Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, December 30, 1898, Image 1

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roe why wiuri
VOL. l&NO.&Cl
iiiiiniilttliiiiiil"iiirlffll"'"li:lL !"'
The Wiley B. Allen
Pianos at a Sacrifice !
Overstocked with Christmas Goods.
Got to Make Room.
Rooms in CaiHeld Block, next door to R. Prier's.
. , The: Wiley B. Allen .Co.
A. S. TAYLOR, Traveling Agt.
Furnished By Numerous Corres
pondents in the County.
Stafford in 1898.
Oold and foggy is the weather,
But the holidays are nigh,
When we'll eat the roasted turkey,
And devour the chicken pie .
Practicing are the limber footed,
For the dances that will pass,
When each bright faced dude like
Will swing hia ditto, dude like lass.
These long nights are happy hours,
As we're gilding o'er the floor,
And we hearken to the Webfoot
Descending as they have oft before.
Now we hear the fiddles music,
And the bass' pleasant roar,
And the caller, as he hollers,
"Down the center and cast off four.";.
Swing the ladies to the middie.
Leave them there and they'll
Form a basket arms h"ok over,
"Get a move on while it lasts."
Jolly Josie
Christmas came.
Christmas went.
There was above the usual amount of
presouts given and received. The tree
at the German church was very nice
and brought happiness to many a heart
a large crowd was in attendance.
Most of us received guests ; some had
turkey for dinner, some chicken, some
goose and still others fresh beef gotten
at the shooting match Saturday.
Mrs. Lena Farnsworth, (nee Schatz)
has begun divorce proceedings against
Jack Farnsworth.
John Sweek, of Foiet Grove, is vinit
ing with hisrandparents here.
Tl o e who have potatoes still in the
grounl reprt very heavy loss by the
recent i oi l pimp- Garnet Chiles are
are about three-fourths frozen, Bur
banks about one half.
Roadboss Baker Las notified the peti
tioners of the Polifka Mad to bj on
hand Wednesday, to do a daya work
clearing the track. J-
December 27.
I have abundance of money to loan at
8", and choice loans will be made at 7.
C. H.Dvk.
The Molalla Christmas tree is to be at
the school house on Christmas eve.
There seems to be a statement in cben
lation that the Teazle creek people are
to be barred from taking a part in the
exercises,'but such is not the case, all
are invited to come.
, There will be a ball at the school
house on Friday eve, December 23d.
Supper at Hotel Perry, there will be
good music In attendance.
Levi Robbing has on hand a large
stock of holiday goods, has five clerks
aside from himself and all are kept
There will be a shooting match at
Molalla on Saturday, December 31st,
for turkeys, geese, ducks and chickens,
so let those that think they can shjot
clean up their guns and be on hand.
The little son of Win. Kayler met
with a painful accident recently. Mr.
Kayler was splitting kindling wood, the
ltille fellow was picking it up as fust as
it was'beinir DreDared. it was almost
dayk and in some way the axe came
down n. chilli's haiut undent the
fingers almost -Revering the first tinner
at Ilia knuckle joint. Dr Leuvilt was
ea'led to dress the wound, while enroute
he came in contact wiili a slump, the
consequence was the bmrgy came to a
sudden halt while the Doctor and the
ponys went on, the buggy and harness
were injured to some extent, the Docter
cannot fully determine as to the cause
of the accident, whether the said stump
was too high or the buggy too low.
Billcy ShaVer drove a fine lot of fat
cattle to the Oregon City market re
cently. As there is no pork packing being
done here this season, there will be
plenty. of bacon.
Jessie Bagby will soon commence
butchering turkeys for the holiday
market. ,
Uncle Jake Harless is attending U. S,
court at Portland as juror.
Our saloon man, MrlMngmin, has re
turned again. We have buen nformed
that he is going to vacwta our village
Peten Bovles steps from eighteen
inches to two ieet higher tiuco he is
called Dad,
Mr. Timm, from Portland, is visiting
his mother and tisters and will spend a
part of the holidays here, e expects
to start to Sksgaway sometime between
Christmas and No Years.
