Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, January 06, 1899, Image 8

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    CITY COUNCIL , your attention than that of the sani-
I tary condition of the city. You are the
custodians of the health of the people
Mayor and New Councilmen Take ef this municipality, and a failure or
Their Seats Mayor's Message. I neglect of duty on your part may re
!V innnintments etr, suit in an epidemic of disease in our
The first regular monthly meeting of
the new city council was held Monday
evening. Mayor Latourette presided,
and all the members were present The
fiiet order of business was I he resigna
t on of Mayor Latourette as councilman
from ttie first ward, winch was accepted,
For the vacancy Koerner nominated
Bruce Zumwalt, and Dr. Powell named ;
0. Schuebel. Znmwa t received two '
vnt' S, and sehuenel nve. The latter
was declared elected, and thanked the
council for the honor conferred upon
'or recorder, Bruce 0. Curry, was re
elected, receiving the votes of all the
councilmen, except Koerner,.
On motion of Oharman R. Koerner
was made the unanimous choice for
president of the council.
The mayor announced the following
standing committees elected by the
council :
Finance Rudolph Koerner, J. W.
Powell and C.G. Huntley.
Streets and public property E. E.
Oharman, Fred Metzner and Frank
Fire and water Busch, Miln and
Health and police -Metzner, Powell
and Huntley.
Cemetery A. Miln, Koerner and
The mayor's message was then lead,
which is given in anoth t place
The Mayor announced the following
appointments, which were confirmed :
A. S. Dresser, city attorney ; Charles E.
Burns, chief of police;" Edward L
Shaw, night policeman ; John C. Brad
ley street commissioner.
The n ports of the water commission,
treasurer and recorder were ordered
published. The recorder's monthly re
port showed that two burial permits
hud been isbued durintr Decemlier
Q H. Bestow, presidentof the Young
Men's Christian Association, was
grunted permission to use the street in
front of lot 1, block 10, while construct
ing the new building.
The usual grist of bills was allowed.
The ordinance passed authorizing the
fire and water committee to purchase
two nozzles and 200 feet of hose for the
fire department. Charman introduced
an ordinance authorizing the improve
ment of Third street from Water to
Bluff, which was ordered published.
A seven mill tax levy was voted, the
amendment to mtke it sis mills failing
to pass.
VV.B. Partlow claimed that the city
had taken one-half his cemetery lot.
The matter was referred to the ceme
tery committee
On motion the mayor appointed a
charter committee consisting
of Si-huebol, Charman and Powell.
On motion the recorder was directed
to receive bids for city printing.
The mutter of an arc electric littht for
Falls View, was referred to the street
Mayor jAitourctte's Message.
To the Honorable, the City Council of
( )n'goil City,
(eiiitleiiicti: Pui'sunnt to tho re
quirement of .tho charier provision, I
herewith respectfully submit for your
eonn!derution the following statement
of condition of the city, together with
siieh suggestions us appear proper in
tin promises:
in comparison with other cities of Its
lllusft In tlio l'ltellie Northwest, wo find
Urogon City has undergone the stress
euii strain pf thu panic and business do
pressii 1-1 "f tho )MHt "voyeurs with less
hardship and dih81' thun ny other
place. I'liore have been very low
noss failures and uo casualties or dam-
- from lira or Hood of anv conse
titioneo; ami while liie present outlook
jirqmlses no great boom. Vet the tudU
cations iti'o mosl. fiiMrabio nil1 rohewed
activity in all linos of business and a
continued healthy growth. The in
dustries of the town are prosperous and
permanent: tho tide of progress is still
rising, with no danger oi change in the
opposite direction, and your plans ro
Hpocting the administration of affairs
may no snapen in uuo aniieination or a ,
probable increase In population and i
wealth ut tho city,
Tho report of the i
ItV treasurer
shows the condition of
Itonded Indebtedness,
ing o and (i per cent.
limiueos, us fol-
50, 000.00.
Outstanding warrants
Accrued interest (approxima
ted Water bonds, draw ing - per
cent accrued interest
2l,08o U '.
2, mo 00 j
10,000 00 !
