y r 11 OREGON CITY COURIER OREGON CITY HERALD CONSOLIDATED. ' A. CHENEY Publisher If . PUBLISHED WEEKLY. Entered In Oregon Citypoatoff.ee as 2ni)-ol matter SUBSCRIPTION RATES. If paid In advance, per year 1 Blx months Three monlhs'lrlal 25 The date ODDoslte vonr address on the paper donolea t be time to which you hate paid . PATRONIZE HOME IJNDD8TBT. OREGON OITYj I iN. 13, 1899. TO DELINQUENT SUBSCRIBERS. If you are two years in arrears for subscription to the Couribb-Hbrald your attention is hereby called to the notice sent you on December 1st. Un less some arrangement is made in re gard in settlement we will proceed to collect as stated in said notice. We give yon the best paper in the county and cannot afford to publish papers merely to get a "list" as some papers are doing, SOME OF THE CARDINAL TENETS OF THE COURIER-HERALD. Recognition of the Right of the People to Rule, '. The Initiative and Ref erendum. Creation and Maintenance of an Honest Measure of Values. Government Ownership and Operation f Railroad, Telegraph and lelephone Lines. Postal Savings Bnnks. Opposition to Trusts. Opposition to Alien Ownership of Land and Court-made Law. Tub trusts that are hatched out from day to day, organized under the shelter ing protection of the tariff and tricked out with Jersey charters, ought to be called "Ding'ey chickens." Philadel phia Record. Col, Rooshvklt's plurality for gove -nor is officially given at 17,786. This is not great in a total poll of 1, 350,00a votes, but "'tis enough, 'twill serve." The governor elect lacked 13,256 rf a majority of all the perfect ballots cast. Tokto Rico is no place for a poor man Hawaii is no place for a poor man Manilla is no place for a poor man comes to us from over the ocean with damnable iterutioi . Of course not, there is no place for the poor this side of .hades. But what is the use of ac quirement of foreign territories unless some of them are ueeful as an asylum (or the victims of the gold stand rl and sound money? Will womlurs never cease? The na tional board of trade committee on postul affairs has repotted a resolution favor ing the establishment of postal saving banks by the government. When such bodies favor a move of this kind it is cleat ly evllent that the sentiment in behalf of such things most be growing and Cushman can now Introduce the measure as instructed by bis platform without fear of ca ling down thewraih of all the republican party ou his head. GiiNKit.u, Mn.na says that but for the efforts of James Hamilton Lewis, who acted as volunteer" aid without pay, thousands of pounds of bad beef which had been packed for the soldiers to eat, would not have been discovered. It will now be in order for the papers that lied about Col. Lewis during the cam paign to prove their manhood by pub lishing the statement of Gen. Miles or everlastingly establish the fact that they re unworthy of the confidence of the people who read their ci Limns, Thursday Ut Uov. Lord, Secretary of Suite Kincaid and Stale Treasurer Motschan, sitting an a board of tax-levy formally determined a state tax levy of live und seven teiiih mills (.0 7) upon the asst'SH-d valuations of the state The total Miuotiut of the net taxable property in the state, as repor'ed to the etate department i 577, hii.I 4he stiito levy ou that am tint of money will aggregate a total etuto nix of $7iil, 141.39, This is a material increase over the levy nude in 18J4 when the total taxable property in the. state was re turned ot 134,017,10h, on hich aSlj miiKjev -.isea a revenue, for etule purposes, of $ 172,,.'0 ),8(i or an increase over last ymr, of $288 UJl.fij. C'Ucka- in its enmity's taxallo property amounts to $4,109, 620. Pkkhidkst Mi ICixi.kv In his Savannah speech sai l : "Our finaiieul and revenue policies cannot b changed for at leavt lour years, and mhaiuvir legislation may be had affecting them during that period will bo to improve and strengthen, not uestroy them. All of which is lortunnto tor the country, for every in terest and for every section." Just how every citi&en'a prosperity Is to be promoted by licking revenue i,... . .. . euimps, in a mnion 10 the other bur dens ho must bear, Mr. McKinley may be aole to tell us. It the absence of this proof, we shall be constrained to ... r ... -- "vu pleasant to thetaxte. Sold by Drotfiiieta perpetrating