Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, January 13, 1899, Image 10

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Reports of Recorder, Treasurer
and Water Commission
for 1898.
Oregon Citv, Dec. 31, 1898.
To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun
cil of Oregon City, Oregon.
Gentlemen : I herewith submit my
annual report of the financial transac
tions uf the city during the year 1898,
the present financial condition of the
city and a brief statement of the trans
actions in the office of the recorder dur
ing said year;
Warrants were ordered drawn on the
genera) fund during the year by the city
council, amounting to $9,995.67 for the
purposes herein set forth :
P G E Co, electric' lights '. .$2055 71
Geo A Harding, electric lamps. . 6 95
Chan E Hums, chief of police.. 720 00
E L Shaw, nightwatehman 720 00
T F Ryan, recorder 175 00
' " stamps, etc 5 75
B C Curry, recorder 125 00
" ' making index and plats 81 15
H E Straight, treasurer 100 00
T M Miller etla,Bpec'l watchmen 34 00
F T Griffith, city prosecutor.... 171 10
C H Dye, fees in city case 75 50
C D & J) C Latourette, fees and
costs in cases 208 70
C D Latourette. costs in cases. . 20 00
L Diecklemaii.c'l'iig Main street 210 00
Work on city streets and repairs 10 23
Geo Broughton, lumber 202 02
B F Linn, lumber 62 86
Horning & Moehnke. lumber. . . 17 20
Oast Bank Note Co, printing
warrants 65 19
Sports committee. 4th of July
firemen's race 7S 00
Hook & 1, udder & tlose Co, an
nual allowance 125 0!)
Larkin it f ee, lire hell 355 00
V C Giei'ii etal., watching fire 3 00
W 11 11 Chirk, rent of pond.... 20 00'
Ucckner & Brown, cleaning lire
apparatus -. 5 00
Judges fireinens' election 7 50
Z (! Wood, rebate on license. ... 100 00
W 0 Noon & Co, flau : 4 87
J Duffy, wood for iail and hall. .. 6 00
J W Brown, ' 12 50
F K Gadke, plumbing work 44 20
O C Iron Works, iron work, . . . 63 22
Pope & Co, hardware 78 39
Wilson & Cooke, hardware 38 23
G 11 Bestow, woodwork........ 28 20
O C PresB,oidinance8 and notices 102 08
O C Courier, 147 95
O C Enterprise, notices 8 05
OC Herald, notices..... 8 15
Morning Oregonian, notice...... 3 20
Glass & Prndlionnne, record book 10 00
Geo Warner, hauling 1 50
VV II Cooke, " 2 00
C N Greenman, hauling 25 50
JaH Kottke, wrenches, etc , 34 40
Clackamas county, 40 per cent
road money 923 39
Clackamas county, costs in road
case 50 90
O C Labor Exchange, ch'd rock 325 15
Win Lutes, work on public square 42 50
fcSanmul Mans, " " " 15 00
Wm I'.aiHcli, trees 31 50
E V, Williams, seed 1 02
VJiair'w, " 00
Paul lleiumelgani, meals at jail' 122 40
Huntley Uros, supplies 10 80
f I ii a in 'Straight, teed, etc 15 60
B Burkluy, work on pipes 6 45
Cliiirimin & Co, cement ' 3 50
tl Doremas, wink on park 4 50
J H Smith, surveying 104 00
Palatine Ins Co, ins oi city b'ld'g 71 25
London Liverpool & Gluho " 7125
Hose Co, bonne repair 4 2;i
I Selling, punts 1 00
K E Seol, painting hose house. . . 27 00
lr Paino, tires, wound of tramp 5 00
Board of Water Com, waUr pipe 35 50
8 F Scripture, sharpening tools 90
J K Uhoades, gilding llag stair 50
T8 Lawrence, 8th street Bleps. 450 50
(ot this sum $273.90 was paid to
the city by private subscription)
Ed fctury, sharpening tools 4 65
llollister & Potter, tags 5 00
W L Block, stoves at election. . 1 50
G W Young, " " 1 50
Judges ano clerk of city election 40 00
G 11 Wishart, inspecting culvert 9 00
Total warrants drawn
Summary of purposes
$9,995 67
for which said
warrants were drawn :
Lighting st. and public b'ld'gs. .$2002 66
I'olice department 1634 90
Street work, sidewalks, etc 1973 68
Fire department 636 15
l'uMiculiim of ordinances and
notices 366 37
Salary of recorder, treasurer and
city attorney 631 10
Fees and costs in city cases 421 10
Insurance of public buildings. . , 142 60
Work on public squares 95 72
Building sicps 456 60
(Of this sum $273.90 was paid to
Ihecltv by titivate subscription)
Crusbod' rock 325 15
Clackamas count v 40 percent
road fund 923 39
License refunded 100 00
Miscellaneous purposes 220 45
Total $9,995 67
Receipts of the year are as lollows :
Taxes $4964 23
Saloon licenses 4000 00
V, b Kit Co 1SO0 00
Water fund 4250 00
!!oad fund 3500 90
All other sources 1112 85
this sum $273.90 was paid to
city by private subscription for
8th street steps)
Total amount of receipts $19627 08
I'otal amount ot warrants draw u $0095 67
.merest on city bonds ,. 2800 00
mount of leceipts
$12795 (18
u excess of
warrants and interest on city
bondit $0831 41
per cent bonds
. pur cunts bonds
....$30,000 00
20,000 00
Total bonded Indebtedness $50,000 00
...intiary 1, 1898. cash in treasury $151 22
..eceived lor Improvement ana
ale of Wta 437 00
Total t589 12
Warrants ba'e been drawn on the
cemttery fund during 1891 at follows:
, II Young, stove and pipe $ 8 25
.lonae.b'ld'g fence and t'l house 67 6q
.1 II Johnson, surveying 0 OJ
C N Greenman, hauling. ......