Total H3,fi85 34
('anil on litiml with troimuivr. .'UM 07
Totnl riMvipIs tot- yiuir IWIM. . iM.lill Hi)
XVti v.pv"tUtvii fltr 1110 ...
ytMir IrUiS , , ,'. 13,21" 47
Of tli fti'i'ii'ial roivlpU, howovor,
ii.illt, tniLst bo trivi'n for colliH'tion on
iiiroiint of roml fund, $5S0O, from tho 1
otint y bv unit, its voiid taxon for tho
yt'in-H isii.'i, 1SII7, mill 1S00 from
M10 H.S. H. U. un Muhi stvoot Imnrovo
nont, HO A 1)8 AND BTUKKT9.
Undor tho chat'tor, tlio olty hns tho
llriburHomont of (10 por cont. of t he taxo
I'lilxod from proporty ami polls ooiiot'teit
vithiutht oily (the othor 40 por font
le-inu; oxoondi'd by tlio ootinly court
ipon main county roadu lotnlintr Into
Uificity). It Is doubtless intt'iulod that
I, In fund should bo o.tpoiidod upon tho
.wis and stiwt within tho cit v, In the
' uuporary ropalrs of th road bod. for
hoconvottunn'o of the renoral publio,
.ml it is highly Important thai this
Hid bo judiciously expended so as to
-icuro tho best resutts. There are soino
'.recta, principal thoroughfares, tlmt
iwl almost constant attention, and
.here loads of crushed rock can bo
ed in nlUnjr. to pood advantaire,
"tereby Having a mora costly modern
i nprovemont. It is also hoped that in
. no near future. t least as soon as real
stato value improve, permanent 1m-
rovement of Homo of the main streets
tay tie ordered, and especially should
i opening; lw made of Washington
'root from Soveuth to tho flat below,
our attention U also directed to tho
irpent ned of additional sidewallts,
':trticularlv on those streets traveled
;, . children in going; to and returning
I tiu the schools.
Thore can scarry bo conceived, a
.;nre important subject dotnaLdilig
midst, the ravages of which cannot be
foretold The dangers which most
threaten us from that direction lie hid
den in an imperfect seworage system
and an impure water supply. While
our city is, by reason of its physical
Matures, well located, its sewage regu
lations have been sadly neglected, and
while the inhabitants are breathing an
atmosphere charged and contaminated
wth invisible Impurities consequent
upon defective drainage from the upper
residence portion of the town, they are
also drinking a water polluted with the
filth and disease-breeding germs of a
town Immediately up stream afiove
them that makes no pretense towards
sanitation It would be wise to make
provision for a system of sewerage upon
the hill, leading westwardly to the
river, at your early convenience and
without unnecessary delay
The water supply should be taken
from a point above the electric station,
and if practicable from the main chan
nel of the river above the falls. It is
suggested to the water commission that
steps betaken in this direction at an
early day, in order that relief may be
afforded the people before another
heated term ensues Serious considera
tion of this important question is re
spectfully requested.
In line with the foregoing sugges
tions, I would advise that, with other
changes that it may be found desriable
to make in the charter, the territorial
limits of the city should be enlarged so
as -to include Canemah and the west
side. These suburbs are now receiving
many ol tne advantages incident to
corporate existence by reason of close
proximity to the city and by annexa
tion may be further benefitted, and
could then be required to share a part
of the burden of taxation This sug
gestion should apply with force to Ca
nemah, in order that our health regu
lations may become operative upon that
section and protection had against con
tagious diseases and bad sewage. Un
less these places are brought within our
corporate limits, they are likely, sooner
or later, to form separate municipal
governments of their own, and consoli
dation then would be more difficult and
less satisfactory.
Iti conclusion, gentlemen, let me con
gratulate you upon the pleasant social,
business and political relatiens that ex
ist between the indiyld ual members of
your body, as well us between your
body and the mayor. I shall indulge
the hope and belief that such relations
may continue unabated during our sev
eral terms of office, and trust that by
working together in harmony we shall
be able to accomplish much and give
some measure of satisfaction to our con
stituents. Very sincerely yours,
C. D. Latourette, Mayor.
Ptttod Januaay 2, 1899.
