Feel the Influence. "Cold and heat alike affjravate neural gia, because the nerves feel the oold and heat sensitively, but nerves are sensitive to treatment and , feel the in fluence of St Jacobs Oil, which cures the ailment promptly. - Condensed eggs are prepared in Pas san, Bavaria. First be eggs are dried, then reduced to a fine powder, whioh is plaoed in air-tight cans. Thus a most nutritiioua food is oompressed in to smallest possible spaoe. Sharp Pains Darting from one point to another, stiff and swollen joints, inflammation, intense suf fering, are characteristics of rheumatism. All these disagreeable symptoms are cured by Hood's Saraaparilla which purines the blood and neutralizes the acid which is the cause of rheumatism. Why should you con tinue to suffer when others are being re- I i ni nll 1 . " . I Hood's Sarsaparilla America's Greatest Medicine. Price, 11. Hood's Pills cure all Liver Ills. 25 cents. An unusual accident befell Mr. J. Thompson at Portland, Me. He jumped from a moving train and the shock oaused a rupture of bis windpipe, re sulting in death. The Beat Seeds Absolutely Necessary. We cannot too Btrongly nor too often urge the supreme importance of planting seeds that are perfectly pure and fresh. 8eeds that are offereil at cheap y prices are ( almost invariably of doubtful origin and uncertain age, sure to caune the planter disappointment and loss. The thoughtful planter's only surety lies In buying seeds sent Out by a conscientious and trust worthy house. A vast number of Amer ican gardeners have (and have had for years) the utmost confidence in seeds that bear the name, D. M. Ferry & Co., Detroit, Mich. The present generation of plunters can hardly remember the time when Ferry's Seeds were not on sale eyerywhere each year and as regularly planted bv thousands with the greatest faith in the unvarying quality of the seeds and in the integrity of the tirm that grew them. Everv planter, whether already a buyer of Ferry's Seeds or not, should send for Ferry's Seed Annual for 1899. It is mailed free to auy one who writes for it. Sumatra kerosene is at present a for midable competitor in the Russian market. The supply seems to be unlimited. , No household is complete without a bot tle of the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It is a pure and wholesome stimulant rec ommended by all physicians. Don't ne glect this necessity. How fast can a bee fly? A hive on the roof of a train was carried at the rate of 80 miles an hour before the bees were left behind. TRY ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE, A powder to be shaken into the shoes. At this season your feet feel swollen, ner vous and uncomfortable. If you have smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot-Ease. It rests and comforts; makes walking easy. Cres swollen and sweating feet, blisters and callous spots. Relieves corns and bunions of all pain and is a cer tain cure for Chilblains, Sweating, damp or frosted feet. We have over thirty thou sand testimonials. Try it today.' Sold bv all druggists and shoo stores for 25c. Trial package FREE. Address, Allen S. Olm sted, Lo Roy; N. Y. "The only thing we can do now," ays Dupuy de Lome, speaking for Spain, "is to repent and reform." Such things are quite possible, even to Spain, when she can't do anything else. A LIVING "WITNESS. Mrs. Hoffman Describes How She Wrote to Mrs. Plnkham for Advice, and Is Now WelL Dear Mbb. Pinkham: Before using your Vegetable Compound I was a great 6ufferer. I have been sick for months, was troubled with severe pain in both sides of abdomen, sore feeling in lower part of bow els, also suffered with dizziness, headache, and could not sleep. I ..wrote you a letter describ ing my case and asking your advice. You replied tell ing me lust what to do. I followed your direc tions, and cannot praise your medicine enough for what it has done for me. Many thanks to you for your advice. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound has cured me, and I will recom mend it to my friends. Mrs. Florence B. Hoffman, 512 Roland St., Canton, O. The condition described by Mrs. Hoff man will appeal to many women, yet lots of sick women struggle on with their daily tasks disregarding the urgent warnings until overtaken by actual collapse. The present Mrs. Pinkham's experi ence in treating female ills is unparal leled, for years she worked side by side with Mrs. Lydia EL PlDkham, and for sometimes past has bad sole charge of the correspondence department of ber great business, treating by letter as many as a hundred thousand ailing women during a single year. were famoui year ago thrlr feme 1 g rows every year el the lewi. 1 I ruael to De renea on u always J I the heel. 'ur eeie bv iMKilnx I i dealers everywhere, ilve oeucj . per paper en a always worm it. instM on Having inem. nun do nK wiy r-errys.. IRWHeed Annual te free. , Wtar.ll. Jlk'B- ; WHttfl ALL fist t Coutfh Syren. Testae Chh In time. Soi1 tvy dmjrgi 1ZL v.: Fails: r Cm I I uta. r I I m r . ii rr- in i. -mf-r Jersey with a Good Record. J. W. Hart of the Agricultural Experi ment Station, Ciemspn College, S. 0., writes to Hoard's Dairyman: Realizing that my little stx-year-old , 840-pound Jersey "Nitelis" needed only an oppor tunity to make herself famous, I decid ed to give her a week's test under the rules of the American , Jersey Cattle Club. In addition to good grazing, con sisting of orchard grass, red clover, crimson clover and green oats, she ate, during the week's test, forty-three pounds of wheat bran, forty-six pounds of cornmeal and twenty-eight pounds of cotton seed meal, given on forty-four pounds of cotton seed hulls, the last being one of the best vehicles for trans porting the finely ground meals to the cow's stomach that I know of. Her to tal yield of milk for the seven days was 829 pounds, from which was made 10 pounds 7V4 ounces of unsalted butter. Considering the bread and the size of the cow, the milk yield was very large; and had she been milked thrice Instead of twice dally, she would have made a considerably better showing, Both In milk and butter. Pens for Raising Plea, It Is not necessary to have costly pens In which to raise pigs. There are enough loose boards lying around every farm to make at least one or two good cheap places for the sows. A correspon dent tells bow to make them after the style of a chicken coop. They should be built on runners so they can be mov ed with a horse to any place you want them. If the ground Is dry, no floors are needed, bat if not dry floors will be better. . The door should be made In one end and placed to face' the south In order to catch the sunshine. In cold weather a piece of old blanket or burlap should be hung over the door to keep out the cold and snow. A Bmall hole for venti lation should be cut In the opposite ga ble end from which the door Is made. Form and Fireside. Well-Ripened Potatoes for Peed. The fact that a potato Is meally when cooked shows that It Is well ripened. Such a potato Is much better for seed than the poor, watery potatoes that have not secured their proper amount of starch through destruction of their leaves. We are always suspicious of seed of a potato that In winter or spring appears watery and deficient in solid matter when cut into. It may have come from a bill that had not time be fore It was dug to ripen the crop of tu bers beneath. But In nine cases out of ten it was eaten by potato bugs or Its leaves blighted before the potatoes reached maturity. Such potatoes can not make good seed. Green Food for Fowls, Fowls in winter confined in hen houses lack the variety of food which they get In summer while allowed a wide range. They require more con densed food than In summer, and grain Bhould be their principal ration. But they will eat more or less green food also, and we never found a batter way than to hang np a cabbage head by the roots, allowing the head to come near enough to the ground so that by Jump ing they can bite out a mouthful. The inferior heads of cabbage that would otherwise be thrown away can thus be put to good use. Exchange. Coal Aehee for Fruit Trees, That coal ashes are beneficial when spread ou the surface of apple orchards In grass cannot be disputed. But they contain scarcely any mineral fertilizer, and are, of course, having passed through fire, destitute of any other. Undoubtedly they benefit by setting as a mulch, and where they cover grass causing it to die out and rot. In this way they supply considerable fertility and moisture indirectly. Wherever coal ashes have long lain under fruit trees there will be an abundance of tree roots Just under the ashes