Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, December 16, 1898, Image 6

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The democratic gains in the Eastern
states for Congress are decidedly en
couraging. We have two in Illinois,
two in Kentucky, two in Maryland, two
in Massachusetts, two in New Jersey,
thirteen in New York, six in North
Carolina, seven in Pennsylvania, four
4a Virginia, and one in West Virginia;
total 41. ;
Says the Lincoln, HI., Couritr:
George L. Hutchin, editor of the Bloom
ton Eye, has been called to the state
of Oregon to awurae charge of a dema
cratic newspaper at Portland, for which
$200,000 has been raised. Mr. Hutchin
it one of the brightest newspaper men
in the state, and can issue an interest
ing paper from a hardware store or
blacksmith shop.' He is a 16 to 1 dem
ocrat, and the politicians of the' Pacific
coast will discover that he is among
them before his chair is warmed.
Lets reorganize all the reform forces
into one grand party before the year
1899 closes. If all the different parties
favoring the free and unlimited coinage
of silver and direct legislation can be
united into one party, it will sweep the
country as clean as a new broom in
1900. On the other hand, if all these
forces divide up and scatter out and
action fight faction, it will mean a re
publican walkover. Now is the time to
commence the agitation. We shall be
glad to hear from our readers, regardless
of party, on the proposition. Ellens-
burg Dawn .
The democratic party is open to all
who are willing to work for the princi
ples of the Chicago platform in prefer
ence to the policies of the republican
party. A man does not have to believe
in every one of those principles in order
to enter the democratic ranks. If the
democratic platform, as a whole, suits
him better than the platform of any
other political party does not close the
Joor to any prodigals who have wan
dered away temporarily, they will be
welcomed home though no fatted culf
will be killed in honor of their return .
Oolfax Commoner.
If a newspaper man knew how many
'knocks' he received behind his back he
would adopt another calling," remarked
a citizen the other day. The newspaper
man who succeeds, expects to be ma
ligned by every law-breaker, swindler
and hypocrite, every carping critic and
yery lover of notoriety who is ignored,
and in fact by all persons who do not
gree with him on all pubiic and private
questions The newspaper man who
eipects to go through life without being
misrepresented and unjustly censured
should make arrangements to die
young. Ex.
The low, mean trickery by which
Mark llanna got Senator Sherman's
eeat in the seat is well known but not
until recently has Mr. Sherman spoken
his mind on the subject. He said:
"They really did not want me in the
cabinet, but wanted my senatorial seat.
It was -represented to me that they
could not make up the cabinet without
me, and that questions were coming
long that I ought to have control of.
I know that Hanna wanted the rest of
my term, and as he had always been
friendly to me I did not desire to seem
disobliging. So I resigned my seat and
went into the cabinet. It then began
to be said that I was growing forgetful
and senile, Hanna, whom I had
obliged with my seat, was among the
first to say that I had lost my mentality.
It was not a very kind return for my
vacating my seat for him. After I went
into the cabinet I saw very little of the
president in connection with the duties
of my office. A man was brought in
there from Canton who had run for of
floe only once, I think, and had been
defeated. He did not seem to have
much to do in the state department, but
every night he went to see the president
and rehearsed what had been done
there. I regarded him as my inferior
and gave very little attention to him or
what he waa doing until one day the
president said to me : 'Mr. Sherman,
what you have been saying, or are re
ported to have said, Is embarrassing
Judge Day I' I was very much sur
prised, and answered: 'Mr. President,
do you sppose that I would say any
thing to injure the administration of
which I am a member?' The president
repeated nearly the same thing offen
sively to me. I itot mad, and I cme
away and wrote out my resignation per
emptorily. I was always a supporter of
Presidtmt MoKinliiy. You know that
whatever he desired, to have governor
president, anything I sustained. They
Always called upon me, and I responded
But I do not believe that my suggos'
lions or wishes would now be considered
by the administration. I eoiixented to
tiive up my seat, as 1 did not want to
appear exacting. Always with good
nature I have sulwriboil to the pro
gram. I think that I have been used
for a purpose "
Hooks, halls Hint dolls. Wo make
ope.ritilty for the'holKl.iys at the l!;uket
Furnished By Numerova Carres'
pondents in the County.
