Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, December 23, 1898, Image 4

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Entered in Oregon City postofllce as 2nd-eUm matter
If paid in advance, per year.. 1 60
Six months 75
Three months'trial.... 2o
VThe date opposite your address on the
paper denotes t he time to which you have paid .
$1,000 on its f 17,0'J0 of outstanding ;
warrants which run about three years.
Here ia a total of about $11,000 that
would be saved to the taxpiyevs with
out any effort to speak of. Other coun
ties have done this very thing and we
should do likewise. There weuld be
no trouble about disposing of the newly
issued warrants at par, and we believe
a premium of one or two per cent could
be realized.
OREGON CITY, DEC. 23, 1898.
There is gome omplaint because the
city pays for sewers, steps and repair of
streets oat of the city road fund, when
the county roads in city need every dol
lar that can be spent on them.
Through the medium of the senate's
fund for contingent expenses, the vice
president's writing desk is now adorned
with a $1,000 inkstand, which Hobart
will carry off with him to New Jersey
when his time expires.
Tub Courier-Herald has more bona
fide subscribers than all the other pa
pers in the county combined. New
subscribers are coming in every day.
If we do say it, we have the best paper
jpublished in the county.
Since last May three thousand and
thirteen babies have been named Dewey
Aguinaldo, and nine have been named
McKinley. No report as to thu Mark
Hannas. A n Oregon Volunteer writes
that one was named Joe 8imon the
kid grabbed at every thing in sight.
We would caution correspondents from
getting too personal in writing the news
irom their neighborhood. "A little fun
now and then is relished by the best of
men," but care should be exercised in
regard to s'ursor insinuations which are
not pleasant and souetimes lead to
neighborhool feul. ,
Tub Canby paper claims that some of
the Oanbyites are trying to squeeze it
out of existence. While we do not
agree with Mr. Gill upon the plan he
conducts his sheet, we think the people
of that enterprising town should ,
what they conscientiously can for it
A good paper helps a town.
It is the duty of every American citi
zen to patronize the newspapers that
will defend the rights of the people
against the aggression of the money
power and the trusts. The money
power subscribes a large sum annuilly
to provide "ready prints" and "plate
matter" free to country newspapers
The people cannot hope to win their
figh,t so long as they support the press
that the enemy is using against them.
Give your local paper proper support
and thus increase its power for good -
Silver Knight Watchman.
Thr official canvass in South Dakota
shows that the initiative and referon-
dum was carried in that state by over
1,000 mnjority. And yet the republi
cans carried the state, showing that
many of them must have voted for this
measure. The dispensary amendment
for the regulation of the liquor traffic
also carried. -'
Tub Canby Independent asks th
Courier-Herald to tell him why this
country had a good crop under the gold
standard. If a ten-year-old school
boy would ask s ich a question there
wou'd be an excuse, but when a man
with the intelligence of Mr. Gill does,
there must be something wrong under
his hat.
The following is clipped from the
Epworth Herald published for M. E.
church at Chicago, and has reference to
our county;
I am a boy twelve years old, and I
want to write to the Juniors about lot of
things. I am a preacher's; boy This
year the big Oregon Conference sent my
father to Marquam, on the Hubbard
charge. I want to tell you about Mar
quam. It is not on the railroad; only
a staee once a day and a telephone line.
But Marquam is a great place.
"This is the first tune the preacner
has ever lived here, and the new par
sonago will not be done until next
spring. Now what do you think they
did with us? They moved us into a
great big farmhouse with eight big
rooms, a big barn and 300 acres of land.
There are ten acres of fruit trees fine
grapes, apples, prunes, and pears, but
we boys don't care for fruit. Carloads
of it are lying on the ground rotting.
The people are very good to o. One
woman brought us a pan full ul honey
(I pnpss all boys love honpv.)
1 don't knov mat mv tatner is sucn
a great preacner, dm ne in a nuauer.
To-dav he went out. in the country and
brought home a cow, a pig, and si-ven
chickens. One of the chickens was a
ronstir. Bro. Taylor gave him to ns.
He is a fine fellow; a full-blooded Ply
mouth Hock. Bro. Taylor had him at
(he county tair, and he to k 'ha pre
mium. Ho is such a good rooster that
we call him Bishop Tayl r. because Bro.
Taylor gave him to us; snd because he
is a great rooster an 1 Bishop T-tylor is
a (mat. man.
"Our horse (we cull her Mix Ophe
lia) showed herself off. The fi st riny
we rame her-: my futher drove In r down
to the ftt re to gi t us something t' eat,
and the uill whistle Hev a big blast.
rlie not fca'ed and polled ha k, and
pulled the In idle nff h -r head, and went
running down t lie street wiui me onggy
jumping np in the air. About twt-nty
men ran alter hi-r. One of them not on
h' rse, hut sh-ker,t in the middle of
the road snd ran about five miles. She
did not break (he bngy much el. tier.
''I think my fatler will Inveave-v
hie oongr.'t'anon.. because everybody i -talking
about l.ow fist hi horse ran'
rim, and I tlm k tin y will come to
heai I mi prtnrh
"Johnnie Sml'i.sk."
Strong, steady nerves
Are needed for success
Everywhere. Nerves
Depend simply, solely,
Upon the blood.
Pure, rich, nourishing
Blood feeds the nerves
And makes them strong. "
The great nerve tonic is
Hood's Sarsaparilla,'
Because it makes
The blood rich and
Pure, giving it power
To feed the nerves.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Cures nervousness,
Dyspepsia, rheumatism,
Catarrh, scrofula,
And all forms of
Impure blood.
