Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, January 13, 1899, Image 5

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Proceedings -of the Regular Jaw
ary Session.
Thos. F. Ryan, Judge; S. F. Marks,
Richard Morton, Commissioners.
Be it resolved that at a regular term
of the county court for the the countv of
Clackamas for the state of Oregon, 'be
gun inl Oregon Citv, in said county and
state Tuesday, the 3rd day of January,
1899, the same being the first Tuesday
in said month and the time fixed by law
for holding a rerrnlar term of said court.
Present, Hon. Thoa. F. Ryan, judge;
Elmer Dixon, clerk; J. J. Cooke,
Whereupon a term of aid court is be
Uan and held on Wednesday, the 4th
day of January, 1899, the same being
the first Wednesday of the first
"Monday !? eaid month and the time
flxfd Vy law for the first day; ot
eaia term bf court for the transaction of
business: Present, Thomas F. Ryan,
judge; 8. F.r Marks and J. R. Morton,
commissioners; Elmer Dixon, clerk;
and J. J. ooke, sheriff. 1
The court convened according to law
and now on this dav the following busi
ness was had to-wit!
In the matter of cfaims filed against
Clackamas county, allowed.
Bruce 0. Curry, assessors acct..$ 20 00
. Stout, " ., .... 1M8QQ
Ida Stoat, "": " 64 00
0. Schuebcl, selecting jury list 3 00
John Bradlevv " " i nn
J, W. Grout, , "v " ",
State vs. Harry Brown : ;
O. Schubel, J. P. fees
M. F. McCown, constable fees. . ,
F.T. Griffith, dept. diet, atty, .
State vs. Fred Rakel : .
V. Schuebel, J P, fees. .. . ......
M. F. McGown, constable fees. ,
2 00
2 95
1 09
2 50
J? &. Vllliutii, uepi. uioi,. miy...
State Vs., Henry Clark :
13. Schuebel, J. r. fees
Chas. E. Burns, const.;
G, B. Dimick, dept. dist. atty. . .
Post morten examination of
Schiewe, deceased :'
Coroner 1 day and mileage
U ' ... . '...... . ...... n . .
4 45
5 00
5 00
6 60
Diet Atty 1 day ana mileage.
6 60
Inquest Mrs. Ed. Brown, deceased
Witness fees :
Ed Brown 1
Laura Engle 1
Mrs. Minnie Anthony 1
Mrs. Mollie Brown 1
Dr. J. W. Powell 1
Dr. E. A. Sommers.
Hiram Straight ....
Elmer E. Oharman.
G. H. Young
R. D. Wilson
B. 8. Bellomy
Geo. A. Harding.,..
Autopsy :
Dr. E. A. Sommers.
1 20
1 20
1 50
1 20
1 20
1 20
10 20
Coroner :
Subpceueas, dispositions, etc.... 29 02
T. H.Miller, serving subpceneas
and mileage., 4 20
Summoning jury .... 2 20
Attending court 60
Isaac Allison inquest witness lees
C. E. NaBh.
J. Baxter 1
J. L. Waldron 1
Geo. A. Harding 1
G. H. Wishart 1
T. M. Miller 1
W. H. Savage 1
Geo. Hoeye 1
G. H. Young 1
Coroner :
M. C. Strickland fees 12
District Attorney :
G. B. Dimick
Ed.Si.aw, fees, ;..
J. F. Bowman, circuit court.
H. Gans. circuit court
5 20
4 80
5 80
2 00
James Rouke, circuit court 8 00
James Roake & Co., court Jhousa 4 92
Telephone Co. , 3 75
Irwin Hodson & Oj, stationery. . 29 00
E. A. Pierce, pauper denied
F. Williamson, pauper 5 00
R. L. Russell,-pauper.:., 7 00
Pope & Co. road and bridge 22 90
?, Hankins, sheriff 10 50
Carll & .Sommers, Co. physcians 97 50
Press, printing..,. ? 60
EnterprUe, printing....... .... 2o 40
J A Randolph, etui. J. P.court 7 00
H Breithaupt, et al, J. P.court 7 00
w Stra a it. pauper v w
R. u. Hoi man, pauper
t i rv-iUft. sheriff
10 00
17 87
52 00
55 66
4 60
D. H. Glass, expert...
Will L. Miller ' ..... .....
G. Criteser, pauper acct..
O. O. Hospital, pauper, $23.50
.' over.