Oregon City, Or., Doc. 29. f8l)8.
To tho Honorable Mayor and Council
of Oregon City,
Oeiitlomon; Inasmuch as rny follow
citizens have honored mo with 'an eloe-
i tiou to tho office of Mayor of this city,
I wish herewith to tender niv l-nsi.rna.
tion its Councilman, to take I'm mod iato
My connection with you in such ca
pacity during tho past year has always
been to mo most pleasant and satisfac
tory, and I wish most sincerely to
thank each and every one of you for
the uniform kindnoss and personal con
sideration shown mo upon every occa
sion - '
' aCV tl'Ulv VOlll'h.'
- f f '
I Have abundance of money to loan at
And choice loans will be made at 1.
O. II. Dye.
Try Couriek-Hkbald six months for
75 cents.
Extremely Weak
Deficient Blood Causes Loss of
Appetite and Final Break Down-
Hood's Sarsaparllla Cures.
I lost my appetite Slid aouut all I Uvea
ton was iced lemonade. My strength was
all go no. I torts so weak I could hardly
cross the Uubr. At last I was taken very
One physician told mo my blood j
was all gone and he gave me medicine bul j
it did not help me. I had pretty rmnli
lost all faith In medicines, but t hought I
would get One bottle of Hood's Ssarsapa
rllla and try it. After taking that bot'.lo
t was much better, d so I got two mora
bottles and after tuking them I wa well,
but to be fcure of it, I Vcpt on taking
Mood's Sarsaparllla until J had uwd iu
all five bottles. 1.1 has dono unshakable
good to mo and I wish all ir.y iuffering
sixers would try it." Mns. A. Everskn,
Wedderburn, Oregon. RomemlK
Hood's Sarcaparilla
Is the best in fact the One True Mood fmifler.
Bold by all druggists. Trice, l; slls for A
HnnH'c Pi lie &re u- hiudTeitTJ
IIUUU S rillS Uve, AlUrtiKBlsts. 850,
Trustee's Sale
OF T'rtfe
A. MoMicr Ksta'tc,
Situated in iL'OS.'trt, on the II, E.
Cross !ilaa consisting of : I
3 head of VlOrscs,
I Cow,
4 Hogs, x
Wagoiv, Harness, Plows, Har
rows and other farm implements,
27 tons Haled Hay,
Some Wheat and Oats,
The above property will be sold
at public ilution to the highest
bidder, tor cash in hand, on
Saturday, January 14, 1899,
At tb' o'clock A. M.
W.AV.VMYERS, Trustee
Adjourned Term Convenes Next
Monday New Cases Filed.
The adjourned term of circuit court
convenes next Monday, and quite a
number of new cases have been filed for
trial. There will be several jury trials,
and juries will be drawn to G. W. Wal
riron and John Everhart of tho regular
panel, all the oilier members of the jury
mhiib oeen uismisseu.
The municipality of Oreion City has
filed a suit against the Oregon & Cali
fornia Railroad Company to determine
the ownership of a strip of land about
10 blocks in length along the bluff and
the railroad company's right of way,
and lying between the bluff and private
blocks of property It was not known
until the new Eighth street stairway
was built, that the Southern Pacific
laid any claim to this striD of land
However, they gave the city the privi
lege oi Dunuing tne stairway. This suit
is to practically determine on property
properly the stairway stands. In the
city's complaint it is alleged that Ore
gon City has been a municipal corpo
ral ion since me zatn aay ot feptemwr,
1849. That on the 25th day December,
1850, Dr. John McLout-hlin donated
certain prescribed blocks, street, alleys
and squares, shown on the plat made at
uiai lime, as surveyed Dy Jesse Apple
plegate in 1844 The space between the
edge of the bluff and 10 blocks is do
nated for a promenade for the inhabi
tants of Oregon. Otty. This instrument
was acknowledged before Francis S.
Holland, clerk of the probate court in
Oregon Territory. On the other hand,
the railroad company claim to have a
dei d to said strip of land executed by
the heirs of the late Dr John McLough
lin. Hedges & Griffith are atiornevs
Sarah E. E. Davidson has filed a suit
for a divorce from W T. Davidson on
the plea of det-ertion She also asks for
the custody of the minor child, Hazel
Stella Davidson.