where the grass has been killed. Catting Fodder by Horse Power. We are sorry for farmers, and espe cially for the farmers' sons, who are obliged to cnt fodder for stock In win ter by band labor. It is a slow Job and JBHHBT cow "nitelis" 102722. MOVABLE PIOrKS. . involves muscular effort that mlghl well be put to more necessary uses.. If every farmer who reads this would get a horse power, or better still a small steam engine to do the rar'ous Jobs that are now too often done by human mus cle, there would be . far less discon tent with the farm on the part of the young, and the time thus saved could and would be put to better uses. Ex change. ) Dried Cobs for Kindling. After corn cobs have thoroughly dried It Is quite common to use them for ktndllng fires. But the cob alone Is a very poor substitute for wood for this purpose, as It does not make a bright blaze, and Its proportion of potash Is so large that the ashes will soon destroy what flame might otherwise come from It. But If these cobs are dipped In ker osene oil they will hold enough to burn several minutes, and by this time the wood above will be thoroughly afire. This is really the only safe way to use kerosene for building fires. It should on no account be thrown on lighted wood from above. Even If there Is no explosion, the wood will not be set afire so well as It will from below. Clay Soil for Pears. The best pear orchards are grown on a heavy soil with clay as the subsoil, Into which the tap root of the pear will sink beneath all ordinary fluctuations of temperature In the air above. It Is this even temperature that saves pear trees on clay soils to a great extent from 'be blight which Is so frequent where the soil Is sandy or gravelly. It Is not,' of course, an absolute preven tive, but we have always noticed that the pear trees which lived longest and longest ' continued productive were grown on. clay soils. A Tribute to the Mnle. While we are carrying on about the heroes of the war let us not fornvt rh army mule. He may not be as klssable as uoDson. nut we owe him just as much recognition. Gen. Shafter savs he could not have supplied his army at all lr it bad not been for the mule, and Gen. Blanco knew what he was about when he rushed to the cable ottlee and telegraphed to Madrid how the Ameri cans had killed that mule at Matanzas. Louisville Courier-Journal. Turnips Need Moist Cllmnte. The principal reason why tnrnlDs are not popular In this country, even among those English farmers who' al ways used to grow them In England, Is because our summers are almost al ways too hot aud generally also too. dry. In hot weather, if moist, worms breed in the turnips, unless they are gathered and sold while small as mat ket gardeners do. If the weather turns dry for any long time, the turnip be comes pithy add worthless. Plow Evener, . As a rule, farmers when they went to plow get any evener without measuring the length, and then their plow does not run steady, while their neighbor may have the same kind of plow and It runs all right The difference Is often In the double-tree. The right length Is three times the width of the plow. For a 14-Inch plow make a 42-inch evener. Hitch to center of plow and It will bring end of evener In center of furrow. Practical Farmer. Clover for Hogs. Bring your hogs to 200 pounds oo clover, and It Is then an easy matter to finish them off quickly on corn In the fall without the expense of fewling long through the cold weather. Feeding corn In order to keep up the animal heat, while putting on fat, does not pay. Al though you may not have quite such heavy weights In the end as by other methods, there will be more money in the purse. Indiana Farmer. To F.xterminate a Pest. In a portion of Hanover, Germany, i local decree requires each farmer to de liver to the authorities twelve sparrow! or sparrow heads between Oct. 1 and Dec. 1, or pay a fine of 0 marks. Poultry Pointers. Coal ashes are good for the poultry. Do not allow ''the males to remain In the flock. A little oil meal will assist the moult ing hens. Don't permit bad odors about the poultry house. Borax Is a goood thing to sprinkle in the nest boxes Waste tobacco stems are good ver min destroyers. Leghorns ate less tame, usually.than most other breeds. Give tho youngest chicks a chance to eat by themselves. See that