Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, December 30, 1898, Image 4

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1 1
t. N
Entered in Oregon Citypostofflce as 2ud-class matter
If paldln advance, peryear..... .. 1 SO
Six mouthi 75
three moulhs'lrlal 25
CVThe date opposite your address on the
paper demotes I he time to which you have paid.
OREGON OITY, DEO. 30, 1898.
Senator Hoar, a radical republican,
eayi: "If the United States acquire
the Philippines, to govern them as a
subject or vassal state,, the destruction
of the American republic will date from
the administration of William McKin
Tub government ownership of the
road beds of the railroads is being agi
tated by a number of papers. There
ought to be no objection to this. The
state owns the wagon roads, anyone can
travel over them, so it shou'd be with
the railroads. The government ought
to own the road and any corporation or
individual could use it as; the public
roads are now used. Tacoma Sun.
It has been suggested thet the
Couribr-Hbrald employ C. J. Curtis
for the coming campaign in this county
since the recent development in the
Enterprise office. We want to assure
all reformers now that we shall continue
to assist in fighting their battles, and
will not get a man from the opposite
party to help either. There is abund
ant material in our rxnks which we can
call upon to help, if necessary.
Bobtin, the "hub," elefted a demo
cratic municipal government last week.
When it is taken into consideration that
for the Inst three elections the Bean
Ertting metropo is has given a large re
publican mnjoiity it can readily be seen
that the slump from republicanism has
begun and will keep on until the full of
1900 when the puny of Hunna will be
requested to vacate ofliue by the Amer
ican people.
DntRcr Legislation Lawmaking
l he voters.
Tub Initiative The proposal of a law
by a preceutage of the
voters, h eh must then
yo to the Kt fereliclum.
The Rkfi:i!kniu.m The vote at the
polls on a law proposed
through the Initiative,
or on any law passid
by a lawmaking body,
whose reference is pe
titioned for by a per
cen'ajre of ihe voters.
Mr. Editor: Will you please state
in your paper what is meant by an
'Open Door" policy in the Philippines.
Redland, Ore., December 10.
The report that in our proposed treaty
with Spain we agree to "maintain in
the Philippines an 'open door' to the
world's commerce, in which Spain may
share freely," is more significant than
perhaps our readers realized from so
brief a reference. Of course all reports
of this treaty are unollkial, but there
iiwmi to be litle doubt respecting its
general features. These inulule the
payment of twenty millions of dollars as
a compensation for the amounts ex
pended by Spain in permanent improve
ments in the islands; the mutual re
linquishment of all clai lis for indem
nity, national an I individual, of every
kind, of the United Stites against Sp.in
and of Spain a.'ainnt the United States,
that may have arisen since the begin
ning of the late Cuban insurrection and
prior to the conchui in of Uu treaty of
pe tce; and a provisio i tint for h term
of years, said to tie twelve. .Spanish
ships and merchandise eh ill be ad
mitted into Philippine pirts on lhs
same terms as American ships an 1 mer
chandise. As our Nation h is treat.i s
wit1! most of the other great commer
cial nations of the world containing
what is known as the "fuvoro I na'ion"
that is, it chinse p-oviditiii that
,. i .!.!, ,i i, , i.
inndo shall have as favoralilo qpminvr
ual terms as are aceordod to thj must
favored pooplo with which Antorioa h is
ny treaty relations the proposed sim
ulation with Spain would uive to prao
tically alt the great commo c'al nations
the same conditions of admission to
Philippine ports as would be given to
America and her products. It does not
mem tree trade, it does not mean neces
sarily even a low tariff, but it does mean
m low a tariff and as free a tra le be
tween the Philippines snd the great
commercial nations as between the
J'liiliiitiines and the United Stites.
Here TJ, PI".
A red-lieadeii. fellow struck town last
veek and proceeded to work some of
She business men for adverti-inn cards.
Ii was successful in taking oiders
for, about 8,000. The same caida
ohU have been purchased of the home
papers lor one-halt the price paid I lie
!.....: J.. - v.. rVM.il
U UlUUIVI. tv. nun
A few cheap
reliable watches at
For best groceries at cheapest price go
to Marr & Muir.
Highest cash price paid for second
hand household goods at Bellomy &
The most reliable goods at lowest
living cash prices are kept by the grocei y
store of Marr Muir
Money to loan at 8 percent interest on
mortgages. Apply to U. V. s v. k.
The Club tonsorial parlors, P. G.
Shark, proprietor, shaves for 10 cents.
A full line of cigars and tobacco is kept.
Dan Willians has added tohis stock of
groceries and provisions a full line of
feed and hay. Goods delivered to all
parts of the city free. Corner Seventh
and Center streets
XXX Castor Machine oil cheaper than
any other place at A. Robertson's, the
Seventh street gtocer.
A fine high arm Household sewing
m achine at the Oregon City Auc ion
Fob Sale A thoroughbred shorthorn
bull, nine months old. J. W. Dowty.
Currinsville, Oregon.
We have 200 dozen handkerchiefs,
ladies,' gents,' and children's cotton,
linen and embroidered swiss, all
prices at (he Racket store.
Money to loan at 8 per cent interest on
mortgages. Apply to C. O. & D. O
Until Jan. 1st, 1899, we will sell
every hat trimmed and untnmmed at
25 per cent less than cost.' Miss Gold
smith, i
If you do not know what to buy for a
Christmas present call at Harding's
drug store and be shown the many
beautunl and useful Uhristmas presents
they have.