Sena M Smith has filed a suit against
Henry B. Smith for a decree of divorce.
The complaint alleges that they were
married in Farmington, Wash., in No
vember, 1889, and in October, 1897, the
defendant deserted the plaintiff. She
also alleges cruel treatment. The plain
tiff who resides in Portland, asks for
the custody of G. Adrian Smith aged 6,
and wants $25 per momh alimony from
the defendant, whom she asserts, is
employed as a salesman at $125 per
Mrs. Ringo has filed a foreclosure
suit against George F. Blair, et al, for
A. Roberts vs Charles N. Wait.
The Board ot School Land Commis
sioners have begun a foreclosure suit
against John Revenue. I
Frank and Kate Krause have filed a
suit against Frank Miller, et al, to re
cover possession of real property .
Knapp, Burrell & Co vs Henry Na
cfiand, et aj, t,o recover $340 97, due on
a note.
The Board of School Lund Commis
sioners have begun a foreclosure suit
against David McLane, et al.
Farm for Renl S miles from Oregon
City, 1113 acres, 00 acres clear, j-ooJ
bam, 18x21 box house. 13 acres in clover,
5 acres in wheat and the rest of culli
vnteil land in best condition, School
house ucross the road fiom dwelling
house. For particulars eee Frank
Busch, Oregon City,
Tn the Circuit Court, of the State of Oregon for
the County of Clackamas.
Louisa Hester (fnmierlv Louisa Daylon)
Charles Rains, W, 0. Crawford, M. V.
Crawford and A. t. Carsou,
91 ilte of OregoU, County of Clackamas, as.
eree an execution, duly Issue out of and
under e Seal of the above entitled court, In the
ho entitled cause, to me duly directed nnd
tfiilcil the ilst day of December Mia, upon a
judgment rendered and entn-cil ;0 p,, j.ourtnu
'tie Sid day of November, IK, (,ivorof Louisa
hosier (formerly Louisa. Hyton), ,,lintiff. and
Bgaumt Charles Ra ps, V, (! Crawford, M. V.
Crawford anil A. L. Urann, defendants, for the
Stun of io.00, tln Interest thereon at the rate of
10 per i tut r-rmnim from the 11th day of Octo
ber, mum, and the liittlier sum or Jln.iio its attor
ney's fee, and the further sum of 19 ."0 costs and
tiibUrseiiiiuia, nil the cos s of and upon ihis
writ, commanding me to make sale of the lnlluw
inir i1nKirilwxl r,.u I l.r.mnrt v all nut, in ,.,int
ot Clackamas, statu of Oregon, to-wit! I
Hi " east one-half of ,n0 souih-ast iniarter of
eet.On nine n,l llio west one-half of the snuth
j west quarter taT si-vtion ten, all in T. 4 s, K. ;f e. of
I of thu Willamette merit! an, contiiinlt'e one hnn-
dred a"d sixty acres; save andexcept the foilewini
uvorrtwl rt'al prope'ty
...i.i. i. ..i..,..i r.
mrS tu'tKite, to-wii: ' The south nnr-imii :m tho
KOllltlHtml (lUC Ii-Urlll ot i'l'.
he soiiili oiie-lnilt of the west
OllC-llttli 'l' till' KOIttll WI'M UIM'-fulNlll of MM'llul! tflll,
nil iu townslill) 4 s, It 3 o ol the IllimatU- mui Id-
iuii. !
ilu-ri fore, by viruiii hf ! ciTiiiln, j
jiiilvTiicnt orili-r aiul'dii-Mi, ami in coiiiplhiu C
Willi the oomniaiuls ol miW writ, I will, on
ut the ll'Uir ot Mill o'clock P. M., at the front dr.ot
of ihe county court liuime In tin, city (!' orcii"11
t'ltv. iti i-sid'conulv ami Htv, si-11 si liuhlln mic
tion, siitiji ot to ri'ilt'iuiiiliin, to tin- liiitliot hiiidi r,
for l!. S. Kohl coin rh iu Iml'il, nil tho lijrlit, title
anil Intorcsl wlilili the Mithiti naimri th foinUiits
or cither of till III had on the dnt ot Ihe ttiortKiute
iu-iviii or since hail in or to Ihe shove ih-M-rlhed
real proi eriy or any nrl thereof, to sutlhfy sa d
elocution. J in I H in -1 1 1 order, decree, interest, eosu
and all accruing costs.
