The Fields of Sport. From tbe fields of sport we go to bed ind get up full of pains and aches. The next night, by the use of St. Jaoobs Oil, we are soothed to sleep and get up oured. When the French President Travel. ' The French president travels free on the railways daring his official tour in France, bnt when the retnrn journey is conolmled, his secretary calculates what it would have cost if pf id for at regular rates, and this sum is handed over to be distributed among the poor est paid of the railway men. Tit-Bits. Good News It Comes From Many Homes Made Happy, "Dyspepsia Is Cured." For years Hood's Sarsaparilla has been curing dyspepsia. It is curing it today and It will continue to cure it when given a fair opportunity by those who suiter Irom tins disease. Jf you have dyspepsia take Hood's Sarsaparilla. If you have a friend Buffering from it, tell that iriend to take Hood's Sarsaparilla America's Greatest Medicine for Dyspepsia. Kntrltloni Stew. A stew is the most economical and most nutritious dish that can be pre pared from meat. It is prepared with a less quantity of water than in mak ing soups and cooked at a moderate heat for a longer time. As a pait ol the nutriment is to be in the meat, you do not cut it small, as for soups; cut into pieces convenient for serving. Put the bones, gristly bits and the poorer parts of the lean meat into cold water. This draw out the richness and gives added nutritive value to the broth. When the water boils add the tender portions, then the juices are kept in them. By slow, tender siui meiing rather than by fierce boiling the fibres are softened and the coarsest and cheapest kinds of meat are made tender and nutritious. Pieoos of meat from the shin, the aitchbone, the flank, the neck and the shoulder are suitable for stews; but the shin is the richest, it has so much marrow in the bone. Fowls, the tougher parts of mutton, STORIES OF RELIEF. - . -ar. Two Letters to Mrs. Pinkham. Hood's Pills cure all liver Ills. 25 cents. This device for butchering, described bv a correspondent of the Ohio Farm- lamb and veal may all be used in stews. er, is made so plain by the Illustration SJnllio 3nv Whitn in the December aa tn rami Ira llttlo Pirnlanntlon. 1 ne Woman's Home Companion. At last Speaker Reed has been over ruled. At a recent annual meeting of the Daughters of the Confederacy, at Hot Springs, Ark., a lively debate arose as to whether the minutes of the previous meeting should be read before business could proceed or not. One daughter ventured to quote Speaker Reed on tho subject, but she was promptly overruled and the reading was dispensed with, on the motion of another daughter, who asserted ve hemently that "Tom Reed didn't known what he was talking about." Every monarch in Europe, with the exception of the sultan of Turkey, is descended from one of two sisters the daughters of Duke Lndwig Rudolf of Brunswiok-Wolfenbuttel, who lived in the 18th century, . TBI ALLEN'S FOOT-BASK, A powder to be shaken into the shoes. At this season your feet feel swollen, ner vous and uncomfortable. If you have smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot-Ease. It rests and comforts; makes walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating feet, blisters and callous spots. Kelieves corns and bunions of all pain and is a cer tain cure for Chilblains, Sweating, damp or frosted feet. We have over thirty thou sand testimonials. Try it today. Sold by all druggists and shoo ctores for 25c. Trial package FREK. Address, Allen S. Olni ited, Co Roy, N. Y. . Among the many mysteries of bird migration is the fact that over-sea jour oevs are generally conducted in the daikness, and invariably against a head wind. ' To Cure a Cold In One ly Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tnhlets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 2ac. - There is some talk of a tunnel under neath the straits of Gibraltar, and as it would have to be only 20 miles long, there is no reason why it shouTfl not be feasible, particularly as there is a bed of bard rock all the way. 1 No household is complete without a bot tle of the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It is a pure and Wholesome stimulant rec ommended by all physicians, von i ne glect this necessity. Probably the most inflammable among substances whioh are not spon i taneonsly inflammable is phoBphuret ted hydrogen (PII3). The heat of a thin glass tube containing boiling wa ter is quite sufficient to ignite this gas. riTe Fermancntly Cured. K o fits or nervousne. 