I have abundance of money to loan at
8 and choice loans will be made at 7'
v. n. vyk.
A new line of carpets and mattinus
just received at Oiegon City Auction
Feathers, ornaments, ribbons and
veilings, at a great reduction. Miss
Special inducements to ladies Pall
anil buy a pair of $2 50 shoes and get a
pair i.f rubbers free, Krausse Bros
A fine line of portiers at the Oregon
City Auction House.
When in Portland be sure and call at
the Royal restaur nt where you can gel
the best 15c meal in the city. 253 First
street, corner of Malison. Win.
Bohlander, proprietor.
Younger, who has had a life-long ex
perience, will clean your watch for a
dollar. '
The greatest trimmest hat propo-iti n
ever otTt-reil here or anywhere ot Miss
17 iheh Doll Bis()'ie Hend and kid
ln.dy (iilo; at (he Karket attire.
A fine -teiiiway piano for sale, long
time given, at Oregon City Auct on
Kme Salt 652 per 100 lbs, stock salt
40c per 1h0 lhs, roast coffee 10c, fine
roast coffee with good spoon 9 lbs $1,
Rising Sun stove polish (ic, Arm & H.
sodu 7 lbs 2'c, bird seed 5c
Red Front More, Oregon City,
A Wheeler & Wilson sewing machine
at the Oregon City Auction House.
22 inch Wa-haUe
Racket Store.
doll loo ; at the
Doll hi'ads .In to 98', same as you
would iy $1 25 for in Portland ; at ti.e
Racket Store.
Jus' arrived a consignment of genu
ine old government Java ('off ee (green)
in original mats. Regularly worth 35
cents per lb. Our price 25 cents.
A. Robertson,
Seventh street Uro er.
For the next thirty davs we will sell
all trimmed and unlrimmed hats at a
great' reduction. Miss Goldsmith.
We invite the general public to call
and see our goods and note prices at the
uacket store.
Mrs. T. S. M inn g ves lessons in em
broidery work. Samples on display in
Mrs. Sladen'n niillinen window.
Fob Rkst .V house, barn and eight
1 Is in r irkulaee for 4 per mouth In
quire at John Everhari's merchandise
store at k.ly, Ureyon.
Willi tell 100 watches to repair at $1
each, at O. A. Nu-hV, I'osiotlice build
mg. tt.
Horse luirfgy ai.d h irness for sala or
tra le lor good cow. Inquire at r. G
Shaik's harher shop.
Carlo ids of goods -for Red Front, of
course table oil cloth 12c, Cabot W. 5-
seamless hosu 10c, tough moleskin
gloves 25c, with calf front 50c, 9 oz.
overal s 3'ic. dress goods, yarns, under
wear, mackintoshes, capes, umbrellas
and shoei at cut prices.
Red Front Store, Oregon City.
Farm for rent, 3 acres in cultivation,
5 ' clowr, tioo.l pisture.
Inquire of
W m. Stone, Itt'illaiiU
Holiday iioods at pticos surprising and
styles to suit all at the Racket store.
T'ne lsrg'st ss-mrtunnt of millinery
and lnwir prices than any Ihiiihu in 'Jre
gin. Miss Goldsmith-
Do you want to subscribe for any pa
lter or insgaiine at pub ishcr's rates.
We are the agents. L. A. Pattkusos
& Co., The Bai.tur.
A new line of Walker's sailor caps and
veilings just in. Miss Goldsmith.
To Cure Constipation I'orrvn,
Take Oascareis tlandv Csthartci 10c
or 2.")c. If C. C. C. fi.il tucum, druirgisis
refund money.
Iw.n am.ointrd adml "Mralrlx with r ),.. win
annexwl of the iwtste of William Sludi'V Vouhk,
deceased, by the lion, counlv cou-l of luikancu.
eounly, Orogon. All rsons havluir a aim.
airalnsl aid slat ant hereby notllied to present'
saa.e io trie ior vnieiii. at uiy Home near
WtlKOiivllle, tla kaniMa eounly, Orviron, whh
pr.er touchera, within six mouths from
da'e of ibis noli. e. HHKL YOI'NO,
AdmliilstraMlx with he will i.d(ik1 nf the
K alenf William Shelby Young, deeeaxed.
0. K. HaVi, Allorney for Ksra'e.
lialed tills W b day oi IK'Oeiuber, ISS$
His Story of What Hood's Sar
saparilla Has Done
Whole Family Creatiy Helped by
This Medicine.
"I am an old run down soldier, my
whole system being out of order and my
right side partially paralyzed. I have
tried various remedies and realized only
temporary relief. I have been taking
Hood's Sarsaparilla and Hood's Pills, and
have derived more real benefit from them
than anything I have tried. My wife has
been greatly helped by Hood's Sarsapa
rilla. She was all run down and her
system much ont of order. My two little
boys recovered quickly from the effects
of diphtheria by taking Hood's Sarsapa
rilla, which rid them of troublesome sores
and symptoms of . the eroup. They are
now well and hearty." W. F. Bubnett,
Btarkey, Oregon. Remember
Mood's parilla
Is the best-in hot the One True Blood Purifier..
. ni cure nausea, Indigestion,
llOOCl S flllS blllntianeaa.conatlnation.
In the circuit Court of the Slate of Oreron for
the County of CUckamaa.
