kydkydklJkyiSiyAI IVY AND SUMAC POISON. OW are the chil BANK OF OREGON CITY ILDE8T BANKING HOUSE IN TEE CITY PAID VP CAPITAL, 150,000.00 susplus pojm-oo President, Vice-president Cashier, . Chas, H. caufmkd Go. A. HiKDina E. O. Caufiild A General Banking Business Transacted ' Deposits Received Subject to Check. Approved Bills aud Notes Discounted. County and City Warrants Bought. Loans Made on Available Securitv - Exchange Bought and 4old. Collections Made Promptly . Drafts Hold Available In Any Part of the nunu. Telegraphic Exchange Sold on Portland, Baa Francisco Chicago and New York. : Interest Paid on Time Deposits. Nohlitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY, OREGON, v On the Street between the Bridge and the .,,,'.(. Depot. " Double and single rigs and saddle horses a ways on hand at the lowest rates, and acorra also connected with the barn for loose stock Any information regarding any kind of stock promptly attended to by letter or person. I BOUGHT OB BOLD , W. II. YOUNG'S Livery & Feed Stable Hhs the best-looking rigs and cheapest rates in the city. ' . - '. , , , Cor. Main and 4th St. : OREGON CITY, OREGON C. 8. 6iamann, M. D. J. W. Powill, M. D POWELL & SEAMANN, PHYSrOUNS and SURGEONS. , All palls attended promptly. Office hours 8 to 11 a m. ; 1 to 6 p. m. Nos. 9 and 10 Oh ark an Block. DR. GEO.' IIOEYE, , DENTIST, Office in Killy Buildino, Main Street, Oregon Citv. Bridge asd Cr wn Work a Specialty. . All work warrants. 1 and satisfaction guaranteed. , DR. J. H. MILLER, DENTIST, ' ' Beveuth Street, near S. P. Depot, Pkeoon City, Okkgon Look Here Young Man Youi looks tell on you. Can keip it secret a while. Before Us too lale. go and see or write to this old doctor, lie has been treating such cans for over 20 yearsai.d perfectly reliable, furnish es his medicine and tells no lulea. . Dr. Kessler of the Old St. Louis Medical and Surgloal Dis pensary, 2W Yamhill street, Portland, Oregon, positively guarantees 10 remove. TAPEWORM In any stage without loss of time from business TJUrTTMATTOTlT Cured by an old German iinij U lYIfV l llJiU remedy. This remedy was sent to Dr. Kewler by a friend in Berlin. It has never failed, and we guarantee H. fllTI (JflDr? Ulcers, Cancer, etc., rured, no ULU UUIlJjM. diflevance huw long affected.' PDIVATf Isf,tBI'S. This doctor guarantees to full II III eureanycaneof Syphilis, Oonorrlien, ulei-L binctUTPs cured, no aillerenee now long standing Sperm iitonhea, Loss of Manhood, or fciglilly EmmiSKions, cured permantly. The habit of Self Abase effectually cured i a short time, ,.i v ;. VnTTVf MFKT Your errors and follies of youth IUUKu lllllil ran be remedied, sort this old doctor will give you wholesome advice and cure you make you perfectly stiong and healthy. You will be amazed at his success in curing Spermatorrhea, Seminal Losses, Nightly Emmia Bions. and other effects. KIDMY AKD DBfflAUT COIPIMTS DR. FRANCIS FREEMAN ' DENTIST. ' Graduate of the Northwestern Utiiver- eity Drntal School, also of. American Col lege of Denial Surgery, of Chicago. WITH JIB. WBIjCH. . Willamette Block - Opposite I'ostoffice v Orkgos City, Obeoon. pti ui fill , difficult, to Irequent, milky or bloody urine, umuituml discharges, ciirefully treated and re.rniHiii)y cured, Hileit, lilieumalism and lifiiraliriH Honied by our new remedies and cures gnarHnteed Patleiiis tsealcd In any part of the country by his home system. Write full Particulars enclose ten ic stamps and we will answer you promptly, hundri ils treated at home who are unable U come to the City. READ THIS Take a clear bottle at bed time and urinate In the bottle, set aside and look at It in the morning. If It 1 cloudy or has a cloudy settling in it, you have some kindneyor bladderdisease,and should be attended to before you get an incurable Dis ease as hundreds Die every year from Brlghls Disease of