1 114 after first days use of Dr. Kline's Urvat Nerve Weste rn-. Bend for 1K .00 trlitl bottle and a-eatlse. DR. B. Ii. KIJTMK, JUd., two Arch JU-set, Philadelphia, fa. When a woman buys canned mince meat she chops a few more apples into it and adds a dash of brandy and then she thinks she has made it. When coming to San Francisco go to Brooklyn Hotel, 208-212 Bush street. A fF F.uronean tlan. Boom and board 1.00 to $1.50 per day ; rooms 60 cents to $1.00 per day; single meals 2o cents. Free coacti. Clias. Montgomery. It is an interesting fact that the very fiist use made by the British govern ment of the Atlantio cable laid down by Bright in 1858 immediately result ed in saving the treasury $250,000. The cable enabled the government to countermand an order for the trans mission of tropps from Canada to England. George Knox, who died in London recently, oalled himself "the last of the RosicrucianB." He spent a long life and a great fortune in looking for the philosopher's stone, the elixir of life and other myths of "the rosy cross." HOITT'S SCHOOL FOB BOYS. Now at Burlingame, will remove to its beautiful new home at Menlo Park. San (ntar o.umtv . f!.l.. and ragmen J anuarv Kith, 1899. Address Ira G. Hoitt, Ph. 1)., Menlo Park, Cat. Spreading Like Wildfire. Despite business depression, panics and war. and every other oommercial disturbing faotor, the installation of electrical power transmission machin ery has progressed witli marvelous machinery. One of the largest com panies installed in mining and power maohinory alone 13,879 horse-power in 1802; 18,762 in 1893; 42,379 in 1894; 46,727 in 1895, and in 1896 a wonder ful jump was made to 75,000 horse power, while last year the aggregate was 83.000 horse-power. This lecord it should be remembered is that of a single company and purely power transmitting apparatus, the numerous other applications of electricity not be ing included. Instead of reshoeing horses with sharper shoes when the ground freezes an Ohio man has invented a device which screws on the under side of the shoe and can be removed easily when the ground thaws. stnnrtfirda A A are 2x4 hardwood scant lings.' 8 feet In length; the upright B. a 2-lnch Blank about 1 foot wide at me bottom and 8 Inches at the top, sft iem long. These are hinged together on top with a half-Inch bolt running througn a hole bored through both plank and scantling, and In the center of this the Dullev D Is placed, a slot of course ue- Ing cut In the plank for pulley to play In. Tho rrnnk C is an old well crank, and farmer has been learning how to feed his corn to his stock. It is estimated that there will be n yearly market for 150.000,000 bushels of American coru for this purpose in the Germ;in agrl cultural districts alone. Previously the German farmers had fed oats, Russian barley and other cheap Imported grains. Their own hind Is too valuable to per mit them to grow feed. ' To Cure Colic. George H. Hogan, writing to the Ag ricultural Epitomlst, says: "I would like to have every farmer and breeder of fine stock know how to cure colic, or hoven. In cattle. Instead of punctur ing, as recommended by some, just get it piece of an old broom handle, or some round stick as large, and about twelve to fourteen inches long, and fasten In the animal's mouth so as to keep It working at the stick with Its. tongue, and It will soon pump up all the extra gas accumulated In the first stomach. Had I known this several years ago I would have been several hundred dol lars better off In cattle to-day. I have been curing cattle for the last five years, and have not lost a single case yet'" To Tan Skins, A. J. Legg. lu the Epitomlst, gives the following Instructions: Dog skins. sheep skins, and such small skins may bo made of value for strings, etc.. may bo tanned by soaking them In lye made of wood ashes or lime until tho hair can be easily rubbed off, then soak them In running water until the