coom COURT. Proceedings of the Regalar December Session. Tloi. F Ryan, Judge) 8. P. Karkt, Morton OommUiioneri- Siohard Re it resolved that at a regular term of th county court for the county of Clack mas for the state of Oregon, begun in Oregon Citv, in said county and otntn Monday, the 5th day of December, 1898, the Barae being the first Monday in Raid month and the time fixed by law for holding a regular t rm oi said court. Prosent. Hon Thomas F. Ryan, judge; Elmer Dixon, clerk ; J. J. Cooke, sheriff. Whereupon a term of said court is be gan and held on Wednesday, the 7th day of December, 1898, the same being the first Monday in said month and the time fixed by law for the first day of said term of court for the transaction of county bus'ness: Present, Thomas F. Rvan, judge; 8. F Marks and J. R. Morton, commissioners; Elmer Dixon, clerk ; and J. J. Cooke, sheriff. The court convened according to law and now on this day the following busi ness was bad to-wit : In the matter of repairing the Clarke county road in District No. 2, Supervisor Cramer was ordered to appear and show cause why he had not repaired said road. In the matter of corduroy in district No 16, Supervisor Rider was ordered to cordurov hill rood leading to McArthur's provided that Mr. Wickbam furnishes cordurov on the ground. In the matter of repairing bridire and trestle in district No. 35, Pock Creek, Supervisor Erb was ordered to repair same by laying plank on center of road- WftVt In the matter of corduroy on Parker road, district No 30, was ordered that Supervisor Haves be notified to report why he has not repaired said road. In the matter of Supervisor Holm Strom's verbal report upon opening of Forsythe road, the same was accepted In the matter of holes in road district No 15, Supervisor Taber was ordered to repair same. In the matter of aid for Charles Cut ting, an indigent soldier, the petition was laid over. In the matter of the petition of John Shannon, et al, for a division of road 'district No 18, the same was laid oyer until the January term. In the matter of repaiiing Good's bridge hill in district No. 17. Supeivisor Dimick ordered to repair same, and to fix the holes in gravel in bis district. In the matter of increasing the allow ance of Jones, it was ordered that it be increased to $20 per month to date from Nov 1,1898 In the matter of Toedlerai.'r v county, the county judge was authorized to use his judgment in the matter of compro mising the suits ofToedtemeir vs County and Bock man vs County, to be tiied at Hi'lshoro. ., In the matter of aid for Mrs. Clarke, an indiuent person, 18 per month was granted from Nov. 1. 1898, t"May 1,1899 In the matter of the indigent soli'ier's fund, $75 whs ordered transferred from the general to the indigent soldiers' fund. In the mattpr of the office of county surveyor ordered Inasmuch, as the county surveyor, who was elected in June, 1898, failed tnqiinlity within the time prescribed, said office is declared vacant ; and Ernest P. Rands is appoint ed bv t lie court to fill said vacancy in the office of snrvevor. In the matter of the petition of the Florence Crittenden Refuge Home for women, the sttme was taken under