Kidneys. dren this summer? Are they doing well? Do they get all the benefit they should from their food? Are their cheeks and lips of good color? And are they hearty and robust in everyway? If not, then give them i Suit's Emulsion of cod timer oil faith bypo- ? ' phosphites. , it never raus to Duua k up delicate boys and girls. I It gives them more flesh I and better blood. I It is just so with the ' baby also.' . A little Scott's Emulsion, three or four times a day, will make the thin baby plump and Frosperous. it urnishes the young body with just the material necessary for growing bones and nerves. All Druggists, 50c. and $1. How 1- THE NEW YORK WORLD , THRICE-A.-WEEK EDITION , The Best Papsr at Lowest Price C. N. GREENMAN , (Established 1865 THE PIONKEH EXFKE8SMAN AND DRAYMAN Parcels Delivered to All Tarts of the City OREGON CITY . T . . OREGON COMMERCIAL BANK of OREGON CITY 1 CAPITAL 9100,000 Trsnxacts a (.Uncial Banking liislniM Loans made. MliU din i tinted ilukw lections. Biiysandaella'exeliaiigeiiii all pomM In the United Htales and Kuropc and n Hung Kong. Deposits recoved iul Ji I tu check. Bank open from , vo4 P. M D. C. LAlol RKJ lE. (BED t. MEYER, pNtidMit, , , ttshlar. C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE ' ATTORN EYS AT CAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law ,. . Specialties . ' Office in Commercial Bank Building ... . EAST AND SOUTH VIA The Shasta Route . OF TUB SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Express Trains Leave Portland Daily. South. I I Knrth. 60or.ii.lLT Portland Ar f:30a.n 6:52r.K. I.v OregonCIty LT :40a. 1Atk.u. I Ar Ban Francisco Lv I 1:00 p. II The above trains stop at all stations betweer Portland and Salem, Turner, Marion, Jeffer son, Albany, Tangent, Shedds, Halsey, Harris, bur. Junction City, IrvliiK. Kiigene, Creswell, Cottaae Giove, Drains, aud all iteUxns Iron Roseburg to Ashland, inclusive. R08EBURG MAIL DAILT. :0a.. , Lv Portland Arl 4:S0P.H 6:27 a. M. Lt OrcRon City Lv :86P.M 8:20 P. K. I Ar Roseburg Lv I 7: 9 M DIN1NO CARS ON OGPEN ROUTK. PULLMAN BUFFET SLJiEPUKB N! SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Attached to all Through Trains. West Side Dlvlalon, Between PORTLAND and CORVALI.IB HilLTBilN DAH YlSXCteTHUNDiY.) AtAlbanvand Rnrvalila connect with trail of Oregon Central A JCastern R. R. EXPHESS TKilN P41LY( KXCBPTSUKDAT.) ' lOO l'upers A YEAR FOR ONE DOLLAR As good as of a weekly. a daily at the prlct During the Spanish-American war The Th bice ik would proves its trreat vaiuo Dy in nrominiiess, Uionmulmess and accuracy of It rt'oorta trnin all the scenes of IniDortant eventt It wa as useful a a daily to the readers, anrt I will ne or equal value in reporting the great an' iimpll ated qiieatiuns which are now before tb .1ue11ean people. It prints the news of nil the world, havln pecial CMr-esnondenee from all important new . mints on the globe. It 1ms brilliant Illustrations tones by wreal authors, a capital bumor oairi otupiet mark"tii, ileimnmenla (or the househol ind wonien'a work and other special depari moms 01 unusual interest. We offer this unequalled newspaper Bnd th i.oiib'BK' n rkald toifetber one year ro- Jl.KO. The reenlar subscription price of the tw mpera ib fl fr... ' t M. 7 fin P. M . :80 P. M. Lt Ar Ar Portland McMlnnvllle ludependeuc ArS:2SA.M Lv U:fA.M LvU:60A.M point an Rates and ttekets to eastern Kurope also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA, can be obtained from E. E. BOXD, Agent, Oregon City R. KOEBLER, C. B. MAEKHAM, . Manager, Asst. u. P. A P. agent Portland, Or. Portland, Or., YOU OWE. I h yoniseir, your family, your friends and t all ynu b nerlt too reiuMy and considerately in. venlieale Jh" merll ot VITA ORK a a remedy for those v hr need a cure. There Is ro expert. 