Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, December 09, 1898, Image 9

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    ft. Jacobs Oil cures Rheumatism,
; fit. Jacobs Oil cures Neuralgia.
, St. Jacobs Oil cures Lumbago,
6t. Jacobs Oil cures Sciatica.
St. Jacobs Oil enres Sprains.
; fit. Jacobs Oil cures Bruises.
, fit. Jacobs Oil cures Soreness.
St. Jacobs Oil cures Stiffness.
! , St. Jacobs Oil cures Backache.
St. Jacobs Oil cures Muscular aohes.
Bopa Heinrin( Machine.
A machine has been patented for use
In measuirng rope, consisting of a rope
receiving wheel, having a roughened
face, which catches in the rope and
turns as the latter is pulled through a
slot and across the wheel, to operate
bands on a dial and ring a bell at cer
tain distances.
Makes more people miserable than any
other disease. It takes the pleasure all out
of life. The gratitude of those who have
been cured of dyspepsia by Hood's Sarsa
parilla is therefore natural. Thousands
say they have suffered more than they can
tell from this disease, but have felt uo
symptoms of it since taking
HOOd'S 8parma
America's Greatest Medicine. Price, $1.
Hood's Pills cure biliousness, indigestion.
In your conversation use short words
and not too many of them.
Love ay be blind, but lovers are
often spectacles for other people.
A husband's love is on the wane
when he begins to stop kioking bis
wife's pet dog.
When a man marries a girl for her
beauty, he ought not to be surprised
or disappointed, either, if be doesn't
get niuoh else.
i He'd lots of hair upon his ohin,
But none upon his head
He always spoke before he thought,
So many people said.
An Indiana woman was made to pay
damages to the extent of (126 for say
ing that her neighbor's beauty was ar
tificial. Foster Brown says that by the year
1050 Great Britain will have used 11
16th of its best resources of coal, and
that there will then remain workable
at a gradually increasing cost, sufficient
coal to last 260 years.
A powder to be shaken into the shoes.
At this season your feet feel swollen, ner
vous and uncomfortable. If you have
smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's
Foot-Ease. It rests and comforts; makes
walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating
feet, blisters and callous spots. Believes
corns and bunions of all pain and is a cer
tain cure for Chilblains, Sweating, damp
or frosted feet. We have over thirty thou
sand testimonials. Try it ttday. Sold by
all druggists and shoo stores for 25c. Trial
package FREE. Address, Allen S. Olm
sted, Lo Boy, N.Y.'
Improved Car Seat.
An improved seat for railway oars
has the bottom cushion mounted on a
sliding frame to swing out on either
side as the back is turned, the move'
ment of the bottom allowing the back
to swing down further and permitting
the use of a wider cushion than those
now in use.
No household is com rtlete without a bot
tle of the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It
is a pure and wholesome stimulant rec
ommended by all physicians. Don't ne
glect this necessity.
If Cervera needs consolation for the
cold weloonie he receives in his native
land, for which he staked life and
honor, let him lead Schiller's version
of the reoeption given by Philip II tc
the Duke of Medina-Sidonia on his re'
turn with the remnant of the wrecked
In Mexico the family of a dead duel
1st can claim support Irani the person
who shot him.
A woman with the blues is a very un-
comfortable person. She is illogical,
unhappy and frequently hysterical.
The condition of the mind known as
the blues," nearly always, with wo
men, results from diseased organs of
It is a source of wonder that In this
age of advanced medical science, any
person should still believe that mere
force of will and determination will
overcome depressed spirits and nerv
ousness in women. These troubles are
indications of disease.
Every woman who doesn't under
stand her condition should write to
Lynn, Mass., to Mrs. Pinkham for her
advice, Her advice is thorough, com
mon sense, and is the counsel of
learned woman of great experience,
Bead the story of Mrs. F. S. Bennett,
Westphalia, Kansas, as told In the fol
lowing letter:
Deab Mbs. Pinkham: I have suf
fered for over two years with falling,
enlargement and ulceration of the
womb, and this spring, being in such
a weakened condition, caused me to
flow for nearly six months. Some time
ago, urged by friends, I wrote to yon
for advice. After using the treatment
which yon advised for a short time,
that terrible flow stopped.