Alhln Finns,
Noah 8. Ketlngg.'&tBrolssa J. Kellogg
Ana Clackamas uountv. ureron.
Deiencuniai j
State of Oregon, County of GUekumu, m. , .
ereeand eiooutinn, duly issued out ol and
under the eal of the abovs entitled court,
In the nbnve entitled csub. to me dulr
dlreoled and dated Ihe '26th day of Novem
ber, lsus, upon a Judgment rendered and entered
in said court on the tUstdayuf November, 1S9H,
lu faror of Albln Floss, plaintiff, and against
Noah H KellOK?, Marclssa J. KelloeK and Clack
amas Countv, Oregon, defendant, for the sum of
S7AO.0O, with Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per
cent, per annum from Ihe 27th day of January,
1897, and the further sum of S24.60 with interest
thereon at the rate of 8 per cent. er annum
from the 1st liny of February, 1897, and the
further sum of 19.80 with intervil thereon at Ihe
rate of S per cent, per annum from the Sth day of
December. 1897. and the further sum of 875 00. as
attorney's fee, and the further sumof S47.0U uosts
ana aisDursemtinis, ana tne costs oi ana upon
this writ, command Inn roe to make sale of the
following described real property, situate in the
County of Clackamas, Slate of Oregon, to-wit:
AH of lots 15 and 16 tn block 13S of the Oregon
Iron and Steel Company's Extension to the First
Addition to Oswego. In Clackamas County. Ore
gon, together with the tenements, hereditaments
and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in
anywise appertaining. Now, therefore, by vir
tue of said execution, judgment orderand decree,
and in compliance with tue commands of said
writ, I will, on
1K98. at the hour of one o'clock u. in., at the front
door of the County court House in the i lly of
Oregon Citv, in said ouuty mid State, sell at
lutmc auction, annjeet to redemption, to the
ughest bidder, for U. h g dd coin cash in hand,
ci the r ghl, title and interest which the wlihin
isiU'jd deiendauts or either of them had on the
date of the mortgage herein or since had In or
to the above described real property orany pait
thereof, to satisfy said cx.-cutlon, judgment
inter, deciee, tn.ercst, costs and all uocniing
costs. J J.CO'iK",
81,eri'r of clack am as Couni v, Oreirmi.
Dated Oregon City, Or., November 26, 1898.
I of the Circuit court ol the Suite of Oregon
for Clackamas County, of date November' go
WM, noon a decree ol foreclosure dulv rendered
in said court on November, lsys, in ihe as, of
Anon w. Muth'W , iiUiiititt, vs. George K Hod
man mm Clara . Iieiluiau, his wX, Kmil C.
Johnson ami Johnson, his wife, and Anne-
ineB-riy, defendant, In f"V r m the plaintiff
and aaainst the defendants, I will, at 1.0 o'clock
in the aft moon on the
31t 1MV OF UECF.MBKR, 1898,
at the front door of the Court House, in Oregon
lly, Oregon, sell at public auo:tou, to tile high
est bidder, forcasli tn hand, subject to redemp
tion, me premises nescrioeo 111 said decree ol
foreclosure, being situate 1 in Chi kains I ounly.
Slate of Oregon, to-wit: All ol tract "U" laok
auias Kiveislde, according to Ihe duly recorded
nfao or plat thereof on lile. or record in the . ffl. e
of the Recorder of Conveyances of Clackamas
Countv, State of Orcg m, to satisfy Iho sum of
fcS'.MSO wllh iulert sl from November H, lWW. hi
the rate of 10 per cent, per "Milium and l7ft0(l
as attorney's fee with interest from same dare at
8 per cent, per annum, all In United States gold
coin. and Ihecoslsaiiddisburseiueiitsof said suit
taxed at SM.txi and the costs of and upon said
writ. J. J OOKE,
Sheriff of larkiinas County, Oregon.
Pated November 26, INM.
In the Circuit Court ol the Stale of Oregon, for
the County o Clackamas.
Wm. P. Lord as Governor, Harrison
K. Killeaid, as SeC.ralnry of State, j
and 1'hll Meisclian, as Mate Treas
urer, as tlie H ii nl of Commission
ers for Iho Sale of Sell l ami Uul-1 '
vvrslty 1. mds and lor the Invesi I
meats of the funds arM.ig UK re-',
rial mi its,
George l'Hster, Anna Mnry Vfl Icr.
' I, C Smiill, M. A. Sinull and
Mullilas lluiala,
11,'lei. dan's.
Stale of Oregon. County i f Clackamas, ss.