Dec. 21st. X. Y. Z.
This communication was mailed at
Molalla the 21st, but did not arrive till
the 2Gth.
Clackamas Letter.
The school seemed to enjoy the pres
ents from Miss Chanson anu mius
Rogers, more than usual.
The Christmas trees were well at
tended and Old Santa found every one,
and especially the old people, who
seemed to enjoy this Christmas on earth
so much, as many of them, we thought,
could never see December 25th again.
The Rose Hill S. S. enjoyed their
tree and program as much as any of our
larger schools ; there were nine visitors
and eleven scholars present. -
' Our union met at Mrs. Spurgen's last
Weinesdav, with Mrs. Prettyman in
the chair. " Only six members lesponded
to roll cad. .?''
Thn W.n.T. XI. save the four teaCh-
nrR W ho helPfd in the entertainment
h a hnnii "Tho Snnij nf Hiawatha.
Miss Charlson and Mi-s Rogers read,
Miss Ru:h sane, and Miss Uenumer a
Some of the old Oregonians are just
digging potatoes.
James Cruikaliank died December
20th oi heart disease.
Win. Crocker and Mis s Mable Web
sier, were married at ti.e bride's home
on December 22d. We wish them a long
and prospeions journey through this life.
L ecember 27. Kobe Hill
There will be a mass meeting of the
citizens and tax-payeis according to
suggestions of the Honorable County
Courc, at the hall at Clackamas on Mon
d ly, the second day pf January, 1893, at
two o'clock p. m , to select or appoint
s .me one to act as road supervisor for
the ensuing 'year. J . A. Talbkrt,
A. Clark,-
P. T. Davis,
August Kanne.
The Minstrel Entertainment.
The most successful amateur enter
tainment ever erven in Oregon City.
was the Redmen's minstrels at Shively's
opera house Monday evening. The im
mense building was iairly packed, and
shook to its foundation, as the perfor
mers were greeted with continual
rounds of applause. They all did their
parts exceedingly well, and tne audi
ence spent a most delightful evening,
Tom P. Randall as interlocutor, was
a tremendous success.
J. H. Howard as bones, wasexcellent,
and scored many Doints. Hickman and
Kelly, also were good.
As tambos, Athey, Knoaaes ana ko
gers were eontinuai.lv in popular fayor.
As soloiBts 0. W. Kelly, F. T. Rogers,
J. Webb. Jerome Rhoades, D.E Shep
nard. Ernest Hickman. Walter Little
and Charles Athey, distinguished them
selves 11. Warner made a very creditable
disnlav of fancv club swimrintt.
The Plantation Ouartot 0. W. Kel
ly..! Webb. D. E Shenardand E. S.
Hickman, won laurels for themselves
in plantation melodies.
The Symphony Uuartet James
Church. Walter Little. Piatt Randall
and L. Hornchuch, fully sustained their
rprtnr.ittion ft vocalists
The hits, the lokea, the dancing and
Indian tableaux weie all good.
The parade during the day muter the
direction of A. F. Asmus, and led by
the Oregon City Band, was excellent.
It is no use, however, to enter into de
tails, for everybody was there, and
many citizens have asked the boys to
repeat the performance.
I An After-Christmas Happening
Continuing through this week
We shall sell any of onr -
Winter Suits
0R Trousers
At a 10 pr ct. Reduction
NOTE Our name on every collar
is a guarantee of excellence.
I Stone.
Christmas passed very quietly in this
part ol the county. .
The cold weather of the past week did
nn damnim to the fall wheat as was
Foresylh Hatton spent Xmas with his
parents. He has been living on the
Molalla working on a teasel ranch for
the last three years. His stay in this
nrr. was short as he came down on
Saturday and returned on Monday.
There are some people in this vicinity
who are violating the game law by run
ning deer with dogs. We do not wish
to get the ill will of our neighbors, but
will pay that it must be stopped, if that
in a had lav atiek tho closer too it and
tret it repealed and if it is a good law
let every one live by it a word to the
wise is sufficient
Mrs. Underwood, from California, is
visiting her sis-ter, Mrs. Mark Hatton,
and will remain over the holidays.