Jas Roake, cedar stake
30 00
5 00
1 25
10 00
Wm Barsch, trees
J G Bonnett. shears.
D W Kinnaird, surveying
Pope & Co, water to cemetery.
258 06
F Williamson, work 19 25
G W Gliurch, building fence. ... 265 65
Tofaramount of warrants $742 91
AVarrahls redeemed during year
1898 $ 325 67
Interest on warrants redeemed 2 45
Total $328 12
Cash in treasury, Dec 31, 1898. . $261 00
Outstanding warrants, Dec 31 '98 417)
Cash on hand, Jan 1, 1898 $125 38
Note of M E church including
interest ,. 379 31
Total $504 69
Outstanding warrants...... $745 80
No receipts or disbursements during
the year.
The assessment of the M A Stratton
estate is still unpaid and the suit pending
in the supreme court.
Received from county $8000 74
Premium on warrant 30 67
Total $8031 41
Warrants redeemed $4311 49
Transferred to general fund.... 3,500 00
Paid to county 40 per cent. ..... 209 52
Total $8021 01
Cash on hand, Dec 31, 1898 $ 10 40
Warrants have been drawn on the
road fund during the yea' as follows:
Clackamas Co suspension bridge! 406 07
I) Lyons, binger hill imp, etc. ,
3220 3,:
O C Press, printing warrants. .
4 00
White Bros, plans 10 00
J II Smith, specifications 12 50
O C Iron Works, gratings 34 48
John BiltneiynspSingeT hill wk 59 00
Pope & Co, iron work 24 12
T S Lawrence, sidewalks 14S 65
Commercial bank, Olds contract 300 00
li F Smith, Abernethy bridge
contract 298 17
W L Snidow.work 31 90
C N Greenman, hauling 5 15
II II JohiiBon, surveying 18 60
H E Harris, road work 10 00
Total $4708 89
Outstanding road warrants $ 397 40
Cash on hand Jan 1, 1898. . . .$ 1,696 33
Received by treasurer during
the year 1898 19,627 08
Total $21,323 41
WarrSnts paid by treasurer
during year $13,057 63
Interest on warrants redeemed 2,710 49
Interest paid on bonds ot city 2,800 00
Cash in treasuiy 2,755 29
Total $21,323 41
Warrauts outstanding Die 31,
1897 $22,580 84
Warrants issued during year 9,995 67
$32,582 51
Warrants paid by treasurer
during year
:j,o;7 63
Warrants outstanding $19,524 83
Cash in treasury, notes and accounts
due the city :
('ash in treasury $2755 29
Due, from board of water com 1900 45
Due on notes from different
. persons 1405 68.
Due from EHRKCo 3629 50
Total , $9090 82
Outstanding warrants general
fund $19,524 88
Outstanding warrants 7th str't
fund 745 80
Outstanding warrants road fund 397 40
" " cemetery " 417 26
Total outstanding warrants
Cash on hand general fund. .
" " eemetery "
" " 7t street "
" " road "
$21,085 34
$ 2,755 29
261 00
125 38
10 40
Total cash on hand
$3152 07
Warrants outstanding over
cash on hand $17,933 27
There has been 50 cases brought in
the recorder's court for violation of city'
ordinances during the year and lines to
the amount of $540 were imposed, $36 of
which was paid in cash ami the balance
was worked out by imprisonment.
Respectfully submitted, .
Bruce C. Ci'hry, Recorder.
Orkuon City, Ore., Jan. 1st, 1899
To the Honorable, the Mayor and City
Council of Oregon City, Oregon.
Uuntlmnen : We herewith submit the
following report showing the present
condition of the city water works, also a
statement of receipts and disbursements
for the past, six months, as required by
the city charter.