In the Circuit Court ot the Stat of Oregon for
the County of Clackamas. - , t -,
Albln Float,
Noah S. Kellogg, MarcissaJ. Kellogg
and Clackamas County, Oregon,
Slate of Oregon, County of Ctacktmas, as. ;
eree and eieoution, duly issued out of and
under the seal of the above entitled court,
in the above untitled cause, to me duly
directed and dated the 26lh day of Novem
ber, 118, upon a judgment rendered and entered
in said court on the 21st day of November, 1898,
in favor of Albln Floss, plaintiff, and against
Noah 8. Kellogg, Marcissa J. Kellogg and Clack
amas Counts-, Oregon, defendants, (or the sum of
1750.00, with Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per'
cent, per annum from the 27th day of January,
1897, and the further sura of 124.60 with interest
thereon at the rate of 8 per cent, er annum
from the 1st day of February, 1897, and the
further sum of 119.60 with Interest thereon at the
rate of 8 per cent, per annum from the 5th day of
December, 1897. and the further sum of $75 00, as
attorney's fee, and the further sum of $47.00 costs
and disbursements, and the costs of and upon
this writ, commanding me to make sale of the
following described real property, situate in the
County of Clackamas, State of Oregon, to-wit:
All of lots 15 and la in block 138 of the Oregon
Iron and Steel Company's Extension t the First
Addition to Oswego, In Clackamas County, Ore
gon, together with the tenements, hereditaments
and Hppurtenaucs thereunto belonging or in
anywise appertaining. Now, therefore, by vir
tue ot said execution, jiidgmentorderand decree,
and ineompliauoe with the commands of said
writ, 1 will, on
1898, at the hour nf one o'clock p. in., at. the front
door of the County Court House in the city nl
Oregon Cltv, in said ouiity aud State, Boil at
public auction, subject to redemption, to the
highest bid'ler. for C. g ild coin cash in hand,
a:i the right, title and Interest which the wllhiu
named defendant or either of them had (in the
date of the mortgage herein or since had in or
to the above described real property or any part
thereof, to satisfy said execution, Judgment
order, dene,;, Hue rest, costs and all acetiung
Oosts. J J. CO' IKK,
Slieri-I of Clackamas County, Oregon.
D.ittd Oregon City, Or., November '26, 1898.
In Hie Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
Oi County of Clttckiiroas.
Debonih A. Bowen,
James Sh.nw and Hetty Shaw, his wife.
James W. Shaw and Mrs. James W.
Shaw, his wife, Henry Cans, Sidney
Smith, T. P. Randall aud X. K
Soliultz, '
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss.
JJ cree aud an execution, duly issued out of and
under the tea) of the above entitled court, in the
above entitled cause, to me duly direeted and
dated the 22d day of November, 1898. upon
a judgment rendered and entered in paid oouit on
the 18th day of November, 18!I8, in favor of
Deborah A. Bowen, plaintiff, and against James
Shaw and Betty Shaw, his wife, James W. Shaw
and Mrs. James W. Shaw, his wife, Henry Guns,
Sidney Smith, T. P. Randall and L. K. Schulu.
defendants, for the sum of $2590.69, with Interest
thereon at the rate or 8 per cent, per annum Irom
thel8th dav of November, 1898, and the further
sum of Ho. 35 as taxes, with interest thereon from
the 18th day of November, 1898. and the further
sum of 1175 as attorney's fee, and the further sum
of $40.10 costs end disbursements, and the costs
of and upon this writ, commanding me to make
sale of the following desoribed real property,
situate in the county of Clackamas, state, of Ore
gon, to-wlt: Being in section thirty two, in
township two south, range two east, and aection
a i ,Awn.ht 1 1, ..... .....ill H.aMnadB r
IITV, ... ... TT ' ' I ' J v.ai it -VU..., I.ll. ,W3 V
the Willamette meridian, and being parts of the
claims of William Holmes and George P. Newell,
and bounded ana described follows: Begin
ning at the north-east oorner of the said William
Holmes donation land claim and from thence
running westerly along the north bouudary line
of said William Holmes claim twenty-six chains
and fifty links; thence south twenty-live chains
and seventy two links, more or lets, to the north
boundary Hue oi uregon city aniux, according to
Ihe duiy recorded map and plat thereof; thence
easterly along said north boundary of said Ore.
gun City Annex Ihtrty-lhiee chains and ninety
three links, more or less, to the north east corner
of said Oregon City Annex; thence southerly along
the east boundary Hue of said Oregon C Ity An
nex eighteen chains and eight links, more or
less, to a point due east of the north-east oorner of
the Masonic burying ground as referred to in the
deed from James lark and wife to Patrick Duffy,
recorded in hook a, page 1. 1, oi ine Records oi
Deeds of said Clackamas County. Oregon! thence
east twelve chains and eventyfotir links loeast
boundary line of the said Ueorge P. Newail claim:
thence north along said east boundary line of
said George P. Newail claim thirty-four chains
and eighty links to a point In the south boundary
line of the Kara Fisher donation land claim;
thence westerly along the smith boundary line
of the said Fisher ulalm fifty links to the en
trance corner of said George P. Newail claim;
thence northerly along the east boundary line of
said George P. Newail claim nine chains to the
north east corner tnereoi; thence westerly along
the north bounday of said George P. Newail
claim nineteen chains and sixty-seven links,
mo-e or less, to the place of beginning, contain
ing one hundred and forty acres, more or less.
exeepiing aud reserving from the above described
premises a strip oi land in tne north-west Corner
thereof deeded by Patrick Duffy to T. P. Randall
for a public road by deed recorded in Book 82
at Pace 446 of said Records of Clackamas County.
Now. therefore, by virtue of said execution.
judgment order aud decree, and in compliance
won we commanos oi said writ, i win, on
at the hour of 1:30 o'clock p. m., at the front door
of the County Court House lu the city of Oregon
City, In noi l County and fctale, sell at public
auction, subject k redemn inn, to Ihe highest
bidder, for U. 8. gold coin, cash In hand, nil the
right, title and interest which the within named
defeudiints or either of them, lied on
the date of the mo-tgasie herein or since
had in or to the above described real proper
ty or any part thereo to satisfy said execution,
judgment order, decree, interest, costs and all
accruing costs.
