Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, December 30, 1898, Image 5

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Swell Jackets
and Capes
at Cost
Now on sale the balance of French
Percale Wrappers
At 50 Cents
Balance ol Flannelette Wrappers
At 75 Cents
McAllen & McDonnell
161-163 THIRD and MORRISON
Try Courier-Herald aix 'months for
75 cents.
James F, FuUam wag in from Viola
yesterday. - j
Miss Echo Samson is spending her
holiday vacation at Molalla Corners.
M. E Kandle, a prominent citizen of
Highland, was in the city yesterday.
Col. and Mrs. R A. Miller spent their
Christmas holidays in Marion county.
Born, in this city December 28th, to
the wife of John H. Walker, a daugh
ter. Mr. and Mrs G W Grace entertained
Assossor Stont and family on Christ
mas day.
Miss Jacobs, of Mount Tabor, was the
guest of her sister, Mrs J. F. Clark,
during the week.
Charles Galloway, of the state uni
versity U spending his vacation quietly
his Parkplace home.
Mr. A. M. Ellsworth, of Portland,
visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G.
Pilsbury, during the week.
ilMiss May ffel'y. now one of the
teachers m the Portland public schools,
i-t sp sliding her holiday vacation at
F. P. IjD)viU ail child re
tu rned to Salem Tuesday, Rfter visiting
her mother, Mrs. E F. Martin, for sev
eral days.
W. P. Stafford's family, who have
been visiting in New Jersey for the
past three or four months, arrived home
J. B. Jackson and family spent Christ
mas with Chirles Spmgler anl fun ly
at Oarus. It was a rao lei homo Christ
mas jollification.
A number of letters were received
from tlie Philippines yesterday. Lee
Harding writes that they are all well,
'and tells of the arrival of the new re
cruits. Mi-s Maude Freese, one of the teach
ers in the Washington state school of
defective youth at Varic uiver, was a
guest of Mis Maud Butler during the
Christmas holidays
Governnt Lord has formally appointed
Sergeant I. U. Campbell, second lieu
tenant of Compiny I to succied W. A.
Huniley, resigned. This will give the
other sergeants a chance to crawl up.
Will Beach, who is attending the
state agricultural college, is spending
his vacation here, accompanied by Fred
Kruse. Miss Nettie Owenby, of Cane
mah, is ato home during the vacation.
County Superintendent H 8. Strange
was brought home from St. Vincents
hospital yesterday, and is now at hi"
home on Madison street. -He is still
vprv weak, however but he will be ab'e
to see hiB constituents.
The following New Year's themes
wi'l be presented at the First Congre
gational church next Sunday: At 10:
30 a in., "B dancing the Ro ks:" at 7:
HO p. in , "Thoughts of the Future." At
2 p. m.. Pr Butler will conduct cervices
in the E y chapel. .
The Woodmen have removed fro n
Redmen ball to t'ie Wil'amette IihII.
and will hereafter meet on the first and
third Friday evenings. P. tt. Slur
lias resiunen h'8 office as banker, and
U. W. Grace was elected to succeed
John Pchiewe. a wooiehopper resid
ing near Stafford, died suddenly on
Mondav Coroii' r Stricklaml and Dep
uty Disriet Attorney G. B. Dimick
were summoned, but did not believe an
inquest ne' ees 'ry. as he had evidently
died from natural causes. The deceased
was 3 1 years old and loaves a wife and
four childien
William Rarlw went to Portland
Friday to investigate the process d
tnanufae'uring dessicated unions on an
extensive fcale, wi h a view of estib
lif hinn a factory at Ba'lo He ascer
tained, however that the des-i ;ted on
i,m business was almost monoplized by
the department stores, and consequently
gave up the idea.
Mrs. Jane Baker, a pioneer of 1844,
die I near the Clack tuns lia'cherv Mon
d y She was th widow of ihe late
Horace Baker, who est ibiished the ferry
by that name on the Clackamas Mr.
Biker died about 15 years ago The de
ceased leaves th'e daughters all mar
ried. She was 79 yean old.
The Masonic lodge and Eastern Star
chap-er held a joint installation Tues
day night. The following appointive
onVersof the chapter not heretofo-c
irinted a e given. Tb lit of e'ective
officers were printed la-t week, brma
Lawr nee. Ads ; B. France. Ruth : Vlr.
Eugenie Meldiuiii. Esther; Mm. D B.