lye Is soaked out. Then soak In a solution of alum and salt In the proportion of throe BUTCHERING DEVICE. as Indicated is attacuea to rue put us. 2y2 feet from the base. The whole ap paratus Is' easily portable, very con venient and cheap in construction, and every farmer who keeps pigs should have one either of this kind or similar to it, for use at butchering time. 7 ' vimNm Mrs. John Williams, Englishtown, N. J., writes: " Dear Mns. Pinkham: I cannot be gin to tell you how I suffered before taking your remedies. I was so weak that I couldhardly walk across the floor without falling. I had womb trouble and such a bearing-down feeling ; also suffered with my back and limbs, pain In womb, inflammation of the bladder, piles and indigestion. Before I had taken one bottlo of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I felt a great deal better, and after taking two and one half bottles and half a box of your Liver Pills I was cured. If more would take your medicine they would not have to suffer so much." . -, Mrs. Joseph Peterson, S13 East St, Warren, Pa., writes: , ' ; 'Dear Mrs. Pinkham: I have suf fered with womb trouble over fifteen years. I had inflammation, enlarge ment and displacement of the womb. I had the backache constantly, also headache, and was so dizzy. I had heart trouble, it seemed as though my heart was in my throat at times chok ing me. I could not walk around and I could not lie down, for then my heart would beat so fast I would feel aa ' street. Portland. Oregon. tnougn i was smothering- i naa to sit up m bed nights in order to oreathe. I was so weak I conld not do any thing, i " I have now taken several bot tles of Lydia E. Pinkhaia's Vegetable Compound, and used three pack ages of Sanative Wash, and can say I am perfectly cured. I do not think I cruld have lived long if Mrs. Pink ham's medicine bad not helped me." Mt Ttrlnar Lenrosy to tlila Cnnntry. It is pointed out that the United States soU dtersin Hawaii may contract leprosy there, and bring it to this country when they return. While leprosv is much to be dreaded, there era a thousand times as many victims to stomach disorders and blood diseases, but there isacure for them in Hostetter'6 Stomach Kilters. Other common ailments that the Bitters are a specific; for are malaria, lever and ague, fcoia at an drug stores. The best pineapples grow in eastern Cuba. They are very easy to cultivate, only little capital is required, and pre vious experience is not absolutey essential. AGENTS WANTED. DIATOMS Vegetable and metallic, a froak of nature, noted as the best foL'SH In the world for silver, sold, brass, etc.. seat in quan tity sufficient for years, io.- 25 oents P. O. stamps. It is infusorial and crneks in stoves mav be repaired with it. Address, tt. H. BALL. 1NUER, 601 Mutual Life Builthng, Seattle, W ash. The polar fox ohanges the color of its coat. In summer it is always black; in winter it is so white that the ani mal can scarcely be seen as it scampers over the snow. - ' A Short right. The damp autumn nights and 'morn ings stirs up soiatica, and then comes a tug of pain. ; Use St. Jaoobs Oil, and then comes a tua to cure it. It is a short fight and the cure is sure. If you want the best wind mill, pumps, tanks, plows, wagons, bells oi all sizes, boilers, engine, or general machinery, see or write JOHN POOLE, foot of Morrison The elephant has more muscles in Its trunk than any other creature pos sesses in its entire body, their number being no feweer than 40,000. The Most Common of All. ' The most common of all ailments pounds of alum to one-half pound of from gporta o Rii kim8 are 8prain8 and coif Tl. -,!. Im .hnl,l' l,n a.,fnnlr,l,t r t l bruiBes. lne-most common ana surest The hair of rabbits and other animals in Russia is oonverted into bowls, dishes and plates, whioh are valued for their srength, durability and lightness. The articles have the appearance of var nished leather. ' DEAFNESS CANMIT BE CUBED By local applications, a they cannot reach tha j, i . ...!.. ni .Via anv T V, ttrft is ATI I V Oil A salt. The solution should be sufficient to cover the skin. Soak for about three days, then hang up to dry In the shade. Hub the skin every day until It Is dry, soft and pliable. - oute