to the supreme court, and there is little doubt that the measure will pass the senate in due time. Two notable re forms have been provided for to limit the number of committee clerks and to keep appropriations of doubtful merit out of the general appropriation bill. A bill to correct the committee cleik ship abuse further for future legisla tures is before the senate, and is likely to pass both houses. The ways and means coammittee will report not only a general appropriation bill and a spe cial appropriation bill, but will refuse to yoke with appropriations of un doubted merit those that are question able, making the latter bills stand in dividually on their merits befoie the legislature and the governor. WASHINGTON LAWMAKERS. VETO MESSAGES RETURNED. But Nevertheless the Situa tion Is Critical. NEWS OF NORTHWEST A REBEL ATTACK RIDICULOUS Good Results Are Expected From the Conference Betweeu Otis' and Agul naldo's Representatives. Miintc, Whose Rent Is Contested, Asks to Be Taken Off Committee. Olympia,' Jan. 14. Senator Mantz today asked to be excused from serving on the committee of elections and elec tion oontests, inasmuch as his seat was to be oontested, and that, in all proba bility, the matter would be referred to that committee. The chair stated that it was expected that the contest in Mantz' district would be referred to a speoial commit tee. He did not know but that a spe cial committee would yet be named. Mantz was made chairman of the com mittee on senate employes other than regular, and Paul, of that committee, was made ohairman of the election con test committee. Keith was transferred from the committee on fish to the com mittee on printing, exchanging places with Senator Biggs. Eight hundred and forty-two citizens ot Walla Walla petitioned for an as sembly hall in the Walla Walla state pen'tentiaiy. The request was made on tne ground of public morals, as it was churned an assembly hall for the inmates of the penitentiary would tend to improve their morals. For a State Road. Il the house a bill was introduoed by Mooie, establishing a state road down the Columbia river from Lyle, Klicki tat county, to Washougal, Clark coun ty, and appropriating $25,000 "therefor. A concurrent resolution relating to the wealth of Washington coal mines, and requesting the secretary of the navy to use Washington coal in prefer ence to British Columbia coal,and call ing upon eaid eecretary of the navy to notify the legislature if any reason ex ists why this cannot be done, was offered by Calvert, and adopted. House bill No. 78. offered by Bel ford, who moved its advancement to third reading after the title had been read. It is an appropriation bill, car rying $ 1,500 for the transportation of prisoners, $500 for transporting juve nile offenders, and $200 to pay travel ing expenses of superior court judges. On final passage it received by one neg ative vote and 64 affirmative. Senate concurrent resolution No. "2, authorizing the purchase of a suitable flag for the capitol, was taken up and passed under suspension of the rules. The senate concurrent resolution for the printing and publication of 2,500 copies of Governor Roger's message was passed. RAILROADS TO POOL ISSUES. Manila, Jan. 16. The situation here is undoubtedly critical,, but Major General Otis has it well in hand, and there is no such certainty of tiouble as many believe. The rebels are concen trated on the outskirts of the town, and their leaders have issued strict or ders that they shall act only on the de fensive.. An accident might precipitate trouble, but the idea of a rebel attack upon Manila is ridiculous, as ine Americans control the position. Aguinaldo has republished the seo ond manifesto in reply to the proclama tion of General Otis, which was re called on its first appearance, but it has proved ineffectual. On Wednesday, a false alarm, due to trivial incidents occurring simul taneously in opposite parts of the oity, led to a general call to the United States fdrces. In 15 minutes the en tire city was covered. The prompti tude of the Americans, while it created a scare for the moment, effectually re stored confidence throughout Manila, and dispelled the excitement' due to a passing fear on the part of the citizens that an outbreak was