OREGON CITY COURIER OREGON CITY HERALD CONSOLIDATED. A. V.CHENEY Publisher PUBLISHED WEEKLY. Entered In Oregon Oltypostofflceas 2od-elass matter SUBSCRIPTION RATES. paldln advance, per year . 1 go fill months W Three monlhs'lrlal.... 26 aWJThe date opposite your address on the taper donoles the time to which you have paid. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. OREGON CITY, DEC. 16, 1898. It is claimed on good authority that the state land board still loans its money at eight per cent when the legal rate of interest in Oregon is six per ent Is this right ! The Ooubibr Herald is of the opinion that it would be a good idea for both Clackamas county und lOregon City, to fund their outstanding eight per cent, warrants by the' ifsue of new warrants 'Oiat would only draw six per cent. Silver will be the basis of the cur rency in the Philppim-s This necessary niril she natives become educated. YVoodburn Independent. Or in other words until the moneyed men get Control, then they'll have the 'void standard. JUDGE A. E. WAIT, DEAD. Drew the Deed That Sold I'ort hnid for $o,000 Worth of Leather Died at Canby. Judge Aaron E. Wait died at his heme at Canby, at 3 a. m. Monday. His general health had been excellent until within the past week, when he suffered ai attack of pneumonia, and owing to his advanced age, S5 years was unable do contract its effects. The funeral took place at Canby at 11:30 a. m. Wednesday Judge Wait settled in Oregon City in 1847, and was editor of the Spectator in 1848 and 1849. He removed to Portland in 1862, and to his farm at Canby in 1875 ,In 1883 he returned to Portland and remained until October, 1897, when he went back to the farm at Canby. Judge Wait drew the deed in 1848 which conveyed from Frank W. Petty grove to Daniel H, Lownsdale the half section of land on which Is now built the central part of Portland. The con ideaation was $5,003 to be paid in leather. Mr. Lownsdale was then pro prietor of a tannery on Tanner Creek. In 18)2 Mr. Wait represented Clack amas county in the terriioaial legisla ture as a member of the house, and in 1857-1858 served as a member of the council for Clackamas and Wasco coun ties. Aaron E. Wait was Ivorn in Whately, Mass.. December JIG, 1813 He went to Michigin, whore he was adml fid to the bar in 1841. tit) was admitted to the bar in Oregon at the December term of the supreme court, in 1851. In 188 he was elected to the supremo couit of Oregon, and by vittttoof his otllce was circuit judge of the fourth judicial dis trict, comprising the conn'ies of Wash ington, UUckamas, Multnomah, Clatsop and Columbia. He was chief justice from 1859 to 1803, when he resigned, April 9, to accept a nomination for con gress by the anti-administration pur y In the Cayuse war of 1848 Mr. Wait filled a very important position. lie - was a very amiable and honest, and, while not a very great lawver, was fairly well equipped for his nrofession He was careful and pains. taking, and whs a fair and upright judge, and in private life and family re lations he was very exemplary man. Judge Wait was twice married, his first wife being Mary N Springer, and his second Catherine Kulvey, His only eon. Ohrrles N. Wait, an attorney by profession, resides on the home place at Canby. Fraternal Notes. Corinthian Assembly No. 43, United Artisans, of Oswego, elected the follow ins olllcers last Saturday evening James Coon, master artisan; U. w. Prosaer, superintendent ', Mrs. Eliza beth Lee, senior conductor; Albert Tuffs, junior conductor; Asa Ooon, sec retary ; Uilbert Ward, master of cere monies; Mrs. Mattie Ball, inspector. Oswego Lodge No. 93, I O. O. F., lected the following new officers: Gilbert Ward, noble grand; John F. KUley, vice-grand: Charles W Miller, secretary; G. W. Prosaer, treasurer. Willamette Rebekah Degree Lodge, I. 0. O. F., elected the following new of ficers t Mrs. Julia Frost, noble grand ; Mrs. M.Luti, vice-grand; Mrs. Annie Wilehart, recording secretary; Miss Annie Wilohart, financial secretary; Mrs. Silvia Midlam, treasurer. On Monday evening Pioneer Ohapter No.28, 0. E p., elected tne louowing -officers: Worthy matron, Mrs. T. F. , Kyan; patron, John Humphrey ; asso ' iate matron, Miss Fannie trance; sec retary. Miss Jennie Rowan ; treasurer, Mrs. G. W. Church; conductress, Mrs. llena Arthur; associate conductress, Mrs. G. W. Grace. The Masonic Blue Lodge elects officers Saturday evening and the Chapter Mon day evening. Card of Thanks. Mrs, Isaac Allison and Miss Emma Allison desire to ex press their thanks to their friends and noighlors who so kindly assisted them m their bereavement, and especially Mr. and Mrs E J Dellon, J.W.Loder and Dr. M.C.Strickland. (ireat Xinan Sale of Millinery. We are offering great inducements: f hats for 5 (10 ft hats for 2 S5 4 hats for 'i du And a lr!0 assortment of pretty hats lor from 150 to $-MK, even as low ait l Oil, at Mrs. Bladen's Millinery Dlore. And tlto prices are quoted so rid ion Inualy low iliat it will pay you to call. 4'ulia Goldsmith. Y.M.C. A. JVbtes. The basket ball game Saturday eve, 10th inst., between the first and wcond teams tiyned out to be a very hot game, both teams having determined before hand on capturing the game. The score stood 17 to 9 in favor of the first team. The second team immediately challenged the winner for another -game Saturday eve, December 17th, which was accepted. The second team promise to show the boys something next time they meet on the grounde. At