a republican joke on the J in every part of Ihe Wot Id. Twenty country, to-wit;the great number of Ave cents a bottle. Its value i in takes, the more prosjerous a people ' raleulable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. neare. I uisow a Soothing Syrup, and take no ' other kind. LEGAL ARBITRATION ZEALAND. IN NEW The following is the official report of a decision by the court in New Zealand in a labor dipute, taken from the Jour nal of Deparimont of Labor, Welling ton, New Zealaud. . . ' ! ; i . '. NAGOIORA BiriDINQ TIIADIS. In the matter of an induatrial dis pute btt ween the Rangiora Branch No. 2, of the Canterbury carpenters and Joiners' Industrial Association herein after called "the said association") and Hany Cook, Boyd and Keir, William Wodey, George Thompson, James Withers, Thomas Burnett, Colin Shel ton, and John Forbes ("hereinafter called "the employers"), referred to the said court under section 46 of "The Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, 1894." Toe court, after hearing the associa tion by its representatives and the said employers, do hereby award . as fol lows: Wages The minimum rate of wages for a tradesmen competent for the work in which he is employed shall be 9s, per day, from date, the 10th October, 1898, to the 31st December, 1898; and from the 1st January, 1899, the wages be 108. per day. Men wbo are con- sidered to be unable to earn the mini mum wage shall be paid such lesser sum, if any, as the committee of em ploye! s and workmen, if shuch should be established, shall agree uuon, or otherwise it shall be fixed by the chair man of the board of conciliation. Hours. Ferty fours hours shad con stitute a week's work. At all time work beyond eight hours on the first five days of the week and four hours on baturJay, also holidays viz: New ear's dav, Good Friday, Easter Mon day, Queen's birthday, Prince of Wales birthday, Arbour day, Christmas day, and Boxing day be paid for at the rate of time and a quarter for the first lour uouis, and time and a half afterwards. Kule 4 Itiat all men sent to a coun try job shall be conveyed or have their traveling expenses, and their time paid for going and returning, and an addi tion of 10 per cent to their wages when the distance necessitates lodging; but where the board and lodriug is provided by the employer the 10 per cent, not to appiy. Rule 5. The suburban limit for men walking to iheir work shall be two miles from their employer's yard. The time limit for men being driven to work shall be 7 :30 a. m. at the Bhop ; bej oud that distance Rule 4 to apply. Rule 0. Employers shall emp'oy members of ihe Canterbury Carpenters and Joiners' Association, liangiora Branch, No 2, in preference to non members, provided that the members of the union are equally qualified with non-members to perform the particular work required to be done, and are ready and Hilling to undenake it. Where non-members are employed there shall be no distinction between members and non-members; both shall work together in harmony, and both shall work uudi r the same conditions and receive equal pay for equal work. Any dispute under this rule, if it cannot be settled by the committee alwve referred to, shall be decided by ti e board of luncil ation. The award t remain in force opto and inclusive of the 6th day of Jti'y, 18U9. A duplicate of this award sha'll be tiled in the Btip eine court, C hrist- church. And this court doth further award and order tht, as between the said as sociation and the members thereof and the said employers, the terms and con- ditionsvbefore-mentioned (shall be bind ing upon the said association and every member thereof, re psctivety and the said employers und every and each of them respectively, shad do. observe, and pe form ev ry matter and thine by the said terms and conditions on it or his part reqiiTid to be done, observed, or performed, and shall not do any thing in contravention of the said tenus and conditions. In witness thereof the seal of the said court has lieen heteunto atlixed, and the presidi nt of the said court has hereon o st his hand, this 10th day of October, 1898. I.E. Dknnist'-n, Pres. Some New Zealand punishments for violation of labor laws. LEGAL DhCIHIONB DURING OCTOBER, 1898. Wellington One case under the fac tories act, for employing lad under six teen years of age befoie8a. m.; pen alty, 1 10s.. with 1 8s. cos's. Two cases under the shop and shoo-asais tants ant, for employing carters on the halt holiday ; t wo charges, As the de 'endatit had been only a few days be fore convicted (or a similar offence, he was now fined 2, with I 8s costs, on the tlrst charge, and t'l, with 1 6s. costs, on the second. th istchurch. Oi.e case under the factories act. for failing to grant the Ha urday afternoon holiday to to girls; penalty. 