of them is by the use of St. Jacobs Oil, which is prompt in its action. TEE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fio Syrup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fio Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fia Syrup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it docs not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. AN FRANCISCO, Cel. I.oriaVILl.R. Kj. HKW TOKR. 1. T. To Relieve Choking Cattle, A correspondent of the New England Homestead has an excellent as well as a humane way for the relief of choking cattle, and he thus describes It: "Vlien the animal becomes choked I find the obstruction by feeling along the throat with one hand, and In nine cases out at ten It is found In the gullet. With the thumb and fingers the obstacle can be forced out the way It went In, aud generally the animal is ready to assist In the removal A few years ago I bad a heifer that was choked with apples every few days, and In every Instance I removed them in this way without difficulty or danger of Injuring the ani mal. I think anything which an ani mal gets In Its throat and cannot get down In the natural way should not be punched or pushed down, thereby en dangering the life of the animal, and should be taken out the way It went In." A Handy Manner, The Illustration shows a ladder frame hinged in the manger at doiu ends, which can be tipped up wnen bay or fodder Is being put In, and let down again. This device prevents tue waste of feed, which Is pushed out ana trodden under foot, and saves stocfe that are sometimes horned Into a man ger or in their backs. For cattle tha crossbolts or rounds should be strong and close enough together to prevent Orchard Mannrlng. A covering of manure around trees serves as a mulch, and the lumps In the manure are broken fine by frost, while the soluble portions leach out and go to the roots of the trees. Such work as applying manure to trees In winter saves them In spring, for If the orchard Is then cultivated the hurried work of spreading manure will have been done, and there Is more complete Incorpora tion of the manure with the soil. Transparent France. leather is mads in I shall recommend Piso's Cure for Con sumption far and wide. Mrs. Mulligan, t'lumsteau, h.ent, liiigiaim, isov, o, icvo. The woman of 20 asks, "Who is he?" the woman of 80, "What is he?" the woman past 80, "Where is he?" diseased portion oi tbe ear. There is only pua way tocuredi-atuess, and that is oy constitu tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in flamed condition of the mucous lining ot the Bustnehinn Tube. When this tube gets in flamed vou have a rumblini? sound or imper fect hearing, and when it i entirely closes deafness is the result, and unless tlieinliamnia tion can be taken out and this mho resfired to its normal condition, hearing willbe destroyed forever; nine cases out ot ton are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an innamea condition of the mucous surfHues. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deainesslcansed by catarrh) that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Bend lor circulars, free. & CQ Sold by Druggists, 750 ilall's Family Pills are the beet. The most active volcano in the world is Mt. Sangay, 17,199 feet high, situ ated on the eastern chain of the Andes, South America. It has been in con stant eruption since 1728, and the sound of its explosions is sometimes heard at Quito, a distance of 150 miles, 267 having been counted in an hour. Chnmplon Butter Cow. A picture Is given here of the won derful Jersey cow, Signal's Lily llagg, which has the championship record of 5 4 sail . T J&rM SIONAI.'S I.1I.V FLAOG. TRKVKNTS wastk of feed. DON'T DELAY.... In seenring- the COLUMBIA AOKNCT for 18911; one day's delay may result in your competitor getting it. We are the only bicycle house having a delivery point in tha North west. Prompt delivery ol all orders assured. Dealers who handle the COLUMHH and M tKi rilKH line will have a double advant age over others who do not. We have im proved the quality of our products, while our increased output enable! u to reduce our prioei, as follows: Columbia Chninless IJ M Columbia Models 67-48 60 00 provemenli.. , 40 00 Columbia Model 49, , Hartfords $3S 00 Vedettes, Strictly Up-to-Date iio Wi we Jib bicycle sundries. Write for terms and discounts. POPE MANUFACTURING CO., Ctntrolllno Oregon Washington, Monttni and Idaho. 