Martin, Electa; Mrs. T. S. Lawr-nce.
rhaplai'i; Mrs. W H BurghaHt. war
der: Mm. fi. M. Strange, oruanist;
A. W. France, sentinel. .
- r. A. Marquam, ol uregon Uity, is
writing books. He lias discovered, he
vers in his latest production, how a
man may live 900 years, if he live right
tfowif he will, discover the man who
will live right, he will have made a
greater discoveiy thun the scientific
truth he claims to have unearthed
Sunday Welcome. ,
Assessor Luciene Stout will complete
his term of office this week, and with
his estimable lady, will soon after leave
for Lincoln county. The best wishes of
many friends will accompany them to
their new home. Eli Williams, the
new assessor will follow the plan of
work adop'ed by his predecessor, and
will no doubt make an equally accom
modating official.
F J McHenry, chief ieader, insti
tuted Oregon City Ranch No 20, United
Modern Vigilantes, Wednesday night
with 19 members. Following are the
principal officers elected: Joe Lynch,
leader; J C Keller, pat leader; Angus
Matheson, aide; W tl Young, treasurer;
H L Kelly, jr, scribe ; M C Strickland,
medical examiner. Ir is expected to
complete the organization of the ranch
next Monday idght. '
A re-union of the Cowing family was
held at the home of Captain T. F. Cow
ing on Christmas day. The following
members of the famdy were present.
Captain Cowing and wife; Mr. and Mr.
L. H. Cowing, of Astoria; Mr. and Mrs.
K. DeParcq, of Portland; Miss Ruth
Cowing, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Cowing,
Mr. and Mrs. Tom F. Cow ing, of Ore
gon City Mrs. A. A. Cowing, of Port
land, as also present.
'On Christmas day thire wa a very
pleasant family reunion at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. T. A Pope. Among those
present from Portland end Mount Ta
bor were: Mr. and Mrs. A. Warner,
parentH of Mrs. Pope; Mr. and Mr.
W.A.Lee, Mrs. H. K. Pope, Mrs. M.
llemenway, Mrs John Pickett and two
children, O. H. Warnerand Miss Helen
VVarner; also Mr. and Mrs. Franklin T.
Griffith and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Pope.
Mrs. William Galloway entertained
the members of Ahernethy Chautauqua
cire'e at her home .at Parkplace Wed
nesday evening, the occasion being her
birthiiav. A short literary program
was presented, and among the numbers
were solos by Mrs. Ohlson, and Miss
Lessie Linn, cf Portland. Th-re was
also an impersonation bv Charles Gal
loway and a recitation b Miss Zilpha
Galloway. A very pleasant evening
was passed anil refreshments were
served. Mrs. Galloway is president of
Ahernethy Chautauqua circle and its
mem hers were out in full force.
A very pleasant, surprise party wi
aiven Mr. and Mrs. Will Green la
Tuesday evening in honor of their loth
wedding anniversary. ihe evening
was pie (Rant! v passod with a variation
of vocal and instrum ntal music and so
ciabilily. Those present were: Rev
and Mrs. A. J. Montgomery, Mr.
and Mrs. A. T. Mnir, Mr. and Mrs
George Bovlan, Mr. and Mis. M. P
Chapman, Mr ami Mrs. Marion Green,
Mr. and Mrs. John Green of Salem
Mrs. Steve Hamilton, Mrs. Will All
redge; Misses Lou and Ada Allbee,
Jessie, May a d Maggm loung, Nora
Califf, Addle Hughes; M'-tr-, George
and James Young, brink All ede,
rratik Wlutemnn, t'hester Muir, Geo.
Califf, Mr. Hanneford and L. Horns
This item will appear lor one monil
to continuously remind that the United
VIoderu Vigilantes, recently organized
here, is as it naine.in lic.ates, vigil, nt
for the best in erest ol jts members, It
has the most equitable plan known,
For first-class handmade or machine
made harness go to F, H, Cos on
Seventh street, opposite A O U W ball,
Pri es reasonable and wo k guaranteed,
The Codbibb-Heealo leads.
H. I. Duvbin. of Logan, was in town
Monday. .
Six cases of dipthoria are reported in
George Epperson, of' Kelso, was in
town Friduv. .
Deputy Sheriff Jack spent Christmas
at Marquam.
Mr. and Mis, O. L. Haines went to
Salem Tuesday. j
Mrs. K. W. Porter, of Canemah, has
been seriously ill.
The West Oregon City closed Friday
for a week's vacation
I. M. Hudin. of Eagle Creek, was a
visitor in town Friday. ,
Miss Grace Marshall, of Canemah, is
spending a week at Carus.
