OREGON CITY COURIER OREGON CITY HERALD CONSOLIDATED. A. V. CHENEY Publisher PUBLISHED WEEKLY. Entered In Oregon Citypostofflwas 2od-clas matter SUBSCRIPTION RATES. II puidln advance, peryear.,.. 1 j0 Six montlm . Three mouths'trlal.... 20 f-The date opposite your address on the paper denotes tne time to wnicn younavo paiu. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. OREGON CITY, JAN. 6, 1899. TO DELINQUENT SUBSCRIBERS. If you are two years in arrears for subscription to the Courier-Herald your attention is hereby called to the notice sent you on December 1st. Un lesx some arrangement is made in re gard in settlement we will proceed to collect as stated in said notice. We give you the best paper in the county and cannot afford to publish papers merely to get a "list" as some papers are doing, ' , Tub Canby Independent asks the rtJowier-Herald to tell him why this fConnbry had a good crop under the gold p standard." Why, that's easy. If the country under the gold standard had - not a good crop the peop'e would have starved to death. Saturn Independent. Tub proposed school book 'wi plac ing the matter in the hands of A com mittee of five appointed by tho gOVv xnor will mean a saving of much money vto the school book trust. Heretofore "they have hud to purchase a majority of county school superintendents. Rose burg Review. l)o the taxpayers of Clackamas eounty know that nearly one-third of the road monpy is paid to the road su pervisors (or bossing? If we could have two bosses fn ea :h dlKtrict to hoss the expenditure of the other third many would be Faiiffied. We have altogether "loo many boHPC in all lines nf w Tk Whbn senator L. L. Porter attends 'the regular session of the legislature his paper, the Oregon City Enterprise will lie edited by Charles A. Fitch, late editor and proprietor of the defunct populist Oreg. n City Herald and the pipulist candidate for state printer in last spring's campaign. Mas Fitch or Porter got a change of pr1iticaj boftrt?- Wpodbum Independent. Iekb is a Sample of the Mem Indt, spendent's earc em," It is reported that 'CHI I, the conceited little fe low who pre sides over the destinies of the Oanliy Independent and the Woodhnrn Inde pendent, and who rides a cross-eyed mule nearly to death each week be tween tho two towns in his great double jointed feat of editing two papers with one small head, is a candidate wMi Claire and Walt Lions for the position of private secretary to the governor elect, . A MKWiKK of the (iiy council on Wed nesday evening to ik the following silly grounds in regard to the ci'y advertis lug: He said it did not make any dif ference whether the doinirs of the city w r i published in a paper having a eir dilation of 10 oi lfkl, s) long as they complied with tlm Uw. A more absurd 8 ateinont was never mtde What are they published fo if not to let the tax payers see what U going on? We all Imow he was speaking for his little tirgim. Tun flituati n in P rto Rico, says an exchange, promises to lorn on this joveniment, for a time at least, the ex periment of feder d mvnerhhip of teh gfaph and telephone lines. The War Department n v c.ni'rols nil lines in I'orto Rico and in In? evsicu'ed lims of Oiilu. In liili paces the lines are boin.it repaired, and the vnvernment if handling ruinuieivial mt.'Muv," s utter government matt. r. Tim -ignal serv ee in uh.i gn of this !! says in mx months from the l-t of January It ex pee a to b,i aM ti fiirni h s mil Inter oiting d.iU as to the profit in the insn l.K wire forvioo. T'.is enforced ohj vt I ."won in federal management is rwln rilly expected to have com-MoruUc in fluence in the agitation fo' like emit ml in this country Tuts new council of Oregon City made a good allowing f r their lirt-t mectiiu which was held on Wednesday evening, In the first place they no if nixed the in. habitants of Klvville by electing Justice C. Schuebel councilman in the hVt ward to fill the vacancy caused by U. D. Latonrotte having been elected mayor Tho appointing of a eVtrter revision ooininittei) by Muyor Lttottntte was another very good mow. The com mil toe is expected to look after the di vision of the city into three wards and to consult with the property owners of Cauomah and tho Westsi 'e in regard to taking those sections into the corporate limit. The citins of Oregon City can Twt assu ed that they will have a clean and economical adminUttation of the 'ty affair. The mayor and several members were in favor of making the ci'y tax levy five instead of svven mills as hereto'ore. They also took steps toward furnishing Ely and Fall View with