Beaver Creek,
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Auehes, who
wero hurt in a runaway a short time
ago, are able to be about,
The people of Beaver Creek are pre
paring to have a Christmas tree at the
church on Christmas eve. -
Miss Viola Kirk who is staving in
Portland, has been visiting her parents
at this place foi the past week.
Dr. Thomas writes that his father is
improving In health. .
Mr. Boen and familv, of Maple Lane,
have moved on the M. T. Root farm at
this place.
December 5th. J. X. L.
Teasel Creek
Baghy Brothers are running their saw
mill on full time. Frank Banby the
junior partner, has just completed a
neat dwelling house.
Samuel Gregory has a number of
hands prepuring teasels for bis Eastern
Wanted An old maid in prime
health and fair looking.- Enquire X
mile south of Teasel Creek school
Charley Ohritteden will commence his
third term of school here the first of
D. P. Fox is slowly developing on
Rock Creek what promises to be a
paying gold mine. He has some fine
specimens of quarts .that has assayed
eight dollars to the ton. This being
found in the creek bottom three feet
from the top. Mr. Fox is experienced
in mining and as soon 88 the water in
the creek will permit, he will com
mence operations that will fully develop
the paying qualities of the mine.
December 6th. Ge Whiz.
After two days pleasant weather it
has again began to rain.
Gage Brothers are making fire wood.
Henry Schatz is putting battings on
his barn.
Mr, Biehle has the neuraluia and his
son is mauling rails with Charlie Po
liika to put on their line fence.
Anna Weisenborn is spending a few
days with her parents.
.G. Moser contemplates having a nev
bouse erected in the near future. Au
gust Gephart has the contract for the
Phil Bager has been helping Mr.
Frobase butcher hogs.
Mint Peters and family have done
their fall butchering and sausage mak
ing, they grind sausage by water-power;
their mill will grind most all sizes of
meat equally well and keeps two per
sons extremely buy feeding it.
John Mooter is clearing about his
buildings and working in his cistern.
Mr. Jaster is making cider.
Henry Gage and family have gone to
his ranch on the Nestucca bay.
John Sager made a flying trip past
here on horseback, it was comical
scene, John almost a large as the pony
he ws riding with his legs curled up to
keep his shoes out of the mud.
December 5. 60.
While W. While and Burt Cummins
were hauiing hay one day last week
their wagon upset, Burt happened to
fall on a spot which was not as soft as
most of the places in the road and hurt
both 'his legs, which laid him up for
several days.
A number of horses here have the
staggers. If this trosty weather con
tinues no doubt there will be more.
Frank Grossmueller lost one of his val
uable horses. I say valuable because
none but valuable horses die, it reports
are true.
Mr. and Mrs. Imel are visiting at Mr.
Miss Hettie and Robert Guenther
were at home last week. Boo lett last
Sunday to again take up his studies at
the Portland Business College.
A petition is being circulated to divide
Beaver Creek road road district. So
far only one refused to sign the sami. .
Mrs. Wm. Guenther is on the sick
The members of the M. E. church ot
Clarkes, surprised Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Guenther one evening last week and
held a prayer meeting at their house.
Misa Elnora Ginther came home to
attend school.
Our school is nronrensinir nicely with
Miss Harrington as principal.
Miss Clara Beeson is at home again
much improved in health. She will
soon be all right.
A petition is being circulated for an
amendment to the law in regard to
traction engines crossing bridges.
December 6tb. Max.
The people of Damascus have not
done anything so very startling; but
many events are taking place, which
seem or utile importance, still your
serine eees some very oreezy items or
late, which every subscriber surely likes
to see.
The ambitious ladies of Rock Creek
bad an oyster supper at Walter Smith's
last Friday evening. The proceeds will
go toward an elegant Christmas tree.
Miss Eula Ptrange is conducting an
exceuenv scnooi in tne Damascus tits
J. V. Hilleary and familv will occupy
airs, uieen's nouse wtiere Miss Strange
nas oeen residing.
Edward Rudolph haa returned from
Eastern Oregon, where he has been
wnrking the past summer.
Henry Bock contemplate renting
Henry llilleaiy's largo farm for severs!
yenrs. '
The KiURhtsof the Maccnbea of Da
niascua are about to decide to quit the
lodge businehS. Not staying qualities
was with them and they h-ive deemed
it heat to disband.