J. J, t UllKK,
Sheriff of t'Wkaraas Count v, Orofon
Dated Orriroll Vlty, Ori'itim, beceoi'oer 198.
In the Otrcuil Court ot the State of Otcgon fof
Die Countv of Clai kainas
f-urah E. A. Davidson, I'lslntllT I
. vs. Suit for Divorce
Vf. T. Davidson. tvrvndinU I
, To W, T. Davidson, tile abovc irrsmcd dofond-
1 You Rr lercbv T0 Hired tu appear and n
wer thepomydaiirl tiled suninsl you In tin-shove
entitled suit on or before Kr'day, the 17th
day of February, 1W, that heing the day of the
expiration of nix weeks' publication of this sum-
hioh, 'I his suit Is brooKht to obtain a decree
dissolvltiK Hit bonds of n alrlmoiiy now existing
between vou ab'1 the plalntirt; to obtain thecus.
tody for the plaintiff df your minor child: the
Costs of tills suit, and such otner and further re
lief as to the Court shall seem nn et and proper.
volt re hereby noiineii thai it vou lull to ap
pear and answer the a id complaint as almve re
iinlrcd, the plninllll will apply to the court lor
the relief therein prayed.
Thl summons is published by order of th
Honorable 'I nomas K. Kyan, (utility Judge of said
Clackamas eouuly, and ia published the first
time on Friday, trie 6th day ol January, lstin.
W, 8. tj'KKS,
Attorney for the Plaintiff.
' twvn appointed atltntnbilratrlx with the will
annexed of the estate of William Shelby Yotini.
deceased, ty th Hon. county court of I'lackama
county, Oregon. All persons having claims
irainst said estate are hereby notified to present
Ihe same to m for pavment. at my borne near
Wllsonvllle, Clackamas county, Orvyim, with
proper Touchers, within alx months front the
dale of this nolle. ISAHKL YOUNG,
Admitilsiratilx with 'hewlllannf kednf the
Ks ate ot William Shelby Young, deeeaaed.
G. 1C. H.v, Atloroev for Katate.
Dated Ihis Mh day of Dvceiuber, 1SSW
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
Mrs. Maltha Kingn,
W. W. H. Samnon and J. E. Samson,
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, s.
decree and an execution, duly issued out if
and under the seal of th i above entitled court, in
the above entitled cmise, to me duly iliruetetl tuid
dated the 6th day of December, J8!i8, upon a jtniu
ment rendered and entered in said court on the t2
day of November, lbUH, in favor of Mrs. Marlha
KitiRO, plaintiff, and au'alnst W.W. H. Samson and J.
K, Samson, defendants, for the sum of 187.75,
with interest thereon at the rate of 10 percent per
annum from the 2&1 day of November, 189H, and
the further sum of S.)0.00 as attorney 's fee, and the
further mm of 810.00 costs and disbursements,
and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding
me to make Rale of the following described real
property, situate In the county of Clackamas,
ktHte of Oregon, to-wit:
The east half (X) of the northeast quarter (J-)
of section fourteen (14), township five (6) south, of
range one (l)-east of the Willamette Meridian,
being a part of the donation land claim of Henry
and Eleanor Samson, In Clackamas county, Ore.
gon, and oontaii.ing eighty (80) acres.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution,
judgment order and decree, and In compliance
wilh the commands of said writ, I will, on
al the hour of 1 o'elook p. m., at the front door of
the county court house, in the city of Oregon
City, In said county and slate, sell at public auc
tion, suhjeot to redemption, lo the highest bidder,
for U. 8 gold coin, cash in hand, all the right,
title and interest whloh the within named defend
ants or either of them had on the dale of the
mortgage herein or since had in and to the above
described real property or any part thereof, to
satisfy said execution, Judgment order, decree,
interest, Costs and all accruing cunts.