1'ieniiii. mi an rl, no danger,, no. los of lime. It ia perfectly harmlem, and may always be relied on. It i the queen of cures, for II ruachps the nMut t all dlaes, and will cure you when all oilier rein rtiea have failed after von hive tried all caieli-ponny humbug ana frauds only to Brow oliler and worse. Do nol not nea-leet to give lt a trial, lor Vitss-Ore comes In the sick and the alilieled like the vision of th Kaatern star to the wipe men. On every packags ol the iffniilne will be found the red Ink signa ture of Then. Noel Prce 1.00 bv mail. M US. M. 11.. LiOKOY, Ageut, Viola. Or. From NORTH PACIFIC RURAL SPIRIT A Home Pper 0 voted lo jy STOCK and AGRICULTURL Keeps you posted n all matter pertal ling tc he farui, iniliimlea I ho oily corroct l!ve sui k narkct repor. 111 IVr-l.iiitl; mibseilpiioii $2 00 pei ar; sample e.niie f-ue. Published weekly a Portland. D'cson. We will aeiMi ynu ilia Rnuai. -piRir an oi'BiitK-Hia.vLU Im th one year for 2O0. Adresa. Ooi'Bi k-U ij iregnn Chv, Oregon. to Treat a Patient Snfferinc These Painful Afflictions. Mrs. A. M. Huntington in The La dies' Home Journal adds to the stock of general knowledge on the cures for' poi son ivy: It may be distinguished by its brown, hafrylike stem, its three leaves (in clus ters) aud white berries. It is also known as the poison oak. Sometimes it takes the form of a bush and other times that If a vine. The poison ivy and the poi son sumao are utterly unlike in ap pearance, but both belong to the same general order rhus. . , . . The poison aumao grows in swampy places and is known also as poison dog wood and poison alder. It grows from 6 to 25 feet in height, in shrublike form, and the foliage consists of about five pairs of opposite and terminal leaf lets. It can allvays be recocnized in the fall by its color aud white berries. Ivy poison is very painfnl.. First the ekin is very itchy, then red and swollen, eventually breaking into blisters. The face often swells so much that the eyes are olosed. Having described the plant and told bow to detect the poison, I append a number of recipes for the cure of the latter when the poison is in its first 6 tapes: Bathe the affected parts with a satu rated solution of baking soda (bicarbon ate of sodium) in water that is warm, not hot, as that changes the soda into washing soda, or , Bathe with warm water and soap- good, pure soap or Bathe with alum curds, a table- spoonful of powdered alum to a pintrof milk, or , . ., Bathe with weak ammonia water, one part aqua ammonia to five parts of water, or . ' Bathe with carbonate of sodium, one ounce to half a pint of water, or sul phite of sodium or chlorinated soda in came quantity to same amount of wa ter, or Bathe with lead water and laudanum in equal parts or with witoh hazel add' ed, or Bathe with half an ounce of phenol sodiqne diluted ill three onnoes of wa ter, or Bathe with one ounce cf glyoerite of carbolic acid diluted with eight ounces of water, or Bathe the affected parts with a 2 per cent solution of creolin. 1 In the latter stages, when the inflnui mation is great and blisters appear, ' Use sassafras bark tea, two ounces ot bark to a pint of hot water let it soak a few hours and bathe, while it 1b warm, the affected parts or Paint the blister with fluid extract of serpentaria, being careful not to get the extract near the eyes, or Break the blister, if not 1 already broken, by pricking, and drop, with quill or dropper, solution of subsulphate of iron, full strength, into the blister First Since buying Ms Groceries of MABR'$ MVW, after having traded for some time at other stores: No stale or inferior goods kept. SANTACLAUS AT THE BAZAAR .Wagons, Doll Buggies, Dolls, Rocking Horses, Drums, Horns, Cornels, Bugles, Cradles, Rockers, Trunks, Black Boards, - Iron Toys, Banks, Pianos,, Games,. Tin Toys,. Wooden Toys, Chairs, China Tea Sets, Toy Books, Xmas -Cordis China Plates, Cups and Saucers, Xmas ' Candles, Glass Ware, Vases, Auto. Albums, Photo Al bums, Jewelry and . thousands of other articles for the Holiday trade, all' at our-well known low prices. Re member our goods and prices can not be duplicated even in the city of Portland. L A. PATTERSON & CO. FIFl'H AND MAIS STREETS " 1 THE SWEET THINGS for household use nre umonpst the articles from our stock of Uruoories which are in constant ttptumid. Their richness, line flavor and other excellent qualities huve made them prime favorites with every housekeeper. We also have sweet things in the PHStty line made fresh ewry duy in our liukery besides the best bread in the city. HEINZ & CO., Bakers and Grocers Opposite Postofflce, - Oregon City HARRIS' GROCERY.;. Kiesh Stock of FiiKt-Cluss THE LEADER OF LOW PRICES -GROCERIES tor HAY nml FHUD HrilUmntinT) n.-.rrnn Pltw OREGON CITY OREGON Olo. C, Bow NIL! J. U. CAMrsiLl BROW NELL & CAMPBELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW Ckufield Building Oregon City, Or W. S. U'REN, ATTORNEY i AT , LAW, - . Jaggar Building, opposite Huntley's, OREGON CITY - OREGON C. SCHUEBEL ATTORNEY AT LAW eutfefct Hbtiolat OREGON CITY OREGON THOS. F. RYAN Notary Public and Real Estate Broker LlADIHe lKCAtCI AGKKCT Of ClACKAWH . In T n. n A rtM ftf Till? MftdS firini of Lgl DoeumeuU k Specialty Office on eait Hide of Main sueel ftelwceo th tod 7U rK FflON CITY. - OREGON M C STRICKLAND, M. D. : , (Huiua u4 Prt fcioe.i , OflVra hit profeMlfeBil rR? OntoitCkT tC virwltr. ! Mid to CeJMtk nd ( bronic iumtm, . Z pf rferlip lvo. , , - OSo m WtllemtlM BulldUMU Otfice hour: Ml u U -., K P- lflO CITY . . - OBIOOM Now IS THE TIME to clean house and , repaper your rooms and paint your house and 183! 'V'""- 1896 Country Gentleman The ONLY Agricultural Newspaper IuUKpenauble M nil u mtiir rttyliicuu wlru ii lc kvcp up Willi h" tint' a. Iniili' oiiliacTip in i, W; iwo Ktibacrlptlon.., 8.50: fuiiritl)M0np'i u, i. MneciNi fiiiluo. iiinMt p, miitfrs of IxricPr flub. Vrlle for partlnil . h mi t!n p.iliil. Free till Jan. i to New Subscribers for 1800 It will In- i'n iIih itr'pnco brtwoHii flip COtlnf III I IIIIMIH liKMlLKnAN H lid '.lint lif il h. r hkHimiIIii k wiekll,. inine of which nt- tempt to kovit III KiiHculinrHl ururnl the ilnyi muy reiiotiy n n uuivril, by muKliig up ntuull b, tu Ik tli'in f ntwi'k! . Doe" inch it illlT ren "ntliu !ullfy v. 11 ! mintrnlitig our If with om ntbtT pper In stead of fiHVlnir th.' IhwIT S' d for mm tuif n cnplvr, which will be mailed Vnr. iid impnre thfin with any other rnri wevkly; It wl I nut uka long to seethe difference tMret i. LUIIIKIl TUOKKlt HON. . . Albany, M. Y. How to Slako Tropical Soup. As prepared by Indians, in Central Auiorioa: . Take three pints of etock aud three-quarters of a cupful of rice. Boil together for one hour, keeping the kot tie tiuhtly covered. Press through sieve, returninf? all that runs through. Add to this half a cupful of cream, iuto which baa been beaten the yolk of one egg, and cook for two or three minutes longer . Season with half a tea spoonful of salt and one-half teaspoonful of cay enne extract The extract may be omit ted if not jdosired so hot and a dash of pepper substituted. To every one tlie liuyinn ot shoes in an imiKiriHtit step. . Tln ttuniioniical buyer especially wai.lH Munctliiuij iliat looks elegniit, but aimi suiiu'tlrnt? that does not cost too much uinl will wwr and lie com(ortabl. Yon viill appreciate as well as we that this ik-maml fr not a sliiht one, lint we. in liuaranteeing to miii you, will run thfiK of failure, bo ng conndent of success. KRAUSSE BROS. . Murrow i A 1 a?'