There has been laid on First street,
Green Point, 508 feet of 2-inch galvanized
iron pipe at an expense of $55 to the
board, the property owners paying the
Twelve new tappings have been made
during the year at a profit of $14.59.
The penstock and headworks was re
paired at a cost ot $70.
On December 13th. last, the water
wheel coupling gave way and necessitat
ed a stoppage of 57 hours, while repairs
wero being made, the superintendent and
machinists working night and day until
completion. The expense anionntimi to
$250. During this time the reservoir
supplied the consumers.
Since July 1st, 1895, the city lias been
paid $5025.52 as their proportion of the
gross proceeds from the revenge of the
water works. There remains a balance
ot $1900.53 still due, which will be paid
In a tew months, it no unusual expense
July collections $587 35
August " 631 90
September " 534 75
693 90
611 50
707 18
' $3566 68
Balance in treasurer's hands July
1st, 1898 $ 86 84
$3653 42
.. 4 55
Amount overdrawn.
......$3657 97
Paid city on acct of inst'lm'fs due $2100 00
Paid laborers U7 90
G H Bestow, on ac Green Point
main $41 35, lumber 40c
0 C Enterprise.recp bk and notic
Gratton & Knight Mfg Co, splic.
Dan Lyons, crushed rock .......
41 75
18 50
15 75
1 40
C N Greenman, d ravage. .'. 9 50
repe& Go, labor $120 46, mater
ial $80 47, tools $18 75....... :'
Georee Broughton, lumber
Charman & Co, paints, sundries
$5.35, lubricating oil $14.25. . .
P G E Co, light $14.70. sluicina
219 68
15 18
19 60
basin $37.50 52 20
W H Howell, sup't, 6 m'ths sal
$270, shut off fees $2.50 272 50
T L Ctiarnian, see, com $178.30,
sal $50, exp $4.20 232 60
OCIron Works, flume $42.48,
pumps $28, tools $1.25, box
covers $3.50 175 il
OC IronWorks, compound $12.95,
sundries 82c, water wheel $87 ,
Wolff & Zwicker lion Works, re
pairing wheel 86 00
Six monts int on water bonds to
January 1st, 1899 300 00
Total 6 mo's ending Dec 3198 . $3057 97
Cast Iron water pipe, 12it 3in,36
ft 4in, 48ft 6in, 30ft 8in, 24ftl0in $ 81 25
180ft 6in tap-welded pipe, so hd 45 0J
One 6in, 1 lOin ' Y"110in elbow,
two lOin, ttiree 8in, three 6in,
five 4in cast sleeves, one 4in
and three 6in tees
sets of cast iron gears
110-lbs packing
One air .chamber $10, 4i(i valve
Two Eccentric straps for Union
Service Cocks, 90-half in $36, 7-thiee-quarters
in $7
Service Cocks, six 1 in
Clamps, five 6in $5, twelve 2in
$4 50
43 00
6 00
9 50
One four plunger pump.. 250 00
Old Iron 20 00
Total $ 635 00
Chain blocks $17, valve seat
reamer $12,2cement tampers $4 23 00
9-lb stone burner $2, 2 8-lb sledge
hammers $3.50 5 50
50 ft in hose $5 lead melting fur
nance and pot $15 20 00
Wrenches, hummers, axe, picks
and shovels 15 00
Revolution counter $8, Beat and
blank $3 11 00
Tool box $3, 2 lanterns $1 , 4 steel
bars $7, rope and chain $5. ... 16 00
2'tapping machines $95,8-in ladla
'$1, bench viHe$4-50. .' 100 50
Total .$ 201 00
1ST, 1891, TO JANUARY 1st, 1899.
1891 May 1st to May l '92, TF
liyan.seey and collector $4,235 S3
1892 May 1st to May 1st, 1893, T
K Rvan, secv and collector.. . 4,677 75
1893 May 1st to Dec Slst 1893
T F Rvan secy and collector. 3,324 15
1894 Jan 1st to July 1st 6 mo's
T F Ryan secy and collector. 2,450 22
$14,687 45
1894 July 1st to Dec 31st, 6 mo's
T L ( barman sec and colect. $3,069 45
1895 Jan 1st to Dec 31st, T L
Charman sec and col 6,478 70
1896 Jan 1st to Dec 31st, T L
Charman sec and col 6,654 13
1897 Jan 1st to Dec 31st, TL
Charman sec and col 6,946 70
1898 Jan 1st to Dec 31st, T L
Charman sec and col 7,234 63
Total $30,383 61
Grand total $45,071 00
Worthington pump, 1 million gal
capacity, low pressure, includ
ing station, Victor water wheel,
iron Hume and pen-stock. . .$11,000 00
Union pump, 1 million tral
capacity, high service. 5,340 0(J
Water mams on the hill 16.000 00
" " Main street.... 8,200 00
" " Madison street. 1,180 00
Reservoir, capacity 1,449,280 gal 7.000 00
Reservoir grounds at Klj ville.. 1,033 00
Telephone line 70 00
Inventory of tools 201 00
Inventory of material, etc 635 00
Net worth $50,059 00
Estimated value tumeil over to
the board May 23rd 1801. . . .$0,000 00
Net increase $30,659 00
Water Ilonds bearing 6 percent
int having o years to run $10,000 00
Hue City on deferred imvni'ts. 1.900 53
there are no other out btanti-
iMg claims
Sixty hydrants are distributed thiomih-
out the city for 2!o-inch Iiokb, 49 are on
tlie streets, i on the susneiision bridge
i in the warehouse, 5 in the woolen mills
nesuies smauer nose ree Is n vai mis
other inuuiingo, which taken all to
getlier ami including our ellicient fi
department, gives our city the best,
hie protection, lhe mains carrv at all
tunes a pressure ol Go-lbs f,..r the hill ami
la to NU-lbs for Main street.