this game members will be admitted free, others will be charged the sum of 10c to defray expenses. A membership contest to run about 30 days will be inaugurated in the next few days. It is expected that this will be the most hotlv contested event of its kind that has ever been attemped in Oregon City. AH men are welcome to our 4 p. m. Sunday meeting. - A banquet will be given by the ladies auxiliary to the members ot toe I. M C. A, in the near future. For Bargains in Toys and Holiday Presents, attend the sale of the Char man stock at the old stand on Main st'eet Great sale of Men's Clothing at the Sacnhce ba.e of the Uharuian stock Men's $15 suits $ 8 00 Men's $17 50 suits for 9 00 Men's $20 suits for 10 50 Men's $25 suits for 15 00 Men's $8 overcoats for 4 50 Men's $15 overcoats for 8 50 Men's pants .50c and upwards A large and well assorted stock of choice Fresh Groceries, which we are closing out at the following piices while they laei : . 1 lb cans baking powder, ..... 15c each Worcestire sauce 12Jc per bottle Pepper box, blue 2e per box Pearlinc ....... . 3c per package Coro starch : 7c per package liaking soda 3u per package Sapolio ' 7c per package Lame bottle tickles 15c per bottle Choice raisins ... , ,4c per pound Choice teas ... .25 and 53c per pound 10 1-pound sack stock salt . 40.- 50-1 b sack dairy salt. 35c and all other groceries at the same re duction.' Charman & Son's stock, Main street, Oregon City. 45 cents round trip from Oregon City to Portland and return via Southern Pacific trains. One way rate 25 cents. Tickets now on sale at railroad depot. Trains leave Oregon City at 8:40 a. m., and 8 :35 p. in , and arrives from Port land at 9:23 a. m, and 6:52 p. m. Save time by using the quicker route. A pair of rubbers with every $2 50 pair of ladies' shoes for 10 days. Krauase Bros. For Sale A fresh Jersey cow. George Kidder, Mt. Pleasant A Singer sewing machine at the Ore gon City Auction House . Holiday goods at prices surprising and styles lo suit all at the Kackel store. The largest assortment of millinery and lowtr j rices than any house In Ore gon, miss uoi(i8mun. Do you want to subscribe for any pa per or magazine at publisher's rates. We are the agents. L. A. Patterson & Co., The Bazaar. For Rent The large 8 room, rr.oden conslrnckd house, lately occupied by Uev. M. L. llugii, for rent. II . R. Crops, Agent. I have abundance of money to loan at 8 and choice loans will be made Ht 7. j. a. jjye. Special Ch1i Sale for 10 days only We will give a pair of rubbers with ev ery pair of ladies' shoes at $2 50 up ward. Krausse Bros. Pee our clubbina offer with the North Pacific Rural Spirit, imblished weekly at Portland, Oregon. If you want a pam pie copy free, send them a postal card notice and mention this paper. Two Millions a Year. When people buy, try, Mid buy again, It means they're satisfied. The people of the United States are now buying Cascarets Candy Cathartic at the rate of two million boxes a year and it will be three million before new Years, it means merit proved, that Cascarets are the most delightful bowel regulator for everybody the year round, All drug gists 10, 2o, 30c a box, cure guaranteed. NOTICE. To the taxpayers oi Clackamas county It in requested by the county court that the taxpayers in each road district of the county select and recommend to the court tor appointment some compe tent man In each road district for the position ot road supervisor and it is fur ther oidered that ihe man endorsed for said position aa road supervisor in any road district by the majority of the resi dent taxpayers of his said district hall ha nnnnintjui hv this mint to fill said position, provided, how- mandlng mo to nuke sale of the following ie IL. . H.M ,.-r,.KM cribed real property, situate in the County of ever, that it said appointee snouia prove either incompetent or unwilling to perform the duties required ot the supervisor in a proper and diligent manner, he shall be removed by this court and some other person appointed in his place. By order of county court, Pec. term, 18U8. Elmkr Dixon, Clerk. By E. H. Coopkr, Deputy. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon, for Clackamas oouuty. Enoch Hale, Plaintiff, ) va. Glady A. Hale, Defendant) To the said Glady A. Hale, the aljove named defendant: N THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORKUON; You are hereby required to appearand answer the complaint Hied against you In the above en titled court and cause ou or before the last dav ol the time presenile t In the order for publica tion of this summons: which order provided that the tlrst publication be made on Krlday. the tilth day of December, lxus, and the last publication six weeks thereafter, to-wlt: On Krlday, the 27th day of January, ls'.; the tlrst piihlleatl n being on Friday, the HHh day ol De emhr, ls8, yon win inereiure appear auu answer on or netoie January 27ih, tsim. If vim fall so to apnearor auwer, this plalutltl will apply to the above en tilled court for Ihe relief prayed for In Ihe com plaint: for a decree dissolving the launls of mat rimony now existing between plaintiff and de fendant, and tor such other aud further relief as to the court shall seem meet. This summons Is published by order of Ihe Hon. Thoniis A. MeBride, Judge of the above en tilled court, made on the I'.'th day ol Heeembvr, 1. Mil. I. Kit & MII.LKK, Attorneys for flaiiuiff. HOOD'S Coupon CALENDAR 1899 is a perfect beau ty, patriotic, upto date. Subject,:. "An American Girl" One of the handsomest pieces of color work issued this year. Lithographed, with border of army and navy emblems embossed in gold. Leave your name with your druggist and ask him to save you a copy or send 6 cents in stamps for one to O. I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. Mention this paper. 