the eggs are clean before being sent to market Don't build a fancy poultry bouse. Put It up plain, but warm. Table scraps wllll start early pullets to laying. Nothing better. An earth floor In the poultry bouse Is not only good, but the best Lay in a supply of grain and vege tables for the long winter months. If an old rooster Is not fit for the table, kill him anyhow and bury him. Never mind threshing the oats for the fowls they prefer to do It them selves. Hens lay better and the eggs keep longer if do males are allowed with them. A poultry bouse should be high enough for a person to stand In, and that is high enough. JAPAN'S NEW WARSHIP. Monster Fighting Macblrre.opn to Be., . , Added to tho Mikado's Navy. ,. In two years, at the outside, the strength of the Japanese navy will be represented by. about 250,000 tons of displacement. Japan's largest am most formidable man-of-war Aa'", the 'Fuji, named after the highest mountain in Japan, having a . tonnage of , 12.649. which figures represent the exact height of the mountain In feet. ! ' ' The Fuji was ordered from the Arm-strong-Wbltworth Company, England, with her sister ship, the Yashima, in June, 1894, two months before the out break of the China-Japanese war, and arrived at Yokohama, the central naval station of Japan, on Oct. 31, 1897. The Fuji Is a first-class battle-ship, with a displacement of 12,649 tons and 13,687 horse-power, with a speed of eighteen and a quarter knots an hour. The di mensions are: Length, 406 feet 6 inches; breadth at th eboradest part, 73 feet; main draught, 26.3 feet. Her . arma ment consists of four twelve-Inch Arm strong guns, ten six-iuch Armstrong quick flrers, twenty three-pound quick firers, four two and a half-pound quick flrers and five torpedo tubes. The Fuji Is painted a white gray, the color of the Japanese warships. .., Her funnels are placed fore and aft, Instead of abreast, and there Is only one top for guns to each of tho masts. These masts are fitted with an ammunition hoist, which runs Inside. .She has on board Captain Mlnra, Commander Saito and a crew of about' 850 officers and bluejackets. She Is the biggest war vessel ever possessed by Japan Indeed, the largest which ever passed through te Suez Canal. This monster repre-. sented the Japanese navy at the naval review at Spithead during the Queen's jubilee, TESTING THE AGE OF EGGS. An Apparatus Patented in Germany Will No Doubt lie Welcome. Egg-candling Is a very profitable business if the Judgment of the op erator can be relied upon by the dealer employing him. Mistakes are galling, because nowhere does good faith play ' such an Important part as with egg dealers. At the best the examination with the naked eyes Is difficult and doubtful, and therefore a new little ap paratus patented In Germany quite re cently will be very welcome. It con sists of a tube for the Inspection, with springs to hold the egg at one end and has a lens at the other. Looking A GERMAN APPARATUS. through the lens the good eggs will ap pear quite clear, the bad ones are dark er and black ones are altogether unfit for use. New Use for SteeL A new use has been found In steel by a Sheffield (England) firm, which Is making a steel harness trace, consisting of a narrow ribbon of steel, from three fourths to one Inch wide, rolled very thin and cased In leather. A single trace of this kind, when tested at the Shef field testing works, recorded a tensile breaking strain of 4,575 pounds, while an ordinary leather trace of the best quality, tested at the same time, broke at a strain of 2.700 pounds. In addition to being lighter and stronger than the ordinary trace, the steel article is about 20 per cent cheaper. The steel Is neces sarily of the very finest quality, and Is so pliable that It can be twisted In any direction. This kind of steel Is belug used In bicycle tires. The ribbon cased In rubber Is placed Inside the ordinary tire, thus making punctures practically Impossible, and, It Is claimed, Increas ing the speed of the cyclist. Island of Monte Crista. It will Interest all readers of Dumas to know that the Island of Monte Cristo, in the Mediterranean, is unin habited and covered with woods that teem with many sorts of game. For a time an Italian noble bad a shooting box in It, but he seldom visited It, and now the Prince of Naples has