"I am now gaining strength and
flesh, and have better health than I
have had for the past ten years.
wish to say to all distressed, suffer
ing women, do not suffer longer, when
there is one so kind and willing to
id you."
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com'
pound is a. woman's remedy for wo
man's ills. More than a million wo
men have been benefited by it '
CUHIS WHtrl AU tlSfc 1115.
Beat Coagh Bjrup. Tasiea Good.
in 1.1" ll-l i
The Cheviot Sheep. .
This excellent sheep has been too
much neglected by breeders on this
Bide of the ocean. While It Is thought
to be a mountain breed Its life is spent
only In part on verdant pastures of the
Cheviot hills, for It Is bred mostly for
crossing by the Lelcesters m middle
and southern English pastures for the
London markets. The cross-bred pro
duce are excellent feeders and very
popular among the butchers, the mut
ton being of the first quality and hav
ing the flesh marWed with fat. rather
than covered with It, and Is thus tender
and Juicy. This sheep; while not the
largest. Is a heavy animal, making 150
pounds at two years old when well fed
on good pasture with a moderate allow
ance of grain. The fleece Is rather
coarse, but long and glossy, and Is In
demand for the best kinds of clothing.
Montreal Star.
American Apple in Europe.
The United States Consul at Chem
nitz. Germany, advises Americans to
ship their apples this year to Germany,
If good fruit Is chosen, such as will
stand a long voyage the Baldwin ap'
pie, for Inetapce he Is confident that
the business will prove to be a paying
one. Complaint boa been made In Ger
many against American fruit because
of the fear of the introduction of the
San Jose scale, which te one of the
most destructive diseases known to
fruit Investigation has shown that the
fear of the Germans has been exagger
ated. It Is not denied that the San
Jose scale Is found In some parts of
the United States, but diseased fruit Is
not shipped abroad. Such a course
would soon result In. destroying the ex
port business. German experts are now
in the United States studying our fruit.
So far as known they have not advised
exclusion. Americans have much to
learn about packing fruit but they are
gaining a strong hold lh the foreign
markets. For the five years preceding
1806 the annual average of shipments
of fruit from this country to Germany
amounted to over $4,000,000. Balti
more American.
A Double Barn.
The accompanying illustration shows
a plan for a barn with double drive
ways In which the distinguishing fea
ture Is the great amount of loft room.
Four gables added to the main roof
space give almost another story s ca
pacity to the barn, making It possible
to use nearly the whole of the lower
floor for stock. With a silo and the
root cellar that will be found In the I
basement It will be possible to carry a
large stock on the fodder that can be
stored beneath the roofs. There are
many conveniences about a double
barn, and when one Is to be built the
form here given will prove an excellent
one to I011OW. .icw jiiiuriaiiu uoiub-
Fall-Rollins Winter Grain.
While the roller Is a good Implement
for fining and smoothing the surface
soil, it can very rarely be used effect
ively after winter grain Is sown. Al
most all farmers agree that if soil Is
heavy, It will produce better crops of
winter grain If the soil is left rough
after it is seeded. All the lumps are
dissolved by winter freezing, and they
furnish the fine,' rich dost that is need
ed to fall upon the roots as they have
been lifted up by frost The only con
ditions when rolling la helpful to winter
grain are when the soil Is light and
liable to blow away In winter. In such
case the rolling should be done as soon
as the grain Is sown. It will pack the
light soil around the roots, and thus
cause the wheat to mane enough
growth so as to partially protect Itself
from winter killing, and will lessen the
effects of winds In blowing away sur
face soIL
, Onion aa Food."
Despite tbelr disagreeable effects as
breath perfumers, the common onion is
much the most healthful vegetable
grown, and all would be healthier if
onions cooked In some way were a part
of the dally diet Drinking milk after
the onion will to a great extent absorb
the odor. Those farmers who grow and
use many onions keep their health bet
ter than do those who are too daluty to
eat this vegetable. In southern Europe
raw onions are eaten as part of the
dally meal laying a slice of onion on
the bread and then biting through both
together. The Spaniards have a very
mild onion that Is quite commonly
eaten thus.