Goo. Feathers, nf the firm of Hilleary
A Feathers, has sold his interest in the
store to Henry Hilleary, and we are
not prepared to say whether the mer
cantile tirm will b Hilleary & 1 1 ill.:ir y
or Hilleary & Son or some other Hal
tering name ; but we do know that tlie
people can depend on getting bargains I
aim ine Honored ana well Known name
of Hilleary in these parts insures them
the best of success.
Damascus Grange held their regular
meeting Saturday. F. L. Bates was
elected master; 8. E. Tonic, overseer;
A. O. Newell, lecturer; G. W. Feathers,
December 5th.
Macksburg Items.
We wonder if those who read the ad
vertisement of Carlton & Roaenkrans in
that Canby Independent, notice what an
absurd position they put themselves in.
We will quote enough to show the ab
surdity. ''Dear Sir: We take pleasure in
quoting you, subject to change without
notice, dry granulated China sugar put
up in aacks, marked like the cut on
this card at $5.45 per hundred lbs.
Many merchants sell you this sugar for
the America product, but if it is in a
sack which bears the mark (P) refined,
dry granulated surer, Hong Kong,
extra dry.it is made bvMoDgolians who
are filthy in ther habits."
Now divest this of all explanatory
and unnecessary clauses, and it reads
this way, "We take pleasure in quot
ing to you 'refined dry granulated eugnr'
at 5.4o per hundred lbs., it is made by
Mongolians who are filthy in their
habits." !
If those who make the sugar are
filthy the inference is that the
sugar is filthy. If the sugar is I
filthy why do they handle it and take
pleasure in quoting it for sale? If they
keep it and take pleasure in offering it
to their customers is it reasonable to
suppose that they themselves consider
it filthy I
It is probable that the Mongolians
who work in the sugar-refineries are
juBt as clean as thoee who act as cooks
in some of the best private houses as
well as in some respectabl.i publio eat
ing houses in all the large places on the
coast. It seems to a disinterested
reader that they have stratne a little
bit and brought forth "Implicity."
December 6th. A Reader.
Redland .
Some people want to know where
Rutland is, it is south of Clear Creek
and north of Abernathy postolfice, it in
sec 7, 3 s, r X e. People are all law
abiding citizens, even if we are not all
Redlaml M. E. church is going to
have an Xmas tree.
Mr. Spragaes oldest daughter is at
home for a visit She baa been absent
nearly twenty years .
Mrs. W. D. Berkey is expected home
about New Years
H. A. Allen does not believe in hav
ing a cold room, consequently he had
his roof catch fire, which was extinguish
ed before any harm was done.
Jas. Shelby is again able to do his
daily labor.
Geo. Hicinbothem received a letter
from his son. Will, who is at Manila.
He says the boys are all home sick.
Will is feeling well.
W. D. Berkey is still in Aortland and
reports times very dull.
Our road supervisor was out one day
last week fixing roads.
Aug. Fisher and another man from
Portland are building a distillery at
Fisher's mill to make rye whiskey.
Dec 12. Susan'8 Fellow.
Canyon Creek.
J. C. C. Hall has his new cottage
about completed.
D. Robeson has built a new kitchen
onto his dwelling house.
Tinnerstett and Munson are getting
in a fine lot of saw logs preparatory for
the spring rush.
Last Saturday or Sunday some person
or person entered the school house at
lower Canyon Creek and tore up all the
pupils text books.
Miss Laura Wright, of this place, has
been visiting her girl friends and school
mates at Stavton for the past six weeks.
but expects to return immediately atier
the holidays.
Miss May Hall, of Portland, is visit-
ing ber parents of this place.
J. H. Wrieht and G. F. Ball have
bills out for a grand masquerade ball at
Canyon Creek hall on Saturday night,
December 24th, Xmas eve, Everybody
always has a good time and a good sup
per at Canvon Creek, and the boys are
going to make this the biggest kind of a
success, they are putting up dik roomy
horse sheds at the hall. Young man,
bring your girl and her little brother to
Canyon Creek Xmas eve.
Dec. 10. Ex-Daisy.
A Bur Thins; for Ton.