imminent. It is possible that the Filipinos, after the diplomatic conferences that have been held between the representatives of General Otis and Aguinaldo, have finally come to understand that the cautious and conservative policy of the Americans is not due to fear, and they may accept the inevitable with good grace. It is evident that at present they are unable to appreciate the full meaning of the independence demand ed, and when they do understand its extent, the American proposition will be acceptable. HOUSE PASSES ONE BILL. Report That Great Northern and North ern Pacific Have Combined. New York, Jan. 16. The Times says: The announcement of the settlement of recent disagreements between the Great Northern and the Northern Paciflo railroads proved to be one of the most interesting statements Wall street has lately had to consider and enthuse over. In Northern Pacific common slock there is reason to believe that a pool has been formed, including in its mem bership the strongest financiers of Wall street, among others, friends of J. P. Morgan, Governor Flower and John D. Rockefeller. This pool, credited with a capacity beyond any such recent combinations, is believed to have as the basis for its organization knowledge of plans which will practically make the Northern Pa ciflo and the Baltimore & Ohio one pioperty. Some reports, probably dis torted, have it even that Northern Pa cific property would actually absorb the B. & O. Under any circumstances, it is declared there will be direct man agement and personal supervision of policy by James J. Hill. Klondike at Home. Hillsboro, Jan. 16. While ditching on his beaverdam at Farmington, five miles southeast of this city, George Robinson struck a goldVearing quaita ledge which assays $42 to the ton. The ledge is between two and thiee feet in width. The lead runs north and south, pitching east. Near it are two other ledges, the rock from which Las not yet been assayed. The ledgo was discovered several days ago, but the matter was kept very quiet until today, and the only trouble to be encountered is in getting water. No gold had ever before been found at Farmington, but old miners considered the indications there very good. Senate Discusses the Question of Open Kxecutlve Session Washington, Jan. 16. The honse today passed the diplomatic and consu lar appropriation bill without an amendment. During the general de bate two set speeches were made against imperialism by Carmack and Gaines, of Tennessee. The diplomatic and consular bill is the sixth of the regular appropriation bills to pass the house. Seven budgets yet remain to be acted upon. The bill as passed car ries $1,751,533. Washington, Jan. 16. Little busi ness was tiansacted by the senate in open session today. Sixteen bills on the piivate pension calendar were passed, and a joint resolution extending the thanks of congress to Miss Clara Barton and other officials of the Red Cross Sooiety for their beneficent woik in Armenia and Cuba waB adopted. Cockrell entered a motion to recall the bill which passed yesterday, author izing the president to appoint Brigadier-General T. H. Stanton a major general, and place him on the retired list with that rank. At 5 o'clock the senate adjjurned. Debate In Open Sessions. Washington, Jan, 16. The support ers and opponents of the peace treaty in the senate had their first contest over that document today in executive session. While the debate technically was upon Senator Berry's motion providing for the consideration in open session, the entire question at issue was gone over to a considerable degree. The dis oussion continued from a few minutes past 1 until 5, when the senate ad journed foi the day without reaching a vote upon the Berry motion. Governor Rogers Sends the Wanted Documents to the Senate. Olympia, Wash., Jan. 18. Imme diately after the reading of the mintues in the senate, Lieutenant-Governor Daniels announced the standing com mittees. Plummer called for a committee of five to group the oommitteesand recom mend the number of clerks. Carried. High presented a memorial from Clark county settlers. He asked that the memorial be refeired to the com mittee on memorials, but that, inas much as a similar document had been introduoed in the house, he did not de