Kespectfully submitted,
Hoard of Water Commissioners.
Ciiaki.ks II. Cai kihi.1), l'residen
T r r,. u ........
v.ii.u.wa, uuiomrv.
Treasurer's report for the year ending
December 31t, 1898.
To the Honorable, the Mayor and City
Council of Oregon City, Oregon:
leg leave to submit the following
report for the year ending December 31st
H. E. Straight, City Treasurer.
oan l, tial last report. . . $1696 33
40 f 0 "
ss Pa e
40 50 "
17 50
infest, saioon license. $4ooo oo
Taxes 4964 23
Fast Side Ky Co 18k oo
Water fund 425o oo
Other sources., i 1112 85
Roadfuna 35oo oo 19627 08
$21323 41
War redeemed. $1357 63
Interest on war 271o 49
lnt'st on bonds 28oo oo 18568 12
Balance............ .$ 2755 29
Dec 31. Clackamas co. .$8ooo 74
Prem on warrant. 3o 67 8o31 41
war redeemed. .$7811 49
arat returned Oo. 2o9 62 8o21 ol
.$ lo 4o
Jan 1, bal last report.
Keceipts 7234 63
764 95
7234 63
$7999 58
w ar redeemed. .$7594 69 $7094 69
.$ 4o4
Jan 1, bal last report.. .
Keceipts $437 9o
$151 22
437 9o
$589 12
$328 12
.$261 oo
War redeemed. . ..
Jan 1, bal last report. 125
Balance 125 38
Jirtate YouiTtowls With Cascarets
Candy Oathanic, cure constipation
forever. 10c, 25c. If CO. C. fail, drug
gists refund money.
Are you cheeks
hollow and your
lips white?
Is your appetite
poor and your di
gestion weak? Is
your flesh soft
and have you lost
in weight?
These are symptoms of
anemia or poor blood.
They are just as frequent
in the summer as in the
winter. And you can he
cured at one time just as
well as another.
of cod liver oil with hypo
phosphites will certainly
helpyoo. Almost everyone
can take it, and it will not
disturb the weakest stom
ach. It cianees the light color of
poor blood to a healthy and rich
red. It nourishes the brain j gives
cower to the nerves. It brings
tack your old weight and strength.
All Dtwgists. 50c. and SI.
Scott & Hownk, Chemists, New York.
In tlie Gin-nit Court of the Stale of Oregon, for
tlie County of Claukumns.
Jchn R. Uitikle, i
Jense A. Cox anil Mary A. Cox,
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss.
oree ami an execution, duly issued out of and
under the seal of the abovr rntltlrd uourt. In tlie
above entitled cause, Bnd to me duly directed and
dated the 2lt day of December, 1898, upon a judfl-
mont rendered ana enieren in nam couri on ine
Jlhilnv of November. WW, in favor of ohll It.
llinkle. ii alntitf. and against Jeae A. Cox and
Mary .6x, deleiulants, for the sum f ?li:)2.3"i
with Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per
annum irom the 2lilh dav of October. 18H8, and
the further sum of S'iO.OO, as attorney's fee, und
the further sum of 1S Oil costs and dlsliurtonu'iits
and the costs of a' d upon this writ, commandtni;
me lo make a e of the Mlowina described prop
erly, siluite In the county of Clackamas, stale !
Oreirnu. to wit:
Lou numbered one (1), two m, three lour
(4), nine (I)), ten (lu) mid eleven (11), all In block
numbered twelve (.12) ill the town of Canby, state
of Oregon.