Howard Brownell is home from For
est Grove for the holidays.
Jack Knotts, of Mulino, was a visitor
in Oregon City Wednesday.
A. R. Cumins, of Beaver Creek, was
a visitor in the city Friday. ' .. ,
H.Thiessen, of the Concord settle
ment, was in the city Tuesday.
Wi D. Hill, of Beaver Creek, "was a
yieitor in Oregon City, Tuesday; v
Mrs. L. 0. Driggs, of Portland, was
visiting relatives here Tuesday.
Mrs. Anna Rhoades spent Christmas
at the home ol Wijliam Barlow .
William Krneger, of Login, was a
visitor at this office Saturday. ,' .. , .
Mrs. R. Prior has recovered fnm the
effects of a recent operation. -
Hon. John Myers, of Portland, was
visiting relatives here Monday. '
A. 8. Olinefelter, a prominent farmer,
of Oswego, was in town Tuesday. " ,
Falls City A. O. U. W. lodge will in
stall its new officers January 7th.
J. W Loder spent'the Christmas hol
idays with his parents at Carlton.
August Kanne, a prominent citizen of
Clackamas, was in the city Monday.
Mrs. D. H. Glass anl son are visiting
relatives at Seattle during the holidays.
Miss Ruth Cowing left Monday to
visit friends at Astoria for a few days.
If you want the news subscribe for the
Coukier-Hkkald. Only a $1.50 a year.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Mish, of Portland,
visited Mr. and Mis. M. Michaels, Sun
day. v '
O. B Moores and family spent a por
tion of the Chris mas holidays at ba-
Mrs. Mason Warnock, of Sp dngwater,
is visiting her sister, Mrs. K. D. Wll
Bern-fit for Company I.
A prty will be given at the Armory
on December 30, by Mea e Corps
Aux liary. Tickets to dHnce including
refreshment.', $1 per couple, fpectitoM,
2o ct-Ats each. Zilm's rchestra will
furn'sli music. All earning of the M.
C. V. A are us d for the benefit of
our bovs at Maniia.
Shoe repairing of all kinds at F, H ,
Cross' harness shop, oppo-ite A 0 U
W building on the hill.
Fresh Cow for Sale Parker, the Bar
ber at O. K. Shaving Parlors.
A fine Beatty organ
Auction House.
at Oregon City
Kiluntr lit.- Howl. Willi r.Hrft
Caiulv f'Hthanii:, cure iiiriiiuitoii
fnrpi. r" I0c.25c If CVU fail. dm
trials refund monev.
A ason & Hamlin ilujel crjan at
the Oregon C ity Auction House
L. L. Moore, principal of the Mil
waukie school, spent the holidays at
E L Barber, of Elliott Prairie, spent
the Christmas holidays with his fam
ily hero.
Miss Hullah Hoilen want t) Cor-
vallis Saturday to spend her holiday
There will be wa'ch meeting services
at the United Brethren church Satur
day nignt. '
Miss Tacy Wilkinson, a stu lent of
Pacific university, is spending her va
cation here.
Martin Pe erson. a well known far
mer of Oswego, was a caller at this of
fice Monday.
Nello Johnson, of Astoria, visited his
parents, Mr. ana Mrs. C(u.ry joiinson,
over Sunday.
Mi's Ruth Flinn, of Albanv, is visit
in the family of G. W. Church, during
the holidays.
Mrs. E. F. Hodgkin, of Silem, spnt
Chrismas with her mother, Mrs. Berry-
man Jennings.
Mrs. W. M. Robi-'Son and infant son
spent Chtistma8 with her parents at
Cascade Locks.
Noble Heath, superintendent of the
La Camas paoer mil's, was in the city
during the week-
Charles Luelling and wife, now resi
dents of Eastern Oregon, are. visiting
his parents here.
T. S. Bake.'s family on the Wet side
is lecovering dom a lo.ig continued
siee of malaria. ,
George Swaff ird leives next week to
'beiiin a course oi ntu lies in Pacific uni
versity Forest Grove.
Louis Jaggar, of Portland, spent
ClnUtmas with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. benjamin Jaggar. .
Wayne Howard and family, of Port
Ian I, spent ChrHtma8 at the Gtuong
homestead in Canemah.
Rev 'II L. Boardman will fill the
puI pit of ihe Baptist church next Sun
day, motning an 1 evening.
Dr. C. B. Sm th and family, of Eagle
Creek, were ue-ts of Mr. an l Mrs. C.