c ee and an execution, d ily Issued out o and
under the seal of the aiiove eutlilad courl. In the
abitve entitled caune, t- me only direciod and
dated ttie M h d-iy of November," 1-!'S, iiiou a
.1 nlgineiit reniri'red and enter.' in said courl on
ill M h day of Noveinb, r, 1NHH, In favor of Wil
i 1 .mi ('.Lord, asgovirn n, llarnsou K. Kinoa d
as si orclary of stale, and Ptill Met-chilli, as stale
treasurer, as the Board i f Conuuissiniiers for
I he fale of m le ol ami Univ. rsllv Luiids and lor
lile I ii vest nit n l of the funds aiisiin; therefrom,
ptaliitirts, and iigalnst Hftm- 1'hsler, Anna
M uy I'tliter, K. C. Siutll. M A. Smill and
M uliias Hn'ala, l- f h i nits, for the siiin ol
fJKKi nu, wiih lnier. sl thereon at the rate of 8 per
cent, per annum irom tne ran dav of o toner,
ISM anil ihe further sum of lW.Oi taxes, and
the lurt;ier sum of fJiHi.lKI as aitoruev s t e. and
Ihe further sum of J2 .HI costs and dl buis'
ments, ami the cost of and unoii this writ, com
manding me tu makes le of the following d.-
orilK'd real property, sttunte In the Cnmiyof
uiaciiamHS. stale onireiiori, town: All of the
east or husi'aud s half nt the 11. I.. U. of rhom is
Ross and Marg iret J. Kosa. his wife, sliunled in
sections (4) four ami ti) five, township (li) six
B.nith, range (t) one east of the Wl iametle nierid
inn, save and excel t from the said east billot
this described irct, viz: Ci'mmeneiUK on the
north boundary of the l. L. :. of Robert Allen
at a point whichjsten clial.is and fifty 1 ilka wesl
of the north ea.-t corner of sard Claim; thence
north :iu chains! tlieuce we t 111 chains and 8.1
links llienee soulh lllirh.ilns to a point 6 cha'i'.a
and is links eastnftli norlh-wi st comer of sai l
Robert Allen's claim! thence east io Ihe rdace of
brgluning and remaining ivi.uu acres. The part
alHtve conveyed sntounrs to 47. ul acres: also :he
lollowirig Isiiicluded In this deed of conveyance,
vlt: The w est or wife's ha'f of Ihe aforeUid P.
1. C. of Thomas Ross and Margaret J. Ross, sit
uated ill T. tt S., R. IK. and amounllngtoltl.il
acre, more i t li ss, excepting 40 aens hcie-lo P re
dcedt-d In Hiram Lutermau off of the west n t
of t e said Margaret J R ja part of the above de
scribed I). I.. C , containing and amountliiK in all
hy this deed convey, il, lo 14S acres and 100 siiuire
rod, w- or less Now, therefore, by virtue of
ald fxerulion, Judgment order and decree, and
In c mpllauce with the commands of said writ, I
will, on v
nt Ihe hour of eleven e'e'ry-k a. m.. atthefrnrt
door of iheOonntv Ci urt lions.- In Ibv Uily nf
Oroi I Ity, In said I i.il'ily nlid Stale, seli nt
pub'io nutlon. su J-tt to rtNleniidi n. li. tlie
lilglnst bidder, for l S. vdil coin c ah in h.nd.
all the rmht, HCe and Interest wli eh the within
UNUied defendants or either nf them, had on the
date of the mortgage herein or snce ba I In or lo
the above descrllHat real property or any n
thereof, to satisfy slid execution, Icdirment
enter, decree, Interest, Costs and all acrming
cost. J. J. COOKE,
Sheriff of CWck imas Cnuntv Oregon.
Ie4 Ongon city. Ore., Nov. at,
In the Cltcnit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the Countv of Clackamas. .
A. Kuckwood.
Wm n. Smith and Iiuuta Smith, his
wife, Geo. A. Hamilton uud Jessie
Hamilton, h's wife. Agnes M. Wash
burn. '. O. T. William8,asHiguee of
Hamilton Brothers. John O. Miller,
K. Miller and James B W He,
partners as John G, Miller 4 Com
pany, It. L abln, J. H. Lee and
HI. h. Sandborn, partners doing biisi-
: ness under the hrm name and style
of J. H. Lee A Company, and Ches
ter Williams,
Slate of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss.
ttv virtue of a. lodgment order, decree and an
execution duly Issued out of and under the seal of
the above entitled court, in tne auove enuiiea
cause, to me du'y directed and dated the 7th day
of December, 1898, upon a Judgment rendered
and entered in said court on the Willi day of No
vember, 1898, In favor of O. A. Kockwood, plain
tiff, and against W.n. H. Smith and Louisa Smith
his wife, beo. A. Hamilton and Jessie Hamilton,
bis Wife, Agnes M. Washburn, C. 0. T. Williams,
assignee of Hamilton Brothers. John O. Millar, E.
Miller and James B. Walte, partners as JohnQ.
Miller k Company, B L. Sabln, J. H Lee and E. L.
Sandborn.partners doing business under the firm
name and style of J. H. Loe & Company, and
Chester Williams, defendants, for the Bum of
1379.50, -with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per
cent per annum from the 26th dpy of November,
1898, and the further snm of (5(1.00 aa attorney's
fee, nd the further sum of 110.(10 costs and dis
bursements, and the oosts of and upon this writ,
command! g me to make sale of the following
described Ttl property, situate in Ihe County of
Clackamas. Sta e of Oregon, to-wlt:
All that niece or parcel ol land in T. z a. H. i e
of the W. M. in C'lckraas couii'y, Oregon, more
particularly described as follows, to-wit: com
mencing at a point In Hiram Straight's D L. C.,
13 rods south of what in known as as Wheeler's
southwest point, Ihence east 214K feet, thence
north IVlM feet,' thence eaM 74 feet 10 inches,
thence south 219 feet, thence west 289 H feet,
thence north 25 feet to Ihe plaoe of beginning, be
Ing a part of Hiram A. Straight and wile's dona
ti n laudcUtm, saving and exoeptlng from Ihe
above, conveyance so much of the above described
land as had been heretofore conveyed to the Ore-
gnu and California, railroad.