Sheriff of OlacVaraas eountv, Oregon,
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., Dec. 6, 1898.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
J Jin R. II Inkle,
' vs.
Jesse A. Cox and Mary A. Cox,
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, s.
oree and an execution, duly Issued out of and
under the seal of the abov.' entitled court, in the
above entitled cause, and to me duly directed uud
dated the 21st day of December, 18U8, upon a judg
ment remit red and entered in said court on the
9th day of November, 1898, In favor of lohnR.
Hinkle, plaintiff, and against Jesje A. Cox and
Mary . Cox, defendants, for the sum of 811112.35
with Interest thereon at the rate of 10 percont per
annum from the 20th day of October, 1898, and
the further sum of (oO.OO, as attorney's fee, and
the further sum of tlo 00 costs and disbursements
and the coats of and upon this writ, Commanding
me to make sale of the following described prop
erty, situate in the county of Clackamas, state of
Oregon, to wit:
Lota numbered one (1), two (2) , three (3), four
(4), nine (9), ten (10) and eleven (11), al) in blook
numbered twelve (12) in the town of Canby, state
of Oregon.
Now. therefore, by virtue of said execution.
judgment order and decree, and in compliance
with the commands ol said writ, 1 will, on
1899, at the hour of one o'clock P. M., at the front
door of the County Court House in the city of
Oregon City. In said county and state, sell at pub
He anotion, subject to redemption, to the highest
bidder, for U. 8. gold coin, cash in hand, ail the
right, title and interest which the within named
defendants, or either of them, had on the date of
the mortgage herein, or since had in or to the
alaive described real property or any part thereof,
to satisfy said execution, judgment order, decree,
interest, costs and all accruing costs.
Sheiiff of Clackamas Countv, Oregon,
Dated Oregon City, Oregon, Dee. 22, 1898.
This stock must
We desire to announce to tSia People ot Oregon City and Clackamas County
that we have a complete stock oi LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS,
We want you to come to our Store, examine
our Goods and get our Prices.
We will tjlafily Show you through our place, whether you intend purchas
ing or not as we intend to otter this line ct Goods at prices that will astonish
you. We are Qolnjj to give the people aa opportunity to buy their supplies at
prices never before heard ot in the history of Clackamas County.
And bear in mind, we will sell you Honest
Goods at Low Prices,
As we feel assured that by sa doing we will double our sales and sava
you from 40 to 50 per cent.
Furnishing Goods.
M..n;s Select Wool
Underwear Shirt?
ami Drawers each .
Men's Heavy Mixed 1
nml Drawers each .
' shirts
Men's Wool Hose.
ii ii " .
Ladies' Heavy Kibbed Vests...
,i "
" Wool " "
a Hose
Heavy Fast Black IIoso.
Children's " " "
Latest Styles Men's Hats
Men's Heavy Shoes...
" Fine Shoes
Boys' Heavy Shoes.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
Ihe county of Multnomah.
Clara I. Darrand Margaret M. Qulg
ley, co-parlners as Oarr & Quigley,
J. A. Logan,
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss.
tion and order of sale, duly issued out of and
under Hie seal of the auove entitled Court, in
the above entitled cause, I me duly directed and
dated the 20th day of December, 1898, npon a
judgment rendered and entered In said court on
iOth the day of December, 1898, in favor of
Clara 1. Dart and Mcrgaret M. Quigley, co-part-n
rs as fljrr & Qnlglev, plaintiffs, and against J.