D. 1 atourette, Christmas.
John and William Vaughan, of Mo
lalla, were guest-t id N. M. Moody dur
ing the Chiistmus holidays.
Mrs. Adolph Willey was visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson White,
at Portland during the week.
E. Richards, wife and children, of
Poaland, were the guests of Mr, and
Mrs. W. H. Howell Sunday.
I. B. Donaldson, ife and son, of
Portland, were gneflts of F. E. Donald
son and famdy over Sunday.
J. L Gten, of Salein, accompanied
by his wife, spent Christinas with his
sister, Mrs. .M. P. Chapman.
Rev. F. C. But'er and wife, of Clack
amas, were guesti of Dr. T. W. Butler
and family during the week.
Theodore Miller, who is one of the
Voluntee.-s at Vlanila, sent home a fine
display of hells which were on exhibi
tion for ev. ral days.
If ynu h'-ve nr.ythine to sell advertise
in C I'liiKR Hkuai.ii. It has th' largest
circulation mid reaches more homes than
all the other papers combine I.
County Clerk I'ix n i cued licen-es to
wed to opbia Mecii nd J. E. I'eik on
t e 24th, Annie B. Mum.iower a d
John J. Underwood o , the 28th.
Mrs. P II. Hatch and daughter, of
Portland, were guests of vir. and Mrs.
II. L. Kelly, during the week.
Rev. A.J. Montgomery led the ser
vices at. one of the ministerial meetings
in Portland Monday morning. '
George Fuchs, of the Southern Pa
cific car shops, took Christmas dinner
with T. W. Fouts and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Newton Graham, of
Portland, visited her parents, Mr, and
Mrs. R. Glasspool, over Sunday.
E W. Dixon, of Seattle, special Uni
ted States land agent, was in the city
over Sunday, visiting old friends.
H Choate, a prominent farmer living
in uiacKamaa county, near nuooara,
was a visiter in the city Tuesday. i .,
Edward N. Deady, Matthew E.
Deady and Honora Deady, of Portland,
were visitors in the city Saturday.
Charles Galloway, of the state uni
versity at Eugene, is spending a pleas
ant with his. parents at Parkplace.
Mrs. Max Ramsby and family, Mrs.
Linn and Mrs. Blair were visiting rela
tives at Silverton during the week.
Dr. Fred R. Hedges, of the Multno
mah County hospital, spent his Christ
mas vacation at his Canemah home. ,
Mrs. Harry Moody and son, of Mc
Minnvitle, were guests of George War
ner and family, during the holidays. '
H P. Bestow and family entertained
Prof. J. VV. Gray and family and Mr.
6mith and family on Christmas day.
Mri and Mrs. J. F. Clark spent
Christmas with the latter's 'parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs 'at.'Mbunt Tabor.
Guido Clark, a student of Pacific uni
versity, is home for the holidays. Frank
Stewart, a fellow student is his guests.
' Misses' Fannie and Kate Porter,
teachers in the Portland schools, are
spending their vacation at their home
here ' '
A. R. Dimick, the popular teacher of
the Scotts Mills school, visited his
brother, G. B. Dimick, the first of the
week. ' f
Rev. Bruce Wolvertoa, an evangelist
of the Christian church, ws here a few
days ago in the interest of that denomi
nation. The majority of the Clackamas
county schools closed during holiday
week, including those of Oregon City
and vicinity.
Miss Ada Ball and Aaron McConnell,
both of this county, were married at the
Methodist church on the 19th. Rev.
Oberg officiated.
Georee-Wilnbart, who is now con
ducting a barber shop at Wasco, ar
rived Sunday, and will visit relatives
hete for a few days
W. S. Maple, who is carrying on the
blacksmithing business ne.ir Helena,
Mont., ar lved Home haturdiy lor a
couple of week's visit. '
Miss Lillie Surftisand H. W.Sanders,
both of this city, were married at the
United Brethren c'mrch Saturday nigh t.
Rev. A. J. Ware officiated.
Smoking Jackets
Bath Robes
Moyer Clothing Company ;
" ...The Popular-Price Clothiers...
t RES SELLING. Manaire'. . TalRj an I O VK SfR SKCs
The New Ytar's services at the Meth
odist church next Sunday will be of
special interest. A hearty welcome w 11
be accordel to all who a' tend.
C. L Oarr, formerly special laud in
spector here, hut now interested in
Southern Oregon mines, was th guest
of H. L. Kelly and family Sunday.
Fred Meindl and Mias Myrtle Taylor,
both students at the Monmouth Nor
mal school, are spend. ng their vaca
tions at their respective homes here.