Now. therefore, bv virtue of said exeeu Ion,
judKuient older and decree, and in compliance
wilh the commands ot sain win, i win, on
lHUtl. at the hour of one o'clock P. M., at the front
door of (lie County Court House In the city of
Oregon City, in said county and state, sell at pub
Ho Hiiotioa, subj ct to redemption, to the highest
Uler, for U. h. kouI coin, casti in hand, nil the
rinht. title and interest which the within named
defendants, or eilher of them, Had on the date of
the mortgiiKC herein, or since had In or to the
above described real property or any part thereof,
to satisfy said execution judgment older, deoroe,
interest, coals aim all accruing costs.
Shoilff of Clackamas County, Oregon
Dated Oregou City, Oregon, Dec. '!, lS'JS.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of l lai kamiis
h K. 1' Davidson. I'lalntlff I
vs. sun tor Divorce
TV. T. Dav bison. Defendant. I
l o W. T. Davidsor, the above namea aeiena
ant: ..
Von aro Lercbv reo til red lo appear and an
war the complaint tiled against you In theabove
entitled suit on or belore frnday, the lith
day of February, 18H9, that being the day of the
avidrnilnii of six weeks' niiblication of this sure-
minis. 'I Ins suit la broimht lo obtain a decree
dissolving the bonds of n airlmony now existing
between you and the plaintiff; to obtain the cus
tody for the plaintiff of Jour minor child; the
costs of this suit, and such cither and further re
lief as to the Court shall seem meet and proper.
You are hereby notified that li you iau in ap
pear and answer the s 'id complaint as above re
quired, the plaintiff will apply to the court for
the relief therein prayed.
This summons is published hy order or the
Honorable "Hiomas K. Rvan, enmity Judge of said
Clackamas county, and is published the nrsi
time ou Friday, lhe tn Gay oi January, is.
W, 8 U'RKN,
Attorney for the l'laiutlfi.
For particulars apply at Cot aisa office, Oregon
City, .
Consisting ot 4 lots, good garden spot, running
water the year round, room house, good cellar,
Urn big enough for two cows and f hlckens.
li blocks from court house. Price J. per
oent interest. t cash down For Particulars
Inquire at this office. Team and slock taken In
VArffl UDTPP -An 80-acre
-An Ml-acre farm, bout
M miles southeast of the
luun iiuuu2i,
courthouse, at a bargains li Perie. .; "
Sou. one In South Oregon City and th. other In
Oregon CUT proper; title perfect. All this
pwtZy must bWdd. Terms easy! hard time
prices. Anvon. that wanla to buy will nnd It to
his Interval o investigate this.
In the Circuit Court of the 8tate of Oregon, for
the Count; of Clackamas.
Jacob Spangler,
Plaintiff, v
Jeremiah Johnson and Ella A. Johnson,
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, is
cree and'an execution, duly Issued out of and
under the teal of the above entitled court, In the
above entitled cause, to me duly directed and
dated the 21) th day of Deoeraber, 1898. upon
a judgment rendered and entered in taldoouit on
the 20th day of November, 1898, in tavor pi
Jacob Spangler. plaintiff, and against Jeremiah
Johnson and Klla A. Johnson, defendants, for
the Mini of 91,046.00, with interest thereon at the
rale of 10 per oent. per annum from the 26th dav
of November, MM, and the further sum of
$100.00 as attorney's fee, and the further sum of
$15.00 costs end disbursements, and the eosts
of and upon tills writ, commanding me to make
sale of the following desoribed real property,
situate in the county of Clackamas, slate, of Ore
gon, to-wlt: , . . ,
Lot 3. ill blnok 81. in the Oregon Iron and Steel
Company's First AOUllionto me imin m
Now, therefore, by virtue of Said execution,
Judgment, order and decree, and incompliance
with I he commands of said writ, I will,ou
1809, at the hour of one o'olock p. m., at the front
door of the County Court House In the city of Or
egon City, in said County and fctale.sell at public
auction, subjeot to redemption, to the highest
bidder, for U. S. gold coin, cash in hand, all the
right, title and interest whioh the within named
defendants or either of them, had on
the date of the mortgage herein or since
had in or to the above described real proper
ty or any part therool to satisfy said exeoutlon,
judgment order, decree, interest, costs and all
accruing costs. ,. j. COOKE,
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
Dated, Oregou City, Oregon, Dec. 29, 1898.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Orego for
the County of Clackamas.
C. D. Latourette,
James Paly, Julia Baty, his Vfifo,
.T.,r Tlntv u-ulnw. and Mart Hut.v.
