Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, December 23, 1898, Image 5

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Great Special Sale
Five large cases of new Mackintoshes received today direct from
the largest rubber manufacturer in America.
Colors Black, Brown, Myrtle and Navy .'
, Will be placed on sale' at
$2.97, 3.47, 4.97 and 5.97.
Every garment warranted rain-proof . We will also introduce
the new Mackintosh Skirt and Cape in cloth effects and pin-head
checks. Any of the garments can be worn separate.
Four cases of ladies' and gents' umbrellas on sale at
75c, 85c, 90c and $1.00 and upwards.
Congo handles and steel rods. Excellent values.
Local Items
on Last
G. Shark for your
McAllen & McDonnell
For Bargains in Toys and Holiday
Presents, attend the sale of the Char
man stock at the old stand on Main
street Great sale of Men's Clothing at
(he Sacrifice Sa.e of the Charman stock.
Men's $15 suits f. 8 00
Men's $17 50 suits for. 9 00
Men's $20 suits for 10 50
Men's $25 suits for 15 00
Men's $8 overcoats for 4 50
Men's $15 Qvercoats for ........ . 8 50
Men's pants 50c and upwards
A large and well assorted stock of choice
Fresh Groceries, which we are closing
out at the following prices while they
1-Ib cans baking powder 15c each
Worcestire sauce 12c per bottle
Pepper box, blue 2c per box
Pearline 3c per package
Corn starch 7c per package
Baking soda . , . . 3c per package
8a polio 7c per package
Lame bottle pickles 15c per bottle
Choice raisins 4c per pound
Choice teas 25 and 53c per pound
109-pound sack stock salt. . , .' 40e
60-lb sack dairy salt ...35o
and all other groceries at the same re
duction. Charman & Son's stoek, Main
street, Oregon City.
45 cents round trip from Oregon City
to Portland and return via Southern
Pacific trains. One way rate 25 cents.
Tickets now on sale at railroad depot.
Trains leave Oregon City at 8:40 a. m.,
and 3:35 p. in . and arrives from Port
land at 9:23 a. m. and 6:52 p. m. Save
Xime by using the quicker route.
For Sale A fresh Jersey cow. George
jviuuer, mi, t'leaeant
Great Xmas Sale of Millinery.
We are offering great inducements : '
$8 hats for ....$ 5 00
5 hats for 2 95
4 hats for'. 2 50
And a large assortment of pretty hats
for from $150 to $2.00, even as low
as $100, at Mrs. sladen's Millinery
A pair of rubbers with every $2 50
air of ladies' shoes for 10 days. Krausse
Jros . '
A Singer sewing machine at the Ore
gon City Auction House.
Holiday goods at prices surprising and
styles to suit all at the Racket store.
The largest assortment of millinery
and lower prices lhan any house in Ore
gon. Miss Goldsmith.
Do you want to subscribe for any pa
per or magazine at publisher's rates.
We are the agents. L. A. Patterson
& Co., The Bazaar.
For Rent The large 8 room; rr.odern
constructed house, lately occupied by
Rev. M. L. Rugg, for rent.
, H. E. Oiiocs,' Agent.
T l.u.m ,. . i 1 i
8 and-choice loans will be made at 7. I x'hran
O. H. Dyk.
See our clubbing offer with the North
Pacific llurnl Spirit, oublished weekly at
Portland, Oregon. If you want a sample
copy free, seid them a postal caid
nonce ami mention this paper.
Don't forgot P
Chilstmas cigars.
A. E. Holcomb, of Clackamas, was in
Oregon City Saturday.
A. L. Woodside, of Muli.no, was in
Oregon City last Friday.
Ex-Commissioner Frank Jaggar was
in Oregon City Thursday.
Fred Elligson of Stafford was in O re
gon City on business Tuesday. ,
There will be Christmas trees at both
the Viola and Redland churches.
W. H. Woodruff, of Colton, was do
ing business in Oregon City Thursday.
J. C. Sprague and B. O. Sarver, of
Logan, were in Oregon City Thursday.
Mrs Yorke A. Barrington, of Seattle
Wash., is visiting Mrs. Bruce 0. Curry.
B. F. Noyer of Meadow Brook was a
pleasant caller at this office Wednesday.
M. J. McDonough, who left fir
Spokane last spring, is visiting friends
Mrs. Wm. Robinson will spend
Ohristmas with her parents at The
Ohas. Holman, a prominent citizen
of Meadow Brook, was in Oregon City
'Rev. Gilman Parker viill fill the pul
pit of the Baptist church .next Suu,day'
morning and evening.
If you want the kind of Christmas
cake that your mother made, go to
Heinz' bakery and grocery.
Strat and Wylie Chapman and Balf
Youmans, of Clackamas, were visiting
friends at the county seat Monday.
Ex:oui.ty Treasurer M..L. Moore ar
rived from R iseburg Saturday and is
visiting friends here for a few days.