ad-yisem'-nt. In the matter of Application of Wm Knittht for Tiiyment of D Mntchin's hnnte rent, the. same was denied. In the matter of plunking a part of the Abernthey road near the Redland poet ofiice. it was ordered that county furnish plank for 50 yards of said road, provided the residents of road district No 13 will grad road and lay plank. Claim of Gray' Bios., of Salem, for bridite irons furnished McCoy. The petition denied and clerk instructed to notify snl'l claimants that they must look fo Mr Mct'oy for their pay, as this county did not draw warrants except on orders ulven bv con r.ctor. In the mutter of poles on Molalla road. it was ordered that supervisor of road district No 18, put 500 polos on the Molalla toad at end of plank road. The matter of the taxes of the Clayson estate coming on to be liRaid on remon strance of the directors of school district No 28 to the action of the enmity court in making an oidcr on the 2nd day of July, 1898, wherein a reduction of said taxes were made and a certain sum ac cepted In settlement of same and the attorneys of said estate having been notified to appear and show cause why an order should not be made to set aside the said order made by the court in said matter and said attorneys falling to sp. pear, and the court being fully advised in said matter it Is hereby ordered that the said order made on 2nd day of July 1898 he revoked and set aside and the clerk instructed to notify the admlnis tratorofsaid estate ot this action and that he further enter upon the tax roll and delinquent tax roll, and sales books for taxes, opposite the property of this estate this action on the part of the county court ; and the said clerk and the sheiiffof Clackamas county be further Instructed to collect said delinquent taxes, whenever applied to for that pur pose, in the amount due the county. The matter of the appointment of roa supervisors coming on to he heard, anil the couit being fully advised, and Ins lieving tlmt the best interests of the county could be subserved in said mat ter slid the best results obtained in road matters by having the taxpayers In each road district select a man from their m'dst to take charge of the road woik in their district, it is hereby ordered that the clerk publish a notice for the next two weeks informing the taxpayers of the county that the court very much desires that tliey select nd recommend to the cour' for appointment some con petent man in each road district for the position of read snp-rvicor and it i further ordered that the man endorsed for said position as road snpervlor In nv road district by the majority of the resident taxpayers of his said district. shall be appointed by this court to fill said position ; provided however, that il l said appointee should proye either in-fj wmpetent or unwilling to perform ma, duties required of the supervisor in aJ proper and diligent manner, he shall be' : removed by this court and some other " person appointed in his place. ! - In matter of petition of Mrs L Glover for tax rebate allowed at I. ' In the matter of the official bond of : Ernest P Rands as county Wveyor: ap- In the matter of hill on road district No 3; Mr