132-81 Sixth St., Portland, Of. Actor James O'Keill has played the Count of Monte Cristo 4,000 times, in his time, thetefote, he has assisted at the killing of 12,000 stage villians. This is a record of which any man could be proud. MACHINERY For Mills, MlneMhops ajFarmsjeteel Log rnd Hoisting Engine.; Hoe Chisel 1-c Tooth Saws, Albany Grease, etc. TATUM&BOWEN 27 to 38 First Street Portland, Or. Fremont Street, ban Francisco. SEEDS were famous year ago-thf.r fme 1 I growa every year as tbe sevds I moat to uo mi ieu uu--m iiwuji i thn twac tor lalft b; letullfiff I dealer everywhere. IW ot-uti i nar iLinur it nil M IWlrD murili IV. m U1BWI on Bavin mru, Mt.g do rtk buy i-errya. fpJi . 1. M. KKK.KY , TOsSM rH of E3 In time. Hold tT dniggl-n. . m. ly to mm them from getting their horns caught under the rounds. Practical Farmer. font of lcsia. ExDerlments in feeding and in com puting the value of eggs, show that. If no estimate Is made tor in nor. one um en eggs can be produced at a cost of about 0 cents for food, or about half a cent an egg. If all of the food allowed to hens were converted Into eggs the profit of a dozen eggs would be large, even when prices are very low, but much depends on whether the hens convert food Into eggs, nesh or support oi me bodies. It Is a fact demonstrated, how ever, that when a dozen eggs are mar keted they carry from the farm out lit tle of the nutritious elements of the soli In proportion to their value in market. and on that account they are as profit able as anything that can be produced on tbe farm. Poultry Keeper. Feed Inn Work Honrs). Whenever a working team has an un usually bard Job It Is the bablt of some farmers to feed It extra, thus giving Its stomach an additional labor and thus lesseninir available present strength. It ought always to be remembered that It Is the food eaten the day before, and for days and weeks before that, which Is available for present strength. No animal ought to be expected to work on an empty stomach. But a light feed before an extra hard Job Is better than loading tbe stomach with more than It requires. Home and Garden. Corn in Oermnny. large share of the 11,000,000 worth American corn that now goes week- i Europe Is for the German farmer. the past two years the German 1,047 pounds 9 ounces of butter In one year. The cut is reproduced from a drawing from life made by Mr. Webb Donnell, for the Country Gentleman. Gleaning:.. The farmer who buys bran nnd lin seed meal never makes a mistake, as those substances will enrich his ma nure heap, as well us add to tbe thrift of bis stock. When meal Is fed to hogs, either as slop or dry, It Is Impossible to prevent waste; If menl Is worked out of the trough or the slop spilled, It is hardly possible to gather It again. If whole corn Is fed the last grain Is devoured. The food properties of corn are not changed by grinding It; It Is still corn, whether served as meal, mush or slop. When feeding hogs, grind only for the aged sows which have lost their teeth, and It is doubtful If they will pay the miller. Each tleld of the farm Is fitted for some sppclnl use. Have due considera tion ot the soil, the past rotation aud fertilization and needs of the proposed crop. There should be no haphazard way, but some forethought, lu adapting the crops to the land. Low beads for trees are preferred by some, as they lessen the work of har vesting the crop and enable the grower to combat bisects with advantage, but closer cultivation can be given when the trees are tall and the lower branches trimmed off. There Is a positive scarcity of all kinds of good stock, especially of the high grades, for the best and most pro fitable feeding, for the best home mar ket and export Irade. Thus overpro duction of grain or live stock corrects Itself by being unprofitable. H Is best to keep wethers growing In stead of fattening them, unless they are Intended for market soon. An allow ance of three pounds of clover hay a day for a sheep weighing 100 pounds, using no grain, should be sufficient, but