A. Logan, defendant, for the sum of 129.00 In
gold coin of the United States, with interest
thereon in like gold coin at the rate of 10 percent
per annum from the 81st day of July, 1898, and
the further sum of $20.00 as attorney's fees, with
interest thereon In like gold coin at the rate of 8
per cent per annum from the 20lh day of Decem
ber. 1898, and the further sum of 1225.00, with in
terest thereon in like gold coin at the rate of 10 per
cent per annum from the 2iith day of July, 1898,
and the further sum of $30.00 attorney's fees, with
interest thereon in like gold coin at the rate of t
per cent per annum from the 20th day of Decem
ber, 1898, and the further sum of f38.30 costs and
disbursements, and also the oosts upon this said
Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution
and order of sale, and In compliance with the
commands of said writ, being unable to find any
personal property of said defendant's, I did on
the 22d day of Deoember, 1898, duly levy upon
the followina- described real property of said
defendant, situate and being In the County of
Clackamas, and State of Oregon, to-wtt:
Lots 4, 5, 8, 14 and 21, and west half of lots 6 and
7 in Clackamas Park, Clackamas county, Oregon,
and I Willi on
1898, at the hour of one o'clock p m., at the
front door of the County Court House in the City
of Oregon City, in s "Id county and state, sell at
public auction, subject to redemption, to the
highest bidder, for U.S. gold coin cash in hand,
all the right, title and inlerest which the within
named defeudant had on the dale of said
judgment or since had In or lo the above
described real property or any part (hereof,
to satisfy said execution, judgment order,
deoree, interest, costs and ail accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas Countv, Oregon.
Dated Oregon City, Oregon, Dec. 22, 1898.
In the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon, for
Clackamas county.
Enoch Hale, Plaintiff, )
Glady A. Hale, Defendant)
To the said Glady A. Hale, the above named
You are hereby required to appear and answer
the complaint filed against you in the above en
titled court and cause on or before the last day
of the time prescribed in the order for publica
tion of this summons; which order provided that
the first publication be made on Friday, the lfith
day of December, 1898, and the last publication
six weeks thereafter, to-wlt: On Friday, the 27th
day of January, 1899; the first publication being
on Friday, Ihe 16th day ol De ember, 1898, you
will therefore appear and answer on or before
January 27lh, 1899. If vou fail so to appear or
answer, this plaintiff will apply to the above en
titled court for the relief prayed for tn the com
plaint: for a decree dissolving the bonds of mat
rimony now existing between plaintiff snd de
fendant, and tor such other and further relief as
to the court shall seem meet.
. This summons Is published by order of the
Hon. Thorn s A. McBride, judge of the above en
titled court, made on the 12th day of December.
Attorneys for Plain tiff.
pwsffcJob Printing at the
Courier Office,
be sold in 60 tlays. All goods at
Hoys' Heavy felloes ......
Former Present
Price Price
.$ Cfc,,.,,.$ 35e
! tiou 35c
. 1 AO 75c
. i:.c 10o
. 2oc 19c
. 1 25 7")c
. 1 00 -.. ... ('0c
, 2rie. 18c
. 50c 35c
. 1 00 75c
1 25 00c
25c 15c
. 75c 38c
. 35c 20c
. 25c 15c
. 25c 15c
. 15c 10c
Men's uits sack
Men's Fine Wool
4 50.,
gWOnr $3.00, $2.50 and $2.00 Tea Sets
at $1.50, $1.25 and $1.00.
Japanese Silk Handkerchiefs.
"Onr 30c. 25c, 20c and 15c Handker
chiefs at 25c, 18c, 14c and 10c.
Japanese Handkerchief Box
fOur 50c, 25c and 20c Handkerchief
Boxes at 25c, 15c and 10c.
G. N. JOE &
1 ft V
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the Countv of Clackamas.
Q A. Rockwood,
Wm H. Smith and Louisa Smith, his I
wife, Geo. A, Hamilton and .lessle
Hamilton, his wife, Agnes M.. Wash-
burn. I '. 0. T. Williams, assignee of
Hamilton Brothers, John G, M iller, I
JS. Miller and James a w lte,
' partners as John G. MilUr Com
pany, K. h Sabln, J, H . Lee and
K. L. Siiiiiibornpartnors doing bust-
ness under the firm name and slyle
oi J. H. Lee & Company, and Ches
ter Williams,
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss.
By virtue of a judgment order, decree and an
execution duly Issued out of and under the seal of
the above entitled court, in the above entitled
cause, to me duly directed and dated the 7th day
of December, 1898, npon a judgment rendered
and entered in said court on the 2Uih day of No
vember, 1898, in favor of G. A. Rockwood, plain
tiff, and against Wm. H. Smith and Louisa Smith
his wife, Oeo. A. Hamilton and Jessie Hamilton,
his wife, Agnes M. Washburn, 0. O. T. Williams,
assignee of Hamilton Brothers, John G. Millar, E.