J. J. O0 KE,
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
Dated, Oregon ('ity, Oregon, Nov. 22, 1898
. i.
4 Br
it? VA V
Ml Fit.
r i it
1 4
You :
'itiHifilipiiililli ,n
That you can get First
Class Fresh Groceries of
all kinds of 'MARR &
MUIR at very reasonable
prices ? Why pay more ?
In the Clroult Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Claokamas.
G A. Rockwood.
Wm H. Smith nnd Louisa Smith, his
wire, ueo. A. Hamilton and Jessie
Hamilton.hiawire. AgnesM Wash
burn. I'. O. T. Wllllanis,asngnee of
Hamilton Brtthers, John G. Miller,
E. Miller and James B Waite,
partners as John Q, Miller A Com-
any, H. L 8abin. J. H . Lee and
. L. Sandborn, partners doing buei
ttess under the firm name and style
of J. H. Lee ft Company, and Ches
ter Williams,
I ef endants.
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, sa. .
By virtue of a ludemtnt order, decree and an
execution duiy Issued out of and under the seal of
the above entitled court. In the above entitle
cause, to me du y directed and dated the 7th day
of December. 1898. nimn a tudirment rendered
and entered in said court on Ihe 26th day of No
vember, 1898, in faor of G. A. Kockwond, nlaln-
titl, ana against Wai. H. smith and Louisa smith
his wife, Geo. A. Hamilton aud Jessie Hamilton,
his wife, Agnes M. Washburn, C. O. T. Williams,
assignee of Hamilton Brothers, John O. Miller. E.
Miller and James B. Watte, partners as John G .
Miller ft Company . R L. Babtn, J. H Lee and E. L.
Sandbom. partners doing business under the firm
name and style of J II. Lee A Company, and
Chester Williams, defendants, for the sum of
$879.o0, with interest t-iereon at the rate of 10 per
eent per annum from the 26th day nf November,
1898, and the further sum of $50.00 as attorney's
fee, and the further sum of $10.00 costs and dle
buraementa, and the costs of and upon tbis writ,
command! g me to make sale of the following
described real property, situate in the County of
ClackiimaH.Sta e of Oregon, to-wit:
All that piece or parcel nf land in T. 2 s, B. 2 e
of the W. M. in Clacksmas county, Oregon, more
particularly described as follows, to-wit: Com
mencing at a point In Hiram Straight's D L. C,
13 rods south of whi is known as as Wheeler's
southwest point, thence east 214V feet, thence
north 214 feet, thence euxt 74 feet 10 inches,
tl.euce south 219 feet, thence west 288H feet,
thenee north 25 feet to the place of beginning, be
ing a part of Himni A. Straight and wile's dona
t n land claim, suving and exci ptlug fiuiu t lie
above conveynnee so much i'f the above dust-rilied
land as hud beun heretofore conveyed to thj Ore
gon and California rallrond.
Also ex- pting the portion of tho said tract re
leased from the lien of said mortgHire and de
seribtd h follows: A tract of laud in the D L. C,
of Hiram Straight, in Cliu-kamtis county, Oregon,
t C'unraenr'i.,g at a point 2141 ft h and 2Hti) ft u. of
wn,i is Known us wnee:ers v cornur, inence
north 115 feet, thence W 50 feet, thence 8 lift feet,
Ibenoe E 50 feet to the place of beginning, exoept,
In the Clreull Court of the State of Oregon for
the County nf la kumttx
The Security Saviints aud Trust Coml
puny, a corpora i ion.
How poor it must make your Undo
Oollis fuel bb goon aa he crosses the Cal
ifornia line into Oreiion 1 Just thik of
Itl The sudden transformation from a
seventeen thousand dollar roadbed to a
thrae or four thousand do'lar track, is
enough to make Uncle Oollis remember
Oregon institutions in his uill, and Cal
ifornia assessment in his curse.
Tiir treasury of the United States is
ovei flowing ' with borrowed money.
Cleveland borrowed $2ti2 000,000; Mc
Kinley borrowed $200 000,000 makinit
$Ni2,0H)000 btrrowed within six years.
The republican press point to the larjje
treasury balance ns evidence ol pros,
peri y . If a nation en borrow itself
rich, why cannot n individual do the
same? Verily, this is a new doctrine.
Tim iinnuil nicetiiur f the State
Grange hell in Auirust pissed ttrnnn
resolutions deniandiim the roeniict
went of the tnortiiai'v tax law. The
lloseburo; AVnVw, the most able fusion
paper in the state prints the latest de
cisions of the U. w. supreme court hold
ing the mortgage tax law good, nnd
eays editorially that I' was the be-t tax
law that Oregon has ever had on its
itatule books.
Death of One of Oregon' Oldest
Died at his borne io Clack tinas Co.,
Oregon, 12 miles above Oreiton City on
the Willamette river, Saturday. lVeem
tier lOilt, at 8 a. m. Jo!in Hancock Zom
'.vali. nt'cl 81 years and 2d days. John
H.Zmnwalt was burn ,in Pennsylvania,
Novell. ber 14'h, 1817. and moved with
his parents to MisHouri at an early ago,
and at the aue of 20 was united in mar
riage to Strati M. Runsell in Holevii,
Missouri, by the Rev. Mr. Micliiel, and
12 years later with their little family of
four children came to Oreg n in an emi
irrant train, ai riving at Oregon City
November IMh. 1S4!, and about one
year later thy settled on a donation
land claim o: tHO acres, a part ol which
he now leave.
To tld union were born ten children,
the sons are A. liobert and Cap. John
l. ZuinwH.lt, of On gun, tlif d iiiulilers,
Mr, M 0. Hr.iliam Nwber. Mr. T.