to fatten rapidly give two pounds of hay and a pound of cornmeal dally. It requires about twenty pounds of milk to make a pound of butter, aud fourteen pounds of milk to make a pound of cheese. More labor and care are necessary to make cheese, however, but good cheese brings a high price, especially when the parties making It are known and reliable, and make a specialty f a choice article- He<hyHappyGiTls often, fTom no apparent c&use, become languid and despondent in the early d&ys of theiT womanhood They dTag; along, always tiTed, never hungry, bTeathle and with & palpitating hear after slight exercise so that merely to walk up sta.iTS is exhausting. Sometimes a shoTt.dry. cough leads to the feat that they are'gomp; into consumption They are angmic. doc tors tell them, which means that they have too little blood Are you like that? Have you too little blood. t More anaemic people have been made strong, hungTy. enerijftic men and women by the use of Dt. Williams' Pink Pills foT Pale People than by any otheT means They are the best tonic in the world. Miss tulu Steven., of Gnsport, Niagara Co., N. Y., had been a very healthy girl until about a year ago, when .he grew weak nnd pole. She lost her appetite, wo. a. tired In the morning a. on retiring, nnd lost flesh until .he become .o emaciated that her friends hurdly knew heT. The doc tor, declared the disease ouoemla, and gave her up to die. A physician who vu visiting in Gasport prevailed upon her to try Dr. Williams' Pink Fill, for Pale People. She did so, and wa. benefited at once. Blie i. now well and .trong the very picture of health. Buffalt (N. K.) Couritr. t The genuine &re sold only m package, the wr&fptT always bearing the full name. For sle by all drug gists or sent, postpaid, by the Dr rtitliams Medicine Company, Schenectady. N Y,, on receipt or price, fifty cents per bon. Book of cures free on request. TP $40 CASH, $45 INSTALLMENTS 1899 BICYCLES "llest Wheal. M Kartll." 1899 Ideals lil fiO, Rend for catalogue, Llvsageuts wanted everywhere. FRKI) T. MEItllll.L CYCLIC CO., PORTLAND, Bl'OKANS. TACOMA. A SWORN STATEMENT. ICR Rollins, M. D., of Oras. Vallev, Or., voluntarily make the fnllowlr-g .tatement: After tiavinu my teet;: extrncted I have had live wis made at interval, of about nine ninntn, ti,r.. i iwtlHml. one in San l-'ranoiseo aud one In Bixifcatio. Willi neither of the-e have I b'Jeu able to eat ft meal's victuals or even an apple or ripe peanh. On December 10. 1S1W, 1 had mjr sixth set made by Dr. sirvaer, i. u, i. r. leinpie, i-irm mm nmnr, , m nw-i, ... ., ......... twertv minute, alter the time they were put Into my month 1 was alne to eat a common hard wlnu-r apple and a piece of dried venison, and at this time, Herein w-r 18th, have eaten every meal since with the ureaie.t comfort and with no trouble at all. 'I hey are a P'-rfecl fit ana at Isfaetorv In every respect. . ''""':""","'.'. Inferences: French lirni. Hank, The Panes, Or.; Sherman Co. HanK, Wasco, or.; Holder, Hlierlff of Hhennan Co.; Dr.. A. r. Nichols aud llrother, I'ortlana, or, Subscribed and .worn to before me this lain day of December, ISM. 8F.ALJ JollH OUlLUfcK, Notary Public for Oregon. Win. r.4. nXDrugCataloeiie Woodard, Clarke Co. DKPARTMKNT E. ;roitTLANU, OB. YOUR LIVER Is It Wrong? Get it Right Keep it Right Moora'a Revealed Rnmndy wllldoit. Throe doses will uiako you feel better. Get It from your drmorlst or any wholesale drag house, or Irom Stewart it Holmes Drug Co., Beattle. TEETH WITHOUT PLATES Itoota Crowned. Bridge. Made, l'alnie.s tlliliiK and extraction. Dr. T. H. White, UToT' RUPTURE CURED. We guarantee to tit every esse we undertake. )o!i"tput It off; write fur particular, at once. . II. UIHlllt Itli ti CO., Kxiiert Tru.e Fitter., 1W1 tk-cond Street, I'ortlana, or. Jftv ytn I to 6 Uf!.1 flit- Uuftrftiiut-1 g r A Vnfau utiii(loa. BTalTHtEvntsOiltMKl V"Ac"'i.o.rS7!j MaM rul" -V V H A yc-i lror "mt '" rll wruppi-r, X,"',. ' ' "Pre". l"'Tii., for y Circular iKiit on r-uuwt CURE YOURSELF! I'm HIr 41 for unnatural (lH:hArK"t, ihtlitfiiiiit-tlin irritatiuui or iiltetatk.u of in ttcuui mMi)sriirifS. I'tiinluftrf, mi I not ftttiu flf), If1 'it or Hl(OIIUU, N. P. N. V NO. l9t. WUEN writing to dvrtUm plvas mention tuU pup or.