Byers instructed to repair same. In the matter of the contingent lund : $500 ordered transferred from general to contingent fund. In (he matter of Mrs Runyan, a county charge; $7 allowed for three months, to d tte from Dec 1, '98. In the matter of Lin Jones, a county charge; ordered discontinued from Jan I, '99. In the matter of the writ of review be fore the circuit court in tegard to board of prisoners : The judge repor'ed that in the writ of review brought before the cir cuit court by Sheriff Cooke in the mat ter of the reduction of the sheriff's bill for board of prisoners that the action of the county court in reducing said hill had been sustained and writ dismissed In the matter of the writ of review be fore the circuit court in tegard to Weis mandel road- The judge reported that in the writ of review brought before the ciicuit court by John Weismandel and N N Myers in the matter of fhe county court refusing entertain a notice to locate a new road and vacate an old one, the circuit, court approved the action of county court in refusing to act upon such notice on the ground of indefinite des cription and ordered said wiit dismissed. In matter of official fees received for the month of November. 1898 : lerk re ported $281.85 and recorder $160 In mattei of mileage and per diem for December term, '98: S F Marks allowed 3 days and one extra and 26 miles,$14.60; J R Morton. 3 days and 2 days extra and 20 miles, $17. BILLS ALLOWED. In the matter of the payment of claims filed against Clackamas county. The county court having examined said claims and being fullv satisfied, it is or dered by the court that the clerk shall is sue warrants on the general fund in fa vor of the persons for the amounts here inafter specified in payment of said claim : lna M Chase, cleik's acct .$ 46 00 J L Peabody, " " 46 00 DrDedman, insane 5 00 J H Smith, surveyor 12 00 H S Strange, superintendent. . . . 15 00 N W Bowland, .... 15 00 J 0 Zinser. " .... 15 00 Mrs M W jnr.Popp case 7 00 " " " Glick ".. 3 50 " " " " Martin",.. 14 00 Dewey Rpstaurant" " Pheiffr". 3 50 Bellomy & Busch, court house. . 4 25 Telephone, court house... 3 60 Water Commission.. 15 00 Inquest of Ed Bny'es J F Jennings, witness 1 70 E W Midlam, " 1 70 Kd Brown, " 1 70 Ed Rechner, " :. 1 70 G B Dimick. Hist atty 5 00 H Straight, juror 1 20 John Green " . .. . ' 1 20 Win Robinson ' 1 20 E E Charman ' 1 20 W H Young, juror 1 20 E C Maddock, " I 20 Ed Morris, coroner 3 60 L Stout, assessor 100 00 Ida 8tout, " 50 01 Eletha Cummins, assessors elk. , 44 00 CG Huntley, stationery 9 65 Press, ststionery 4 00 Cnnrier-Herald, punting... .... 13 35 H Strnight, pauper 2 65 F Williams, " 5 00 R L Russell, pauper 5 00 J L Knise, circuit court 12 00 H A Krnse " " 12 no O 0 Iron Works, rond and bridge 15 55 W H Savage, sheriffs 45 25 J .1 Cooke, sheriff's 25 70 C E Burns, circuit court 8 30 TB Hankins, eher 39 00 h C Maddock. circuit court 7 00 G H Bestow Co, " " .... 