S. HiagS i f Neflucca, Oit'g m, Mrs. 0 ip.
V. 1'. h rt. now of British Uoluiubii.
Mrs. S. ,1. F.p'i r, i f Vilsnnvill nnd
Mr. O. Davia, oi I'or'i.utd. 0 eao i.
Mrs, tranUe Fianklin, llenrv and
.Itn k-o i, linvuig died Ht'Veral years rho.
T.-n years njo h-t vpil Mr. anlMis.
7U"WHlt :tl their cliiliron, grallii-
hi! r.n aod Hcure of irieunN, ce!e.
touted tlie-ir golilen medding .t the o'd
ooine-i'eal Ami six y-ar a roilie 1(1 l
of last Much Hie wie iliud ttged 71
'I'be uilernieot t' ok pi tee Monday tbn
12tlt at 2 p. m hi the l'l.iu.-a i llil!
remelery. coiidui't'.'d by Uev. A. Hrady,
of tb'od VifW, Ansa.
WiU.invillrt, Orego-i.
of the Circuit Court of the State of. On gun
for Clackamaa County, of date NovenilKT H5.
1808, upon a decree of foreclosure d ily rendered
In said oourton Noveinber22, 1808. in the case of
Anna W. Muthew-, plaintill, va. Ue.irge K lied
man and Clara S. Deilinaii, his wife, Kind C.
.Inhnson and Julinsoti. his wile, and Amre-
line ll-rry, dofeiidan., ill fav.ir ol Die olainliff
ami luaiun tne oetenuanui, l win, at i ju o euwa
in the aiurnoon on the
3Ut 1AV Or" DECRMBER, 18118,
at the front door of the Court House. In Oregon
i itv. Oreiron. tell at public aociiou, to the high
est bidder, for cash in hand, subject to redemp
tion, the premises Described iu said decree of
foreclosure, being situateo in uta Kama. ounty,
S ate of Oregon, lo-wit: All ol traet "It (. laok-
ainas Kiveislne, aceonung to tne ouiy reoorneu
map or plat thereof on lile or record ill the I fti -e
of the Reeorder of Conveyance of Clackamas
Cinintv, Stale of Oreg ui, to satisfy thr sum of
rJStiS 30 wilh Interest from Novembei 22, lt'.i8. at
the rate of 10 per cent, pt-r annum and II7A00
as attorney's tee with interest from same date at
8 per cent, per annum, all in United States gold
coin, and ihe eosls and disbursements of said suit
taxed at $3o.00 and the costs of and iipun said
writ. J. J ' OOKK,
Sheriff nf lackimas County, Oregon,
listed November 2b, 1HU8.
how.vor, of the well and lud 4 left ni-le
between the well and west line of uino'e dfseriliwl
tracii iilso the right tmi-e w iter irom the ubove I r"1' prrieity ot any part iheni'.f,
wed. wtrch ' re erved. t exocuit n, ju-lf ment order, deevee,
Now, ther.-fnre. 'hy virtue of sit' f.xocurlnn.
judgment ord r .oid 'le.'.r.'e, and in compliance
witi the commands of .-aid wi'ii. 1 will, en
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for the County of Clackamas.
William P. Lord, as Governor, Har
rison R Kuicald, as Secretary of
State! and Fhil. Metachan, as
Treasurer, aa the Board of Com- '
missioners for the Sale of School
and University Lands, and for the
Investment of the fnnds arising
Thomas Charman, Sophia Obarnwn
and Fred R. Cha rman,
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss
oree and an execution, duly Issued out of and
under the seal of the above entitled court, In the
Above entitled court, In the above entitled cause, to
me duly directed and dated the 30th day of Novem
ber, 1898, upon a Judgment rendered and entered
In said court oa the 25th day of November, 1898,
in favor of William P. Lord, as governor, Harrison
B. Kincald, as secretary of s'.ate, and Phi), Met
schan, as treasurer, aa the Board of Commiasioners
for the Sale of School and University Lauds and
for the investment ef the funds arising therefrom,
plaintiffs, and against Thomas Chanuso, Sophia
Charman and Fred B. Charman, defendants, for
the sum of $2778.05. with interest thereon at the rate
of 8 per cent per annum from the 2Mb day of
November, 1898, and the further sum of $150 costs
and disbursements, and the costs of and upon this
writ, commanding me to sanKe sateol the follow-;
Ing described real property, sltnatein tha Coanty
of Clackamas, State of Oregon, to-wlt : llegmamg
at anoint 5.8A ohalna south and 7.90 chum went
ol the south-west corner of section 26, township
two (2) south, range three () east of the Willamette
meridian, and running thenee east 85.50 chains;
thence south 19.75 chains; thence west 61 chains:
tbeuee north &U.33 chains; thenee south 50 degrees
east 32.69 oliains: thence south 20 ohalns to the
place of beginning, containing 198.50 acres. Also,
begfnning at a point 5.85. chains sou til and 7. HO
chains west of the south-wst corner of said section
2ti; running thence east 20 ebains: thence nortlr
20 chains; thenee west 20- chains; tbeuee south 20
chains to the place of beginning, containing 40
acres, and bping apart of tha donatiou land claim.
No 45, of Isaac Laswell, together with the tene
ments, hereditaments and appurtenances thereun
to belonging or in any wise appertaining. Now
therefore, by virtue of said execution, Judgment
order and decree, and m aumpiiance with Ihe com
mands oi said writ, I will, on
at the hoar of 11:3(1 o'clock a. m at the front door
of the County Court House in th City of Oregon
I ity, in said County and State, sell at public auc
tion, subject to redemption, to the hichosf. bidder,
for U. . gold coin cash in hand', all the right, title
ami Interest which the within named deiendantt
or either of them, bad on lk date nf the mortgage
hereiu or since had lu or to the above described
to sutisiy said
Interest, o.isis
I Van i'ul fur rugs for the holidays at
Oregon City Auction House
In the Circuit ''ourt of the Slate of Oregon, for
the County o.' Clackam is.