Choice Bacon.
The secret of producing choice bacon,
says the American Swineherd, lies In
the feed trough. If any one doubts
this, let him put two Poland-China,
Berkshire, Chester-White, Duroc, Jer
sey or any of our recognized breeds of
hogs in two different pens, feed one oil
the corn he can eat unttl fat, and the
other boiled potatoes, milk, barley or
wheat ground fine and some pea meal
until fat (the old country way). Kill
both, put In dry salt for six or seven
weeks, then take out and wash, and
hang It up In the kitchen or drying
house until thoroughly dried; then cut
off a good, big chunk and boll it, let
It stand till cold; then cut off a few
slices, and you will see the corn-fed
meat is not so firm, la more oily, and
not so many streaks of lean as meat
fed on barley, potatoes, milk, etc., and
this Is all the difference you or any one
else can detect. ,
Cats Around Barna.
The habit which many people have of
petting cats and keeping them close by
the kitchen fire very soon destroys the
hunting Instinct and makes the cat
good for nothing as a mouser. On the
farm especially, the proper place for a
cat Is at the barn, where It can make
Itself useful killing the mice or rats
that destroy the grain. It'ls a mistake
to suppose that a cat will suffer from
cold while thus employed. Exercise
will keep the blood circulating, and the
cat will be quite as warm If kept dry
as it would be dozing by the fire, and
breathing the vitiated air that Is al
ways found near the floors of dwell
Ings.' The cat will usually, If there la
a chair or a bed In the room, make that
her resting place. '
' Green Tomato Balable.
The tomato differs from most other
vegetables In the fact that while early
In the season only well-ripened fruit
will sell, yet later, when frost has cut
the vines, there Is always a sharp de
mand for green tomatoes for pickling.
i. It Is, therefore, no loss to have
some late-rlpenlng vines, which ' will
not be ready for the early market
"There are, beeidee, on all vines that
have borne an early crop some toma
toes that are green and can be sold for
pickles. What money the farmer
gets for these la so much clear gain, as
In most cases the vines have more than
paid for all the labor given them by
profits from previous sales.
Hackney Filly Ooldflaah.
The hackney filly 10006 Goldflash Is
the property of Mr. Alexander Morton,
Gowanbank, Darvel, Scotland, winner
of second prize for Challenge Cup fs
best filly, three years old and under,
London hackney show. 1S08.
Private Market for Butter,
A farmer who has all the facilities
and who knows how to make the best
butter ought always to sell It to private
customers, who will also take his fresh
eggs and other farm products at prices
somewhat higher than he can got In the
open market But If he does this he
mu3t obligate himself to supply what Is
needed throughout the year, and thst
It shall never be below the standard. It
Is this last condition that prevents
farmers from making such bargains.
To make the best butter In winter re
quires care in feeding, and also In han
dling milk and cream, which too many
are unwilling to undertake.
Curing; a Kicking- Horae.
A kicker Is a failure on the farm, If
not cured of the habit They not only
injure themselves, but other animals,
and sometime their owner. They may
be cured by a swinging Iron bar or pipe
across the stall door. Drive a staple
about five or six feet from floor on each
side of stall; tie rope in each and swing
bar at ends about a foot from floor, or
high enough to strike horse about
bocks. He can kick this to bis heart's
content and not hurt himself, as It will
swing out of the way. In a week's
time he will not notice anything touch
ing hie heels.
The Demand for Quinces.
There Is a poor apple crop this year
In most places, and as a result there Is
very little demand for quinces, whose
use as a fruit seems more to give flavor
to the apple sauce than to be eaten by
Itself. The quince Is a very rich fruit
and Is also bard, even when thoroughly
cooked. It U therefore difficult of di
gestion. But a few plecee of quince cut
thin and placed in apple pie will give
It a delicious flavor, such as no apple
sauce could have without it
Variety of Feed for fltcck.
In feeding stock of any kind it Is im
portant that It be furnished a variety
of food. This Is not merely a matter of
flavor, for different kinds of food fur
nish usually different nutrition. A
great deal of the success of animals
pastured lie In the fact that they are
able to select their own rations, and the
care they will take to do this indicates
that this is a matter of greater import
ance than It is usually considered.