1, with 1 8j eosU. Two c.ise.t und. r the shops and shop-assis tants act one lor liitrtkuiii noo.ls on the hall-holiday, th other failii'm inclo-e tin the ball-holiiiay. l'ei, allies, l, wiui il as. coNls, in each case. Two Minimis a Wiir. When peipln buy, try.'iud buy aaain, it means they're (intinul. Tim ptpie of the United Stales are imw buying CajearetH Tandy Onthsriic at tii tmv ol two million boxes a ytur and it will be tlnve niitlinn before titw Yeais. It means merit proved, that Cascareta are Ihe most delightful h myl regulator for eveivhoity the yenr round. All dine gist in, '.', o0e a box, euie enatauteed. Biioklcn's Arnica Salve. Tiiie Bkst Salvkih the world for Cuts, BrnisHS, Sorea, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Teller, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Con s, and all Sain Eruptions, and positively cures Tiles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to ive peifect satisfaction or money re linded. Price 25 cents per bo. Foi sale by Charman & Co. For Over Fifty Yeare AnOi.dand Wklu-Tiiiei) Kkmroy Mrs. Winslow's Soothing tyrup has been used for over tlflv years by mil lions of mothers forllieir children while teething, with perfect anwess. it soothes the child, softens the gums allays all pain, cnies wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. U Extremely Weak Deficient Blood Causes Loss of Appetite and Final Break Down Hood's Carsaparllla Cures. " I lost my appetite and about all I lived on was Iced lemonade. My strength was all gone. I was so weak I could hardly cross the floor. At last I was taken very sick. One physician told me my blood was all gone and he gave me medicine but It did not help me. I had pretty much lost all faith In medicines, but thought I would get one bottle ot Hood's Barsapa rilla and try it. After taking that bottle I was much better, and so I got two more bottles and after taking them I was well, but to be sure of it, I kept on taking Hood's Barsaparilla until I bad used In all five bottles. It has done unspeakable good to me and I wish all my suffering sisters would try it." Mas. A. Evxbsbn, Wedderburn, Oregon. Remember Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the best hi foot the One True Blood Purifier. Bold by all druggists. Price, 11; six for 15. .. ri- are tasteless, mild, effeo 1100(1 5 KlllS tire. AU druggists. Me. Progressive Business Men Insure in a first-class companies j; With an experenced agent. Shall we tell you why ? F. E. Donaldson, Agent fire and Accident insurance 1 1 World ana Conrier-Heraia $1,85 Oregon'an and Courier-Her- ,ld $2. Plumblni of a house ahouil be mndionlyby those skilled to thai buntnes. A poor jciu menus untoia trouble ana experience. F. C. GADKE The World Almanac and Encyclopedia A for 1899 AND Illustrated History of the Spanish American War a9 a? jJ t! J READY FOR SALE , EVERYWHERE k! JANUARY st 899. J js ja jft 1 jfc jl jfc jl jfr j$ j s Together with The Battle Calendar of the Republic Compiled by EDGAR STANTON MACLAY Historian of thaU.S. Navy. THE STANDARD AMERICAN ANNUAL PRICE 25 CENTS. PostpaU to tar addrtac. THE VORIO, PultUct BoiliSnf, NFV YORK. COMMERCIAL BANK of OREGON CITY CAPITAL $100,000 Trunsncts a General Bsnklng Business Loan mndc. Sills discounted. Miikca ool- Iwtions. Iiuys and sells exchange on all poiuu In the United atates and Europe and nn Hong Kong. Deposits received sul'Jerl tocbeck. Bank open trom S A J. to 4 P. M. D.C.LAlODRtllB, FEED J. MEYER, fresideut. vasiuar, C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE ATTORNEYS AT LAW Commercial, Beat Estate and Probate Law Specialties " Office in Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY OREOOM Oko. C. BmowMiLi i. U. Cmraau BROWNELL & CAMPBELL ATTORNKTS AT LAW Canfleld Building Oregon City, Or W. S. U'REN ATTORNKY AT LAW, Jaggar Building, opposite