;ome if 'our sports armed jhenise vti
with shot ainii and Winchester alios
ai.d started in search of a bear Mat has
been reported in this vicinity. After
some little searching and scouring
around a couple of the boys located
bruin up in a tree. The alarm was
sounded and then a couple of shots were
chanced which only drove him higher
up; then one of the boys went after am
munition while the others stood guard.
On his return he found the rest of his
ernwd who wereflrinz with Winchesters
and shot guns atjhe rate of about sixty
shots per minute, finally a chanceu
Bhot brought him out of the tree, and I
anil hnlinUI. it whs an old zin co in The
hoys proceeded at once to fckin him.
Then they wended their way home with
smiling laces, well pleased wiili their
game. But old bruin is still at large.
Boys, so try your luck again some other
Jane II. Maker died on December 27,
isns. at li:30 a. m. . aired neatly 79 years.
Will vi rite a history ul her lile lor next
week, as f.l.e is one of Oregon's early
pioneers. frNll's.
December ss.
Miss Mattie Mautz was married to
George H. Hiatt at the residence of
the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.
Mautz. at Maple Lane at high noon on
Christmas day. Rev. A. J. Montgom
ery was the officiating clergymen, and
the ceremony was solemnized in tne
presence of the following guests: Mr.
and Mrs J.K.Morris, Mr. and Mrs.
Millard Hiatt, Mr. and Mrs S. S. Jen
nings, Mrs. Julia Eaton, and thn other
members of the Mautz family. A splen
did wedding dinner was served to the
wedding party. Soon afterward Mr.
and Mrs. Hiatt removed to their future
hnme at the corner of Fifth and Madi
son streets. The groom is an employe
of the McKittrick shoe house, and wiih
the bride, is held in the highest esteem.
Largest Clcthiers in the Korthwest Cor. 1st & Morrison, Portland, Or
Team for Sale On Molalla road, Z
miles from Oregon Oiiy. Inquu? of S.
Beautiful fur rugs for the holidays at
Oregon City Auction House.
Kn't baby sacques, boots, mittens,
facinators all colors; also knit skirts, at
the Racket store.
And the prices are quoted so ridicu
lously low that it will pay you to call,
Celia Goldsmith,
A Singer sewing machine at the Ore
gon City Auction House.
For Rent The large 8 room, modern
constructed house, lately occupied by
Rev. M. L. Rugg, for rent.
H, E. Cnoss, Agent.
Two Million! a Year,
When people buy, try.snd buy again,
it means they're satisfied. The people
of the United States are now buying
Cascarets Candy. Cathartic at the rate of
two million boxes a year and it will be
three million before New Years. It
means merit nroveil. that Cascarnts are
the most delightful bowel regulator for
everybody the year round. All drug
gists 10, 25, 50c a box, cure guaranteed.
Mn. Leslie Look, of Meadowbrook,
was visiting friends here the last of the
Grandma Wright, of Woodburn, was
visiting her son, Orin Wright, and re
newing old acquaintance here lust
Gilbert White visited with friends at
Woodburn, a few days.
Wm. White had the misfortune t)
bruise his thumb badly while splitting
timber, a few days ago.
Mr. Atcheson, of Washington, has
been, visiting his brother, J. M. Atche
' son.
If yon don't believe that Job had
cause lor rejoicing when he got rid of
his biils, j hi asic Jas. Hinngan or EI
Mr. Boat' little child was o'lite sick
j a-t week.
Mr. Akins was visiting relatives at
Caiiby, a few day ao.
The entertainment and s icial last
Friday evening, was a very successful
one, over 11,00 being realized for the'
benefit of the school 'Twas given to
mark the cl se of the term of sjhojl
taught by Miss Dyer, who returned to
her home in Oswego Saturday.
December 20. L.
Grand father Frakes is very low.
On Friday evening Hardinif Grange
gave a Christmas ball at their ball.
Fifty-five numbers were solJ.