Edtaon'a Aaaiatanta Presented Him
with Thla Automatic Tender.
When Thomas A. Edison's second
daughter was born his technical assist
ants In the laboratory at Orange pre
sented him with plans for a cradle In
tended to save Mrs. Edison much of the
worry and trouble usually experienced
by mothers. Several other Ideas were
submitted to the commruj, but th
thought of the wizard ambling up and
down the room In the dead of night, oc
casionally stepping on a semi-submerged
tack, was too much for them, so the
cradle was decided on. It was called
the "automatic electric baby tender."
It was an ordinary cradle with Ingeni
ous devices for the child's comfort at
tached.. Immediately above the spot
where the baby's head would He was a
diaphragm, somewhat like a telephone
receiver. If the Infant should start cry
ing at the very first wall communica
tion was established between the dia
phragm and an electric clock. At the
same time the cradle was set rocking
by means of a small motor. If the re
monstrance continued beyond a certain
time the clock released a lever and an
arm attached to the side of the cradle
(operated by what Is called a bell crank
lever), carrying a nursing bottle, was
swung over the baby's mouth. If hun
ger was not the trouble and the walls
continued another arm on the opposite
side swung over the child's mouth with
paregoric. At the same time the elec
tric current was turned Into a set of
magnets placed around the cradle, and
any pin which might be causing the
trouble would be .at once removed. If
the yells continued Ihe "thirty-third de
gree" was applied. Two arms, lying
flat In the cradle under the baby, were
slowly raised and the child turned over.
Then an electric spanker fastened to
the footboard proceeded to do Ita work
with neatness and dispatch.
However, Mr. Edison persists 1n re
garding the baby's cradle as a joke.
Temperment and Health Shown by the
Nails' Coloring; and Form.
The temperament of a person and the
condition of health are shown by the
coloring and form ot the finger nails.
Long, oval nails show a reasonable and
gentle disposition; one who would yield
in a controversy sooner than arouse en
mity, even when his or her contention
Is right The nails when very short and
broad Indicate an obstinate nature. Lit
tle white flecks on the nails Indicate a
nervous temperament
When the white moons at the base of
the nails are large and the nails are of a
bright pink color, they Indicate vigorous
health. On the contrary, nails of a pale
bluish color, with little or no moons,
show an unhealthy condition of nervee
and want of recreation. Nails when 1
very much curved show a tendency hi
throat trouble. Nails which are thin
and turn out at the end show weak
nerves. Fluted nails show a liability to
blood poisoning.
Cremation Id Paris.
Cremation Is becoming Increasingly
popular In Paris, and the crematorium
at the cemetery of Pure la Chaise haa
already been found to be too small. Ad
ditions are being made, and a third fur
nace, a large hall and a columbarium
will soon be ready for use. The latter
somewhat resembles the Campo Santo
of Genoa, and will contain 10,000 recep
tacles for ashes. These niches are
closed with slabs of marble, on which
inscriptions may be cut
A parrot owned by an Arch street
physician gave signs of poesesslng "al
most human intelligence" the other
night A party of young folks were on
the lawn and were spending an hour
In gueeslng riddles. Finally, a young
lady asked: "Why does a dog turn
around twice before he lies down?"
Before anybody could answer, the par
rot croaked: "One good turn deserves
another." Philadelphia Call.
She "My grandfather was cousin to
the Earl of Bullyshanty, twice remov
ed." He "Twice removed, eh? What
for? Didn't he pay his rentf Liar
pel's Bazar.
mm aurnxm
he Spanish War In Spanish'
. Hispanaro, Llkeafoolo,
, Baisinello Cubanero,
Amerioan Oettimadol
"Letalono Cubanerol"
Bispano Talkabacko
"Notiflno, Go to Blancol"
Americano Dackinpo:
Danderupo Pootyfino;
Smashemallo Hispanaro,
Cubsnaro Philippine
Deweyfino Sunkafleetto
Inthehayo Manilao.