4 25 ,1 H Mver, road and bridge 9 40 W H Youne, " 2 50 C H Isom, sheriff J8 32 25 I Selling, pauper 21 65 ,1 J Oooke, sheriff 57 89 P Nehren, ct house, ,., ; 6 00 Slate vb Lizzie Altman C Sch libel, justice 5 '90 M F McCown, constable 5 70 Mrs Seol I 70 J Montffnniery 1 70 Mrs L Range 1 70 G B Dimick 5 00 State vs Wm Haycov C Schuehel, justice 11 15 M F McCown, constable 15 10 Tom Smith, witness 2 50 H Goodmsn, " 8 30 8 Baechler, J W Johnson. " W E Gnnter, " E W Mullam, juror. I (i I'orter, N Harrington, T M Miller. " J M Ware, R Williams F T Griffith, dist atty 10 00 State vs R B Criswell C Schnhel h 7 50 M V McCown 51 15 r-red Blount, witness 12 50 Mrs Annie Blount.witness Vt 50 'AM Williams, " 12 50 Mrs Berry, " 12 50 W Moreland. " 1 70 .1 N 0'itman, ' 1 70 John Noblitt, " 70 G B Dimick, dist atty , 5 00 1111,1.8 CUT DOWN. claimed nllnweil Clyde Evans, ct ct $ 4 50 $ 4 00 M CSIricklin.eorlnqst on Ed Boyles 20 70 19 20 Glass & Prudhomme, stationery 12 00 11 00 Bills laid over (. lias njoennke, road and bridge. .$40 60 Bills Disallowed J H Joyneret al, pauper $25 00 CIRCl'IT COURT WITNUBSKS. State va Martin rimer lnxon $ 0 01 C F Wvthe km MrsCF Bivihe ;;;;;;; 80 .iseon "aite Ot! Onus K Burns . ti 20 .1 W Grout 11 20 1 eter ehrn DC Latoureite (I W (trace ... , E Canfield G A Harding EC Hamil-on... ;.:; "'' Total..,. ....... SUte v Wylend Anoint VVillhroad ... N Srui'b Elewha ti'ng FO Kiir.e- . .$50 40 . 10 41 . 8 60 . 900 . 500 . 2' 20 .. 9 90 EdwanU re like 0 1 1 . .. ."frter a piece 0.. , tt 10 . 10 00 . 2 20 . 2 2t) .$55 00 JW do iU IIIM G B State vs Atchinaon W H Nelson u 0 W M Clemenaon 21 00 Jay Baher r 40 Chaa Mosher , 8 40 Will Goger g 40 WrH Savage 4 0 Elsie Roberts 10 00 R R Lee 10 00 Gustio Lee J 10 00 JC McCrea 11 00 Clav Berkley. 6 60 M Dennison , , 2 20 Total $99 20 State vs Plvffer . Jacob DeShazer 1180 Flora DeShazer 11 80 Casper Younger .....11 00 W E Carll , 2 20 Total.: . $36 80 Slate vs Babsch Wm Cantril 2 20 Frank Cantril 2 20 W H Sampson 2 20 John Graham 3 80 Albert Shaver 4 60 Mrs Shaver ... ., ' 4 60 Ed 8chnll 3 80 James Evans 3 80 G E Hayes .'.. 2 00 I J Bige ow 2 00 E Kinnev 5 00 I, J Arnold 4 60 Clarence Floyd..... 4 60 L Bair 5 00 C " 5 00 Kd " 5 00 H LWolfer 5 00 Mrs L Wolfer 5 00 Frances Hoover 5 00 O Weismandel : 5 00 L Toedemeier 3 80 C Schlichieer 5 00 Clyde Dick 4 60 John Egger , 4 50 Peter Warner 4 00 Louis Kollemier 4 00 Henry " ................. 4 00 Clyde Evans 4 00 C W Armstrong 4 20 W " 4 20 DF Warner.... . 2 00 Total ....$124 50 GRAND JURY WITNESSES. T C Barclav ..1. .......... 2 10 Chas E Burns... 2 20 E L Shaw 2 20 E M Rasmiissen 2 40 Geo C Cannon... 5 80 0 S Herman 5 80 1 M Herman 5 80 P Kearney 8 40 E A Revenue...... .1. Casper Younger. Jacob DeShazer 7 E E Gleason. 4 40 5 20 J W Eryear. R R Lee 6 00 Augusta Lee. 6 00 COT Williams 2 20 CI Gipson 5 20 JJEmert 5 40 Clyde Evans 4 00 J J Iav tt 5 40 COT Williams 2 20 Ella Swing 2 Fred Swing Mamie Srriith 3 00 Anna Atliey 3 00 Fmma Athev ,v 3 00 Total $117 50 SUMMARY. State vs Martin........ $"6 40 ' WtMand 55 00 ' Atchinson 101 20 Pheiffur 36 80 Babsch 123 50 Grand jury witnesses '. . 117 50 Total $491 4!) circuit court jurors. Followingaie the jurors lor the Novem ber 1898 term. L E Wise $3 60 F S Baker 2 20 Clarence Farr 2 20 Ell 8'ark.. 44 60 J H Bums 39 80 A Andre 41 20 E P Carter 40 40 Geo Kniiiht 41 80 A V Davis 40 60 E M Hartman 44 80 G W Waldron 36 40 N H Darnell 38 40 G W Kidder 40 50 Fred Gage 37 40 Daniel Fallert 43 20 O L Barher 48 n0 A M Lovelace 40 00 J Everhart 40 00 W W Aid ridge 2 21 J W Wetzler 3 61 S B Johnson 4 20 H Gans 30 80 Total $677 90 GRAND JURORS. M Campbell .