leased it for a hunting ground and for a bouse In the wild and solitary surroundings that bis Montenegrin wife craves. , Some men, when tbey become pros perous, become impudent partis, cip Tuji - 1P ' ';- -To rrevent Freezing-." ' , Some interesting -things :have come to light in the history of the tunnel boring for the Jungfran railway, in Switzerland.;1 ' Blasting gelatine was used in this work, whioh' freezes at a temperature of about 40 degrees Fahr enlieit."' It is an exceedingly danger ous substance to handle, being unlike dynamite in this respect, and so the contractors engaged in this work are keeping their explosives in a sort of Bate heated by electricity, so that the danger of the gelatine freezing is en tirely obviated. , In this connection is a proposition to extend this idea to the thawing out of dynamite by some elec trical application, as dynamite is com monly frozen for safe handling. The World's Supply of Wheat. An English expert claims that the wheat producing soil of the world is un equal to the strain that will be put upon It. liven now when the food supply is ample, thousands die because their dis ordered stomachs fail to digest the food they take. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters strengthen and tone up the stomach and digestive organs. Light From Sugar. The flashes of bluish white light seen in the dark when pieces of sugar are rubbed together have been studied by Mr. John Burke, an English physicist. By rotating a loaf of sugar on a lathe against a hammer he has obtained al most continuous luminosity, enabling him tp observe and photograph the speotrum. The light appears to be a result of some change in the crystals, and not due to heating or to chemical action between the sugar And air, as was supposed. ' Makes the Spot Vanish. A Blight rap may cause a bruise, or a slight blow a black one, sore and ten der. But it is easy to cure a bruise by the use of St. Jacobs Oil, and make the spot vanish and the soreness heal. Experiments with plant seeds sub jected to exterme cold have shown that the power of germination is not de stroyed but merely suspended by the cold. , Schillings Best money-back tea and baking powder at lour Grocers A curious butterfly exists in India. The male has the left wing yellow and the right one red; the female has these colors reversed. If you want the best wind mill, pumps, tanks, rjlowa. wagons, hells of ell sizes boilers, engines, or general machinery, see or write JOHN POOL15, foot of Morrison street, roruauu, uregon. Submaiine volcanoes are oonstantlv being discovered, and are at times, owing to their sudden appearance, a great danger to navigation. When coming to San Francisco go to Brooklyn Hotel, 208-212 Bush street. American or European plan. Boom and board $1,00 to 1.60 per day; rooms 60 cents to 11.00 per day; single meals 25 cents. Free coach, Chas. Montgomery. A swordfish weighing 2,070 pounds was lately biought to the market at Taejing. It was 80 feet long, the sword alone weighing 40 pounds.' To Cure a Cold in One Day fake Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. ! All druggiuts refund money if It fulls to cure. zoc. Concerning Elnuiel, If you always tell the truth you will never have to fix up excuses. FITS rmannUjr Cured. So flwor nervoumes 1 1 IB after llrat rtuy' use of Dr. KJIue'a Ortiat Nerve Kemorcr. Bead for If Attic Sa.oo trial bottle and u-PMloa DR. B. 1L k l.ixii,, Ltd.. wo If there is no other way in whioh a woman can be complimented, tell ber that she is a great problem, Piso'i Cure for Consumption hps been a family medicine with us since 18(iS. J. K. Madison, 240U 42d Ave., Chicago, 111. A man never knows how well posted his wife is on church affairs until she entertains her minister at supper, HOW'S TIIIST We offer One Hundred Pollan Rowsrd lor any cane of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Propi., Toledo, O. We the underlined, have known F.J. Cheney for the naat 16 yearn, and believe lilm perfectly honorable in all bimlncm transaction and fin ancially able to carry out any obligation! made by their firm. West A Triux, Wholesale Druglntl, Toledo, O. Waidino, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale DrujmliU, Toledo, O. nall'i Catarrh Cure ! taken ImornaHy.Botinf directly on the blood and mnooui nurfanes oi the