Samsontooo. Shafteralso,
Slyi' Sohleyo, Mashemallo
Cerveraro Santiago,
Allegoneo Hispanero, '
Thenafino Picnioaro,
Soldieraro Americano:
Hurrabaro McKinleyaro,
Bepublicano Conquero;
Crowneraro Laurelaro;
Allthetimo Everywhero
McEibbenaro wave in airo 1
OUlgoriaro, Goodoldtimo;
Eataplelo Yankeearo
Funkinpieo, Fraternaro
Eispanaro, Cubanaro,
Amerioano, Buenoawano,
Fizgibango, Hiphoorahro,
McKinleyaro Unclesamol
Railroad Trains to Bun Slower.
Bailroad officials claim that it is very
expensive to run their express trains, and
are talking about reducing the speed. It
is likewise expensive to the health to
straggle and compete in business affairs as
men do nowadays. The whole system
gives out. For restoring strength Hostel
ler's Stomach Bitters is the proper remedy.
While lightning may be seen and
its illumination of the clouds and mist
may be reognized when it is even two
hundred miles distant, thunder is
rarely audible more than ten mlleB,
The thunder from very distant stoims,
therefore, seldom reaches the ear.
Delay Makes It Harder.
Mis-steps have made the worst
sprains, but it is no mis-step to use St,
Jacobs Oil. It makes a cure by
strengthening, soothing and conquering
the pain. Every hour's delay makes
It harder to oure.
An interesting test has just been
made by a French woman. With a
view to test Ing the sustaining powers
of chocolate, she lived upon that alone
for 60 days, and lost but 16 pounds in
the interval.
When coming to San Francisco g to
Brooklyn Hotel, 208-212 Bush street.
American or European plan. Boom and
board $1,00 to $1.50 per day ; rooniB 50 cents
to $1.00 per nay; -single meals 25 cents.
t ree coacn. Ulias. Montgomery.
The female brain commences to de
cline In weight after the age of 80; the
male not until ten years later.
If you want the best wind mill, pumps,
tanks, plows, wagoiiB, bells ot all sizes
boilers, engines, or general machinery, see
or write JOHN POOLE, foot of Morrison
Street, Portland, Oregon.
A naturalist of eminence says that
land birds make their journeys in the
daytime and water birds at night.
i To Cure a Cold In One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund money if it fails to
cure. 25c.
It is a curious circumstance that
some of the most important inventions
have been discovered by lunatios.
Before having teeth extracted, consult Dr.
Thos. H. White, 271 Morrison street,
Portland. Or. Crown and bridge w'k
gives the best of satisfaction, Gold tilling a
specialty. -
Unbreakable mirrors are now made
by putting a coating of quicksilver on
the back of a very thin plate of oellu
loid. CITf PerouuxHiUy Curea. Mo fluor nervousnes
I lie after Drat (lava use of I)r. Kline's ureat
md for FKKS ttj.no t
bottle and treatise, lift. R. H, JUW. lid.,
Arch start, Philadelphia, Ito,
It is calculated that the men and
women of today are nearly two inches
taller than their ancestors.
I know that my life was saved by Piso's
Cure for Consumption. John A. Miller,
Au Sable, Michigan, April 21, 181)5.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any
ease ot Catarrh that can not be cured by llaii s
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O.
We the undersigned, have known F.J. Cheney
for the past 16 years, and lielleve him perfectly
bonorablo In all business transactions and fin
ancially able to carry out any obligations made
by their firm.
Wist A Tutrix,
Wholeitale DriwRlsts, Toledo, O.
WAI.D1NO, Kinnan 4 Makvin,
Wholesale DruRrMsts, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh C ure la take ti Internal! y , acting,
directly on the blood and muoous surfaces vl
the system. Price 76a per bottle. Sold by Sil
drurclats. Testimonials free.
Hairs 1'amlly fills -.ro the best,
Waretioosj Machinery, Chop Mills, Water Wh:e!s.
Supplies of all Kinds. Write for Prices
Wa carry In stock a large supply of the above conveyers, both right and left, which we will
sell at greatly reduced prices. Alto all sizes of elevator bucket sua bolt.
Writ for price-list and discounts,
Willamet Iron Works
Front and Everett Sts.