Angust Fisher & Co. have their dis
tillery nearly completed, and will soon
be prepared to manufacture whiskey
trom rve. It is claimed that bueliel of
rye will make five gallons of l iskey.
There is or was a prone distillery on the
Clackamas, back of Bennett's place
This will make two whUkey factories in
the county.
Mr. and Mrs Shi in, of Glad Tidings;
spent Christinas at Wm. Shein's. ,
Miss Bsss'.e Armstrong was the guest
ol Miss Lorena Uamsby, C hristmas.
A. J. Maville and daughter, Anglo,
were in Oregon City laH week.
Jno. and W. 0. Vaughan were in
Oregon City Saturday
A very pleasant time was had by all
whn aitended the Christmas eve exer
cises at Liberal. A few ol the young
folks attended the exercises at Molalla
December 20. Oe.
Weighing Things
The value of our groceries depends on
three things: How much you get for
your monev; how goon it is wnen you
get it, and' the price you pay for what
yon get. We have sugars that are
cheap and sugar that are good. We
have coffees that will satisfy the appe
tite and the pocketbook. Staple goods
at less than staple prices. We give you
mcney-snving health-saving cbancei.
A. Robertson,
The 7tb Street Grocer
Varhplace-Glitdstoiie .
The Electric company has built a
ation houe at the junction in Glad
stone, a much needed improvement.
Mrs 0, Oleson and daughter, Hannah,
spent their Christmas in Portland with
Warner Jewell was home visiiing his
father Xmus.
W. H. Faubion and Mr. Hcnrthhave
dug a tunnel one hundred feet deep
in the blutf, east ol the out sasti anu
door factory, in hopes of finding coal,
gold or something valuable, but as j et
have found nothing but clay and gravel.
Fred Thayer, who has been attending
the Eugene College is home spending
the holidays with his parents.
Fhil Tatro, who has been working at
Bridal Veil for sometime, is home. We
are glad to see his smiling face among
us again.
Miss Daisy Rivers, who has been at
tomlinff ih" P.naiiiess Collene in Port
land., was home to spend Christmas,
and returned on Monday.
A number of the voune folks in the
twin cities attended the ball in Oregon
City Christmas eve.
T. nn in Himler. who has been visiting
in Eastern Oregon, reiurneu riome last
Thursday, and went aboard the train
Friday evening for Calif 'rnia.
Mr. Geoltland came home to spend
the holidays with his family.
Mr. Beoider and three other men
from Portland have getting out clay in
Parkplace for a pottery.
Mr. Tingle is visiting his daughter,
Mrs. Harvey Cress
Mr. Bolds has come back, we un
derstand, to reside with us in Gladstone
Mr Purcell who has been very sick
for some time, is we are glad to learn, a
httle better.
Wilbert Garrow, who has been at
tending the Agricultural college at Cor
vallis the past year, was seen in our
neighborhood this week visiting his
many fiiends, as he resided in Glad
stone for many years,
Merle Jewell has been quite indis
nnteA with a very bad cold and sore
December 28, 1898.
liedlaiul .
The Xmas tree was a complete suc
cess. An excellent program wss ren
dered and the. following pursons are en
titled to particular mention; a solo by
Miss Jclutire and instrumental music
by Rutherford, O. Buhimer, F. Berkey
.n) J'is G. Fuuk,- . . i ; c V
Old Santa, L. Funk, was as gey and
jolly as usual with the exception ol
having aged a little.
Mny Henry and Rctta Eehiinor and
granddaughter, Amy, spent Xmas with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. if. Bohitner.
Mr. and jlrs. ' Darrow spent Xmas
Mr. and Mrs. E. iWosi ir.
Claude Stone came out from Portland
and help eat turkey with Mr. and irs.
Stone and spent Xmas.
Mr. and Mm. L. Funk gave a turkey
dinner Xmas Hay. Those present were :
Mr. and Airs. Ilicinboinem and iieorme,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Fullam, Mr. and Mrs.