Win. P. Lord as (Governor, Harrison
K. Kincald, as Secretary or State,
and I'll 1 1 Meisehau, as Mate Treas
urer, as the Bot.rd of Commission
era for the Sale of Sell ol and Uni
versity Linda and lor Ihe invest
menls'of the funds arising there,
from, '
George I'ftster, Anna Mary I'B-ter.
I-, I! Mm ..11, M. A. Small and
Malhlas llutala,
i, miid. ill's
Slate of Oregon. County of Clackamas, ss.
c;ee and an ex oution, d.ily Issued oin of and
under the seal of ll:e aoove entitled court, in tile
auove elU'lii-ii cause, 10 uie uuiy 'iiri euai ami
dated the 'jsnh d iv of November, 198, upon a
J pigment rendered and entere in said court on
Hi sli h day ol Novenib r, IxuS, in luvor of Wil
li mi I1, bold, as governor, liar isou It. Kiiicud
as sicrelaiy of stale, and IMiii .ll.-t.-cliiin, as rtu.e
treasure', as the Board i-f CoinniissiMners lor
Hie sale id si h ol and University Lands and for
the iuvealinettis of Ihe funds aiisl-ig therefrom,
plaintiffs, and against Ueoig i I'tKter, Auna
M iry I'a-t.-r, K. (.'. Sin ill, M A. Sin.tll and
M iliiias Hulala, il f n lants. for the mi of
f.ViKi.00, nilh inter, al thereon al tile rale i f 8 per
e. lit. iter aunu.ii from the 12ihdeyof O tooer,
1S:i:I. and ihe further sum oi si.0i taxes, and
SoDhmnia V. Lewelling, S. Malhew,
Mary MctJrath, trustee IV. V. Ir
win, Willamette Land Compai y, a
Cornoration, W. H. U'Usti, and F.
E. Olson,
Stfte of Oregw County of Cla'-Vamas. s.
S' cree and an execution, duly Issued out of
and under the seal of the above entitled court, in
the above pu titled cause, to me dulv directed
aim iiiiieo ine i n any ci November, ISilS, upon
a jiidgiuent rendered and eniered in said court
on the 7th day of November, -iH'iS, in favor of
The Security Savings and Trust Company, a cor
poration, plaintiff, and niraipst Sophron'a V.
Lewelling, K. Mathew. Mary M. firath, trustee,
W.w. Irwin, Willamette Laud Company, a cor
noratlnn. W. S. U'Ken and F. E. Olsen.'detend
ai.ts, for the e m of t3178.0n, and the further sum
of $2IX).H0 as attorney's fee, iu.il the further snm
of $12.00 costs and dishiirsements, and the coste
of hoc' upon this writ, commanding me to make
sale nf the following deserib. d real nronertv.
siluate in the County of Clackamas, sti.te of Ore
gon to wit: All of bloc numb, red tlilitv one
(31) of Mil'vaukie. Olaekiuniiseniiulv. Oreedn. aa
per the oflicinl plat thereof cm reno'rd in the Re
corder's office of aaid county nnd slate, also lhat
tract beginning at a noint 9 28-lnn almlne aomh
aud 7 50 100 chains easl from the north-west
corner ot me donation land claim of Hector
Campbell and wife in township one south of
range one east of the Willamette meridian, said
point being the norlh-west corner of lot No.
seven according lo the survey and plat made by
F. W. Campbell and on the south line of the
avenue indicated on said plat: thence south on
the line between lots seven and eight 2 70 100
chains lo the south-east corner of that portion of
said lot eight, convevd bv Allred and M. K
Lewelling to Cbarb s Wilson: thence east 5 6 loo
chains lo Ihe west line of the land eonveved bv
aalrt Alfred Rd M. K. Lewelling to 1). Harvey
in October. 1883: thenee north along said Harv
ey's west line 2 70 luO ihslns to the north west
corner of said Harvey's land on Ihe south side
line-of said av nue: thence west along the line
of the avenue to 1 lie place of hegi niug con
talcing one and seven-slxleenlhs (1 7-lil acres
moreorlosa; alo lol numbered 1.2, 8,4. 6.
23 24, 2ri. ?B. 27 and 28 of Prun-land, laeka
mas enmity, Oregon, ss per Hie nflVinl pint
thereof of record in the Hi corde 's . ffire for snid
c uniy and Male; a'n that irnct bctl inlng at. tne
south-ea't corner of section nine, township foil.
south, range one easl of the Will-met emci Han;
tlience norih two hundred (2(10) rials: thence
west eiitntv isoi rn'is; th .pee north 1 40) roils;
tnence west forty (10) rod: thence north e'l'htv
(so ro's in said section Hue; thence west fortv
(40) rods: thence south lrc hnmlreil and twenty
(320) rods to the south l'ne of a. id section n n.'i
thence easl along atid line to (.1 .ee of beglnnici?,
eontiiinlna two hundred aod forty '2-ID) a -res.
more or less. Now, there'or". bv vtnne of snid
execution, judgment, order a-id d"cre-. and In
."ompllauce with the corainantS of said w rit. I
will, on
is8, el the hour of one o'clock p m . al the
front door of the Comity Court House In the City
of Or gon City. In fl"id county and state, sell at
at the hour of 1:80 u'cinct p. m.. at Ihe front door
of the county court house i m the cl. of Oregon .
( ity, in said county nnd hint'-, sell at pnblic aue-
tiou. su!i"etto redenipiiou, lo the hiyht-si iidiler, ;
for U. gold cjiii ca.li lu liiind, all ihe rig-t,
title an'l iiiteresi whlfli the wit in uiuneil ili-l'cnd- j
an sor either of ihem had on the date ot the mort
gage herein or since had In un 1 to the above i
(lesclbel real r.r pcrty or any part thereof, to i
Bati-fy s-iid exioullou. juicmctit order, decree, I
interesl. oosls and all &( cruinu costs. I
.1 .1. CUOilK,
Slier" ff of Clnckamas c-iuniy, Oregon.