Miller and James B. Walie, partners as John t .
Miller ft Company, R. L. Sabln, J. H Lee and E. L.
Sana born, partners doing business under the firm
name and style of J . H. Loe & Company, and
Chester Williams, defendants, for the Bum of
1379.60, with Interest thereon at the rate of lt per
cent per annum from the 26th day of November,.
1898, nnd the further snm of $50.00 as attorney'
fee, and the further sum of 110.00 costs and dis
bursements, and the costs of and upon this writ,
oommandi g me to make sale of the following
described real property, situate In the County of
Clackamas. Stale of Oregon, to-wit:
All that piece or parcel of land In T. 2 I, R. 2 e
of the W. M. In Clackamas county, Oregon, more
particularly described as follows, to-wit: Com
mencing at a point in Hiram Straight's D L. C,
18 rods south of what is known as as Wheeler's 1
southwest point, thenee east 214 feet, thenc
north 214 feet, thence east 74 leet 10 luohes,
,1-axi.a e,,ll, O-tOly I .1 . nunl,
...ut.uv nvuiu jiTvj ico,, lUCUUe West OD7Tj luel
thence nortli 25 feet to Ihe plaoe ol beginning, be
ing a part of Hiram A. Straight and wile's dona
tl n land claim, saving and excepting from the
above conveyance so much nf the above described
land as had been heretofore Coneyed to the Ore
gon and California railroad,
Also exo. pting the portion of the said tract re
leased from the lien of said mortgage and de
scribed as follows: A tract of laud in the D L. C,
of Hiram Straight. In Clackamas onimrv. Oieem,.
commencl.igat a point 214li ft H and 289i ft n. at ,i
whut is known as Wheeler s SW corner, thence
norm no leet, tnence w 00 feet, thence S llo feet,
Ihence E 60 feet to the place of beginning, txoept,
however, J of the well and land 4 feet wWe
between the well and west line of above described)
tract; also the right to use water from the above
well, whloh is re.-erved.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution,
Judgment order and deoree, and in compliance
with the commands of said writ. I will, on
at the hour of 1:80 o'clock p. m., at the front door
of the county court house in the citv of Oregon
City, in said county and state, sell at publio auc
tion, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder,
for U. S. gold ooln, cash in hand, all the right,
title and Interest which the will tn named defend
ant or either of them had on the date of the mort
gage herein or since had in and to the above
described real property or any part thereof, to
satisfy said execution, juggmunt order, decree,
interest, costs and all accruing costs.
J. J, coortj,
Sheriff of Clackamas county, Oregon
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., Dec. 7, 1898.
' undersigned has been duly appointed y
the county court, of Clackamas countv, Oregon,
administrator of the estate of Columbia Jackson,
deceased. All persons having claims afali it,
said estate are notified to present the same, duiy
verified, at the office of C. D, $ D. C. Latourette,
my attorneys, in Oregon City, within six months,
from this date. THOMAS P. JACKSON,
Administrat or aforesaid
Dattd December 30, 1898,
50c on the dollar.
1 75.
2 00.
1 15
1 25
1 25
1 00
1 25
1 15
l ine Shoes..,,, 2 Oil.
.a. 1 50.
1 25.
2 (10.
1 75.
or square cut
. i
Worsted Suits
.... 5 0)..
.... 6 00..
..'..15 00..
12 50..
3 00'
3 60
8 00-
Pants. 5 00..
" 4 00 .
" 3 50..
" 3 00..
" 2 60..
" 2 00..
' 1 75.,
" 1 50.
" 1 25.,
1 00
Japanese Goods.
Cup and Saucer each 1 75 1 00
1 50 75c
" " 1 25 65c
' t 00 50c
jgf"Our 75c, 50c. 40c and 35c Cups and
Saucers now 40c, 30c, 25c and 20c.
Tea Set 40 00 20 00
8 00
5 00.
4 00.
4 no
2 5)
2 00
35c .
1 00
A - J. - tti
Door to Postoffice, Oregon'. City