Also excepting tne ponion oi tne sum intoi re
leased from the lien of said mortitaffe and de
scribed as follows: A tract oi laud in tne i. l. u,
of Hiram Straight, In Clackamas countj. Oregon,
commend .l'g at a point 214' ft M and 289X ft & or
wht Is known as Wheeler a 8W corner, thence
north 115 feet, thence W 50 feet, thence S 115 feet,
thence E 50 feet to the place of beginning, exoept,
however, , of the well and land 4 feet wide
between the well and west line of above described
tract; also the right to ue water from the above
weil, which is re erved.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution,
judgment order and deoree, and in compliance
with the commands of said writ. I will, on
at the hour of 1 :30 o'clock p. m at the frontdoor
of the county court house In the elc of Oregon
City, in said county and state, sell atpublio auc
tion, subject to redemption, lo the highest bidder,
for U. 8. (told com. ch In hand, all the right,
title and interest which the wit in named defend
an sor either of them had on the date of the mort
gage herein or slnoe had ill and to the above
described real pr perty or any part thereof, to
satl-fy said execution, jngxment order, decree,
interest, costs and all accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas county; Oregon .
Da'ed. Oregon City, Oie., Dec. 7, 1898.
In Ihe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Cla kunias.
Mrs, Maltha kings I
vs r
W. W. H. Samson and J. E. ?amson, I '
State of On gon, County of Clackamas, ss.
deer e mid an execution, duly i-sued out f
and uniler the seal oi ih ab ive e'niitied court, in
the above t-u iiled cause, lo me duly directed uud
daltd th6th day of Dceeinb-r, ISI'S, upon ajud
niaiit rendered ami entered in sai l eoltrr on the 22d
day of Kuvember, ICIIK, in favor ol Mrs. Manila
KitigO, plaintiff, and uuailistW.W. II. Sams n si ltd J .
K, Samson, defetidants, for the sum of 8t7.7;"i,
with inti'is-st thereon at the rate ol 10 tier c -nt p-r
atinuiii from rlie 'Jd day of .November, 18118, and
lie furthtr sum of S iO.tXi as attorney's fee. and die
fiirthersti.u of SlOim cists and disburs menis,
ad the coat of anC ufam this writ, coinuin. ditig
me to mukesalc o tim f d-iwing descrioed real
profaitiy, situate in the eounly of Click-aims,
lute ol Oregon, to-wit:
'I lie east ha f (Ji) n th northeast quarter C4
of siotloii f uneeii (14). tow ship live f'n sotitli,'of
m g .one (I) east of the Willamette M rlilian.
lieum a pan of the donation land claim of lli nr)
and r.iean.ir anisoi , in t ittcktuiiAx county, Or.--goii,
and coutai lug eighty (M)) a oes
IW. theret'ire. bv virtue of bhUI exoctitlon.
juogment older and d-cree, and in compliance
M l li lile commands, of said wrd, lull, on
til the hour of 1 o'clock p. in., at the front door of
the county court boose, in the citv of Ortttoii
City, lo said c tuny and stale, sell nt public mic
tion, snigeot ro n demprion, to trie niL iiesl iiidiler,
for U. 8 gold coin, cash in hand, alt the right,
title and interest which Ihe within named defend
uls or either of them hud on the dale ol the
morttnige herein or since had in and to the above
described real property or any pari thereof, to
satisfy said execution, Judgment order, decree,
interest, c sis ill u all accruing c sis.
sheriff of Ohio '.am is countv, Oregon,
Datid, Or. g in City, Ore.. Dec. 6, I8!M.
In the Cir ult Court of the State of Oregon, for
tire louniy oi utacKumas,
J hn R H nkle, i
I'lalntlff I
vs. I
Jesse A. Cox and Mary A. Cox, I
j'ateof Oregon, County of Clackamas ss.
oree and an execution, duly issuerl out of and
under the seal of the akov entitled court, In the
above entitled suse, and to me duly directed and
dat d the 21st day ol December, ls8, upon a judg
ment rend red and enrer-d lu suhl court tin the
Mill day of N-'Vember, 1898, in favor of ohn R.
Hinkle. plaiu:in, and against Ji-s-.e A. On snd
Mnry . C x. d.'iei'dants, for tlie sum . f ll;t'J.:i"
with Interest llo-reou al the rate i.f 10 jiei emit per
annum ruin lliu 2iii'i day of October, 18U.X, and
the further sum of S50.00. as attorney's fee, and
tlie fu t'e rsuin i.f 15 oncosts and di-bur.-cme is
and the costs of a- d uihi i this writ, cniiini.-indliiK
ice to nr-tse s tie of tlie f illooing rlescr.hed prop
erly, s:tu le lu the county of Ch:ckatnas, state f
Or irou.t i wit;
Lot numbered one tl two 2). three H), fon-
4). nine (9). leu (101 and eleven (111. all ill block
niiinliereii twelve (12) In the tow u of Caoby, siat.;
of Oregon .
Now, therefore, by virtue of said ixeetiion,
judguieiit ruder and deer e, and lu C"in;ianou
with the commands of said writ, 1 will, on
lHis.l, at Ihe hour c.f nu o'clock P. M , at the front
door of the County Court House in the city of
Oregon I'itv. in said county a id state, sell at pub
lie uctloA, aubj ct to redemi'llou, to the highest
bidder, for U. S. gold coin, cash in harrd, all the
right, title and Interest w hi. lithe within named
d. femlaiita. or either of lh. nl, nad on the d,te of
the liiortuage herein, or since had In or to the
alsiye di scribed real prow-rly or any part thereof,
U'Sntl fy said execution j idgmenioider, dicree,
interest, costs and all acctuing costs
Mie'lff of Clsckamas County, Oregon.