A transaction in which you cannot lose
is a sore tump, mousness, sick neaa
ache, furred tongue, fever, piles anda
thousand other Uls are caused by coo
stlpation and sluggish liver. Oascarets
Candy Cathartic, the wonderful new
liver stimulant and intestinal tonic are
by all druggists guaranteed to cure or
money refunded. C. O. O. are a sure
thing. Try a box to-day; 10c, 26c, 60,
Sample and booklet free. All druggist
Tub December Magaiine number ot
The Outlook is its Tenth Annual Book
Number. It has 180 Danes of reading
matter and advertisements, the latter
including verv full and interesting an
nouncements by all the principal pub
lishers of their holiday books. The
reading matter and the illustrations are
particularly suited to tue special pur
dosb of the number, and the issue is in
many ways a notable one. The editors
announce, by the way, that the circula
tion of this issue of '1 he Outloak is 100,-
000. ($3 a year. The Outlook Com
pany, New ork.)
Beats the Klondike.
Mr. A. U. Thomas, of Mary svil le.lYx.
has found a more valuable discovery
than has yet been made in the Klondike.
For y-ar he mil'i-red untold stjony from
consumption, accompanied by hemorrh
sues: anil was aWlutt'ly cured by Dr.
! Kinn'a ISew iisoovjy for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds. He di-elares That gold
is of little value in comparison with this
marvelous i-ore; would have it if it cost a
hundred dollar! a bottle. Asthma, bron
chitis end all all throat and lunjt atlViv
lions sre positively' cured by Dr. ivina'a
New Discovery for Consumption. Trial
bottles free at Vharmnn Co. Drug Store
ttegular six 50eU. and 11. Guaranteed
to cure or price refunded.
Insure in a first-class companies
With an experenced agent
Shall we
tell you
why ?
F. E. Donaldson, Agent
fire and Acoldent Insurance
New Furniture
r , . i . i a 1 .
l nave jum received a nne tot oi new
furniture, which I am offering at surpris
ingly low figures. 1 got it at a bargain
that's how I can sell it at these prices.
In Second-Hand Goods
I have stoves, cooking utensils, carpets,
bedding, furniture in fact any and ev
erything you want for housekeeping.
I will Buy Anything
You have to sell and pay you the high
est price. Call and see me.
Main Strekt - - Oregon City
From Portland.
1:00 p.m.
Salt Lake, Denver,
.worm, umana,
Kansas City, Bt
Louis, Chicago,
and East.
Ml ft.
Walla Walla, Spo
( :15 a.m.
kane, Minneapo
lii, St. Paul. Da
lnth, Milwaukee.
Chicago and East
Dalles l.ocal
Dallas Local
Dallea, Bonnlevtlle
Multnoman Hulls,
Dai It
Ex. Sunday
Iz. Sunday
It)) a.m.
:uu p ra.
10:0J p. m
Cascade Locks,
Hood Klver.
,7:00 a. m.
ocsan Steamships
4:00 p. I
rrost remain.
AH salllnf dates
subject looheuge.
For fan Fra?elsco
li'l lo.
U !l 1.
1:00 p.m.
Ex. Sunday
10:00 p. m.
Cslumbls River
Steamers. .
4:00 o. ra.
Ex. Sunday
To Astoria and Way
Ex. Sunday
Willamette River.
4:S0p. m.
Ex. Sunday
Oregon City, New.
berg.saiera nay
Tues.. Thar,
and Sea.
Willamette and Yam-
8:80 p.m.
lion.. Wed.
and tti.
hill imere.
Oregon City, Day-
ion, nay mdo
(:00 a. n.
Tues.. Thar,
and Sat.
Willamette liver.
4:80 p. n.
Tues., Thur,
Portland to Corral
and Sab
lie Way Laud
Lv. Rlparia
Snake Rlwr.
: a. m.
Rlparia to Lewlston
r. E. DONALDSON, Agent,
Oregon City.
General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or.
For particulars apply at Cocwxi offloe, Oregon
lrtfi tour-room house and lot in Oregon
WtJUUnitv: rood locaUon with nne vlaw o
river: young trees and abrubs ; place cost over
tlrtrtTiro rood houses and lot: houses rented
VilUUnear paper milla- Oregon City; will trade
or sen on install meui piau.