Dated. Oregon City, Ore , Dec. 7, 1808.
anil i.u.. ...,ti.. s..t.i.. .a ...
the dirtier sum of 2tHi.(KI as attorneys. f e. mid h, .,. 1,1.1,1.,,. , 11. s. olri nnln L.h In h,,H
Tim government proposes to make
tilver tho basU of the currency in the
Philippines; U, 8 Railroad Cominis
aioner Longtreet urges the construction
of a government air line laiboad across
the continent; railroad and telegraph
line are to be constructed and operated
in Porto Rico by. the government. At
this rate we will have a demo-pop gov
ernment hefoiu we realize it unless
Marcus Hanna wake up and eaves the
sfountry before it is everlastingly too
The plan mentioned by Coukikk- i place.
To thtf taxpayers otClin kiinniscounty.
It is requested by the county court
tluit the taxpayers in euch road "district
of the county select and recommend to
the court (or appointment some compe
tent mao iu each road district for the
position of road supervisor and it is fur
iher entered that the man endorsed for
said position as rond supervisor in any
road district by the majority of the 1 evi
dent taxpayers ot his said disirict
shall be appointed bv this nou t
to fill said position, provided, how
ever, tliut if said apjioiiitee should
prove either Incompetent or unwilling
1 1 perform the duties required of the
supervisor in a proper and diliiffiit
manner, he shall be removed by this
court ana gome other person appointed
By onler of county court. Dec. term.
Elmkr Dixos, Cle-k.
liy E. U. Coopkk, Deputy.
Hsrald last week of issuing new six per
ent warrants t take up all eight per
cent warrants now outstanding it a goo. I
one and its adoption would t-ave Olack
anus county on its $140,000 of warran.i
outstanding two per cent, or 2,K00 per
year or $'J,80) for three and one ha
years, the average time imu ar-. 01lvonl , photo buttons and l.ii is, meda!
rant run before being paid. The lions etc. Oil painting of Mt Hood for
mount the city would save is about 25. Leave orders now.
," 'T)0 w,,kw" CHRIST
;ul VUUIVjU that mill U kept,
i 3 Photographs
the further sum of $22 50 costs and di burs
nieiits, and the costs of and upon this writ, com
manding mc to make s le of the following de
scribed real nmperiy. situate in the Ci uniy of
Clackamas, Stale of Oregon, to wit: All of the
east or hushaud's half of the D. L. O. of fliem
Ross and Margaret .1. Koss, his wife, sliiiated in
8iCllons(4) four and tfi) live, township (ii) six
south, range (l) one east of the Wl laiuelle merid
ian, save ana except from the said easihulfof
lllia described tract, vli: Commencing nn the
north boundary of the 0. L. C. of Robert Allen
at a point which Is ten chains am) fifty I 11 ss west
of tho north east corner of said Claim; thenee
north :) chains; thence west 81 chains and S)
link-; Ihem-e south 80 chains to a point 6 chaois
and 28 links east ol Hie north-west owner of ail l
Robert Allen's claim: thence east u the place of
beglunlng and containing 9H.II9 acr's. The part
alHive conveyed siuounts to 47.91 acres: also :he
tollowing Is Included In this deed of roiiveyam-e,
vis: The west or wife's half of the aforesaid I).
L. C. of Thomas Ross and Margaret J. Ross, sit
uated III T.oS., R. 1 I. and amounting to 111.9
acres, more or less, excepting 40 acres here-to-lor
deed, din Hiram Liiterman off of the west part
oft t eald Margaret J Rs part of the above de
scribed 1 1. U C , oonlaluing and ainnnntlng in all
by this deed conveyed, to 148 acres and 100 square
rials more or leas. Now, therefore, by virtue of
said exaeutlon, judgment onler and deoree, and
in comnllanee with the commands of said writ, I
will. on ,
at the hour of eleven o'o oek a. in., at the front
door ol IheOouniy Court Hons,' in the City of
Oregon city. In said County ami Slate, sell at
public aurilon, so Jia-t to rcrie-nptl n. to ihe
Mglml bidder, for V. S, gold coin e ndi in hand,
all Ihe right, title and Interest wh-ch the within
named defendant or either of them, hail on tne
date of the mortgage herein ir i v ha I in or 10
the above descrllual real property or any mn
thereof, to salisfv liii exeeiiii n. judgment
order, decree, luiereat, costs and all a.vnilug
coal. J. J. COOK K.
Sheriff ef Clt k.,ma Coun'y Oregoa.
Dated Oregon City. Ore., Nov. 29, 18'..
all the right, title and Interest which the wilhln
named defendants or either of them, had on the
date of the mortgage herein or since had in or lo
the above desrrl bed real proKrty or anv pan
'hereof, to satisfy said execution. Judg ent
order, decree, interest, nosis and all accruing
costs. J. J. Ctlt IKK,
Sheriff of OlsrkamoB Cmu-.tv, Oregon.
Dated Oregon City, Oregon, Nov. 21. l8iH.
In the ("iiotiit Court "f the State of Oregon, for
the County ol C!ai kanius. .
Mrs. Haillia Hing, I
Pluiutlir, I
v 1
W. W. H. S imeon and .1. E. Pamspn,
Defei.daiitB. I
State of Or gon, Coutuy of Clacknmas, ss.
dec rue end an execution, duly I sued out f
and under the seal of tli above emitted court, in
the above emitted cause, to mu duly directed and
dab d the 6lh day of December, 18"8, upon a Judg.
menl rendered and entered iu mild court 011 the 22d
day of November, I8V8, In favor of Mrs, Martha
Riugo, plaintiff, aud against W.W. H.Sauit .n ami J.