lights, CHALLENGE THEM! Gov. Leedy, because he called an extra session of the Kansas legislature, has displeased a number of old party papers. They say that populistic legis lation has been repudiated by the people of Kansas, and that the populists should not assume to legislate at the last movement. " However, those old party papers must admit that the Kansas legislature, even though it be populist, can be called in extra session by the governor. Many people in Kansas believe that certain legislalion for the protection of the peo ple against the rapacity of the -corporations should be placed on the statute books, and Governor Leeds believes an emergency exists for such legislation. Notwithstanding the evident chagrin of old party men, the populists can enact legislation lor the protection of the people and incidentally regain their po litical ascendancy. LET THE REPUBLICANS REPEAL THE LEGISLATION OF THE POPU LISTS, IF THEY DARE. The repub licans will have the power in the next legislature to repeal all laws passed at this extra session of the Kansas legisla ture. Why do republicans shrink from repealing populistic legislation? Some of this legislation may find favor among the people, and the, republicans can take issue with the people. POPULISTS OF KANSAS, GO AHEAD WITH YOUR EXTRA SES SION OFTHE LEGISLATURE 1 PASS LAWS FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE PEOPLE. AND CHALLENGE YOUR REPUBLICAN OPPONENTS TO REPEAL THOSE LAWS . -Chicago Sentinel. The Canby Independent asks the" Courier Herald to tell him why this country find a good crop under the gold standard.. If a ten-year-old school boy would ask Such a question there would be an excuse, but when a man with the intelligence of Mr. Gill does, there must be something wrong under his hat. Courier-Herald. Never prevert a statement made by a contemporary. We spoke of marketa ble values of the 1898 and 1897 crops of corn ami oats, which were Bmaller in yield but worth S3,000,000 more than in 1897. But we are a young school hoy, and in the innocence of childhood, we' would like to ask Mr. Cheney if the Courier-Herald is a populist or a demo cratic paper. Independent.- The above statement, Bro. Gill, is enough to convince the average person that you do not know what you are talking, about. In regard to the politi cal complexion of this paper we would ruler jou ta your own statements made during the oampaign, when you ad mit. ed it st.od for reform but called it "Jemo-pop The paper speaks for itse'f. We would like to ask Mr. Gill" what's the politic il complexion of his paper, whether it Is a Brownell repub lican or a grafting republican sheet? From reading its c .lums one would think it was both. A Buffalo boy was arrested nn a charjo of crand larceny, for ste ding a bicycle worth $100. At the trial the boy's attorney proved by the manu facturer of the machine that the mate rials and labor used in its construction was worth only $(S.!50, and as a result the co :rt decided that the charge could not bu sil t lined. Tiikkk is a kick all over the nation at McKinley for paying Judge Day and Whitelaw Reid 100,0(10 each for their services as peace commissioners. There ought to be. It was an outrage. And then why should this money be taken out of tho $50,O0J,OJJ that was voted for defenco purposes? Oms wulo. tl.ii.k prosperity had surely c .me, to pre ,t number of candidate.' I'm r 'ad supei visors before the futility l oui t, . If yon want the news subee ibe for h O i'i.ti!!i-lliiK.i.i), Only a $l.oti a car. Hood's PI'1 cures nauea. sick head ache, biliousness ami all liver il 8. Price 25 cents . Sue repairing of all kinds at F, H, Cios' Inn neas shop, uppo ho A O U V l.cililiiur , n th,. hiH 7,fw d?r r Fn it t tu ia ti a Is often a warning Unit tlia liver Is torpid or Inactive. More serious troubles may follow. For a prompt, ciliclent cum of Headache and ull liver troubles, take He Vhllo they rou,-o the liver, restore full, roRular m i ion ot tlie bowels, they do not (-ripe or pnin, do not lvritutoor Intlamo ihe internal organs, but have a positive tunic effect, lljo. at all drupjlsts or by mail ot 0. 1. Hood & C o., Lowell, Mass. IMumWi-g ot hoiiM nhoml be mode only by uu iu imuuiv aim vxpvneucv. F. C. GADKE .miiktna Minn Xl. wiikCU? ...-..