$20 00 Geo C Armstrong 19 61 Chas Catta 1 30 Eugene Cumins 19 20 W C Heater 21 00 ThosL Dibble 21 20 II H Gregory 19 00 Total $13 30 SPECIAL JUR0R8, State vs Martin W L Beckner Elwood Frost O R Lewtliwaite $ 2 20 2 21 0 20 . 0 20 . 6 20 8 J Oglesby S W Morgan Wm Beemtn M E Willoughby Total : State vs Wyland A F Parker J M Tracy John Mutton ' M E Willoughby Elmer Veteto Toal State vs Bahsch Win Smith FJ Aldiedtte' Total 0 2 . 2 20 !(31 40 - 2 00 2 00 - 2 00 . 2 00 2 00 $10 CO -$ 8 od S'ate vs Atchinson W 1, Uecner Wm Sniiili T S Lawrence ' W H Butts W II Fanhion Robert DeShaier M F- Willoughby Berry Bnckner 6 00 6 00 0 0,1 6 00 6 00 0 00 6 0 6 00 Total -$48 00 SUMMARY. Regular Paael Grand Jury . Special, State t Martin " ; ..." '.' . Wylnd ..'" . Atchinson " " Bolecu '- Total .'.... $677 91 138 30 81 40 10 C - 48 00 - 8 ' (SIS Xmas Shoppers.... If you are puzzled WHAT TO GIVE, come to Charman & Co's. , Drug Store and see our Perfumery display. If names go for much you will see all the world-famous Perfumes. Your favorite odor in here. With these go Atomizers at all prices, from 25c upward. We also have Xmas Cards, Gold Pens, Toilet Sets, Cuff and Collar Boxes, Xmas Books, Knives, Ra zors, Fine Stationery, Etc. Christmas Candies in boxes, from 5c to $1.00. Xmas Tree Ornaments, Candles, Etc. Remember , ' CHARMAN & CO., Cut-Rate Dmggists, CITY DRUG STORE. In the matter of the reports of super visors for the month of December, 1898. The court having examined said re-J ports, it is ordered that they be and the same iB hereby approved and the ex pense of the Beveral districts are here by ordered paid, and the clerk is in structed to draw warrants on the road fund and county fund tor several amounts and in favor of the following named per sons : ROAD ACCOUNTS ALLOWED. Road Dist No 1 Labor on bridges and culverts W S Payne I 6 00 P C Soooner 3 37 Harry Gifford ; 13 87 W H Counsell 18 00 " and team 12 00 J H Meyer, lumber 62 95 Geo B Rate & Co, powder 12 60 Total 128 79 Dial No 2 O W Griffin & Co, lumber $29 65 u 11 ii n A Mather, nails 3 0 J R Cramer : 7 01 0 K Cramer 00 E Robinson 5 2r .1 T Robinson 4 60 H Knox 3 00 Total. : I" Dist No 3 Labor on cut and till at Deep Creek and bridge O W Griffin & Co.luinber. ....... 1814 Warren t-lreeuwell. 12 00 Elliot Preston J K-arl Tontf 14 95 VV W Cooke and team . . 25 50 Irvin Hawk 2- Marion Hinkle '5 Ed Borghardt J5, A W Cooke 00 Total H 29 Dist No 7- ..... C Minsinger, lumber $' Dist No 8 W H Endersby C Shank..; G VV Baty FredLavman 1 50 3 75 3 75 Joseph Wall C P Ware and team 3 (0 9 00 Total ....$22 50 Dist No 11 Labor on Abetnathy, i'.,i,.in Mills and Forsvthe road Wm Forsythe , 12 75 1 II.,,. nun . . .' ti (O n ,nj LYacb..., C A llolstrom..., 9 00 18 00 Total 46 60 G Armstrong and team 12 00 IV H Mnttnnn 4 00 Vtf II Rnnnev. clank 1 75 Total. .. Dist 14 -J L Swafftrd I Shelley . . , Geo Swafford .$7 75 .$13 00 Total.. ...$28 00 Hint ifi'taking and laying rail on Parrot Crw-k hill ami new ormge aim la bor on Brown school house road W Rider '? 