1 Remember Hood's Sarsaparilla is America's Greatest Medicine for the Blood and the Best that Money Can Bay. Hence take only Hood's SHERIFF'S SALE. In the f Ircult Court of the State of Oregon for tne county oi ciacitamas. Albln Floss, Plaintiff, vs. Noah S. Kellogg, Marclssa J. Kellogg and Clackamas County,, Oregon, Defendants. State of Oiegon, County of Clackamas, s. Y VIRTUE OF A JUDGMENT ORDER, DE- erne una execution, amy lRSUeit outol ana under tho seal of the above entitled court, in the iibi've untitled cause, to me duly director! ana anted ihe 2hth onv or Novom ber, ls98, upon a judgment rendered and entered in said court on the 21st day of November, W8, in favor of Aibin Floss, plaintiff, and against Noah H. Kellogy:, Marelssn .!. Kellogg and Clack amas Countv, Oregon, defendants, or the sum of f7f0.00,'wilh Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum from Hie 27th day of January, ISO", ami the further mini of 824.60 with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent, t.er annum from the 1st dsy of February, 1MI7, and the further sum of 81!). 00 with Intetost thereon at the ralo of 8 per cent, per annum from the oth day of December. 1M)7. and the further sum of S75 00, as attorney's fee, and the further sum of $47.00 costs and disbursements, and tile costs of and upon his writ, commanding me to mane sale ot tne lowing described ral property, situaie in tne County of Clackamas, Slate of Oregon, to-wlt: All or lots lo anil Jn m moon i! in me urpgon Iron and Steel Company's Extension to the First Addition to Oswego, in Clackamas County, Ore gon, together with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. Now, therefore, by vir tue of said execution, jndgmentorderand decree, and In compliance with the commands of said writ, i win, on SATURDAY, TUB 31st DAY OF DECEMBER, 1898. at the hour of one o'clock p. m.. at, the front door of the County Court House In thet'ilyof Oregon City, In said oniity and State, sell at Eublio auction, snhjeot to redemption, to the iirhest bidder, for U. it Hold coin cash In hand, all the right, title and Interest which the within named doleiidanls or either ot tnem nan on tne date of the mortgage herein or since had in or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judgment order, deciee, Interest, costs and all accruing costs. . J J. COOKE, sheriff of Clackamas Countv, Oregon. Dated Oregon City, Or., November 20, 1808, NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. PURSUANT TO AN KXECUTION ISSUED OUT of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County, of date November 16, 18U8. upon a deer! of foreclosure duly rendered in said oourton November 2, 1898. In the ease of Anna W. Mathews, nlaintllt, vs. Ueorge K leo man and Clara 6. Dedman, bis wife, Emil C. Johnson and Johnson, his wife, and Ange- line Berry, defendnins, in favor ol the nlalntlrr and against the defendants, 1 will, at 1.30 o'clock tu the afternoon on the 31it DAY OF DECEMBER, 1898, : at the (rent door of the Court House. In Oregon t llv. Oregon, sell at public auction, to the high- t hlrldoV forcaah ill hand, subieet lo redeiup- tlon, Ihe premises nescribeil ill said decree of foreclosure, being situated In Clarkaman County, '" ." ":: .. .....o..... i.. .oi.i .)..... :.r Slate of Oregon, to-wit: All of tract "R Claok amas Riverside, according to tne outyreoorneu map or plat thereof on file or record in the office of the Recorder of Conveyances of Clacksmas County, State of Oregon, to satisfy the sum of i2398.30. with interest from November 22, 1H98, at Ihe rate ol 10 per cent, per annum and i7nu as attorney's fee with Interest from same date at 8 per cent, pur annum, all in Uuited States gold coin, and Ihe costs and disbursements of said suit taxed at 935.00 and the costs of and upon said writ. 'J.J nouns, Sheriff of ' lackaraas County, Oregon. Dated November 26, 1898. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of Ihe State of Oregon, for the County o Clackamas. Wm. P. Lord as Governor, Harrison K. Kiiicatil, as Hecratary ot none, and Phil Metschan, as Slate Treas urer, as the Boi.nl of Commission era for Ihe Sale of School and Uni versity Lands and lor the invest-1 meals' of the funds arising there-1 (n.ll, r Plaintiffs, vs. George Pflster, Anua Mary Poster, K O. Small, M. A. Small and Malhias Butala, Defeudan's. State of Oregon. County of Clackamas, ss. BY VIRTUE OF A JUDGMENT OKDEB, PE cree and an exeoution, duly issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court. In the above entitled cause, to me duly directed aim dated the 29th day of November, li98, upon a tndament rendered and entelV In said court on the 26th day of November, 1898, In favor of Wil liam P. Lord, as governor, Harrison K. Kincaid, a ummtarv of stale, and Phil Melaohan. as stale treasurer, as the Board of Commissioners for the Sale of School and University Lands aud for the Investments of the funds arising therefrom, plaintiffs, aud against utorge roster, Anna k.rv Poster. E. O. Small. M. A. Small and Mathlaa Butala. defendants, for the sum of $2000.01), with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum iron tne uin nay oi wiooer, 1893, and the further sum of 1122.02 taxes, and the further sum of $200.00 as attorney's fee, aud the further sum oi r-'i du costs and nisourM ments, and the costs of and upon this writ, com. claokamas. State of Oregon, to wit: ah oi tne east or husband's half of the D. L. 0. of Thomas Ross and Margaret J. Ross, his wife, situated In sections (4) four and (6) Sve, township (8) six south, range (1) one east of the Willamette merid ian, save and except from the said east half of this desorlbed tract, vis: Commencing on the north boundary of the D. L. C. of Robert Allen at a point which Is ten chalas and fifty links west of the north-east corner of said elalm; thence north 30 chains: thence west 81 chains and 33 lluks: thence south 30 chains to a point 8 chains n,t links east of the north-west corner of said Robert Allen's claim; thence east to the place of beginning and containing 1)3.9. acres. The part above conveyed amounts to 47.91 arrest also ".he following Islnoiuaeil in mis neea oi conveyance, vis: The west or wife's half of the aforesaid D. I. p.. nl Thomas Ross and Margaret J. Rose, sit uated in T. 8 8., R. 1 I. and amounting to 141.9 aeres.more or leas, excepting 40 acres here-to-fore deeded to Hiram uiiamian on oi ine wesi part of the ld Margaret j Koas part ot tne aoove ne- cribed 1). I,. C . containing and amounting In all by this deed couvcyed,;io 14S acres and 100 square rods, more or less. Now, therefore, hy virtue of said execution, judgment order and decree, and In compliance with tho commands of said writ, I will. on SATURDAY, THE 31st DAY OK DKCKMBER, 1H98, at the hour of eleven o'clock a. m., at the front door of the County Court House In the City ol Orvimn l Itv. In said Countv and stale, sell at public amnion, subject tu redemption, to the liiuhMt bidder, for U. 8. gold coin cssh in hnd, all Ihe right, line and Interes' which the within nanus! defendants or either of them, had on the dste of the mortgage herein or since had in or to the above describe,! real property or any part thereof, to salifv said execution, Judgment order, decree, inlerwt, costs and all accruing costa. J.J.COOKE, Sheriff of Cli'kamas County. Oregon. Dated Oregon City. Ore., Nov. 29, 1898, Hew Time and Courier-Herald $1.15 SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. Deborah A. Bo wen, riaintin, vs. James Shaw and Betty Shaw, his wife. James w. snaw ana aire. James w, Shaw, his wife, Henry Gans, Sidney Smith, T. P. Randall and L. K. Sohultr, Defendants. State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, as. BY VIRTUE OK A JUDGMENT ORDF.B, DE cree and an execution, duly issued out of and under the sea) of the above entitled court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 22d day of November, 1898, upon a Judgment rendered and entered in said oomt on the 18th day of November, 1898, In favor of Deborah A. Boweii, plaintiff, and against James Shaw and Betty Shaw, his wife, James W. Shaw and Mrs. James W. Shaw, his wife. Henry liana, Sidney Smith, T.. P. Randall and L. K. Schulu, defendants, for the sum of 82H90.89, with Interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum from the 18th day of November, 1898, and the further sum of $45.36 as taxes, with interest thereon from the 18th day of November, 18i8. and the furlhtr sum of 8175 as attorney's fee, and the further sum of H0. 10 costs end disbursements', find the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of the following described real property, situate in the county of Clackamas, statu, of Ore gon, to-wlt: Being in section thirty two, in township two south, range two east, and section Ave, In township three south, range two east of the Willamette meridian, and being parts of the claims of William Holmes and George P. Newall, and bounded and described as follows: Begin ning at the north-east cornet of the said William Holmes dcation laud claim and from thence running westerly along the north boundary line of saH William Holmes o aim twenty-six chains and fifty links; thence soutn twenty-five chains and seventy two links, more or less, to the north bnundaiy line of Oregon City Anntx, according to Ihe duiy recorded map and plat thereof; thence easterly along said north boundary of said Ore gon City Annex thirty-lluee chains and ninety three links. nvre or Icbs. to the north-east corner of said Oregon City Annex: thence ouihcrly along the east boundary line of said Oregon City An nex eighteen chains imd eight links, more or less, to a point dur- esstol the north-east comer of the Masonic burying round as referred to in the deed from James lurkand wife to Patrick Duffs'. recordt'd in Hook A, page 177, of the Records of Deeds of said 'luckainiis 1 ouniy, Oregon; iht-nce en-it twelve chains u u I eventy'four links toeHst I ountlarv line ni me smu Ueotye r. aewitll claim; thence north along said east Itoundnry line "f ssiil Uenrge I'. Newull el,iini thirty-four Chains and eitrhty links to it p'int in the somli boundary line of the K.ra Fisher doua.iou land ehiiin; thence w. sterly along the 8nuih boundary line of tho said Fisher claim (ifly links lo the en trance corner of said Ueor.e 1. Ninvail ciaim ; thence northerly along the east boundary line of said Oi orge IV Newall claim nine chains to tho north east corner thereof: thence westerly along the north hounda-y of said George f Newall claim nineteen chains and sixty-seven links, mo-e or less, to the place of beginning, contain ing one hundred and forty acres, more or less, ex'-epdng and reserving from the above described premises a strip of land in the norlh-wcst corner thereof deeded by Patrick Duffy to T. P. Randall for a public road by deed recorded In Book 32 at Page 416 of said Records of Clackamas County. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment order and decroe, and in compliance Willi uie commauas oi saiu writ, 1 win, on SATURDAY. THE 24th DAY OF DECKMBER,1898, at the hour of 1:30 o'clock p. m., at the front door of the County Court House 111 the city of Oregon City, in said County and fctate, sell at public auction, Ftihject to redemo'lon, to the highest bidder, for U. 8. gold coin, cash ill hand, all the rieht, title and interest which the within named defendants or either of them, had on the date of the moptgage herein or since had in or to the above described real proper ty or any part thereoi to satisfy said exeouiion, judgment order, decree, interest, costs and all accruing oosls. J. J. COOKE, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Orogon. Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, Nov. 22, 1808 SHERIFF'S SALE. In tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clai kamas The Security Savings and Trust Com-1 pauy, a i;orpuraiion, Plaintiff, vs. Sophronla V. Lewelllng, S Mathew, Mary MeGrath, trustee. W. W. Ir win, Willamette Land Company, a Corporation, W. S. U'Reu, and" F. . Olsen, Defendants. 'State of Oregon. County of Clorkamas ss Y VIRTUE OF A JUDGMENT OBDKR, DE- cree and an exeoution. dulv Issued nut of and under the seal of the above entitled court In the above entitled cause, lo me dulv directed " " n November, 1898, upon " ,'C"""e. nun entereil In Said court on me nil dav of November, lxna i The Security Savings and Trust Company, a cor poration, plaintiff, and aealnst Sonhrnnla V. ewelllnir. s. Mnlhew. Marv Mnnih i,n.iu W. W.Ir-ln, Willamette Land Comnanv cor'. poration. W. S. U'Ken and V.Y.. ot,.n .'H,.fH. ants, for the sum of flinS.OO, aud the further sum or ezou.ou as attorneys ree, and the further sum of (12.00 costs and disbursements, and the costs of an upon this writ, coinmnnding me to make sale of Ihe following described real property, situate In the County of Clackamas, stnte of Ore gon town: All of bloc- numbered thirtv-one (31) of Milwaukie, Clackamas countv, Oregon, as per the official plat thereof on record in the Re corder's office of said county and slate, also that iracioeginningata point V 28-100 oluilns south snd 7 W) 100 chains east from the north-west comer of the donation land claim of Hector Campbell and wife In township one south of rsnge one east of the Willamette meridian, said point being the north-west corner nf int. v seven aceordinglo the survey and plat made by .-. ... ' mi mo bouui line oi ine avenue indicated on said Dial: thence smith r the line between lots seven and eight 2 70 100 chains to the south-east corner of that portion of said lot elghl. conveved bv Alfred and M m Lewelllng to Charles Wilson; thence easts 8 100 ,chaliis to the west line of the land conveyed bv said Alfred and M. K. Lewelllng to D. Harvey In October. 1883: thence north alnnir aaid Hr. ey's west line 2 70 100 chains to the north west corner ot saio Harvey's land on the south side line of said avenue: thence west along the line oi toe avenue to ine piane ot oegl"nlng con MtiuiuK aini acvvii-Hixieenins 1 1 7-i) acres, more or less: also lots numbered 1,2,8,4,5,8, to, ii, a,, eo, a auu so oi rruneiann, Clacka mas county, Oregon, as per the official plat thereof of record In the Recorder's nfSro for ih county and state; also that tract beginning at the pniun-pasi uoruer oi section nine, ttownshlp four south, range one east of the Willamette mrinin! thence north two hundred (200) rods: thence west eighty ISO) rods: thence north (40) rods; thence west forty (40) rods; thence north eighty K0i rods to said section line; thence west forty (40) rods; thence south three hundred and twenty (820) rods to the south line of said section nine; thenee east along said line to nUce of hesdnnlnor. containing two hundred and forty (240) acres. more or leas, how, moreiore, by virtue of said execution, Judgment order ana deem., and In jnmpliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on SATURDAY, THE !4th DAY OF DECEMBER, 1888, at the hour nf one o'clock p m., at the front door of the County Court House In theCltv of Oregon City, tu sld oonnty and state, sell at Cuunu auction, ewojovt to reaempuon, to 1116 ighest bidder, for U.S. gold coin cash In hand, all the right, title and Interest which the within named defendants or either of them, had on the date of the mortgage herein or since had In or lo the above described real nrooertv or nv nrt thereof, to satisfy said execution, Judgment order, deoree, Interest, oosls and all accruing www. J. t. lAHIhK, Sheriff of Clackamas Conntv, Oregon. Dated Oregon City, Oregon, Nov. 21, 1808. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon, for ine!.uuiiiy w viauamuaa. Margarita Montgomery, i Plaintiff, vs. Robert k. Montgomery, 1 Defendant. J To Robert A. Montgomery, the above named do- Teiiuaui. TN THK NAME OF THK STATU OF OREO.ON ; Yon are I ereby required to annear and an. swer the complaint filed against you in the shove entitled suit on or before the 30th day of December, 1898, that being the time set by the court In which you are required to annear and answer said complaint and If you fail an tu appear and answer the plaintiff will applv to the court for the relief prayed for, m-witi For the dissolution the bonds of matrimony between planum anu aeieuuunu This sumnons is published bv order of Hon Thomas r. Hyatt, judge of the county of Clack. mas. Dated this 2nd day of November, 198. B.K WELCH. Attorney for Plaintiff, Portland, Oregon A Mason & Hamlin chapel organ at tne. urejou uty Auction uouse. Shoes for Christmas Stockings Unfortunately too much atten tion is given to the stockings at Chrismas ' time and 'the shoes are likely to be neglected. There is more common sense in a pair of shoes for a Christmas gift than in any other present you can make. Santa Claus would be vastly wiser if he selected" his Christmas gifts from a stock such as ours. KRAUSSE BROS. SHERIFF'S SALE. I the Clronlt Court of the State of Oregon, for the Countv of Claokamas. O A. Bookwood, Plaintiff, vs. Wb H. Smith end Louisa Smith, his wife, Oen. A. Hamilton and Jessie Hamilton, his wife. Agues M. Wash burn, t '. O. T. Willianis,assignee of Hamilton Brothers, John G. Miller, E. Miller and James B W Ite, partners as John G. Miller & Com pany, R. L Sabin, J. H . Lee and k. L. Sandborn, partners doing busi ness under the firm name and style of J. 11. Lee & Company, and Ches ter Williams, l!efondant8. State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss. By virtue of a judgment order, decree and an execution du y issued out of and under the.seal of the . above entitled court, in the above entitled cause, to m du y diiccted and flated the 7th day ol December, Kt'.to. up in a jmlmn'-nt reiuierea and entered in said oomt on the -.iii'li day of No vember, WIS, In favor of U. A. itor kwood, plain till', and cgainst W.ii. II. Smith nnd Lnuisn. Smith his wiFt l.eo. i. Hamilton and .It sslw Hamilton, his wife, Agnes M Washburn, C. I). T. Wi liams, a-siguee of Hamilton Brothers. J, hn G. Miller. E. Miller aniljnmos I) Waiio, partners as John G . Miller Company. It t. Sabln, J. II Lee and K. L. Sand horn, partners doing business under the firm name and style of J H. I.ce & Company, and Chester Willinms, defendants, for the sum or JWSI.fiU. with interest t croon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the 2t!th day of November, 1HU8, and the furthor sum of $50.01) as attorney's fi'o, and tin further sura of 810.0U costs and dis bursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, comnmnill g me to make sule of Ilia following desenbed red property, situate in the County of Claekamas. Sta eot Oregon, to-wlt: All that piece or parcel of land In T. 2 s, R. 2 e of tne W, M. in Clackamas coun'y, Oregon,-more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Com mencing at a point In Hiram Straight's D L. C., 13 rods south of whai is known as as Wheeler's southwest point, Ihence east 214! feet, thence north 14 reet, tbence east 74 loot w incites, tt.ence south ZV feet, thence west 289H feet, thence north 25 feet to the place of beginning, be ing a part of Hiram A. Straight and wile's dona ti n laud claim, saving and excepting from Ihe above conveyance so much of the above described land as had been heretofore conveyed to the Ore gon and California railroad. Also exe pting the portlou of the said tract re leased from the lien of sold mortgage and de scribed aa follows: A tract of laud In the 1) L. C, of Hiram Straight. In Claokamas county, Oregon, conunencl.igat a point 214U ft H and 289'$ ft ft of north 115 feet, thence W 60 feet, thence 8115 feet, thence E 60 feet to the place of beginning, except, however, of the well and land 4 feet wide between the well and west line of above described tract; also the right to use water from the above well, which la re erved. Now, therefore, by virtue of sold execution, judgment order and decree, and In compliance with the commands of said writ. I will, on SATURDAY, THE 14th DAY OF JANUARY, 1809, at the hour of 1:80 o'clock p. m at the front door of the county court house in the- cit- of Oregon ( ity, in said county and state, sell at public, auc tion, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. ti. gold ooin. cash In hand, all the right, title and interesl which the wit' in named defend ant or either of them had on Ihe date of the inert- ........ n 1....1 1., .. 4 tl.A described real nr.mertv or an cart thereof, to satiffy said execution, juKmont order, decree, . - . 7 r r . : Interest, costs and all accruiuu: costs. . J.J. CUOIiE. Sheriff of Clackamas county, Oregon . Dated, Oregon City, Ore , Dec. 7, MS. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. PURSUANT TO AS EXECUTION AND OR der of sale Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clack amas, dated Nov. 12, 1898, upon a judgment and decree of foreclosure duly rendored and made in said oourl on the 8th dav ot ivember, 1SU8, in the ease of the 1'acllic States Savings. Loan and building Company, a corporation, planum, vs. Emma Millard aud J. R. Millard, defendants, In favor of the plaintiff aud against said defend ants, I will, at 10 o'clocii In the forenoon, on the 17 Hi day of December, 181)8, at tho front door of the oourt house, in Oregon City, in said county and state, expose for sale an 1 sell at public auction to the highest bidder for U. S. gold coin, cash in hand, subject to redemption, the real properly in said decree of foreclosure described, being Bituated in Clackamas county, Stale of Oregon, to-wlt: Those portions of lots seventeen