OA 1PPPC I3.it); eighty acres of land 10
OV AvAuu miles irora Oregon City on
Highland road: 1)4 acres in cultivations part
nrusn iana; gooa spring waver; savrmiu on iwi
near ohurch ana scnooi. -
Consisting of 4 lots, ftooil Rrdi-n spot, rnnnlng
burn til enough for two cows anil IW ehlokeus,
U blocks from court house. Prk-o S. 6 -r
wnt liner.t. S75 cash down. For prtl(-iilra
Inquire t Una otlic. Team and stock ukcu in
$10 AN ACRE friK'i'il, cluan-rt, all
burned, eounty mad on to ntdos, mile from
school mid uomolHcet Dover). 2i miles Irom t'ort
luml, koihI outside raugu, (uir buikliiiKX. 10 x'r
lVfTT35 ppTnT1 An SO-arre lirm, bout
iUUft rXUliijj ,iu.s sonth.-Hst of the
I courthouse, at a bantnlns till i perfect; also two
j lots, one tu South OrcKon L'Uy and the other in
Oregon l ity proper; title perfect. All thij
i property must besold. Terms eay: 1-an.l time
prices. Aurone that wantu to ouy wui unit u u
his Interest to iuvestitratv this.
H. Y. Worli and Couricr-Eeraia $1.85
with . aiivcitmL.
Sealskin Garments
a Specialty
mi ween ouMTtto
Honuments i Headstones
Estimates furnished on all kinds of Marble, Granite and Building
Work. : ; Drawings made by description.
Silver Medal Awarded at
Portland Mechanic' Fair
TO G. H.
Shop Opposite Congregational Chnreh, Mala Street, Oregon City, Ore.
l 'MA
j SOUTS ' OSEGOtf - city
.The Most Desirable Suburb...
IT U all within one mile of the center of the city and is con
nected by an improved plank road. Healthy location, fint
' view, good air, soil, water and drainage and a first-das
public school adjoining. With all the advantage! of the city
and but a I J minutes walk to to the business houses, makes this
a very desirable place of residenct and bound to grow in
popularity. '
Choice Lota ready for the garden from $ico to $lo on
easy monthly Installment! with liberal discount to home build
ers. Call on or address.
T. L. CHIMIN, Trmfto,
riambine; of ahouieBhoud be mod only hyj
those skilled in that busines. A poor job meiniK
untold trouble and experience. j
thai will be kept
aCr ' I'libtocraphs
crayons, photo buttons an1 pin?, medal
lions, etc. Oil painting of Mt. llooj for
23c. Leave orders now.
' A. MASH.,
Funeral Conductor '
And Undertaker
C askets, Coffins, Robes, Lining,
Etc. Best Material. Lowest Prices.
Next Door to Pope's hardware store.
Main Street. ' Obigox Citt, Ob.
Portland, Oregon
Undertaker and Erabalraei
Carries a complete line of caskets, coffins,
robes, etc. Superior goods, Superioi
services at most moderate prices.' Next
door to Commercial bank.
Obegon Citt - - - Obmoi
To Watch Buyers for 30 DAYS; if
you never possessed a watch now is
the TIME to own TIME of your own.
293 Morrison Street
The Iowa Jeweler
Charmaa Bros. Block
iim - nttjiTwonTHT ivd Aenvi
W MsuUmeaoilaalesltivliOTreeMeibh
asalllshi hone ia Oregon. Mrattly ft eu
. reslllon aU-ear. aeferenee. 1st
Tee) self addressee! scanned envelope. Tfct
tteaktnloei Cose say, Dept. T, Ohleago.
' n awauemea r nai
auern.a r ladies U travel tar respanslMe
had kouaa la Orecen. aUatklv SM.tS aai
aklaahad kouse la O
expneva. roemen steady, neisreuee, -bum
aall-addresiedetamped envelop, Tk DesslaWI
s. Foemen steal
-addressed sta mped
'Ossapaaj.Oeat Y.Cnleag).
k.M44v BO YEAR' .
r. tyncDichirc
Tbaoi Marks
.. . . . r' DESIGNS
''rmfl-' Copyrights Ac.
AnTmnr1inf a rtetch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion frea vbther an
Invention la probably paientabla. Oommunica
tiottt Mxicti j confidential. "Handbook on Patent
tent fre. Oldest siren cy for securing patents.
Patents taken throaeh Mann Co. reoeirtj
tpetaj notice without ctire lathe
Scientific Jlmcricam
A handsomely fllnetrmted weekly. Ijinrest etr.
ruUMon of any eetenttno Journal. Terqis, 93 a
TMr: four month, fl. Sold ky all newsdealers.
firanek Oflce, Cat t St- vTeahuia-taa, D. C.
.sax' ra b m