Dated O ugou city, Ortgi n. Doc. & 18.
Tn the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for
Clackamas county.
Enoch Kale, Plaintiff, )
C.ladv A. Bale, Defendant)
To Ihe .said Glady A. Hale, the above named
A You are herebv required to appenraud answer
the complaint H.etl against you iu the atiove en
titled court and cause on or betore the last dav
of the time preonho1 In the order for publica
tion of ibis summons; which order provided that
lhe Hrsl pnbHratt.m be made on Friday, the 16th
day of Ueecmber, 1898, and Ihe las- publication
sis' weeks thereaftr.lo-wlt: Oo Friday, Ihe 27th
day of January, Ih'.'.l; the first public!! n beinit
on Fridav, 'he ltUh day ol In ember. 1898, you
will therefore appear and answer on or before
January x7th, 1899. If v n fall so t an ear or
answer, this plaintiff will apoly lothe above en
titled eouti for ihe elif may d f-r In iheeom
plaii't: fo a d-eree disselvieg lhe hoie's r-f mat
rimony now exis inn beiwtvu plaioiiff -nd de
fendant nu 1 lor S' eh other and further reiiif as
to lhe eou t shall seem meet.
This summons Is publish- hv order nf the
Hon. Thorn s A. Mcttrloe. (udice of the above on
tl'l hI ourt, made on the t.'ih dav of l eemoer.
1898. MII.I.F.R Jt MILLER.
Attorneys for Hntmifr.
New Time and Courier-Her?H $U5
Fresh Stock of
Depot for BAT and FEED
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for the County of Clackamas.
William P. Lord, as Governor, Har
' rlson R. Kinoaid, as Secretary of
Stale, and Phil. Metsclian, as
Treasurer, as the Board Com
missioners for the 8le of School
and University bauds and for the
investment of the funds arising
therefrom, -
Plaintiffs, ,
Thomas Charman, Sophia Charman
and Fred R. Charman,
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss
eree and an execution, duly Issued out of and
under Ihe seal of the alnve entitled court, in the
above entitled court. In the above entitled cause, to ,
me duty directed ana aatea tne awn nay oi Novem
ber, 18UH, upon a Judgment rendered and entered
In said court on the ioth day of November, 181)8,
in favor of William P. Lord, as governor, Harrison
R. Kiucaid, as secretary of s'alc, and Phi). Met
sclian, as treasurer, as the Board of Commissioners
for the Sale of School and University Lauds and
for the investment of the funds arising therefrom,
plaintiffs, and against Thomas Charman, Sophia
Charman and Fred R. Charman, defendants, for
the sum of $2778. 05. with interest thereon at the rate
of 8 per cent per annum from the 2rth day of
November, 1898, and the furthersum of S15.00 costs
and disbursements, snd the costs of and upon this
writ, commanding me to make sale of the follow
ing described real property, situate in the County
of Clackamas, State ol Oregon, to-wit: Beginning
atauolut 5.H6 chains south and 7.90 chains west
ol the south-west comer of section 26, township
two (2)south, range three 13) east of the Willsuiette
meridian, and running thence east 8i.rai chains;
thence soulh 19 75 chains; Ihence west 61 chains:
thence north 5'.!.3o ohains: thence, soulh 50 degrees
east 32.69 chains; thence south 20 chains to the
place of beginning, containing 1118 50 acres. Also.
I beginning at a point 5.85 chains soulh and 7.90
chains west of the south-wst corner of said taction
26; ruuuing th 'lice east 20 ehalus: thence north
20 chains; thence west 20 chains; thence sotttll 20
chains to tlie place of betrititiiii!;, containing 40
acres, and bring a part of the donation land claim
No 45, of Lnae I.aswell, tegether with the tene
ments, heri diianienis and ipiimettin.''S thereun
to belonging or in a'iy wise appertaining Now,
Ihi-rrfuro, hy virtue of said ex- cilion. J idgmenl
ordi-r and decree, uud in cotnp lance wiih lite com
mands of said writ, 1 will, on
at the hour of ll:3n o'clock a. ni at the front d -or
ot tlie County Court House in the t ily of Or. g .n
I It y, in said County and Slate, ell nt pnti'le auc
tion, subject to redemption, o the hi best, bidder,
for U. M. irold emu cash in lisnd, all the richt. litis
and futerest which the within nuliied delotidauls
or either of them, had oo lit dare of the mortgage
herein or since had in or to the above descubod
real properly oi any part there f, to satlafy siild
exccutl n, Jtclf nient order, decree, iuterast. c: sis
and all accruing costs J. J. COOKE,
Sheriff of Clackamas County. Or gon.
Dated Oregon City, Oregon, Nov. aO, 1898.
In the Circuit Cnnrt of the Stare of Orego for
the County of Clack imas.