Kalpu Bay. Albert B-ity, Carrie;
Untv, nnina JSnty aim i;naries
Dougherty, heirs and devisees of
Kobert Baty, deceased,
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, t.
eren and an exeemion, duly issued out ol ana
under the seal of the above entilli-d court, in the
above entitled cause, to me duly directed and
dated the 2th day of December, lh!i8, upon a
.liidnnient and decree rendered and entered in
said court on the 2M day of November, 181)8, in
favor of C. P. Lnlonretle, v'aintill, and against
James Hatv. Julia llaly, his wife. Jane llaty, widow,
and Marl 'llaty. Ralph Maty, Albert Baty, Cairie
Hatv. Ldana llaty and Charles Dougherty, heirs
and devisees of Kobert llaty, Deceased, defend,
ants, for the sum of id' ti.flO, wilh interest thereon at
the rate of 10 per cent. per annum from the Itol day
of November, WM, and the further sum of 810.00
cos and disbursements, and the coslg of and
upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of
the following described real property, situate in
the County of Clackamas, State of Oregon, to-wlt:
All of section 16, township 5 south, range 3 cast
of Willamette meridian, containing 6t0 acres.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution,
judgment order and decree, and In compliance
with lhe commands of said writ. I will, on
18119, at the hour of 1:30 o'clock p. m., at the front
door of the County Courthouse, In the City of Ore
gon Citv. in said county and state, sell at public auo
tion, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder,
for V. S. gold coin, ca-h in hand, nil the right, title
and Interest which lhe within-named defendants
or eilher of them, had on the date of the mortgage
herein or since had in or to the above described
real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said
execution, judgment order, decree, interest, costs
and all aceruiiitr costs. J. J. COOKE,
Sheilfrof Clackamas County, Oregon.
Dated Oregon City, Oregon .Dec. 2SI, WM.
In the Circuit Court of the Stet of Oregon for
the County of Clackamas.
Dan Lyons, J
vs. r
J limes B.ily and Julia Baty, I
Deiendants. J
ate of Oregon, County of Claekcnias, s.
cree and execution, duly issued out ol and
under the seal of the above entitled court,
the above untitled cause, to me ouiy
dtrected and dated lhe 2Ulh day of Decem
ber, 1898, upon a Judgment remiorcn nn enieren
n said court on uie on unyio niupmuci, ioW,
in favor of Dan Lyons, plaintiff, and against
James Hatv and Julia Hatv, defendants, for the
sum of $4411.00, wilh interest thereon at the rate of
10 per cent, per annum irom tne iou uuy oi No
vember, M8, and lhe further sum of SuO.OO as
attorney s fee, ano tne liinnersnm oi eio.uo cuois
and disbursements, and the costs of and upon
this writ, commanding me to make sale of the
following described real properly, situate in the
County of Clackamas, State of Oregon, to-wit:
The northeast quarter of section twenty-two
(22), in township live (' sonih, range three (8)
east of the Willamette meridian, containing WO
acres and slluate In Clackamas comity, Oregon.
lino therefore, bv virtue of said execution,
Judgment order and' decree, and In comp lianoe
Willi the COUiniailus Ol bum nm, i win, vji
1899, at the hour of 1:M! o'clock p. m at the front
door of the County Court House in lhe City of
Oregon Citv, in said uunly and State, sell at
ni.i, a,, ,,iin fmbf.'ct to redemntion. to the
highest bidder, for U. 8 gold coin cash in hand,
all the right, title and interest which the within
named delenrtants or euner oi uieiu uu mun
date of the mortgage herein or since had in or
to the above described real property orany part
thereof, to satisfy said execution, Judgment
order, decieo, Interest, costs and nil accruing
costs. J J-COOKE,
Short T or ciucuamas ' ouniy, Oregon.
Dated Orugon City, Or.,lceiubor 29, 1898.
In the Cliciilt Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Cla kiiuias.
McMlunville College.
R. R. Stauii and Rosenfeld-Snilth
Co. (a Corporation).
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss
decree and an execution, duly issued out of
nnd under lhe seal of th 1 above entitled court, in
tlie above entitled Cause, to me duly directed and
dated the ad day of January, IS'.", upon a judg
ment rendered and entered in said court on the 2tith
dav of December, l Has, in favor of McMlunville
College, plaintiff, and against R. K. Htaub and
Itosenleld-Siiiiih Co. (a corporation), defendants,
for the sum ol S291.75. with interest thereon
... ti,. nf 10 i.er cent uer annum from
the 2(lth day of November, 1KIS, and the
further sum of eV.0.00 as attorney's fee, and the
further sum of SflO.UO costs and disbursements,
and the costs of and noon this writ, commanding
me to make sale of the following described real
property, situate in the county of Clackamas,
state of Oregon, to-wlt:
Lot. Nos. 9, 10 and 11, of block No. 7, Falls
View addition to Oregon City, according to thi
olllcial maps and plats on tile lu the otllce of the
recorder of Clackamas county, slate of Oregon.
v, i...,..t..ru l.u virtue of said execution.