-' IS THE MAN to, do ' the painting and papering in a .first-class shape, at very low prices. Leave orders at Ely Bros, store on upper 7th streeth. , -:- FREE-:- ; Aluminum Hair Pin Ornaments, . . - 4 1 ; -i , Send. 12 names of your friends and an order for any ONE of the article ' below ' and receive the ftbove beautiful pin, FREE. " How to Make C ream of Tomato Soup. Stew one pint of tomatoes for 20 min utes, adding oue dice of onion, one t ay leaf and a , sprig of parsley Press through a sieve cud return to the stove Scald one quart of milk and rub together one teaspoouful of butter and two tca spooufuls of flour, adding a little hot milk to prevent lumping Wheu the re mainder of tue milk has been added, the mixture should be stirred until it thickens to a cream. Add one teaspoon- fal Of sugar and the same quautity of salt and one-half teuspoonful of soda dissolved in it little cold wutcr Heat the soup turaen, turn iuto the tomato and gradually add the milk, stirring constantly. .. For First-Class BREAD and PASTRY 7i ! Go to F. HENNINQS Seventh St. Bakery or stop bis wsgon a it goes by. li 12 Aluminum Thirubles I K.y Ohniii. 19 in. xoo'l 1 Key Chain, 20 in, liest 1 MeinoiuU'lllin fa tile t 1 Bhu ('Iihuk, 4 u-strap 1 I Im tHrk .... . ITie..' Veil H..I kr 1 J'wlf t 1. in 1 sr. I Case, 4-in.... 12 Aliiuiinuni itair I'ins . 1 a iiiiiiiniiii 1 ux 3-in lonft, flllwl wit.ii flair I'lne and .Memiiol In- ImlfT (cure IimiI. die) 1 Allien 1 1 1 11 1 t lit)- rnnr.iveil, sa in tiuti(ifi edit x' nip, cpnn (ruin onv pi cc h- tin exi uur liimry in - (luivtiie'.t or Mitir pjtrona.e, I on y In a cuetoim-r 30c 12c Ht; 12c ; l-'ic 15c 8c HC 8c iic i:c Bow to Marina FUll. Take about two pounds of salt salmon and freshen by laying in cold water Change the water frequently until the fish is no longer salty 1 Clean thorough It and cnt - in pieces. Put them into a stone crock, together with one huiou, sliced, two or three leaves. 12 pepper corns, six cloves. o:.t lemon, sliced, cud vinegar enough to cover , Put a cheese cloth, cover over and weight to keep the fish under the vinegar JCet'p m col place for about two days, when f be dish will be ready for the table . H. STRAIGHT. DealT In ., ' Groceries Provisions. ilso Fill 1;:: tl Mill feed, Lime, Cercit i:i t::i Plaster. FROM OLD WHEAT PARENT FLOUR is made entirely from old wheat and when use it you do n"t run the risk of having poor bread as 1 you do if you buy flour made by Tom, Dick and Harry of all , kinds of. wheat. SOLD BY ALL GROCERS j Bow to Maka Sauerkraut. ' For sauerkraut get bard, fiat liesris of cabbage. When cut. put a lavi r in u cedar barrel aud sprinkle will with salt, then more kraut aud, mit i.uttj all is used. Too much suit , ix not good, as the kraut will only taste aalty uud not sonr i Cover with white cotton cloth, and over this have several board tbut j will just fit the barrel loosely when put I together Weight this with bcuvy stone and cover with water " Twice a week I this water should be changed, adding a I little salt Wash the scum from cloth I and boards IN LOW PRICES WHILE OTHERS TRY TO FOLLOW WE LEM) BOLTON DAIRY CHAS. CATTA, Prsprltter : 0(a Cltr,Orta Pure Milk given; delivered -to any part of the city. : Try oalr aa4 ba Bwfln and .'Full Measur Promptness and Reliability At Your Service L.B.EMERSON, Chicao, III, 182 E Fiillerton Avenue. Job Printing at the Coarier Office. Bow to Maka Motliroom Hoop. Cut up bulf a pint of mushrooms in small pieces, boil in salt water until tender, leave Jnut enough water to re tain the flavor. Add oue pint of cream, one tablespooufnl of butter and season with one tablespoonlal of worcestei ' shire sauce. Beat two eggs and mix in j the soap. . . . : Bow U Claaa TaiL Take some alcohol and ether together, oak the veil, shake it and put evenly no a glass tube ot round bottle till dry. , .l.llllHT ' ' 1" AT 'I'll M W e ate silent for v-ry " tfve or Range Uuraute0 lor l i )', '. , ORECON CITY AUCTION HOUSE WE hnvc just received a fine line of servicable -.-Christmas Presents-: Cull ami Hoe OUR ' ' BARGAINS Before buying elsewhere. Proprietor Ore;oi City ftiain Street