Bire the state put to the expense of printing, the memorial. On motion of Yeend, V. C. Gray, of Stovens oounty, who is contesting the seat of Senator C. A. Mantz, was al lowed the privilege of the floor of the senate. The committee on the compensation of senate employes reported as follows: Secretary, $5; assistant secretary, $4.50; sergeant-at-arms, $6; assistant sergeant-at-arms, $4; minute, journal and enrolling, engrossing and assistant engrossing, bill and docket olerks and stenographer, $4 each; judiciary clerk, $4.50; pages, $2; all other employes, including committee clerks, $3.50. The vetoes or Governor Kogers on bills aoted upon since the adjournment of the last legislature were presented together with the names of the ap pointees of the governor.. The confir mation of appointees was made a spe cial order for January 20, at 11 A. M On motion of Megler, the vetoes were made a special order for January 17. The votes cover, among others, the gen eral appropriation bill. The ecep' tions are: "The appropriation of $35,' 500 for the Cheney normal sohool, $17,500 for tme maintenance of the Whatcom normal school, and $20,000 for the equipment and improving the grounds of tho said Whatcom norma sohool are hereby objected to and dis approveu, tne reason ior sucn uisap proval being Buch appropriations are opposed to a just public polioy at the present time. With these exceptions the bill is hereby approved." Senate bill 250 appropriated $1,745 for the relief of George W. Babcoek The governor's objections are: "From information and belief, I consider thi claim unjust. The claimant has his remedy in the courts." Senate bill 194, relating to tidelands the ohief executive considers unconsti tutional. The oommittee on grouping commit tees was named as follows: Plummer Wilshire, Paul, Megler and Carper, Items of General Interest Gleaned From the Thriving Facllln States. PACIFIC COAST TRADE. TO ORGANIZE A CABINET. Have) Clerk's Salaries Fixed. The first business of the day in the house after invocation by Rev. Hem L. Badger, reotor of St. John's, was upon the speoial order involving the adoption of the committee report scheduling salaries of employes. . Mr. Bellows submitted an amend ment horizontally reduoing the schedule 50 cents on eaoh employe, but allowing the proposed $3 extra compensation to the speaker to stand. Roll-call on the proposed amendment on salary of ohief clerk showed the relative strength to stand about 47 to 23 in favor of sus taining the committee. Afteronemore test ol stiength, the amendment waB withdrawn by Mr. Bellows, and the committee report waa adopted. The speaker was authorized, on mo tion of Smith of King, to employ a sec retary at a salary of $4 per day. Beala presented a petition from en gineers and steam users of Skagit and Snohomish counties for a law compell ing inspection of boilers. A resolution ' prevailed, offered by Gupderson,. calling upon the state land commissioner's offioe for informa tion concerning value of the state's granted capitol lands. The speaker ap pointed Gunderson, Minard and Bed ford as suoh committee, A memorial was offered by Daniels, praying for the pensioning of Indian war veterans. A Wheat Producer. Uniontown, Wash., claims for the southeastern corner of the Palouse oountry the distinction of being the greatest wheat-producing section of the world. Within a radius of six miles of that thriving town there were raised this year upwards of 1,500,000 bushels of wheat, with good crops of barley, oats, hay, vegetables, etc. Fall wheat averaged from 42 to 52 bushels to the acre and spring wheat 23 to 80 bushels. If any other ambitious cor ner of the world desires to contest honors for supremacy in grain-raising the opportunity is offered. , Telephone Kxtenslon. The Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone Company will soon oonneot Hailey, Idaho, with all prominent plaoes by long distance telephone. A line will be constructed from Boise to Camas Prairie, thenoe to Hailey by the Gold Belt, and then to Blackfoot. Hailey will be the headquarters of the '800 mile line between the Utah & North ern and Boise. Telephone lines are be ing extended over the prinoipal parts of Burns, Or., and the Prineville Tele phone Company is making extensive