-fclts tUwJ COMMENTARIES. Matters Concerning Local.. Every day Affairs Noticed by the Courier-Herald Reporter. It is now possible that the O egon City locks will be open to free com merce before many months. A few days aeo Remesentative Tomine wno t,n. fore the river and harbor committee, and asked for an appropia'ion for the purchase, by condemnation proceed ings or otherwise, of the locks and ca nal at Oregon City, It is possible that a provision will be put in the river and harbor hill for this purpose, but it may ue tuat it win oniy proviae lor a survey and estimate of the cost, before the ap propriation is fully authorized. , . - The parties, who established the steel head salmon hatchery on Salmon river, probably builded greater than they im agined, and Messrs. Brown and Brouah ton will probably become great bene factors to the fishing industry 'of the Pacific northwest. It was stated last week that steelheads had touched the highest price ever known In the history of the fish business. They were quoted down the Columbia at 7 1-2 cents per pound, with a prosoect of eight cents being paid bofore the new year. This means that steelheads will be in great demand in the future In fact, thy are becoming a valuable species of salmon, and will be in great demand. The Seventh street stairway h in darkness now since the electric light was moved over on the singer Hill road. This may suit the hoboes who congregate around the foot of the stair way and the water tank, but it don't suit the hundreds of people who walk up and down these steps after nightfall. Its a whole lot of fun to see the night pedestrians cautiously put their feet forward to find a foothold. The other morning a man who was in a hurrv to reach his work at the mills, slioped and fe'l over thre9 factory girls who were on their way to work, scattering their lunch baskets in three different directions. The reporter came down the other morning very early 'ong before the electric lights' went out to eive the. sun a chance to rKe. At the head of the stairway the reporter was overtaken bv one of the most substantial business men on Main street, who always rea'-hes his store bv 7 o'clock.. The business man slipped several timos felt his wav, and said such nice things about the councilmen who voted to hive the light removed (To be continued.) It c 8ts the stato of Oreeon or rrtther the taxpayers $327 per capita fo- each inmate in the reform scho d from Clack amas, or that matter from any other county These boy are keptcominiially at work all the time too on the far'n, in the kitchen, laundry, etc..' and evi dentlyearn enough to pav their way. If the Clackamas cou-Hv bivs. wh,are noweo-'fioed io that inst tntion, were hroiiEht h nm and, kept at work, thev would not nnlv pav their owi wav. but the state would be stv d $327 per cap- The "card of h'.uik's"., bri&iess i,'get ' ting to be a source of annoyance to newspaper offices. No rne can make a spee h at a public gatherina, hm some dishes to a neighbor or visit a sick friend or attend thu funeral of the dead, hut some one rushes inn print with a "card of thanks." Nothing is more b snrdly silly. These ma'ters are always men'ioned in the newspapers, usually in a complimentary way, Th ' "card iif thanks" sound like a t'nkli'ig cymbal' and sounding brass. tn . That long-leg re l, lousy sneak, who sat on a rear seat at the Methodist church en'ertainment the other even ins, and wh spered so Ion I to the girl beside him, that he could be heo-d for several snats anund, ought to take a tumble to himself, t The Coukikk-Hkraxd leads in .the matter of news and everything else A number of new snbi-ribers com' in even- week, and the list is steadily growing. They are acnul annual p:ti 1 up subscribers, whose names aM not placed on the "obscrio ion bonk for tin purpose of maki ig a, hogu gloty of pit 'onage " Councilman Koernef rtckhrnvle lu" 1 at the council meeting iV'elneslu' ui.'ht that his ra ' orga.ii ha I no circulation, but he wants 1 ii 'o do the citv tiriiit.ing, becaus" it would cut les. Mr. Kxr ner evidently wants to k'ep 'lie publie hi tlie lark as to wh it th i .o-ri.;i t - do in IZ It would have bee i bet er to lviv p inte l th orlin i uMs i a ei-vtdir and ca t.ere 1 them broidc.isr daring e past 18 mouths Progressiva Businass Man Insure ip. a first-class crm;unio). With a expcrcnccd acnt. Shall we tell yon why ? F. E Donaldson, Agent fire and Accident insurance N, Y. fori! and Conrier-Hcreli $U5 (COMMERCIAL BANK OF OREGON CITY CAPITAL $100,000 Trnnsnrls a General Bonking Business Loans m te. Sills discounted. Makos ool l.'rtionn. H"vs and sells exchange on all poiiitu In the United' .Stales and Europe and on Hong Kong. Deposits received sul jert to check. Bankopon from 11 4 to.MM r. M. D. C. LAlOURt'i'lK, IRKD J. MEYER, President. Cashier. C. P. & D. C. LATOURETTE A1TORMEYS AT UW Commercial, Kcal Estate and Probate Law Specialties Office in Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY ' OREGON Geo, Q. Baowsau J. U. Cahpbsu BROWNELL & CAMPBELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW Caufleld Building Oregon City, Ore W. S. U'REN ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jaggar Building, opposite Hutitley's, OREGON CITY - - OREGON C. SCHUEBEL ATTORNEY AT LAW S)eutfd)er Stbbolat OREGON CITY OREGON THOS. F. RYAN Notary Public and Real Estate Broker Lkadino iN'stfamci Aokhcy or Claceaxai County Money to Loan. A bstracta ot Title Made Drawing of Legal Documents a Specialty Office on east side of Main street Between eta ana nn OREGON CITY, OREGON JI. C. STRICKLAND, M. D. (Hospital ajid Private Experience.) Offers his professional services to the people of Oregon City and vicinity. Special atlention paid to iJatfirih and Chronic diseases. Best of references given. Office in Willamette Building. Office hours: 10 to 12 a. m., 4 to 6 p. m. OB EGON CITY - OREGON 0. 8. Beabann, M. D. J. W. Powill, M. D POWELL & SEAMANN, PHYSICIANS ami SURGEONS. All calls attended promptly. Office hours: 8 to 11 a in. ; 1 to 6 p. in. . ; .-. Nos. 9 and 10 Ouabman Block. DR. GEO. IIOEYE, : . DENTIST, Office in Caufleld Building, Main Street. Oreeon Citv. Bin dob and Cb-iwn Work a Spkcialty. All work warranted -and satisfaction guaranteed. f)R. J. II. MILLER, DENTIST, Peventh Street, near S. P. Depot, piiKQos City, ... Okkoon DR. FRANCIS FREEMAN DENTIST. Graduate of the Northwestern Unlvcs. Sity Dental School, bIbo of Ameriean Col lege of Dental Surgery, of Chicago. WITH J)8. WRLCII. Willamette Muck - Uppotite Pottoffice Uukoon City, tiaEoos, 0. N. GREENMAN (Established 1805) rilK riONKKU EXPUESSMAN AND I) it AY MAN Parcclf lu-livercd to All l'arts of the City OltKliON CITY .... OtiEGOS HANK OF OREGON CITY LDEST BANKING IIOLSE IN THE CITY PAID UP CAMTAL, ?50,OIIO.OO isuitPLVS po,mo.(o 'resident, Ice prealdcnt aaliifr, CHAS. It. CAtlFI-lItD Gko, a. lliRriisa E. O. CACn&LD K General Banking Business Transacted Deposits Received Subject to Check. Approved Bills aud Notes Dlsccuntcd. OountY and City Warrants hougUt. Lottns Mado on Available Secuntv ' Rxctmiiie Bought and old. Collections Made Promptly. drafts Sold Available in Any Part Of the Torld. Telegraphic Eichanse Sold on Portland, Baa ran-isfo ''hlcaifon1NewYork. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. Nablitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY, OREGON, Or the Street between the Bridge andtht Depot. Dt.uhleand single rigs and saddle horses nvonhnd at Iho lowest rates. nd acorra duo connected with the barn for loose stock ny Information reKrdlP: any kind of itooli i oraptlr attended to by letter or person. IIORSICS 1101 (iHT OR SOLD. W. II. YOUNG'S Livery & Feed Stable Has the best-looking rips nd cheapest rates in the city. Cor. Main and 4th St. OREGON CITY. OREGON THE BEST VALUE The Bazaar Closing Cut Sale of . Holiday Goods At Greatly Reduced Prices 3Now 18 tt;e time to make return nresents We are noted for low nvinuu atA ilia rnt Gnnvna niw t(fnnA rv pi hjco, aim mo lun uguica uun vugicu ing Holiday GoodH. L A. FIFTH AND MAIN BTEEETS Make Yourself Sure The new year is upofi us and 5 cannot tell what we have in store (of you. We know what we have in store for you if you will only come and get it. The time will ny so our bargains, and if you don't grasp your opportunity as it presents itself, some other man will get what you might have had KRAUSSE BROS. jM Christmas Ife.j Is Past 'm But you-, want good flour for your : bread and pastry. The best is made by the Portland Flouring Mills Company and SOLD 1 mmi S' GROCERY, Y l - ! k f, . I. ,.f 111 st-l Depot tor H IV and FKIEO tV- H. STRAIGHT, Dealer In Groceries o4 and Provisions. Also Full line cl Mill Feed, FOR The Weekly Oregonian And the Courier-Herald FOR - ONE - YEAR in all lines of Groceries have been found here during the past year. In 1899 we intend to redouble our efforts toward securing the finest the land produces and also toward making prices which will compel the economically inclined to trade with us. In our Bakery Department can be found everything in the line of choice Pastry and the best Bread in the city made fresh every day. HEINZ & CO., Bakers and Grocers Opposite Postoffice, Oregon City nrill eraarliltr nlnao Allf S11F ramaln 11111 ryciij viuuv vv v vm4mm PATTERSON A, CO. 0K do BY ALL GROCERS Do You Understand That you can get First Class Fresh Groceries of all kinds of MARR & M UI R at very re iSonable rices ? Why pay more ? THE III DER OF LOW PRICES GROCERIES Willamette Mock. Oregon I'ltv Lime, Cement Ucil riastcr. $2.00 I 5