K. 8amso:i, defendants, for the sum of $187.75,
wilh luterest tliereon at the rate of 10 per cut per
annum from the 22d day of November, 1898, and
the further sum of $'a).00 as attorney's fee, aud ihe
further sum of $10 00 c ists and disbursements,
and the costs of and upou this writ, conimandliig
me to no kesale o tin- f llowing described real
property, siiuate in the county of Cl.tckanias,
.tali, ot Or- gon, lo-wit:
The east ha f I (4) ol th northeast qu-irler
of t c ion f uiteeti (14) tow ship live (01 south, of
nt'ig-one (1) cast of the Willamette M ridian,
beim- a pari ol the dotia:ion land claim of Henry
and Eleanor Saiusoi , in clack uia- coun:.y, Oiv
gon, and cental i.ig eighiy iKI, a res
Now. therefore, by virtue of add execution,
jncginent oidcr and'd cree, a. -I In iioiu,iliunce
Hi Ii (he commands of said wril, I wl'. , 111
at the hour of I o'clock p in., nl the front doer of
th-' eoUii'y court lionsi-, in the city of Or g,.n
C;l, lo said cuicy and I'ule, sell ot public i.ik
tiou.suliJi'C! to r. d, niptlnii. In the highest biilder,
lor !!. S gold coin, ca-h In ham1, all the right,
liile and t'ltcresi wtre'i ihewiiniu 11 imea deten.l
t nts or either i f them hud on ihe oaieolthe
niortirigc iiei-ein 01 since huil iu al d to Hie above
d'Hi-iiliKl r.-a pneie ty or i:v .i,t tir-reof. to
st.thfv sii-d ixei-unot,, Jirlginen out. r. decree,
iuicn-st.c sts at dsll ac.ciuoig c sts.
h.'riff of Olao am is coin tv, Oregon.
D ited, Ort gon City, Ore Dec. 11, I8'.w.
In the Cir nit Court nf the Stale of Ctt-gon, for
the County ol Cis'-knmas.
J hn It H nkle,
riainliir I
vs. I
Jesse A. Cox and jaury A. Cox, I
S ate of Ori-goli, County of ("lackamas ss.
Y VIRTl'K UK A .11'BtlMr.N V OltDKll
cr.e and an execution, ouiy i-sueooui
;,d all accruing e.Mta ,1. J. COOKK,
Sheriff of Clackamas Ciuinl . Or. gon.
Paled Oregon City, Oregon, Nov. SO, 1898.
In tlie Circuit Court of t!ie State of Orego for
the Cotinty of Clackamas.
.. ;-- Ada Smltl),,,,,,, ...
Hainan", '
vs. :
Lucy J. Fletcher, Lucy J. Fletcher.
an imbecile, by Hetnati A. Lso, her j
guardian, and Hem an A. Lee, as I
guardian of Lucy J. Fletcher, an '
Defendants. J
State of On gon. County of ('la kamus, ss.
cree and an I'Xiicuiioti, duly issued out ot and
under the seal of the alaive eiititl.-d court, In the
above entitled cause, lo mu duly directed and
dated tho 80 h day of November, lKIM, upon a
judgment rendered and entered in said court
on the 2lrd day of N -ven ber, ISD8, lu favor of
Ada Suiiik. plniniifl, and sgiilnat Lucy J. Fleiober,
Lucy J. Flctelief. an tuilaw-ili-, by Heman A. Lee,
her guardian, and Heniau A. Lee, as guaidian of
Lucy J. Fletcher, an imbecile, defend nts. or the
sum of tloU.UO. wilh interest lltcrcon at the rate of
10 per cent, per annum from the 6th day of March,.
1x97. and the further sum of $16.78 tax as with In
terest thereon f rum the 20:h day ol Ooiober, 1898,
al the rale of 8 per cent, per allium
and th'i further sum of $5000, as aitorn y's fee,
and the further sum of $ 5.U) costs and disburse
ments, and the costs ot and upon this writ, com
manding me to make sale of 1I10 following de
scribed real properly, situate in the County of
Clackamas, Stale of Oregon, to wit: Beginning at
a nolo, l'i 03 chains sou h of th north-east corner
of donation laud claim No. 58. In section (28)
tweuiy-eight and (29) twenty-nine, in township (S)
three south of range (1 ) oue east of the Wiiinmetle
meridian: thenee west 27.81) chains: lit no.- south
10 78 chain ; thence e 1st 27 8i ch illis; thence
north lu.78 chains 10 the place of bi ginning, con
taining 30 a'-rcs. more or less. Now, thereiore, by
virtue of said execution, judgment order and de
cree, at'd ill comi.liauue with th- eotuuiauds of
snid writ. 1 will, on
nt.thehour of two o'clock p. m., at the front door
of the County Conn, House, in th City of Oregon
City, In said ilounty ami State, sell at public auo
tion, siil.jcot lo n demi'ti ui, to the hlghvsi bidder,
for fT. S. gold coin, t'a-h lu hand, all die right, title
I and inter ,st which lie wluiiii-nam d deleiulaiits
' or ( I li r of ilc-ni. had on liie date ol the riort'g,
I I, r 111 or slnct- liad In or to the aboye described
. r i , ilci-iv or any part thereof, to satisfy said
ix- 'I 11 j.idui ntoidcr, decree, Int'-r n. c 131s
a.,d all ci -ruing oists J. J. COOKE,
Mli-riff of Cl'ickumis Cottiuy, Oregon.
Dated Or g m City, Oregon, Nov. SO. I8IW.
In the t'lrcnll Court of the Slate of Oregon for
tile County of ChtcKinuas.