A. Funk and Gussie and George Mur
doek. James Pullman took a load ol apples
to Porllnnd which he thinks he will
realize O.ic per box. ,
B Courtwright was out from Port
land one day last weik, umiling all
over; causi 7)i lb girl.
There i'l be vacation the follow ii g
wiek in District No. 73.
Sometime last May an article ap
peared in the Enterprise about Porter
elttvating thut muzzle; now who is
going to elevate it while Bio. Fitch fur-ljisliu-i
the ummmiitioti.
Mr. Editor, wo witdi you a happy and
a prosperous new year. W. S,
December 20,
To Whom It May Concern..
I gave my son, llov, his time." I will
not collect any of his wagos or bo re
sponsible for any debt he may contract
Dated at Oregon City, Dec. It, I893
45 cents. roi;iv.Lt,r,ip. from Qi-egon City
to Portland and return via .Southern
Pacific trains. One way rate 25 cents.
Tickets now on sale at. railroad depot.
Trains leave Oregon City at 8:40 a. m.,
and 3:35 p. m., and arrives from Port
land at 9 :23 a. m. and 6 :62 p. m. Suve
time by using the quicker route.
Buoklen's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Totter, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Sltin
Eruptions, and positively cures Piles,
or no pay required. It is guaranteed to
give perfect satisfaction or money ro
unded. Price 25 cents per bo. For
sale by Charman & Co.
For Over Fifty Years
An Oi.n and Wkll-Tuikd Rkmkdy,
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup h
been used for over fifty years by liil.
lions of mothers for their children w1m';
teething, with perfect success. It
soothes . . the child, softens thn
aliaysVll pnlti; cnrer'ffniJ'.Tunc'."!!.
the best remedy for D'nuiliiea. Ik
pleasant to the taste. Sold by Dnig-'.i.i
in every part of the World. Twenty
live cents a bottle. Its value U in
calculable. Be sure and ask for Mis.
Winsow'B Soothing Syrup, and take no
other kind. '
Every one is taking a rest dining the
Work on the new M E parsonage has
has been suspended for ihe winter, It
will be completed next spring
Uncle Enoch Skiryin who has been
quite ill is now convalescent
P J Ridings & Son will move their
large stock of merchandise into their
new store about the first of the new
Prof Eby, our efficient school teacher
is progressing nicely with his school of
51 scholars
Deputy Sheriff J E Jack was in our
midst Moday and visited the parental
The Clnitnias tree given at the M Y,
church on Christmas eve was a recher
che affair The house was crowded to
its utmost capacity and even standing
room was at a premium The exercises,
consisting of songs, recitations, etc,
were rendere I, and each participant de
served special mention for the credita
ble manner in which they did their
part At the close of the entertainment
old Santa Clause descended from a min
iature chimney, which had been pro
vided for the occasion, and distributed
hia large slock of candies and nut, con
sisting of over 250 packages to the little
boys and girls. The tree was then un
veiled which was heavily laden with
beautiful presents, suitable to please
the most fastidious, and varied in
splendor and beauty from a wooden
butcher knife to a dazzling sold watch.
Everybody went home well pleased,
only regretting that Christmas only
comes once a year E.
December 29
In the last 12 Months
0! a M e
We have filled nearly 7000
prescriptions ; ' paste these
prescriptions together anil
they will form a continuous
strip four inches wide and
nearly three-quarters of a
mile long. Imagine such a
strip closely filled with writ
ing probably 35,000 Items
and you will get some idea
of the time and care we have
expended in this department.
Not an error, not a drug or
chemical that was not abso
lute fresh and reliable. Wc
believe that our care and
accuracy have saved lives;
know our
prices have
hundreds of
Leara to Say "Nn" when a dealer of
krs you something "just as good" in
place of Hood's Sarsaparilla. There can
be no substitute for America's Greatest
saved patrons
dollars. We pride ourselves
on the quality of our goods.
None could be purer, none
fresher. They come fromhe
most reliable houses in all
the world. You save risk
and money by sending us
your prescriptions to fill.
4 We have Calendars and I
Almannca enough for
every family in Clacka-
mas Co. They're FREE