A. Robertson, et al, pauper
account, $9.71 denied
James Kent, et al, Toldemier case,
claimed, 113 40 113 00
Oourier-Herald, printing claimed
15 40 allowed 14 00
Ohss. Moehnke, 40.60 laid over
C N. Greeman, pauper 2 00
H. A. Webster, J. P. court $6.75 laid
H. A. Webster, J. P. court $6.75 laid
over. "
H. A. Webster, J. P. court $28.45 laid
In the matter of the appointment of
deputy assessor. John G. Porter ap
pointed as said deputy.
In the matter appointment of road
supervisor for the year 1899, it is hereby
ordered that all petitions shall bo filed
with the clerk of his court. All such
petitions filed at this January terra
shall be referred to some competent
and disinterested person, to be here
after selected by this court, after taking
the following oath;
"I, tJeorge L. Story, being first duly
W-irtt State that 1 will taiihfuily com
pare the several ',road petitions referred
to me With the assessment roll of this
fcorintv for the yeai 1898, and will faith
tully credit on each of said petitions to
each petitioner thereon, which roll
ahnma to a roaiiiant of said road district
he amount of taxes paid by him in said
Hiatrict. nn his property therein
.u n tn ha in' said district : that I will
make a complete and correct total of
.mnnt nf said taxes represented by
each of said petitions, and will make a
ronnrt of the same to this
I fnr'hemore state that 1 will
make this examination and work with
out being influenced or assisted by any
person or persons interested in said pe
titions ; and that I will not in any man
ner allow any person or persons to be
come acquainted with tne result oi r
investigation in regard to any ol jj
petitions until the sama ha t re
ported to and acted npon by lh'u collrt ,,
G a I groRV"
8wora an I mbscritje I tr, iUtn ffl
this 4th day of January, y.
,, .Euli! 'jJixos, Cler' .
Bv E, H. Cwrsa, Deputy. '
Paid person will then proceed to com
pare the several petitions with said as
sessment roll, as set out by above oatn,
and shall report his findings under seal
of this court; said report shall be
Opened when the court convenes on
Wednesday, January lUh, 1899, and
whoever is shown by said report of said
person selected to make the investiga
tion referred to, as being indorsed bv
the majoiity of property of resident tax
payers in each road district shall be
appointed by this court as road super
visor of said district.
In the matter of the petition of O.
Spingler, et al, tor work on subscription
list for work on Molalla road denied
In the matter of the petition from
road district So. 2, to defer appointment
of supervisor in their district until Feb
ruary term denied. .
In the matter of the petition for divi
sion of road districts No. 18, 34; and 8.
Laid over till February term.' - " -Ii
the matter of application of John
Irvin for release of oouaty1 Islii for
taxes of '92-'93 03 lots 6 to 36, block 73 :
Minthora addition to Portland. Ordered
that clerk release the same on pay
mnet of $80 by Mr. Irving
In the matter of purchase of a set of
Oregon reports for county and Hill's
code for Commissioner Morton. Judge
ordered to purchase same. ,
In the matter of appoint! n? 'a man to
examine and report on . Petitioners for
road supervisors.
rge L. Story ap-
pointed. ;
In the blatter of contingent fund.
Ordered that $450 be transferred from
coni'.ngent fund to general fund.
' In the matter of the claim of Ridinea
& Son against Perkle. Referred to Mr.
Perkle with a request that be settle with
Rldirigs .k Son.
in the matter ot the experts room on
co'leclion of taxes, 1897. -
Report of experts on sheriff s report
for collection of taxes 1897 filed i and it
appearing from same that with four ex
ceptions of a few minor mistakes in
apportionment to ditterent . lunds. the
sheriff's reports were correct. It was
ordered that the same be approved and
filed with the report of the experts:
In the matter of the reports of road
supervisors for the month of December.
, i Fbiday, Januaey 6, 1898. -In
the matter of commissions and
bills from H. S. Strange in regard to
bills left by Mrs. Weston, a former
county charge. Ordered that a warant
be drawn in favor of ti. S. Strange for
$8 lor amount due biin in full of care of
Mrs. M. J. Weston, a county charge.
In the matter of correction of super
visor district and road district on as
sessment roll by clerk.