judgment order and decree, and in compliance
wi:h the cunnuauds of aaid writ, I will, on
at the hour of 1 o'clook p. m., at the front door of
T.. ' ' ., ,...rt him... in the citv of Oregon
Citv, in said county and slaie, sell at public a no
lion, subjeot to redemption. In the highest bidder,
for V. 8 gold coin, cash in hand, all the right,
it tie and interest which the wiihln named defend
ants or either of thein had on the dale of the
mortgage herein or Bince had in and tn the above
described real property or any part thereof, to
satisfy said execution, Judgment order, decree,
Interest, osts and all accruing costs. COOKK
Sheriff of Olackamas county, Oregou.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., Jan. 8, 1698.
been appointed administratrix with the will
annexed of the estate of William Shelby Wing,
deceased, by the Hon. oounly court ot Clackamas
county, Oregon. All persons having claims
gainst said estate are hereby notified to present
the same to me lor payment, at my home near
Wllsouvllle Clackamas county, Oregon, with
proper vouchers, within six months fnim the
date of this notice. ISABEL YOUNG.
Administratis with the will annexed of the
Es ate ot William Shelby Young, deeeaned.
O. E. Hayi, Attorney for Estate.
Dated this 29ih day ol December, 1888
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
6 A. Rockwood,
Wm H. Smith and Louisa Smith, his
wife. Geo. A. Hamilton s.nd Jessie I
Hamilton.hlswIfe.AgneBlI. Wash
burn. C. 6. T. Wllllains.assigaee of
Hamilton Brothers, John O. Miller,
E. Miller and James B Wiite,
Banners as John G Milltr Com-
nanv. R. L fiabln. J. H . Lee and I
B. L. Sand born, partners doing busi-1
ness under the firm name and style
of J. U. Lee & Company, and Chea-1
tar Williams, s j '
Defendants. ' I
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss.
By virtue of a judgment order, decree and an
execution duly issued out of and under the seal of
the above entitled court, In the above entitle
cause, to me duly directed and dated the 7th day
of Deoember, 18118, upon a judgment rendered
and entered in said court on lhe iililh day of No
vember, 1898, in favor of G. A. Hoekwooil, plain
tiff, and against W,u. II. Smith and Louisa Smith
his wife, beo. A. Hamilton and Jessie Hamilton,
his wile, Agues M. Washburn, 0. O. T. Williams,
assignee of Hamilton Brothers, John G. Miller, E.
Miller and James B. Waiie, partners aa John H.
Miller ft Company, R. h. Bahin, J. H Lee and K. L.
Handborn, partners doing business under the firm
name and style of J. II. Loe & Company, and
Chester Williams, defendants, for tlie sum of
1379.60, with Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per
cent per annum torn the 26th day of November,
18118, and the further sum of 150.00 88 attorney'
fee, and the further sum of 010.00 costs and dis-.
kursementa, and the costs of and upon this writ,
command! g me to make Bale of the following
described reil property, situate in the County of
Clackamas. Staieof Oregon, to-wit:
All that piece or parcel of land In T. 2 s, R. 2 e
of the W. M. In Clackamas county, Oregon, more
particularly described as follows, to-wit: Com
mencing al a point In Hiram Straight's D L. C,
13 rods south of what is known as as Wheeler's
southwest Dolnt. Ihence east 2UH feet, thence
t north 214'i feet, thence east 74 feet '0 lu dies,
thence south 2l feet, thence west 28H feet,
touueu iitiiiii o leoi tu iiic jjmue ui utiiiiiiiig , ud-
ing a part of Hiram A. Straight and wife's dona
tn n laud claim, saving and excepting from lhe
above conveyance so much of the above described
land as had been heretofore oonveyed to the Ore
gon and California railroad.
Also excepting lhe portion of the said tract re
leased from the lien of said mortgage and de
scribed as follows: A tract of land in the B. L. C,
of Hiram Ctraight, In CluekamuB onunty, Oregon,
commencing at a point 214J4 ft X and 2Btf ft it of
wln.it Is knowu as Wheelers SW corner, thence
north US feet, thence W 60 feet, thence S 116 feet,
thence h 60 feet to the place of beginning, except,
however, of Uie well and lend 4 feet wide
between the well and west line of above described
tract; also the right to use water from the above
well, which is reserved.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said exeoutlon,
judgment order and decree, and in compliance
witn uie commands of said writ, i win, on
at the hour of 1:80 o'clock p. m., at the front door
of the county court house in the citv of Oregon
City, In said county and state, sell at publlo atiii
tion. subject to redemption, to the highest bidder.
ror u. 8. gold oom, casn in hand, all tlie rignt,
title and interest which the Witt In named defend
ant or either of them had on the date of the mort
gage herein or since had in and to the above
described real property or any part thereof, to
Bausiy saia execution, jnggniem oraer, aecree,
interest, costs and all accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas county, Oregon .