nyntcm. Price 78c per bottle. Bold by alt druKi;lt. Testimonial, free. Uall'i Family fills -ro tho beat. WILLAMET MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES, BOILERS 8aw Mill and Mining Machinery. Dealers In Flour Mill and Grain Cleaning Machinery and Supplies. Repair lngr Promptly Attended to. WORK THE BEST. PRICES THE LOWEST. if iJon't nerlect yourielf; It lithe perfect fitting trim applied la canon which effect! cure; the lnirfecf never; t.OOO atylei to elect from enablrs ui to guar antee a fit, or no chargii; if your drugglat does not keep thorn write ui ' 'iMotloni for nelf- ireipondenp con lid 1 sen cure kit, to any Vied if uot Vfmdatr4 UttMS, U sddreii stlifai!' to BeccnC- perSqns worjh iw KINUWIINU ABUUT Captain Parkeri propsietor of the Parker house, Astoria, was in the city laBt week, and repot ts himself cured of catarrh by Dr.- Darrin seven years ago. He says the cure is permanent.' - K Ex-ShaMff A. T. Sohoeps' wife, of 61 Third street, Portland, has been troubled with deafness for a long time. Her good genius prompted her to try Dr. Darrin s Electrical cure. She was oured. Her daughter, Nina, was cured by Dr. Darrin Beven' years ago of rheu matism, loss of appetite and general de bility. 3. A. Lindsley, news agent on the O. R, & N., residence Mt. Tabor, Or., iu very enthusiastic over the cure of con sumption, bronchitis and catarrh, per formed by Dr. Duirin eight years ago. He gained 20 pounds, and has kept it ever 8inoe. Mr. Lindsley has great cause for rejoicing. Mrs. P. Hayes' daughter, Twentieth street, Portland, is happy in the cure of a large goitre (large neck), of years' standing. She was restored by Dr. Damn's ; eleotrioal treatment many years ago. Mrs. T. B. Hatfield's son, 314 Eleventh street, Portland, was cured six years ago by Dr. Darrin. His trouble was discharging ears and deaf ness. Dr. Darrin gives free examination to all and when necessary gives medicine in connection with eleotricity. The poor treated free from 10 to 11 daily, exoept medicines. Those willing to pay, 10 to 5; evening, 7 to 8, Sundays, 10 to 13. Deafness, catarrh, eye, nose and throat, heart,1 liver,' stomach, lung troubles, errors of youth, blood taints, gleet, Impotency, varicocele, hydrocele, and stricture a specialty. All chroma male and female and private diseases treated at reasonable rates. No cases published except by permission of the patient. All business relations with Dr. Darrin strictly confidential. Let ters of inquiry answered. Ciroulars and question blanks sent free. Batteries and belts furnished when neoessary. Patients when writing please mention this paper. Offices, 865 Morrison street. Portland. A denosit of earth atrontian has been found on Put-in-Bav island in Laka Erie. It is many aores in extent. The nitrate of Btrontia is of pure whit color. , Will Get Duwit to Is. ' It is certainly true that as deeply imbedded as the somtio nerve is, St. Jaoobs Oil will get down to it and cure it. It is a proof of how penetrating and efficacious are its wonderful cura tive powers. , In a square inch of the human scalp the hairs number about 1,000. "A Perfect Type of the Highest Order of Excellence in Manufacture." Breakfast coa Absolutely Pure, Delicious, , . Nutritious. ' ..Costs Less Tnan OXE CEHTaCup.. ' Be lure that you get the Genulm Article, nude it DORCHESTER, MASS. by WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd. Established 17S0. YOUR LIVER Is It Wrong? Get It Right1 Keen It RichtJ a ( Moore's Revealed Remedy will do It. Three uosei win laake you feol better. Get it from your drunRlst or any wboleialo drug house, of bom Stewart it Holmes Drug Co., Seattle. BUY THE GENUINE SVRUP 0FF16S ... MANUFACTURED BY ... CALIFORNIA Fid SYRUP CO. . tWVO'ttl THE XAMR, BASEBALL, FOOTBALL ATHLETI0 AND GYMNASIUM SUPPLIES. Bend for Catalogue. mil 1 riMPif nn 8o mm t. niuu rinun wu. San Vranciioo. TEETH WITHOUT PLATES Koots Crowned. Bridge Made. 1'a.luleaa tUllii- and extraction. Dr. T, H. White, IRON WORKS .PORTLAND, OR. CURE YOURSFiri lll'!l l't.rau f..ftu. 1 . T ...... mHiiuniiiiuni, Irritation .. ni. 1 1 . , "."..Hum m .-.., .uiiuenfl, ann tmi aitria lTHf Ell QUEM'CIL ll). (out er BOlMJUtilll. ufmiiH..n,v , J ... vrassiecst tT.S.i Liiruulu xtiii ou'roimaat. P, K. V. NO. 61-'S. faKN writing- to sdrertlsert please ' BMBttoa this papea. 'A 1;