Whereas, it appearing to the court
that there are some clerical errors In
assessment roll as reported by the
assessor, in the matter of property
credited to the different road and school
districts and the several municipalities
tne lanas ana propejty lying within
their several boundary lines, it is here
by ordered, that the county clerk is
hereby authorized, empowered and in
structed ;to make the necessary changes
in assessment roil as turned over to
him to properly distribute among the
different supervisors and road districts
and the several municipalities of the
county the properties assessed upon
roll so that each of said districts and
municipalities shall have the proper
credit tor all property lying within the
legally defined lines ot same.
Road district No. 1. Work on Baker's
Ferry road :
Harry Gifford, labor. ..... $ 4 60
W. 8. Payne, labor 2 00
P. C. Spooner, labor 12 00
W. H. Counsell, labor 10 00
W. H. Counsell, team 7 50
Road district No. 2.
A. Mather, nails................ 3 75
J. B. Cramer, labor 12 00
H. Knox, labor 15 00
P. T. Davis, labor 15 00
T. Roots, labor 15 00
A. Oomblin, labor 15 00
C, Mull, labor 9 00
C. K. Cramer, labor 18 00
Wo. Crocker, labor 6 75
M. Hubbard, labor 4 50
Max Webster, labor 7 50
E. Hnbbnrd, labor..... 6 00
J. T. Robinson, labor, , 6 00
F. Talbert, labor.. 7 50
Tong Foster, labor 8 25
J. B. Gramer, bridge work 8 00
C. Moll, bridge work 2 25
0. K. Cramer, bridge work 12 00
J. Welch, bridge work 5 85
J, W. Whfte, bridge work 5 85
J. Howlett, bridge work , 4 80
F. Gage, bridge work 1 60
Road district No. 2. Cut and fill on
Deon Qreek fill and bridge :
Powder 5 00
Warren Greenwell, labor - 22 00
Earl Tong, labor..... 27 75
Marion Jlinkle. labor 22 00
Elliott Preston, liibor 22 00
Ed Burghart, labor 22 50
Ed Wagner, labor 4 33
W. W. Cooke and team 65 50
Irvin HawK, labor 27 00
A. W. Cooke, iabor 33 00
John Hinkle. labor 20 25
John Hinkle, team 10 bO
J. R. Morton, labor 2 50
Chas Bur.hart and team 7 50
Chas Burghart, labor 4 50
Raising approach , 16 00
. Road district No. 4.
Brack-smithing 1 00
Nails 3 15
H. F.Corwin, labor,, 7 00
H. P. Corwin, teitn.... 4 50
F. J. Harkinrider. labor 6 00
Gun Wilcox, labor 4 50
J. E. Arlege, labor 75
J, O- Linn, labor 1 50
Road district No. 5.
Lumber , 23 90
A. Veatch,' labor 150
A. V. Veatch, team 2 00
O. Aeinrslugger, labor 2 00
O. ierar8lug(er, team... 2 00
O. Richey, tea m 2 00
James Richey, labor 3 00
D. Uidderman, labor 1 00
W. Richey.i labor 2 00
J. A. Richey. labor 3 00
J. A. Richey, on T. L Rugg roaJ 2 r
Straus & Johnson, lumber 0
J. A. Richey, epUes
Road district tfo 7 i .
John Kylef, labot
Ernii Aschoff abor...
OttO ASOff labor ,
Adslt Aschoff 1' .; 1 " ' V '
C. Mins' zvt volunteer-tW
""J district N.i. 9 L
nk Ahnert labor:,,
inrmaa Lins rWb)r.
Road dmtnciG. ',3 .
W. H. onnejr ms d p'ank
noau mearu.e a qw 15.
R. H. Tater If'
(jeore.Kiaf r j,,bor..
Elmer Frost labor 2 25
Edward Schmidt
3 00
Henry Joehnke 4 50
K. H. Taber nans
R H Taber work on bridge .....
George Kidder work on bridge. .
Henry Freeman work on bridge.
Road district No 16:
W Sj Rider labor
J Burgoy ne labor.
F Burgoyne labor
Fred Chinn labor...,'..;. ......
Jonah Pennman labor....
E Veteto labor
Road district No. 17 :
Adam Knight labor . ..... . . . . .
H Gillinore labor
H Smith labor.
Jake Erel labor
James Frieraer team. ...........
D R Dimick. .. .
Road district No 18:
Moehnke, Helt & Co lu mber. . . .
E W Hornshuh labor.....
J Shannon labor.' . . ....... t. ..
W Owens labor, ,,.t,
Vol Bohlender labor . .. .. .i. .
E W Hornshuh labor
B Shenabun labor.., k.