Ada Smith, )
Lucy J. Fletcher, Lucy J. Fletcher,
an imbecile, by Hainan A. Lee. her I-
gnardiati, and Hi man A. L; e, as
uuardiauof Lucy J. F. etcher, an '
Defendants, J
State of Oregon. County of Clackamas, s.
cree and an eX''cutiou, duiyisHiitd out ol and
under the seal of tire above entitled court, in the
above entitled cause, to me duly directed and
dated the 'Mi h day of November, 1898, upon a
ludxment rendered and entered in said court
on ti e Zlrd day of N. vemb. r, 1898, In fav or of
Ada Sini.h, plaintiff, and amilnst Lucy J. Fletonor,
Lucy J. Fletcher, an imbecile, hy Human A. Lee,
her guardian, and Heman A. Lee, as gnuidian of
Lucy J. Fletcher, an Imbecile, defend. .nts, for the
sum of $4.r0.00. wllh interest Ihereon at the rate of
10 per Cent, p- r annum from the Ktli day of March,
1897 mid th.- limber sum of 16.78 t xes witn in
ter st thereon from the 20 h day t e oher, 1898,
al the lu e of 8 per cent, p r annum
and lb - fur her sum of (50 00. its ait.. in y s feu.
and ihefurttier sum of i 5.00 costs ami oisbursc
in. nis,au.i the costs of aim upi n til- writ, com
ni.inding me to make sale ol ihe foil wing de
scribed real properly, situate in the C anity of
Clackamas, .stale of On g..n, to wtt: lt..sl iiiiug at
a poiu 16 Oil chains soiiih ot th n Tlli-enst corner
of donation laud claim No. 58. in sectl ul 128)
tweu y-, inlit and (29; tweoty-ulne. in lown-lrp(8)
three south of rang-1 (1) one i-ksi. oi the illiiiuet'e
me idnin; tic nee west 27.8 chains: h lie.-s,.tith
107S chain ; th-nee e ist 27 8 ch ins; ihnoe
llor'h llt.78 chains io the ) laoe of le gililill g on
taittiug :hi tt'-res, more or less. Now, tlierenuv, lij
virtue of s-iii execution Ju !gin nt order and rt
cree, aed in comt.il nice with th.i commands of
s. 11 writ, I will, on
al Ihe hour of two o'clocs p. in., at lhe tr- nt doi.r
of the County Cur II ms.-, Ill h C ty of i)r-gon
Cily. in sa'd i 'oun'.y and Male. Sell at p'iblicaiio
tloli, subject to r delllliti'ill, to the lligic St bidder.
for I'. S. irold coin, i a h In hand, all the rluht. title
and Intirst which the wilt. io. nam d deiendntits
or ci In r of them, had on lhe date ut the nortr;i g -her.-in
or since bad In or to rhe above ilcaui il.eil
real properly or any part thereof, to snt.sir said
exei-i.rl.ui, judgment order, decree, Inb-r st, costs
and all accruiiur cosrs J. J. COOKE,
sheiilf.f Clackamas Couniy, Oregon.
Dated Or g u City, Oregon. Nov. SO, 1898.
In lhe Circuit Court of ti.e Stale of Oregon lor
the County ol i in t.mins
Sarah K. E. Davidson, Plaintiff I
vs. Suit for DUorce
'V. T. Davidson, Defendant. I
To . T. Davi Iso-, thu above-named defend
A You are 1 ereby required to afipiar ami an
swer thocnmplaitii ttleu against you iu the above
entitled suit on or before Fr'day, the .bed
day of Fobruan, 1899. that being the dnj of the
exf'lratioti of six weeks publieai,ou ol this sum
mons, 'this suit is broi ght to obtain a decree
dissolving the bonds of u nlrimouy now existing
between you an the ptaiutirt; to obtain the cus
tody (or the plaintiff of your minor child; the
Costs of tins sul , and such other and Hirtlu r re
lief as 'O the Court shall sivm m et and proper.
on s re hereto noli lied that if rou fail to up
ptar and answer the s Id complaint as atiove re
quired, the plaintiff will apply lothe court for
in - relief therein prayed.
This summons Is published hy order nf the
Honorable 1 houias K. Ryan, oonuty Judge of said
Clackamas pounty, and la published the first
time oo r'rii'.ay, the 29th day af Decenib- r, 1898,
W. 8 U'REN.
Attorney tor lhe l'laiiitifl.
niolers itned has lieen duly rpt l' led by
the counlv conn of Clackamas cornoy. Or itnu.
administrator of the es'ste ot Columbia Jai ksxn,
deceased. All Demons having claims a ainst
said estate are notified to present the same, duty
verified, at the office ni C. D.4D.C lahtureiir,
inv auornevs, in Oregon Cliv, wuUIn six months
from this date. THOMAS P.JACKSON.
Admln.strat -r aforesaid.
Pat i Dewrober 30, IW,
Carpets and Matting...
YOU CAN'T BUY them e'sewhere
of as good quality or at as low prices as
j oil cun of in. .
, Warr mted All-Wool Carpet - fiftf
per yard . "Jtlw
Good Chinese Matting f n-
p. r yard IUvj
The holiday rush left a number of
Carpet and Matting Remnants which
we will sell at a sacrifice.
Bellomij & Busch,
Willamette Block, Oregon City
t r . . i
t , .
Insure in a first-class companies
With an experenced agent
tell you
why ?
F. E
Donaldson, Agent
Fire and Accident insuranoe
1 1 the Circuit Court of the Statj of Oregon, for
tlie county of Multnomah. .
Clara I. Durrand Margaret M. Qulir-1
ley, co.,.aruirB as Harris OjiUley,
Piainlifff, '
J. A. Logan,
State of Oregon, County of Clackamus, ss.