improvements. Hops. A contraot to sell 12,000 pounds of the 1899 hops at 10 cents per pound has been made by Daniel Cavanaugh to Faber & Neis, of Albany. Pros. peots for fair prices for this year's crop are very nattering. Hop men in Ore. gon who held their crops and thus oh tained better prices are now out of debt for the first time in several years, llorst Bros, bought several lots at North Yakima within 10 days at 12 and 13 cents. Advance In Kggs. Eggs are worth 50 oents a dozen at Colfax, Whitman countv. It would seem policy for the Whitman farmers to raise a million or two bushels less wheat and put in a few aores of hens. It. is muoh cheaper to raise a dozen eggs than a bushel of wheat, yet Whit man and other Eastern Washington counties, whioh produced nearly 15 000,000 bushels of wheat last year, import thousands of dollars' worth ol daily and hog products and eggs every year. Canyonvllle Industries. The growing and shipping of fruit inUhe vicinity ot Canyonville is now eo iar advanced as to uring in consider able of a revenue. Prunes, to the amount of 1,500,000 pounds have been sold at the average rate of over three cents per pound, bringing in over $48, 000. Shippers are now getting ready large consignments of winter apples, and the prevailing prioe for turkeyB is from 9 to 10g oents gross. Lime, sul phur and salt for spraying purposes are now in demand APPOINTMENTS CONFIRMED. General Brooke Has Decided to Four Civil Secretaries. Havana, Jan. 16. Gen. Brooke has carefully considered the formation of a cabinet of civil advisers, and has de elded to have four secretaries the first of state and government; the second of finance, the third of justice and publio instruction; and the fourth ol agricul ture, industry, commerce and publi works. Only prominent residents of the islands will be invited to join the cabinet . The governor-general has received acceptance from two. whoso names are reserved until all four can be an nounced. One of the othei two may be a Spaniard, though it is probable that all four will be Cubans. General Eagan Censured. Washington, Jan. 16. The war in- Storin In Switzerland. Berne, Switzerland, Jan. 17. A heavy gale is blowing today, accora;, vestigating commission today passed a panied in different parts of Switzerland resolution censuring Eagan for the by torrential rains and snow, preat 'language he used when he appeared to damage has been done. Many of the ' answer charges made against the corn- mountain passes are blocked, ami it is tuissary branch of the army by Miles, feared there will be serious avahnche disasters, The United States gunboat Helena reported at Port Said today, anfl, bar Ing coaled, proceeded on her fray to and returned to him the carefully pre pared typewritten statement which he left with the oommisnion after reading it to that bo4y. It is reported that General Egan has concluded to exclude the matter oomplained of. Oregon Soldiers Will Coins ITome. ' Washington, Jan. 16. Representa tive Tongue today saw Assistant Secre tary Meiklejohn and asked hira if the recent turn of events in the Philip pines would mean that the Oregon vol unteers would be retained in those islands longer than was originally In tended. He was informed that the outbreaks would not change tlie depart ment's plan, and that the Second Ore gon would be sent home as suon as re lieved by regulars. Chewiiig-Guiu Trust Formed. New York, Jan. 16. A combina tion of chewing-gum manufacturers of the United States was pracrtioally con summated today, when the last con tracts necessary to amalgamation were executed in this city. The capital in volved amounts to about $15,000,000. The naval board on promotion wi'l recommend that rewards he given to Ensigns II. II. Ward and W. VV. Buck, who acted as spies during the war witr Spain. Governor Geer's University Regent! Satisfactory. Salem, Jan. 13. Governor Geer sent to the senate this morning the ap pointment of Dolph, Bean and Senator William Smith, of Baker, as mem bers of the hoard of regents of the state university, and Holt as trustee of the SuhlierB' Home, the same as Governor Lord had named, and whioh were with drawn yesterday except Smith in place of Kincaid. The nomination of Smith "took the wind out of the sails" of the opposition to the