Huntley's, OREGON CITY - - OREGON C. SCHUEBEL ATTORNEY AT LAW Dtutfctt Stboolat OREGON CITY OREGON THOS. F. RYAN Notary Public and Real Estate Broker LBADIlte IMSTJKAXCB AORHCY OF OLACKIKAI County MoneftoLoan. Abstracts ot Title Hade Drawing ol Legal Documents a Specialty Office on east aide of VsJi street Between tth and vfh OREGON GITY, . OREGON M. C. STRICKLAND, M. D. ( Hospital and Private Iiperlenee.) Offers hti professional serrlcea to the people of Orcon City and vicinity. Special attention paid to (;ainri o ana i iironic aueasei. Best of references given. Office in Willamette Building. Office hours: 10 to 1J a. m., 4 to p. m. OBEOON CITY .... OREGON 3. 8. Sbamann, M. D. J. W. POWM.L, M. O POWELL & SEAMANN, PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS. All calls attended promptly. Office in urs: 8 to 11 a m; lto5p.ua. Nog. 9 and 10 Oh.ui.man Block. DR. GEO. IIOEYE, DENTIST. Office In Caufteld Building, Main Street, Oregon Oitv. l5mraK AND Clt'lWN Wokk a Ppkcialty. All work warranted and satisfaction guaranteed. I)R. J. II. MILLER, DENTIST, Seventh Street, near 8. P. Depot, Jitkaei City, Okbgon DR. FRANCIS FREEMAN DENTIST. Graduate of the Northwestern Univer sity Di ntal School, also of American Col lege ol lX'ntal Surgery, of Chicago. with db. wbih. Willamette Block - Opposite Pottoffwe Orkqos City, Oregon. 0. N. GREENMAN ( Established 1805 1'UK rioNKKR EXPRESSMAN AND mtAYM.VM Parct Is I'elivercd to All Parts of the City 300S CITY .... 0KEGOS RANK OE OREGON CITY '1.1IOT BANKING HOUSE IN THE CITY PAID UP CAPITAL. ftu.OOO.OO SVJiPlUS fSOfiSOM resident, Ice president ashier, Chas. H. Ciun.iED Gso. A. TIakdins E. O. Causulb General Banking Business Transacted Deposits Received Subject to Check. Approved Bills and Notes Discounted. County and City Warranti Bought. Loans Made on Available Securilv Exchange Bought and 4uld. CoIV'tioni Made Promptly. Drafts Sold Available tn Any Part of the VorM. Telegraphic Exchange Sold on Portland, San 'raiu-tsro chtca? an! New York. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. cblitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY, OREGON, Ontha Street betwsea the Bridge sndth Depot. Double and single rlga and saddle horses a ayaonhand at the lowest rates, nd aoorcs lo connected with the barn for loose ftoclr "it Information regarding any kind of IM0i tomptly attended to by letter or person. HORSES BOUGHT Oil SOLD. W. II. YOUNG'S Livery & Feed Stable Hi-8 the lst looking rigs and cheup. at rates iu the city. Cor. Main and 4th St. OREGON CITY. OREGON THE BEST VALUE Make Yourself Sure...... The new year is upon us and you cannot tell what we have in store for you. We know what we have in store for you u you win only come and get it. The lime will fly so do our bargains, and if you don't grasp your opportunity as it presents itself, some other man will get what you might have had KRAUSSE BROS. Christmas Is Past But you want good flour for your bread and pastry. The best is made by the Portland Flouring Mills Company and SOLD HAERIS' GROCERY. Fresh Stock of Fiist-Class Depot for HAY nd FEED H. STRAIGHT, Also M line cf Mill Feed, Look at Your Houses M?.1!? ? If you haven't got time, calf on G. REDDAVVAY. He will do you an honest jub at a reasonable price. A full stock of Paints and Oils kept on hand. Call and see him before buying your order. Paper Hanging and Kalsomining d ne to potation. All work guaranteed. GEO. REDDAWAY '""rjcisr;,. TSole Agent In Clajkantas County for OUR NATIVE HERBS. FOR The Weekly Oregonian And the Coiuier-irerald FOR - ONE - YEAR in all lines of Groceries have been found here during the past year. In. 1899 we intend to redouble our efforts toward securing the finest thejattd produces and also toward , making prices which will' compel' the economically inclined to trade with us. 5 In our Bakery Department can be found everything in the line of choice Pastry and the best Bread in the city made fresh every day. HEINZ & CO., Bakers and Qrocera Opposite Poetoffice, Oregon City BY ALL GROCERS Do You Understand That you can get First Class Fresh Groceries of all kinds of MARR & MUIR at very reasonable prices ? Why pay more ? THE LEADER OF LOW PRICES GROCERIES Willamette Block, Oregon City 1 Dealer In- ' 1 Groceries and Provisions. Ltee, Cement an3 Land Flas'cr. $2.00 1 mutt, iininnw n