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., Dec. 7. 1898.
undersigned has been duly appointed by
the county court of Clackamas couiny, Oregon,
administrator of the estate of Columbia Jackson,
deceased. All persons having claims aiainsl
said estate are notified to present the same, duly
verified, at the office of C. D. & I). C. Latourette,
my attorneys, lu Oregou Citv, within six mouths
from this date. THOMAS P. JACKSON,
Administrator aforesaid.
Dated December 30, 18U8.
In the Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon for
the County of Clackamas.
Louisa Kester (formerly Louisa Dayton)
Charles Rains, W. C. Crawford, M. V.
Crawford and A. L. Cuison,
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, h.
cree and an execution, duly ispucd out of and ,
undei lhe seal of theabove entitled court, In the
above entitled cause, to me duly directed and
dated tho 21st day of December 1)198, upon a
judgment rendered and entered in said court on
the sth day of November, 18118, In favor of Louisa
Kester (formerly Louisa Dayton), pluintitt, and
sgaiiist Charles Rains, W. 0. Crawford, M. V.
Crawford and A. L. Carson, defendants, for the
sum of S58U.00, with interest thereon at the rate of
10 per cent per annum from the 11th day of Octo
ber, 1898, and the further sum of $40.00 as attor
ney's fee, and the further sum of 119.50 costs and
disbursements, snd the cos s of and upon this
writ, commanding me to make sale of the follow
lug described real property, situate in tne county
of Clackamas, Btate of Oregon, to-wit:
The east one-half of the sum h east quarter of
section uine and lhe west one-half of the south
west quarter of section ten, all In T. 4 s, R. 8 e. of
of the Willamette meridian, containing one hun
dred and Bixty acres: save andexoept the following'
described real prope'ty, which was released from
said mo'tgnge, to-wlt: The south one-half nf the
east one-half of the southeast one-fourth of sec
tion nine (9) and the south one-half of the west
one-half of the southwest one-fourth of section ten,
all in township 4 s, R 3 e of the Willamette merid
ian. '
Now. therefore, by virtue of said execution.
judgment order and decree, and in compliance
with the commands ol saw writ, i wilt, on
at the hour of 1:39 o'clock V. M., at the front door
of the county court house in the city of Oregon
City, In said county and state, sell at public nuo-
tion, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder,
for U. S. gold coin cash in hand, all the right, title
and interest which the within named defendants
or either of thim had on the date ol the mortgage
herein or since had in or lo the above described
real pro. erty or uny part thereof, to satisfy said
execution, judgment order, decree, interest, costs
and all accruing costs.
(Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
Dated Oregon City, Oregon, December 22, 1898.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the county of Multuomah.
Clara I. Darrand Margaret M. Quig
ley, co-partners as Darr & 0,uigley,
J. A. Logan,
Btate of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss.
lion and order of sale, duly issued out of and
under the seal of theabove entitled Court, in
the above entitled cause, tu me duly directed and
dated the 2oih day of December, 1898, upon a
Judgment rendered and entered in said court on
20ih the day of "December, 1S98, in favor 'of
Clara 1. Darr and Msrgaret M. Quigley, co-part-n.r.ias
Darr & Quigley, plaintiffs, and against J.
A. Logan, defendant, for the sum of $129.00 in
gold coin of the United States, with interest
thereon in like gold coin at the rate of 10 per cent
per annum from the Slst day of July, 1898, and
the further Bum of JI20.00 as attorney's fees, with
interest thereon In like gold coin at the rale of
per cent per annum Irom the 2tth dav of Decem
ber, 1898, and the fuither sum of S22&.O0, with lu
te real thereon in like gold coin at the rate of 10 per
cent per annum from the 2Wh day of July, lh98,
and the further Bum of (::0.00 attorney's fees, wilh
Interest thereon in like golJ coin at lhe rate of B
per cent per annum from the 20th day of Decem
ber, WIN, and lhe further sum of costs and
disbursements, and aiso lhe costs upon this said
Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution
and order of Bale, and in compliance with the
commands of said writ, being unable lo find any
personal property of snid defendant's, I did ou
the 22,1 day of December, 1898, duly levy upon
the following duaerlbed real property of said
defendant, situate and being In the County of
Clackamas, and State of Oregon, to-wlt:
Lots 4, 5, 8, 14 and 21, and wesihalf of lots 6 and
7 In Clackamas Park, Clackamas County, Oregon
and I will, on '
1898, at the hour of one o'clock p m., at the
front door of the County Coort House In the City
of Oregon City, in sld county atid state, sell at
public auction, subject to redemption, to the
highest bidder, for U.S. gold coin cash In hand,
all the right, title and Interest which the wiihln
named defendant had on th dale of said)
Judgment or since had in or to the above
uescrtDea real property or any part thereof
to satisfy said execution, judgment order
decree, Interest, costs and all ax-o ruing costs
v ., . J- J- COOKE,
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon
Dated Oregon City, Oregon, Dec. 22, lgsw