U7), eighteen (18), nine teen (19), and twenty (20), In block numbered one hundred and thirty-eight (138) ol the "Extension of the Oregon Iron and Sleel Company's First Addition to oswego, commencing at tne north east oorner of said lot seventeen (17) and running thence southerly along the wast Hue nf Ihj alley In said block to the soutn-east corner of said lot twenty (20, ihence wwterly along ihe south line of said lot twenty (20), a distance of forty-eight (48) feet, thence northerly and parallel with the eastern boundary line of said lots to the north Hue of said lot-seventeen (17), Ihence easterly along said norm nneoi saia lot (ii) tony. eight (48) leet to the place of beginning, as the said lots are shown and designated on tne plater the "Extension of the Oregon Iron and steel Com- rny's First Addition to Oswego," Hied January , 1892, and recorded in Book "4" of Plata at pages 11 and 12, in the nrhce of the County Re oorder of Conveyances of said Clackamas Conn- y, to satisfy the sum nf s20o..'8, with Interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum trom Noveraoer a, isas, aim ine sum ui isn.iiu a attorney's fees, all in United States gold coin, and the costs and disbursements nf said suit taxed at 822.75 aud the coats of and upon said writ, j.j. iuukk, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon Dated Oregon City, Oregon, November 14, 1898, SHERIFF'8 SALE. In the Circuit Court of the Stata of Oreiron. for the County of Clackamas. Mrs, Martha Ringo, riaintirr, va. W. W, H. Samson and J. E. Samson, iMienaants. State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, Dt VIRTUE OF A JUDGMENT ORDER O decree and an exeoution. dulv issued out , f and under tne seal ot tui above entitled court in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 6th day of December, 1898, upon a jodg. ment rendered, ana entered in said court on lha 2-rl day ox November, I8H8, In favor of Mrs. Martha Klugo, pialntltt, and against w.w. H.Samson and J. E, Samson, defendants, for the sura ol 1487.75, with interest thereon at the rat of 10 per cent Der annum from the 22d day of November, 1898. and tne turtner sum oi asi.uu as attorney a lee, and Ihe further sum or emtio costs and disbursements and the coats of and upon this writ, commanding me to maae Bate ot tna louowing oescnoeo real properly, situate in tne county oi Clackamaa, Slate ui uregon, to-wit: The east half ( X) of Ihe northeast Quarter fU- of seoUon fourteen (14), township Hv (Si south, of range one (1) east of the Willamette Meridian, being a part of the donation land claim of Henrv and Eleanor Samson, in Clackamaa county, Ore gon, aud contat, log eighty (80) acres. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution. judgment order and decree, and in compliance wr.n uie commands oi said writ, 1 will, ou SATURDAY, THE 7th DAY OF JANUARY, lf99, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. ra., at the front door of ihe county court house, la the city of Oregon City, iu said county and state, sell at public auc tion, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for I'. 8 gold coin, ca"ll in hand, all ihe right, title and interest which the within named defend ants or either of them had on the date ot the mortgage herein or since had In and to the above described real properly or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judgment order, decree, interest, costs ard all accruing costs. J.J COOKE, her iff of Olaciaraas countv, Oregon. Dated, Oregon City, Ore.. Dec. ft, 1898, Beau'itul (ur runs fur the holidays at I Oregon City Auction House. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Claokamas. William P. Lord, as Governor, Har- ii tlson K. Kinoaid, as Seeretiryof State, and Phil. Metschan, as Treasurer, an the Board of Com missioners for the Sale of School and University Lands, and for the investment of the funds arising f therefrom, Plaintiffs, vs. Thomas Charman, Sophia Cfiurman and Fred it. cbarman, ' Defendants. Slate of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss. Y VIRTUE OF A JUDGMENT ORDER, DE--I' cree and an execution, duly Issued out of and under Ihe seal of the above entitled court, In the above entitled court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 30th day of Novem ber, 1H1I8, upon a judgment rendered and entered In saiu court on the vutn day ot November. 181W, in favor of William P. Lord, as governor, Harrison ' R. Kincaid, as Secretary of s'ale, and Phil. Mnt si'lian, as treasurer, as the Hoard of CoiniuWsiouers for the Ssleof School and University Lands and for the investment of tho funds arising therefrom, litaiutlrTv and against Thomas Charman, Sophia Ciiarnian and Fred It. CliHl-inan. defendants, lor tlie sum of S2778.05. with Interest I hereon at the rate of 8 pfir cent per auutitu from the 2rth day of Novemb.'i', ls'.IS, and I lie furtliersum of $15.1X1 costs and dUbursomen's, and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding nie to make sale of the follow lug described real property, situate in the County of Clnckannis, Slate ol Oregon, lo-w it: Beginning ai a uoint 6.b5 chains south and 7.90 chains west oi the south-west corner of section 2t, township two (2)sonth, range three (3) oust of the Willamette meridian, and running thence east 35.50 chains: -thence south 19 75 chains; thence west 01 chains: thence norlh 59.33 ohains: thence south 60 degrees east 32.ti9 chains; thence south 20 ohains to the place of beginning, contninliig 193.50 acres. Also, beginning at a point 5.85 chains south and 7.90 chains west of the south-west corner of said section 2ii; running thenc.e east 20 chains; thence north 20 chains; thence west 20 chains; thence south 20 chains to 'the place of beginning, containing 40 . acres, and being a part of tne donaliou land claim No 45, of Isaac Laswell, together with the tene moots, hereditaments and appurtenances thereun to belonging or in any wise appertaining. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment order and decree, and in compliance with the coin mands of wild writ, I will, on -SATURDAY, THE 81st DAY OF DECEMBER, 1898, at the hour of 11:30 o'clock a. m at the front door of the County Court House In the City of Oregon I ity, in said County and State, sell at public auc tion, subject to redemption, lo the highest, bidder, for U. 8. xold coin cash In hand, all the right, title and interest which the within named defendants or either of them, had on tho data of the mortgage herein or since had in or to the above described real property oi any part thereof, to satisfy said execuli n, judf ment order, decree, tnterest, oosls and all accruing ousts J. J. COOKE, Sheriff of Clackamas County. Or,gon. Dated Oregon City, Oregon, Nov. 30, 1898. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. Ada Smith, Waintiff, . VS. Lucy J. Fletcher, Lucy J. Fletcher, I u.i mluA u ,u H...1 an Imbecile, by Hainan A. Lee, her i guardian, and Heman A. Lee, as guardian or Lucy J. Fletcher, an ' imbecile, Defendants. Shite of Oregon, County of Clai kamas, fs. )Y VIRTUE OF A JUDGMENT OlttiEH. DE a cree aud an execution, duly issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court, in the above entitled cause, lo. nie duly directed and dated tho 30 h day of November, ls8, upon a judgment. reiVdered aud entered in said court on the 23rd day of November, 1898, in favor of Ada Smith, plaintiff, and against Lucy J. Fleloher, Lucy J. Fletcher, an Imbecile, by lieman A. Lee, her guardian, and Heman A. Lea, as guuiuian of Lucy J. Fletcher, an imbecile, defendants, fur the sum of elfXI.OO, with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum from the B(i day of March, 1897. and the further sum of 816.78 taxes with In terest ihereon from the 20th day of Oclober, 1898, at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum and the further sum of 850 00, as attorney's fee, and the further sum of 8i5.00 costs and disburse ments, and the costs of and upon this writ, com manding me tosraake sale ot Ihe following de scribed real property, situate in the County of Clackamas, State of Oregon, to-wlt: Beginning at a point l'i.03 chains south of the north-east corner oi aonation tana claim no. os. in section (28) twenty-eight and (29) twenty-nine, In township (8) three south of range (I) one east of the Willamette meridian: Ihence west 27.86 chains; thenoe south 10.78 chains; thence east 27 83 chains; thence north 10.78 chains lo the place of beginning, con. tainlng 30 acres, more or less. Now, therefore, by virtue of said exeoution, judement order and de oree, and In compliance with the commands of said writ. I will, on SATURDAY, THE 31st DAY OF DECEMBER, 1898, at the hour of two o'clock p. m at the front door of the County Court House, in Die City of Oregon City, in said County and State, sell at public alio tlon, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for I'. 8. gold coin, cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the wlthin-named defendants or either ol them, had on the date of the mortgage nerein or since naa in or to tne above deaoritwd real property or any part thereof, to aatlafv said execution, judgment order, decree, Interest, costs aud all accruing costs. J. J, COOKE, srierin of Clackamas County, Oregon. Dated Oregon City, Oregon, Nov. 80, 1898. 8UMMON8 Tn the Circuit Court of the Stata nf nrn rr the County of Clackamaa. Bessie Lavln, Plaintiff, Mlchlel Uvln, Defendant. To Mlchlel Lavln, the above named defendant. IN THK NAME OF THB 8TATE OF" OREGON: You are hereby commanded to inmar and answer the complaint Bled against you In the aoove eniitiea sun on or oetore the 30th day of December, 1898, that being the time set by the ooutt in which ;oi are required to appear and answer said complaint,, and if you fail so to appear and answer the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for, to-wit: For the dissolution of the bonds of matrimony between plaintiff and defendant. This summons is published by order of Hon. Thomas F. Ryan, judge of the eounty of Clack amas. Dated this 2nd day of November, 1898. B.P.WELCH. Attorney for Plaintiff. Portland, Oregon SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. Sarah E. Lynch, Plaintiff, vs. Thomas W. Lynch. Defendant, I To Thomas W. Lynch, Defendant. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORFOOX; Yon are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against von In Ihe above en titled suit on or before Ihe 30th day of December, ie;w, mat oeing ine time set by the court In which you are required to appearand answer said complaint, and if you full toappear and answer the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for, to-wit; For the dissolution of the bonds of matrimony between plaintiff and defendant. Thie summons Is published bv order of Hon. Thomas F. Ryan, Judge of the county of Clack amas. Dated this Snd dav of November. 11, B.P.WELCH, Attorney for Plaintiff. Portland, Oiegou.