J. F. Clark is instructine a ladies'
gymnastic class, of whom Mrs Finley is
president and Miss fltrickler is secretary.
A branch of the United Modern Vigi
lantes will be established in Oregon City
Wednesday evening by Chief Leader
F. J. McHenry.
J . M. Ware his traded his house and
four lots near head of Seventh street for
Wm. Mellen's 12 acres near Maple Lane
school house.
Mrs. J. B. Robinson and Miss Azalia
will arrive fr..m California
Saturday, to spend the holidays with
relatives here.
Harley Wishart arrived Wednesday
to spend the holidays with his parents.
He is employed on the government for
tification on Puget Sound.
Thop;as Fitch has returned from
Vancouver, where he had been assist
ing Chas. A. Fitch in the publication
of the Vancouver Register.
Two diyorce cases were filed in the
circuit court during the week: Tillie
Lain Fjo vs. Lam Foo, and Magdalene
Farensworth vs. Johu Farensworth.
me case ot Toecltemeier liros. vs,
Clackamas County, which was tried at
Hillsboro last, week resulted in a ver
dict for $175 and costs for the plaintiff
. .... - ,
Mrs. Charles Gallogly gave a surprise
party in honor of her husbands 41st
birthday at their at Bolton last Mon
day evening, and a delightful time
was spent by their many friends.
For first class Chrismas pastry go to
Heinz's store, opposite the postoffice.
Besides a full line of Christmas cakes
and pies they have a well assorted
stock of candies and other goo is .
Albon Meinig, O. W. Kern, T.W.
Cuthbert, Aug. Honicker, Geo. Wilds,
T. W, Younger and J. R. Tomilson
filed mining claims on Shena creek, a
branch of the Salmon river, this week.
Mrs. Lee Rogers of Canby and Miss
Minnie Snyder of Portland were in Ore'
ton City on Wednesday on their way to
apend Ohristmas at the home place at
Chas. A, Fitch, formerly editor of the
Oregon Oity Herald, is now on the staff
of the Enterprise, the republican organ
that he, so bitterly opposed during the
last election in this county.
D. B. Richardson, a prominent mer
chant of Helix, Umatilla county, visited
his uncle, R. D. Wilson, Saturday. He
was accompanied by Mr. Hill. Mr.
Richardson reports business good in
Eastern Oregon.
Mrs. S. Gaffuey left Wednesday for
San Francisco to join her husband, who
left last week and is employed in a mill
near that city. Mr. Gaff ney came from
New York about three weeks ago to
work in. the. Crown mills here, but he
changed his mind.
G. N. Joe & Oo., a Japanese firm, who
were carrying on a general mercantile
business hore for the past two years,
have gone Up in attachment. Sheriff
Cooke now holds the stock under an at
tachment in favor of L. Friedman and
H. Rogers, of San Francisc for $305.
A meeting of the committee having in
charge the arrangements for the enter
tainment of the National Press Associa
tion was held in Portland Monday. Col.
Robert A. Mi!ler, president of the Wil
lamette Valley Chautauqua Association,
was piesent by invitation, and tendered
the national association the ubo of the
Chautauqua ground and assembly hall.
He said-Oregon City would give the na
tional delegates a day's entertainment.
avast, mm mm '
Do You Know that R
Large Assortment of Christmas Goods
And we will b3 pleased to show oar lines of
For Ladies and Gentlemen,
Filled, Silver and Nickel.
in Gold, Gold
Of all stjles and grades Rings, Chains,
Lockets, Brooch Stock Link Buttons,
Studs, Etc. '
Sterling Silverware
For the Table Spoons, Knives, Forks, Bern
Spoons, Pickle Forks, Cream Ladles, Cold
Meat Forks, Sardine Forks, Etc.
Rogers Bros. Silvar-Plated Ware
This is the Silver-Plate that wears. Ve are
prepared to meet every want. Our Designs
and Prices are sure to please you.
Make a most desirable Present. Our line is
In great variety, at prices within reach ol all.
Kusical Instruments
Violins, Mandolins, Guitars, Banjos, Accor
deons, Autoharps, Guitar Zither, Columbia
Zither at prices never before so low.
The Eagle Graphophone
Complete $1200. Records, $5.00 per dozen.
Beats anything in the line of Christmcs
mas Gifts for old or young.
Sterling Silv.T and Silver-Mounted
Match and Stamp Boxes, Paper Cuttm, Hat
Pins, Button Hooks, Blotters, Seals, Scis
sors, Bonnet Brushes, Hair Brushes, Cloth
Brushes, Hat Brushes, Combs, Suspenders,
Purses, Etc. ,
Burmeister & Andresen
I Mackintoshes and Overcoats
Men's Twilled ,
Cape Mackintoshes 1
Men's Cotton
Covert Cape Mackintoshes ...