Loui-a Kester (formerly Louisa Davton)
In the Circuit Court of the state of Oo g in, for
Clackamas county,
Enoch Hale, Plaintiff, )
vs. 5
OladyA. Hale, Defendant
To the said Glady A. Hale, the above named
1 You are h- rehv required to appear and answer
the complaint Hied againsi you in the above en
titled court and csnse os or before the last dav
nl the time prescnlwl In the order for publica
tion of this summons; which onler provided that
the first publication be made on Friday. Ihe I'Uh
day ol Lecember, 1898. and the las publication
six weeks thereafter, to-wlt: On Friday, the 27th
day of January. 1F4I9; the first puhlicati n being
on Frldav, ihe lnth day nl IX ember, 198, yon
will therefore appear and answer on or re-fore
January 7ih, 1899. If v-u fail so Ii ap,.earur
an-wer, this plaintiff will apply totlie abov, en
liiled conn for ihe elb I' nrsy-d Ii r In the com
ulltlt: fii a dt-ciee dusclvuig the lainOs of mat
rimony now exls ing lajlween plaintiff and de.
feudaiit all 1 lor s u-h "I her and further reJuf as
10 the (sou I shall set-m met.
This summons is publish. -d by onler of the
Hon. Thorn a A. VoBri.ie. judge of the above en-
lilsd court, made ou the l?ih day of n.i-eiiioer,
lS'W. .Mil. I. Kit A tin. 1 nt.
' Attoiu, ya lor 11 Iniiff".
New Time ani Conrier-Herell $1.15
f and
under the seal of the akov entitled court, in th;
above enlitlisa cause, and to me duly din-cbd and
dap ..d the 21t day ol December, 11. upon a Judg
ment rend, red and entered to sai l court on in
91I1 day of November. 1898, In favor of ohn R.
liinkle. plaintiff, ana against J,, a. ux ana
Mary .&.x, dciendants, for Ihe sum if $1132.8.)
with Interest thereon at ihe rate i f 10 per cent ar
amiiim irom the 2ih day ol OcUila-r. 1898, and
(be further sum ot S50JU. ss altoruey's fee, and
the furtner sum of Jl.i ou costs and disbursements
and tn coats of a' d upon this writ, Commanding
me io make sale of the following described prop
env, souate in the county of Clackamas, state f
Or -non, to wit :
Lou nuiuiier.-d one (1), two (2), three (8), fou
(4), nine (9). lei) (111) and eloveu (11). all in block
uiunbcred twelve (I2j in Uie town of Canby, state
of Oregon. ...
Now, therefore, by virtue of said ixecn ion,
judgment order snd decree, and ill oomplianoe
witu the commands of said writ, 1 will, on
1899, at ihe hour of on" o'clock P. M , at the fron
door of the County Court House in the city of
Oregon citv. In sid coumy a id state, sell at pub
lic auction, snkj st to redemrtion. to lb h'"het
bidder, for V. f. gold Colo, casn m naun, aiiiue
rlgbl title and Interest hi- h the within naiad
d Kn.lant., or el'lier ol th -ni, nad on the d , of i
the nioriaage henin, or since nan in or i. in
alwve deeeiibtd real pnmerty or a ly part ih- reof ,
U- satisfy said esia niton Judgment uidef, decree,
laterest. costs and all ace uiug cwla
f-hcilff of ("Isckainas I'l-anty, Or.goa.
Patvsl Oiegoa Ity. Oreg. . Deo. 22. lsoa.
A Mason A Hamlin chapel organ at
' iheOicgon City Auction House. .
Charles R litis, W. C. Crawford, M
uravioru anu a. l. ciusou,
State of Oregon. County of Clacknmas, ss.
U1 cree aud an exccinii-ti. dok lssn, il mu of a
under the seal of the above eii'titl-d court, iu the
above entuM cause, to mu duly directed and
dated the 21st day of D ccmbcr 18.IH. noon.
judiMiiei't rendered and etite ed lu said court on
thesib day of November. 18:'8 lu favor of Louisa
Krster (formerly Louisa Dayton), plaintiff, and
egai st Charles Rains, W. C Crawford, M. V.
Crawford nnd A. L. Carson, dcfuiidants, fur the
sum o( $580.00, with Interest tliereon at the rate of
10 per ent peraiiumn from the Uth dny of Octo
ber. 18JI8, and the liirther sum ot Jtn.llO as attor
neys fee, and the further sum of 19 50 costs and
disbursem. ins, . nd the cos s o( and upon this
writ, commanding me to make sale of the follow
ing dcscrilwd real property, r.luat. u toe couuty
of clu kamas, state of Oreg n. to wit:
Theast one-half of the son h east quarter ot
sVction nine and ihe weal oue-half of the south
west quarter of section ten. a'l in T. 4 s, II 3 e. of
of the Willamette moid an. conteliiina one hun
dred a d slxiy acres; save and. -ioi.pt the f illowing
described real prope-ty, which was released fn at
said nio tgge, to-wlt: The south on. -half ol th
e ist one-halt of the southeast oue-fourlh of sec
tion nine (9) aud the south one-half of the wast
one-half of the southwest one-fourth of section ten,
all In township 4 s, K 3 e of the Willamette merid
ian Now, then fore, by virtus of said execution,
judgment order snd decree, and in c rapliance
wilh the commands of said writ, I will, ou
at the hour of 1:80 o'clock V. X . at the front dVor
of Ihe county icuri house in the cl' ,f Oregon
vu , u i;w runner ana -isle, sell at pnl.li-l anc
tion. subl, at to redemption, to the rlg'iest bidder,
lor I'. S. Koidx-in rash in bald, ail the light, title
and inteieat will, k Hie vitktn nannd tUfeoilanta
or either ol lb, iu bad nn tliedaieol li e mongaga
herein or since bad in or in ike above d scribed
real pro er'j i r any pan ih-reoi, u satisfy sad
ex. ciitlou. Judgment order, docrre, Inttre-t, vos a
aod all avciuiiig cost.
Sheriff of Clack ana Couatv. Orvgon
rated Orojon City, Otegon, I , , , saLei ix, IMS.