00 T DOshorn 4 50 3 00 4 50 9 00 4 60 2 60 75 ,50 1 00 1 50 Geo Rider E'litar Waldron...... C II Rider and team Jonah Fenrcan Geo Wanchard ..... P H.Mead ..., ;... V rvpniUng k perA 00 Herman Antuocy.. 'n R Rumv. . .. '. 60 Edgar Wldrot, S00 rkila 6 C H Rider, 800 rails 6 00 Total... $53 25 !Mt 17 Adkins Bros, lumber .$8 40 Dist 19 Lahor on Meadowbrook and Oregon City road and bridge and culvert work Trullinger Bros, lumber 32 73 OC Kiy . 2 25 II D Looney 6 00 Fred Erickson 6 00 M Mnlvev 6 00 August Erickson 16 50 Arthur Douean. 3 00 A L Woodside . . . F M Manning. . . John Dennison . 9 00 3 00 17 00 Total $100 48 Dist 18 Moehnke & Co, lumber 7 14 " " " 183 37 Total ..: $190 51 Dist 20 On Highland and J P Olson road W G M avfield an 1 team 3 55 PT M avfield 1 80 I Mavfield : 2 95 VV C Bnckner 4 00 J W Jones, lumber 3 36 Wm Buckner, lumber 22 66 Total $38 12 Dist 23 Labor on Schoman Hill, Aurora Hill and Bear Creek Hill An Dnlman. $ 1 50 A Kagev 1 50 John C "Conger :.. 1 00 J Tavlor W J Miller 5 0t J J Miller 9 00 Total fl8 76 Dist 24 Richard Scott $1 50 Ernest Stuw 1 50 8 Yoder 76 Henry Yoder and team 3 00 John Sohtieiter, 1 1" B F Smith 1 ou Total .... 9 35 Dist. 25 Labor on Oreuroa City.Silver ton, Canby, Macksburg and Molalla roads G W Scramlin 1 58 Vrcu Molts 50 E M Morris 16') J H Daiy W 00 " and team 6 00 H II Hepler 3 00 W Rpiish.. 1 50 Total 128 58 Dist 27 Labor on Scott s Mills ami .Iiilinnnn Brid.e O E Yonnii, hauling ...$14 01 Geo D Carden ' J F. M ttquam. C E Young . . . Total. D st 28 $17 51 25 1 A liardv $ 2 25 . 3 00 . 3 00 , 1 50 . 3 7 . 75 . 2 25 . 8 00 . 2 25 Oilen Thomas... Alex Plurad Get Grocbon.... James Inmsn ... James Nickleson. B Wade Albert Crissan... Jamei Milstead . . Total Dist 29 Wm Fiv.b'ackBmithing.. Dist "30 T Fox, team T Chuck John Orbien..- Lester Walling.,,; .. E Kiser .. $29 75 ....!2 60 . 6 0) .. 60 .. 7 50 . . 8 00 8 00 00. R Shipley 3 75 B W Smith , 4 00 A Worthington 3 50 W Nida 9 00 F Manning. 5 50 M Edwards 3 00 E ll.ivis 5 50 W Todd 4 50 Jerry Obrien, team 20 00 L Waldorf 14 00 .1 R Hays 12 00 A Former 9 00 P Worthinaton 10 00 E Davis 3 00 L Waldorf 2 25 G H Locey 9 00 W Todd 3 75 F Manning 4 00 J R Hays.' 12 00 Total .$176 75 Dist 31 Labor on Oswego and Aurora roads and repaiiing culverts and chuck holes P A Baker 1 50 John Q Gage 2 25 Total $3 75 Dist 32 Ira McOonnell 1 50 John McConnell 1 50 John Baker 1 50 Peter Heater 3 00 E D Baker,' team 150 EL Baker..; 7 90 R Vincent, lumber 17 00 Total $33 90 Dist 34 A Andre $ 3 75 Billy Smith 3 50 Hans Cooke . 8 00 Total.., Dist 35- $10 25 blacksmithing $1 75 C G Hoffman, Weighing Things 0 -,ti-C- Si rji The value of onr groceries depends on three things: How much you get for your money; how good it is when you get it, and the piice yu pay for what you get. We have suirars that are cheap and sugar tlmt are good. We have coffees that will satisfy the appe tite and the pocketbook. Staple goods at lens ihan staple prices. We give you money-saving health-saving chances. A. Robertson, The 7th Street Gracer FOR FALL & WINTER HATS GO TO- MRS. R. BECKER, THE FASHIONABLE IILLINER F RST STREET, P)i'Jk.!J.Ol