Don't neglect yourself; It Is the
perfect fitting Inn. applied hi
season which effects a cure; the
Imperfect uever; 2,000 styles to
select from enables us io guar
antee a fit, or uo charge; If your
drujfgist iloea not keep them
write us for dlrsntlons for aelf
measurement; correspondence
confidential and trusses sent se
cure from observation, to any
address; money refunded If not
satisfactory. !. H. Wnod.nl
as Co., Eipert Truss Titters, 108
gacoad El., rvrtlaod, Or,
Grows Stnobarn.
Any complaint becomes chronic bf
neglect, and Rheumatism grows stub
born by not using St. Jacobs Oil, which
is its Sure cure and conquers the pain
promptly. Every sufferer should use it.
It has been estimated that a single
plant of the Russian thistle six feet in
diameter produces 2,000,000 seeds.
The December Century.
In the first installment of his story
of the "Merrimao" in the December
Century, which is to be an unusually
attractive number, Lieutenant llobson
lays no claim to having originated the
idea of blocking the channel at Santi
ago. The sinking ot tne comer naa
been ordered by Aainiral Sampson, but
the commanding officer off Santiago had
not executed the maneuver when the
flag-ship arrived, and the wotking out
of the plan, as well as its execution,
was intrusted to Lieutenant Hobson.
The preliminary steps are detailed in
this number of the magazine, and in
later issues the story of the sinking of
the ship and the capture and imprison
ment of her crew will be given at first
hand. This is the only aooount ot hia
exploit that Mr. Hobson has written
for publication.
Vultures cannot discover a caroaaa
by the sense of smell. They rely en
tirely upon their sight when in quest
of food.
Is due not only to the originality and;
simplicity of the combination, but also
to the care and skill with which it is
manufactured by scientific processes
known to the California Fio Syrup
Co. only, and we wish to impress upon
all the importance of purchasing the
true and original remedy. As the
genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured
by the Caufoknia Fio Stbdp Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact Will
assist one in avoiding the worthless
Imitations manufactured by other par
ties. The high standing of the Cali
fornia Fio Sykup Co. with the medi
cal profession, and the satisfaction
which the genuine Syrup of Figs has
given to millions of families, makes
the name of the Company a guaranty
of the excellence of its remedy. It ia
far in advance of all other laxatives,
as it acts on the kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken
ing them, and it does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get its beneficial
effects, please remember the name of
the Company
The Mis' una tatf lent it
By J. H. Klsk, nanayer ami chemist, of Port
land, Or. This la the fulluHt and mint com pint
book yut written, and is particularly adapted
for the requirement of the proipector, the as.
silver and miner. Tlio book Is fully Illustrated.
Tables for calculating miners' Inches of water,
liiHtruntloiu to prospectors, and alto simple
methods of tOKtlntr niutal-buurltig rocks. Price,
Xi.'Ji, postage prepaid. Address
Hi FISK.a...
204 Washington St. POUTLAND, OR.
Men and women are making from flMto
(7.6U per day selling our goods. No expurletica
necesKary. Bend two cent stamp for a Iree
sample. KICK k CO.,
m first 8t rooms 1 St 18, Portland, Or.
Moore's Revealed Remedy will do It. Three
doses will wake you feol better. Get It Iron
your druggist or any wholesale drug bouse, of
from Stewart & Holmes Drug Co., Seattle,
Bend for Catalogue.
8SO Market ft.
Han Franciaoo.
"Heat Wheals on Karth."
1899 Ideals 122.60, M, 1:10. Bend for catalogue.
LlvsagenUntauted everywhere. '
ll. Big J for unnaiural
flliutiaraiM, liitUmnmuon.,
Irrllatium or uk-vratioii
of mucosa mriulirauiia.
PaiuloM, anil ut uliiu.
Co. "t or Poiaououa.
Void by Itrosclata.
or sent In flnl" wrapper.
vr ... ,'i tm, prttMtei, Jos'
tir a iroiuo., aj.i.
ircuiar aaial on riuat.
M. F. N. V.
BEN writing to advartlsar pleaae
UaaUoa Utia iapi.
- MJV I f
In I M 6 iHr.
S m m itrui.r.
.IrHtEvum Cutmru
V oiansKtTi.0 T 1
OS..; r
j "'lJll)9t