Miss Jane Kirkley and William Tav
lor, both of this county, w-re tmtrrie 1
at the MethodUt Parsonage. Tnursdav,
Dec 22nd. Rev. H. Oberg offijlat-d
Mrs R M. McOown on OhrUtmas
day entertained Mrs. Ge rge Rinearson,
Mr. and Mrs. jaeiarum ivicuwn uu
Mr and Mrs. G. B Dimick.
Mm. W. .T. Evans and children, of
Oregon City, passed through here a few
days ago on tneir way to join nr. rivaim
at the E. E. mine. Baker City Rec
ord .
0. H. Byland, the teacher of the
Carus st ho l, was in the city Saturday
on hU way to Salem to spend a week s
vacation, tie win aaiu uugm kuuui
Meade Post and Relief Corps will in
s'all their new officers next Wednesday
evening.. All members and their fami
lies are invited to be present at the
joint installation.
LaBt Sunday Attorney G. VV. Swope
tendered his resignation as superin
tendent of the Baptist Sunday schoolj
a position he has held continuously for
the past five years.
Miss Grace Wilcox was married to
Albert Baxter at the lesidence of his
m ther, Mrs. M. E. Baxter, at tireen
Point, on Christmas day, Rev. A .1.
Montgomery offi dating.
Commissioner J. N. Davis was in the
ci y Saturday. He was on his way
home from vial ing his son at Oregon
City, who is recovering from spinal dis
ease. -Woodburn independent.
Mrs. J. B. Robinson and -children
and her si-ter, Miss Alazu Cochrane,
arrived Saturday from Sacramento, a ,nd
aie spending the holiday vacatbn with
Mrs. Fannie Cochrane, their mother.
Misses G-rtrudo Nefzger, Myrtle
Taylor and Fred Meindl, of this city,
and Robert ami Elizabeth B,irrett, of
Ohio Landing, all students of the state
normal school at Monin mth, are spend
ing the holiJays at their lespective
Twenty cayote scalps were received
at the county clerk's office during
Christmas week, nearly all from the
Sandy country. It took $40 in county
warrants to pay the bounty on the same.
Street Commissioner Snldow his done
an excellent job of cleaning Main street,
a fact appreciated by a long-suffering
public since the rainy weather com
menced. The pavement had become
almost impassable.
T. W. Clark dep.irted for Oregon City
Monday morning, wh-re he will Bpenu
Christmas with his family. He took
along an elegant myrtle wood rack for
holding Glmiaware, wtiicn lie wu pre
sent to his wife Bandon Recorder.
Miss Ora Spanker left Oregon City
last Thursday to spend the holidays
wiih her brother Mart, in San bran-
Cisco. Shu and tier menus, Misses iiw-
rnce and Samuels will not. though the
cont ary has hitherto been stated, visit
. ...ill. .1... Ui:. !....;. 0..wrttlia
uoi vaults lor iub uunuta. wi-i
A. 0. Strange, principal of the Orient
school, spent the greater part of his va
cation here. He experts that his
brother, Superintendent strange will
be removed home from St. Vincent's
hospital to lay. At least, the physi
cians had consented to that arrange
ment. The Sunday Mercury says that Ohas.
E. Runyan has about the fattest job in
the s'ate. He is court reporter for the
fifth juiiciai district (Judge Mcbruie),
and travels the circuit of the several
counties in tbo district. Hii compen
sation is 111) per day and $10 for each
case he reports. Working neirly day
in the year he can knock out at least
$20 per dav on the average. Lately he
was divorced from his wife, he paying
her $9,")U0. It is said ihat he will
Khortly marry a lady in Portland with
whom he has been keeping company for
some lime.
t r
These sales turn the attention to the times,
when gifts will be in order birthdays, etc.
Our Stationery Boxes
from 4c up.
Oar Toilet Sets
from $1.03 up.
Our Perfumes
in fancy pkgs, 20c and 25c
$1.90 bottles now 75c.
75c bottles now 50c.
50c bottles now 35c.
2c bottles now 20c.
Our Knives
Grand assoitment, worth
from 50c to $1, for.
Our Calendars FREE
Our Books
from 5c up.
Cur New Year Cards
and Booklets
from 5c up and special prices
Celluloid Novelties
from 5c to $5.00.
Special Sale of Games & Toys
The Cut-Cut-Price Druggists. .
C5TUSE Red Line Samparilla. It makes rich, ripe, red blood.
On! 60 cents for a large $1.00 bottle.