D Thomas labor;;.....;
D Thomas Ko poles
O L",e labor
3 00
3 00
1 05
6 00
3 75
8 75
3 75
3 75
1 60
2 25
2 25
3 00
3 00
13 23
4 00
3 00
1 87
5 06
1 50
1 50
6 5H
1 60
11 21
3 00
1 50
3 00
4 50
9 00
4 50
Road district No. 19 :
Trullinger Bros, lumber
A Dougtn labor
Joseph Dannials labor.
A L Woodside labor
M Mulvey labor. . ?. .... . .
Fred Earickson labor. .........
August Eaiickson labor
Jasper Trullinger labor
A L LarkinB labor
H D Looney labor. ,
11 25
5 25
: 6 25
2 00
9 Ot)
5 25
f 7 50
18 00
19 00
2 00
6 00
14 53
2 50
10 50
13 00
12 00
1 60
7 50
6 00
Will Moore labor....
King & Boy lea blacksmi thing. .
Charles Dean labor......
J Meyers labor
P Elmer lumber;
George Rogers laber
John Dennison labor
' Road district No. 20 :
Arnil Kayser labor
W C Buckner labor
Road district No. 22 :
Trullinger Bros, lumber
Levi Robbins nails
Raymond Dickey ' labor........
Raymond Dickey team. . . ... . ... .
Fred Shaffer team..
Fred Shaffer labor......
B F Harless labor
H J Rastall team....
H O Bonaker labor
James Baty.
1 60
Gotleib Fey rer team 3 00
Raymond Dickey team. 8 12
Raymond Dickey labor ... 4 37
Fred Shaffer team 6 25
Fred Shaffer labor 5 25
H J Rastall labor... 3 75
James Batv labor 2 60
Jane Baty labor , 2 50
Victor Dickey I 50
Philip Leichtweis. 2 25
Road district No. 24:
J S Yoder lumber.....;........ 4 00
C E Hilton and team 1 50
Ed Hilton labor 75
John Johnson and team 150
D h Wamock labor 75
A L Kleve labor 75
Samuel Wolfer labor. 1 50
A J Thompson labor 75
T O Ackerson and team 1 60
BF Smith labor 6 00
Road district No. 25 :
h Look labor 75
ADGribbte labor ;. 1 00
J h Daly lafwr 1 00
Road District No. 26:
Bagby Bros, lumber ... 2 26
Sturges Bros, lumber 1 32
R J Moore labor 75
C W Dart labor 1 87
8 L Dart labor .' 75
E E Judd labor..., 1 12
W P Herman labor 1 50
J W Tho.nas labor 75
Sawtell Bros, labor 1 501
Sawteli Bros, labor. ... 1 12
J R Shaver labor 4 50
List of Jurors.
The juries for the year will be drawn
from the following list: -
Abernethy Walter Holcomb, Ben V
Linn, M. O. Gard, J W McAnulty.
Boring J H Borinu'. oha Rickey,
Edaur Rickev. Samuel Lake. Peter
Beaver Creek Wm Jones. Jas 1?
Beason, Victor Erlckson, Chas Spangler.
' Barlow J R Marks, John' Cloii'ser,
Jacob Rueck.
Canyon Creek Geo. F Bafl.
Canby Henry 8 Knight, Herman
Lee.RFantpn, Ffe Sleight, L Mack, 4
M Vineyard,
Canemah -Will L Miller, j0hn Wil
kinson, R W Porter, R ft Taber, W A
Hedges, C C Williams, D B Martin, A
F Stokes, Maxwell Telford, Chas Toole,
W J W McCord.
Clackamas J C Paddock, August
Kanne, EF Capps, Uriah Daniels, P
P Summer.
Currinsville Chas W Harris.
Cascades J A Odell.
Damascus J C Elliott," Jas Wilson.
Thos Boh ma, C Heiser, E Sevier, Henry
Troge, J C McMurry.
Eagle Creek II Githens, John W
Dowty, Robt Currin, Hugh Currin, D
H Looney.
Ely-M M McGeehan, H B M!
Garfield-J 8 Inalish. JP -s
Hucley, N M Tracer, Geo' Mffi, T
W Oatfleld, J C Tracey. " .e Vcty'
Get re-Louis Ro'' , ti ftl'tlVrjidt.
8 Biesell. tterni'an Lins, J
Hardings T . .