Men's Tricot Bux Mackintoshes,
all-wool, guaranteed waterproof
Man's Brown Ml-Wool Covert
.Box Mackintoshes, strapped
and cemented seams, velvet
oolUrs, other stores $10, our J QQ
Boys' Twilled
X Cap Mackintoshes
Boys' Fine Drill
Navy Blue Mackintoshes
Boys' Ml-Wool Covert Cloth Box
Mackintoshes, strapped and
cemented seams, velvet collars.
Men's Extra-Heavy Covert-Cloth
shes. straitned
and cemented seams, velvet
collars, buHalo-hora buttons
other stores' IIS, our price
Box Macklutoshei, strai
4-Extra Cholca Mackintoshes $15 to 15
Every Mackintosh In our stock has been
made especially tor as, and we guar
antee absolutely WATKRPROjr every.
Mackintosh ws sell at over fl,
X raey cheerfully refunded If goods are
not satisfactory.
Men's Light-Weight Covert Over Q ((
ooata, all wool 0 O.UU
Men's Ail-Wool Kersey Overcoats, O CA
other stums' K10: our orlne. ...... 0.ll 4-
Men's All-Wool Kersey Overcoats, in Art
other stores' 813.85, our price 1U.UU
Young Men's Heavy Covert Cloth 1ft Art T
Oveicoats 1U.UU -f
An elegant line of the celebrated
Alfred Benjamin A Co.'s Tailor-OC AA
made Overcoats, S15 to... "J.vU
Boys' Navy Blue Beefer Coats, ages O AA X
toS years ... .UW I
Heavier grade Boys' Navy Blue 9 AA
Reefer Coats, ages 4 to years... vl I
Boys' Cape Coats,
Ages 4 to 8 years
Boys' Topcoats, Reefers, etc I
$2 to $10
BEN SELLING, Manager. ' THIRD an l O UC STS Wi
Multnomah Lodge. A. F. & A. M.,
elected the followinn officers on Satur
day: W. M .John Hmphreys; 8. W.,
J. E. HedKeg; J. W F. T. Griffith;
Sec.Thos. F. Ryan ; Treas , W. E . Oarll ;
Tyler, A. W. France. The Eastern Star
and this lodge will hold a joint installa
tion on St. John's Day, December 27.
Captain Metzner on Monday received
the uniforms and equipment for the
newly organized Oo. F of this city. Com
plete outfits for 45 men were received,
although there are 53 men in the com
pxny. 'The clothing furnished by the
state headquarters of the O. N. G. is
sei:ond-hand, having been used by the
oil state militia, but the guns are brand
ni'W, and are of the improved Spnnii
Held 45 70 l ade n. The new uniform
for the company will not arrive till
April. The regular drill night of the
company wiil lie on Monday at7:3l)
Captnin Fred Metzner has ie eived his
conimisBion and will s on htve the biys
i good shape. This is the largest com
pany in the new stale militia and Cap
tain Metzner is to be congratu ated mi
the siicees ol his efforts, The boys will
give a military ball at the Armory on
Christmas eve, December 24 h.
Weighing Things
The value of our groceries depends on
three things; How much you get for
your money ; how good it is when you
get it, and the prire ynu pay fur what
you get. We have sugars I bit are
cheap and tmgar tlixt aie gond. We
have ciitfVies iliat willmi'tiHU the appe
tite and the pnckeMinok. Stai lrt goods
at leas lhan Maple prices. We give you
money-savi'ng healih-Huvi.ig eliauiide.
A. Robertson,
1 "The 7th Street Grocer
lanta Glaus Headquarters
Once a Year
You can give necessary things to your friends the year around if you c -rt
afford it, but only once a year, when Christmas comes, is the time for remembering the children w th
fancy little Toys that make them happy at a very small cost. jj
Come in and look at our New Toys, Games, Ingenious Diversions, Dolls, Sled?, Little Vagori9, jj
uiuii wiu'idi iiiui.-ii, rtiiu uiucr nveiy anu inexpensive presents tor the youngsters.
Yoa are sure to find Jnst what yen wait for just what you can pay.
: . -
All our fl or space is devoted to Holiday Presents and we are proud of our Stock. It is a "non
nlns ultra" in ri. lirw.ca anrt rti.ann for niir tnu n W'p snarpd npithpr fanital nnr l.iKnr in mul nnf
display as brilliant and eve- and nurse pleasing as possible. Z
Eere are a few items of value to prospective buyers:,
Rocking Chairs fl 00 Child's IWkw
V 11 Made Ouch 4 OO M ntietle Rug 24 feet
Cood Ud LoungrS fl CO Tahle Hi a'ft
100 nifve eml-rorceiHin I miner B t. ,,
Cuily Hair Kid Body Doll, 11 im hes long, 10c. Joll Carriage, 25-1.
$ 60 Biz cane seat high back Dining
1 75 Chalnt $4 00
60 1 pair Lace Curtains..,.. .... 50
Dressed Dll, 13 inches long, 10c. ' China D. 11,
0 inches 1 jng, 3u. Torpedo Boat, I ic. Missive iron Train, 20 inches long, 50c,