governor, Selling expressed it, and instead oi a fight all were confirmed immediately. Two Additional Justices. Upon the assembling of the lions the committee on resolutions reported back a resolution providing for an ex emulation of the books of the state board ot school land commissioners, with an amendment that the commit tee be allowed only one clerk, at a sal ary of $3 per day. The resolution was adopted as amem'ed. After the first leading of the bill by Beach of Multnomah to regulate building and loan associations, Moody asked the consent of the house to take up and place on its third' reading the bill providing for relief of the supreme court, and an increase of the number of justices of the supreme court to five. The bill passed by a vote of 37 to 17. Bromine-Chlorine Plant. An innovation in mining that will be of the greatest value to the people of Eastern Oregon is the establishment at Baker City of a bromine-chlorine plant, for the working of refactory ores, which have hitherto been con sidered as worthless. The Goloonda plant, being erected by J. G. English and others, and which is expected to be in operation very soon, will increase to a great extent the busi ness of the Baker City merchants. Xlme Shipments. The Taeoma & Roche Harbor Lime Company, whioh is the chief lime works in the Northwest, shipped 100,- 000 barrels last year, against 90,000 in 1897. The increase was both foreign and local, and the president, J. S. Mo- Millin, says he expects an increase this year of at least 50 per cent, basing bii estimates on trade conditions and or ders now on band. This business is a fair indioator of the demand foi building material. FortLand Market. Wheat Walla Walla, 60c; Valley, 62c; Bluestem, 63o per bushel. Flour Best grades, $3.20; graham, $2.65; Buperfine, $2.15 per (barrel. Oats Choice white, 40 41c; choicf gray, 89 40c per bushel. Barley Feed barley, $2224; brew ing, $23.50 per ton. Millstuffs- Bran, $17 per ton; mid dlings, $22; shorts, $18; chop, $16.00 per ton. Hay Timothy, $910; clover, $7 8; Oregon wild hay, $6 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery, 5055o! seconds, 45 50o; dairy, 4045o store, 2530o. Cheese Oregon full cream, 12)ot Young America, 15o; new cheese, 10c per pound. Pouljirv Chickens, mixed, $2.253 per dozen; hens, $3.504.00; springs, $1.253; geese, $6.007.00 for old. $4.505 for young;' ducks, $5.00 60 per dozen; turkeys, live, 15 (g 16c per pound. ' Potatoes 70 85c per sack; sweets, 2c per pound. Vegetables Beets, 90c; turnips, 750 per sacK; garlic, 70 per pound; can bage, $1 1.25 per 100 pounds; cauli flower, 75o per dozen; parBnips, 75o per saok; beans, 8c per pound; celery 7075o per dozen; cucumbers, 50c pet box; peas, 83c per pound. Onions Oregon, 75c$l per sack. Hops 1517o; 1897 crop, 46o. ' Wool Valley, 1012o per pound; Eastern Oregon, 8 13c; mobair, 28c per pound. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and ewes, 4c; dressed mutton, 7c; spring lambs, 7o per lb. Eogs Gross, choice heavy, $4.25; light and feeders, $3.00 4.00; dressed, $5. 00 5. 50 per 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, 3.60$3.75; cows, $a.5U3.UU; dressed oeet. 1 6)0 per pound. Veal Large, 66c; Bmall, 78o per pound. ' Seattle Markets. Onions, 8590o per 100 pounds. Potatoes, 20$25.' Beets, per Back, 75c. Turnips, per sack, 60 75c. Carrots, per sack, 4560o. Parsnips, per sack, $1. Cauliflower, 50 90a per doz. Celery, 8540o. Cabbage, native and California $1.00 1.50 per 100 ponnds. Apples, 85 50c per box. Pears, 60c$1.50 per box. Prunes, 50o per box. Butter Creamery, 27o per pound; dairy and ranch, 1822o per pound. Eggs, 27c. Cheese Native, 1312c. Poultry Old hens, 14o per pound; spring chickens, 14c; turkeys, 16c. Fresh meats Choice dressed beel BteerB, prime, 87c; oows, prime, 6c; mutton. 7c; pork, 67o; veal, 68o. Wheat Feed wheat. $22. Oats Choice, per ton, $24. Hay Puget Sound mixed, $9.00 11; choice Eastern Washington tim othy, $15. -. Com Whole, $23.50; cracked, $24; foed meal, $23.50. Barley Rolled or ground, per ton, $252U; whole, $22. Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.50; straights, $3.25; California brrnds, $3.25; buckwheat flour, $3.75; graham, per barrel, $3.60; whole wheat flour, $3.75; rye flour, $4. Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $14; shorts, per ton, $18. Feed Chopped feed, $2028 pei ton; middlings, per ton, $17; oil cake meal, per ton, $35. Ban Francisco Market. Wool Spring Nevada, 1012opef pound; Oregon, Eastern, 1012o; Val ley, 15 17c; Noithern, 9ll0. Millstuffs Middlings, fl831.00; bran, $15.60 18.60 per ton. On ion s Si 1 verskin , 50 7 5c per sack. Butter Fancy creamery, 28o; do seconds, 25 26c; fancy dairy, 28o; do seconds, 2023o per pound. Eggs -Store, 25 30c; fancy ranch, 84 870. Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia, 2.60; Mexican limes, $6ig)8.60; Call- Big Cargo to the Orient. The N. Y. K. steamshiD Rioinn Maru sailed from Seattle last week for : fornia lemons, $2. 00. 800; do ohoioe, the Orient, with one of the heaviest . $3.604.60; per box, cargoes ever taken from that port The freiuht inoluded 4,000 bales of cotton, 13 carloads of pig lead, 14 cars of wood pulp, besides a great quantity of fioul and miscellaneous goods. Anothei cargo soon to be shipped to the same port will contain 700 tons of salted salmon, brought over from the Fraser liver. Bids for County Bonds. The couty commissioners of Gal latin county, Mont., reoeived bids last Monday for the purchase of funding bonds to the amount of $187,000. These bonds are made payable in 20 years, and are to bear Interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually in the city of Bozeman, The oounty reserves the right to redeem any of the bonds after 10 years, by giving 80 days' notice. Flax Industry Growing. A result of recent agitation through out Oregon for the cultivation of flax, as a commercial commodity, is the lowing of a considerable aoreage this fall to flaxseed. The Portland Linseed Oil works is furnishing seed to farmers on application, agreeing to take tboir pay from proceeds of crops raised, for which orop they will contraot at prices that mean handsome returns. The Seven Devils. It is ourrently believed that the Northern Paoi Ho is making strenuous efforts to establish a line to connect with the Seven Devils railroad, and thus tap a rich copper region.' The Northwestern Railway Company has also three crews of surveyors in the field, and is preparing the way for graders from Huntington to the Ox bend of Snake river, and from there to the Peacock mine. There are now ! 28 O. R. & N. surveyors working from Keating, on Lower Powder river, to Eagle valley, arranging for the con struction work from Baker City to Seven Devils. Flan to Modernize Home. Rome, Jan. 13. The Marquis di Medici has prepared for the govern ment his plans of a project to make Rome a seaport. He estimates the cost at $12,000,000. Medici is ene of the wealthiest men in Italy, and is prominent as an engineer. He has al ready executed gigantio works regulat ing the flow of the river Tiber, at a cost of over $60,000,000, and con structed a number of railroads and other feats of engineering. A Good Showing. The Whatoom creamery has turned out 83,840 pounds of butter, or over lb tons since May 1, 1898. Patrons de liver their cream and receive 24 cents per pound for the butter yielded. The , sum ol $8,802 has thus been paid out to Whatcom oounty residents since May. The creamery will continue in opera lion all winter. It is said that the eleotrio cabs in New York city did a recoid business during the blizzard and proved their entire efficiency. Hew Bank Proposed. A new bank, the second in the town, fs new project now being planned for Lewiston, Mont. The capital is ex pected to be $100,000, of which amount Fergus county people have already subscribed for $00,000 worth. Goorge Bach, formerly Of Utica, will be cah ier, and the principal promoter! are II. Hodgson, David Hilger, Herman Otten and Louis Landt. The bank will open its doou in perhaps a week r two. The Golden Spike. February 1 the oitizons of Globe; Ariz., will celebrate the completion to. that point of the Gila valley, Globe & Northern. The regulation golden spike will be driven, and the citizens ot Globe will make the event an auspi cious ope. The probabilities are that the Southern Pacific will make special rat. its to Globe from all points between Los Ailgeles and El Paso, and that the inhabitants of that section of country will t'Jtn out in gala attire. the Philippines.