McCubbin j H) Mumpower, 4
L Ringo, Henry
5 .-Myron Babler, "W Hager
T.alil.iipJH.rriim 'Abbott,
. j 'uv, .
tj1ho Bowers. Geo Scran
lin. Phil fiviives. Cllas lieynoius,
Reynolds, Casper WeiBmandel, "Albert
Mo'..iuj Btv. J R Cole, R T
o 75
0 CO
3 00
5 00
DiKM MilUrd Robbins, Silas Wrigbt,
'iiot Hungate, ttayrnond ' Dickey,
3 00
Sawtell, OW Sawteu.,.
Milk CreekJohn T fans, r rru
Krickson, VtTl Troilinker, H W Shaw.
MnHno F M ManninR.
uii... Q Bonnett. J F Broetze,
1 55
3 HO
C W Ristey. J 8 Kisley, H Theiseen,
F McLwgblin, R Scott, W uame.
Mxte Lane-John W Noble, Jas Psrt.
17 X
Marquara-J W Doores, Tom Drake,
A B Marquam, Enoch Skirvin, F J
Ridings, Mort Robbins, Sam Taylor.
Needy Geo Brockhast. James Kauff
man, 8 B Kent, tieo Killen, Geo W
Owings, J P Noe, A J Yoder.
New Era-Henry Waldron, E E
Veteto, D Penman. Geo Randall, Seab
Norton, R Dundas, J C Newbury, Enos
Cshill, Grant Criteser, C N Foster, J
Oregon City-C C Babcock, Frank
Glennon, M E Willoughby, S S Walker,
Chas Albright, John Bitner, J W Boat
man, Chas J Hickman, W W Marrs, '
Argus Matheson, J K Morris, A N
Munsey, Peter Nehran, s J F Nelson,
Grant Olde, E W Scott, W A White,
Edward 8eol, Jeff Shaw, , H C Stevens,
J L Swafford, J 8 Thayer, F S Toeple
man, C F Vanderahe,
" OsWego-i-J R Hayes, L Davidson, G G
Kruse, M K Shipley, A N Shipley, Geo
H Locey. -
ParkpkeeGeo Zinserling, JE Wit
Big, Patrick Harris, W H Faubion, R
Freytag, Jos Fromong Thos Mann,
Henry Salisbury, H T Sladen.
Pleasant Hill Geo Leslie. Wm Scott,
Chas Wagner, J F McConnell. '
Sieyers Adolph Aschoff.
Soda . Springs J Nightingale, '. Jos
Springwater D C Howell, John Lew-
ellen, Carll Howell, A Lacey.
Sandy Paul Meinig, Ole Mickelson,
Herman Bruns, R Johnsrud.
Tualatin P A Baker. T L Turner.
Louis Toedemeir, O P Sharp.
Union C D F Wilson, August Yergen.
Viola Herman Fischer, John Weis-
mandel. ,:,
Wilson villeC TTooze, Henry Miley,
Homer Kruee. "
W Oregon City S Rasmussen, Frank
Ford. i
' 17,
Mr. A
Beats the Klondike.
0. Thomas, of Marysville, Tex
has found
a more valuable discovery
than bas yet been made hi the Klondike.
For years he suffered untold aeonv from
consumption, accompanied by hemorrh
ages; ana was absolutely cured by Dr.
King's New discove.iv for Consumntion.
CouKhs and Colds. He declares that cold
is 01 uttie value in comparison with this
marvelous cure : would have it if it cost a
hundred dollars a bottle. Asthma, bron-
cnttis and all all throat and lunoraffec
tions are positively cured by Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption. Trial
bottles free at Charman & Co. Drag Store
Regular size SOcts. arid $1. Guaranteed
0 cure or price refunded.
This stock must
We desire to announce to the People of Oregon City and Clackamas Connty
that we have a complete stock of LADIE'S AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS,
We want you to come to our Store, examine
our Goods and get our Prices.
We will gladly show yon through onr place, whether yon intend purchas
ing or not, as we intend to offer this line of Goods at prices that will astonish
yon. We are going to give the people an opportunity to buy their supplies at
prices never before heard of in the history of Clackamas County.
And bear in mind, we will sell you Honest
Goods at Low Prices,
As we feel assart that by so doing we. will double our sales and save
you from 40 to 50 per cent.'
Furnishing Goods.