Ilou and order of sale, duly Issue 1 out of and
under tlie seal of tlie above entitled Court, iu
tlie above entitled cause. I me duly tl reeled and
d led the 2uth uay nf December, li-r.'H, upon a
judgment rendered and entered in said court oil
iOm tlie day of December. 1898, in favor of
Clura 1. Parr afd M rgaret M. QuifcUy, ro.part
n r- as D rr & Qulgley, plain. ilfs, and atraiustJ.
A LogKii, diieo'laiit, forth, sum of $129 00 in
gold coin of the United 8tates, with interest
thereon in like gold coin at the rtc of 10 percent
per Minium from the glut day of Ju.y, 1898, and
the funh"r sum of (20.00 as altnrnej's fees, with
interest thi reon In like gold coin at the rate of tl
per cent per annum irom the 2mli day of Becein
her. 1898, and the lurther sum of 225.(0 with in
t ivbI thereon lu like gold J in at tne rate i f 10 per
cent per annum from Lhe 2Mb day of July, le98,
and tlie lu. Iher sum ol (: 0 00 altorne 's fees, with
lutertst thereon 111 like guld coin at ihe rate of 0
percent per annum from the 20th day ol Deo m
b -r. 1898, and lhe further sum of 8S3.: 0 costs and
dlhursi.nienls, and a so ihe costs upon this said
Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution
and order of sale, and lu compliance with the
commands of said writ, being unable to find any
personal property of said defendant's, 1 did eu
lhe 22d day uf December, 1898, duly levy upon
the following described real property of said
defendant, situate and being in the County uf
Clackamas, and State of Oregon, to-wlt:
Lois 4, 5, 8, 14 and 21, and west half ot lots 6 and
7 In Clackamas Patk. claokaiuus County, Orjgon,
and I will, ..n
1898, al the hour of one o'clock p ru , at the
front door of tue County Court House In the City
nf Origon City, in a id county and state, sell at
public auction, subject lo redemption, to the
highest bidder, for U.S. gold coin cash in hand,
all tlie riv lit, title and I merest which the within
named deleudaiit had on the dale of said
ju igtnent or since had ill or lo the above
desrrined real property or any part 'hereof,
to satisfy said execution. Judg ent order,
d ctc, interest, ousife and all nt oruing costs.
J. J. C "(IKE,
- le riff nf Cb rkaiiiHS Count .', Oregon.
Ib.ted lingoii city, Oregon, Die. 22 lhiM.
In the Circuit Courl of the State of Oregon for
the County of Cluekamas.
Louisa Koter (formerly Louisa Davtoti)
Charles Rains, W. C. Crawford, M V.
irauioru ana a. l. cms. hi,
Di-feiidsuis. I
State ol Oregon, County of ClackaniRs, ss.
u cree nud nn execult'.n, duly fsswd mil of and
under lhe s! of the above entitled court, In the
abovo entilbd cause, to me duly directed and
natert the 21st nay of 11. cembcr 18!is, upon a
j idcnieiit rendered and elite ed In said court on
the ili day of November, 18ns. in favor of Louisa
Hester I formerly Louisa Davton), ph iutiff. and
i-gai t Charles Rains, W. b Crawford, U. V.
Crawford rind A. L. Carson, defendants, for the
sum of 58o.O0, with Interest thereon at the rate ot
10 per . enl peranni ni from the 11th day of Octo
ber. 1898, and the further sum of 4n.OO aa attor
ney', fee, and the further sum of 19 50 costs and
disbursement, nd the cos s ol and upon this
writ, commanding me to make sale 0' the follow
ing described real property, sltust In Lie couuty
of Clackamas, state ot Oreg n, to w it:
Th-east one-half of the sou beast quarter ot
section nine and the west one-half of tire south
west quarter of section ten, all in T. 4 a, R 8 e. of
of the Wills-metre inerid an, oo tulnli i one hun
dred a d sixiyacres; save audi xoept tbef.ilh.wing
di Tileil real prope-ty, winch w .s released from
said mo tg ge, tiewlt: 1 lie soulh is -hall of th
east one-lull of the souiheaat . ne-f. urth of sec
tion nine (9) ai d the south on -half of tha west
one-half of Ihe southwest uiie-fonrth of section tell,
all in township 4 s, R ge of the Wl.lametle nieild.
Now. then fore, by virtue of aald execution,
JuiUment order and decree, st.d in compliant
wi.h the commands of said wrl', I w ill. on
at the hour of l:!m o'clock P. M.. al the f-nnt door
of ihe county cvurl h m ... in n,e civ I "legon
City , In d ci ty and -tale, s. 11 at' pul II auc
tlon siild ci lore.ieiupii.ui, lo the I iifi.eat bidder,
lor U. s. Kold . in insb iu Inn d a. I the tight, line
ami inieiesi wnu n roe wniioi hanud it. fi iidants
r it her of th. nt had i.n n, d.i. ,,i u - o.v
'""'" r nin-e osu in or in me aimve il M-ribed
real pro ery or any part llreo,, i ti(.f, as d
ex f-iiiimi. judgment order, decree, iuttrmt, costa
ana all accriilug C Mte.
J. J. t OOKE.
Sheriff of Clnckama. Cotiatv. Oreyon
Paled Orrgou City, Oiagoti, Imubei i'2. lf.
. - '.AiWft..,
ft '