Former Present
Price Price
Men's Select Woo Underwear Shirts
and Drawers each $ C5o 33o
Men's Heavy Mixed Underwear-Shirts
ami Drawers each. , , , ', , , 05c ... n 35c
Men's Heavy Fine rfnnl tfnfcv r.W rtont-.
shirts 4 ( )4V
Men's Wool Ec t ;x V ; ; . , . . i
' . l"
. JmetweaW3hlrt and Drawers
., . ' each.. ;.. 1
tle'aVy Ribbed Vests....
Vvjol " ' .
it ii t
" Hose......
" Fascinators.
Heavy Fast Black ftpse
Children's " " J
. .
Thos Latest Sty Ves Mens Hats
Wn. ,
Men's Heavy Shoes.
" Fine Shoes ..
Hood'o Pillo
Are prepared from Na
ture's mild laxatives, and
y while gentle are reliable
and efficient. They
Roucc tho Liver
Cure Sick Headache, Bil
iousness, Sour Stomach,
and Constipation. Sold
everywhere, 25c. per box.
Prepared by C.I.Hood&Co.,Lowell,Ma9s.
A Home Paper Devoted to (
Keeps yon posted on all mattom pertaining to
the farm, publishes the only correct live tork
market report In Portland; subscription S2.00 per
y ar; sample copies free. Published weekly at
Portland, Orpon.
We will send you the Rural Spikit and
Cocribr-Hlbm.d both one year for 2 00. -
Adresa. Coubier-Ukkald Oregon City, Oregon.
1831 xhk 1898
Country Gentleman
The ONLY Agricultural Newspaper
Indispensable to all eountry residents who
wish to keeD uu with the times.
Single subscription, t two subscriptions.
13.50: four subsoriDtlons. S6.
Snecial lntlocennnts to raisers 01 larger ciuds.
Write for particulars on tins point.
Free till Jan. to New Subscribers
for 1899
It will be seen that the difference between the
cost of the Country Gehtlbhak aud that of
other agricultural weeklies (none of which at
temnts to cover the agricultural news of the day)
may readily be reduced, by making op a small
elun, to less than a cent a week 1
Does sucn a ainerea e as mat juttuy you in
consenting yourself wun some otner paper in.
stead of havinar the best?
Sar d for specimen conies, which will be mailed
Free, and comnare them with any other rural
weekly; it will not take long to see the difference
Albany, K.T
,.GO TO..
be sold in 60 days. All goods at
Boys' Ileavy Shoes.
-" Fine Shoes...
Men's Suits-sack
1 B0.4,
, . . 5t...
1 00
1 25 i
. V w
ffOur 75c,
" "'
4 50...,
4 00...
8 50...
3 00...
2 50...
2 00...
. 1 50...
. 1 00...
Tea Set.
at fl.60,
Japanese Silk
1 50..
1 75..
1 60..
1 76 .
2 00..
2 60 .
1 00
1 10
1 00
1 15
1 25
1 75
1 60..
1 00
N. JOE & OO.
. wlsi With Cascareu
Educate Your i. A.
Candy Cathartic, cu. JPiov
forever. 10c, 25c. If C.C.C. ..eMn'
gists refund money.
To Cure Constipation Forevei.
Take Cascarets Candy Cathartci 10c
or 25c. If C. O. C. fail to cure, druggists
refund money.
feiulemen or ladies t travel fcr responsible
stakllshcd house tu Oreiou. Monthly Hi ant
xpeases. Position st( ady. Reference. In
lost self addressed stamped envelope. The
Doalnloa Compmy, Dept. Y.Chicago.
gentlemen or ladies to travel for respenslblt.
nUkusted bouee la Oatgen. Monthly SW.SI aa
ax MB see. Position stein. Referenou KiiIm
,MM.addressee! ate mped envelope. Tat Dominie
vesapaay, ASl l.vnieego.
RTF. IV .'! -':S
,44et ' 60 YEAR
Trade Mark
Copyrights Ac
Anyone sending a sketeb and description mar
onlekly asoartaln onr opinion freej
n our opinion irao vnsuisr aa
ibebly patentable. Oammnnlea.
ifldantfaL Handbook on Patents)
invention is pro
fciune atrial
St free. Oldest ussor lor securing- Detente.
Patent taken ttroagh Muna At Co. reoelva
aptew nonee, witsoui cnarga, in as , ,
Scientific Uraricati.
A ken doom ely ntustratsd weakly. Largest eto.
mlattoa ot any ictonttoe lonraal. Terms, It a
year; f onr months, fl. SoJakall newsdealer.
a -
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